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Duckei Boi (#50725)

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Posted on
2016-07-03 15:52:53
The locusts sang out into the night, the top of the savannah's tall golden grass appeared white in the moon'so light. A flint pelted lioness slunk in the grass, knowing that right now wasn't the best time to be out alone. Nothing she could do about that though. Since she rejected the king of her last pride, he exiled her. She had been alone ever since. Aneres felt tugging on the long bones that curved over her head, and she let out a frustrated sigh. "Damn it, why now?!" She quietly hissed and tried pulling away, but it only seemed to constrict the branches even more on her horns.

Rustling caught her attention behind her and her heart rate spiked, there wasnt a scent of another lion. The scent of other animals were around. Not really any of them were prey scents. The rustling continued and she continued to panic. Jumpimg back hard and tugging, she brought the whole small tree with her and with the same force she used to pull back, it brought her back to it. Causing her snout to contact the trees rough bark. The lace marked lioness turned as much as she could to look backward and saw that it was only just a hare.

Rolling her eyes, she scoffed at herself and sat down on her haunches, thinking on how she was going to get her dumb clumsy ass out of this complicated contraption of a tree. She'd tried cutting her way out, but she only got a chipped nail. She sat there and let her head hang as much it could. "Well, at least it's good for something at the moment," The lioness grumbled and rolled her eyes. Her ears continued to listen all around her. So far, it was just the usual night sounds that she'd been falling asleep to on the lonely nights.

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Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-03 17:10:42
Though the thickness of the bushes and leaves, two, bright blue eyes burned though the night. A heavy, inflamed mane following along with a pale blue coat and brighter ginger swirls, once again, followed my a small tip of infernal flames.

The loud russtle and thud cought the blue and ginger lions attantion, causing him to move closer to the noise. As he grew closer. Annoyed mutters and sighs became louder and louder. His eyes soon zoned in on a flint and lace lioness trapped to a tree by her..... Horns? He watcher her, wondering what kind of.mutation had caused her to grow horns, while being amused at the sight.

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Duckei Boi (#50725)

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Posted on
2016-07-03 17:21:55
Aneres suddenly jerked back, thinking that if she surprised the tree, it'd let go of her. Her little plan worked it seemed and she stood on two feet for a moment. A choked cheer caught in her throat as she suddenly felt that she was falling down on to the ground and did so with a loud thud. And, with having horns, it wasn't a a nice little landing either. "DAMN IT. ONE THING AFTER ANOTHER. UGH!" SHE yelled and hissed. The feline didn't care if predators heard her anymore. She was annoyed and she was pissed. 'Come at me then.' She thought to herself threateninglyrics, tail lashing about from side to side as she turned and abruptly stopped.

There stood in front of her a male, blue eyes seeming to burning through the shadow his frame made on his face. She caught a sight of red and orange and yellow. 'Inferno marking, huh?' She thought curiously and slowly sat down. Auditories pulled back to their usual position as she looked at the male watching her. She followed his amazed and amused facial expression to her horns and she could feel the vines and a twig caught in her horns. "Really? Seriously?" She grumbled with agitation and slid the tree's limbs and "body" parts off of her.

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Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-03 17:54:36
"Having fun?" Ashki asked, trying not to chuckle and failing to keep it hidden, his longer than average canines showing. He watched as the lioness cleaned herself off, his tail making small patterns in the dirt behind him as he lay. His blue eyes continued to watch the lioness, showing no emotions unlike his cocky, lion-ish grin.

"Hope your not scared of bugs" he said, seeing small bugs and beetles crawling though her fur and over her body. Scarps of twigs and dry leaves. Slowly, he raised his tail, higher and higher, before "THUMP" His tail slammed into the ground, a shock ran up his ail, but he simply ignored it.

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Duckei Boi (#50725)

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Posted on
2016-07-03 18:17:30
Aneres squeezed her eyes shut hard and cringed. Bugs. She let out a quiet sigh as she, one by one, whacked them off with her tail and her paws. "Bugs don't bother me that much," The lioness lied nonchalantly, her vocals flat and deep. While she cleaned herself off once more, she heard a loud thump come from the male. 'Oooookaaayy?' She looked at him side ways and continued. After a moment or two, she suddenly froze and looked at the male warily.

"Who the Hell are you?" She spoke loudly, her voice cracking a little from the bit of surprise. She never just let someone get close like that, but here comes this male, late in the night, laying here and watching her clean herself. Just laying there.

"How come you just waltzed over like you knew me?!" The lioness raised her voice an octave louder, sort of shrieking. It was more like she was yelling at herself. Like how could she do that to herself. After a moment of waiting for a reply, she realized she was standing up and her breathes were coming fast.

"Sorry," Aneres sat down a foot or two away from the male. Blood rushed to her cheeks and warmed them. She may have over reacted a bit. As she sat there, waiting for a response, her banner lay flat on the ground. Tapping the ground ever so lightly.

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Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-03 18:28:37
Ashki simply watched the lioness break down. Once she was done he looked her over casually. "I'm Ashki, and I didn't 'Waltze' over here like I knew you. I came here from the sound of you crashing round. And stayed for a show, and I surely got one" he said standing up fully and streaching out. A large yawn esaped his mouth.

"But the shows over. Only thing left is your horns, I would love to know how you got them. Or I'll be leaving. As I only hang round things that interest me" he said simply, sitting on his hunches. His eyes and face now becoming cold and heartless.

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Duckei Boi (#50725)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 06:03:29
Aneres' brow raised compulsively. "Then I must have. And what about them," She asked coldly, returning the same tone. A slight scoff escaped her jaws as she shook her head and looked away. 'It can't simply just be because I have horns...' She mumbled to herself, looking back at the male. He still sat there casually.

"There's nothing here to really interest you so... You should just leave," The lioness mumbled and stood up and shook the dust from her pelt. Her tail hung low, dragging on the ground as she started to walk back to her little shallow den she had discovered/made. That wasn't for another two miles or so. She whimpered and cussed herself, though she knew it was a good idea to hunt far away from her home.

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Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-04 10:25:42
Ashki watched her. "Their different. I haven't seen a lion with them. They interest me" He simply stated, watching her back away into a den like hole she has behind her. "And well, different interests me. So I'm here till I know. I can ruin your hunts. Scare away lions that you may wish to be friends with. I'm quite unpredictable" he said, his blue eyes darkening a bit. Showing he wasn't kidding.

Ashki knew he had a dark side, he often used to it to his advantage in places, scaring other lions into helping him, or chasing lions away from kills when he was lazy. But as much as a dark lion he was, he had a soft side, but no one had seen it yet. Only certain 'lions' could bring it out.

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Duckei Boi (#50725)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 16:12:39
An ear twitched to the sound of his voice. Aneres turned her head back to him with a raised brow and tight lips. Half annoyed and half eager, she turned her body around to face him and sat on her haunches. A heavy sigh pushed out of her lungs and she hung her head with an exaggerated motion. "Fine. I was born with this, obviously. But I was told when I was a young cub, when they were only nubs, that my great grandfather and grandmother had this... Unique trait," The lioness looked away, remembering the sound of her mother's deep soothing voice.

Shaking her head to make the voice and images go away, tears threatened her eyes and she blinked, masking wiping away the tears by grooming her paw. "SO what about you? Any weird things with you," She asked after getting done linking her scarred paw.

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Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-04 16:22:49
Ashki watched her, 'Soft spot ha?' He silently thought as he spotted her trying to hide her tears. "Well, unique it is" He conformed. "At least yours come from somewhere, my little 'Unique Trait' was blamed on my mother breeding to a outside male with out the kings permission" He said, after that, he opened his mouth a bit, two large canines easily being spotted. After closing his mouth he watched her.

"Out casted, deemed too 'Dangerous' By my former pride, but I like this loner life" he said, thumping onto his side casually. Watching her though the thick fronds of his mane. "Though, some of these male out here are truly brutes, better be carefully. Kitty" he purred out mockingly.

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Duckei Boi (#50725)

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Posted on
2016-07-04 17:04:15
Aneres scoffed, "I've come across a few. And I've held my own with them. I think I'm gonna be okay," She returned the mockery and watched him lay in his side. "Aye, I know about all of that exiling stuff. The king of the oldest pride I was in kicked he out when I was an adolescent because of my horns," Aneres smirked. "I accidentally stabbed through the excess skin of another. Only because they were picking on me, and I had enough. The king found this out and threw me out. My mother tried to get me back, but the king smacked her away and she coward. I wouldn't blame her, I still don't. He had a knack of killing for no reason," The flint and feline and laced pelted lioness looked away, her eye brows furrowed and a growl began to rumble in her chest.

After a moment, after flashing through the memories, she came back to the present. "So after putting myself in an auction, a king came by. Silver pelted and beautifully marked male with hazel eyes. He does have a temperature. And he can through a tantrum," She rolled her eyes and chuckled. Remembering the day. She actually laughed at him, and he got even angrier. "Ah, good times," The smiling lioness said chuckling.

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Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-04 19:48:40
"You've seen good and bad kings then" He said, watching her amused look. "I only ever knew one, He kicked me out before I could be fully grown. I could see the disgusted look on his face when my fangs grew rapidly" He said, looking sideways up at the stars. He used to do that with his two sisters, watch the stars. They got lucky, one of them only ever acquired his fathers eyes, but nothing else to show they where related to a outsider.

Rolling over over, Ashki lay on his back. Belly exposed. "Its nice to have good memories. You can reflect on them in bad times" he said, still watching the sky's.

"What is your lever? What..... What makes you keep going though out the days? Keeps you getting up in the mornings?" he asked. He knew it was a weird question, but one he asked often. "I use my bad memories. Like my king kicking me out. Watching a whole pride be killed by a lion I called a friend. I keep going to help those forgotten to live again. Maybe that's why I'm so slit with my personality. I carry the soals of that pride" He said, he soon was rambling. Lost in his thoughts. His speech becoming quite as he went on. The whole time, his eyes stayed glued to the sky.

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Edited on 05/07/16 @ 02:49:05 by Mini [ #TeamSkyward ] (#80674)

Duckei Boi (#50725)

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Posted on
2016-07-05 13:01:28
Aneres listened to him for a bit. Flopping onto her side and rolling over to her back, she looked at the stars with him. "Maybe... It's hope. That things will get better," She mumbled as she watched stars shoot across the sky. Apedemak must be causing a fuss. Or maybe him and Apollyon are fighting. Who knows? Aneres sighed heavily and continued to watch as the stars seemed to wink at them. And the ones that seemed to have given up and let go, the ones that are falling.

"And the thing with the kings, it wasn't only kings. It's all of them. It isn't only kings...," The big cat's vocals lowered bit by bit, fading out, as she watched the night. Right now, all she wanted to do is watch the stars, with this stranger she hardly knew. He gave a comforting vibe. "Also, that is a good will-power type of thing to hang on to. If I knew you more, I'd admire you," And with that, she fell silent. The moon hung in the sky, stars scattered around it. Most days and nights, that's how she felt. Surrounded, yet lonely.

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Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-06 11:41:49
[ OOC :: I types this out a few times. My laptop & phone deleted it multiple times so its a bit short ]

"I don't understand why lions want 'Respect' so much. And then go round kill lions for it" Ashki said, rolling on his side and watches the leaves. The memories of a small cub crying over his mothers body. They will haunt him for ever.

After some time of them laying there and talking. The stars fades, and the sun slowly rose. Standing and shaking of dirt and dust. "Well, time really fly's" He said looking towards the rising sun.

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Duckei Boi (#50725)

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Posted on
2016-07-07 03:00:04
((It's fine, hun.))

Aneres sat up to her haunches and nodded her head. The sun was slowly rising, chasing away the stars and the indigo hue in the sky. "Does this mean you're gonna leave now," She asked the male, looking over and slightly up at him. She enjoyed his company, not often does someone come around talking about life with her. Even when she was in the pride, no one seemed to speak to her. But, of course, that's because Ragazzo never really gave anyone a break.

The lionesses ears twitched at the sound of the fading locusts, silence following after them except for the few that remained to sing. She didn't mean to ask that question so pathetically. She was just hopeful that he wouldn't go because this felt nice. Talking to someone about deeply thought things. A yawn parted her freckle lipped maw and she stood up to stretch and shake her pelt and then to just sit down again. Her banner tapped the grassy earth, awaiting the masculine's reply.

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Mini Thy Spookys (#80674)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-07-07 11:09:54
"Well naturally I do. But if you wish, you may join me" Ashki said. Catching the disappointment in her voise. He would be nice to wounded around with another lion, after beening alone for a while. "Though, I'm not the nicest lion when im threatened" He warned. He knew traveling with a lioness would cause more lions to approach him.

"I could help you learn to hunt without your horns getting in the way" he suggested watching her before quickly looking round his surroundings. He could faintly make out a cheetah bathing in the morning. "We would need to leave soon. Looks like a few cheetahs are near by, their be dormant now but when the hunting starts they be annoyed and chase some herds at us" he said looking back at the lioness.

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