Posted by 1x1 With Angel

G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-07-05 13:01:27
Halos and Bat Wings

Evil Forces are beginning to show themselves. With a new grouping of lions they may create a pride of saviour or a pride willing to take down any enemy possibly even each other. It is up to the Lions and their future offspring on what may happen to the future of the new land.

Rules, Must Read:
- Follow lioden rules
- Fade when breeding and birthing
- Ask for permission before killing or breeding
- I decide the weather and time of day
-The Queen is the main decision maker along with the king. The sub-queen is the kings true mate, she has less work to do to mainly watching over the cubs and lead breeder.
- The king may breed with any breeder female
- The Queen may only be bred with the king. (UNLESS. You really want that drama. *Wink. WINK*)
- Subs must consult with the king before breeding
- Put @ next to your lions name if in heat
- All females can be bred with by the king, unless they're mates with a sub at some point. Hunters and healers have a choice.
-Sexuality is an option; If gay or other put in Other
-Pregnancy last 3 Days, and nursing last 6.
- Be respectful
- At least 3 sentences per post
- Be literate
- No powers or god modding
- Cussing is allowed but no offensive words please
- You are not allowed to be your own mate.
- Please try to use lioden wardrobe for your lions looks but if you have a piece of fanart you are just dying to use, you may use that. No real lions.
-Please Be active

Character Form:
Look: Link (use coding if you know how.)
Personality: RP'ed out (Optional)
Desired rank:

The Pride: Chosen with Members

King: Kwazulu

Heir: None Picked

Queen: Suisei

- Aisu

- Muntz

- Enkou


- Endle

- KiroShi- 8Mths.
-SuiSei: P2-
- Jua- 2 Mths.

In-Heat Females:

Post format: lion name - pride and rank - in heat or not/wounded or not
Ex./ Iku-Tumble Pride- Breeder- @/NW

Watering Hole
Hunting Area

Heat= @
Wounded= W
Pregnancy= P1, P2, P3
Nursing= N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6
Cubs can be controled by player at 3mths but must not wonder away from mother until weaned at 7mths
Aging= Every 1Day is 1Mth. Is treated as a day.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 17:46:38 by Fraulein Elsa Mars! ❤ (#66355)

G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 10:30:02
Look: 2vmdpo0.jpg
Name: Enkou
Gender: Female
Age: 2yrs 6mths
Rank: Hunter
Muntz is like an older sister or step mother
Other: She wishes to mainly breed but is forced by Muntz to Hunt

Look: 2nvuioo.jpg
Name: Muntz
Gender: Female
Age: 3yrs 6mths
Rank: Hunter
Family: Muntz is like a step mother or older sister to Enkou
Other: Hope's that she can provide an Heir for a GREAT leader.

Look: a11udg.jpg
Name: Endle
Gender: Male
Age: 3yrs
Rank: Outcast: Cub Killer
Family: None
Other: Leopon who is getting revenge because he cannot find a female to bare him cubs, and for how he was treated as a cub.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 10:52:13
Suisei-Claimed|NoPrideName-Temp. Queen-P1
Aisu-Claimed|NoPrideName-Rank: Sub- N.W.
Cub KiroShi-Claimed|NoPrideName-Goal: Prove he can be usefull- N.W.
Endle-Outcast|None Claimed|Steals food-Kills Cubs-Mates with any in-heat females.
Muntz-Unclaimed|No Rank|N.W.
Enkou-Unclaimed|No Rank|N.W.
The small cub jumped at the vibrations of the large males voice. The compliment of strength made him blush and he stayed close to his father. He knew his dad was only doing this for him and he felt sad, as if unable to repay a life saving debt. He layed against his dad's large paw.
He wished he could see the faces, he always grew so self conscious. What if they were constantly staring at him. Aisu Moved so his son could stand carefully. He knew it would take more time to train him and keep him safe. He stared and listened at the ask for food.
"I've buried it to keep it fresh and hidden. We may feast and choose a name to call ourselves. One that will hopefully gain us some females and such."
He stood Kiroshi falling asleep he did so. He helped his son up before going ton dig the carcass and bringing it back.
Suisei smiled, and looked back at her mate.
"I suppose he's got that covered." She licked her mates neck and up to his nose as a sign of trust. She was glad to have so much protection for the ever-growing pride. After all, much evil was beginning to gather up and time was always moving forward, it was only a matter of time.

Endle watched from the shadows. One Blind, one with a fading heat, andoing two giant males. Soon it seemed small bouncing paws will be running, he of course will attempt to make a move. The blind cub, he will happily toy with before ending it all. He would ruin this small family they called a pride before it could build up with more pure-lion trash.

Muntz spotted the odd shape a few meters away, behind her was a proud and ready to pounce Enkou. Before the social craving lioness could go, Muntz pointed out this was no ordinary lion.
"What we want is beyond him. Follow me."
Enkou sighed, her heat would start soon and she knew what layed beyond was male. Yet she also knew Muntz was always right. So she obeyed and followed closely behind.
They chose a good distance away and peered through the grass, eying feasting lions. They would listen before approaching. First they had to find out if they were truly a pride.

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wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 11:08:53
Kwazulu │NoPrideName │King│NW
"Now let's eat, we shall talk about the pride and sort everything out once we can satisfy our hunger." He took a bite of the carcass, allowing the other lions to join in. As he watched them, he twitched his nose at the scent of something else. He shook himself awake and took another bite of the elk.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-07-11 02:25:45
Suisei-Claimed|NoPrideName-Temp. Queen-P1
Aisu-Claimed|NoPrideName-Rank: Sub- N.W.
Cub KiroShi-Claimed|NoPrideName-Goal: Prove he can be usefull- N.W.
Endle-Outcast|None Claimed|Steals food-Kills Cubs-Mates with any in-heat females.
Muntz-Unclaimed|No Rank|N.W.
Enkou-Unclaimed|No Rank|N.W.
KiroShi was pushed towards the food by a large paw. Automatically he sniffed the meat, searching for his favorite parts of it. From the smell he could identify many things, such as the animal whether it was fatty, or bone. A leg, or the neck. Each animal had a very distinct scent. He slowly mad his way to the hind legs of the animal and began to eat.
Aisu watched his son, unlike him he went for the largest part on the animal, he watched Suisei. She had been staring off in the distance and it became clear something. No someone else was watching. He kept his ears open and started to eat. Sui on the other paw was too worried to continue. She nuzzle her mates face to calm herself.
She layed down and took a large bite, not caring what part it was but rather as long as she got her fill. As she neared her finish different pride names crossed her mind.
"Kwazulu dear. What do you have in mind for a name for out pride. I trust you have much definition in it. A strong name befitting our growing pride." She spoke oddly loud, and she moved closer to her mate. Her eyes examined the not far off area. Her ears never lied. She looked up to her mate with a teeth you smile.

The Leopon mix smelled more females not too far off and he knew exactly what they were planning. He knew they would attempt to join the pride. That would mean two more females to breed with, and more cubs he could destroy.
He of course would kill the cubs and mate with the females as soon as they went back into heat and if they did not carry his cubs he would gladly kill them too. His sick Ideals were all he had, and there was no way he would change them. He smiled and turned to leave. He would stay close, to continue his plan.

At the loud speaking of the lioness Muntz knew they'd been discovered, she rolled her eyes and looked at Enkou. The other lioness was ready to officially reveal herself, but at the touch of Muntz that ides quickly ended.
"We must stay low and see what the male says. After which I will go out and have him attempt to claim me. If he does well, we will join." She searched Enkou's eyes for a sense of understanding and was relayed with a soft nod.
The two females continuedo their watching.

((Name meanings:
Endle: A Meaning lost in time, best and most likely Meaning Lake or Stability.
Very Ironic as he is insane and has and fire/flame thing going on.
Enkou: Meaning Halo or Flame. Name is a Forshadow.
Muntz: Meaning Protection or a position of Leadership- Very high up in the ranks.
Forgot to put these in their bio's.
Feel free to add your Other lions at any time!!!))

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wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-07-11 03:21:28
Adding some characters!

Character Form:
Look: wardrobe.php?eyJiIjoiUGVjYW4iLCJtIjoiVHV (if this doesn't work the link is: )
Name: Kijani (kee-ah-nee)
Gender: Male
Age: 1yr 2mths
Personality: Curious, Adventurous, mostly roleplayed out.
Desired rank: None
Family: His cousin, Miamba
Other: He has two different colored eyes and he is always trying to take care of his cousin. To Kijani, Miamba is like a sister. He is trying to find someone to protect them both, after their pride left them both for dead.

Character Form:
Look: html>

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Edited on 11/07/16 @ 19:58:26 by Angelkat567 (#93794)

wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-07-11 13:04:12
Kwazulu ~ NoPrideName │Rank: King │N.W.
Kijani ~ Unclaimed │No rank │N.W.
Miamba ~ Unclaimed │No rank │N.W.
Kwazulu noticed that his mates tone was a bit odd. He replied with: "Hopefully I can figure this out soon, I'm watching what all of our movements are, and what we will be like. Though, i'm also examining the area." He looked around his surroundings and perked up a little, feeling as if he was being watched..

Kijani wrestled with his cousin, Miamba. For this moment of play, if felt like heaven, being able to take a break off watching the surroundings and catching small rodents. He chased his cousin through bushes, and eventually he scented many other lions. "Miamba, we should turn back now..."

Miamba was curious as to why her fearless cousin, Kijani, was asking to turn away from fun! "I don't see anything wrong.." She turned around to her cousin. "Besides, we are strong!" Miamba smiled at Kijani and turned around. Oh. She saw a shadow, and smelled the scent of a male. He didn't look like he wanted to play with them, that's for sure. Though, she wondered why the male looked so... odd? She squinted her eyes to get a look at his weird shape.

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Edited on 11/07/16 @ 20:04:59 by Angelkat567 (#93794)

G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-07-11 13:25:14
Suisei-Claimed|NoPrideName-Temp. Queen-P1
Aisu-Claimed|NoPrideName-Rank: Sub- N.W.
Cub KiroShi-Claimed|NoPrideName-Goal: Prove he can be usefull- N.W.
Endle-Outcast|None Claimed|Steals food-Kills Cubs-Mates with any in-heat females.
Muntz-Unclaimed|No Rank|N.W.
Enkou-Unclaimed|No Rank|N.W.
The loud echo of his claws scratching a tree made him purr. He held his nose high in the air and he followed the scent. How intresting. A male and female. Young, but not an age he usually killed. He continued moving and searched through the trees noticing moderately sized shapes. He made sure his body rubbed against every tree, marking his scent. He made sure he stood large and slowly spoke only now a small distance away from the adolescents.
"Children. I am, Endle." His chest was puffed in exchange for a mane.
He examined the two very simple in marks, unlike him.
"Do not fear me. At least not now." He wished to get to know these lions before and if he had to end them.

Aisu watched his sister in law and chuckled a little, KiroShi had fallen Asleep and was laying atop his father's paw. Hungrily he watched the movements of the hidden watchers. He tuned back in to his kings words.
"Reasonable. Since we seem to be done eating I can show you the den area. Or you could check the hunting grounds." He leaned in and whispered.
"Seems we may have a pleasant surprise awaiting in the tall grass."
He nudged his king and made sure to not move his paw for his son.
Suisei watched the interaction and smiled knowing adding more females would ensure a real future for the small pride. After all a medium sized pride often consit of ten females at a minimum.

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wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-07-11 14:21:36
Kwazulu │NoPrideName │Rank: King │N.W.
Kijani~Unclaimed│No rank│N.W
Miamba ~ Unclaimed │No rank │N.W.
Kwazulu nodded at the offer, as dens would be important for the pride members. He looked at the tall grass, scenting other lions. Walking towards it, the scent became stronger and stronger. He nudged the grass a little, not trying to alarm the lionesses who were hiding in it. He looked down at them, and smiled. Hopefully, this would mean that they would have more members. "Hello, I am Kwazulu.."

Kijani flattened his ears at the huge lion infront of him. He nudged Miamba behind him, though it would do no good. His cousin, like always, was stubborn to look like a weakling. At least, she did what she was told. "H-Hello... I am K-Kijani and this is my c-cousin, Miamba.." Kijani didn't feel like trusting this odd looking.. 'Lion' Of course, Miamba had to butt in..

Miamba looked at the male. She whispered to Kijani, louder than a typical whisper, "He looks weird! Lions usually don't look like HIM! I mean seriously why would an-" A paw swept over her mouth and Kijani gave her a stern look before taking his paw off again, and looking up at the male.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-07-14 04:55:13
Suisei-Claimed|NoPrideName-Temp. Queen-P1
Aisu-Claimed|NoPrideName-Rank: Sub- N.W.
Cub KiroShi-Claimed|NoPrideName-Goal: Prove he can be usefull- N.W.
Endle-Outcast|None Claimed|Steals food-Kills Cubs-Mates with any in-heat females.
Muntz-Unclaimed|No Rank|N.W.
Enkou-Unclaimed|No Rank|N.W.
Enkou had enough and jumped past the male.
"I am Enkou! I suppose your king of... well those three lions." The older lioness clicked her tounge and stayed in front of the king.
"I am Muntz. Enkou has of course, made her big reveal. Don't mind our passing. We were just observing the beginning of your pride.
She smiled snickering. Enkou watched her expression and knew it. That was the expression of secrecy. She turned and looked at the male and cub. Gushing at the adorable aura of a father and cub. She also took a glance at Suisei, unamused.

He held his growls, but was unable to keep his claws in place. They dug into the ground and his fur rose. Such ignorance. He held his thoughts. Brains must not run in her side of the family. He stared down at the Lions. Wanting to keep them around a while longer, before he did his dirty deed.
"I child, am a Leopon. The one who brought me into the world is a Lioness. While the male who helped is a Leopard." He calmed and took a breath. He assumed if he was going to kill these lions than he may as well get comfortable with them. They were to young to injure him in any real way. He Sat and kept eye contact with them.
"Speaking of Life givers. Where are yours?"

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wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-07-14 06:26:34
Kwazulu │NoPrideName │Rank: King │N.W.
Kijani~Unclaimed│No rank│N.W
Miamba ~ Unclaimed │No rank │N.W.
"Observing you say? Go right ahead. I do suggest joining us though, we will become strong. We have dens and food, and we welcome any lionesses, and cubs to our pride, so long as they do not betray us..." He paused for a second and backed out of the grass, now ready to see the dens. He nodded to Aisu, signaling he was ready to explore the dens and area a little more.

Kijani felt astonished. A real Leopon! "My mother told me that Leopons weren't real though... Amazing!" When he heard the question though, he froze and shared a glance with Miamba. He started to shake, remembering the brutal way his pride kicked his family out. Why did they have to do that? He looked at Miamba. For once, he wanted her to answer it..

Even Miamba didn't want to talk about it, but she forced herself to tell the story. "Our pride was strict, the lionesses were FORCED to hunt, even when nursing. They made cubs hunt at only 2 months old and made them fight at 4. We were lucky we lived through it, as our mother's hid us. But the King found out. He killed Kijani's mother and chased My mother, Kijani, and I off of his territory. Eventually, my mother became sick and.." Miamba decided not to finish the sentence...

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-07-19 02:14:31
Suisei-Claimed|NoPrideName-Temp. Queen-P1
Aisu-Claimed|NoPrideName-Rank: Sub- N.W.
Cub KiroShi-Claimed|NoPrideName-Goal: Prove he can be usefull- N.W.
Endle-Outcast|None Claimed|Steals food-Kills Cubs-Mates with any in-heat females.
Muntz-Unclaimed|No Rank|N.W.
Enkou-Claimed|No Rank|N.W.
Enkou was much like a pup, always excited for adventure. She was finally invited to join a pride and for this she wouldn't mind a bit of adventure. She nuzzled against the king gaining his scent. Making herself Parr of the pride. She was sure she could find this place as home. She turned to Muntz and got ano angry expression. She knew why, Muntz was not yet impressed.
Muntz moved pass the king and towards the other female lioness she had yet to meet. She sat and looked at the male and cub, and than at the female. Asking questions and getting on depth.
Aisu listened in and stood up, lifting KiroShi in his mouth. He moved towards and down the hill, making sure his king would follow. The steps where to large for KiroShi, at least due to his sight. He moved slowly hoping KiroShi may one day learn his movements. He did one last big jump and made it down. Slowly placing KiroShi and licking his head to confirm safety. He looked towards his king and bowed.
"As you can see the Den's are primarily large rocks, formed into a large cave atop a thin long and high up rock. Quite boring but definitely large enough for us and than some. There is even another small cave to store food on a separate rock hill. I believe there is another cave we can manage if we move the rocks, one for mothers."
He smiled at the Idea. A mother. He looked at KiroShi. He knew he needed to find a mate. How long would it take?
He looked at his King too see his thoughts, and take his mind off his own.

At first he was so shocked at the amazed reaction of his spices his claws retracted. He smired for a moment. Rare yes, but not impossible. Of course a Lioness would lie of his species, lions think they are so proud and mighty. He was better than that he had Leopard genes. He was more than just a Lion.
He listened back in when he saw the two's faces morph after he spoke his question. He had mixed feelings of it. The fact cubs were trained at such a young age made hime smile, yet he had begun to feel some type of compassion for these two. He shook his head getting the thought out. Words echoed through his head. Cubs Died. That is your job. Yet harsh Actions took that away from you. He frowned and looked at the cubs, his twisted reasonings were something lions would never know.
"That is quite cruel. You two travel alone. I have a place you two could go if you are looking. I apologize, if I had known I would not have asked. Yet I did not and I did. If you'd like I can take you to a newly forming pride if that intresting you."

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wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-07-19 03:18:28
Kwazulu │NoPrideName │Rank: King │N.W.
Kijani~Unclaimed│No rank│N.W
Miamba ~ Unclaimed │No rank │N.W.
Kwazulu smiled. The dens would be a good resting place for his pride, and it would provide good protection. Soon enough, he would go out exploring, hopefully finding new females for his growing pride. Aisu deserved a female, so Kwazulu decided he would go exploring the next day. He thought about all the females around. Today has been a very interesting day.. Hopefully we can keep our pride safe.. for now.. His own thoughts made him shiver. "Tomorrow, I shall explore our territory. I must see what is around. For today, though, it has been very long.." He stared up at the sky. And I will finally have a dream come true..

Kijani widened his eyes. A pride! A place where we can live! Finally! He had to hold himself from hopping in joy. Finally, he would be protected by stronger lions. He could grow up and become a strong lion himself, maybe even a king one day! He looked over at Miamba, who also had an excited gaze. She must've been thinking the same thing as him. Kijani was happy that he might have a break from protecting his cousin all the time..

Miamba didn't hold herself from hopping in joy. She looked like a frog, bouncing up and down. She finally slowed herself down and sat on the ground, glancing from Endle to Kijani. "Of course we need a place to live! You have been very helpful, lio-- I mean.. Leopon sir!

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 02:45:08
Suisei-Claimed|NoPrideName-Temp. Queen-P1
Aisu-Claimed|NoPrideName-Rank: Sub- N.W.
Cub KiroShi-Claimed|NoPrideName-Goal: Prove he can be usefull- N.W.
Endle-Outcast|None Claimed|Steals food-Kills Cubs-Mates with any in-heat females.
Muntz-Unclaimed|No Rank|N.W.
Enkou-Claimed|No Rank|N.W.
The large male stared at his King, happy that the expression shown was one of pressure and accomplishment. He nodded and stood taking Kiroshi back in his mouth. "The sun is going down and it would be best for you to claim your spot first in the den, bring Kiroshi with you and I will gather the others." He nodded at his decision and placed KiroShi in front of the king. Whispering in his cubs ear.
"Be Strong my boy." Aisu began to walk away. He had never left the Cub in sight of any male. This was the first male KiroShi would ever meet that wasn't his father.
KiroShi cowered. He could not see and only used smell, hearing and feeling. His voice he usually kept quite. This would be an exception. If he were to allow this male to carry him to a den spot he would have to make onends thing clear.
"Don't eat me."

Leopon Sir... He hated the sound of that.
"As I have said before. My name is Endle. Adress me as such. Formalities such as Sir do not befall to me." His claws released and he looked up to the sky. Spotting a setting sun. How Bold. He only offered to bring them to the pride for Intel. They would be able to tell him things, which in turn would allow him to plan a downfall for it all.
"Sleep out here one more night and tomorrow you will be home . The words slithered out his mouth like dirt. He looked at the two adolescents and began to walk away. He slept in trees, and this night would be no different.
"Feel free to stay and chat or leave and sleep. Tomorrow is a big day, and such days can bring excitement. You can ask me questions or rest up. Either way, make a quick choice." He jumped atop a large tree and carefully chose a large wide branch a good ten feet away from the ground. Lions are able to jump about twenty plus feet. He had less difficulty. Though Leopon were known for less power, they had better stamina. So if a predator were to come he would easily out run it. He sighed looking at the two. He had learned a good amount about them. Kijani is a leader, a bit uptight but can be down to earth, while Miamba is a very, excitable up to everythinget girl, who does what is required of her. Very attractive for a young one, she will make it high in the ranks with her speed. He laughed, if the pride lasts that long.

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wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 12:55:29
Kwazulu │NoPrideName │Rank: King │N.W.
Kijani~Unclaimed│No rank│N.W
Miamba ~ Unclaimed │No rank │N.W.
Kwazulu smiled at the young cub. "Don't worry, I won't eat a cub. I'm not a lion cannibal, and I only eat the prey in the land beyond us." He led the cub softly with his paw, even though the cub could still smell, he didn't want him bumping into any of the rock walls. Spotting a comfy-looking place in the den, he rubbed his body on a couple rocks, just to get a small amount of his scent around the area where he would sleep. He didn't want to claim the whole den, obviously, so he only rubbed his fur against the corner of the wall. He looked at KiroShi "Besides, you may be blind, but you sure are strong."

Kijani lowered his ears, Why does Miamba ruin things? But he knew she depended on him, even if she didn't show it. He nudged his little cousin towards a small line of bushes. She reluctantly followed. He lay down on the ground, and closed his eyes. The next day is coming... what will it bring?

Miamba couldn't get herself to sleep, she kept staring up at the stars. Her ancestors. Are they up there? Oh I hope they see us.. She could still scent Endle, and felt embarrassed for calling him a "Sir". She shook her head. She thought he was very kind! Very helpful too. Her own thoughts drifted her to sleep...

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-07-20 13:37:40
Suisei-Claimed|NoPrideName-Hopefully Permanent Queen|P1
Muntz-Testing the Prides stability|Will Hunt for time being-|N.W.
Enkou-Claimed|NoPrideName- Rival for Queen|N.W.
Aisu-Claimed|NoPrideName-Rank: Sub|N.W.
Cub KiroShi-Claimed|NoPrideName-Goal: Prove he can be usefull- N.W.
Endle-Outcast|None Claimed|Steals food-Forces mating-Planning downfall of rising pride.
The younge cub moved slowly and when he reached his destination he did not move. He heard Kwazulu's body scrap against the surface marking some spot as his own. He waited and heard the soft voice telling him he was strong. It made him warm inside. Strength was something he never once thought about. A Blind patroler. He had always wished to prove he could be useful, but strength... He nodded his head.
"Strength. Strength not in a form one would think. I will improve in a unique type of strength. I will be of use to you!" He stood and began to clumsily walk to his king. Stoping just barely before bumping into the large male.
He layed and rolled claiming a spot close to the king.

Aisu had gathered the females. Learning the two knew ones name's, forever memorizing them. It was a good skill of his, memorization. "Muntz and Enkou." He smiled and looked at Suisei. She had gotten fairly good with Muntz in particular. Enkou was wairy of Suisei, as if they were rivals of some sort. Suisei was glad to have females around. Hopefully more would be sure to come. She softly smiled, speaking with Muntz the entirety of the way.
They made it to the cave easily to see the large male and cub.
Aisu slightly lowered his head before entering.
"Thank you for watching over Kiroshi." He moved towards his son yet remained a good distance away making sure the king would have his space. He called KiroShi and the Cub wiggled over.
Suisei went to her king rubbing her head against his face.
"Would it be best for me to sleep next to you?" She smiled hardly asking feeling she already knew the awnser.
The two new females took a spot closer to the entrence, as to get used to the surroundings in such a new place with new lions.

Endle Smiled as they left, what a relief. He thought of the two in good concious. They were good. They could use other good regular lions. He stared at the sky wondering about what fate had brought theme together. He sighed thinking of such things that would give a grown lion nightmares. He drifted off to sleep with a smile.

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