Posted by PRIVATE RP: W/#88265(Cassy+Nahkhir)

Smartie (#67158)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-12 03:18:28

Name: Cassy
Golden brown pelt
Bright, green forest eyes with silver flecks
Petite frame
Trustworthy, keeps her promises
Keeps mostly to herself, except for a select few who break the wall

Name: Nahkhír
Gender: male
Age: about three years
Nahkhír is an adventurous wolf, but kind of stand-offish. He tends to be very dominant and aggressive towards most wolves. However, some females might catch his eye, which leads to him courting the female until she loses her nerves.
The male is very protective of his 'property', would it be food or a female.
Nahkhír has never had a mate, but he has a childlish dream about having a family. He's just too immature for that.
Looks: Nahkhír is a large, muscular male. His dark, black coat is quite thick and it tends to get a little shaggy.
The male has bright yellow eyes and a bit small, pointy ears. His tail is short and fluffy.
Nahkhír has a few white hairs here and there, most of them on his legs and chest, but they can only be seen if one stands close to him.

There are wolves living in the giant forest in a small town. Some of them are in a pack, some are alone. One female is hunting one day when she runs into a male. At first, she doesn't trust the male, but as they spend more time, they begin to develop feelings.
A few members of the pack begin to attack some of the humans living in the town, causing mass panic. Hunters soon flood the woods, and the two wolves have to fight to stay hidden, and possibly escape to other woods to avoid getting killed.

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Edited on 03/09/16 @ 15:59:26 by Smartie[WCL][WCU] (#67158)

Smartie (#67158)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-12 06:59:38
The forest was flying by as Cassy ran deeper and deeper into the woods. She loved the feel of the wind on her pelt. The sun was shining down on the mossy ground in a greenish light, with water drops falling through the lush cover of leaves. The birds had been singing and chirping for only about an hour, but she had been out for hours. Slowing down, she stopped to rest and get a drink from a nearby stream that cut across the path. While she was drinking, the wind changed in her direction, and it carried the scent of a doe. She held up her head, and crossed the stream. Cassy crept along for about five minutes before the doe became visible in a small clearing. Getting low to the ground, she went along the edge of the trees and when the doe turned her head, she bolted forward. The doe snapped her head to face Cassy, and began running in the opposite direction of the she-wolf. But she was no match for Cassy. Within seconds, Cassy jumped and landed square on the does shoulders. Landing a fatal bite on the doe's slender neck, the taste of meat flooded Cassy's mouth and the doe fell to the ground. Cassy sat and tore a shred of flesh off the female deer, and licked her jaws. She ate some of the meat, and she buried the rest of it under a fallen tree that had long been overgrown with moss.

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 07:48:59
"Get out of here!" a shout echoed in the woods followed by heavy panting and paws hitting the forest floor. "I will bite your face off next time!"
A gray wolf dashed from a bush, a scared look on its face. It was running from a furious black male, whose territory it had stepped on. The male slowed down at the border marks, watching after the rival wolf. "Douchebag..." Nahkhír huffed, sniffing the air, looking for prey. He could smell something weird. The wolf bared his teeth and trotted in the direction the scent was coming from. It seemed like a female was somewhere close. Nahkhír became curious as he got closer to the scent. It was a new female, after all, so he was very excited. Suddenly he stopped, the scent was strong here. He looked behind a thick tree and saw a pretty female wolf standing under a tree. He stepped out of his cover and gazed the female.

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Smartie (#67158)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-12 08:18:45
After burying the doe, Cassy turned and walked over to a small stream to wash the bit of blood off her muzzle. There were small, silver fish swimming in the clear water. For a moment she just watched them, seeing the sun glint off their shiny scales. Finally, Cassy lifted her head, and scented the air. She smelled the wetness in the air, which meant that soon the sun would turn to rain. When she began walking the opposite direction of the tree, she stopped in her tracks. Another smell just registered in her nose. A wolf. She tentatively looked around, trying to see if anyone was close.

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 09:03:18
Nahkhír tilted his head in the shadow and studied the female carefully. "Well hello there. May I ask what a beautiful female such as yourself is doing all alone?" the male smirked and took a step closer, swishing his tail from one side to another. Maybe he had a chance with this one, maybe not. He blinked his eyes and obtained a friendly expression. Nahkhír flicked his ear as a bird chirped in a nearby tree, but continued staring at his new acquaintance.

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Smartie (#67158)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-12 09:20:06
Cassy hears a deep, rough voice speak from the shadows.
"Well hello there. May I ask what a beautiful female such as yourself is doing all alone?" A dark black wold steps out into the open, showcasing a smirk. He blinked his bright, yellow eyes, and his expression turned friendly. Trying to figure out this new wolfs intentions, Cassy cautiously stood taller, ready to fight if necessary. His gaze was unwavering.
"What is it to you?" She usually was so careful to stay of a wolf's territory. Had she made a mistake and crossed his line? She didn't think she had smelled any wolf while she had ran.

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 09:30:57
Watching the wolf get cautious, Nahkhír let out a laugh.
"Oh, there is no need to be afraid of me, I'm a sweet little ball of fur!" he babbled, skipping her question and pacing around her.
"My, don't you have a pretty shiny coat. I have never seen something as beautiful." he smiled, slowly getting closer the female.
"What is your name? It must be just as marvelous as you are." Nahkhír asked, trying to get eye contact with the goldish wolf.
"Maybe we could get to know better, hm? I rarely get the chance to make friends." the muscular canine tilted his head again, smiling a little.

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Smartie (#67158)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-12 10:01:37
The black wolf let out a laugh, and was pacing around her.
"Oh, there is no need to be afraid of me, I'm a sweet little ball of fur!" She watched him move around her, her eyes not leaving him.
"Oh, I am sure you are." What was he doing? He commented on her coat, calling it pretty and beautiful. Cassy could see a smile on his face, and she could tell he was getting closer to her as he circled.
"What is your name? It must be just as marvelous as you are." And now he wanted to know her name. Should she tell him?It probably wouldn't matter. A pause before she answered.
"My name is Cassy." Her voice didn't tremble, but it was filled with slight curiousity. Why was he so interested in her? She saw him look at her continuously, and she finally met his eyes. They looked like a darker version of the sun when you looked into them.
"Maybe we could get to know better, hm? I rarely get the chance to make friends." I wonder why. He was a bit unsettling. His head tilted, a smile on his mouth.
"Possibly. Depends on your definition of friends."

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 19:58:09
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Cassy. I am Nahkhír." the male said, staring into Cassy's green eyes. He shifted his paws and sat down, licking his lips.
"I see friends as my family. I would do anything to protect my family, surely you would too, right?" he answered her cautious words. Nahkhír smiled again, trying to look trustworthy.
"Why don't you stay here for the night, I can offer you shelter and food." he continued without waiting for an answer. His smile widened as he looked at Cassy, his new target.

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Smartie (#67158)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-13 05:58:31
Cassy kept his gaze as he told her his name. Nahkhir. He sat down and licked his lips.
"I see friends as my family. I would do anything to protect my family, surely you would too, right?"
The way he kept smiling was bugging her in a way she didn't know how to explain. When he asked her to stay here tonight, and offered shelter and food, Cassy shot a glance towards the tree where she had buried her doe.

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 06:05:35
Nahkhír watched her glance at a tree.
"Pretty tree?" he smirked, staring at that tree now.
"What do you have there? Food?" he asked, flicking his ear. His smile turned into an annoyed expression.
"I would appreciate it if you didn't hunt near or on my territory." he told her, but quickly started to smile again.
"It's okay, I don't mind loosing a bit of prey because of a pretty she-wolf!" Nahkhír grinned, standing up.

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Smartie (#67158)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-13 06:14:03
Seeing her glance, his expression turned annoyed as he questioned her about food. But almost as soon as his face changed, it had gone back to a smile.
"I didn't know that the area around a wolf's territory was off limits too." She let a bit of sarcasm into her voice. H kept grinning, and she felt the urge to run back to where she usually slept, but she felt as if she was frozen here. Cassy also got the feeling the wolf wasn't in a hurry to let her leave.

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 06:22:20
Nahkhír laughed to the females sarcasm.
"Cassy, was it? Just come with me, and I will show you my shelter. You could have it for the night..." he tried to persuade her to stay with him.
"We could become really good friends, you know? It's just becomes boring to be alone all the time, doesn't it? It would be nice to have some company." he babbled, changing his tone of voice as he spoke to a sad, depressed tone.

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Smartie (#67158)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-13 06:44:55
Nahkhir let out a laugh.
"Cassy, was it? Just come with me, and I will show you my shelter. You could have it for the night..." She thought about it. It went against her instincts, staying in an unknown den with a stranger. But would he let her leave if she tried? She didn't think that he would. So would it be safer to stay and sneak away?
While she was contemplating his offer, he added something, "We could become really good friends, you know? It's just becomes boring to be alone all the time, doesn't it? It would be nice to have some company." His tone changed as he said this, became more sad. She was alone, but that was because every pack she had joined just wasn't for her. They were mean, and didn't like her for her. How did she know that Nahkhir wasn't the same? But, this is what she would do. She would stay, and when he fell asleep, or thought she was asleep, she would go back to her den.
"I guess I could stay the night..." Cassy almost cringed when she said it, but she tried to put a smile on her face.

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 06:58:43
"I guess I could stay the night..." her words made Nahkhír smile happily, success!
"Great! Follow me!" he bent down, his tail wagging. Then he darted off, dashing through the forest with his tongue drooping from his mouth. Nahkhír sneezed when a water drop splashed on his nose. He almost ran into a tree when he shaked his head, but managed to sheer off right before hitting his head. He slowed down as the forest began to thin out, creating a small clearing. The wolf shaked his now wet fur, and turned to see if Cassy was still there with him.

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Smartie (#67158)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-07-13 07:21:17
Nahkhir's smile widened, and he barked,"Great! Follow me!" His tail went crazy, and he bounded off into the forest from where he had appeared earlier. For a moment, she contemplated taking this opportunity to run back home, but decided against it. Cassy began running after Nahkhir, not wanting to get too far behind him. It began to rain, the forest filling with the sound of the drops. She could see him running, and from the looks of it, he almost ran into a tree while shaking his head, but he veered off to the right just at the right moment to avoid it. As the trees got thinner, they arrived in a small clearing. Nahkhir slowed down, and shook off his fur. She slowed, her fur also covered with rain, glistening in the last of the sunlight. He turned to look at her, probably to see if she had actually followed him.

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