Posted by 1x1 (Private for Potaturtle and Kerian)

Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 08:03:33
This is a private RP for Potaturtle and Keiran :D



Played by Kerian
Gender: Male
Age: About 3 years old
Appearance: Black with barely noticeable white markings on legs and chest. Large and muscular. Thick, shaggy coat.
Personality: Dominant, aggressive, territorial, very picky when it comes to females. Immature, but wants a family.

Gender: Male
Age: 6 years old
Appearance: Light gray fluffy coat, a bit of pale ginger on the back. Tall but slim male, large paws.
Personality: Friendly loner, who roams here and there, never steps onto other wolves' territories. Does not like to fight, so he avoids troublemakers.

Gender: Female
Age: 2 years old
Appearance: Beautiful snow-white fur with dark brown ear tips. Hairs of the same color going along the spine. Small but quite muscular.
Personality: Shy at first, but opens up quickly. Kisya's a happy-go-lucky wolf- she doesn't think anything bad about anyone. Master at hunting, great with pups. Fears the night for unknown reason.

Played by Potaturtle
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years old
Appearance: Luna is a pure white arctic wolf that has smooth, soft, silky fur- which she grooms every 2 days. She has heterochromia (which means she has two eye colours); her right eye being blue, and her left eye being brown. She has a long, puffy, soft tail that she loves to cuddle with when sleeping, and a slick, fox-like body. (Twins with Blizzard).
Personality: Luna is a kind, gentle wolf. She loves to cuddle, but is shy at most times. She can definitely be very aggressive when she needs to- in cases of invading or attacking wolves. She loves to eat caribou or deer, and hares as a small snack. Luna is a wolf that is very skillful, especially in hunting. She personally likes to sleep under trees, where there is lots of shade.

Gender: Male
Age: 3 years old
Appearance: Like Luna, Blizzard is a pure white arctic wolf. He has an average (in terms of tail length), but SUPER fluffy tail. However, he does not in fact, have heterochromia. Instead, he has sharp, ice blue eyes. He, too, has a fox-like body- but is a bit larger compared to Luna.
Personality: Blizzard's personality is quite different from Luna, despite their similar looks. He is a confident, bold wolf that loves to howl and interact with other wolves. He prefers if others do not walk into his territory, but will greet them if they are friendly and trustable. Blizzard is absolutely loves to cuddle others, and loves to sleep anywhere, but is usually energetic when awake. Basically, he is almost a polar opposite in terms of personality (compared to Luna).

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 08:38:07

A pair of glistening eyes peered out of a cave hidden by snow. The snow flurried as a small wolf jumped out of her den, shaking her head. She blinked her eyes and looked round her home. It was going to be a great day. The female darted off, running in the snow happily. She slowed down as she got on top of a hill, and stopped to look at the landscape. It looked like a herd of deer was on the move.
Kisya pricked her ears and leaped forward, landing softly in the snow. She ran towards the herd, her eyes gleaming of excitement. She let out a short howl of happiness as she drew near one of the deer. She leaped towards it, but only managed to hit her head on its flank.
The herd was already far away when Kisya got up from the ground. She sighed in disappointment, but continued her search for prey.

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 09:43:53
Luna & Blizzard|Female, Male|Mentions: No-one~ (this is just my way of keeping organized, I guess :3)

Luna yawned (lol whyyyy do I always start off an RP with one of my characters yawning) as she slowly woke up from her deep sleep. She was now sitting up and watching as a mountain goat roamed the mountains. "Hmm... that would be perfect prey..." She explained to herself as she licked her lips. She padded towards her sleeping brother, about to wake him up. "Wake up, sleepyhead." She whispered, trying not to scare the nearby goat away. He growled, pawing at the air. "Whatttt >:(" He groaned, a little pissed at his sister. "Get up. I'm going to hunt that goat right there." She told him, nodding her head at the goat nearby. She slowly crouched towards the unsuspecting goat. Fortunately, it had been eating for quite a while, and hadn't moved for a while. She pounced at the goat, sinking her teeth into it's neck. After the kill, she dragged the carcass towards the male wolf. "Breakfast." She said, pausing before she helped herself to the meal she had freshly hunted. The remains of the goat were buried near their den that they share. "Wasn't that great!" Said the excited male, jumping up and down. They continued exploring the snowy terrain until they came across a white-furred she-wolf. Blizzard tried to hide his interest in this female, but failed.... a lot. "Blizzard. You're interested in her, right?" She questioned, looking at the flustered male. "N-No! I am not!" He refused, obviously lying. "You're lying through your teeth. I won't mind if you do, anyway." She was spot on. The male nodded and focused on the female once again. "That was quick, then." She muttered, making sure he couldn't hear.

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-12 20:07:03

The feminine was getting tired of walking in deep snow, she had only eaten a mole, and she had stolen it from a stupid fox. She felt low for not getting any prey herself, and was starting to think she should get back to the den.
She dragged her legs forward, in last hope of finding something to eat. She lifted her head, sniffed around and recognized an alarming scent. Wolves! Her head spun around until she saw two pure white wolves standing next to each other. Kisya flattened her ears and hunched down, slowly stepping further from the two wolves. She wasn't sure if they were friendly, but she didn't dare to take a risk.

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 03:57:44
Blizzard & Luna|Male & Female|Mentions: Kisya
Blizzard whimpered as the female slowly stepped further away from him. Luna had left so that she could give them privacy- although she watched from a distance. "Wait!" He barked in attempt to stop her from stepping away. "I-I'm Blizzard!" He introduced, embarrassed. He slowly walked towards the female. "I really don't mean to harm you! I just saw you from a distance and wanted to make sure you weren't a threat...." He paused. Would she really trust him? "What''s your name...?" He questioned. He tilted his head as a way of telling her he was interested in knowing. He silently sat down, waiting for an answer. He really believed he wouldn't get one, but he decided to wait anyway.

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 04:28:37

The female watched as one of the wolves left, but the other one started approaching her. It was a male, and he said his name was Blizzard. Kisya backed away even more, but stopped when he asked her name. What should she do? Could she trust this stranger? He had said he wanted to know if she was a threat. Was he planning to attack her?
"I... I pose no t-threat to you..." she whined, pressing her body against the ground in fear.

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Edited on 13/07/16 @ 11:30:15 by Kerian (#88265)

Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 05:09:10
Blizzard|Male|Mentions: Kisya
"Don't be scared!" He panicked. "I mean no harm!!!" He confidently said. He stepped back a bit to give the fearful she-wolf room. "Trust me, I won't harm you..." He said, looking downwards. "I.. What's your name...?" He trailed off. He began backing off once again and sat down. He looked off into the distance. 'Will she really trust me?' He sighed to himself.
(Uhhhh I have no idea what more to write, cuz there isn't much to write after that :P)

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 05:19:26

"My... Name?" she said quietly, starting to calm down after that... Blizzard gave her some space.
"My name is... Kisya." she answered, wagging her tail slowly for a moment. This guy didn't seem too dangerous. She smiled nervously, gazing her paws.

// me neither Cx

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 05:33:13
Blizzard|Male|Mentions: Luna, Kisya
"Well.... Hi Kisya..." He nervously laughed. "Uhh..." He started. He didn't want to talk to her only once, yet he didn't want to suddenly ask her to join a "pack" with him, Kisya and his sister- that would be too sudden. He sat there for a while, looking at the icy blue sky filled with puffy, white clouds. After a while of awkward staring, he decided he would tell her...
"Would you... like to join us- er... my sister and I?" He asked quickly, looking down and squeezing his eyes shut. He waited for a response, frozen in that position.
(Can we reduce the minimum sentences to 3 full sentences? ;w;)

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 05:43:03

The female froze.
"Wha-what?" she was horrified. This complete stranger just asked her to join him and his sister Kisya hadn't even met yet? But he seemed to be okay, though.
"Look... Blizzard..." she sighed, looking at the white male. He wasn't bad looking. Wait, what-?
"I could consider it..." Kisya said slowly while staring at him, surprised that she just actually said that.
"But I don't know you too well." she smiled, got up from the ground and walked, somewhat cautiously, in front of him.
"So, where do you live?"

// absolutely O3O

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 06:18:02
Blizzard|Male|Mentions: Kisya, Luna
'Dammit! I screwed it up.... why did I even ask her that?' He scolded himself. Blizzard looked up when he heard Kisya ask where he lived. 'Was she interested?' He thought, surprised. "Uhh... the mountain across this one, and then the mountain beside that mountain... and.. uh- in front of that mountain, is our den...." He signaled her to follow him by getting up and walking towards that direction, looking at her before continuing to their den. Once they arrived, Luna looked at him, and walked to the nearest tree to watch as she laid down. "So... this is our den.. it's pretty decent in terms of size, but it's also quite cozy...." Blizzard paused before looking at her. "So.... do you like it?" He asked her, wondering what she could've possibly been thinking.

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 06:28:58

She followed him to his den, glancing at a female wolf as she passed. She then turned to look at a nice looking den, a bit small, but still nice.
"It looks very... Nice." she said shyly, keeping her ears flat and tail between legs, she didn't trust these two completely. Kisya stared at her paws as the shyness got over her curiousity.

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 06:41:17
Blizzard|Male|Mentions: Kisya, Luna
"Thanks..."He shyly said, nervously rubbing his paw with his other paw. "So.. yeah...." He finished. He didn't know why he could trust this new female, but something about her just made him did. Blizzard walked out of the cozy den and strolled towards his sister. "-aannndd this is Luna... She's my sister. She lives with me. It's just Luna and I." He cheerfully said. "So... where do you live?" He asked slowly and cautiously. He did know that the female didn't trust him, but asked anyway. He was really curious, and unconsciously began wagging his tail and tilting his head.

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 06:47:33

Kisya followed him to that female wolf, who turned out to be Blizzard's sister, Luna.
"Hello..." she greeted Luna shyly, only glancing at her once. Kisya stiffened when Blizzard asked where she lived.
"Uhh... I... My den is near this enormous hill, pretty far away from here." she told him carefully, trying not to tell exactly where she lived.

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Potaturtle (#92673)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 07:05:24
Blizzard & Luna|Male & Female|Mentions: Kisya
Blizzard understood that she really didn't want to tell him exactly where she lived. "Alright. Well.... it's getting late soon. You should go back to your den now." He smiled at her. He nudged his sister indicating for her to get in the den. As soon as the female left and they were inside, Luna whispered. "Why did you have to bring her here." Blizzard sighed and looked at her, "I don't know... it just came out of my snout..." He confessed. He looked back at the she-wolf that he could somehow spot trotting up the mountain. Instead of going inside, he sat at the entrance, watching as the female disappeared to the other side of the mountain.

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Kerian (#88265)

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Posted on
2016-07-13 07:18:30

She gave him a little smile, then dashed off. She glanced back at the siblings' den, before continuing on her way.
She reached her destination before the night, but it was getting dark already. Kisya yawned as she stumbled down the hill, almost falling down. She was so tired that she fell asleep almost immediately after lying down in her den, but thoughts of Blizzard and his suggestion about joining him and his sister swirled in Kisya's head all the time she was awake.

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