Posted by Cub Training Texts! [Stalking & Climbing]

deimos [ cairngorm
king ] (#6571)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-07 11:12:02
Due to the first thread's growing size, a lot of the texts unfortunately got cut off leading me to create this thread! Please go to this thread to see texts involving Wrestling, Pouncing, and Chasing texts - this one is only for Stalking and Climbing texts!

Thank you guys for helping me out with this list so far! You've all been great.

⤔ S T A L K I N G
↪ Arrogant (Snarky) ::
[_] commented that his victory was inevitable. All the other maggots should never bother even trying. SUCCESS!

[_] grumbled that it was pointless to show off today. Why should he bother trying? He was just going to win again. FAILURE!

↪ Awkward (Neutral) ::
With a little wiggle, [_] leapt from her crouch, stumbled, and dove headfirst into a polecat. Yay? SUCCESS!

↪ Bold (Snarky) ::
After a good while of stalking after what he thought was a gamebird, [_] gleefully charged! Right into a grumpy lioness. RUN AWAY! FAILURE!

Stalking after a lizard while balancing on a precarious log perhaps wasn't the best idea, but [_] succeeded in getting a lizard snack! SUCCESS!

↪ Brutal (Evil) ::
With cold efficiency, [_] quickly made her way out of the burrow with a meerkat pup in her jaws. SUCCESS!

[_] roared and scared all the meerkats from the training area. It took you forever to round them all back up again. FAILURE!

↪ Calm (Kind) ::
[_] hides in tall grass as she watches the other cubs playing without making a sound. She takes in every sight and sound. SUCCESS!

[_] loses interest in stalking her fellow cubs and goes to groom herself instead. FAILURE!

↪ Candid (Kind) ::
[_] took a moment to size up the terrain before going into stalk a lizard. Simple, but effective! SUCCESS!

[_] failed to catch the bird himself, so he gave tips to his classmates instead. FAILURE!

↪ Chivalrous (Good) ::
[_] did a great job emulating your stalking technique as he quietly followed a toad. You feel some pride. SUCCESS!

[_] wasn't sure if he liked the idea of getting a snack with trickery and underhanded sneaking. He just sullenly sat and refused to give it a shot. FAILURE!

↪ Cold (Evil) ::
Quiet as the night and as still as ice, [_] snuck up on a game bird and took it down. She was pretty pleased to have a snack all to herself. SUCCESS!

[_]'s target heard her coming and ran off. She just huffed at you in response and stalked away. FAILURE!

↪ Confident (Kind) ::
[_] felt no doubt as he crept up to the unaware mouse. His surety paid off as he pounced with no hesitation! SUCCESS!

[_] deserved a bit of pride after the way he charged after that rabbit. Nicely done. SUCCESS!

[_] was sure in his skill, but he wasn't quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite sneaky enough today. Too bad. FAILURE!

↪ Cuddly (Good) ::
[_] thought it was nice to watch animals in their day-to-day lives. SUCCESS!

It was a good attempt at stalking, but [_] ended up napping next to you instead. FAILURE!

↪ Curious (Kind) ::
Finding a quiet spot, [_] stalked a small gecko she had never seen before and was curious about what it would taste like. SUCCESS!

While stalking a gecko, [_] found a meerkat den and decided to check it out. FAILURE!

↪ Distant (Neutral) ::
[_] moved quite silently in her pursuit of a rat. Even you hardly noticed her. SUCCESS!

You heard a sound and turned to see [_] approaching. She halted, then backed away and vanished into the grass. FAILURE!

↪ Distrustful (Evil) ::
After failing to pay attention to what kind of bug you sent [_] after, it was far too late to do anything by the time you recognized it for what it was, so you were forced to watch in dismay as the poor cub was sprayed by a stink bug. She's never going to trust you again. FAILURE!

[_] didn't listen to your suggestion of what to stalk and decided instead to stalk one of the other cubs who was way too distracted to notice... that is until she pounced on him. SUCCESS!

[_] thought you were that meerkat that got away... They pounce and claw you! Ouch! Their training sadly failed. FAILURE!

↪ Down-to-Earth (Neutral) ::
Although she got off to a great start, [_] didn't quite lift her paw up high enough and managed to snap a small twig. The rat was instantly alerted and off it ran. She was a little disappointed in herself, but she was able to shrug it off. FAILURE!

Taking her time, [_] is able to silently creep real close up to the rat before she lazily lifted a paw to poke it in the butt as her way of "catching" it. SUCCESS!

↪ Emotional (Kind) ::
The stalking lesson today went well! [_] was so proud of herself she started crying. At least it's happy tears? SUCCESS!

[_] found a big mud puddle and decided you'd look good with a muddy mane rather than do her stalking lesson for the day. FAILURE!

↪ Evasive (Neutral) ::
With a smile on her face, [_] paid rapt attention to the grasshopper, stepping carefully as she observed it closely, almost as if she was trying to learn its secrets. SUCCESS!

With her tail twitching in barely controlled excitement, [_] became overeager while stalking the grasshopper which quickly hopped away once it noticed she was there. FAILURE!

↪ Even-Tempered (Neutral) ::
[_] managed to stamp down his impatience and work hard on staying silent - which won him a tasty lizard in the end. SUCCESS!

[_] was doing an alright job sneaking up on a baby boar… until suddenly the mother charged out of the bush and startled him in turn! Wow, it's usually pretty difficult to rattle him. FAILURE!

↪ Focused (Kind) ::
You didn't hear [_] come up behind you at all. You're impressed with her planning and care. SUCCESS!

↪ Forgiving (Good) ::
[_] felt a little bad after he scared the crap out of his classmate with his sneaking. He left them a gift as an apology. SUCCESS!

Another cub was laughing hard after [_] flubbed his sneaking attempt. He just grit his teeth and bore it good-naturedly. FAILURE!

↪ Friendly (Neutral) ::
[_] managed to sneak up on an entire rabbit! She happily shared some with the other cubs. SUCCESS!

[_] was doing a great job sneaking after her target... until one of her friends mentioned her name and she bounded over to see what was going on. FAILURE!

↪ Gentle (Kind) ::
[_] crept quietly up to a sleeping pride member and gently reached out to tap their nose. SUCCESS!

↪ Graceful (Good) ::
[_] politely declined the invitation to watch the impala herd. She had other things to do. FAILURE!

[_] stalked a zebra, slipping through the grass as easily as if she were nothing more than a gentle breeze. SUCCESS!

↪ Gracious (Good) ::
[_] successfully stalked and killed a hare. When you praised her, she smiled and let you have the hare! SUCCESS!

[_] stalked a wildebeest, but stepped on a thorn and yowled in surprise, startling her prey. FAILURE!

↪ Grumpy (Evil) ::
Stalking requires patience, and [_] just didn't have any today. Each attempt was a disaster! Maybe next time? FAILURE!

[_] practiced stalking with a group. Her teammates annoyed her, but they did very well as a group when tested. SUCCESS!

↪ Harsh (Evil) ::
Seemingly easily enough, [_] did a good job with the stalking exercise today. Before you could congratulate her and give her praise for a job well done, she went all the way and roughly pounced on the gerbil with too much force, making its insides its outsides. She only shrugged when a few other cubs got sick at the sight. SUCCESS!

With a roll of her eyes and an exasperated sigh, [_] turned her back on you and started walking back home, saying this day was for losers, not for her. FAILURE!

↪ Heartless (Evil) ::
[_]'s stalking technique was impeccable, but was the bloodthirsty grin really necessary? SUCCESS!

[_] spent the rest of the day mocking his target for running away after he got caught during the stalk. FAILURE!

↪ Humble (Good) ::
[_] successfully stalked and caught a bird. He thanked you for showing him that great technique the other day! SUCCESS!

[_] promised you that he'll practice more for next time. FAILURE!

↪ Humorous (Neutral) ::
[_] pretended to be a snake, tongue-flicking included. It... actually worked? SUCCESS!

[_] got something smelly on you before the training, and her snickers stopped her from being sneaky at all. FAILURE!

↪ Hyperactive (Snarky) ::
After an hour of running around, [_] managed to pull it together enough to get in some good sneaking! Nicely done! SUCCESS!

[_] was too twitchy to hold still, and thus all attempts at sneaking were completely botched today. FAILURE!

↪ Intrepid (Good) ::
You watched as [_] crept quietly up to a sleeping pridemate, took the rib bone they had been chewing on, and slunk back off to her own sleeping spot. How sneaky! SUCCESS!

You woke up when you heard a twig snap, and saw [_] trying to sneak up on you. She was carrying a feather. Oh, no. Your fur did not need "decorating", thanks! FAILURE!

↪ Joyful (Good) ::
[_] did well and stayed super quiet while stalking, a smile always seen on her face. What a cute cub. SUCCESS!

While getting ready for her turn to practice stalking, [_] shook with happiness and got so excited that she forgot what she was excited about. FAILURE!

↪ Laidback (Neutral) ::
[_] slowly stalked an older pridemate, pausing and pretending to nap every time she was spotted. It took ages, but she did get close enough to take a few bites of her elder's dinner! SUCCESS!

A bird spotted [_] stalking a meerkat and let out an alarm call. The meerkat and other nearby prey quickly fled. FAILURE!

↪ Lazy (Snarky) ::
[_] started to stalk a mouse, but then realized it was too much effort. At least she tried. SUCCESS!

↪ Loner (Neutral) ::
Apparently the “power of darkness and shadow” granted [_] his success in stalking today. Well, if it motivates him, then whatever works! SUCCESS!

↪ Loud (Snarky) ::
It was a real struggle for [_] to keep quiet while stalking a meerkat, but she did it! Afterwards, she enjoyed telling you all about it. In vivid detail. SUCCESS!

↪ Messy (Neutral) ::
Hey, during this training session, you found out that being covered in mud helped to mask [_]'s scent while hunting! SUCCESS!

[_] had found a nice bush to hide in while stalking her prey! Too bad a bunch of ants liked that bush too. FAILURE!

↪ Mischievous (Evil) ::
You shouldn’t have been surprised, but you were as you witnessed [_]'s cunning nature come into play today in the form of patience as she stalked her prey all the way to success. SUCCESS!

Following a beetle too intently, [_] wandered off from the rest of the group when you weren't looking only to come running back with an angry wildebeest bull chasing after her. You jumped into action and scared off the beast, but [_] was understandably too shaken up to continue today. FAILURE!

↪ Modest (Neutral) ::
[_] kept to herself and kept quiet, and that brought her success in stalking a mouse. Nicely done! SUCCESS!

[_] accidentally stepped on a stick while sneaking, and her prey dashed away. She tried to tell you that she was the worst at this, obviously, but you assured her that she is doing just fine overall. FAILURE!

↪ Mysterious (Neutral) ::
[_] smoothly and quietly catches his target. The question is, why is every girl cub in the area here to watch? SUCCESS!

Oh great, [_] disappeared again. You wish he spent less time daydreaming and more time actually doing things. FAILURE!

↪ Needy (Snarky) ::
[_] constantly looked back at you, asking for approval on her stalking technique. SUCCESS!

↪ Nurturing (Good) ::
Just when you thought you were safe, [_] stalked you down in the middle of your evening patrol and demanded that you let her groom away that cowlick in your mane, all in the name of "training". Sigh. SUCCESS!

[_] spent an hour stalking a herd of gazelle with her pridemates when she noticed a fawn within the herd's folds. She suddenly broke rank and split the herd up to keep the fawn safe. Her pridemates were less than thrilled with her protest. FAILURE!

↪ Obedient (Kind) ::
You absent-mindedly told [_] to find every meerkat in a neighbouring colony as her training for today. She returned a few hours later from her stalking training to report the exact number of meerkats. SUCCESS!

You told [_] to spend a few hours stalking something of interest and report back without getting caught. Taking your orders too literally, she returned a few hours later to report on a cute bee's movements among flowers. FAILURE!

↪ Patient (Kind) ::
While carefully watching meerkat holes for one to pop up, [_] ended up falling asleep. Funny to see him napping in the middle of a meerkat field. FAILURE!

[_] proved he can truly excel in stalking as he spent a good half an hour sitting still near a rabbit den. A big tasty meal was his reward! SUCCESS!

↪ Proud (Good) ::
[_] managed to stalk right up to a nervous mother bird sitting on its nest. No one else had been able to do that! SUCCESS!

↪ Prudent (Good) ::
[_] kept her focus on each movement of her body, which allowed her extra silence and netted her a tasty gerbil to crunch on. SUCCESS!

Sneaking typically works much better if you don't lose track of your prey while plotting out where to sneak from. [_] will learn that someday. FAILURE!

↪ Rebellious (Evil) ::
Although crawling through a fox hole to better sneak up on her target was unconventional, it still certainly worked. You wish you could fit through those still. SUCCESS!

[_] insisted she was still full from lunch, and she didn't want to do anything. Even though you spotted her cheerfully playing later… ugh. FAILURE!

↪ Romantic (Good) ::
[_] peered behind some bushes and watched the pride males enjoying their time in the sun. That's stalking, right? SUCCESS!

[_] was about to start stalking when she turned to you and asked where cubs come from. Oh boy… FAILURE!

↪ Sarcastic (Snarky) ::
[_] got startled by a boar while she was trying to sneak up to a classmate. She ran and tumbled over a log, twisting her paw. She firmly insisted that she was FINE. JUST FINE. EVERYTHING IS GREAT. FAILURE!

Sneaking? Ugh, [_] HATES sneaking. She's terrible at it, in fact. She muttered all this and then promptly returned with the mouse she caught. Nicely done. SUCCESS!

↪ Sassy (Snarky) ::
[_] made jokes about how she'd sneak with her magical psychic powers. You're not sure if that's what happened, but whatever she did, it worked. SUCCESS!

[_] proclaimed that if anyone called her dumb, she would smack them. Although she didn't do great today trying to maneuver into good sneaking places, you don't think she's dumb. Also, you don't want to get smacked. FAILURE!

↪ Secretive (Evil) ::
[_] stated that she was more interested in the meerkat and what it was doing than staying in the bushes. FAILURE!

[_] saw a butterfly and needed you to talk her through how to catch it. SUCCESS!

Silence reigned as [_] prowled through the bushes. SUCCESS!

↪ Self-Absorbed (Evil) ::
[_] really did do a great job sneaking up on the meerkat, though the story he's telling now definitely has some embellishments that make him sound even better. SUCCESS!

After [_] was gone stalking for a while, you went to check on him - only to find him flexing and looking at his fur in a puddle of water. Hah! FAILURE!

↪ Sinister (Evil) ::
Narrowing her eyes, [_] blended in the with the shadows to track the hare with ease. SUCCESS!

You found [_] whispering about how blood appears black in the moonlight. What happened to the practice hare? FAILURE!

↪ Snarky (Snarky) ::
You were treated to an insulting comment after [_] snuck up behind you and made you jump. SUCCESS!

[_] was obviously in the grass behind you the whole time. If only her stalking was as sharp as her tongue. FAILURE!

↪ Soft (Kind) ::
[_] stayed just out of sight as she watched jerboas scamper around. SUCCESS!

↪ Spontaneous (Neutral) ::
She may have missed catching the meerkat after that long in the grass, but [_] learned a lot about being invisible. SUCCESS!

↪ Stingy (Evil) ::
It wasn't even noon, but [_] claimed that it would be dark soon, and she didn't want hyenas to steal her food, so she ditched the training. FAILURE!

[_] wanted to get the mouse, and wanted to get it just right, so she waited quite a while before finally catching it. SUCCESS!

↪ Stubborn (Snarky) ::
Patiently, but a bit brashly, [_] managed to stalk a meerkat up and down the savannah. In the end, the animal seemed to be utterly exasperated due to her persistent following. SUCCESS!

[_] was way too focused on something else to put much effort into her stalking. All she managed to follow was a grass plume. FAILURE!

↪ Timid (Snarky) ::
[_] was completely comfortable staying in the grass. SUCCESS!

[_] kept on crying about monsters in the grass. FAILURE!

↪ Trusting (Good) ::
[_] snuck up on a sparrow and proudly gave a tiny roar. SUCCESS!

The other cubs told [_] that she could sneak better if she hummed dramatic sneaky music while she did it. She really ought to stop listening to them, as hilarious as it was. FAILURE!

↪ Unreliable (Snarky) ::
After a few failed attempts, [_] successfully stalked a jerboa. SUCCESS!

It seems no matter how many times [_] tried, she was just too noisy for stalking today. FAILURE!

↪ Unscrupulous (Evil) ::
[_] took some time to block the path of the rabbit with some tree branches before circling around to start stalking. That was… actually very effective. Well done. SUCCESS!

[_] should have been practicing stalking lizards, but it looks like he got distracted watching in fascination as an anthill consumed a baby bird alive. FAILURE!

↪ Upbeat (Kind) ::
[_] stalked a pridemate, and managed to notice and avoid a twig that would have given her away. SUCCESS!

The bird she was stalking was startled by [_] stepping on some dried grass. Oh, well. She prefers to watch birds instead of eating them anyway. FAILURE!

↪ Vain (Snarky) ::
You came across [_] off on her own, grooming. She had decided she didn't need any lessons and had snuck away. You'd never even noticed! SUCCESS!

[_] was stalking a lizard in the grass and got covered in burrs, so she had to abandon her lesson early to pick them all out. FAILURE!

↪ Warm (Kind) ::
[_] would rather rub her head against your chin than stalk about. FAILURE!

[_] snuck up on you and pounced, wrapping her paws around your mane. Cuddles! SUCCESS!

↪ Wary (Kind) ::
[_] lost track of the rat she was stalking and ended up face to face with a crocodile! Understandably, she did not want to practice stalking after that. FAILURE!

You had to coax [_] into it, but as she stalked alongside you, you were pleased to note that she had listened thoroughly and her technique was perfect. SUCCESS!
⤔ C L I M B I N G
↪ Arrogant (Snarky) ::
[_] was sure that someone else smoothed out the wall or made it slick somehow. It was the only explanation for why he failed! FAILURE!

[_] climbed up the small cliff and grinned triumphantly. It always felt great to be on top. SUCCESS!

↪ Awkward (Neutral) ::
[_] just couldn't quite manage herself today. She kept slipping and tripping over even the smallest rocks while attempting to scale a small cliff. Perhaps it would be best to just call it a day and eat some snacks. FAILURE!

[_] did a phenomenal job getting up that tree. If only she noticed the little bit of mud stuck to her butt beforehand... the other cubs couldn't help but snicker. SUCCESS!

↪ Bold (Snarky) ::
While scaling a steep wall, [_] managed to make a scary leap from one rock to another! Score! SUCCESS!

↪ Brutal (Evil) ::
Leaving deep gashes in the old baobab tree, [_] made it to the top in three bounds. SUCCESS!

[_] scaled the tree with a bit too much enthusiasm and slipped from a broken branch. Ouch. FAILURE!

↪ Calm (Kind) ::
Although being up so high in the tree made her heart race, [_] kept her head together and focused as she climbed. SUCCESS!

[_] took a fall while climbing and got stuck in a branch with nothing else to grab onto. Luckily she wasn't panicking, so rescuing her was easy. FAILURE!

↪ Candid (Kind) ::
[_] did an impeccable job scaling that steep little cliff. He didn't bother with any fancy technique - he just picked a spot and went! SUCCESS!

↪ Chivalrous (Good) ::
[_]'s training was successful! SUCCESS!

[_]'s training was unfortunately unsuccessful. Oh well, better luck tomorrow. FAILURE!

↪ Cold (Evil) ::
It seemed [_] has been keeping her tiny claws nice and sharp. She scaled the tree easily! SUCCESS!

[_] slipped off a branch and took a tumble. She hissed at you when you went to go help her back up. FAILURE!

↪ Confident (Kind) ::
[_] claimed that he was the best of the best at climbing. Today, he backed that up. SUCCESS!

[_] accidentally slipped off the cliff face and ended up clinging for his life on a tiny branch. He wasn't terrified, at least. FAILURE!

↪ Cuddly (Good) ::
[_] scrambled to the top of a rock to give baths in the sun. SUCCESS!

A pride mate thought that [_] looked dirty, and wanted to give her a bath. She didn't object. FAILURE!

↪ Curious (Kind) ::
[_] got halfway up the tree before she paused and began to ask you about the shadowy place. SUCCESS!

[_] got distracted by the amount of beetles flying around the tree, and began to ask you which one you liked best. FAILURE!

↪ Distant (Neutral) ::
[_] eyed the tree and prepared to climb, only to lose her nerve and back away without trying. FAILURE!

You approached your favorite napping rock, only to find [_] had already climbed up there and was sleeping soundly. SUCCESS!

↪ Distrustful (Evil) ::
Using reverse psychology, you told [_] the opposite of what you really wanted to say and so she climbed up the wall with relative ease. SUCCESS!

Half-way up the wall, [_] froze up and couldn't move up or down. It took half an hour of cajoling and reassuring her that you'd catch her to get her to let go. Thankfully you caught her... FAILURE!

↪ Down-to-Earth (Neutral) ::
Remembering her mother's wise words of "slow and steady wins the race", [_] figured it's even better advice for climbing so she takes her time to carefully and securely hoist herself up the tree. SUCCESS!

↪ Emotional (Kind) ::
Unable to get to the top branch, [_] felt she had failed the task and fell down in a heap of crying cub mess. FAILURE!

Climbing is easy when you have claws! [_] clung to the tree and swung in the heavy breeze, laughing hysterically. SUCCESS!

↪ Evasive (Neutral) ::
Much to your surprise, [_] didn't try to get out of the activity today, completing it with relative ease. She wouldn't tell you why, though. SUCCESS!

[_] sidled up to you and informed you that she's afraid of heights. Before you could say anything in response, she warned you that if you made her do something that scary, she'd tell her mother on you. You had no choice but to let her skip the activity. FAILURE!

↪ Even-Tempered (Neutral) ::
[_] did a pretty okay job at climbing, until he accidentally stuck his paw into a spiny branch. It hurt quite a bit, but he kept a brave face. FAILURE!

It turns out that [_] was pretty damn good at climbing when he got over any fear of heights! SUCCESS!

↪ Focused (Kind) ::
With careful paw placement and a great deal of patience, [_] scaled the entire wall by herself! SUCCESS!

It was time to scale the wall! Except [_] was trying way too hard to catch a bug. You failed to get her attention. FAILURE!

↪ Forgiving (Good) ::
Another cub tried to make fun of [_] for falling during his climb, but he just smiled and said he'll do better in the future. FAILURE!

The small cliff was a tough climb, but [_] managed it! He gave some helpful tips to a classmate while he was up there. SUCCESS!

↪ Friendly (Neutral) ::
[_] climbed up a tree to knock down a fruit for her friends to play with! SUCCESS!

[_] climbed a tree to look for her friends and got stuck! FAILURE!

↪ Gentle (Kind) ::
[_] decided to stay and cuddle with some newborn cubs rather than go climbing rocks with everyone else. FAILURE!

↪ Graceful (Good) ::
Another cub was stuck up an acacia tree! The pride gathered, wondering what to do, when [_] pushed through the crowd and climbed swiftly up to the rescue! SUCCESS!

↪ Gracious (Good) ::
[_] found a carcass stored up a tree. She couldn't see a leopard, but she could smell one, and decided not to risk climbing up for the meal. FAILURE!

[_] slowly climbed a large rock, assisting an older pride member so that they could sunbathe at the top together. SUCCESS!

↪ Grumpy (Evil) ::
[_] thought climbing was stupid and saw no reason she had to practice it, but she was quite good at it once she actually tried. SUCCESS!

[_] thought climbing was stupid, and nothing you said could convince her otherwise. FAILURE!

↪ Harsh (Evil) ::
[_] had a hard time climbing the wall, but she finished it all by herself anyway only to turn around and act like it was the easiest thing ever. SUCCESS!

Turning her nose up at it, [_] refused to do the climbing activity today, claiming that it was stupid and that whoever came up with the idea clearly lacked even two braincells to rub together. Okay, wow, that hurt a little... FAILURE!

↪ Heartless (Evil) ::
[_] couldn't manage to get anywhere today, so he took his frustration out on a nearby bush. Poor plant. FAILURE!

After [_] got to the top of the wall, he began having fun flinging pebbles and dirt at his classmates below! SUCCESS!

↪ Humble (Good) ::
[_] gave everyone a gentle smile in response to his success. You just want to hug him now. SUCCESS!

[_] spent some time assuring you that his inability to climb halfway up had nothing to do with your training ability. FAILURE!

↪ Humorous (Neutral) ::
[_] made up a song about "100 cubs on the wall" while she scaled the small cliff… and now she's still singing it. SUCCESS!

↪ Hyperactive (Snarky) ::
[_] scrambled clumsily up the wall, but it worked out pretty well in the end. He managed it! SUCCESS!

[_] did a good job rapidly getting up the wall, but he paid for his lack of care when he tumbled his way back down. FAILURE!

↪ Intrepid (Good) ::
[_] tried to climb higher than all the others, but quickly discovered the branches near the top of the tree were very weak. FAILURE!

A rotting elephant carcass proved to be more of a challenge to climb than [_] thought, but she made it! SUCCESS!

↪ Joyful (Good) ::
[_] climbed the tree quickly, sitting on a branch at the top. You could tell she was really enjoying the cool breeze through her fur. SUCCESS!

While climbing, [_] thought it would be fun to jump down on top of you. As she landed on your face, she laughed hysterically. FAILURE!

↪ Laidback (Neutral) ::
[_] successfully clawed her way up to a large tree branch and described for you all the animals she could see from her new vantage point. SUCCESS!

[_] fell out of a tree she was climbing and landed on her back. She laughed and said she preferred the view from down there anyway. FAILURE!

↪ Lazy (Snarky) ::
[_] took a little longer to climb the tree than the others, but hey, at least she did it! SUCCESS!

Staring up at the tree, [_] dug her claws into the bark. Yep, that's enough for one day. FAILURE!

↪ Loner (Neutral) ::
[_] was determined to show his classmates that he wasn't useless today. He scrambled up the wall and grinned - he showed them! SUCCESS!

↪ Loud (Snarky) ::
You heard [_] giving herself a pep talk as she prepared herself before climbing a tall tree. SUCCESS!

[_] didn't realize you meant they were supposed to climb the ROCKS and instead scramble up onto your mane! They leave some scratches and blame you for not specifying. Ouch! Their training sadly failed. FAILURE!

↪ Messy (Neutral) ::
[_] shimmied up an old, dry tree, showering the ground with bits of dry bark and twigs. SUCCESS!

[_] tried to store a carcass up a tree, the way she's seen a leopard do, but she slipped on a bit of intestine and crashed to the ground. FAILURE!

↪ Mischievous (Evil) ::
After looking downright cocky all day, [_] took her place, prepared to climb up that tree... only to go flying as her hidden contraption designed to make it easy for her backfired. All the other cubs laughed at her and you had a hard time getting them back under control. She looked devastated, but maybe now she'll learn cheating isn't worth it. FAILURE!

[_] easily made the climb only to stay up for a time to gleefully taunt the other cubs who were struggling by placing her paws over theirs with a toothy smirk and a few choice pieces of dialogue said in a mocking tone. SUCCESS!

↪ Modest (Neutral) ::
[_] really nailed tree-climbing today. She simply gave you a sweet smile each time you brought up how awesome she did today. SUCCESS!

[_] took a couple of falls trying to climb a tree today. She just sighed and figured she'd do better next time. FAILURE!

↪ Mysterious (Neutral) ::
[_] seemingly took some time to investigate the wall, but then his climbing was successful! SUCCESS!

You have no idea why [_] is stacking rocks in intricate patterns, but it certainly has nothing to do with climbing. FAILURE!

↪ Needy (Snarky) ::
[_] squeaked at you every 5 seconds for you to see how far up the tree she was. SUCCESS!

↪ Nurturing (Good) ::
[_] climbed the big tree and noticed a pridemate at the bottom too frightened to climb. She descended the tree and gently encouraged them by saying that they'd get good at it one day, too - complete with cuddles. SUCCESS!

[_] was going to climb the Baobab tree until she realized a nearby bird had made a nest with tiny eggs in its branches. Not wanting to disturb the nest, she refused to climb. FAILURE!

↪ Obedient (Kind) ::
[_] obediently climbed the tree when you asked her to, but then paused, waiting for you to tell her to come back down. Before you could instruct her to come back down, the branch snapped and she fell from her perch. FAILURE!

You asked [_] to climb the tree nearby the den. She immediately climbed the tree, using the tips you gave her. SUCCESS!

↪ Patient (Kind) ::
[_] took the time to carefully place each paw as he scaled a tricky hill. It was a damn impressive climb in the end! SUCCESS!

↪ Proud (Good) ::
You offered to give climbing tips to [_], but she swiftly climbed a tree in front of you and smirked. Maybe YOU needed the tips? SUCCESS!

[_] broke a claw trying to climb a small tree. It stung, but she pretended she was fine and went to take a nap rather than try again. FAILURE!

↪ Prudent (Good) ::
While not the fastest, [_] scaled the baobab without missing a single branch. SUCCESS!

[_] explains over and over again why climbing such an old tree is a terrible idea. Okay, she can sit this one out. FAILURE!

↪ Rebellious (Evil) ::
You asked [_] to practice climbing with the other cubs but she did not feel like it. FAILURE!

You asked [_] to move over to the shade so she could cool off. She huffed at you but eventually climbed up a very high tree to cool off on the branches when she thought you weren't looking. SUCCESS!

↪ Romantic (Good) ::
[_] had a habit of climbing around on your back, commenting on how lovely your fur was. SUCCESS!

While lying around on your back, [_] sighed and told you about her dream of a handsome lion rescuing her from a cave and carrying her off into the sunset. What about that training though? FAILURE!

↪ Sarcastic (Snarky) ::
Nah, it's fine. [_] meant to fall butt-first out of a tree and into an anthill. It was hilarious for everyone involved. She LIKES it when everyone laughs at her. Totes. FAILURE!

↪ Sassy (Snarky) ::
[_] kept up some hilarious commentary as she scaled the tree. "Hey you, branch, get your butt down here so I can grab you. You too, or I'll tell your mother how you failed as a branch." SUCCESS!

[_] promptly fell on her butt after trying to scale the tree. She got up, dusted herself off, and struck a pose as the other cubs applauded. FAILURE!

↪ Secretive (Evil) ::
[_] enjoyed being able to think about "things" and watch everything from the top of the rock she climbed. SUCCESS!

[_] said that there was more to look at down here than the tall rock, giving no other reason. FAILURE!

↪ Self-Absorbed (Evil) ::
[_] liked how everyone watched while he scaled the small cliffside. He made sure to pose and roar at the top in victory! SUCCESS!

↪ Sinister (Evil) ::
[_] got distracted by a viper crawling through the rock pile. You heard her muttering something about wanting to keep it. FAILURE!

[_] dashed to the top of the rock pile, then began pushing small stones over the edge to stop her opponents from getting any higher. SUCCESS!

↪ Snarky (Snarky) ::
[_] glared at you from the ground. Climbing is for baby cubs. FAILURE!

[_] scrambled her way up the rocks, looking down at you with a superior expression. SUCCESS!

↪ Soft (Kind) ::
[_] took an exceptionally long time to climb, as she wanted to leave grooves for the other cubs. SUCCESS!

↪ Spontaneous (Neutral) ::
She was supposed to climb from a lioness's paws to their head, but [_] tried to climb the wrong end. FAILURE!

[_] decided to grab a loose branch, but it worked and she got to the top of the tree. SUCCESS!

↪ Stingy (Evil) ::
At first [_] didn't want to climb, but then she saw a pretty feather, and who could say no to that? SUCCESS!

[_] didn't want to climb because she found a cool feather, and the wind could take it before she got back. FAILURE!

↪ Stubborn (Snarky) ::
Not wanting to be left behind, [_] worked hard to climb the rocky outcropping you had picked for today's training, then refused to move from the high spot she had conquered. SUCCESS!

[_] was nowhere to be found during the climbing training. She didn't show her face until long after it was over. FAILURE!

↪ Timid (Snarky) ::
How [_] climbed that quickly is a mystery, but you are sure it was out of fear. SUCCESS!

[_] didn't get too high up before she looked down and got scared of falling, and you had to help her back down. FAILURE!

↪ Trusting (Good) ::
[_] was afraid of heights, but you told her that you'd catch her if she fell. Suddenly full of confidence, she went right up that tree! SUCCESS!

You told [_] that the rickety old branch on the tree would be fine to use. It wasn't. Crap. FAILURE!

↪ Unreliable (Snarky) ::
[_] seemed to find something of interest, and clawed her way up to inspect it. SUCCESS!

↪ Unscrupulous (Evil) ::
[_] didn't quite climb up in the fastest amount of time, but he left animal fat on the ledges behind him, so his classmates did even worse. SUCCESS!

[_] spent too much time trying to smear tree sap on the hill and not enough time actually competing. Good job. FAILURE!

↪ Upbeat (Kind) ::
[_] hummed cheerfully to herself, climbing a large rock with ease. SUCCESS!

[_] eyed the tree she was supposed to climb, but decided to play with a dung beetle instead. FAILURE!

↪ Vain (Snarky) ::
[_] had no interest in climbing until you told her that you thought she would look magnificent posing at the top of a large rock. And she did! SUCCESS!

[_] just had no time for climbing. She had to groom her fur, clean her claws and get her beauty sleep. FAILURE!

↪ Warm (Kind) ::
Another cub had somehow managed to get stuck atop a huge rock, and [_] clawed her way up to rescue them. SUCCESS!

↪ Wary (Kind) ::
[_] only climbed up the rock to sit next to you after you assured her the scorpion she'd seen earlier was gone. SUCCESS!

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Edited on 14/03/19 @ 20:33:27 by deimos (#6571)

Dariaczi (#4264)

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Posted on
2016-08-08 23:12:43
Stalking -> Cuddly (Good) -> Failure 
It was a good attempt at stalking, but [_] ended up napping next to you instead.

Stalking -> Harsh (Evil) -> Failure
With a roll of her eyes and an exasperated sigh, [_] turned her back on you and started walking back home, saying this day was for losers, not for her.

Climbing -> Unscrupulous (Evil) -> Failure
[_] spent too much time trying to smear tree sap on the hill and not enough time actually competing. Good job.

Stalking -> Forgiving (Good) -> Success 
[_] felt a little bad after he scared the crap out of his classmate with his sneaking. He left them a gift as an apology. 

Climbing -> Cuddly (Good) -> Failure
A pride mate thought that [_] looked dirty, and wanted to give her a bath. She didn't object.

Climbing -> Obedient (Good) -> Failure
[_] obediently climbed the tree when you asked her to, but then paused, waiting for you to tell her to come back down. Before you could instruct her to come back down, the branch snapped and she fell from her perch.

Stalking -> Patient (Kind) -> Success
[_] proved he can truly excel in stalking as he spent a good half an hour sitting still near a rabbit den. A big tasty meal was his reward! .

Climbing -> Chivalrous (Good) -> Failure
[_]'s training was unfortunately unsuccessful. Oh well, better luck tomorrow.

Stalking -> Chivalrous (Good) -> Failure

[_] wasn't sure if he liked the idea of getting a snack with trickery and underhanded sneaking. He just sullenly sat and refused to give it a shot.

Stalking -> Confident (Kind) -> Failure
[_] was sure in his skill, but he wasn't quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite sneaky enough today. Too bad.

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deimos [ cairngorm
king ] (#6571)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-09 04:44:02
Updated! Also added this one too -

Snarky (Snarky) / Climbing / Success
[_] scrambled her way up the rocks, looking down at you with a superior expression.

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Dariaczi (#4264)

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Posted on
2016-08-14 06:56:52
Climbing -> Upbeat (Kind) -> Failure 
[_] eyed the tree she was supposed to climb, but decided to play with a dung beetle instead.

Stalking -> Vain (Snarky) -> Failure
[_] was stalking a lizard in the grass and got covered in burrs, so she had to abandon her lesson early to pick them all out.

Stalking -> Even-Tempered (Neutral) -> Success
[_] managed to stamp down his impatience and work hard on staying silent - which won him a tasty lizard in the end. 

Climbing -> Patient (Kind) - Success
[_] took the time to carefully place each paw as he scaled a tricky hill. It was a damn impressive climb in the end! 

Climbing -> Sassy (Snarky) -> Failure
[_] promptly fell on her butt after trying to scale the tree. She got up, dusted herself off, and struck a pose as the other cubs applauded.

Climbing -> Obedient (Kind) -> Success
You asked [_] to climb the tree nearby the den. She immediately climbed the tree, using the tips you gave her. 

Climbing -> Stingy (Evil) -> Failure
[_] didn't want to climb because she found a cool feather, and the wind could take it before she got back.

Stalking -> Mischievous (Evil) -> Failure
Following a beetle too intently, [_] wandered off from the rest of the group when you weren't looking only to come running back with an angry wildebeest bull chasing after her. You jumped into action and scared off the beast, but [_] was understandably too shaken up to continue today.

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deimos [ cairngorm
king ] (#6571)

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Posted on
2016-08-14 07:47:20
Updated! Thank you~ ^^

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deimos [ cairngorm
king ] (#6571)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-18 02:24:39
One of my cubs finally gave me something new.

[ Climbing / Laidback (Neutral) / Failure ]
[_] fell out of a tree she was climbing and landed on her back. She laughed and said she preferred the view from down there anyway.

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Dariaczi (#4264)

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Posted on
2016-08-18 05:25:58
Np, its fun to collect these :D

Climbing -> Secretive (Evil) -> Failure 
[_] said that there was more to look at down here than the tall rock, giving no other reason.

Stalking -> Distant (Neutral) -> Failure
You heard a sound and turned to see [_] approaching. She halted, then backed away and vanished into the grass.

Climbing -> Stubborn (Snakry) -> Failure
[_] was nowhere to be found during the climbing training. She didn't show her face until long after it was over.

Climbing -> Vain (Snarky) -> Failure
[_]  just had no time for climbing. She had to groom her fur, clean her claws and get her beauty sleep.

Stalking -> Self-Absorbed (Evil) -> Success
[_] really did do a great job sneaking up on the meerkat, though the story he's telling now definitely has some embellishments that make him sound even better.

Stalking -> Self-Absorbed (Evil) -> Failure
After [_] was gone stalking for a while, you went to check on him - only to find him flexing and looking at his fur in a puddle of water. Hah!

Climbing -> Self-Absorbed (Evil) -> Success
[_] liked how everyone watched while he scaled the small cliffside. He made sure to pose and roar at the top in victory!

Climbing -> Awkward (Neutral) -> Failure
[_] just couldn't quite manage herself today. She kept slipping and tripping over even the smallest rocks while attempting to scale a small cliff. Perhaps it would be best to just call it a day and eat some snacks.

Climbing -> Awkward (Neutral) -> Success
[_] did a phenomenal job getting up that tree. If only she noticed the little bit of mud stuck to her butt beforehand... the other cubs couldn't help but snicker. 

Stalking -> Awkward (Neutral) -> Success
With a little wiggle, [_] leapt from her crouch, stumbled, and dove headfirst into a polecat. Yay?

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Edited on 18/08/16 @ 12:26:19 by Dariaczi (#4264)

deimos [ cairngorm
king ] (#6571)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-19 08:32:05
Updated ! I would've done so yesterday, but my cat wasn't feeling well. D:

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Dariaczi (#4264)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 00:41:18
I really hope your cat is ok by now :")

Climbing -> Proud (Good) -> Success
You offered to give climbing tips to [_], but she swiftly climbed a tree in front of you and smirked. Maybe YOU needed the tips?

Climbing -> Modest (Neutral) -> Failure
[_] took a couple of falls trying to climb a tree today. She just sighed and figured she'd do better next time.

Stalking -> Mysterious (Neutral) -> Failure
Oh great, [_] disappeared again. You wish he spent less time daydreaming and more time actually doing things.

Climbing -> Cold (Evil) -> Failure
[_] slipped off a branch and took a tumble. She hissed at you when you went to go help her back up.

Stalking -> Even-Tempered (Neutral) -> Failure
[_] was doing an alright job sneaking up on a baby boar… until suddenly the mother charged out of the bush and startled him in turn! Wow, it's usually pretty difficult to rattle him.

Stalking -> Focused (Kind) -> Success
You didn't hear [_] come up behind you at all. You're impressed with her planning and care. 

Stalking -> Prudent (Good) -> Failure
Sneaking typically works much better if you don't lose track of your prey while plotting out where to sneak from. [_] will learn that someday.

Climbing -> Focused (Kind) -> Success
With careful paw placement and a great deal of patience, [_] scaled the entire wall by herself! 

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deimos [ cairngorm
king ] (#6571)

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Posted on
2016-08-31 07:16:58
Updated! Finally. ^^

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deimos [ cairngorm
king ] (#6571)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-31 07:35:29
Also updated with these I got today!

Sinister (Evil) / Climbing / Success
[_] dashed to the top of the rock pile, then began pushing small stones over the edge to stop her opponents from getting any higher.

Warm (Kind) / Climbing / Success
Another cub had somehow managed to get stuck atop a huge rock, and [_] clawed her way up to rescue them.

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deimos [ cairngorm
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Posted on
2016-09-01 01:32:11
Even-Tempered (Neutral) / Climbing / Failure
[_] did a pretty okay job at climbing, until he accidentally stuck his paw into a spiny branch. It hurt quite a bit, but he kept a brave face.

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Dariaczi (#4264)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 04:04:54
Climbing -> Prudent (Good) -> Failure
[_] explains over and over again why climbing such an old tree is a terrible idea. Okay, she can sit this one out.

Climbing -> Bold (Snarky) -> Success 
While scaling a steep wall, [_] managed to make a scary leap from one rock to another! Score!

Climbing -> Loud (Snarky) -> Failure
[_] didn't realize you meant they were supposed to climb the ROCKS and instead scramble up onto your mane! They leave some scratches and blame you for not specifying. Ouch! Their training sadly failed.

Climbing -> Lazy (Snarky) -> Success
[_] took a little longer to climb the tree than the others, but hey, at least she did it!

Stalking -> Calm (Kind) -> Failure
[_] loses interest in stalking her fellow cubs and goes to groom herself instead.

Climbing -> Brutal (Evil) -> Failure
[_] scaled the tree with a bit too much enthusiasm and slipped from a broken branch. Ouch.

Stalking -> Humorous (Neutral) -> Failure 
[_] got something smelly on you before the training, and her snickers stopped her from being sneaky at all.

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deimos [ cairngorm
king ] (#6571)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-16 17:16:35
Finally updated after a long battle with procrastination!

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deimos [ cairngorm
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Posted on
2016-10-18 04:56:00
Secretive (Evil) / Stalking / Success
Silence reigned as [_] prowled through the bushes.

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deimos [ cairngorm
king ] (#6571)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-03 00:30:19
Even-Tempered / Climbing / Success
It turns out that [_] was pretty damn good at climbing when he got over any fear of heights!

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