Posted by Auto accept breeding feature

Kady Lannister (#9947)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 04:51:42
So i was thinking it would be coool if there was a setting on your king to where you can optionally put 'Auto accept breed requests' just incase said person is away and cant accept request. It would auto breed.

Now it wouldnt be like this all the time it would just be an option Stud owner can choose if theu decide there gonna be gone on vacationfor a monh but still want there stud available for public.

I say this because theres been a few time where i take a week-month break from lioden come back and realize people sent me stud request but i just wasnt around to accept them; OR i would find a stud i like and the user hasnt been on for a week and a half ect.

And like if its one of those long breeding process and thhe male is out of energy when an auto breed is accepted a small message would be like

"-insert stud name here- is out of energy try again later"

Im bad at makig little messages for this stuff but you get the idea right?

----------------[ I M P O R T A N T • F E E D B A C K]-----------------

[ 1 ]
"No support, sorry. It could be abused to breed to high stat boys on accounts that were banned."

Answer: In that case on said banned accounts staff can lock/turn off breeding on said lion; there for there wont be no abusive high breeding ect

[ 2 ]
"I support. But, I think, that there should be additional options for whom will be this stud available. Something like "everyone", "clan only" or "friends only". Because this can be "abused" by VLF breeders, who find out pretty stud and will use all his energy for one lioness. In this case it will be good to also limit number of attempt's for one single lioness. Just my opinion :)"

Answer: I agree with this! Thanks for a feed back this woukd make things a little less messy!

[ 3 ]
"I propose, along with the option to choose who the feature is available too (clan members, public, or friends only), you can set it to where you have a min. fert requirement. No less than 20% fert, if you wish to make sure the energy to fairly distributed instead of used on VLF only.

I also think some sort of limitation should be implemented with this to prevent abuse if you freeze your kings for long periods of time to prevent aging. It would be a bit of a cheat, say, if i set it on my stud Gajeel while I freeze him and then there would never be use to roll him. I have ideas floating around to make this possible... like slots not resetting until rolled again. or a limitation on how many times or how long it can be set. I feel It should also be a feature that is in the oasis, that auto feeder and cub stages"

Answer: ... Everything.. Absalutly everything i agree on! This is why i love feedback! It help add to the idea to make it better more agreeable to. And say maybe a time limit per day its on?

This suggestion has 32 supports and 10 NO supports.

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Edited on 28/08/16 @ 21:00:37 by Lady Kana (#9947)

Khajiit {G1 Leonid
Magpie} (#68800)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 04:55:38
No support, sorry. It could be abused to breed to high stat boys on accounts that were banned.

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R4inb0wLi0N (#95956)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 04:56:05
This would be great ! I always use studs for my lionesses because my king sucks , and whenever I find a good stud they are always offline . Another idea would be to have a search option that lets you know which lions / people are online .

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Xathina[main] (#70238)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2016-08-28 04:56:15
I actually think this is a wonderful idea, as I have very spotty activity, and a sorta sought after stud.. I had to take him off of studding due to unavailability.

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castiel ✨ (#19502)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-28 04:56:41
Support, this would totally help some people!! I'm a college/high school student so I'm constantly busy, I come back to missed stud requests and too late to accept them which makes me feel bad to not accept this persons stud request.

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Kady Lannister (#9947)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 04:57:27
@Bat; then iff accounts are banned then staff can shut iff studdin on said lions..

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Xathina[main] (#70238)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2016-08-28 04:57:56
@bat, yeah, bit the person would have to set it up!! Therefore, no abuse! :D

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Ezgati~Crazy Panther
Lady~🐆 (#28391)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 04:59:02
I support. But, I think, that there should be additional options for whom will be this stud available. Something like "everyone", "clan only" or "friends only". Because this can be "abused" by VLF breeders, who find out pretty stud and will use all his energy for one lioness. In this case it will be good to also limit number of attempt's for one single lioness. Just my opinion :)

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Khajiit {G1 Leonid
Magpie} (#68800)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 04:59:15
Then you should add that to the main post of your suggestion Lady Kana :3

Edit: Oh, it is there to set by yourself? Must've read it wrong as auto set, sorry, my bad ^^"

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Edited on 28/08/16 @ 12:01:45 by Bat <Satan Is Not Amused> (#68800)

Kady Lannister (#9947)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 05:01:05
Will do!

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castiel ✨ (#19502)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-28 05:01:32
I totally agree with Ezgati, there should be a "Get the highest fertility lioness pregnant first" highest to lowest. VLF lioness last so higher girls don't wait so long. There should also be a "No VLF" option, where no VLF studs don't have to worry about it.

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Kady Lannister (#9947)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 05:05:30
I added a feedback thing on my post !

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 05:25:43
I don't support this, mainly because it would mean people are making profit of the studding feature while not being online at all. I find it unfair to those who do online regularly.

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Kady Lannister (#9947)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 09:18:52
berenos some people have jobs; kids to take care of or things to do; and maybe on holidays people LIKE to spend 3-7 days woth there family and what if there is a family death and they just need time away from the interenet in the family; like me right now my dog just had puppies and there at the point of weening and i need to spend more time with them then this game; BUT i want my atud still available to those wjo want to to breed him; hes not popular but he gets occasional breeding request and sometimes i dont make it back in time.. Some people just dpnt HAVE time especially since school is coming up people ate gonna get busier and busier as the times goes but that doesnt mean there leaving lioden; i think its perfectly fair... It would be a feature open FOR EVERYONE not just a few people specific... So i sont see what the problem of that would be.

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Mystery (#38000)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 10:00:04
The only issue I have with this is that your energy could be randomly drained by other people while you're trying to use it. Say, for example, you're exploring or even breeding your own ladies, and all of a sudden, your energy is completely gone when you swore you had over 80%. Wouldn't that freak you out? And the only way to prevent this would be to either turn the feature off, or to set up a notification in which you manually allow the person to autobreed - but then, the feature is overwritten and useless.
You could just say that some people don't get stud requests all that often, or you could just not enable to auto-accept feature while you're trying to use your energy, but.. that's a bit tedious. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would keep forgetting to turn on/off the feature if I wanted to use it at one time and to not use it at another time.

Also, people could potentially abuse this feature to mess with users whom they dislike. Just think about it. I mean, hopefully this would never happen, but what if someone had a problem with another person, and they just constantly sent stud requests to that person so they could constantly drain their energy? How annoying would that get?
There would have to be so much more to this feature than a switch to turn it on/off. You would have to be able to block certain people from using the feature, possibly set how many times in a row they can auto breed in a certain amount of time, etc.
Overall I think it's just a bit too much. If someone wants to allow other users to breed their stud this way, there's too much they will possibly have to worry about. I'm just not sure it would work out.

And if this were implemented, what would even happen to the traditional way of studding? Of course it would still be there for people who don't have auto-accept turned on, however... if you have auto-accept turned on, could people still traditionally stud to your king? In that case, there could be too much to deal with. You'd have people constantly auto-breeding your male, and then you'd have others who want you to accept the stud request manually.

I don't know, I just don't like the idea of my king's energy being drained all the time. And of course, I could just not turn the feature on, but still. I'm not sure how many people would even use the feature since I can't be the only one who wouldn't want their energy constantly at 0 when they didn't even get to use it themselves.

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Edited on 28/08/16 @ 17:02:16 by Mystery (#38000)

Kady Lannister (#9947)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 10:26:28
Theres a salution to that its an optionsl feature just lile not EVERYONE has to have there stud even able tp stud no stud fee no nothing people dknt HAVE to use this option; just like people DONT have to have there studs open to public

Edit; the feature could be turned on and off at any time so you can turn it on when you go to bed or away for the weekened ect and then turn it off while your active on lioden ... Its reall not sll that a problem

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Edited on 28/08/16 @ 17:28:12 by Lady Kana (#9947)

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