Posted by Lone Survivors || Roleplay Thread!

Cosmos (#35140)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-31 13:11:22

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||The Island||

This island you've all found yourselves on is rather large and would take about three days to make a complete circle around, and about half that to cut straight across.
It is located in the Atlantic Ocean, and is surrounded by miles upon miles of sea water, diminishing all hopes of being able to find civilization yourselves. The only possible chance of survival would be for rescuers to come.
Because it is near the equator, it is fairly tropical and therefore the plant and wildlife reflects that. The island's shores are mostly beach, but there is one area where rock formations have formed a large, sheer cliff. This could be a key lookout point, perhaps. The rocks take up a good portion of the shoreline. These formations are located west of the island, while to the east of the island there is a large mountain that is actually a very inactive volcano. The rest of the island is mostly tropical forrest with occasional clearings and even salty lakes.
As for climate, it is extremely hot during the day and it is advised to not do extreme work during the heat. During the night, however, the island turns bitter cold as the ocean brings in chilly winds. Storms and hurricanes are very frequent and can leave the island in ruins.

Other than this, bring the island to life with your imagination.

*Please note that if want there to be a hurricane or anything that would drastically change the plot then please notify me and I will accept or decline due to timing, etc. If the plot is going well and we don't need anything to keep it going, then don't bother with it. Also, no "and then the volcano suddenly came to life after hundreds of years of being silent." like no. That would mean everyone dies. The end.
Anyway, if you have any other ideas that could give the plot a twist other than climate, like disease, characters dying (your own or with permission), etc, feel free to shoot me a pm! :)*

You wish to take on this challenge, this fight for survival?..
Then go onward...


.:Follow Lioden rules:.

.:Max of 3 characters per user:.

.:Please be literate, a minimum of 3-4 sentences per post!:.

.:No killing/hurting other characters without permission/response:.

.:No powerplaying or "perfect/powerful" characters (Ex: "heals with medicine I found". Or "somehow has a phone that survived the wreck", etc.)

.:This is a realistic roleplay! No powers or anything that wouldn't happen in a real life situation:.

.:Allowed to have ONE item of your choice that survived the crash!(Be realistic, and item has to be approved!):.

.:If wanted, I can create a chat room for 18+ scenes. Otherwise, fade:.

.:All sexualities allowed!:.

*Please note there will be a limited number of slots and I hold the right to remove you from the roleplay or not accept you at all if I see fit. This will be a literate roleplay only.*


Jaxton Reed

Vic Blaze

Tobias Engel

Caine Montovoli

Amber Hribarova

Ashoka "Ocher" Verma

Kennedy Elliot

Alexandra Belmonte

Katherine St. Claire

Naomi Campbell

Athena Violet

Autumn Dire

Linnea Nordstorm

Alexander "Alex" Graye

Ares Violet

Tristan Marx

Taavetti Machiavelli

Emi Fujioka
Have fun! :)

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 05/09/16 @ 12:55:32 by Cosmos (#35140)

Kuma ™ | Semi
Frozen (#16165)

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Posted on
2016-09-06 11:08:47

Naomi Campbell | Female | 17 | Bi-Sexual | Mentions: Anyone That Applies

It seemed like it has been hours that she had been walking down the stretch of beach, only to find no sign of the crash, let alone any survivors. Sweat beaded her forehead and her tongue felt dry and sticky against the roof of her mouth as she breathed hard, trudging through the sand. "Gahhh!", she groaned, partially screaming to the wind. Plopping down onto her butt, Naomi began tearing off her washed denim jeans, leaving only about a hand's width of fabric to cover her pink thong. Sighing in relief, Naomi placed her hands upon her tanned, toned thighs, breathing heavily and looking at the sand. As ocean water washed up the sand to her feet, the young woman shook her head, flinging her head up and running her fingers through her long, flowing black hair. As she preoccupied herself by combing out her locks, Naomi's eyes flickered around to see movement just down the beach. She parted her plump lips and started screaming, waving her hands with her jean legs in the air. "Hey! HEY!", she screamed, jumping up and down and waving wildly. Having been in track and cross country, one would think that Naomi would have the strength to run to the figures she had seen in the distance; instead, being as groggy and dehydrated as she was, the tanned girl rolled up her t-shirt sleeves and made her way down the beach in a slow, lazy, jogging fashion. She held both jean legs and plant journal in her left hand and cupped her mouth with her right hand, screaming, "Hey! Over here!". As Naomi ran, she hadn't thought about whether these people would be friendly, if they food or not, or if they were injured. She just kept on running.

(( idk what the biggest group is, or who is in it, but lets just assume she is headed towards them. ))

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cinnamonbuns (#72092)

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Posted on
2016-09-06 11:25:27
Alexandra Belmonte| Female- hetero| mentions Caine, Kennedy and Vic

She chuckled a bit at Vic's attempt of spanish, his effort was good so she was about to open her mouth until Caine spoke for her. His tone was beginning to grow annoying for her and she just couldn't stand it anymore, she would rather be up and working to get off this island then sitting around and waiting for others to come. They needed a shelter,food,things that weren't as easy to be found on this island and not to mention they have a person who is in critical condition. They needed to find other survivors, there was no way that they were the only ones who survived the deadly plane crash. Kennedy didn't look so good, she didnt know how long she would have, they needed medical supplies that were no where to be found. If only she could remember some of the other english vocabulary that she learned when traveling to America, then communication would just go by smoothly. She had a massive headache from going too long without water but she didnt want to take anything from Kennedy because she knew how much more she needed it. Alexandra desperately wanted to find the others, if there even were others, but for now she had to stay with them to help take care of Kennedy. She had an idea or would at list try to communicate with Vic, " Vic..otros...othe-" She struggled to speak out. " F..i..othe-otros.." She cursed herself mentally but tried to focus on telling him to find other people to help. " I.." she spoke and then pointed to herself and to the ground, indicating that she was staying with her while he could go out and get help or at list more of it, they werent going to survive with just four of them.

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[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-09-06 11:28:58
Amber Hribarova | 47 | Loc: Beach | Ment: Literally everyone, to her horror | Open

And just her luck that there was a nice supply of palm leaves near an absolutely impossible amount of people. She had expected maybe five people? No, this was more, with even more she could hear and see further out, and Amber didn't like it the slightest. More competition, more liabilities whenever she left her to-be camp without Ocher to guard it. She gave a frustrated grunt as she grit her teeth. She was just too tired for this.

There was a cluster of people, talking, some dying, from the looks of it. She'd give a blow to the first of these presumed deadbeats that touched her precious pile of palm fronds. She was sleeping on them, lugging them around, and deserved to at least sleep in semi-comfort. Tomorrow... there was a lot of work to be had. Ugh, maybe even now? Was there enough light for her to make another trip to strip the dead of clothing and anything else, like shoelaces, she could use?

She roughly elbowed past someone on the periphery, noticing one of the last fronds she wanted. A bundle like this would be ample for a bedding, maybe? She wasn't used to primitive forms of beds.

(I still wonder if anyone remembers Amber is basically topless and using her wet shirt as a scarf)

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2016-09-06 11:37:59

Vic Blaze | Male | 19 | Bisexual | Mentions Alexandra ( Open for interactions )

It seemed like the older female tried to talk to him. Her english was a bit spanglish. He gave it a thought, trying to remember what he had learned in spanish class. Fi others? Find Others! the words clicked in his mind. Yo comprende!" he tried to say, he knew he failed at saying " He knew " what she told him but hopefully she knew what he ment. He gave her a quick nod and got up, then he walked off but then turned to give the girls a quick glance. If he leaves.. They will be alone.. But.. They do have that guy.. he didn't feel comfortable leaving them with him, but if the girl wanted him to find help he will. He skidded off through the trees and made it on the otherside. He decided to go north. He yelled out "Help!" multiple times, hoping someone will hear him.

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Hange Zoe (#72802)

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Posted on
2016-09-06 11:41:02
Emi Fujioka|| Female|| 17|| Location: Beach|| Mentions: Naomi

She continued to wander aimlessly through the huge trees and suddenly saw an opening ahead of her. She gasped in relief to see that it lead to the beach as she ran towards it as fast as she could. Her feet felt the crunching of the sand while she looked to her left and right, feeling a bit of hopelessness inside of her that she saw no one. Her eyes squinted to see if there was any land close by but she saw nothing but waves and more water. "Dammit!!..." She cursed under her breath as more worry and fear consumed her. She paced around for several moments and then decided to go left, hoping with all her might that she chose the right path. Her cut was getting worse, and she needed to find the right materials to tend it, but she had to know if there was anyone else out there, so there was no time to ease the pain she felt. She had no idea how long she's been walking, and all she saw was the calm blue of the ocean and the piercing sky that laid ahead of her. Sweat dripped down from her face, as her feet started to ache but she still headed forward in a quickly manner, desperately hoping to find someone before nightfall. Then her eyes slowly widened when she saw a figure ahead of her, rubbing her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things. When she figured out that she it was real,gave a loud sob in relief and joy. But she realized that the figure was fading, then she noticed that the person was running. She quickly panicked and started screaming as loud as she could. "HEEEYYY!!!! OVER HEEEREEEE!!!!!!" She yelled while she began to sprint toward the moving figure. "HELP!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!" She pleaded, trying her hardest to catch up. Once she saw a female with black hair before her, she stood there panting in exhaustion, her eyes filling with tears. "Oh thank god......" She gasped out in sheer joy as she bent down to placed her hands onto her knees, her breaths growing fainter after a moment.

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Daddy Daiya (#94847)

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Posted on
2016-09-06 12:28:20

Taavetti stood, blankly staring off into the distance. After offering his only weapon, he felt weak, powerless against what might throw themselves at him. Leopards? Snakes? Bears? Bears he could handle, but that wasn't the point. He needed to find something to use for shelter, a cave maybe.

Noticing a cluster of rocks further down the beach, he hurried off, scampering away hopefully unnoticed as he arrived at his location. Maybe he could have privacy here, maybe he could dry off even? With low hopes he hauled himself over the edge and into the center of the cluster.

It wasn't much, but it was enough for him. With the way the rock jutted out it was deep and covered enough for him to be able to kneel under and escape the elements. Sure, he had to crawl to get into the hole, but it was better than nothing. It was dark, he'd need a source of light for around night, and some sort of flood guard if it rained a lot. Some work to do, but better than nothing.

Should he tell the others? There was no way there would be enough room for more than a few, not all of them. Maybe the area opened up further down? There was no way he was risking his safety crawling into a dark, narrow chasm in the corner of the small hideaway, too dark to see any sort of anything.

Crawling his way out, he tossed a few stones over to the opening to make it look more natural, he had to think about this. He could survive on his own if need be, why did he need anyone elses help? He'd just say nothing, and run off if needed. No troubles for anyone.

Taking off his wet shirt and pants, he left them out on the rocks to dry. Leaving him in just his briefs he laid down on the sunwarmed stones. Maybe he could build a boat?

A boat would work nicely.

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 10:35:56

Athena Violet | Female | Bisexual+Heteroromantic | 20 years old
Location: The Beach | Mentions: Alexander [Directly]

Attention returning to the man, a brow was raised in confussion. Didn't he believed her capable of such a thing? Well, he would be wrong if that was the case. While not a bad first impression, he seemed to be the one to take the rol of rebel and i-don't-care type. She erased the idea of calling him 'Whatever Boy', deciding that it would be a more respectful plan to call him just Alex. Listening intently to his instructions however, she doubted that someone else would volunteer, for whatever reasons they all had. "I am Athena.", she introduced yet again. "Well, as far as i know, we are the only survivors, and apparently you and me the only capable, physically and mentally.", she'd explain briefly with a light shrug. A huff escaped while she walked upon she sand, nearing the forest before the beach. "I will focus on a fire for now. I don't want to figure out how cold this island is during the night the hard way. Once we have it, i'll help you with the shelter.", Athena announced, deciding that the farther of the shore, the better, her standing spot would be a good place to build. If it rained, the leaves and branches of the trees above would prevent the fire from turning off completely, before them the lush vegetation. Her eyes focused on Alex, expression questioning by itself if he agreed. It was teamwork, after all.

OOC: I could have continued, but oh well.

Guyz, come one. This can't die. U.U

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[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-09-08 12:04:03
Amber Hribarova | 47 | Loc: Beach | Ment: Athena | OpenM/b<

Her job done, Amber was more than happy to start heading back, moving up to try to find the punch marks she left before. The light was fading, and a bolt of fear struck through her, if for a second. What if she couldn't return to Ocher?She didn't like it.

The marks she left were large, obvious, and horrifying- just the thing brass knuckles could do. Especially the last, because finding the path was worse than following it. She chewed her lower lip, squinting her one good eye. Aha! She could see it... right next to people! Excellent! Of all the people who didn't die, there were these two jabronies standing in front of her escape path!

She tromped up closer. She was already tired enough, and clapped a hand on a woman's shoulder, hoping the brass knuckles would announce themselves through touch alone. "Move," She growled, pushing slightly on the woman's shoulder. She had a bundle of primitive bedding, a partner that needed to be protected, and she wasn't going to let two hooligans take /her/ by surprise at night! As for the male...

"You too. I'm setting up here," Best explanation she could make up. Hopefully she'd intimidate them enough to escape unseen.

(short, just needing interaction again)

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