Posted by Leotie Herd (Thread) | Mustang RP [Semi-Literate+]

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-09-07 05:49:55
Chat Thread
Spillover Thread

Spring/Summer Home

SOURCE: Neali Austin

Fall/Winter Home

SOURCE: Mark & Leslie Degner


• Three sentences minimum per post
• Hate the character, not the player
• When speaking out of character.. please use ()'s!
• No powerplaying!
• If you have read these rules, put 'Flower of the Prairie' in Other
• If you are going to be gone for a while, please alert us!
• Lioden rules apply
• Relationships with characters and NPCs are definitely allowed!
• Most Importantly: Have fun and be nice!

Herd Ranks

Cheif (Lead Stallion - 1) - Leader; his word is law; in charge of leading and advising the herd mainly; deals with threats to the herd; the only one technically allowed to produce foals and mate with mares, though secret mates DO occur...

Queen (Lead Mare - 1) - The cheif's favorite mare; deals with conflicts within the herd, including pecking order; gets the best pickings of grazing/drinking/sleeping spots

Round-Bellies/Sucklers (unlimited) - Pregnant and nursing mares and their foals (until 7-8 Months of age); of utmost importance; next to eat/drink/sleep after Lead Mare and Stallion; placed in the middle of the herd

Shaman(ess) (1) - Male or female; treats sickness and injury

Lookouts (2 - 6) - Male or female; surround the herd while they sleep/graze/drink and watch for threats; take turns/shifts so that they can each sleep/eat/drink

Citizens (unlimited) - Every other individual within the herd; mostly mares, some submissive stallions, yearlings, colts, and fillies (8+ months); mares are only "supposed" to breed with the Cheif

~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~Bands & Loners~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~

There may be separate bands of stallions and loners that are not a part of the herd, but they MUST be labeled as such in their header. For example:

Miss HorseyMcHorseface | Mare | 5 years | Loner

Mr. Mustang | Stallion | 12 years | Mr. Mustang Band

Bands are like mini-herds, but all stallions. The "Cheif" of the band is used as the name for the band, as shown by the second example.

Extra Info:

●Equine Anatomy:


Mare - Mature female horse
Stallion - Mature male (non-gelded)
Yearling - Foals who are around a year old
Foal - A baby horse
Colt - A male foal
Filly - A female foal
Wean - To accustom a foal to food other than its mother's milk
Weanling - A foal at the age to be weaned (6-8 months)


Current Month ~ February (Pg 49)

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 06/11/16 @ 20:32:20 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 11:45:59
[ I'm glad they make you happy! ]

> Ajax, Junebug

The space that Ajax had awarded between them only made things even more awkward! There was no time allowed for Chatan to abandon his wild thrashing act, surging to the right and then flinging himself left just as the space was awarded. This was most likely the final cause of their hellward crash, a painful squeal erupting from Chatan's lungs as well. However; unlike the older of the two, the younger colt's lips were torn apart by excited laughs and trailing chuckles.

"AAHHH-HAHA, .. haha, .." ... "Are ya alright?" he'd crime after in a curious manner, imaginary brows furrowing almost as though worried. It would take patience to untangle the rivals' legs, but Chatan would get right to the task and then attempt to stand afterward. He'd wait patiently for Junebug's attention, not the least bit worried of loosing her interest.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 12:40:11

Rai | 1Y 2Mnths | Filly | Mentions: Open | Abequa
Strong legs strode purposefully through the grass, young muscles gracefully propelling the striking silver tinted blue roan through the herd. Six months had come and gone since the induction of a new chieftain, and the time could clearly be seen in the change that had overcome Rai. Though the young female still hand moments of clumsiness, for the most part that awkward stage of life had been replaced with relative independence, grace, and strength.

Unfortunately, but for the companionship of imaginary friends and mother, most of that time had been spent alone. Rai's half brother, Chatan, spent most of his time with Junebug...something that had come more understandable to Rai as she became older...there were bonds stronger than blood and it looked like Chatan and the spotted female were destined to have a relationship similar to that of Ajax and Onida. If the new leader would allow such an alliance...the inner politics of the herd were still confusing to the older filly especially since the expulsion of her father.

Perhaps she could gain some knowledge from Otekah? Or the white chieftain himself? Perhaps Ajax? Or Onida? All of those individuals, though, seemed to be busy...mother was always a good source of knowledge. Quite honestly Rai was getting tired of her unfortunate isolation from the herd...a burning desire to understand the goals, needs, and desires of each herd talk to someone other than figments of her imagination, was encompassing the navy stained roan.

Trotting up to Abequa, onyx ears would perk forward, as Rai inquired after details of herd politics, and rules after grooming the older mare's shoulder. It would be the first step of understanding what Rai wanted for her future, and perhaps her first step in truly understanding others.

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Edited on 03/01/17 @ 19:40:56 by MoeMoe (#65000)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-01-03 13:55:01
~Junebug, Chatan~

"Yea I'll be fine just give me a moment." He'd wheeze out moments later, trying to catch his breath as the colt laughed and cut up about the whole thing. He'd learn from that experience well, Ajax knew for a fact. He was a smart boy, he had to give him credit for sure! He set to work untangling themselves, finally getting free and surging to his hooves. Aiming back hooves away from any others and giving a wild buck to free himself of the weird sensation cradling the side on which he landed. That'll be a bruise for sure.

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 14:12:15
> Ajax, Junebug

Once both were on their hooves again, Chatan would invade Ajax's personal space without hesitation. He held a new respect for the older lad, one that was non-existent prior to their playful skirmish. If allowed than lips would hope to touch Ajax's shoulder, awarding a quick massage to the area that he had previously inflicted a wound to.

Then, to Junebug. "I'm alright too, yea!" he joked in teasing tone, hopeing to finally garner her focus.

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Edited on 03/01/17 @ 21:12:58 by Soltero (#9059)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-01-03 14:17:55

The colt soon invaded his space once again, a brief massage to the sore spot on his shoulder brought a slight smile to his face. He provided a nudge to the colts chin, if allowed that is, before breaking off to allow the pair to converse. Eyes locating his gem as he walked.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 16:06:15
Raven -- 4 -- Citizen -- Loi

The black mare felt a bit unnerved, watching the two young stallions tussle. She knew they were just playing, and she felt amused by the yearling's excitement...still, if this had revealed anything to the mares of the herd, even playful sparring between the two young males of the herd could end in weakness to the two, who should be aware that they were at constant risk of the chieftain deciding he'd been hospitable enough. If the two needed to fight their way out, bruising and battered legs from harmless sparring would prove to possibly be detrimental to their survival. Raven's ears swiveled a different way now, rather relieved that they had at least decided to end it there, with just some windless breaths and shaken sides. The ebony mare dropped her head again, to resume her grazing, Otekah and Lux having gone off for some alone time, when she noticed a certain mare, her ears swiveling round and round for something only she knew. Loi, was it? The ready-to-pop mare could be looking for somewhere quiet to foal.

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Edited on 03/01/17 @ 23:06:24 by 🔥Raptorfeather🔥(Cinder) (#26583)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2017-01-03 22:38:52

Junebug| 1year 5 months| Filly| Mentions: Chatan, Ajax

Space would be given to the boys as they untangled themselves and got up. A few gently nudges were given to Ajax before Chatan would steal her full focus. She would move to his side, body leaned up against his. "Well I hope you are alright too. Besides I can't have you getting to hurt now" she would chuckle. The fae's head moving to wrap under his own, her nose resting under his chin.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g5 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-01-04 08:44:06
Loi|Mare/Female|11 Months Pregnant|Mentions: Raven (Direct)

Seeing Raven noticed her, Loi trotted up to Raven, turning from the two sparring stallions. She flicked her tail, and snorted, whiskers twitching. "Are you Raven?" a curious look came on Loi's face. She looked around them, and as she did so, Loi's ears perked up. Dhe looked back at Raven. "Anyway, I'm Loi."

(Short; I have like fifty role plays to reply to)

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Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-01-04 09:31:55

[Wrong Thread]

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Edited on 04/01/17 @ 16:32:12 by Soltero (#9059)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-01-04 11:27:48

"I have found so much beauty in the Dark,
as I have found many horrors in the light."

Lux'noticus | 7 Yrs, 9 mnth | Cheiftan| Mentions: Otekah,|
Pale muscled frame would gallop after Otekah after only a slight hesitation...perhaps the stallion was too protective of his herd if their safety had the potential to pause romantic encounters. In the end though, the seductive scent trailing after the silver queen and her welcoming demeanor, was enough to lure the stallion away from his duties for a bit.

A spark would alight in the king's mismatched eyes, playful and lustful in demeanor, which would be displayed by Lux's further behavior. Lux'noticus would keep a close distance to Otekah brief appreciative nibbles placed upon her beautiful pelt whenever possible. To be sure that when this pleasurable encounter was finished the female would be practically squeaky clean after the two's encounter.

Any approach from the gentleman would be confident, yet watchful for any change of disposition in Otekah...for now her happiness would be the sole focus of the albino draft.


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Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2017-01-04 18:40:54

99215715b571ea58e54b48303b049e4e.jpgRedvelvet ~ Lone Mare ~ 6 years 6 months

Slow, heavy strides were taken by the blood bay equine, lurid eyes gazing at her surroundings as the sun beat down upon her red coat. The wind tugged upon her dark mane and tail and with it came its whispers and its stories. Red lumbered through the grasses, it tickling below her shoulder as she advanced forth, with each step her hips swayed slowly, muscles rippling as she soon captured the scent of other equines. The mare's ears perked, clearly interested as she pushed herself into a steady gallop, moving towards the scent, could this possibly be where she'd finally settle down? She wasn't sure, but she knew it would be better trying than to leave it and possibly regret it.

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Edited on 05/01/17 @ 01:46:50 by Whiplash (#102920)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
g5 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-01-06 13:15:04
Loi|Mare/Female|11 Months Pregnant|Mentions: Raven (Direct), Red Velvet (Indirectly)

Loi felt the little life form shift wildly. She snorted and whinnied a goodbye as she walked off quickly. Dancing hooves would trot toward a tree near the herd, but far enough for her to foal without disturbing others. She noticed striking colors galloping toward the group of horses she called 'family'. As she settled down next to the tree, she hoped to her ancestors that the mare wouldn't discover her.


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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-01-12 09:14:22

Your faith was strong but you needed proof,
You saw her bathing on the roof,
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you.

Otekah | Mare | 13 years | Pregnant | Queen
Mentions: Lux, Chatan (I), Ajax (I)


Wholly satisfied, Otekah stepped side-by-side with the herd stallion, close and affectionate. Her coat was cleansed of virtually any dirt and grime, removed gingerly by Lux's kind teeth and lips. In the paradise that was her fantasies, the baby she carried would, with her and its father's genes, become a prestigious and well-known equine, maybe even the successor to her or Lux's throne. But that was for the future. Right now, her thoughts returned to her daughter, swollen with foal and being doted on by the other heavily pregnant mares, all still carrying products of Atsila. It was unknown as to whether or not the Chief would still allow his predecessor's offspring to survive, but surely, it would do harm to the herd's morale. Chatan and Ajax were already done sparring, it seemed, little but a short test of strength and bravery.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g5 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-02-04 09:44:29
Loi|Mare/Female|Mentions: Her Filly (Tf her name be?)

Loi stood from her place in the bushes, and nudged the small little thing that was struggling to stand. She nudged it again, and this time, it let out a shrill cry, Loi jumped back. "Psw!" she spit out dirt as she walked back to the foal. "Dearest nightspawn, be not afraid." As a small muzzle pulled it's head up at her, she snorted in laughter. Her foal was all legs! Strange! The young mare reared in happiness. "Your father would be happy. Even if your pushed in the dirt for your heritage, I will protect you from the horrors." As the small foal stood and walked over to feed, a raven flew down, cawing.

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-02-04 15:24:51

Two months later ~ April
Current Weather ~ Rainy and Cloudy

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