Posted by Transfer Cooldown: Amendment Ideas

Raamiah #Smomiah (#65136)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 04:43:53
Hello everyone! This thread has been set up jointly between myself and Tilted Scene in response to the notification "Trade cooldowns on lions will now affect transfers in addition to trades"... essentially a feature meaning that transferred lions now have a once-per-day window to move between accounts. I shall now hand you over to my (angry) co-writer Tilted, who will explain her thoughts on the subject...

"Okay, so Tilted here. I guess the saying “A few rotten apples ruin the bunch” is a bit true, assuming that the newly implemented cooldown on transferring lions (you read right. The cooldown for trade buyouts works for transfers, too! Transfer a lion to someone, don’t expect it back until the following rollover) is because of some rotten apples that do not understand how following rules works… alright sorry /end the rant.
Anyways, I understand the new feature. But let’s point out some pros and cons. The feature doesn’t sit well with me. My partner Red Dawn and I have specifically made sure our arrangement was okay with rules and have the proof of that too. So if you team up to patrol a sub, you cannot transfer back until the following rollover. Not only from some random person, but your own accounts are included into the mix. Now, some of you may be thinking “suck it up”. But this falls on you transferring back in forth between your own accounts. Say I unroll my main account for the day, move my ladies and sub over there for some hunting and patrolling… how do I get them back before shutting the account down for a few more days?
So, let’s carry on to some other cons of the feature. Traditional studdings? A thing of the past. Some pros to this? No scamming. Some cons? Say you rollover your on boy for the day to stud some ladies of your -own- and now they are stuck there until the next time you roll, regardless of insta feathering them or not. So then you have to waste slots that could be income to you, whether 250SB a pop or 30GB. OR let them sit there until you rollover again and can retrieve them.
Fatal mutations? Good luck trying to transfer those babies before they kick the bucket. Once they are purchased, it is stuck on that account and sometimes it is a race AGAINST rollover to either gift it to a friend, as the nice person you are, or to your other account if you wish to not freeze it on the oneone you purchased it on. And sometimes, you have to purchase the fatal WITH the mother… looks like the previous owner has to put 24 hours of trust in you before they finally receive the mom back after the fatal is frozen. I cannot really find a pro in this…"

Now, much like my friend Tilt, I am a regular user of the transfer feature, and I act as a co-patroller of a sub male with my close friend Smogirl. Again, this is well within the remit of the Lioden TOS. I feel very strongly that cheating in order to reach the leaderboard can never be condoned, and whilst I am happy that this new feature does complicate things for potential scammers and cheats, it also affects the entire high-stat community, many of which are honest people with great integrity. :(

I would like to see the new feature amended, either with a shortened time frame - lions can be transferred every 12 hours as opposed to every rollover, perhaps - or the introduction of an item that makes a lion 'immune' to the trade cool down feature. Such an item could be as expensive as you like... I am imagining a 'tiger's eye' type of setup where 10GB secures 100 transfers, and can only be applied to one lion? Again, this is very much me brainstorming XD At a 10 GB fee this feature would be used only in 'emergencies,' some of which were mentionned earlier by Tilt... that lethal cub you need to transfer before it dies? Sorted! That stud you need to hit 6k before his next birthday? Sorted again!

I would love to hear your thoughts on these ideas and responses to the new feature, or if you have any ideas of your own you would like to share :)

Lots of love from (Angry) Tilted Scene and (Mildly Vexed) Raamiah

Locust says: "Sometimes it takes awhile to sell a lion at a decent price. Some people transfer their sales lions to a side that they don't roll often and put them for trade there so they can be up for the 30 days or so without aging. Lions are a very quickly depreciating asset. People who do this and stick it out for a price they feel is fair are helping to preserve the market. No longer being able to do this will pressure them into quick selling, and the market will suffer as a result. So, the new feature prevents proper selling if you want to transfer lions to a side you rolled for the day… you then have to roll it over again to put for sale? A bit unnecessary and tedious."

This suggestion has 116 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 08/09/16 @ 12:32:25 by Raamiah [#TeamSmomiah] (#65136)

Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 05:09:34
I use my side account to store those lions I'd like to keep, but either need the room or I'm storing them for my next king - as I try to avoid inbreeding, this is really necessary, to keep my current king's daughters young for the next male I have - so this presents an added difficulty. I'd really like for the cooldown to either be in Lioden time, or have somo way to avoid it between my accounts. I must say I really don't know why this cooldown was implemented, and perhaps it is a very valid reason, but for now it is one more obstacle for my way of playing that an added protection to me.

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Myriad (#76)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 05:11:48
At the very least (and yes, I realise this wouldn't by any means solve all the concerns mentioned) it would be nice if there could be an amendment allowing transfers between a player's own 2 accounts without the transfer cooldown.

I gather that maybe this is what was somehow being abused by some people and therefore the reason for the change? But the vast majority of us play fairly and simply use transfers between main and side accounts as a convenience, rather than an exploit. Is there really no way to enable this without the potential for cheating? If main and side accounts had to be registered as 'associated' accounts in some way, maybe this could be more properly monitored and therefore transfers allowed without cooldowns again, as before...?

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Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-09-08 05:52:00
If people were abusing the old system, they need to be disciplined. Not everyone. I have never abused any of this, why should I have to be punished as well? Supported.

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Keet (#70738)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 05:55:58
Completely agree with everyone, it's not fair for everyone to be punished because of just a few people. :/

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😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-08 06:40:10
I agree if someone was abusing and warned and still did it they should be punished and not everyone.

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PeachMilk 🍑 lil
Low Rider (#8330)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 07:19:49
I have to agree it is a bit irritating seeing this pop up. I use my side account to hunt some of my extra huntresses and sometimes prefer them sent back to my main the same night if I dont plan on rolling the side account over for awhile... well now I cant do that.. as a few other people have said.. why should the vast majority be punished over a couple of dishonest players so to speak... I support this.

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RedDawn [SFD] (#37659)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 07:27:20
I'm going to say this certainly messes with my King. Zeref is my high stat king, I have hunters on my main I hunt daily. Breed them to him when I roll him sometimes, IBF them, then transfer back. Unless I use my own slots (my main source of income on Zeref) I have to roll him twice just to get my girls back and continue hunting, when I may sell/use all slots on him in one day therefore I waste a day of his age after I put many of my own funds into creating him. Or I have to wait however long between rollovers (to say have slots reset so it's worth rolling him or until I have the time to focus on him again due to a busy irl) to get them back when I could be hunting them

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Kitsune (#92419)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-08 08:13:22
Another issue I have with this new change is that I have recently had people just transferring lions to me without my consent. I understand their intentions. I run a giveaway thread, so they either want me to toss them up there, or they'll send over 10+ NCLs in heat so I can try and breed the Mottled marking for my clan. However, if I'm stuck with 10+ lions I can't handle, it leaves me very little room in my den, if any, barring chances to trade for lions I actually want.

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Mello(Octa Royal
Cheetah) (#96428)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 09:14:54
I like the freedom to transfer my lions freely between my accounts. I may send a lady to side to breed for cinnabar and after instant birthing cubs I like to be able to send them back to my main so I can keep my prides organized the way I want them.

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Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 11:55:48
Unfortunately, it sounds like this was implemented because they don't want people to do things like co-patrol. To be completely honest, I'd personally prefer it if co-patrolling actually was not allowed. Probably a really really unpopular opinion, but to each their own. Idk, it could just be me. I used to play a game where things like that were absolutely not allowed in any way, shape, or form so maybe it just seems like it's odd to me that it's allowed

If that's not the case, then why wasn't an embargo simply placed on the abusing players' accounts? We've seen them place embargos before, why can't they do it now?

So overall, I support this, because it seems like an unnecessary thing to implement when you could just punish those breaking the rules? I mean, a blanket ban is convenient for the staff, but... pretty inconvenient for every other player who has done nothing wrong.

And if this was implemented to stop things like co-patrolling/hunting... why didn't they just make it so a transferred lion can't patrol/hunt for 24 hours, but can still be re-transferred?

Idk, this update is just kind of inconvenient/perhaps not well thought-through all around

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Edited on 08/09/16 @ 19:36:16 by Thalath (#41669)

Kenzii[G3 Clean
Ferus] (#49358)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-09-08 11:57:41
Thalath even if that was the case, this still hinders a few things. What if someone sends me a lion I don't want? I have to either wait a full day to give it back, or get rid of it other ways, but some people would want it back.

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RedDawn [SFD] (#37659)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 12:40:23
So far as I am aware, this was not implemented to prevent co-patrolling/hunting. I am one who does both and have spoken to admin multiple times about mine and my partners co-patrolling etc, To make sure it was allowed. Not once (including today) have I been told not to do so, or even discouraged from doing so.

There was an exploit that caused this change, further details are yet to come however. And this is likely to be tweaked as admin are looking into other options due to how this inconveniences many.

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Edited on 08/09/16 @ 19:44:12 by RedDawn [SFD] (#37659)

Thalath {Offline} (#41669)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 12:46:33
Ah, I see. That's great that they're looking for other ways to go about this. Hopefully this will end up just being a really quick fix to immediately put a stop to whatever the exploit was.

I didn't know that about co-patrolling and hunting, thanks! I swore I read something a while back that said that co-hunting wasn't allowed, so I assumed co-patrolling fell under the same rule, but I guess perhaps I imagined that :S That'll teach me to jump to conclusions

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Edited on 08/09/16 @ 19:48:00 by Thalath (#41669)

RedDawn [SFD] (#37659)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 12:51:17
If it is done via a normal transfer it is fine, it is a 'promise based transaction' so falls under the umbrella of 'you do it at your own risk'. E.g. If your partner keeps the lions then admin will not get them back for you regardless if they are yours or not!

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Grimme (#79085)

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Posted on
2016-09-08 15:10:56
I'm not sure I understand how transfers can be abused?
Other than that I support changing it back or making it like NCLs where you just wait an hour or something

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