Posted by Interacting Pride Members
Luxray (#91439)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-10-01 13:28:08
I apologize if this has already been suggested or if it's in development. It's an idea that came to mind when the conversation of personalities popped up in the chat.

Lioden introduced personalities a while back that brought a little more life to our lions. However, aside from our kings and claiming lionesses, and the texts you get when visiting a lion's page for the first time that day are just for show. While I absolutely adore the personalities, I'd like to see them play a little more part in the gameplay itself.

The texts are definitely adorable and I enjoy reading them, but they're only between the king and that lion you're viewing. We all know there's more than just those two in the pride, so why not have the lionesses interact with each other?

Every day there's a chance you'll get a message in your inbox about two of your lionesses interacting, sort of like how cubs can get themselves into trouble if not protected by a broodmother. The lionesses are chosen randomly and it can either rely on the personality group(kind, snarky, evil, good or neutral) or the personality itself. It can be one message or more, depending on the number of lionesses in your den.

There could be positive, neutral or bad interactions.
Here's a small example of a good interaction: Lioness 1(Kind/Upbeat) noticed that Lioness 2(Snarky/Timid) was feeling kind of down and bounded over, showing her a weirdly shaped leaf to cheer her up.
Bad: Lioness 1(Evil/Harsh) was criticizing Lioness 2(Kind/Obedient) for being a tail kisser.
Neutral: Lioness 1(Kind/Focused) and Lioness 2(Good/Intrepid) were having a debate on how high an antelope could jump.

There could even be interactions between two cubs or adolescents.
Cub example: Cub 1 ran into Cub 2 while playing chase, knocking them into the mud.
Adolescent example: Adol 1 was boasting about being ruler of the rock until Adol 2 shoved them off and took their crown.

Lionesses could even interact with cubs and adols as well.
Cub and Lioness: Cub pulled on Lioness's tail until she agreed to tell them a story.
Adol and Lioness: Lioness was trying to teach Adol how to do a proper pounce, but Adol would rather chase locusts around than pay attention to the lesson.

If possible, lionesses with mutations could have special interactions.
Mutie example: Mutie(dwarf) was having trouble keeping up with the others so Lioness/Cub/Adol walked beside them so they wouldn't feel lonely.

Lionesses within the same personality group would have a higher chance of having a positive interaction and lionesseses with completely different personalities(good and evil for example) would have a higher chance of having a bad interaction. A neutral lioness will-of course-be neutral and would have a higher chance of having a neutral interaction than good or bad which would most likely be equal in chance.

Suggested by someone in chat whose user I can't remember- This could also interfere with hunting; lionesses with completely different personalities have a higher chance of failing hunts or catching smaller/less prey. It would put a little more strategy into hunting than just placing them on random tiles.

I'm welcome to any suggestions you may have that could improve this idea and if you don't support this idea please say why so I can see if there's a way to fix the problem. I understand it might be tricky to code, but I don't think anything on this site was really 'easy to code'.

This suggestion has 304 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Teo [G2 scoundrel] (#22920)

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Posted on
2019-05-30 11:00:08
this is the cutest thing i love it !!!

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