Posted by FNaF SL [Main RP Thread]OLD

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-11-23 15:38:24

"You're now in the Main RP Thread, Welcome to the RP itself....

[OOC thread is gone now]

Thank you Ennard for that ^ ^
"Hello, if you need a recap from being absent or just want to know the current story in a shorter form then i can tell you."

Night 1 (Pg.1- 7; End of night 1 Post)
"Dakota, Adameira woke up and began moving each doing their own thing.
F.T. Foxy woke up shortly after and stepped off her stage, waiting for a momen for an electric shock to come, when none came she decided on a prank on someone since no guard was around.

Foxy was soon deciding who to prank and with what voice and lines but forgot the words of Freddy's lines. Dakota who was close to her turned the prank on Foxy, who pretended to be shocked and shut down.
Meanwhile Ada had cleaned most everywhere in the location except for the Breaker room where Freddy resided, where she had entered with caution.

After a friendly banter and consersation which was cut short by Foxy hearing a Voice she didn't know echo through the halls, Foxy rushed by to her stage before she could be shocked. While said guard as fighting and disagreeing with the hand held device, HandUnit about Shocking the bots. Hand Unit was in turn shocked himself after the Night guard, Shatha dis-connected and re-did the wires to attach and work only on HandUnit.

This confused Foxy and Ballora as they heard it but not felt it. Dakota wolf figured why Foxy suddenly left and went to her room's vent, fnding it unlocked and after popping in, scaring the guard soon found the guard was a former worker at Freddy's which increased her interestedand that she wasn't corrupted like most they had before. Foxy saw a chance to Prank Shatha which was successful before Foxy left to P&S after Ballora's vent opened at the time.

Foxy was soon joined by Ennard in the P&S room and spoke until LolBit, a virus/old former programing in Foxy took over and has now rushed to the Control Mod while Ennard sought help from Baby."

[Baby, that isn't what i see as 'shorter form' XD -Beaned w/ Mic-]
'Continuing on with the story....' Baby thinks to herself;

" ...Sometime after when Lolbit was trying to get inside by breaking the window, Shatha, the night guard tried to speak and reason to the glitched fox known as Lolbit. But was unseccessful....He was too feral and far gone for mere words to reach him as he finally saw a way inside by the vent of Funtime Auditorium.

Meanwhile, Baby hadn't given any answer thus far to help as then the power went out suddenly, caused by Shatha who overwhelmed Handy with higher volts from the Shock buttons so as to prevent Handy and the cameras from seeing and knowing while also prevntig Lolbit from spreading when possible...
Adameira, joined with Ballora and her Minireenas were trying to get inside to help when Ada remembered that Shatha was a friend who had helped her when she needed it.

They gained access about the same time as Lolbit did breaking the vent door open, Ada roared, making Lolbit disracted long enough to lose track of his target.
Shatha decided to try once more to reach him befor she had to fight him, successfully destroying his control over Foxy, despite her now being in pieces.

Foxy came to and was fixed back up ith some new upgrades and hidden features, Ennard came rushing over after the power went out to make sure Foxy was aright and the guard he found interesting was alive as well. He saw Shatha for himself and absent mindly came out and revealed himself....which Shatha thankfully react rather calmly yet surprised before returning ot what she as doing...

Now, they're figuring more about the flashdrive in Foxy's chest as Shatha fixes the Cameras, audio and even Handy himself so make things appear normal again....."

~~~ [This is Alot or the first night i must say XD -Beaned again-] ~~~
"*Sighs* as i was saying...."

"As Ethan ad Shaha took turns explaining things, the Bots who resided with Shatha came to visit. Not all but only a certain few; Toy Foxy (Vixen}, Withered Bonnie {Bonfoy}, W. Foxy {Ferdi}, W. Freddy {Fredrick}, BB and Marionette {Mario/Mary}. met and interacted with FT Foxy, Ennard, and even Ballora before it was time to go for the night. Ethan and Shatha were successfu in fixing up the camera systems and making sure Handy was no more trouble for them."
~~~~ End of Night 1 ~~~~
Night 2 (Pg. 7- Pg.10

"Funtime Foxy awoke to find Amber, a fellow bot looking about for any malfunctions in the building and after a brief banter the two parted. Amber to the Scooping room and FT Foxy to P&S to speak to Ennard.

Shatha meawhile was heading down to the Control Mod with her now undercover partner; Ethan to see what else they could do and find out. Ethan was forced to bring Frothy Fox and his younger twin; Mange for protection purposes.

Adameira was cleaning up around as usual, leaving the Breaker room fo last til she reached it and found that FT Freddy Killed 4 techs and wasn't himself. Adamei left to sneak to P&S to let Ennard know of what accured while avoiding the Bird who was looking for any problems.

Shatha and ethan came in and found a few odd devices, which Froth and Mange made short work of after be released from their Portable holder Balls where they later met Amber who questioned them before Shatha answered in a calm and aggressive tone, backed up by the two foxes released shortly before.
The Blue jay backed off a bit and answered the now IDed Guards/techs about her finding the problem she was activated to deal with.

Ennard and FT Foxy spoke til Ada came and reported wht was going on. They spoke about the shock collar Ada was given before returning to FT Freddy and what to do with him.
Where they soon figured out that Ethan, shatha and Amber had left the Control Mod to see about Freddy and they soon followed, ready to help if neededwhile they hid in the shadows.

The 2 humans and Blue jay came across The Breaker room, where they found the obvious evidence of what Freddy had done. It's reveled that he was given upgrades before getting infected with a illness that only an Animatronic can get; Blood Eye Diease or BED for short.
FT Foxy used Lolbit's savage, feral nature to help take out Freddy so he could be helped while Frothy, Mange, Shatha and Marti Gratz; a mini fox doll type bot helped as well with Amber.

Lolbit had to be taken down as well when BonBon showed himsef as well bu was quckily saduced. FT Freddy, BonBon and Foxy were taken to P&S for treatment while Amber went to shut down, her mission complete.
Adameira got her Collar removed and got much needed updates/upgrades before she returned to her duties.

Whle in P&S the 2 humans spoke as Freddy and BonBon were fixed and a ew words were exchanged involving the true use of the Funtimes and the fabled Nightmare Animatronics.
Shatha and Ethan shared some facts and stories involving a boy who was plaged by Nightmare Bots and even had sketches from the boy's description as she recounted his near death tale.

It was also revealed that Shatha met one of sad Nightmares from when Willaim Afton was trying to kill her and get rid of any trace of her via said Nightmare bot;Nightmare himself.
The more they talked, the more ino was found. Ennard spoke up about the hidden rooms and even re-found the keys that went the the 3 doors. It was decided to Explore these rooms but not until the next night as they were running low on time.

None knows what'll await them next or what'll happen....
~~~ End of Night 2 ~~~
Night 3 (Pg.11- )

"Thing's started off as normal for this night; FT Foxy awoken and awaited, though not for long, for the two new night guards.
Ethan and Shatha, after arriving and making sure everything for ater was set, went into Funtime Autitorium to meet up with Foxy and Ennard to explore the hidden rooms and see bout the nightmares who dwelled there.

After Ennard showed up and showed the map revealing the hidden rooms better and they decided on a room; Badtime Bedroom. They headed towards it while conversing and gaining info they either needed or were curious of.
They reached an area in the hidden room where Ennard stayed, they found a hidden door where the old stage of Foxy the Pirate once resided long ago

Meanwhile, The nghtmare Puppet was getting ready to attack using another Nightmare; Bonnie to be exact, as they heard someone on he other side. They sent the bunny out to fight Shatha who as first to enter the room aftter opening the doorway on the pirate's cove stage.

After a breif fight with Nightmare Bonnie and facing Nightmarionne Nightmare came in and forced Marionne to back off and return to the shadows, looking to get stronger.

I hope this RP has a good run
Andd i don't own these pics i got from google nor do i own FNaF SL.^ ^

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Edited on 28/01/18 @ 00:35:50 by FNaF Foxy {Main} (#56607)

Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 17:18:08
Lolbit | Male | N/A | "Fox Bot" | Faulty Programming/Virus

Lolbit let out a roar, lunging for the two animatronics, prying them apart and pinning them to the floor in order to lock on to one of them. He quickly identified his attacker, tossing 'Marti Gratz' to the side and putting all of his host's weight onto the small bunny. Letting out a snarl, he opened his jaws wide, aiming a bite for the small puppet's forehead.

(Bite of '87 much? XD)

Amber | Female | Mid 20s | Blue Jay Bot | Entertainment/Security

She narrowed her eyes, watching the fox and the bunny fight. Did BonBon have an override panel...? God, I can't remember. But I need that puppet down and out of commission before I take out that fox... Amber thought, moving positions to try and get a better angle to see them. She did notice the small, black panel behind Funtime Foxy's right ear, which gave her a quick sense of relief.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 17:33:20
She wasn't thinking.....She felt the inner beast in her re-waken inder all the strain of what was happening....Marti Needs to inject BonBon with the antidote....Stage 2 couldn't be just 'Shut down' it has to be Cured not shut dow or killed....

Her eyes opened, revealing the true color and look from before...Both pure red, the 'cracks' of her glass eyes glowed faint blue, teeth bared into fangs once more as she leapt at the fox's back and let her jaws and and armored claws, whch were usually hidden in her armbraces she wore (She forgot them last time at home XD), scratch the back and neck in her pounce, using her momentum to roll and throw the fox against the ground or nearby wall.
She hoped it would knock lolbit down long enough for Marti to get to the bunny or even better snap him out of it. Looking back, she saw Marti take his chance to tackle and bite the bunny with the needle getting his main 'vein' from the back of his throat.

she gave a wild toothy grin before looking back at Lolbit, waiting to see what he'd do or if he was damaged badly.
"...Lolbit...calm down please....Let me help you..." She spoke feral but soft, her eyes white scerla wre turning black the longer she was like this.

(She's only in control for awhile....the black is the beast trying to take over fully....lucky her 'collar' has a needle to fix it but she hates the thing. It hurts and burns at the same time that paralyzes her.It does it automatically on it's own. Last time was empty so yeah... ^ ^')

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 17:46:07
Lolbit | Male | N/A | "Fox Bot" | Faulty Programming/Virus

Lolbit roared and lunged, but mid-lunge powered down and fell to the ground like a fallen bear. On top of her was a familiar blue jay, who shouted the same Spanish phrase that she had shouted from before.

Amber | Female | Mid 20s | Blue Jay Bot | Entertainment/Security

"Did you get the bear yet?" She asked with a sigh, "And this fox needs it, too. Better safe than sorry." She commanded, although less strict than before.

(Legit cannot put out a coherent reply for my life send help)

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-11 17:58:07
(lol, *sends the RP squad*)

She breathed a sigh of relief as she calmed down and returned to normal and looked to where freddy was. Marti and Ethan was already with him. Giving the injection but he still was twitching a bit.
"Move him to P&S...I believe that'll ease him...Frothy, Mange." She spoke, the two foxies went to help move the bear.

Shatha heard a familier song..Ballora...Followed by the MiniReenas, Ada and Ennard who came out from hiding.
The group moved to aid the foxes, Marti and Ethan to P&S to farther work on Freddy.

Ada only saw them out but returned to her -re-builder and helped cleaned things up while Shatha went to Foxy and gave the injection but not before getting a copy of her exact info of mainframe, coding/programing and the like.
"So Ethan can look for any other error in her and fix anything that May be a futur problem...New standard methods...." She told the bird if she was wondering why.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-12 16:49:36
Amber | Female | Mid 20s | Blue Jay Bot | Entertainment/Security

"I believe now is the time that I take my leave. My batteries are low." She stated with her usual authoritative manner, and turned to walk back to her secret charging pod. "I hope we never have to work with each other again. Not because you're terrible, no, because when I'm up, it's to ddeal with something that requires my overrides. And, believe me, these are only in very dire cases." Amber finished, crawling through the vent and disappearing.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-13 09:19:16
"...Okay if she Ever really gets out....' She mumbled when the bird was gone, before she too left after the others but not beore Ada got her attention to help her with her collar.
"THEY DID WHAT?!?! WHY AND HOW?!?!" was all that was heard from her then.

-Half an hour later-
She got done with the Lioness in removing the collar, Re-did the Tattoo she gives All bots she makes or re-builds to show that Ada isn't Just a bot that they could do whatever they liked...And gave her the much needed upgrades and updates....
"Okay, check list;
1.) Anti-tamper updated? Check
2.) Upgrade Old Endo body to wireless joints with Re-Enforced casing both Inner and Outter shells? Check
3.) High tech Intell and recon features? Check
4.) Animal likeness feature? Check
and finally
5.) ugraded defense mech, voice and persona? Check...
Yer all set Ada...Let's wake ya up now."

Shatha spoke to the currently inactive lioness as she went to activat her once more.
Ada still looked very mmuch like her usual self but more sturdy, well built and had a few similar traits to the funtimes like face plates under her fur coat for example.

She was more accurate to a lioness then before with alot more detail added to her features and coat/pelt coloring.
She was now harder to mess with and break down with defense features to aid in stopping what Afton as up to as well as stopping someone from messing with her alone. Ada would and Will turn violent if it happened and only as a human was with a tool at just the right time aka the frame/Blame game feature that was a proto-type but successful in its testing before.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 17:22:18
(*climbs out of grave* I WAS SO STUPIDLY BUSY)

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

The fox slowly powered up, pulling herself off of her chest and getting to her feet as her eyes flared back to life. "I didn't hurt anyone too badly... Right?" She asked, shaking herself like a dog would. Foxy glanced around, eyes setting upon the powered-down Freddy and BonBon, with the small bunny being only inches from her hind paws, her eyes eventually setting upon Shatha, Ethan, and Ennard.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 17:42:38
(lol yer fine. We all have lives to live XD)
No one else has been returning though :/

After re-activating the now upgraded lion, the two went to P&S with Foxy's shut down form.
When said she fox awoken, Shatha smiled; "Nah, you did okay with freddy...He's not too bad from your attacks. He and BonBon have been treated for BED now, you've been given an injection too since you got bitten...just as a precaution."

As she spoke, Marti Gratz climbed on her back to shoulder ad as he twitched about with eyes like a phantom staring at whatever caught his gaze, made small chirps and yips. He gave a growl-scree as Froth and Mange came forward behind Ennard, the same crazed grins on their muzzles as they watched on with Freddy's repair and upgrade.

"Heeeeey....Fang..There's a dead kid in his stomach..." Ethan said, slighty alarmed when a body fell out of Freddy's storage tummy tank. Ethan was finding all the 'flaws' on him to remove and fix aka William's evil features for a kid's end of life.
"another one? How many has he killed? We already know of 5 from the 80s which we finally found in the Fazbear band's old ' proto-type Semi-Springlock' suits... Actually what's more important as to WHY?!" She nearly yelled out to the sky.
Ethan sweatdroped; "Well, you tried to ask him once...All he gave you was a scar on your left cheek when he tried to kill you when you saw him trying to kill one of his victims...n the dead of night...Next time was when you had just seen Baby or the first time and she was about to kill Afton's daughter...Saved her once which got you a scar on you right ear aka the chuck that's missing and-OW!"

"I get it BigMouth....He'd rather kill me or have me killed then answer a simple question...Still surprised he hasn't realized who i am yet...." Shatha smacked Ethan with a Paper fan then crossed her arms.

(oops, long XD)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-16 18:41:14
Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

She glanced sadly over toward Ennard. "I suppose... We have explaining to do." She sighed, a shudder making its way through her voice. "You probably saw our blueprints already... But those were the public version, given to the safety and health inspectors to keep us in business. The owner, and our creator, has the real ones. If you couldn't tell by now, we... We weren't made for entertainment. Actually... No, we weren't even made for killing, either. There are hidden rooms here... Ones we aren't allowed through, with different animatronics who ARE made for killing... And far more terrifying than we are. These rooms, before I get too carried away, are hidden well. Very well. It's to hide the kids Freddy and I lure out of the parties..." She whined the end, her ears drooping, "Freddy's is obvious, but me..?" She sighed, closing her jaw completely. "I get it BigMouth... He'd rather kill me or have me killed than answer a simple question... Still surprised he hasn't realized who I am yet..." She mimicked perfectly, as if it were a recording, jaws unmoving. "I'd mimic the parents' voices... And Freddy would do the rest..." She whined in her own voice, looking at the floor in shame.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 06:13:10
Shatha and Ethan listened to Foxy before shatha spoke up;

"I knew it...The day baby and i met was when Afton's daughter was almost killed the first time...I got her away but baby's claw took a chuck out of me....She wasn't that lucky later esp when i told Mr.Afton fore her fate later on that day, after i altered her memory of baby, that he should stop while he can...or else whateer he's up to..reaches one who he truely cares for...I had a closer look at Baby when we were both alone....I found she didn't intend to hurt her and found she wasn't or what they said she was for...She had no choice in the matter...her eyes when i told her, were eyes of hurt and sadness...I made a vow to help after that."

Ethan: "yeah...It's not your fault...None of you...Shatha and i have helped countless others similar to you...Like the Drawkill's a government project whose sole purpose is to kill who ever tresspasses. So many others that Fang had been commissioned had different functions....Afton even tried to have you built by her since her creations were hard to deteect, beat or even kill/destroy..."
He spoke and he released the original proto-type Shatha built of FT Freddy, BonBon and Foxy.

"We're here to help you and others like you.....we won't stop til you're free...."

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 06:24:06
Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"It's all in our programming... At least with mine, I can lure others out for pranks." She lightened the mood with the remark, followed up with a chuckle. "Or, well, there was one time Freddy took a teddy bear rather than the kid... I wonder where he put it...? The thing's stupidly soft, too." She trailed off with a sigh. "Regardless of how light hearted I can try to make the situation, it's not us that need to be worried about... There are animatronics that are supposed to be things of nightmares here, unseen by even the sun. I've heard they have three rows of sharp teeth... And they're more like Lolbit in personality..." Foxy murmured, shuddering at the thought. "And, not even Amber has clearance to shut them down."

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 06:44:22

He chuckled at Foxy making things a little more lighthearted til she mentioned the Nighmares, he held a wide eyed look and looked at Shatha who held a look he knew too well... The look of pained memories and almost losing another.
"Calvin's monsters? Think it's 'them'?"

"....Yeah, there's no other like that describtion..." Was all she said, eyes glassy as she obsentmindly rubbed her arm where she held a certain jaw open and recalled the boy's nightmares every night that haunted him.

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Edited on 17/12/16 @ 23:48:45 by FNaF Foxy {Side} (#56607)

Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 08:03:39
(Hey, um, I don't mean to come off as rude or anything, but doesn't someone already rp Baby?)

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 09:43:16
(They haven't been active for a long awhile...I did state in the OOC Thread that if the character's player wasn't active for a long while esp when needed i would re-take control until the player returned to play again or state otherwise >3>)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2016-12-17 16:37:40
(Maybe you could PM them to see if they'll come back? It just seems kinda wrong for a person to technically rp someone else's character, especially if they come back and find their character in some other position than they were in)

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