Posted by Chess of Chaos and Cosmos

Zoë (#100691)

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Posted on
2016-12-01 04:31:31

The two youths, from two different universes, are now plopped in this new, unfamiliar one, with no warning or instructions on what to do next. They have no idea how important a role they'll play in the fate of the next 1000 years across all universes, and no idea just how complicated their life is about to become.


Every part of Aellas body ached. Her head swam. All her eyes saw was blurry green, and she was absolutely certain she'd never want to drink ever again. But... There was no reason she'd be anywhere this cold or wet, even when drunk. It was high-summer season back home, and she was quite certain she hadn't been drinking either.The confusion only made her head pound harder. Even her fingers felt like they were buzzing. Her entire body felt like it was punishing her for being alive. She slowly pushed herself up. It was with much effort, and one limb at a time, but eventually she was standing. Only slightly slumped over. Groaning softly, she tried to tie her hair back as to not be hindered by it.
Then began the trek. It felt like days, but nothing was familiar. Not a single, recognisable landmark. Heck the entire season seemed to have changed without her knowledge of consent. Having grown up with witches, she knew not to panic even when it felt like the only thing to do. She walked. She walked until her feet felt bloody, till her throat was so parched she felt it had split open raw. She counted three nights. Then finally, the babbling brook was heard in the distance, and she rejoiced with herself, searching it out, drinking as much as she possibly could. The headache, buzzing and blurring seemed to relent their vice like grip on her instantly, slowly fading back into the background.
She wasn't supposed to be here, she knew that much. But she was, and she was damned sure going to figure out why.

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WubWubBub (#46785)

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Posted on
2016-12-01 14:28:27
Some throbbing head ache seemed to split into his mind, darkness clouding his eyes as he lay on the ground. The whole world felt to be spinning, and he wasn't even sure why. He had none of the sweet drink that his family hid, and he knew a prank from his brother would never be directed to him, not ever. Yet, as his tunnel vision began, he realized that he wasn't even at his home. Gods, where was he?
Sitting up, he could hear the gentle rushing of the river near by, lips cracked due to the dryness. He slowly sat up with a groan, exhaustion weighing over him heavier than it ever had before, more than he was used to. Still, he had a natural instinct with him to get to the water. He finally heaved himself up, having had a strangely comfortable place of waking, and half walked, half stumbled towards the water. He had not traveled nearly as far as the other person, since he had been placed right there, yet he acted as if he had. Before he even reached the brook he flopped onto the ground, partially in the bushes. He had on what one could call a tunic with a leather belt wrapped around, with dark cloth pants. He seemed as if he wasn't even from the current timeline, however it was simply just because where he was from.
The whirling in his head made him want to just keep laying there, his calm aura reaching out to the woman by the brook. He.. Seemed to be already sleeping again.

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Zoë (#100691)

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Posted on
2016-12-01 16:49:40
(On phone, there may be typos, sorry!!)

Aella felt his presence the very moment he entered the near vicinity, what almost felt like familiarity. It almost felt like the soft embrace of dreams and sleep that has enveloped her at night, at the only time she'd been experiencing relief during those last few days. She'd felt lucky, every time she'd woken up alive in these foreign lands, having little doubt she could very possibly perish, should the wrong person happen upon her. Her own home, her own society, was very different from this world. Sure, they revered nature and strived to be closer to it, but they also had electricity, interplanetary travel, and hospitals. She could feel the lack of such here. It was almost nice, the utter lack of disturbances in the energies. The almost came from the very present, and overwhelming, force of magic and nature. It was stronger than anything she'd ever felt anywhere, even from her other mothers home planet.
She began approaching the source of this new, calming energy, in the midst of the chaos she'd felt since she arrived. Near falling over her own feet in exhaustion a few times in the attempt, stopping abruptly when she happened upon him. She was a bit surprised he seemed to be... Sleeping. Uncovered, U unsheltered. Dangerous decision that made her lift an eyebrow in surprise, carefully kneeling beside him. He was... Pretty, for lack of a better word. He looked a bit like a sister she'd once fancied, pale skin in contrast to the hair that looked so much like her own. The dark circles under his eyes told a tale of exhaustion she felt all too much on her own body, but she somehow doubted he'd been traveling too far. He had no other marks or dirt to speak of. He wasn't of here, his base energies didn't fit in, but he definitely wasn't of home either. She'd never seen a man before, but he felt too distinctly not-like-a-sister for her to be in doubt of what he was. She didn't dare touch him, so instead she spoke, somewhat softer than usual, urging him gently to wake up. She wasn't considering how her cropped sweatshirt or fitted pants might be of a bit of a startle to him. Only that he was a potential companion, and companions meant a better chance of survival.

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WubWubBub (#46785)

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Posted on
2016-12-01 17:12:01
He heard the movement around him, even feeling the vibrations on the earth as someone approached, however he chose not to move. They simply didn't feel hostile to him. He mumbled under his breath, hearing her speak, but not hearing the words she said. His eyes slowly opened, bright greyish-blue gaze half hidden under his heavy eyelids. His eyes finally met the woman beside him, taken aback slightly by her attire, but not.. displeased, so to say. What he was displeased with, however, was how beaten up she looked. She looked exhausted as well, and in pain. He wished he could help, however all he could do was help her relax.

He knew that it would be kind of weird, to say the least, if he just laid there and looked up at her. So instead he slowly sat up, wincing slightly at the slight pain in his back, before turning his head to her, his long, semi-curly hair ruffling slightly and covering parts of his face. It almost looked like he were about to fall back asleep until his eyes seemed to adjust, fully opening before leaning back. "Well... Hello." He said with a soft smile. If you were to look past the dist and mud and injuries she carried, she looked quite pretty, having a certain natural beauty he was actually fairly fond of. He pushed the thoughts away, as for now he needed to figure out what was going on, and if this woman was willing to help him.
This woman, gods, how rude did that sound? He shifted around, sitting in a kneeling position as he looked to her. "I am called Hypnos," he started, resting a hand on his knee. He continued to smile, his tired eyes focused on her, "However, if there is another name you'd rather call me, I am fine with that."

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Zoë (#100691)

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Posted on
2016-12-01 18:00:40
She spent a few, long, moments looking him over in his more awakened state. She hadn't ever... Seen eyes like that. The gene had died out long ago back home. Sure, her mother had blue eyes, but they didn't have that muted grey to them, that made the light play and dance. Strange. Strange eyes indeed. She'd seen them before in pictures, paintings, but nothing other than pure fiction in the eyes of most. It just wasn't present anymore. Her shoulders shook lightly, and only then did she realise tears had sprung to her eyes - god what a sight she must be, beaten, bloody, exhausted and crying. So she laughed. She was already a mess, how much worse would laughing really make it? Through her choked laughter she shook her head, trying her best to shake the hysteria off. It was embarrassing.
"Hi." She shook her her head again, covering her face with her hands for a few moments to compose herself, wiping away the tears - dirt wiping away along with it.
"Sorry. I don't know- This is embarrassing." She chuckled again, looking at him, and then quickly away again. Snorting a bit at his name, thinking for a long while. The name was too strange for her to take seriously, it meant so much more at home. She kept that opinion to herself however, thinking back to the myths of men. She'd always liked Noah from Noahs Arc, a story from Old World about a man who saved the world. Feeling a bit like this man had done much the same for her, she nodded almost decisively. "Would Noah be alright? Hypnos has... Some negative connotations." She very carefully took both his hands, kissing both of his cheeks. "I'm Aella. Good to meet under th-" She shook her head a bit again, looking up, letting him go, wry smile once more. "This isn't really the goddesses skies, but. It still applies I suppose. Not that you seem to be from under the goddesses skies." She looked down, wiping her clothes a bit, becoming aware and a bit embarrassed of her own state. Amber eyes looking back up at him, filled with curiosity, and the still lingering relief.
"Where are you from?"

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WubWubBub (#46785)

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Posted on
2016-12-03 11:39:51
He sat in silence for a few moments as she began to study him, his eyes clashing against her opposing amber gaze. He couldn't quite picture what was going on in her head, however he found himself taken back when she began to tremble, seeing her eyes growing glossy and tears forming at the surface. It began to crush his heart. How long had she been here, alone without anyone else? He reached a hand out to embrace her, try and calm her down just a little more, but his action was halted by her beginning to laugh, from what he could only guess was slight embarrassment and nervousness.
He remained still and silent as she continued on, starting to speak, and even as she pondered on what to call him. He arched a brow slightly at her comment on his name. Still, he didn't object. "Noah is fine with m-" He glanced down as she grabbed his hands, only for him to blush a little as she kissed both his cheeks. He was still a little, well, dazed, and it took him a few moments to recall that simply being a greeting. The cool brush of air against his hands as she released him was unpleasant, but he wasn't about to go reaching for her hands, so he simply held his own hand again, keeping them warm.
Goddesses skies? He pondered on which goddess would be included with the term- perhaps he knew her? He shrugged off the thought. It would be unlikely, he assumed. "It's good to meet you, Aella. If only it could be in other circumstances." He leaned back slightly, rubbing his eyes before glancing upwards, catching little snips of the sky through the canopy of leaves above. "Not from here. Quite far away, actually..." He narrowed his eyes a bit. It would take quite a while for the situation to sink in for him, but it would hit him hard when it did, that's for sure.
He returned his gaze to the lady beside him, holding her gaze in his. "Where is your home? You mentioned that you live under the goddesses sky, hm?" He gave a light tilt of the head, tired eyes shutting in a slow blink, only to open half way.

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Zoë (#100691)

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Posted on
2016-12-03 17:38:22
"Quite far away as well, I'd assume." She was only now really beginning to chase her observations of his mood, his feelings outwards, notice them. Hoping the ritual of greeting hadn't embarrassed him terribly, considering his slight reaction to it. She was very aware of how much... He wasn't a woman all of a sudden, how foreign that was to her. It was the very most bizarre of experiences in her life. Being stuck in this strange setting with a man. Felt almost like a test to her, but she knew very well that neither of her mothers would ever test her like this. She didn't know how to act around him, how to treat him. So she decided, at least for now, she'd treat him as a sister.
"It's an old figure of speech... Athena is the one most commonly referred to, but there's frequently others involved too." She scratched her shoulder a little bit, grimacing at the reminder of how much dirt was under her nails, on her skin. What she wouldn't give for the high-pressure shower back home, warm and cleaning. "It's... Quite different back home. Bes is my home planet, but my people are spread over quite a few in our region. They're mainly named after old-world goddesses." At this point she felt like she was gushing, talking too much. He'd revealed so little of himself, so she closed her mouth with a little smile, tugging a bit at the sweatshirt.
She was back to looking at him, wondering if he in any way knew where they were, what this strange shift in universe meant. How to get back... That seemed like an unlikely hope, but she could dream after all. God she missed her sisters, the feeling of connection across the planets. Unity. How every sister met, was a new happy discovery, how even outside of their home belts, meeting one created instant alliances. Unlike the terrans, always split, always war-mongering. She pitied them, especially the women, many of whom seemed to enjoy intrigue and hatred towards other women, instead of sistership. He wasn't a sister, she had to constantly remind herself. Revealing everything might not be in her best interest. She knew it best not to trust him. But she was lonely, he was at least humanoid, and reminded her so of them. It was a struggle.
"Should we get away from the river? I don't think it's safe."

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Edited on 04/12/16 @ 15:23:50 by Zoë (#100691)

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