Posted by Undiscovered Treasures II : Mirrors [Private]

ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 05:30:28
A continuation of Undiscovered Treasures, a RP between Lady Kakata and Hellion.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 05:54:51
Oliver couldn't help himself and joined in the laughter alongside Xander. It felt nice even if there was something hovering over both of them, something he wasn't ready to point out.

Letting this laughter carry into his reply, he took a moment to rein himself in. "I go wherever the mission takes me. Normally to gathering information or oversee a dig," He replied carefully not to hint at any sensitive information about his last mission.

"Blaize does most of the climbing and flower picking if needed. If you ask me he is an expert climber and I trust his skill to make smart choices while on a climb," Oliver couldn't keep the prideful tone of out his words. It was nice to brag a little about the man he both admired and harbored deeper feelings for.

Yet he was still caught off guard when Xander suggested he that he would pick up climbing again if it made him happy. Surprised at such an admission, Oliver let his smile fall. "That wouldn't make you happy Xander. We both know you'd better off safe at home not doing something dangerous for my benefit,"

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 06:04:01
"It's ... nice to hear you say you care about me again"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2018-08-11 06:39:49
Oliver felt his cheeks flush and his eyes quickly shifted away. Trust a man who loved books to always know what to say. Refusing to look at Xander for at least two minutes, Oliver tried to focus on current life. The differences in who he was now compared to who he used to be, but even that couldn't stop him from falling down the mental rabbit hole.

Xander was and always will be his first love. The man he wanted to share his life with up until their paths started to drift apart. They both went down different roads, but in the quiet of the hotel bar, their roads were merging together again. Oliver couldn't be sure how long the merge would last or if it was fate teasing him about 'what could have been'. But one thing was for sure he couldn't divert from his chosen way.

He liked catching up with Xander, their banter was just like old times. He couldn't help the flurry in his stomach when Xander smiled. The memories that came tumbling back as well. All their shared firsts, it was nearly impossible to push Xander aside as a former fling. He was anything but.

Finding the courage again to look at Xander once more, Oliver took exhaled a breath he didn't realize he was holding before mustering up a reply.

"I'll always care about you Xander, but I don't think its the way you want me to," Harsh as his words were Oliver couldn't bring himself to string Xander along anymore. Even if it hurt to finally put an end chapter on that part of his life.

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Edited on 11/08/18 @ 06:43:50 by Hellion (#2741)

ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-08-19 16:31:46
Xander simply looked at him with those words, his expression hard to judge, even by Oliver. Eventually, he sighed through his nose and looked down at his drink.
"It ... was worth a try. But hey, I'll still be here if you want me" He offered a smile, one that betrayed his hurt at the corners but still held onto a gossamer-slim piece of hope.


Georgina looked around the room, wiping her perspiration-kissed brow and pushing her hair behind her ears. She could only hope this would satisfy Richard, but she was never sure ... He had given her free reign to buy whatever she thought would make the place presentable. How he managed to get a line of credit at Facett-Tinley she didn't know ... Didn't he run up a bill with a tailor in their last town? She remembered the panic attacks when the letters demanding payment became more threatening and dire, but Richard refused to let it bother him until the law was starting to nip his heels, and a good sale cleared the bill and allowed him to close the account. Sure, tailors and decorators were not exactly in the same circles, but she sometimes heard that people talk about bad customers ... Perhaps Richard's charm won them over? Or a good sale got him an open account? He was using a very fine pen this morning she hadn't seen before ...

Whatever the circumstances, She had carefully chosen some lower-priced items, designed to give a homely feel but also lend an air of fine taste in antique decor. She knew fine well why he needed to impress the people coming over. She didn't LIKE it, per say, but a good sale put Richard in a lovely mood, and she always liked to see him smiling and happy. His apartment was surprisingly modern, with a washerwoman in the building that would do his laundry and everything.
She could hear his car outside, her ears over-sensitive to the sound of her approach, and she smoothed down her blouse and waistcoat, hopeful he liked her work.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 13:19:21
Oliver mimicked that smile and his own had a sorrowful glisten.


Richard with his well-tailored suit headed up the steps to his apartment and entered without bothering to knock. In fact, he barely acknowledged the change in decor. Instead, he stood in the doorway and finished writing whatever he had been working on, a paper bag dropped on the floor. His black leather book held in hand. The book is known by both him and Georgina to be filled with contact information for people often interested in what he had to sale. His new pen was slightly scratchy against the well-made paper but once it settled and his attention left the book, his eyes scanned the room.

It was pleasant, sufficient enough to give off the lived-in look despite only moving in a few days prior. He had little care for the price of items but nonetheless was pleased.

"You did well, now freshen up I'm expecting them in an hour," He told her, gesturing to the sweat that gathered on her brow and her hair. "Use the guest bath and put that on," He told her pointing to the dropped bag from earlier. Inside was a new blouse and skirt. It perhaps would run a little big, Richard had asked the girl at the desk to fetch it for him. His own evening outfit already hanging behind the door to his en-suite bathroom.

"I have a delivery boy from the market down the street bringing in some wine and cheeses. Please direct him to the kitchen when he arrives," Richard added before departing from the front room and heading toward his room to get ready.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 14:37:48
It sort-of amused Georgina how much like a waiter he appeared, with his fine leather book mimicking a reservation menu and his sharp suit. She was sure she could detect the faintest hint of cologne and soap in the air, the freshness of his fine suit clear even to the untrained eye. The paper back was a curiosity ...

Her heart soared at being told she done well, even if it was brought down by the bump of being told to freshen up. she thought she was still very proper, but perhaps not enough for his fine tastes ... obediently, she took the bag into the guest bathroom, trying on the blouse and skirt. Close, but not quite. It felt ... intimate changing at his home. Cosy. She almost imagined them getting ready to go out on the town ...
Stop. Enough. She slowly breathed in and out, adjusting the broach on her breast and smoothing the skirt, making sure her tights were flawless and leaving to see to the delivery boy. Fine wines, delicate cheeses, she was already preparing the serving platter with some grapes and thin crackers when the guests arrived ...

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 14:46:53
He emerged dressed in a three-piece suit. A little higher fashion, a statement item to prove to whoever was coming to visit that he had money despite his small living space. His face was freshly shaved, disliking the feeling of any amount of stubble on his cheek. The hint of expensive cologne was impossible to ignore.

He struggled with his non-dominant hand to fix the cufflinks but maintained composure long enough to stride over to Georgina. He put out his arm for her to help him, fully expecting her to step up to the task.

"I have the item in my office once they arrive I'll chat with them here in the front room. Offer wine and all that. I'll motion for you to get the case. It's not too heavy, just an old weapon. I'll display it talk about it and if he is in agreement he will hand over the payment and you give him the case. Once done is done I'll escort him out and you can go about your evening," His tone was neutral but calculating. It was always better to have someone else doing such a transaction. Backup if something were to go astray. Not that he couldn't handle himself.

"Any questions?"

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 15:11:02
Almost on reflex, she did indeed help him with his cuff, her slim fingers easily fastening the rather nice gold links. She nodded as he explained the plan; an old weapon, to a buyer. It sounded simple enough ...
The voice at the back of her mind told her she shouldn't be doing this. This was against their profession, this was a crime against history ...

But it makes him happy ...

"No, sir ..."

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 15:19:56
"Good," He replied stepping away from her and making for the door. Upon in widely and a charming smile plastered to his lips, he let in a thin shouldered man with an equally thin woman behind him. The two were matching in size and dress but their hair was striking in contrast. The man was silver-haired, fading hits of black hidden in his neat haircut. The woman with her fiery red hair obvisouly dyed entered, her eyes narrowed and lips in a thin line. The man took Richard's hand and gave it a good soild shake.

"Richard! Glad to finally be meeting you,"

"Pleasure is all mine, Mr. Lewis, please take a seat. My assistant will be bringing in some food and wine," Richard explained directing the older gentlemen to the room. "You are?" He asked the woman had attempted to go around Richard and rejoin Mr. Lewis when she was stopped by Richard she glared.

"You may call me Mrs. Burnett," She replied making no gesture to shake Richard's hand and instead joined Mr. Lewis. Annoyed by her actions, Richard made way toward Georgina and motioned for her to hurry up.

He sat with Mr. Lewis in the front room and the two men chatted over nothing as they waited for the wine.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 15:24:25
Georgina watched from a safe distance, her hands in front of her and her aura suitably demure. However, she was immediately struck by how hard and sharp this 'Mrs. Burnett' was; if Georgina was soft pink cotton, this woman was more like an angular mahogany figure. Perhaps old money? Very old money? It was hard to say, but Georgina was immediately afraid of her.

On cue, she fetched the wine first of all, a warm red with a hint of smokey notes that would go well with the slightly heavier cheeses and be freshened by the white grapes. Not a vintage she would have chosen, but Richard was always better with wines. Three fine-stemmed glasses were placed on the coffee table, and she poured a small sample in each to see who would drink first and she could top up later.

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 15:40:57
Mr. Lewis was the first to sip his wine, gesturing for Georgina to fill up his glass. Richard was second and only took little sips, choosing to remain mostly sober for the transaction. Continuing on her path of being the least excitable guest, Mrs. Burnett left her glass untouched. Instead, she settled down beside Mr. Lewis, crossed her legs at her ankles and waited the men talk.

Richard divided his attention between casual talking with Mr. Lewis and looking at Mrs. Burnett to try and read her expression. She remained blank and only once fidgetted enough to signal she was still awake.

Having bored himself with talk of recent politics, Richard made the gesture for Georgina to fetch the case and held up his facade of interest until she returned with it.

Once she did, he reached out for it and placed it on the table between them. Unlatching the locks he opened it to display an expensive dagger that appeared ceremonial.

"Is it real Mr. Lewis?"

Richard's eyes shot up and stared holes into Mrs. Burnett's face. She was the buyer?! They rarely communicated, preferring to send letters back and forth via private mail. Rarely did they use any sort of phone calls for concern of someone listening in.

Unphased my Richard's reaction, Mr. Lewis used his forefinger to gesture to various parts of the dagger, certain marks that proved it authentic.

"I would bet my life on it," Mr. Lewis told her, she cracked a smile that almost looked painful.

"Then hand him the money," She instructed, commanding the situation with ease, furthering the feeling of uneasy on Richard's behalf. Mr. Lewis withdrew from his suit jacket a large envelope of money and placed in square on the table beside the case. Richard picked it up and peeled back the yellow flap to reveal the money, in large bills. He didn't have the audacity to count the money in front of them. He had no desire to insult Mrs. Burnett.

He did manage to utter out a "Thank you," Neither Mrs. Burnett or Mr. Lewis replied, instead Mr. Lewis finished his wine and stood up, Mrs. Burnett following suit.

"Pleasure doing business with you. If you find anything similar please feel free to reach out to me in our usual fashion," She told him prior to turning on her heels and heading for the door. Mr. Lewis nodding a goodbye before following after her, case tucked under his arm.

Richard continued to sit a bit confused on the quickness of the exchange and the reveal of Mrs. Burnett. Shaking himself out of it he turned to the money before becoming Georgina closer.

"You and I will take this to the bank in small amounts to ensure no one questions us. Tonight we will deposit a quarter of it," He explained, finishing off his glass of wine. "Are you okay to stay late?" He asked but his tone was hinting that he expected her to have no other plans but her work.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 15:45:24
The hairs on the back of Georgina's neck stood up with the smile of Mrs. Burnett, and the general unease of the room. If Richard, Richard, who would insult God to his face personally, thought she was disturbing then that was more than enough for Georgina.

She was never more glad to see a woman leave.

She nodded at Richard's questions. She had plans to do some personal reading and maybe work on letters .... but if Richard needed her ...

"Of course, Sir"

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 15:51:51
Pleased with her answer, he went to the coat rack and gathered up a jacket as well as his banking information. His keys were last as he stopped before turning to her.

"What you were wearing earlier I'll have the washer lady take care of it and you can pick it up tomorrow or the next day," He told her before continuing on to the door. He waited long enough for her to follow after him before locking up the house.

Down the steps and to his card he didn't bother to help her in, instead, he got in and started the automotive, the sun had just set and it was only an hour until the banks closed for the day.

Once she was inside he handed her the envelope of money. "Divide it out into quarters," He instructed as he maneuvered the car out of the lot and onto the main street.

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 15:54:15
What are we doing

It was only once she was given the money, and actively started to sort it in her lap, that she paused. Thankfully, they had stopped at a traffic light and she had time to reflect.

"Sir" A pause, "Do you ... ever wonder what we are doing? I mean, this?" Gesturing at the money, though she didn't dare look up at him, "This is ... a lot of money ..."

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Hellion (#2741)

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Posted on
2018-10-01 16:01:46
"We are doing what everyone else does in this world. Making money," He answered, turning his attention to look at her, hand reaching out to grab her chin and gently coax her to look at him.

"The money I spend to get you that nice blouse and also keeps you employed. If you don't like it leave me and walk away but know you are just as complicit in these transactions as I am and like those, I do business with," He added, not bothering to look at the traffic light as it shifted to green, instead he held her gaze. "Do you want to leave me?"

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