Posted by Anthro RP

Rain123 (#97306)

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Posted on
2017-01-04 12:44:51
A small town full of Anthros! No exact plot just RP with your charecters!

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Edited on 21/02/17 @ 16:29:43 by Rainy{LF: Smol Beans} (#97306)

Rain123 (#97306)

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Posted on
2017-01-06 08:29:10
Canvas got bored of being ignored and simply walked away. She's loved here for two years and was rarely acknowledged. She sighed and walked through the snow, dragging g her skis in one paw and looking at places to ski near her. As she walked she looked at the full houses and took a good look at the ones for sale. She found a nice, cozy, two story she liked and searched it price. She could probably afford it if she had a small job. She just need and idea on what to do. She returned her apartment, deep in thought.

(It's almost dark)

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Edited on 06/01/17 @ 15:30:13 by Rainydog123๐ŸŽ (#97306)

Creinire (#100216)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-01-06 09:47:03
(Ah, thanks.)

Her neck arched and throat stretched, the continuation of howls broke the glass paved silence. This haunting song had come to be something the locals talked about. They praised her for it, - or yelled at her - although it was nothing special in her head. She didn't know why but she was hoping somebody would join in. Who knows, she might make some friends tonight. Creinire's calls faded into the falling blanket of darkness.

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Rain123 (#97306)

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Posted on
2017-01-06 09:55:02
An elegant white fox looked outside and smiled at the sunset. She looked at the pathetic anthros wearing winter coats and thick jackets. "Babies. " she said softlyto her self. She had a simple white and kind of glittery robe/dress on and stepped outside. She looked around and said, "Is," she looked at Savvy and spoke to her self. "Is that a horse?" She cackled softly. Then a muscular tiger caught her eye. She found him quite handsome, but she could never have a relationship with him. The fox, Vixey, looked down on her neighbors. She sipped her lemon grass tea and stepped back inside.

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2017-01-06 10:13:34
She saw how everyone was walking about- well... Almost everyone..- She stepped up and leaps off the balcony, her wings gliding her across the street, she was watching the motion of everyone, including a fox- arctic fox maybe- multiple wolves, a horse, and a tiger. The adjustment of her head tilted her towards the buildings. She jerked herself towards the park, skidding as she landed. She crashed into a tree, 'Ow..Oh Xylia, your such a bad flier...' She though as she stood up, realizing she would have been seen, she shook herself off, hoping no one would run after her. 'That would make me look weak.' She though, as her primal pride was a vivid material.

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Kaz ๐Ÿณ๏ธ‍๐ŸŒˆ
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2017-01-06 10:22:56
Mark Leonidas Saber | Male | Snow Tiger | Mentions: Nyla

Mark's attention turned back to Nyla, who had also looked up at the sky. "I came out here to get away from a few things," He muttered, with a glance at his paws. He didn't want to remember or talk about his past, the past few years of his life were.... Well, hard. A breeze stirred his snowy white fur, smelling of coffee. A few car-lengths away he saw a cafe. the thought of a warm drink made him smile.

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Rain123 (#97306)

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Posted on
2017-01-06 10:40:20
~It's Night time now! :D #

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Rain123 (#97306)

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Posted on
2017-01-06 11:26:07
Preston limped to his bed and flung himself on to it. It was getting late and his favorite shows where on. He powered on the TV to watch the weather real quick. It was supposed to snow all night and all day tomorrow. They where expected to get 6 or 7 inches of snow. "Wow! It's a bit early for that much snow." He said to himself. He looked at the empty space next to him. He wanted to love and be loved by someone. He frowned at the though and pushes it away. He clicked through channels until he found a show he enjoyed. He had a hard time falling asleep since his leg bothered him, but he eventually did.

Canvas sat on her bed and thought about what she was going to do. She decided to look at houses for sale in the neighborhood online. She found two she liked and decided to call the owners tomorrow. She watched a few videos on drawing and ended up falling asleep to a tutorial on how to make easy over eggs.

Vixey looked around her house for the remote. She found it and sat on her love chair and watched TV. She fell asleep earlier that she normally did.

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Dax ๐Ÿณ‍๐ŸŒˆ
(he/void) (#62320)

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Posted on
2017-01-06 13:19:25
"Me too." She mumbled. "It smells good doesn't it?" Nyla says smelling the scent of arabic coffee grounds. Her gaze drifted to his face, he was looking at her. They held eye contact for a moment, before she quickly looked away. She realized how small she was to him, and she was tall for most wolf and canine anthros. A chill ran through her spine, as the flurries turned to a steady pace snow. She stuck out her tounge to catch a few flakes.

|Mentions: Mark|

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Rain123 (#97306)

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Posted on
2017-01-06 13:39:01
Is everyone ok with it being morning now? Or is anyone waiting for a reply?

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Creinire (#100216)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-01-06 15:50:10
(I think we're good laddy; I am.)

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Dax ๐Ÿณ‍๐ŸŒˆ
(he/void) (#62320)

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Posted on
2017-01-06 21:58:16
Im waiting.

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Creinire (#100216)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-01-07 05:37:42
Creinire sought out a tall oak tree, dropped to her paws and circled a small patch of dirt between the thick roots. She settled down, fore limbs tucked underneath her chest as she brought herself into a ball of fur. Not long after did it take for her to pass out underneath the pools of moonlight.

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2017-01-07 06:03:42
She had decided to walk the park's paths to the northern part of the neighborhood, as the she-dragon was newer and she wanted to get to know the place she was guarding. The Excelliant Dragons were also known as Guardian Dragons, as they were very protective. Her tail whisked the snow with her every step, making a noise close to a whoosh like the wind. She growled as she came to an open boarder of the neighborhood after crossing multiple roads and such. The boarder was of a forest, with mixed oak, birch, and pine trees, and some fruit trees. She picked up a pine cone, 'Is this real?' She though and pressed it against her paw pad, and after a split second she knew it was real. She put the now cut paw pad in her satchel bag she had tied around her waist to try and keep it from freezing. She slightly wished she had someone to share this with, but pushed that away quickly with irritated growl. She wondered the forested area, coming across a rather large birch tree and lying down next to it, her primal instincts becoming more and more visible as her eyes drooped and she started to sleep, even though it was almost dawn.

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โ„ฌat-โ„ญat ๐Ÿ˜ผ (#67654)

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Posted on
2017-01-07 10:29:16
Finishing off his meal Zavalius picked up his plate and placed it in the kitchen sink. He glanced up at the wall-clock to see what time it was; 3:00am the clock read. The male rose his brows,
โ€œJeez time flies!โ€
Shaking his head slightly the hybrid decided to head off to bed for the remainder of the night. Climbing up stairs and making his way to his bed room the male more ales chucked himself into his bed almost instantly falling asleep.

-Short and crappy ik but, i'm on my phone-

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Edited on 07/01/17 @ 17:29:42 by โ„ฌat-โ„ญat ๐Ÿ˜ผ(Eh) (#67654)

{Semi-frozen} (#66753)

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Posted on
2017-01-07 13:14:31

Walking around her room, Astrii would watch the sky through her window. It was dark and filled with millions of wandering stars. For some reason, Astrii would wonder what was beyond them. With a heavy sigh, she walked out of her room, eyes heavy as she looked over at the clock, listening to it tick once in a while before continuing in her journey around the house. Yawning Astrii walked out of the house and slipped into the night, walking past street lights that would cause a silhouette to appear beside her.

Gaze yet again wandering towards the sky, smiling as the moon cast a heavy glare upon her as she walked down the street. Pulling her headphones onto her head, Astrii sat down on a bench and grabbed a paper and pencil, the charcoal tip gliding across the surface with ease. Head would bob slightly as she listened to the catchy music, her somewhat favorite song was 'Neon Lights' by Demi Lovato, and because of this sudden song, Astrii had gotten the idea of creating a beautiful background of the northern lights with a vast ocean below it. The main theme was going to be a dark night.

(Sorry for such a late reply. Astrii is now up for interactions <3!)

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