Posted by ;; AAC February Clan Event! ;;

tej (#90995)

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Posted on
2017-02-02 19:55:49
>b< Hello everybody! Welcome to AAC's first clan event! Let the fun begin, as I explain. Even though AAC if for anime lovers, we decided to do something related to the game we're talking on ^.^

The Admin's lionesses are feeling a 'lil amorous too, so try your luck with a little flirt toward one the lionesses noted down below! Respond in roleplay format toward one lioness of your choice.
Remember, if she likes your response you have a chance to win some decor!~

For Ken:
Juuzou (Personality: Stubborn, with rogue blood, yet caring for her pride in her own way.
Dislikes: Conflict.)
Naomi (Personality: Likes close nit friendships, quite cold hearted.
Dislikes: Injury, Warm weather.

For Tej:
Muskpelt: (Personality: Very flirtatious, confident, Lone wolf.
Dislikes: Shy males, dull things.)
Mousesnow: (Personality: Loyal, Easy to lead astray.
Dislikes: Rude lions, tall grass, being unable to see where she's going.)

For Nala:
Cupid: (Personality: Kind, Cautious.
Dislikes: Scary insects, spider webs.)
Seelie: (Personality: Headfirst, amorous.
Dislikes: Rain, Slow conversations.)

:Only members of AAC can enter, newcomers to the clan are welcome.
:There is no limit on how many people can flirt with one, so every lioness is always open for flirting. YOU CAN ONLY TRY ONCE.
:Please don't get upset if you don't win anything.
:Please don't PM us about your response, I'll get back to it ASAP!~

Happy Valentines day AAC! Good luck!

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Edited on 03/02/17 @ 05:48:40 by Tej (#AccidentalPervert) (#90995)


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Posted on
2017-02-03 07:02:19
May I try for Muskpelt?

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tej (#90995)

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Posted on
2017-02-03 20:01:16
Yes, of course!

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Posted on
2017-02-04 10:51:17

King Dio takes a look around and his gaze lands on one female, away from the rest. He pads over to her, tail held high. She gazes up at him, and he wastes no time. "Greetings, pretty lady. How about you and I go someplace...private?" he purrs, brushing his tail under her chin.

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Momma Jelly (#51159)

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Posted on
2017-02-06 08:27:32
what do we do?

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Galaxy (#91048)

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Posted on
2017-02-06 22:47:11
if you read the forum on top it will hopefully help you if not message the leader or an admin so we don't clog up this thread
thank you

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2017-02-07 03:02:37
Can i try for Muskpelt as well?

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tej (#90995)

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Posted on
2017-02-07 03:38:40
Yes! You don't need to ask, go ahead cx

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🐦GreenBirb🐦 (#102066)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 04:23:46
(Gerwyn is going to try for Mousesnow)
Gerwyn slowly saunters up to an all white lioness Her (His?) long fangs glinting in the sunlight. Rubbing against the Albino lioness she purrs, "Hello pretty thing, would you like to go somewhere more private?" Gerwyn winks as she shakes out her long pastel fur.

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🌗Pidge🌓 (#49134)

Special Snowflake
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Posted on
2017-02-09 09:02:12
Midnight gilded over to a lioness, laying in shade. Shaking his icy mane, keeping his head held high. Scanning her, accepting the she is worthy of him. He lowers his head, his long fangs brushing her ear. "Do you want to somewhere more private?" He smirks, before lifting his head, tilting it.

Sorry for any spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes I'm dyslexic^^

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Kat In Time (#78155)

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Posted on
2017-02-14 08:12:02
It was a cool spring morning and Theren had made his way to the nearby river. He plopped down by the rivers edge with a sigh and began to paw at the fish that swam by in a blasé manner. He was bored and was hoping to find something of interest at the river. Just when Theren was about to doze off, a flash of movement caught his attention.

Theren sat straight up and started to survey the area. He realized he wasn't alone and that there was more than one. Suddenly something ran into him. It was lioness, and before Theren could wrap his head around things 2 adolescent lions came running over from the nearby brush, one had a large centipede hanging from its mouth. Theren noticed the lioness cringing at the sight of the wriggling creature. He stood up and approached the young lions. They quickly straightened up and whipped the smirks from their faces. Theren gave the two a stern look and removed the creeping bug from the young lions mouth and tossed it into the river.

"Apologize" Theren said in a firm tone. Both did as they were told. "Now go on home" commanded Theren. The two hung their heads and muttered a few words of protest, but headed off home without a fuss.
Theren now directed his attention to the lioness who had been sitting behind him. "Are you alright?" he inquired.
She glanced up at Theren, but didn't give him an answer. Her face was flushed and she appeared to be more embarrassed then anything. The lioness then began to move away, occasionally glancing back at Theren.

"It's alright you know, not liking bugs" Theren said awkwardly. She paused and looked back at him. "If you want I could, uh, umm, walk you back home if you want" he fidgeted as he spoke. The lioness stared a bit longer, her eyes running him up and down. After a few minutes her expression relaxed and she made her way back towards Theren. He took this as a yes and started to walk next to her. "Thank you" she muttered softly. Theren felt himself blush slightly at this. "You know there's a great spot to relax just up ahead a bit, it's kinda my special spot" Theren said calmly. " There's a big tree for shade and it overlooks the river. The grass is soft and it seems to be pretty much bug free." He looks over and tries to read her body language. She seems to have relaxed now, her eyes met his. They both realized what had happened and looked away shyly, blushing. Theren led the lioness to this special spot where they sat quietly, occasionally conversing about this and that. As the sun started to set Theren noticed just how close she was to him. He went back and forth in his head about whether or not he should make a move. He finally drummed up enough courage and nuzzled his head against hers.

To Be Continued...Will Theren's simple, but meaningful gesture be accepted or will he be turned down? Find out when the admins make their decisions!

Sorry it's so long, but it just happens. This was a response for Cupid.

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