Posted by Vampric twin sign ups

Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2017-03-02 13:57:21
So I've had this idea running through my head about Vampiric twins. Not just one set or related vampires but many like a clan so to speak. Full blood vampires, Born, Bitten, Half blood, curse,Etc. Each was given a pendent at the day they became twelve years old or the day they came into the life of a vampire(if older then twelve), Many are older then twelve years old and lead the rankings teaching younger ones to control the powers and abbiltys that come with being a vampiric twin. However not all are related the pendents choose they're owners by worthiness or blood. Some up until the day the first met know nothing about each other. THere is two sides of the vampric twins a light side those who can handle the day light, And a dark side or night walkers those who can only handle being out at night. The light sides pendents are made of silver marking they're alliance to the night. And those of the dark side's pendents are made of gold marking they're alliance to the day light.

1. NO Swearing ( I dont care no matter how much you like to use it. I will not tell you again) G.m. or p.p
3. You can't roleplay your own twin or Boyfriend/Girl friend
4. No Same sex Couples. I dont hate you I just dont want it here.
5. KNOW When to fade to black (no one wants to see you doing anything nasty)
6. No one line posts
7. Have fun

Information on the pendants
Each pendant has a gemstone in it showing what type of vampire they are
Moonstone for Purebloods (Those that are full vampires and born that way)
Emerald for Full vampires (the ones that where bitten)
Onyx for those that where some who Cursed into become a vampire
Diamond for Born half Vampires
Sapphires for Half vampires (Bitten There was a virus about four years ago causing this)
Garnet for anything else if you run it by me you might be allow to use it....
As well as each pendant has an image of something or is in the shape of something. This will represent what they can do later on in this rp.

Race what species of vampire are you)
Pendant Gold or silver)

The twins
Daydream= Dakota Silver(pendants as silver necklace with a moonstone eye and carved crescent moon) but please make Nightmare a guy ,Nightmare and Daydream /Dream twins
Aaliyah and OPen are the Wolf Twins
Cole(golden pendant) and open Enthrall Twins
Madison Frost And Open Flower Maze Twins (Twin Must be Female)

My Characters
Looks:very pale skin with icy blue eyes . HEr hair has a slight wave to it and is light blond
Personality:Aaliyah is rather shy at first but she can quickly warm up to you and become your best friend or your worst enemy. She takes her duties as a twin very seriously and has secretly pledged to protect her twin from any harm that may come they're way
Race:Half vampire Bitten
Pendant:Silver arm band that has that resembles a wolf ins with Sapphire eye
History:Aaliyah became a vampire the same night she found a vampire on the verge of rouge near her old human home. He was in need of blood and with the promise not to change her Aaliyah offered some of her. The vampire agreed with a laugh, Neither of them knew that he was infected with the virus that made her a half vampire. It was just after he pulled away that six rouges burst from the woods they didn't stand a chance. Before they knew what was happening they sank they're fangs into her skin. Thats when things went black, When Aaliyah woke up she craved blood and her body was rather sore where they had bit her.
Boyfriend:Open/ has bit of a crush on the nightmare twin of the dream twins
Wears:Jeans and t-shirts
Weapon:twin blades
Other:Can often be found sticking close to her vampric siblings side in crowded or public place

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Edited on 06/03/17 @ 13:55:19 by Axis~feels frozen solid (#4339)

Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 08:13:10
*paces while waiting for others to join*

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Virus [Message #275]
-(CCC) (#123)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 08:30:54
Soo I'm interested in joining but I'm really, like, REALLY confused. How does this twins thing work? How does any of it work really?
I thought I understood it a little and then you brought in powers like turning into a wolf and you lost me. So each set has powers, then? Could you go into more depth about what kind of powers they're allowed to have and whatnot? Do they choose their twins or are they assigned? Who assigns their twins if the latter? Is it a birth-made decision? What decides their powers? When are their powers obtained?
Also what are your parameters on this RPs vampires, what does it mean to be a vampire in this RP? Can they eat human food? Does non-human blood satisfy them? What happens if they drink vampire blood? How is the disease spread, through biting? Through feeding of a non-vampire vampire blood? Some other alternative?

Also, it says "THere is two sides of the vampric twins a light side those who can handle the day light, And a dark side or night walkers those who can only handle being out at night. The light sides pendents are made of silver marking they're alliance to the night. And those of the dark side's pendents are made of gold marking they're alliance to the day light."
So is the [light side aligned to darkness] and the [dark side aligned to light]? So those who can't walk in the day are aligned to the day light they can't walk in? Or is this a typo? And do the ones who can handle daylight have an alternate weakness(and/or doe night walkers have an alternate advantage)? Or is there a reason they're more powerful than the night walkers?

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Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 08:41:22
The pendants and who gets them are decided by the leadesr of the little group, no its not a typo what I mean by alliance of night and day is that even though they are either like your story book vampires that cant come out in the daytime for the sunlight would kill them, the still choose to alliance with the day in the sense the will not wage war against those that are day walkers, and vise versa. Now the powers are decided by family ,dna , or if your bitten who bit you as thats whos family your now in, if cursed well thats hard to say I suppose it depends on who placed the curse.

Some can eat human food, say half bloods or pure bloods that have trained themselfs to do so. Others can only eat/drink blood human normally. Though I would say if mates it would be a thing for them to share they're blood. The vampire-ism itself its spread through feeding off a no-human/biting (Normally its one in the say) The half vampire virus is only transmitted from purebloods who where infected through feeding.

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Virus [Message #275]
-(CCC) (#123)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 08:54:29
Okay, but what kinds of powers can they have? What are the limitations on that? And when twins are chosen do the individual powers of each transfer to the other? Since you said that twins share their powers, but in the case that twins are not from the same family they would not have the same powers to begin with.

And back to my other question- since the day walkers can survive under daylight and night but the night walkers can only survive in night, what do the night walkers have to create a balance of power? Are they overall far more powerful then their counterparts? Or alternatively how is that power imbalance, the inferiority of the night walkers(if there is nothing to balance the power) explained through plot?

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Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 09:03:55
THey would become eachother family, as I was trying to say in my post to Dire the pendants in a sense bond you to your twin. You become as a blood related twin would but more so (for everyone) with the bond its almost as if it gets in your blood. You can feel when one another needs eachother. Though you don't have the same powers you will have similar powers, Example would be Daydream and Nightmare twins, they will probably not have the same exact powers..At least I owuld think not >> Would you Dire?

Nightwalkers would be more powerful in the sense they gain the more natural abilities you would see for a vampire (not all of the abilities will go to each vampire) such as super strangeth or super speed, but they pay the price for having the extra bit of power on top of they're twin powers, they can't go out in the sun.

Daywalkers are more powerful in the sense they can gain control of they're blood lust and not need to feed as often. This allows them to focus on training and they're family, and friends. However its not a total control and they still can slip up ad loose control. They are more prone however to the half vampire Virus, which in turn proves to be a weakness to them .

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Virus [Message #275]
-(CCC) (#123)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 09:12:52
Okay, thanks for clearing up the Night walker Day walker thing, so then Night walkers are basically just more vampire-y. That's what I was hoping. And I believe I read somewhere that one of the twins is always a nightwalker and the other a daywalker? Was that correct?

Anyway back onto the powers thing, didn't you say that powers depended on ones family? As in who turned them/infected them? So then, upon becoming twins with another was not previously your family, how do the powers split up? For example, Tom is infected by Rob, whose family power is A, and Jamie is born to Casie, who has family power B, Tom and Jamie are chosen as twins, how do those powers sort themselves out?

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 09:14:25
I think the Dream twins would have dream powers (based on what you called them ) Daydream or Dakota would probably be able to enter good dreams whilst Nightmare would probably enter Well, Nightmare's. That or Nightmare would be able to Bring the stuff from your Nightmares into reality temporarily whilst Dakota would be able to tempt you with the stuff from your dreams. at least that's how i see there powers working.

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Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 09:15:40
no no ^^ its not needed for one to be a day walker and one a night walker, I was gonna limit the pairs that where both to about six or seven ,because I dont want every pair being both. Thats not saying I dont want both sides Day and night to be balanced more or less I just want the pairs that have both in to be less then the ones that only have one

thats a little hard, but I suspect it would have something to with the 'magic' if you will that lays with in each of the pendants. As I said some where I think, The pendants choose the twins, you don't choose your own pendant ( well I know signing up we're creating them but rp wise we didn't choose them)

That sounds like a good Idea for bring the things from nightmares to relating I guess we will have to wait and see what the person who takes mr. nightmare thinks

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Edited on 03/03/17 @ 16:18:44 by Axis~feels frozen solid (#4339)

Virus [Message #275]
-(CCC) (#123)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 09:26:57
Okay, one last thing, where/when is this set?

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Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 09:29:51
Modern time , as for where uhh *thinks * never had a place ^^; I guess I always just placed it in my head in the 'vampire world' so to speak. But Maybe a small European country? Not saying everyones from them but thats where its set?

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Virus [Message #275]
-(CCC) (#123)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 09:32:47
Okay, thanks.

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Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 09:35:01
xD Virus I swear I was squirm because you and your questions ! I love your full of them though! It shows your interested in whats going on behind the scenes of the rp. Just please don't make sweat through my t-shirt againxD

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Virus [Message #275]
-(CCC) (#123)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 10:01:44
Ahaha, sorry. I just wanted to understand the world better so I could accurately place my character into it xD

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Axis (#4339)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 10:18:42
thats one more twin added to the group

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-03-03 12:50:11
Axis, are you the night walker or can I be? And I'm making my form now! Have two girls and two boys!

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