Posted by RP w/ Niko Kamisaki and Fuckmesatan

[3/10GB]🌸🗻 (#6150)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-17 02:16:26
Yaaay ghosts

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Edited on 17/03/17 @ 11:20:00 by Llama (#6150)

Sans' Dadster (#100635)

King Of Hearts
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Posted on
2017-03-17 02:22:54
I Usally use a house in a deserted setting

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[3/10GB]🌸🗻 (#6150)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-17 02:26:26
So like a super secluded cabin in the woods maybe?

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Sans' Dadster (#100635)

King Of Hearts
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Posted on
2017-03-17 02:32:46
yea but my thing is niko is an accident prone and is always in distress so it might start dramitic is that ok

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[3/10GB]🌸🗻 (#6150)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-17 02:41:41
Yuss I love drama xP

The Character I'm gonna start with is Ailsa Gaftan she's an original species of mine, with three forms and elemental powers, she is Fire element. Black hair, pale grey eyes, and tribal-esque runes all over her body that glow at her own will or when she's using her powers. She seems to be about 25, but is actually about 3500 years old. Her forms are humanoid at 5'3", Cheetah anthro at 6'2", and a feral cheetah at 3'2" (shoulder height)

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Sans' Dadster (#100635)

King Of Hearts
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Posted on
2017-03-17 02:50:46
Niko is a Fox wolf hybrid with 23 other demons/angels who feed off her magic making her seem as though she has Schizophrenia at times she's only 4'9 (lol irl height) and has many powers she is unaware about shes 21 (16 but your charaters older than her by a mile so I made her 21) and May I start first?

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[3/10GB]🌸🗻 (#6150)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-17 02:56:20
Sounds good, and yup ho ahead

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Sans' Dadster (#100635)

King Of Hearts
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Posted on
2017-03-17 03:02:26
*Niko was hiding in some bushes listening to other men yell and talk. they where looking for her. she had a muzzle around her mouth and a collar around neck with a popped chain. She breathed heavilly before bolting out the bushes the men had seen her and began to shoot at her but her speed was incrdible when it came to dogeing. she ran until she came to a house. she looked behind her then back a the house she then lifted her arm concentrating putting dark ruby like sheild over the house. she ran in and hid as the gun shots became louder*

(pardon my spelling)

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[3/10GB]🌸🗻 (#6150)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-17 03:11:41
The day had been quite boring so far, Ailsa trotted through the forest, long feline tail swishing behind her for balance. She stopped dead in her tracks, ears swiveling to find the direction of the loud noise, "Gunshots...?" She whispered. Hoping her feral form would be inconspicuous she headed towards the sound, picking up speed she ran quicky, excited for something to do. Reaching the area she slowed immediately, slinking into the underbrush. After careful observation she noticed the red dome covering the small house, Interesting... she thought, as she looked around trying to find anywhere to get closer to the house without being seen.

(It's okay c: , I use italics for thoughts, is that okay?)

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Sans' Dadster (#100635)

King Of Hearts
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Posted on
2017-03-17 04:16:24
(sorry me and my bf where...ahem....well you dont need to know anyway, Italics are fine)

*Niko curled up whimpering she already tried getting the muzzle off she couldnt. she looked helplessly at the flimsy shield protecting her when she was in panic none of her magic was strong enough to do anything. she was only sane enough to put the shield*

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[3/10GB]🌸🗻 (#6150)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-17 04:30:23
(Lol )

Not being able to find anything Ailsa decided it would be better to 'get rid' of the gunmen. Concentrating her power, the runes covering her body began to glow brightly, the pupils in her eyes disappeared as they began to glow. Releasing a quiet breath, the gunman burst into flames, the fire burned their clothes but it wasn't enough to kill them.

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Sans' Dadster (#100635)

King Of Hearts
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Posted on
2017-03-17 04:37:22
*They all direct there attention on there burning clothes and pat the fire out. They all say something in a forigen langauge and run off. Niko cant move her mouth so she wimpers and yelps hoping that someone was out there to help her. She heplessly scratches at her caged muzzle wimpering.*

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Auris (#102788)

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Posted on
2017-03-17 04:41:59
lemme pop in to describe my character Melanie.

Melanie- Melanie, despite her human appearance, is also a mythical creature. Her right eye is a bright violet color with a bit of a pink tint. Her left eye is a cloudy grey color. She isn't blind and can still see out of it, but it is cloudy because that is where her powers lie. She uses telekinesis and she can also temporarily paralyze people from the neck down for fifteen minutes, only problem, she doesn't have full control over it. Her eye can only stay open for a few minutes before things randomly go flying and anyone directly in front of her in a one mile radius is paralyzed forever, and she can't choose who it happens to. So in order to conceal it she keeps that eye closed and always covered with her hair, so her hair is always covering that eye. If she needs to use her powers, her eye can stay open for only about five minutes each time she opens it before going haywire. Melanie has silver wavy hair that actually waves into big hoops a bit, and looks like it can just spring if you pull it down. About halfway down her hair goes from silver to black to the end of her hair tips. Melanie is very wise for her age, and is calm 90% of the time even in a dire scenario rarely will you see her freak out. She is that calm, soothing voice in the group, and is more rational than emotional, but she is stand off-ish but once you get to know her, she is a true treasure to keep and has your back regardless.

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[3/10GB]🌸🗻 (#6150)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-03-17 04:43:38
Listening closely to the whimpers Ailsa stalked towards the door of the home. The color of her runes changing from Orange to bright yellow, signifying her apprehension. She pressed on despite this, nudging the door open to find the canine lying on the floor, muzzled, and desperately trying to escape from the contraption. Shifting silently to her human form Ailsa spoke quietly, "Do you need a bit of help sweetie," she said taking a cautious step forward. Her runes still lit the room bathing it in warm light

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Sans' Dadster (#100635)

King Of Hearts
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Posted on
2017-03-17 04:49:00
*Niko backed up afraid of her as she still pawed at the muzzle locked to her face. she barked slightly moving back towords her wanting to take it off. wimpering and ducking her head submissively.*

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Auris (#102788)

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Posted on
2017-03-17 04:56:13
A soft sigh left the silver haired woman. Currently she was taking a walk in the nearby woods (I am assuming) with both hands shoved into the pockets of her pants. It was such a long and boring day, or so she thought. Hearing gunshots fire she jumped slightly, Violet gaze turning into that direction. A quiet snort leaving her nostrils. "Well might as well go check it out." Pivoting her body that way, Melanie started trudging deeper into the forest, silver hair gently waving side by side, but her left eye never became uncovered. After a while of walking she came upon a house with some strange magic around it. Odd, who lived here? Stepping closer wearily, She peeked her head in, using her only visible eye to see inside the house. "Hello?" Melanie called out, wondering if she was too late.

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