Posted by Solclan • RP Thread

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-04-16 21:42:32


A Warriors Roleplay
Mods: InserCleverNameHere and Potato Lord

For centuries, three clans of big cats have dominated these lands: Solclan, full of powerful and highly dominant lions; Shadeclan, the secretive clan of tigers; Roseclan, a collection of leopards, jaguars, and cats of similar stature. Without human influence, the three clans have grown to large sizes and thrived, learning to coexist within their own borders and, by extension, becoming more social than their non-clan cousins. But they are not alone. For nearly as long as the cats have survived here, they have shared the island with a group of canines¹. Having been proven the weakest and by far the least dominant, the canines were driven into "The Mud," a small swamp on the far-east coast.



A pride of lions headed by [NAME], [DESCRIPTION]. The clan occupies a hot, arid plain of savannah dotted with caves both underground and on the surface where they make their home. The hunters find hearty meals in the numerous gazelle, impala, giraffe, antelope, and zebra that roam the plains. Unlike normal lion prides, more than one male is allowed and they may love any lioness they choose.



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Edited on 07/05/17 @ 08:16:50 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-03 14:20:31

The bright light of the sun is now covered by giant fluffy clouds, heavy with rain. Solclan and its occupants, as well as the entire island, are dripping and moving sluggishly. Cubs and young apprentices, however, do not feel the same dreariness as their seniors, splashing in paddles and bathing in mud. Chosen cats, including a few apprentices, gather around the Leader's den, awaiting the trek to The Roaring Call.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-06-03 15:27:34
Sorrowwing||Female||24 Moons||Transvaal||Warrior||Camp||Mentions: [Direct] Brazenpaw, [Indirect]

Sorrowwing nodded. "Come back soon. Stay close to Lizardtail, and don't die." As if dying were a choice. She knew very well that her apprentice was a skilled one at that, but she couldn't afford to have another loved one die. Not with in the mental state she was already in.


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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-03 23:20:01

Bronzeclaw| 48 Moons| Male African Lion| Deputy| Mentions: Open for Interaction

Massive, strong paws bore gouges into the dirt, water welling up inside of them almost immediately after their maker raised their foot. A heavy mane, thick and dripping droplets of the constant rain, was fluffed up against the unfamiliar chill in the air caused by the condensation. A soft breeze blew through the camp, carrying with it the smell of mud and crisp, clean air. Unlike the younger lions of the clan, who enjoyed this newfound weather, the giant male had had enough already. Huffing in annoyance, he moved himself quickly beneath a low-hanging baobab branch near the leader's den, awaiting the long trek to meet with the other clans. The Roaring Call was important, and he quite enjoyed the festivities that came along with it. No need for borders or hostility in a time of truce. Not that it always happened that way, but he could hope. Bronzeclaw raised his large head, broad muzzle trying to deduce who else was coming nearer through the haze. So far, he was the only one to arrive, and flicking his ears, Solclan's deputy settled into a state of sullen patience only intensified by the dreary sky.

Brazenpaw| 13 Moons| Female African Lion| Apprentice| Mentions: Open for Interaction. Bronzeclaw [Indirectly]

A gentle drum of water poured down on the young lioness, her fur soaked and plastered to her lean frame. However, it didn't seem to be bothering her much, as the expression on her face was one of pleasant contentment. It wasn't often that it rained like this in Solclan territory, and the welcome reprieve from the regular intense heat caused her spirits to be rather high despite the fact that she would not be attending the Roaring Call this moon. Opening honey colored eyes, the young she-cat caught sight of a familiar hulking frame, though the deputy seemed to be less than pleased about the heavy clouds and pouring rain. The water running down her flank was slowly seeping into her skin, and Brazenpaw realized that perhaps sitting out beneath the downpour wouldn't be too good for her health after too long. With a breezy sigh, she stood and trotted happily over to the mouth of the apprentice's den, giving her fur a good shake before laying down at the entrance, watching the camp awaken.

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WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

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Posted on
2017-06-03 23:38:59

Image Source
| Sagewater |
Congo Lioness | Warrior | 47 Moons (~4 yrs.) | Location: Camp| Mentions: Bronzeclaw [Directly] Brazenpaw [Indirectly]

With a startled yelp the usually reserved lioness snapped upward from her impromptu napping position in the once dry clearing. When she had dozed off the sun had been beating down on her flank in an almost sultry-like behavior. Yet, now, she noted, the sky had darkened with clouds so thick that the ShadeClan felines were probably elated. She, however, was mildly annoyed. Not at the weather itself per say, but at the fact she'd been so deep into her unconscious state she failed to notice that the sky had begun to feriouciously spit droplets of moister onto SolClan's inhabitants. With the sigh Sagewater rolled onto her paws in a fluid motion, she noted that the ground was slick with fast forming mud. It clung to her paws, matting them in the deep brown substance. She picked up each paw and shook it curtly to fling the mud loose as she stalked towards any semblance of a dry sanctuary. In her vision she saw both Brazenpaw and Bronzeclaw, each taking shelter on distance sides of the camp. After a moment Sagewater chose to head towards the handsome deputy, The boabab branch he was standing under seemed large enough for two and she intended to take full advantage of that fact. With a controlled urgency in her steps Sagewater approached Bronzeclaw.
"I do hope this spot isn't taken?" The lioness purred, her statement doubling as a question. She began to slide under the Boabab tree's branch. After a moment she elaborated, "I'm so rain soaked I looked like I might secretly be a tiger," she joked in reference to the stripes of rain darkened fur along her sides, as she awaited full permission to claim the dry space she'd slid into.

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Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-06-04 12:11:49


Lilystream | Female | Camp | Warrior | 31 Moons | Mentions: N/A

Lilystream sits on her lonesome, quietly waiting for the announcement that the chosen of SolClan were to head out to join the rest of the Clans at the meeting place, where they would socialize under a truce. Usually, she would be very happy for this event, weaving around the warriors of her Clan and chatting before they would have to prepare for the journey, answering the questions of apprentices and even tussling around with the cubs, but not this day.
No, this day she felt heavy and not just from the rain, the cause? Frostheart was not in camp, in fact he hadn't been in camp for quite some time. Rain spilled heavily down on the felines of her Clan, some anxiously moved to retreat from the cold spray, others basked in it. Lilystream's usually well-groomed cream fur was darkened with moisture and watery soil, water dripped from her chin and droplets clung to her long whiskers and lashes though she did little to clean them away.
She lacked the once easy ability to walk up to one of her clan-mates and converse, nowadays preferring her own company if not on a hunting or border patrol, yet even then she vocalized very little. Forlorn, she continued to sit in place; allowing the weather to do with her what it wished, her ears perked only to catch wind of the command to head out. The Roaring Call was the only thing she looked forward to, but only vaguely. The fact that the Clans could come together, not out of spite but out of peace made her feel a little better. RoseClan interested her the most, the Clan had many variations of felines, all unique and beautiful in their own way.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-06-04 13:01:47
Sorrowwing||Female||24 Moons||Transvaal||Warrior||Camp||Mentions: [Direct] Brazenpaw, [Indirect]

Sorrowwing sat down, her head on her paws. She quietly watched as all the excited warriors sat, hoping to be called. Sorrowwing didn't even want to go. Brazenpaw and her would be training. In the mucky rain. She hoped for Brazenpaw to stay. Sorrowwing never got training in the rain, but she knew how to track multiple things in the rain. Warthogs especially. Sorrowwing walked through the cold water, sloshing down on her sides and the camp a mudhole. She wondered if warthogs would migrate over. For a few moments, the female lioness looked for her apprentice Brazenpaw lied down at the entrance of the apprentice den. "Rest. Get ready for our training while it rains." Sorrowwing's lips curled into a frown. "Warthogs." She said, walking off to the warrior's den, resting once again.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-04 18:54:12

| Buzzardpaw |
Male • 11 Moons • Asiatic Lion • Warrior Apprentice
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Sorrowwing, Brazenpaw / {Indirectly} Bronzeclaw, Frosheart, Lizardtail

Buzzardpaw hadn’t bothered leaving the apprentice's den upon waking to the sound of rain pounding against the roof, remaining curled in the warmth his nest offered. Bronzeclaw informed him the night before he wouldn’t be going to the gathering this morning since he had attended the last one and another apprentice should be given a chance to go. It hadn’t taken much convincing. Buzzardpaw had no desire.

A deep sense of sadness kept the young male from doing much of anything these days unless urged by his new mentor. Frostheart’s disappearance had clearly hit him hard. ’If I had stayed with him instead of going with Lizardtail and the others maybe he would still be here,” he thought in utter misery, a soft sigh escaping him as he stared at the den wall. His ears twitched as Sorrowwing’s voice drifted toward him from outside, clearly aimed at Brazenpaw resting near the entrance.

His head lifted, gazing in Brazenpaw’s direction. He wondered if it was safe to go hunting in weather like this, but kept from voicing his concerns. Sorrowwing was a warrior. Surely she knew what she was doing?


| Dawnflower |
Female • 61 Moons • Masai Lion • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Nightpaw / {Indirectly} Palefur

Dawnflower approached the medicine den with haste, slipping inside and escaping the rain if only for a moment. Shelter from the cold downpour was not her reason for coming however. Today was the day Nightpaw would visit the Moonlake and, StarClan willing, receive his full name. The apprentice wasn’t nearly old enough for the responsibility being thrust upon him and it troubled the lioness, but Palefur had never returned. They had little choice in the matter. “I came to wish you luck,” she greeted, forcing a confident and reassuring smile. She would have liked to be chosen for the Roaring Call so she could accompany Nightpaw when he left for the Moonlake, but luck hadn’t been on her side this time.


| Fawnstep |
Male • 73 Moons • Transvaal Lion (Leucistic) • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Lilystream / {Indirectly} Frostheart

A pale shape sitting solo near the camp’s center caught his attention almost immediately as Fawnstep lumbered back into camp, dragging the carcass of a sodden gazelle after him. It'd been an easy catch, an adolescent caught in the mud. The poor creature would have died a slow, terrifying death if he hadn’t come upon it, ending it much quicker with a bone-crunching bite to the throat. After depositing the prey to the fresh-kill pile, he made his way to Lilystream’s still form, sitting down beside her.

He knew the light-furred lioness preferred solitude over company these days, grieving Frostheart’s absence. The siblings had been through so much already and Fawnstep knew the pain of a lost loved one all too well, like a thorn in one's heart. “Lilystream,” he said gently. “You should get out of the rain while you have the chance. We’ll be leaving soon and their won’t be much shelter on the way.” Should she turn to look at him, his blue gaze would be filled with warm empathy, lacking of pity and only understanding.

Prey Added: 1 yearling gazelle.

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King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-06-04 19:11:29
Nightpaw ∞ Male ∞ 6 moons ∞ Apprentice ∞ Med Den ∞ Mentions: Dawnflower ∞ Open to interactions

Nightpaw looked up flicking his tail as he had gone over the herbs he did know in case they were needed. He tilted his head, what was going on tonight? Oh right, the Roaring Call. What would the other clans say to one as young as he being the Clans full med? Would the Leaders even accept him as a full med or would he have to lie and say Palefur was sick? He had so many questions and his stomach felt as if an adder was slithering around in it, however he daren't touch the herbs, he wanted to be clear-minded when he visited the ancestors in Star Pack

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-04 21:26:35


"Who cares what happens when we’re dead? We shouldn’t think that far ahead. The only latter day that matters is tomorrow."

Grasspaw • Male • 13 moons • Apprentice • Apprentice Den • Mentions: None

The patter of raindrops drummed against the thick stone roof of the spawning Apprentice den, slowly and calmly waking Grasspaw from his drowsy stupor. The thoughts of The Roaring Call sat only in the deepest recesses of his mind, an afterthought usurped by how loudly his stomach was growling. Bumbling around a little due to a small accident during training, the teen male stood and stepped towards the gloomy outdoors. His previously dry, golden fur was immediately soaked by the downpour, weighing the young male down slightly. "My mane," he complained to himself, shaking his head to try and puff the tufts of long hair out further. His attempts were futile, only dispelling drops of water in every direction.

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Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2017-06-04 21:58:05
Treewhisker | Female | 60 moons | West African Lioness | Location: Camp | Warrior | Mentions: [Directly]: Grasspaw [Indirectly] N/A

Treewhisker awoke to the thundering noise of the downpour. It was the day where they were going to the Roaring Call and she was coming along. She walked out of her den, immediately getting soaked. Her pelt became a shade darker and she flattened her ears. Personally, she didn't mind a few raindrops here and there, but not pouring rain. Treewhisker saw her son, Grasspaw and trotted over to him, only to hear him complaining g about his mane. "What mane? I don't see anything." Treewhisker joked and softly put her nose against his neck in greeting. She loved her son so dearly and was glad that he was coming along to the gathering.

(Ah, short.)

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Edited on 04/06/17 @ 21:58:49 by BritishAce (#78363)

Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-06-05 08:33:32


Lilystream | Female | Camp | Warrior | 31 Moons | Mentions: Fawnstep [Direct]

Lilystream glanced slowly and tentatively to the side, wary, as Fawnstep approached. Through the downpour, she could hear his voice, kind -- always kind -- and gentle; her hazelnut brown eyes flicked momentarily upwards to glance at the darkened sky, watching the rainfall dribble from their origin, before looking towards the light tawny bulk of the male. She didn't mind the rain much, but then again she didn't mind anything anymore. Lilystream was tempted to grunt or make a simple acknowledgement of Fawnstep's presence and let that be the end of it, the rain wouldn't kill her and there would be even more rain in her future but as her gaze settled onto his face, she noted how his cornflower blue eyes shone in empathy and the sight made any thought to ignore him float away. Sometimes, she was gazed on with sympathy, empathy was new and it was refreshing. "Perhaps... you're right." Lilystream murmured. She felt heavy and sluggish, her coat weighing her down. It would be nice to get a little dry, she supposed. Water was running along the skin underneath her coat and it was a bit itchy.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 00:43:59

| Fawnstep |
Male • 73 Moons • Transvaal Lion (Leucistic) • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Lilystream

Fawnstep, admittedly, had expected she would reject his suggestion and was mentally preparing how best to persuade her when Lilystream surprised him completely by agreeing with him. Astonishment showed on his face only briefly before he nodded his head towards the warriors den. "Why don't we wait inside until it's time to leave? Perhaps grab some prey on the way? Travelling will prove easier with a full belly," he replied cheerily. He suspected the lioness wasn't eating as much as she should be lately. Food had a tendency to lose its appeal when one was in the process of grieving, but still a nessacary part of life. "I caught a rather fine gazelle only this morning."

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-06 08:10:21

Bronzeclaw| 48 Moons| Male African Lion| Deputy| Mentions: Sagewater [Directly]

As a familiar seductive voice tugged at his ears, the giant of a male raised his head, his pale amber eyes landing on Sagewater's lithe form. Her fur, he noted, was slick with rain. It took him a moment to comprehend what she'd said, but he answered quickly and easily, giving the female a gentle smile as he moved over.
"Of course not, you're free to join me." He replied, settling his large body and giving her permission to move beneath the cover of the branch. Solclan's usually dry and arid camp was now covered in sopping mud, rivulets of water creating tiny rivers in the soft dirt. Luckily for them, many a cave dotted the land, offering quick access to shelter for weather like this. Bronzeclaw lifted his muzzle into the air, staring up at the constantly darkening sky and watching as water droplets fell from the clouds. He was new to the position of deputy, after Frostheart went missing he'd been surprised by Eveningstar's choice, and getting used to the newfound authority he held was still in the works. Peering around camp, his leader's pale coat was nowhere to be seen, and they needed to get a move on. At this rate, Solclan would be the last to arrive. Excusing himself from Sagewater's company, Bronzeclaw hefted himself on top of the leader's den, broad paws finding footholds in the slick rock.
"Solclan, if I may have your attention please," His booming voice echoed through camp, pausing long enough to make sure he'd caught their attention, "Due to Eveningstar's absence, I will be leading the following cats to the Roaring Call; Grasspaw, Lilystream, Treewhisker, Fawnstep, Sagewater, and Nightpaw. We will be leaving shortly!" With that, he left his perch to join Sagewater beneath the Baobab branch once more. There was no point in getting soaked while waiting.

Brazenpaw| 13 Moons| Female African Lion| Apprentice| Mentions: Buzzardpaw, Sorrowwing [Directly]

The pretty she-cat's nose crinkled in disgust as her mentor padded away to rest. Training in the rain was all well and good, but hunting warthogs was tedious, dirty, and not as satisfying as it should be. The disgusting pigs liked to wallow in their own filth, especially during storms like this one. She would most definitely be coming back smelling like she had taken a bath in their excrement.
"I hate warthogs..." She said aloud, turning her face towards Buzzardpaw and giving him an expression betraying her hesitation. The other apprentice had been sad as of late, and with good reason, as his mentor had been missing for days now. Everyone couldn't help but think the worst. Frowning, Brazenpaw padded over to him, staying close enough to comfort but far enough away should he reject her sympathy.
"It isn't your fault Buzzardpaw," Her voice was soft but full of conviction, "I'm sure Frostheart is finding his way back to camp right now. He'll be back in no time." Always the optimist, the delicate fae gave him a firm nod and a bright smile, trying desperately to cheer her clan-mate up.
"If you want, you can come warthog hunting with Sorrowwing and I, should be oodles of fun." She joked, bumping him gently with her hip.

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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 11:00:03 by Arcan (#97595)

Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 11:45:55


Lilystream | Female | Camp | Warrior | 31 Moons | Mentions: Fawnstep [Direct], Bronzeclaw, TRC [Minor]

As the sound of the deputy's baritone voice reached her ears, Lilystream's light brown gaze shifted rather anxiously towards the male, who had lifted himself onto the higher perch of the leader's den. His voice was sudden and rather intrusive but the lioness soon settled and listened to the names Bronzeclaw listed, hers among them. She kept her eyes on the broad male as he removed himself from the perch and proceeded to seek shelter from the rainfall. Confirming they weren't yet moving, Lilystream lifted her irises back to the male next to her, blinking slowly at his offer. "That would be lovely, thank-you. But we'll have to be quick about it." She replied politely around the noise of the constant sound of raindrops slapping the ground, she shifted her weight and distributed most easily onto her forelimbs as she rose from her previous sitting position. Her eyes were downcast and her expression was still a bit crestfallen but there was slight improvement. Lilystream was glad to have Fawnstep as company, even if just for a short while. It was a nice distraction in these dark, gloomy days. The lioness blinked rapidly to clear the beads of water from her lashes, then proceeded to glance towards the fresh-kill pile, where the recently placed gazelle was settled.

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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 12:55:46 by Century Salvation ☪ (#77658)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-06-08 12:30:40


"Who cares what happens when we’re dead? We shouldn’t think that far ahead. The only latter day that matters is tomorrow."

Grasspaw • Male • 13 moons • Apprentice • Apprentice Den • Mentions: Treewhisker; Bronzeclaw; TRC Party

"Mom!," Grasspaw complained, drawing out the vowel, "The mane around my neck, obviously. See?" He pressed his neck into Treewhisker's face, tilting himself so far that he might tip over were anyone daring enough to try and knock him over. Bronzeclaw's resonant voice carried over the clan, beckoning him and his adoptive mother as well as a few select others. The yearling male perked up, the round ears atop his handsome head coming to attention before a grin broke out across his face. "We're going to the Roaring Call, Ma!," he cheered, roughly bumping the lioness's forehead with his own before catapulting to where the Deputy had made the announcement, sitting patiently.

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