Posted by Mudclan • Bios

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 03:27:57

Main Roleplay Thread



What are they called?

How old are they?

•Gender & Sex•
All gender identities are accepted.

All sexual/romantic orientations are accepted.

What rank are they?

Ex: Sumatran Tiger, Snow Leopard, Spotted Hyena, Black-Backed Jackal, etc.

Picture optional, paragraph or more of description needed.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Advantages?
+ Advantages?
+ Advantages?
- Disadvantages?
- Disadvantages?

One paragraph or more

One paragraph or more

Family members, deceased or not

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

•Theme Song•

What else?

•Security Questions•
What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan? ____________

Name the Leader and Deputy of Mudclan. ____________

If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to? ____________

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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 05:59:53 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-05-23 20:27:29


34 Moons

•Gender & Sex•



Grey Wolf

A hulking, muscular brute, Thunderstep is a massive male. Dark gray fur mottled with black-tipped hairs and reddish hues covers his body in a thick pelage. Scars from past battles and many over-zealous spars mar his body, but most are hidden under the coverage of his pelt. At the shoulder he stands 3 feet tall, and has a body length of 6 feet. His muzzle is broad and somewhat short, ending in a blunt snout and a wet, black nose. Eyes the color of dull gold enhance his predatory gaze, adding to the effect that his naturally angry visage gives off. Well-rounded at the tips and tapering down to flare out at the top of his large dome, his ears are also covered in thick hairs, mostly white graduating towards black on the insides and near the edge of his digits. Wide paws, perfect for navigating the mud of his home, mark the end of long, sturdy legs that lead up to blocky shoulders. A rich mane of fur starts at the base of his cranium and ending in between his shoulder blades makes him look even larger than he is. Burly muscle ripples beneath the tough skin of this beast, making him almost immovable should a smaller enemy charge him head-on, and accounts for most if not all of his 112Ibs. Despite his cold expression, Thunderstep is exceedingly handsome, though he doesn't flaunt it.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Strength
+ Skill
+ Savagery
- Speed
- Stamina

Churning inside of the heavy skull is a calculating, savage mind prone to thinking about battles and planning out his revenge. Ratstar's seeds of rebellion have taken root, though they were already milling about in the back of the male's brain. Unbreakably loyal and steadfast in his belief that fighting solves most problems, Thunderstep is a fearsome enemy capable of disconcerting savagery and cold ruthlessness. His blatant hatred for the big cats of the other clans is something that he will never get over, and he knows that with the perfect plan, the entirety of their territory will belong to the dogs. Not necessarily evil, he has a level of kindness that only his clanmates will see, and a strong moral code that he refuses to break. Some might call him gruff, and it is often true, as he is not one for small-talk. Thunderstep's usually cold personality can be thawed by pups, and he is respectful to everyone he meets. Surprisingly lonely, the large ruffian yearns for company, and finds himself gravitating towards large groups.

Not much can be said about Thunderstep's heritage. With an unknown father and a meek, dying mother, he was left to fend for himself and his siblings at quite a young age. Mudclan at the time was still struggling, and with every dog for himself it was impossible to find an adult to care for them. They roamed the marshes unattended, feeding on whatever food they could find, dropping like flies until it was only Thunderstep that remained. He grew cold and merciless, attacking anyone that got in his way, becoming almost unbearable in his cruelty. Others learned to fear him, but he began to realize that it wasn't the way to live, and despite his wariness, decided to integrate himself into the clan gradually. When Ratstar came to power, he was still slowly acclimating to his newfound sense of family, and vowed to follow her without question. To this day he remains a loyal member of Mudclan and a fierce protector of his clanmates.

Whisper- Mother- Deceased
Thrush- Brother- Unknown/thought to be dead (adoptable, just PM me)
Bramble- Brother- Deceased
Squirrel- Sister- Deceased
Yew- Brother- Deceased
Birch- Brother- Deceased

•Other Relationships•
Crush: Open! PM me!
Best Friend: Open! PM me!
Mate: Must develop
Enemies: The cats/Open

•Theme Song•


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Edited on 01/06/17 @ 17:46:19 by Arcan (#97595)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-05-27 10:52:33

"I've decided to stick with hate. Love is a much too big of a burden to bear."

36 Moons

•Gender & Sex•



Striped Hyena

A hyena with a striped pelt.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Respectful
+ Fighting
+ Speed
- Love
- Swimming
- Climbing

Stripesky has always been the more distant type. He often thinks of his history, and doesn't care much for others talking to him when he's doing so, resulting in a moody attitude. He has mood swings, and is often going to be angry is you bother him at unexpected times. He is a very loyal companion, he expects all you can give, and all he can give as well.

Stripesky hates talking about his past, and won't talk about it, period.
*WARNING - Such sad topics as suicide and incest can be found here!
Stripesky was born into a family who wanted to keep their bloodline a real bloodline, with no mutts. He was to mate with his sister, Finchfang. Oh, were his parent's surprise when they found out that their son had gotten with a Spotted Hyena, and they ran away. They were furious. They found him at the edge of Mudclan, and they drug him back, only to find Finchfang had jumped into a waterhole, but the alligators had killed her immediately. After a week, they had learn this was intentional. She killed herself because of stress.

TopiClaw - Father - Hate [Dead]
Bloodbite - Mother - Hate [Dead]
Finchfang - Sister - Loved [Dead]

•Other Relationships•

•Theme Song•
Ugly - PMV


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Edited on 27/05/17 @ 19:06:13 by Compy [Ouhsha] (#84624)

Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-05-27 17:01:00

Silver, as she is affectionately known, is about 3

•Gender & Sex•
She is a female, born and bred

She is straight

Silver is a warrior, but is open to being a mother

NW Forest Coyote

Credit to Manfred Werner on Wikimedia
Silver's underfur appears silver in stark contrast to her gray and tan markings, hence her name. From afar, her eyes appear a brittle amber, however, they are a yellowish green. Her ears and tail and paws are tipped in black. She is lean and wiry, slightly small for her subspecies but packing a punch. Her coat is thick year-round

•Positives and Negatives•
+ smart
+ agile
+ brave
- rash
- short-fused

Silver is a time bomb. Anything can set her off, and though she may seem irrational, she always thinks she is justified. She is unafraid to fight, and when it comes to clan scraps, she is an unabashed trash talker. Her tendency to wear her heart on her sleeve wears most thin and drives them away, but to those who endure the storm, they will be rewarded by a fiercely-loyal and intellectually-formidable companion. She is smart and she knows it, and she loves to pit her wits against someone else's.

Silver was born shortly after Ratstar took the leader's rank, and she has known no other way of life. She grew up knowing her destiny was to fight cats, and she relishes the thought of victory. However, she does sometimes question Rat's about-facing the traditions of the group. Her father was killed while protesting Rat's takeover, and she has mixed feelings about that. Her mother was killed by her father, however, so she has minimal sympathy.

Father: Bearfang, dead
Mother: Birdfur, dead
Brother: Redfang, missing

•Other Relationships•

•Theme Song•
none at the moment

Nope and nope

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Edited on 27/05/17 @ 17:12:35 by ScottishCoyote (Scotty) (#87211)

Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-05-27 17:17:39
(reserved for Silver's now-MIA brother. Are loners allowed?)

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-27 18:58:27


30 Moons

•Gender & Sex•



Ethiopian Wolf

A graceful, dainty fae weighing in at only 80 pounds, Larksong isn't the strongest canine out there. Her legs are long and elegant, made for running and leaping, with small paws perfect for her muddy home. Her face is angular and small, with a long, pointed nose and slanted golden eyes. Tall ears perch atop her skull, giving her a heightened sense of hearing and a slightly jackal-like appearance. Deep red fur mottled with white undertones give her a fiery tinge, and her coat is short and sleek. Despite this, she is a stunning female, one that exudes a calm beauty wherever she goes.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Quick
+ Agile
+ Smart
- Strength
- Not particularly good at fighting

Feisty could be one word for Larksong, despite her obvious lack of skill with fighting, she has a defensive mechanism that can cause her to be a bit stand-offish. In reality, she is extremely shy and unsure of how to handle most situations, especially when someone approaches her to make small-talk. Though on the exterior she has a devil-may-care attitude, the poor female is screaming inside, hoping someone will save her. It is hard for her to trust others, mostly large, intimidating males. Her past makes her eternally wary, and newcomers will ne'er catch a glimpse of her, that is until she's made sure their safe to make contact with. If a larger canine tries to initiate a conversation, her defense will kick in, and sometimes it will push others away. However, if she knows you long enough and learns to trust you, you will notice that she is almost heart-stoppingly kind and compassionate. With a sense of humor that often causes her to laugh at her own jokes, calling Larksong socially awkward is an understatement. Even with all of her flaws, the pretty she-wolf is enjoyable company and a steadfast friend.

Born on the hot plains of Solclan to a brave and wily mother, the young Ethiopian Wolf learned to survive in the harshest environments, pushed to the brink of insanity by her survivalist dam. As the only pup in the litter, every friend that Larksong made was fleeting, as she was whisked away quickly from their kind clutches. In turn, social interactions became almost painful, and so the tiny pup clung to the only family she had. Prey was scarce year-round due to the constantly patrolling lions, and leaving wasn't an option despite the obvious threat. Growing older, Larksong managed to sneak away from her ever-present matriarch, and got lost in the sprawling hills and brushland of Solclan. Eventually, she came to the edge of the mud, young and starving, barely alive. A patrol found her soon after, and dragged her limp body back to their camp, where the Medicine Dog nursed her back to health. Pledging her allegiance to the kind canines was an easy decision. After all, she had nowhere else to go. Forgetting her mother wasn't going to happen, but she also knew that returning to Solclan was foolish, and made peace with never seeing her again.

Archipose| Father| Deceased (Killed by Solclan Patrol)
Havana| Mother| Unknown

•Other Relationships•
Friends: Open!
Enemies: Clan Cats
Crush: Open! PM me!

•Theme Song•

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Edited on 27/05/17 @ 20:43:32 by Arcan (#97595)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 22:36:10


-Image removed by a moderator-

34 Moons

•Gender & Sex•

Asexual | Aromantic


Arctic Wolf

2.8 In | 187 Lbs.

A large and fearsome white wolf, Owlstorm need do very little to intimidate his opponent, and though compared to the felines he's small and rather harmless, you'd be foolish to make that mistake or underestimate the crazed warrior. Eyes deep and nearly glowing with a cold ice that'd chill even the king of the jungle to his bones, this beast in wolfs clothing is more than he seems. His hackles seem always raised in a false appearance of rage, his pelt naturally being unkept, and his contracted pupils giving him a deprived and starved look. Larger than most in the clan, he carries himself with a type of assertiveness that is more or less deserved, proven by his pink tinted fur from many successful hunts for the other canines.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Reliable
+ Efficient
+ Quick Thinking
- Stubborn
- Ill-Tempered

Owlstorm doesn't doubt for a second he deserves the respect he gets from his clan mates, and makes sure they don't forget it. He's quick to snap at anyone stepping out of line towards his beloved leader Ratstar, and though finds it ridiculous she'd recruit Snowfrost as deputy, he'd still give his life for her in a heartbeat.

He doesn't tolerate playing, and finds pups annoying and a waste of his time, though encourages more to shape into strong warriors. Desperate to have the clan ready in case of battle, which he secretly wishes for. He's happy to help in training them, but any signs of childish behaviors can set him off quick, and he despises it.

Joining at a young age, he was happily excepted into the clan and turned into a strong warrior to help fight in the revolution. Where he came from is unknown, though it's suspected he was once in a pack, why he left is also a mystery.

Mother | Sky | Deceased
Father | Talon | Deceased
Siblings | Unknown

•Other Relationships•
N/A - Open

•Theme Song•


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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 11:59:21 by Shad (#16848)

M3NAC3-to-SOCI3TY (#27538)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-18 18:46:52

"No one's gonna save you from yourself."

38 moons / 3 years 2 months

•Gender & Sex•
Cisgender | Male

Homosexual | Homoromantic


"Coywolf" or Eastern Coyote

Hiddengaze is a decently sized canine. He has lean muscle on his shoulders, back and haunches that are easily visible when he walks. The young male has yet to be given any prominent scars but has some light scarring around his muzzle, chest and legs from tough prey fighting back. His coat is long and coarse, often having the appearance of being soft and fluffy, which he prides himself on. The coloring is primarily russet with gray and black shading along with light colored tones around his underbelly and muzzle.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Blends Into Surroundings
+ Easily Adaptable
+ Has a Decent Amount of Muscle
- Built For Scavenging not Fighting
- Rather Small

Hiddengaze is rather a quiet individual. As his name suggests, he would rather stay in the shadows and watch and learn about others than go up and confront them himself. He likes to spectate his clanmates and learn about the little quirks and aspects each of them have from the sidelines. He is also somewhat of a neat freak, always wanting to keep himself and nest clean. The same goes with birds and other prey, all the feathers must be plucked, etc. He also feels he has to do all of this cleanliness himself, not trusting someone else to possibly mess it up.
(Will update as he develops more.)

Hiddengaze was born outside of the clans as a loner with the name, "Aki". All of his siblings were born stillborn and underdeveloped due to his mother's small size, which couldn't properly hold the pups sired by such a large male. His father was never properly around, only learning of his death when his mother came home to the den crying to him, the stench of death and blood on her.
That was when he started disliking the cats when he learned his father's death was caused by them, even though the male was never in the young pups life. When he was weaned from his mother and old enough to be on his own, he started roaming toward MudClan, eating carrion and berries to keep himself going.
The young male eventually made it to his destination and after a while was put into training as an apprentice, putting muscle on his bones, despite the hunger. The young male was smart and ate foliage to save himself from starvation in the lowest of times.
He's lived in MudClan for a while now and managed to begin to train an apprentice that unfortunately died of starvation in one of MudClan's lower times. It brought him into a small bit of depression but has recovered for the most part.
(Will be updated as more happens in roleplay.)

Shadow - Sire - Loner (Deceased)
Lilly - Dam - Loner (Unknown - Assumed Deceased)

•Other Relationships•
Unknown for now.


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