Posted by Z O D I A C [cs]

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-06-13 19:05:37

Main Roleplay Thread


⛎ Z O D I A C ⛎

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Anything else they go by?



Just a lil' minor thing or two

Check the ooc thread to get a brief idea of the lack of limitations

Make sure to research your zodiac!

Opinions on the other characters

Theme Song


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Edited on 15/06/17 @ 12:36:11 by prince (#6036)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-06-13 19:11:50




Panromantic ♦ Pansexual

♦ Telekinesis; Ceres is able to lift objects with his mind, however his power is limited to earthly objects. This can include, but is not limited to; plants, wood, and rock. He can't levitate more than twenty pounds, and even that's pushing his limits. He can not use his ability on organic matter, water, clouds, etc. This power comes from a virgo's need to control and elemental association with earth.

♦ Flight; Thanks to a pair of large, dove-like wings sprouting from his shoulder blades, Ceres is able to take flight. He can't travel too far, as flying is rather tiring, but it's quicker than walking and is useful for surveillance. However his wings aren't great for enclosed spaces and end up doing more harm than good. He figures the wings are from his association with the virgin goddess Astraea and doves.

Ceres stands at a good six feet and walks the line of being underweight at one hundred twenty five, give or take, pounds. Overall he's built pretty lean, his bone structure being more narrow and elongated, excluding his shoulders which are rather broad as they need more space to support his wings. Muscle-wise he's not much of an athlete, although he is reasonable fit and maintains a slim physique due to his metabolism and forgetfulness about eating. His face is heart shaped and angular, with high cheek bones, hollow cheeks, and a sharp jawline. His actual features are less harsh with full lips, a snubbed nose, and round eyes that turn up at the corners, giving him the effect that many try to achieve with eyeliner. Overshadowing his pale indigo eyes are thick, lightly arched eyebrows that can shift to perfectly express his mood or straighten into indifference. His hair is kept approximately three inches at its longest and one at the shortest and styled into an undercut that lets the natural curl of his hair to show. He's made many an attempt to style it, but in the end it always ends up sticking up in slate colored tufts. His skin is smooth and unmarked, the color chert that, combined with his grey hair, makes him look just like a statue.

Sprouting from his shoulder blades are a pair of large dove wings, easily eighteen feet across, and able to fold neatly against his back. For the most part they match his skin, however the underside becomes gradually lighter until the flight feathers, which are white. Clothing wise he prefers a dressy-casual style, rarely wearing anything outside of button ups with rolled sleeves and skinny jeans. Both because he can and because he feels like he isn't tall enough, Ceres likes to wear black heels that give him three to five inches. Depending on the day. Both his ears are pierced with studs, although he'll occasionally opt for rings.

First impressions are important to Ceres and once he's made up his mind about someone, there is very little that will change his opinion. Of course he cares about his own image and presents himself as well mannered and groomed, but not friendly or warm. It's clear, through the mock politeness, that he is anything but an extrovert and his main priority when meeting new people, is to end the conversation. He doesn't seem to devote much time to learning about others, verbally at least, and usually won't ask questions unless he's looking for something. Conversely he answers questions about himself curtly and doesn't usually give much away. This cold shouldered approach has done achieved its purpose, for the most part, in narrowing his associates to a select few. The other zodiacs being considered necessary only because of their role alongside his.

He isn't all anti-social though and can be be much more open around those he's familiar with. This isn't always for the best as Ceres is a an easily agitated perfectionist with a tendency towards pettiness. He likes to do everything in a certain way, usually going with whatever is most effective, and gets frustrated when people can't seem to grasp why his method is so much better than theirs. He could argue hours on end on something as simple as whether the ketchup should be on the fries or beside them the answer is beside. Even when proven wrong, defeat turns into pettiness that can last a couple of minutes to weeks to months. On the other hand he can be obnoxiously smug when he's won an argument, especially a long one, and while he doesn't usually mention it, you can see it in his face.

On the other hand he's very observant, often remembering small details that others may not catch. He puts this to good use in noticing the subtle changes in his closer friends and going out of his way to, awkwardly, ask about how they're doing, although his bedside manner is supremely lacking. Ceres breaks away from his usual dead panned behavior, behaving more cheeky and outgoing. He finds enjoyment in teasing and inconsequentially messing around, although he prefers the former as he's usually tired out and feels the need to act a certain way when going out. Underneath his formal facade Ceres is a nervous wreck, constantly plagued with the smallest, yet most persistent of concerns and worries. A favorite hobby of his is bottling everything up until he can be alone and then going through a mood of absolute apathy in which nothing is achieved.


Theme Song
♦ Cold As Ice by. Foreigner
♦ Deicide by. Crystal Castles
♦ Primadonna Girl by. Marina and the Diamonds

Click "Virgo" for a portrait of him, done by yours truly

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Edited on 18/06/17 @ 01:34:20 by prince (#6036)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-13 21:22:17




Pansexual | Panromantic.

• Ari is capable of heating up his body to extremes and creating/manipulating fire. When one with the stars he absorbed energy from Mars, but has found his power weakened now that he is no longer part of the constellations.

• He can transform into a ram for short periods of time, but this usually proves energy consuming.

Aries reaches decent height at 5'11", retaining a healthy weight of 166 pounds. He hair is densely curled and ashy brown, ending just below the chin with the tightest curls found around his ears. Two long, thick, sand colored horns similar in shape to a male Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep jut out from the back of the top of the skull and curve forward. He holds a rather regal image with an angular face, a defined jawline, roman nose and sharp cheekbones.

He has warm light brown skin, dark freckles found crossing the bridge of his nose and scattered around the rest of the face, shoulders and chest. Two long scars slash vertically down the left cheek with the bottom scar being slightly shorter in length. He has a robust physique with strong legs and a sturdy, athletic build. His eyes are semi-almond shaped and a lovely shade of brown comparable to cocoa powder. He has absolutely no sense of Earth fashion and is fine with whatever feels comfortable and looks respectable (in his opinion).

Anyone expecting a gentle lamb of a man are going to be sorely disappointed. Impatient and a bit lacking in the impulse control department, he portrays himself as being calm, collected and composed, but in truth he's a fiery soul with a temper that's easy to ignite. Once set off he tends to be unforgiving and relentless, more often with words than fists, until he has time alone to cool off. Whether he comes to regret his actions or not will likely depend on how he feels about the other person or people involved. Despite Aries' volatile moods he isn't entirely unkind and attempts to treat others with respect until given a reason to dislike them. He comes across as confident and resolute, but has his own private insecurities to deal with.

Fearless and bold, he's not one to shy away from a challenge. Undeniably passionate about the causes and people he chooses to align himself with, Aries is someone you can trust to have your back no matter the dangers or risks. He always strives to do what he believes to be right, but tends to be so stuck on his own ideals that he isn't always open to new points of view. Fierce and protective without being overbearing, he considers himself a guardian and will always look out for the downtrodden. This in itself could prove a weakness. He is easily moved by the plights of others. Those who know him best can see past the rough and ever-so-serious facade he has created for himself, knowing him as an enthusiastic and optimistic individual with a softer heart than one might expect.

Will be updated once we have more bios.












Ophiuchus: Get rekt.

Theme Songs
Let It Burn - Red.

I hope you all like angry my sheep boy.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈




“Why label myself? I have enough love to go around.”

• Scorpius can utilize and manipulate water at will, though he can only use what is already available to him and can’t create liquids out of thin air. He doesn’t like being too far from a viable water source for this very reason. He can do more or less anything from summoning waves to batter a foe to morphing the water into shards of ice or heated whips to be used as a weapons.

• A narrow, segmented tail extending from the tailbone, always carried in a forward curve and ending in a sharply pointed barb filled with venom can be found trailing behind him. The appendage is jet black with the stinger being more of a deep reddish color. Unnervingly flexible, it can be used to strike an opponent, but is often only used as a last resort for self defense. The venom will cause temporary paralysis and make the victim feel as if their throat is tightening and blood boiling, but is otherwise not dangerous if treated.

Scorpius is an undeniably tall fellow, reaching a total height of 6’3”. Long, straight charcoal colored hair flows well past his shoulders, seemingly always sleek and well groomed. A decent amount of facial hair covers the jawline and upper lip, trimmed short and neat. His features are an equal mix of sharp and soft with an oval shaped face, high cheekbones, a wide nose that rounds out near the tip and dark, narrow eyes, nearly as black as his hair. His build is lean and moderately muscled, neither scrawny nor bulky. Both ears are heavily pierced, and two rings decorate the lower lip.

A detailed tattoo of a scorpion can be found trailing down the upper left arm from shoulder to elbow. He tends to dress in various shades of black and red, loose fitting shirts paired with either jeans that are tighter than necessary or cargo pants, usually also accompanied by a hat of some sort and black boots. A thin silver chain hangs from his neck, a small, colorful vial filled with self-made antidote as treatment for his venom dangling at the bottom should he ever need it for any reason. Accidents do happen, after all. His skin tone is light olive, a very faint dusting of freckles scattered over his cheeks and nose.

Perhaps his greatest strength, or his weakest, Scorpius is a very driven and focused individual. He exudes a sense of calm and neutrality, but this is little more than an extraordinarily well maintained facade. Once his mind is set on something there is no changing it. He’ll keep pushing forward until whatever ambitions he may be pursuing are either accomplished or else no longer relevant. This tenaciousness is both a curse and a blessing, he’ll never give up on any cause he aligns himself with, but that in itself could very well be his downfall. He also tends to be unforgiving toward anyone who slights him, holding grudges for years upon years.

He’s a passionate, outgoing man all around, usually with an encouraging word for everyone he meets so long as they remain on his good side. His natural charisma may be mistaken for being flirtatious, but more often than not he’s only trying to be friendly. On the occasion he actually is flirting it’s unmistakable as he isn’t shy and is known for being straightforward and unabashedly direct. Scorpius is a highly intuitive and meticulous person, extremely in touch with both his own emotions and those of others. His charm and empathy can lead to him being a tad manipulative from time to time, but he isn’t inherently a malicious person.

Scorpius is renowned for his courage, never one to back down from a challenge no matter the danger. While not quick to resort to violence, you're in for a hell of a time once if you manage to set him off. In the few instances he’s needed to fight he proved vicious and brutal to his opponents, not letting up until either they lay dead at his feet or begged for mercy. There was, perhaps, regret to be found after the anger had faded, but he’d never admit to such a thing aloud. If asked, Scorpio would tell you he has no time to waste on remorse.

Secretive in nature, he keeps much of his true opinions and thoughts to himself, rarely sharing them with even his fellow Zodiacs. Despite likely being viewed as a social butterfly, he is in truth a bit of an introvert who enjoys his privacy and needs a good amount of time to himself every now and then. When his wishes aren’t respected he can grow quite resentful. Anyone unfortunate enough to have Scorpio pissed off at them will find him difficult and vexing to work with.

Whether in regards to true friends or a lover he’s undyingly devoted, despite some finding him flaky and unreliable. One of his worst traits is his predisposition to jealously. While both confident and self-assured, he doesn’t take well to anything or anyone he perceives as a threat to his relationships. He doesn’t hide his displeasure well in such cases and things can get ugly if not addressed in the early stages.

Will be updated once we have more bios.













Theme Songs
Come With Me Now - Kongos.

He's a bit of a gambler and can't resist a good bet. Use that to your advantage people. ;)

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Kat (#101510)

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Posted on
2017-06-14 01:44:27


None, really.


Asexual Homoromantic

Her cat eyes give her improved night vision, and her nails are always sharpened to a point- much like claws.

For abilities that require power, she can "roar"; creating a loud sonic wave that is meant to surprise and generally intimidate the opponent. In very rare occasions, it can even knock the target off their feet, but the strength of this ability depends greatly on Leo's proximity to the fire element. Additionally she can take the form of a lion, but this is immensely power-draining and will only last a short time. Only used for emergency purposes.

Standing at 5'7, Leo isn't the tallest person but she tends to stand proud and accentuate her height, which is also seemingly increased by her sturdy, strong build. Her skin is a deep, sun-kissed shade of chocolate, which makes her eyes particularly noticeable; sharp yellow and catlike. The irises dilate and contract depending on her mood, but are usually oval in shape when Leo is relaxed. Her hair is a bright golden, thick and wavy, and it tends to curl around her shoulders like a lion's mane. As she draws power from the sun itself, in bright daylight it gives off a faint glow, and often indicates her power.

Leo also has various lion features, most noticeably a lion's tail which matches her skin colour- the tuft at the end however matches her hair. The other feature is her teeth, which are sharp and pointed with particularly large canines. These are usually hidden in her mouth of course, but it often surprises people when she smiles or laughs.

Her clothes are elaborate and elegant, often attracting people's attention with the bright colours and shimmering jewellery. The outfit consists of a flowing armless dress that reaches her feet- the torso is orange with gold highlighted lines in pattern of swirls, and the bottom half is black with red blended in at the feet, as if it is glowing with embers. The back of the dress has a small hole in the back, made for Leo's tail to fit through. Along with the dress, on both of her arms is a golden armlet which match a large choker around her neck. Leo actually prefers to walk barefoot, but usually has a pair of black high heels; the heels are small but noticeable.
[Image made using the Four Elements Scene Maker (Offsite Link) on DollDivine. All credit and rights go to DollDivine and Azalea's Dolls.]

Confident and passionate, Leo is a natural-born leader who isn't afraid to fight for what she wants. She carries herself with an air of finesse, but she has no problems with getting down and dirty if needs be. She's usually the first to introduce herself to new people, and she likes to be in the spotlight; although sometimes she can shine a little too brightly and leave others in the shade without knowing it. When around people she knows well, Leo likes to make jokes and make sure every one of her friends is happy; often using her creativity and generosity to her advantage.

In an aggressive situation, however, Leo is almost a completely different person. Ruthless as... well, a lion, she shows little mercy for whoever is unfortunate enough to cross her. She can also be stubborn and a bit arrogant at times even when relaxed, and a small disagreement can quickly flare into an argument or even a fight. More than anything else though, she will guard her friends even if ultimately she dies for them. Woe betide you if you ever hurt a friend of Leo, because she will hunt you down and make you pay dearly. She can hold a grudge for a long time afterwards, but over time she has learned to forgive more easily and will even support her former opponent if they are willing to become friends.

Leo's personality is more than meets the eye, though: beneath her fiery, dogmatic nature lies a weaker side that seeks constant validation and love. If you criticize or degrade her, she will appear unfazed and infuriated, but your words will hurt her more than the deepest wound ever could.

Moon (Cancer) - "I'll admit, I'm somewhat envious of her wardrobe, but... there's a sort of sadness around her? It feels like she needs to have some more faith in herself."

Einath (Taurus) - "Mostly dependable, devoted and a heart of gold. His hoarding is a little strange, but that can be easily overlooked."

Ceres (Virgo) - "Cold and distant, with a mild aftertaste of petty. I don't like him all that much... Sweetie, let me know when you decide to warm up, okay?"

Gem (Gemini) - "...You move around too much. That, and you overlook the true beauty of people for their appearances. Even the plainest stone can hide the most amazing crystals."

Pie (Pisces) - "Pie is... um... cute. Very Cute. I wish I had her endless compassion."

Ari (Aries) - "Ooooh yes. He tries to act gentlemanly, but he's a firecracker just like me. I have a feeling we may get along quite well."

Aquila (Aquarius) - "I like her intellect, but her personality... it feels like she's constantly changing channels on a television. You are clever, but you lack strength- what's a lone wolf to the might of a lion?"

Capricorn - "Stubborn, and strong too, but I respect him. He has the airs of a rightful king on his throne; wise, noble, and unafraid to do what must be done."

Gliese (Libra) - "A gentle being, she looks cold but she has a sense of warmth about her. Like having a comforting cup of hot cocoa on a cold winter night."

Sage (Sagittarius) - "This one literally glows with life. Vibrant, inquisitive... I admire her."

Scorpius (Scorpio) - "His fashion sense is.... questionable, but I like his spirit. Considering our stubborness, I pray a day never comes where we end up butting heads".

Theme Song
Galantis - Hunter
Caravan Palace - Wonderland

Leo is asexual but she's still very very gay and will cuddle the shit out of you

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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 05:36:49 by Kat (#101510)

The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 11:21:33


.: Nicknames :.

.: Gender :.

.: Orientation :.
Bisexual | Biromantic

.: Abilities :.
Pie is able to morph into a large koi fish when in water. When in this state she is able to make the water around her become healing water in order to heal minor injuries and sometimes major ones for anyone that is in or touching the water in question. This healing water can only last for so long before returning back to what it originally was; plain water. She can heal herself as well when she is in her human state by touching a source of water if she needs healing, but it drains her and can make her in a really weak state, this trade off has it's benifits and downfalls depending on the situation she is in.

.: Appearance :.
Pie stands at around 5'3 and weighs about 132 pounds. Her body is thin as most would say, but she isn't skinny to the point were you would see her bones. As you may know her build isn't much because she doesn't enoy excerising and would rather lay in water and enjoy her surroundings. Her skin tone is pale, but gives off a glow that seems almost enchanting. Her cheeks are flushed most of the time, or slightly pink. Her lips are lush and contrast against her pale skin. Her hair is long and wavy, and its color is a chocolate brown with some golden strands that are mixed into her thick hair. Her eyes are similar to the color of seafoam, but most would just say it is a light green that surround her pupils. Her size maybe small, but do not over estimate her since she is agile on land and quick in water. Her attire consist of loose clothes, but would mostly be seen in dresses. She doesn't like dark colors clothes, and would much rather enjoy light colors for example easter colors.

.: Personality :.
Pie is a kind and gentle soul, caring for most well-beings. She can be seen most of the time trying to help those around her and enjoys it. She can be shy at first glance but when you get to know he she becomes unbelievably sweet and nurturing. Her downfalls is she can be easily manipulated and distracted. Almost anyone can use her and she wouldn't even notice until it is too late. She can be over-emotional at times when she feels conflict going on between her and someone else or even between two other people. She tries her best to help people, and doesn't bother with her own situations unless she has nothing else to do. Her priorities are simple, other people's needs go before hers. She yerns for companionship and the experience of love, which easily makes her a daydreamer and can fantasize most of the time as well. She doesn't say this but she can become lonely when no one speaks with her, and can feel ill and down in the dumps when no one interacts with her but acts like she is fine. She can be fun and expresses herself in art, this comes in different varieties including; singing, dancing, drawing, and even playing musical instruments.

.: Views :.
"You remind me of a knight, fearless and strong!"

"You seem to like exploring, may I come as well?"

" We seem almost similar in looks; pale skin, green eyes...just to name a few off the bat, but you have a vibe that strikes me, in a good way of course. "

| Cancer|
"Your like a big sister to me!"

"Your so brave Leo!"

"If you want your way, that's fine by me!"

| Libra|
"Your so kind and nice, a very good friend indeed!"

"Your so determinded, I'll cheer you on!"

"I love how you are calm and optimistic, even in this situation we are in."

"Your so wise, and your almost like a father figure. Your willing to protect all the fellow zodiacs even if it cost your own life. I am grateful that we have someone like you."

"You can talk to animals? May you ask one If I it?"

.: Theme Song :.
Oceans by Seafret

.: Other :.
She has a tendency to pet animals and likes to give hugs, people who morph beware! (Or anyone in general)

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Edited on 23/06/17 @ 15:51:41 by The Joker Wolf (#93618)

VeraLynn (#115583)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 12:54:38

Motherland Chronicles 5 - The Fifth


Asexual & Homoromantic

◈ She can turn her physical form into mist and float along the air. Before she came to earth she was able to also extend it to other beings. Now she is only able to do it to herself.
◈ Gliese can affect the gravity of things. She was able to affect other living things, but lost that power when she landed on earth. However she still can move inanimate objects as long as they are no bigger than fifty pounds. Even that can drain her and leave her weakened for several hours.

Motherland Chronicles 15 - Ghost

A bit short than most, Gliese is a slim and delicate looking things. Her face is finely boned with an angular chin and thin nose. Her cheekbones and eyebrows are bold and cast shadows onto her face. Her skin is a creamy white and flecked with freckles over the entire space. Her eyes are a piercing silver and always ringed with heavy eye makeup. Her dark auburn, nearly black hair drapes down her back and stops just short of her legs. More often than not for practicality sake, she pulls it up into a long twisting braid on her head.
Like most of the zodiacs Gliese doesn’t fully understand earthly fashion and so sticks to what she knows. She wears mostly monochromatic outfits, in some shade of black or grey. She wears loose skirts and some form of a peasant blouse. Simple black boots adore her feet. She finishes off her simple look with a comfy black wool cloak.

Gliese is soft spoken and ever so polite. She does care a great deal about manners as no one really wants to deal with an impolite person. She has a hard time picking sides if those she loves are at odds. She just doesn’t understand why everyone can’t all get along. Gliese will try and make friends with anyone willing, though she does understand that not everyone likes to socialize. She is respectful of boundaries. Yet she is willing to go outside her own if it would help make someone else feel better.
She loves anything that holds beauty and can find it in almost anything. Nature is a particular favorite of hers, always moving and growing. That is her favorite thing about being on earth. There is so much art and beauty to discover. Though she does miss being up in the sky and watching over the inhabitant of earth.

Aries - Sometimes he is scary
Taurus - He's like an older brother, safe but irritating at times
Gemini - Always ready to help without hearing out my question
Cancer - I like her but she can be so extreme
Leo - She's great, though she needs to believe in herself more
Virgo - He is okay I guess
Scorpio - I think he's a good friend, he's always there
Sagittarius - She has questionable people skills
Capricorn - A very grumpy old man, though like a father to us
Aquarius - Kind of shifty, though overall a good person
Pisces - I love her, she's so wonderful

Theme Song
Won't Back Down by Dawn Landes
Action Cat by Gerard Way

All photos link back to original photographer.

Motherland Chronicles 4 - The Waiting


Motherland Chronicles 40 - By Firelight


Bisexual & Biromantic

◈ She can create and manipulate fire at her own will. It does not burn her and it will not burn others if she so chooses. That was until she landed on earth. She can no long control if the fire burns or doesn't burn, rather it is random. So if she uses her power nothing could happen or she could start a devastating fire. The raging fires are incredibly hard for her to get under control and often must burn out on their own.
◈ Sage is able to heal herself and others. Once she was able to heal fatal wounds and broken bones, returning the injured into peak form. Yet since landing on earth her powers have weakened. Now she is only able to heal lesser wounds and it drains her energy, leaving her weakened.

Holding Flame

Tall and confidant, Sage is an imposing woman. Her sharp jaw and imposing cheek structure highlight a delicate nose. Her skin is pale, though at times it holds an unearthly glow that reminds one of a campfire. Sharp eyebrows rest above normally golden eyes. Her eyes can vary from a bright red to a dull yellow, though always in a shade that can be found in a fire. Her thick blond hair tinged with oranges and red is always put in a sophisticated up-do. She believes in more is less when it comes to makeup and simply uses a hint of eyeliner or lip-dye.
She cloaks her well sculpted body in elegant clothing. When suitable she wears elegant gowns and intricate jewelry. Otherwise she sticks to lush sweaters and satin blouses. Sage loves a good skirt, though she will wear pants when needed. Though if she does wear pants, they must be of a good quality and comfortable. Despite her un-scale appearance, she lives for comfort and anything that does not feel good to wear is out of the question.

Sage has never been one to sit still often moving around. She loves new things and unique opportunities. When she speaks it often tends to be in some form of a riddle. That can be contributed to her constant philosophical questions. She is always thinking of what if and why. Nothing really ever answers her questions, despite some obvious answers. Yet she is always willing to hear a new view. Though she can often be tactless and unaware of others personal issues, but when confronted she quickly changes her ways as to not offend.
Sage loves the new experiences she gets from staying on earth, though she does not like being unable to see the whole earth. Yet she loves getting to meet more people and see all sorts of different lives. The lack of needing to make sure the earth is running smoothly is stress-relieving as it gives her more time to explore and learn.

Aries - Pretty chill, I'm fine with him
Taurus - A little odd with the hoarding habit, but a good person
Gemini - At times he could really grow up a bit
Cancer - She's great though at times I don't know what to do with her
Leo - A tad bossy, though who isn't?
Virgo - I like him except when he is childish
Libra - Very much like a small child, so idealistic
Scorpio - Very, well extreme you could say
Capricorn - He could work on himself a little more and learn to let it go
Aquarius - Very two faced, I don't fully trust what she says
Pisces - Very artsy, always out there

Theme Song
Rolling Stone by Hurts
Mistress of the Salmon Salt by Blue Oyster Cult

All photos link back to original photographer.

Motherland Chronicles 41

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Edited on 19/06/17 @ 23:08:08 by Janie.Jones (#115583)

Naudr (#111884)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 13:29:30





Capricorn is a Dreamwalker. He can visit the dreams of men and animal alike. He controls the sleeper's dreams and perhaps even the dreamer himself, although he can only indirectly influence the dreamer’s actions. He can conjure up fantastic dreams to raise fear in the bravest of men or even communicate through dream to deliver messages or wise council. While Capricorn doesn’t have to be sleeping himself to visit dreams, it takes long preparation of body and mind to put himself in a trance. This power might not be very draining on the body, but it does leave its mark on the mind. Pounding headaches and dizziness are to be expected after returning from the world of the sleeping. The after effects usually vanish after a few hours and leave no permanent damages.

He can also conjure up Illusions. This power takes up much more energy than visiting dreams, however, it is still quite powerful and certainly very useful. Capricorn can directly mess with your mind and make you see things differently than they actually are. This works best when the object bears at least some resemblance to the illusions, otherwise, the target might notice that it’s all just a trick of the mind. Illusions conjured up from thin air are an entirely different matter. They are usually easier to identify, especially if they are bigger objects. For instance, something as small as a badger might go unnoticed but anything larger than a horse would start to look hazy and translucent. But with time and preparation, even such an Illusion can look real enough to touch.

Capricorn face was made for frowning. Thick eyebrows sit atop pronounced eye ridges and are usually drawn down into a disapproving scowl. His glacial blue orbs are flecked with silver and miss little. Whichever poor soul they focus upon will find his piercing gaze hard to return. An unkempt mess of a beard covers most of his jaw and chin. His short cropped brown hair is streaked with gray. Standing at 6'2" Capricorn is used to looking down a people. His tall stature isn't graced with any extraordinary beauty, yet his bearing is proud and dignified. Though he may not have the broad shoulders of a blacksmith, his lean body carries surprising strength. Long limbs are corded with sinewy muscles. And, despite his disdain for violence, he knows how to handle himself in a fight. The pale skin of his back is crisscrossed with thin silver scars, the mark of past abuse. For even the greatest of gods have low beginnings. Yet the transition from dog to god is only a revolution away.

Capricorn is a stern individual that stubbornly refuses to acknowledge any sudden changes. Tradition is what kept us alive for hundreds, nay thousands of years. It is a well trodden, safe path. But change brings disruption, chaos. It is a crooked path and no one can foretell where it might lead. Capricorn sees himself as a lone sentry, ever watching over the world, while others might frolic and feast. But rarely would he ever consider asking another person for help. And even then you wouldn't hear him beg. If the simple truth and unembellished facts can’t convince you then nothing can. Quiet and drawn back he prefers to watch and listen, rather than to talk.
Despite his aloof nature he feels responsible for the other Zodiacs and would not hesitate to sacrifice himself -or anyone for that matter- if his death would lead to the greater good.
Capricorn does not take orders from anyone and will do things his way, the right way.
A serious expression seems to be plastered onto his face and he rarely, if ever, smiles. It is hard to imagine that he ever was a child, or even young. His patience is infinite and so is his memory. Woe the person whoever wrongs Capricorn, for he will bear a grudge to his grave. Never does he forget an insult or slight.
Respect must be hard won from Capricorn. Words are wind, in the end deeds are all that matter. They are the legacy we leave behind when all promises and oaths have faded into the mists of time. Capricorn has done a lot to save mankind. Not all of them were honorable deeds, but he knows every death, every lie was necessary. Yet even the self-proclaimed captain is not immune to guilt. Ever vigilant to the observer he has never left his post, but down inside he is bleeding. And all to protect some insects called the human race.



"Strength is nothing without wisdom."

"Though you stand tall you cower inside."


"A pretty face is all that thou are."


"Even the sweetest of flowers withers come winter."

"Don't let emotion cloud your mind."

"This one burns bright."

"You lack patience as a man dieing of thirst lacks water."


Theme Song
The Doors - People are strange


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Edited on 20/06/17 @ 08:38:38 by Angrboda (#111884)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 14:28:23


Ah - kee - lah
(and variations thereof)
+Water Bearer: Aquila can call water out of what seems to be thin air. Separating unseen water particles from the sky and most living things around her, she can manipulate the collected water to her demands. This skill requires knowledge of those present around her and which particles she should focus on pulling for her manipulation, as she often kills plant-life in the surrounding area during the process. This also means, however, that if she were stranded in a desert with little to no cactuses, she’d be screwed. It saps her energy and requires time and focus to “call” and manipulate. This focus can leave her exhausted and often with headaches when used frequently.

+Call of the Wild: Aquila was first unsure of how to explain this ability but has quickly deemed it "call of the wild" as she can quite literally call upon certain animal species. It's very limited in that the easiest species to call upon are those of the air, like birds and the like, though the ability spreads to most mammals as well. She can commune- normally silently- with these specific types of animals and often call them to her aid.

Aquila has the stature of a young woman, standing at just over 5 feet, 6 inches at the top of her head and curving gently down an hourglass figure to reach an even 134 lbs soaking wet. Most of her features are humanoid, her skin pale with light freckles over her face and arms, and her eyes a bright, almost unnatural, emerald green. Her hair hangs just past her breasts from her head in long, dark, and gentle waves that sometimes drift over her eyes and obscure her vision.

That’s where all similarities to a human stop, however. She has pointed wolf ears that twitch anxiously atop her head and a matching tail of the same dark shade as her hair, longer than the average wolf’s and fluffy behind her. The teeth she sports can be described as fangs, and she’s learned to be careful with her hands as they lay claim to a vicious set of sharpened claws.

Spotted barefoot the majority of the time, her legs and feet vaguely resemble a mix between human and wolf, naturally elongated and tipped with claws as well. Unashamed of this feature especially, Aquila is most-often spotted in shorter gowns that accentuate her long legs and tail but modestly cover her top half from the elements and prying eyes. While her head, ears, and tail defiantly grow thick hair and furs, the rest of her remains in likeness to her human counterparts, left with what’s described as “peach fuzz” over her arms and legs.

Aquila can be a highly controversial individual and most tend to find her tendencies irritating and eccentric. At first, depending on her mood and various other seemingly microscopic things, this female can be either shy and quiet or energetic, aloof, and very talkative. She can be incredibly temperamental and often chooses to withhold her emotions from most situations, leading others to call her cold-hearted and indifferent.

However, Aquila is a secretive and very intellectual being. She enjoys helping others she believes need it, and can see both sides of a story without prejudice to solve problems. She has an adaptive energy, and will sometimes be claimed “a fake” or “two-faced” because of her ability to shift alliances. This is often due to her inability to be lonely often, but also collides with her occasional need for solitude and time to herself for thinking and the pursuit of knowledge.

Abrupt, timid, and sometimes aggressive, Aquila is very determined in her goals and knows exactly what she plans to do- most of the time, that is. Without the correct amount of mental stimulation, she can grow very bored and very quirky. The world is always full of endless possibilities to her, though she likes to believe she has a steady set of morals.

to be determined

Theme Song
Hollywood Undead ~ I’ll Be There


Ee - neth
+Nature Manipulation: This ability allows Einath to sense and call upon the life-force of plants around him. They grow, bend, and move to his will with little thought, but more often than not, once awakened and moving, some plants refuse to die again unless ripped from the ground. This leads to his extreme caution in calling upon larger plants to aid him, and limits his power ability.
+Rock Armor: This ability is much more predictable than his plant-manipulation, as it’s a simple process of his brain detecting danger and bringing forth the earth material in his skin. When chosen, Einath can withstand tremendous force against his “skin” which becomes thick, impenetrable rock. This often drains his energy and can occasionally cause him to go blind for short periods of time for unforeseen circumstances.
Einath is a rather large individual of humanoid shape, easily standing just over 6 and a half feet tall and weighing in at shortly under 200 lbs. He has full and strong muscles paired with thick, tanned skin that holds the occasional fair freckle. The hair on his head is kind of lengthy and black- falling past his ears in gentle curls and resting at the nape of his neck- parted by two large bull horns on either side of his head. They too are dark in color, but easily dark grey in lower areas, giving texture and length. His arms have human hairs on them as well, matching those on his head.

His face, head and ears are clearly human, but his eyes hold no white and instead are a thick chocolate brown throughout, matching those of a bull’s. Einath often hides this feature in public by averting his eyes or wearing sunglasses, somewhat shameful of his eyes for some unknown reason. The rest of his body is also human, for which he is sometimes thankful and sometimes aggrieved for. He’s often seen in standard, somewhat tight jeans and hiking boots, paired with a thin tee or sometimes nothing at all. His hands are thick and steady, his fingers long and strong. He’s most often seen wearing a simple, thick golden band on his right ring finger.

Einath can easily be described as a tactful and practical but very uncompromising being. He’s a very devoted individual, but that can often lead him down the road to unhealthy obsessions. Reliable and willing to stick with a plan until the deed is done and he feels completely satisfied- even if it means repeating said plan over and over again- he doesn’t always see the realistic perspective. However, when he does, he can be a very wise and well-grounded to any situation.

Einath can also be a very possessive person, over both items and those he comes to care for. He can be overprotective and sometimes overbearing, lest he’s told to back off. Once reminded, he can be a very sheepful and tender friend, or lover. He can be very wary of sudden changes and often won’t like them unless he’s suggested them himself- or someone he respects has. It can be a challenge to earn Einath’s respect and admiration, but it can and has been done. A very loyal and steady friend, he can be unwavering in his friendship and is willing to do most anything for those he loves. He believes in debts to be paid and is grateful for most help he receives.

A free-spirited man, Einath has a need to travel most of the time, and can find it hard to be stuck in a small place for too long. He has a desire for unique and rare items, mostly of jewelry likeness, and is known to be both a hoarder and dealer in said items. A very enduring and adaptive individual, Taurus both loves and despises the place he’s been sent.

to be determined

Theme Song
Holly wood Undead ~ New Day


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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 14:37:37 by West (#43497)

- (#114275)

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Posted on
2017-06-15 18:45:16






Gemini can conjure an identical clone of himself for short periods of time. It is very energy draining and he can only do it for a limited amount of time, so he tends to only use this ability in serious situations where he needs to make a quick escape to distract his enemy.

Gemini can create and manipulate winds. Of course, since coming to Earth, he can only do a fraction of what he could do before with this, and it is quite noticeably weaker as well, but still effective and helpful.

Gemini stands at a height of 5'11- not crazy tall, but certainly not short either. He has almost snow-white hair that normally falls in his bright green eyes, which stand out prominently against his very pale, almost sickly looking complexion. He has a sharp jawline and barely sunken cheeks. He, for some reason, never has been and probably never will be able to grow facial hair, so his face is bare of that. He is quite lanky, weighing at about 150 lbs. His appearance shows no different from an average human, which he is both thankful for and annoyed by, sometimes wishing he had crazy horns or cool wings like some of the others.

Gemini is a very energetic person. He loves to do hands on activities and gets bored very easily when listening to someone speak for long periods of time. He is very clever and witty, which he normally doesn't use for a good purpose, but rather uses in a humorous way. He is very imaginative and creative and comes up with strange and different ways to approach a certain situation. They aren't all good ways, but they are definitely different. Gemini is very adaptable and therefore settles okay quickly with change.

On the other hand, Gemini is superficial, only concerned with seeing what is on the surface rather than taking the extra time to dig deeper. He is impulsive and says what he's thinking without thinking about it beforehand, which can prove to be quite troublesome. He is quite restless and fidgety most of the time, worrying about things that one normally wouldn't worry about. He is also quite devious, so trusting his honesty may not be the greatest idea. He is indecisive and terrible at making the smallest of decisions, like what pair of shoes out of two pair he should wear that day.














Theme Song


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Edited on 19/06/17 @ 18:55:17 by AmiLucy (Side Account) (#114275)

『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-06-16 01:48:24





Heteroromantic|(In some cases)Post rubor

"I kinda look gorgeous as a crab."
﹆Cancer is able to transform into a crab anywhere, but for only a few minutes. She cannot do anything special in this form, and that kinda irritates her.
"Eh, I like swimming."
﹆Unlike in her crab form, Moon can manipulate water while in her human one. Cancer isn't able to use a whole lake or sea, but can nonetheless manipulate a good amount of water at once. She can cover one's body in water before eventually dropping the temperature of the water to the point where it almost freezes. Moon is able to draw water out from any plant, but not from living beings.

"I don't know if I'm beautiful."
Moon has an extremely long, fawn and wavy hair which reaches the floor. Even if she catches it in a ponytail, Moon will still be stressed by it. Her skin color is an odd yellowish white with small shades of darker colors only on her arms. A few green scales pop up here and there randomly. They can even appear and disappear while Moon is talking to someone. The Cancer doesn't even realize what's happening unless someone observes and tells her, as this "process" of growing doesn't hurt at all. The Cancer is a pretty tall female as she stands at a height of 5"9.

"I'll always go shopping."
Moon wears a pompous and long dress with lots of accessories around her arm, neck and face. Her dress is green with lots of shades of white. The most obvious white appears at the bottom of the dress and it continues with another layer of white with less opacity. That continues until it reaches her waist, where the white meets some aqua crystals circling her wrist. The part of dress above the crystals is simple yet once again complicated. It has different triangles of all sizes and varying in different shades of black. Her eyelids are usually full of different shapes, colored randomly. No, it is not makeup, it just happens randomly yet again. After it reaches midnight, her eyelids will start coloring as they please, based on the way she'll feel the next day. If they are bright colors, tomorrow will be a good day for her. If not, then she will most likely feel bad all day. If the shapes are black, white and gray she might feel either too excited or depressed.

"Maybe I dress too much."
Let's admit it, Moon wears loooots of accessories everyday. Happily, she doesn't have piercings yet, but who knows what will happen. She has a huge and gorgeous tattoo of her zodiac right in the middle of her chest, covering most of her breasts. Even if it is not visible, she still wanted to make it big. Nobody understands why but oh well. Moon has little tattoos of the other zodiacs on her arms, dividing them into the ones she likes and the ones she dislikes. The neutral ones aren't on her arms, but on her back. The zodiacs she likes(Pisces and Scorpio) are on her left arm(she prefers her left side more) and the ones she dislikes(Gemini and Libra) are on her right arm. Moon wears the same pair of earnings weeks in a row as she focuses on her bracelets and necklaces more.

"I need green in my life."
Just like her green scales and dress, her crab form is also green. There's not much to explain about it, as it is just a simple crab. When in human form, she has two tiny pincers coming out from her sides. She can grow them as much as she want, although Cancer prefers to keep them medium-sized. The fully grown pincers weigh around 33-44 lbs. Moon can grow some kind of huge scales that serve as a shield from her normal, tiny scales. Not many things can break the shield, but if it happens to break, it'll cause immense pain to Moon, resulting her to pass out. She most likely will wake up after she healed her scales, which will usually take 2-6 days.

"Call me if you need mental help."
Moon is a loyal, funny and agile girl. She will show her good side after you get through her outer shell. She is random with neutral people as well, but even more so with friends. She will stop at almost nothing(besides her own life) to protect them. Don't worry about being abandoned by her. Although, if she feels betrayed even slightly, her trust for you will slowly disappear. Her sarcasm usually gets the best out of her. She is lucky to be able to understand different types of people so quickly. Moon knows how to get out of difficult situations with people, and how to enter them as well.

"I don't think it's worth living at all. Whatever happens, I just want it to happen quickly."
She is loyal to individuals, but not to groups. Moon knows she's supposed to die for all the zodiacs, but her selfishness won't let her. She nonetheless doesn't bother dying. She thought that her life doesn't matter from the very beginning. Moon would rather die herself than let anyone else die.

"People who are perfect shouldn't be living."
But Cancer has her own flaws, just like everyone else. She is extremely distant and suspicious at first, and might appear as shy. She is clingy as well, meaning she will probably butt in a conversation just to have a bit of attention. She's not trying to anger people, she just needs to feel accepted. Her insecurity usually makes her doubt her own choices, even if they haven't been commented by others.

"Me? Crazy? Nooo waaay."
Let's get straight to it, when it comes to fighting, she likes using dirty words. Moon won't step back if provoked, even if she knows she stands no chance. Maybe her ego does that to her(if she actually has one). If someone angers her too much, there might be some hurt feelings afterwards. She thinks that it's okay to be a little bit of a psychopath and will always have dirty thoughts popping up in her mind(whether they be murderous or pervert).

Virgo:I'm not letting him steal my ability to observe people.♍
Aries:I like him. We're pretty similar. Hope I won't get into an argue with him.♈
Scorpio:Glad I know how to understand people. He's a bit strange, but that's why I like him.♏
Leo:She's really fragile on the inside. I like the show she puts up anyway.♌
Pisces:She's too good. I'll have to kick some sense into her and make her care about herself much more.♓
Libra:She should be a bit more egoist perhaps?♎
Sagittarius:She loves trying new things, I can tell.♐
Capricorn:He should stop being so serious.♑
Aquarius:More moody than me, I can't... Believe it.♒
Taurus:He's really nice. I suppose.♉
Gemini:No comment. Maybe he should look for more than looks.♊
🔱Ophiuchus:Go f*** yourself.🔱

Theme Song
Walk the Line-Iggy Azalea

•Cancer can twist her arms at an oddly angle.
•Her sight in the left eye is worse than the one in the right eye.
•She can hear better with her left ear than the right one.
•Her pupils are sharp and long, like those of a cat.
•Her best sense is the smell/taste.

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Edited on 21/06/17 @ 23:48:50 by ⁝⁞⁝⁞ɱѳѳɳɛɦ⁝⁞ (#100696)

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