Posted by Vampire vs Werewolf: Factions in between [RP]

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-06-22 07:16:45
This is the thread for all RPing within this RP. It is strictly for replies and if you want to talk please move to the out of character chat, thank you!

Current dispute:
The Split and Troubled Loyalty
Now there has been sightings of Vampires taking masses of bodies of the innocent, soon making this humble group split up into their own little groups.. Werewolves aren't so far off. There is talk of sighting that a werewolf has betrayed their brethren.. they are accused of association with vampires! This has caused the loyal wolves to make groups of their own.. a battle will soon break loose between groups of the same species, as well as the other. Who is brave enough to stop all this conflict before both species are destroyed by each other.. Who will restore peace to the newly formed groups and between both species?

Current (vampire) group(s): Blood Alliance, Dark Members
Current (werewolf) group(s): Night Owl, Sabre Vengeance
Time of day: Evening
Season: Spring

Current characters:
¤ Damien - Lirr (Vampire)
¤ Ryder - Lirr (Vampire)
¤ Mina - Prince (Vampire)
¤ Carrie - Peace (Vampire)
¤ Josh - Cherry (Vampire)
¤ Logan - Cherry (Werewolf)
¤ Ari - Nameless (Werewolf)
¤ Lucius - Prince (Werewolf)
¤ Sasha - Icestar (Werewolf)

Please use this so we know which character your using;
[Initials of group]Name/gender/species/location/mentions

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Edited on 07/07/17 @ 14:19:56 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-24 19:15:40
Logan |Female Werewolf| Werewolfhouse | Open
She'd jog or sprint for most of the way back, constantly checking behind her for any sign or scent of the vampires she'd seen. Before too long she'd be skidding to a halt at the front of the house, before quickly heading inside, shutting the door behind her. Who should she go to about what she'd seen? Maybe Sasha? Yeah she was pretty sure she could scent her around. She'd head for Sasha's room, knocking on her door. "Hey you got a second? Just saw something, didn't look good."

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-06-24 19:18:04
Ari |Female | Werewolf| Werewolf House | Open

Ari still laid face-palmed on the floor around the fridge, now her nose started to hurt, but she didn't have the energy to get up. "H...Help?" she barely said, to make matters worse, she flipped over, making the fridge door open, hitting her head. Her nose still hurt, her head hurts, and now she's in the front of the fridge, with the coldness from inside going onto her.

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Edited on 24/06/17 @ 19:21:27 by NamelessCreature (#112820)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-06-24 19:22:07
Sasha|Female|23yr|Werewolf|Werewolf house|Logan

She was distracted by the beautiful scenery outside the window that she hadn't noticed time had seemed to slip. She jumped at the sudden knock on the door but settled when she heard Logan's voice. "Ok, I'm coming." She said loud enough so it reached the other side of the door. She got up and stretched before making her way to the door and opening it, she gave Logan a friendly smile as she struggled not to cough. "Why don't you come In? Then you can tell me whatever it is you would like in a comfortable place.." She said kindly before moving so Logan could walk in if she would like to. She wondered what was going on? Something didn't look good..? That sounded bad.. but she couldn't be certain.

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-06-24 19:34:26
Ari |Female | Werewolf| Werewolf House | Open

Ari inhaled, before screaming as she accidentally flipped over again. Her nose already started bleeding, what could be worse? She thought to herself, her life was already starting to be a problem as a tiny tail started swaying around. "Life isn't working with me anymore..." she sighed, the floor used to be comfortable, but now its not anymore.

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Lirr' (#116518)

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Posted on
2017-06-25 08:34:55
Damien|Male|Vampire |Vampire House|Josh

"I've seen quite a few deer out, maybe when we go by the pond I could help you catch a couple. I also spotted a dead wolf, I'm not sure bout that..." He scratched the back of his head nervously. He hadn't eaten like that in a few days, nor did he want to, but his stomach growled at the thought. He pushed the thought out of his mind and flashed a smile.


Even if Ryder had killed the residents in the house, there were far too many bodies, and none of them were touched, aside from the finishing bite. "I've been in most of them, most were empty. Found a dog in one... probably buried with the humans. There's a small cottage out to the side. Had a few people in it. " He gave a dark chuckle. "It doesn't now... The water feels fine; it's cold but relaxing." Ryder kept his blank posture, making it difficult to tell what he was thinking.

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shark week (#116740)

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Posted on
2017-06-25 10:04:06

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Edited on 26/06/17 @ 16:47:36 by Nadare (#116740)

CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-25 12:10:28
Logan - Female Werewolf - Werewolf house - Sasha
She'd smile at Sasha all though not all that brightly, she did still have some bad news after all. "Appreciate it," she says, stepping inside the girls room. She'd lean against the nearby wall, running a hand through her hair. "So I don't know how many of the group here hunt humans but I was out on a walk. Found two vampires and a ton of bodies. Way more than they could've hunted alone. And hardly even touched em by the looks of it," she rambles out, looking a bit frustrated. "I don't know if maybe they stole those or if it should even matter since yknow those were still people but it was real unnerving," she mutters.

Josh - Male Vampire - Vampire house - Damien
He'd smile brightly flashing his own fangs,"That sounds good! I can never finish off a deer by myself so I'd be glad to split one," he says. "Maybe I could even send some up to my dad, he makes the best deer jerky."

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Lirr' (#116518)

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Posted on
2017-06-25 15:21:19
Damien|Male|Vampire|Vampire House|Josh

"Ooh I'd love some of that, my aunt used to make it upstate! She was the best cook you could imagine" He had a look of sadness before shaking it off and returning to his bright smile.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-06-25 16:36:44
Sasha|Female|23yr|Werewolf|Werewolf house|Logan

She closed the door when Logan had come in, she stood near Logan but not too close so she didn't feel uncomfortable. She listened, nodding so she knew she really was listening and her brows scrunched close together, why would they do that? She huffed, quiet for a moment after Logan had finished and then finally spoke up. "I don't know what they would do with all of those.. besides, the only reason they don't look touched is because they don't eat the meat like we do. Not that we eat humans.. it's just the fact that they only drink the blood from them. They waste the rest.." She said, stating what she knew of it all. "Yes.. that mass would be unnerving.. but there must he more than two as you said, they couldn't have gotten all those by themselves. We must be careful not to get too close or get spotted near their borders though.. it could start something very bad.." She said as she looked towards the window before she looked back at Logan, giving her a friendly smile. "Everything will be fine.. just be careful ok?" She said, her tone was friendly but also worried.. She cared for all of the werewolves around that lived here. She may be the oldest.. but, she never acted like it.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-25 17:05:39
Logan - Female Werewolf - Werewolf House - Sasha
" I don't know if they scented me but I stayed as quiet and unseen as I could," she offers, giving a soft sigh. She'd smile slightly at Sasha. "Thank you for hearing me out. And I will be. You stay safe too alright? Think we should maybe tell the others to be careful as well?" She asks. She felt somewhat calmed by Sasha's demeanor, enough to at least get her second opinion on it.

Josh - Male Vampire - Vampire House - Damien
"I'll be sure to ask him to send some extra for you," he smiles, patting Damien on the shoulder. "Maybe even see if we can bribe that cat to like you."

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-06-25 17:11:53
Sasha|Female|23yr|Werewolf|Werewolf house|Logan

She nodded, hoping they hadn't.. at least she had been careful. She nodded, "Don't worry I will be careful." She said with a friendly tone. "Anytime! I always like talking to others and whatever.. just to hang out or help out, I don't mind at all." She said calmly, still with a friendly tone. She was about to answer her question when she could no longer hold back the cough that tickled the back of her throat.. She coughed so much and it sounded like she could cough up a lung or something. After a few moments she finally stopped and looked at Logan, clearing her throat, "well.. we should.. I don't know what they would do if they found any one of us by their border.." She said worriedly. She hoped that Logan only thought that had been a one time cough.. but she doubted it, who coughed like that every so often? She was sick and it was getting harder and harder to hide it any longer.. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to live life very much longer.. though her worries never showed in how she interacted and such.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-25 17:27:51
Logan - Female Werewolf - Werewolf house - Sasha
She'd crinkle her nose a bit at Sasha's coughing, it didn't smell like a smokers cough and that's the only thing she could think of to make a cough like that. She'd try to be casual about it at least. "Right if I catch anyone I'll let them know, til then though you want me to maybe grab you some cough syrup? Throats has to be sore from that," she offers, tilting her head slightly. "Or some cough drops? I got these cherry flavored ones that aren't too bad."

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-06-25 18:25:22
Sasha|Female|23yr|Werewolf|Werewolf house|Logan

She smiled at her when she said she would tell anyone she saw. She shook her head, "I'm afraid nothing can help with this.." She said with a sigh. "But thank you for the offer!" She said with a friendly smile, she guessed she might as well tell one person.. "Just please don't tell anyone.." She said. She looked into Logan's eyes for a long moment before going on, "I was born sick.. I wasn't even supposed to live to be this old.. but I'm afraid I probably won't live much longer.." She confessed, Logan would be the only person she ever told.

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-06-25 20:15:32
Ari | Female | Werewolf | Werewolf House | Open

Ari whined the tiniest bit, before getting up. She slammed the fridge door closed, before rushing up to her room, as she got one of the nearest blankets, throwing it over herself before heading back down. Grabbing a cup and tea bag, she got one of the nearby spoons, before making the tea. She rubbed her nose, as the blood from it went onto her hand, disgusting...

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-06-26 06:16:14
Logan - Female Werewolf - Werewolf house - Sasha
Logan would purse her lips at the news, more so at the fact that Sasha was so... accepting of the fact she could die anytime. "I won't tell anyone, but if there's anything you need or could ease things on you, tell me okay?" She asks, hesitating for a moment. She'd offer out a hug to Sasha, it might be kind of weird but she couldn't imagine the weight that must be on her shoulders right now.

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