Posted by War of the Night life

LuciferTheFallen (#65498)

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Posted on
2017-07-04 10:58:39
There are 2 rival species who have been at war for centuries. A pack of werewolves and a clan of Vampires but as the war grew on into modern times a new faction started to form those who believe the fighting is unnecessary and wish to end the war. Will you fight for you own kind or fight for peace and coexistence? This is the war the plagues the small city of Ashwood.

There will be 4 groups
The pack of werewolves
The clan of vampires
The faction of coexistence or exiles from the werewolves and vampires with a few humans
The regular humans that live in ashwood

-Lioden rules apply Obviously
-Fade to black you know when it's called for
-No overpowered character they all need to have flaws
-Only 1 character with power per person so you cant have the alpha werewolf and the lord Vampire but you can have as many character as you feel you can handle but if you show youve biten off more than you can chew ill ask you to kill or remove some characters other ways.
-5 sentences is preferable but more than 2 atleast and try to give others time to interact dont take up 4 pages with just 2 characters.
-Who ever the leaders are will be in contact with me about how the plot will develop we will discuss how we feel each group should react and interact with major plot development but you are the leader so you need to have say. This plot is highly interactive and ever changing to keep it interesting.
-Finally put Ashwood in other to show you read the rules you will not be accepted unless i see you put it.


Werewolf pack
Alpha Male: Lycan Myles
Alpha female: Jessabel Thornwood
Beta: (second in command and head gaurd to Alphas)
Lead hunter:
Lead scout:
Scouts: (4)

Vampire Clan
Vampire Lord: Isabella Van Der Eretein
Second in command:
Head Gaurd: Auben Reyes
Head Assassin
Newly blooded vampires: (does most of the hunting along with the head assassin)

Generals: (5)
Humans: (7)

Regular inhabitants of Ashwood
Elijah Woods

Character form
Werewolf appearanceif needed (these werewilves are humanoid):
Personality (Atleast 2-3 flaws):
History(atleast a 3 sentence run down of your characters history that made them who they are.
Weapons if any:
Car/motorcycle/bike if any:
If human and not part of the coexistence please include a job such as bartender or teacher:
Other (any other information you would like us to know anout your character please put it here):

NamelessCreature is my admin and can accept your character along with starting the Rp if enough peiple join before I get back.

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Edited on 08/07/17 @ 19:21:32 by LuciferTheFallen (#65498)

sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-07-05 20:35:46
I have the perfect song that fits Elijah XD
This would definitely be her theme song

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LuciferTheFallen (#65498)

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Posted on
2017-07-05 21:18:09
Shadow please go back and read the rules :) then you will be accepted

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-07-05 21:19:02
He's offline

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LuciferTheFallen (#65498)

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Posted on
2017-07-06 11:23:26
If we can get a few Vampires we can start

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KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-07-06 12:01:56
Name: Auben Reyes
Age: 26 in human years but is close to 800.
Gender: Male
Group: Vampire
Rank: Head Guard
Appearance: Auben is muscular to say the least, no that he needs the extra muscle as he already has significant strength. He has short black hair with his of brown at the tips. He's about 6" making him more intimidating. His eyes close to being black and his body full of scars.
Personality: Auben is cold hearted to everyone he meets but has a soft spot for the lord, protecting them at all costs. He can be quite sadistic and likes to tease his prey a bit, loving the thrill it gives him. He has a knack of getting angry easily which gets in the way. He's quite distant and keeps everything to himself most of the time.
History: Auben wasn't always as cold hearted as he is, before he was turned he was sweet and caring but the one who turned him, used him as a slave for a hundred years or so before werewolves got to him. They chained him up and tried to get him to tell them where the lord was even though he didn't know. Eventually he was saved, a clan of vampires taking him in and to the lord where he swore his alliegence and slowly worked his way up to his title.
Weapons if any: none.
Car/motorcycle/bike if any: Has a dark purple motorcycle
Other: Ashwood.

Decided to make a vamp too.

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LuciferTheFallen (#65498)

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Posted on
2017-07-06 21:33:14
Perfect accepted:)

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Lady Lunafreya (#109982)

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Posted on
2017-07-07 05:04:02
Name: Isabella Van Der Eretein
Age: looks to be in early twentys but In truth is well over 1000 Years old.
Gender: Female and identifies as female
Group: Vampires
Rank: Either Vampire lord or second in command
Apperance: { face claim is nina dobrev } Isabella has Dark chocolate brown eyes that can be as sweet as honey or as dark as the midnight sky. She is slightly below average height standing at approximately 5'5 . She is of average weight and appears slim and In good physical health. She had Long Auburn hair in waves and curls that reach down to her waist.
Personality: Isabella has a complex personality that in cases may contradict each other. She is naturally brave , fearing little after living her extended lifetime she believes she has seen just about everything this world has to offer
She is fiercly loyal to a point where it becomes a fault. She sometimes will be blind to betrayal due to her loyalty and truthful nature.
She is also boldin nature.
Emotional : Both a Fault and a strong point. Isabella has always felt emotions stronger than others and while this gives her an understanding nature it also fuels her temper . Isabella is also a hot head as well as stubborn.
Isabella is also very calm at times. Insults don't anger her rather actions to. She has limits that if you cross you will see her temper but other things that would never most people have little effect on her.
History : Isabella Can barely remember when she became a vampire but she knew she was out somewhere she shouldn't have been. However Isabella dislikes speaking of that time. It was centries ago and life was hard. She often jokes of living in caves. But since no one knows how old she really is . It may not be a joke. Isabella went through the centries taking many lovers but all of which she cared little for. However when finding someone who treated her with the respect and kindness she never truly knew Isabella found herself in love.
She stayed with him as long as she could until he noticed she didn't age. Isabella knew he wouldn't make it as a vampire. Too kind of a heart. So she left.

" Tis a cruel temptation to live in a world abundant of mortals "

Weapons if any: often carries various blades around. Dislikes Guns due to the noise
Car/motorcycle/bike if any: Isabella is a lover of Beautiful cars. Owning many. Get prized car is bugatti veyron in a sleek crimson
Other: Respect means alot to Isabella . Disrespect will anger her greatly.Isabella is also an empath explaining her emotional regard. Doesn't stop her being cold hearted at times.
Password : Ashwood.

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LuciferTheFallen (#65498)

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Posted on
2017-07-07 07:22:33
Accepted. :) i feel obe more and we can start

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-07-07 14:06:48
I'm the only human so far, XD

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LuciferTheFallen (#65498)

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Posted on
2017-07-08 19:06:04
Hey guys i have to go out of town for a famiky emergancy so ill be away for a few day so i was hoping 1 or 2 of you would like to be admins so we can still get people accepted and not let the rp die before it starts?

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-07-08 19:06:49
Sure, I can step it up

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LuciferTheFallen (#65498)

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Posted on
2017-07-08 19:18:59
You're amazing Nameless. <3

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-07-08 19:20:03

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LuciferTheFallen (#65498)

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Posted on
2017-07-08 19:22:36
If a lot of people join you can go ahead and start the Rp too.

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-07-08 19:22:52

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