Posted by Private Shifters RP | Bios

Turnip Chair (#117787)

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Posted on
2017-07-07 18:10:26

Main Roleplay Thread


This is a private roleplay. If you are interested in joining, please click here. If not, carry on.

There was a time when shifters thrived, coexisting with humans peacefully and being worshipped as gods and goddesses for their uncanny abilities. They were treated with utmost respect everywhere they went and showered with love and attention, leading lives of luxury and praise. Were, because less than a century ago, man suddenly turned against his former brethren, wiping out any shifter unlucky enough to stumble onto his path. Those that were once considered gods among men were slaughtered and forced to hide their abilities from the world, seeking refuge with anyone that would take them in. Children of this era have grown up believing that possessing the ability to change one's form is satanic and unnatural, and anyone that dares to speak up in favor of shifters is ruthlessly shut down. Humanity boasts about the complete extinction of shapeshifters, but few remain, lurking in the shadows, praying for the genocide to end as they seek out others of their own kind. Will you find others like you before the humans do?

name | gender | age | animal form | player

I'm going to get this cleaned up I promise just give me a few days
also please don't post here unless you've been accepted into the roleplay thanks

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Edited on 19/07/17 @ 21:42:44 by Turnip Chair (#117787)

Turnip Chair (#117787)

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Posted on
2017-07-07 18:14:47

Use this character sheet if you want. Or not. Whatever you prefer, really.





Alternate Form










Theme Song
put the song name and artist here


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Turnip Chair (#117787)

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Posted on
2017-07-07 18:17:11

"I guess you could say I'm a bit of an oddball. But please don't actually, because I'm sort of sensitive and not quite used to this whole 'social interaction' thing yet."

Oliver James Waterworth
{Oliver, Ollie, Dr. Waterworth}

{he, him}

28 years old

Asexual, Homoromantic
{does not get sexually aroused; attracted to guys only}

Alternate Form
Roosevelt Elk

Oliver is a genius. He's a scientist, and pretty much fits the stereotypes that adhere to his career. He's somewhat antisocial, and exceptionally awkward around others. He gets nervous in social situations and can constantly be found fiddling with his glasses or drumming his fingers. However, he's also extremely curious and will study someone up and down and sometimes come off as rude and invasive without even realizing it due to his poor social skills and inability to read people.

Oliver is very easily fascinated by ordinary, insignificant things such as literal dust. He can entertain himself for hours just by admiring his surroundings, and despite his rather poor eyesight, he has a keen eye for minor details most people couldn't care less about. It's all part of being a scientist, really. He's adapted to being able to pick out even the tiniest of differences that could mean a completely different outcome in an experiment.

Despite how much he may protest, Oliver is a natural-born leader. He automatically steps up to take charge if necessary, and he knows how to command attention and give orders that people want to follow. He tends to surprise people with how easily he manages to take control, as most seem to think that he's just a sweet guy that wouldn't dare stand up for himself and tell others what to do. That, of course, is not the case.

Intelligence. Oliver's most rewarding and recognized trait is his incredible intellect, and it is his proudest strength. What he lacks in brawn he more than makes up for in brains, capable of solving most problems with nothing more than a marker, a board, and some time.

Hearing. Thanks to his elk side, Oliver has an excellent sense of hearing. The problem is, because his hearing is so good, his mind naturally blocks out any background noise, so at times he may seem inattentive if something does not seem significant enough for him to immediately pay attention to.

Smell. One thing that Oliver never blocks out is the smell of things around him. He pays careful attention to scents, able to smell smoke before the fire even starts. However, because his nose is so sensitive, he cannot stand strong scents such as those from gas stations or fragrance stores, as they give him terrible migraines.

Socially Inept. It's not that Oliver doesn't like people, it's just that he's been secluded his entire life and never quite got the hang of social interactions. He'd love to be able to make friends with everybody and spend time with others, but he's far too socially inept for his dream to be realistic.

Curiosity. Satisfaction won't be bringing this cat back if he's allowed to explore and study every minute detail there is. Oliver finds dust fascinating, so just imagine what a nightmare it would be to let him roam free and learn about everything there is to know.

Easily Manipulated. Because of his lack of understanding of basic human interactions, Oliver is extremely eager to learn and doesn't stop to question the motives behind what others are saying. You could outright tell him that everyone else in the world believes the sky is yellow and he'd hang on to your every word for the rest of his life.

Fear of Death. Oliver fears death, not because he doesn't want to die, but because he doesn't understand it. There is no logical explanation to what happens after death, and while he has never been religious by any means, he fears what may happen to him when he passes.

Dogs. It should come as no surprise that Oliver is a cat person given his personality. Dogs scare him, and while they don't necessarily hate him, he is not a fan whatsoever. They're far too loud and needy, and they don't serve any real purpose other than to look cute.

Oliver frequently forgets to eat, and I don't mean he's so caught up in work he occasionally forgets. He could have absolutely nothing to do all day, and the thought of eating would never cross his mind. He pretty much relies on others to remind him that he needs food to sustain himself, otherwise he'd accidentally starve himself to death.

Oliver can't digest meat. It comes with having a herbivore as an alternate form, but he doesn't mind being a vegetarian. Another trait carried over from his elk form is partial colorblindness, although he has fairly poor eyesight in general. He can't see purple, red, pink, or orange, but he has adapted to his disability and can tell you which is which with surprising accuracy.

Oliver is also a compulsive cleaner, especially with his glasses. He frequently takes off his glasses and cleans them, even when unnecessary. He also organizes his workspace when nervous, or picks at imaginary hairs that he insists cover his clothes.

Oliver's hair is a sort of dark russet brown, with some lighter highlights here and there. He usually keeps it short so that it's out of his way when he works, but lately he's started to let it grow out, so it looks a bit like an overgrown undercut at the moment and is constantly hanging in his face. His eyes are dark brown and soft but expressive, always giving away his thoughts even if nothing else will. They are always framed by thick black glasses, as he is extremely nearsighted and can barely see more than a foot in front of his face.

In terms of build, Oliver is rather tall, standing at 6'3 and weighing slightly less than two hundred pounds. He lacks any serious muscle, but he isn't just skin and bones either - he's got a bit of meat on him due to the heavy lifting he's had to do during experiments involving large objects. That being said, he has never worked out a single day of his life and a strong slap would probably kill him.

Image and Source
In his elk form, Oliver's head and neck are the same russet brown color of his hair, with thick fur that feels incredibly soft to the touch. His legs are the same color, but the rest of his body is a much lighter golden hue. His antlers are tall and smooth, with six prongs on each antler.

While as a human he appears pretty balanced, as an elk, Oliver looks as though he forgot to do leg day every day. He stands at about 4'5 at the shoulder and weighs 720 pounds, and it's a wonder his twig legs can support his large frame.

Oliver was born in New Forest, England, to a rather wealthy couple. They had been trying to have a child for years, and when they finally had a little boy, they thought he was the most perfect child to ever grace the planet. They loved and cherished him, giving him everything they thought he could ever want despite him not even being able to speak yet. That is, until they found out about his shapeshifting abilities one night when he was about a year old. Having come from long lines of elites and royalty, his parents believed themselves to be pure-blood humans, and chaos erupted throughout the Waterworth family as they tried to figure out who had plagued their perfect blood with the taint of shifters.

When Oliver's parents finally remembered that they had a son several months later, they decided to send him off to an elite orphanage in America, as they weren't completely cruel, but there was no way they were allowing a shifter to ruin their perfect blood. And the orphanage really wasn't bad: there were about twenty other kids there, but it was located in a mansion, and the adults there were nice and laid-back. Everyone was homeschooled depending on their individual levels, and because information came naturally to Oliver and he picked up on things easily, he was allowed to progress faster than the other children. By the time he was ten he was already learning at a high school level, far surpassing his peers and still excelling in his studies.

Oliver was twelve when the local anti-shifters gang discovered that most of the orphans were shapeshifters and set fire to the orphanage in the middle of the night. All but a small handful of fleet-footed shifters perished in the fire, and those that survived were rounded up and placed into separate orphanages across the state. Oliver was placed in a small, rundown home, a complete contrast to the near-luxurious life he had lived at the mansion. He was sent to public school for the first time in his life, being placed in the ninth grade despite being on an eleventh grade level, as the head of the orphanage refused to allow a preteen to be a junior in high school. So, Oliver was stuck in high school until he finally graduated top of his class at fifteen years old with scholarships to cover any college under the sun.

It took two years for the head of the orphanage to let Oliver go to Harvard, and he graduated eight years later with Ph.D.'s in English and Integrative Biology and a master's degree in Anthropology. In the three years since his graduation, he was working for government research centers, taking on any project they need him to do. That is, until he was forced to flee to prevent his peers from discovering his shapeshifting abilities. He has been living in a tiny one-room apartment in the city since, having made enough money from his work to hopefully get him through the rest of the year.

Elizabeth Waterworth | mother | alive
Despite all that's happened, Oliver still wishes to see his mother again. There's a small hope in him that maybe, just maybe, she'll be proud of him for all that he's done.

Henry Waterworth | father | alive
Like with his mother, Oliver wishes to see his father again. His father is a world-renowned scientist, and he dreams of one day being able to work side-by-side with him.

"Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." - Oscar Wilde
"By definition, gay is smart. I see plenty of macho heterosexual idiots, but nine times out of ten you can have a great conversation if you find a gay guy." - Jason Bateman
"You can fool an elk's eyes, and you can fool an elk's ears, but you can't fool an elk's nose." - some sort of hunter saying idk

Theme Song
The Scientist - Coldplay
Hopeless Opus - Imagine Dragons

he's got a veeeeery faint English accent

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Edited on 09/07/17 @ 00:12:18 by Turnip Chair (#117787)

Turnip Chair (#117787)

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Posted on
2017-07-07 18:17:49

"I'm not just some dumb little kid for you to push around. I know my way around better than most."

John Wallace Peters
{Jack, JP, John (if he's in trouble)}

{he, him}

16 years old


Alternate Form

Let's start off by saying that Jack is certainly an enigma. He's as sly as a fox but as savage as a wolf. He's witty and he's aggressive. He will either be your worst enemy or your best friend. He plays cruel tricks but he has a healing touch. He's loyal to a fault but he always wonders whether he could get away with betraying everyone around him. Most consider him an untrustworthy thief, but he'll take a secret to his grave.

What most people don't realize is Jack's maturity. When he isn't tricking others into doing his bidding he's more mature than any sixteen-year-old should ever have to be. Painfully so. He rarely shows his mature side except when assigned a job (such as healing the injured), but it's always there, buried beneath the layers of wit and sarcasm he uses to protect himself from criticism and hate. He isn't mature because he wants to be. No, he never had a choice.

Jack is absolutely fascinated by shifters. He grew up hearing tales of men who could change form at will and fell in love with the stories despite everyone warning against his support of the so-called demons. His entire life he longed to be able to shift into an animal, and he still does. His adoration of shapeshifters is caused by a desire to be more than what he is. He wants to be more than just some street rat that will never get anything done in the world. However, most tend to assume that the only reason he wants to be a shifter is because he wants to be treated like a god and live a life of luxury.

Healing. Jack is an excellent healer. He can almost always correctly identify injuries or illnesses, and knows how to treat nearly any issue that may spring up. Not only is he a great physical healer, he can also heal mental and emotional damage. Of course, he rarely shows this ability, as he is never trusted enough to be let inside someone's mind and know their darkest secrets.

Mimicking. One of Jack's other hidden talents is his ability to mimic voices. As long as he has an idea of what someone sounds like, he can mimic it surprisingly well. He has a tougher time with deeper voices. However, unless he knows the person he's mimicking extremely well, he can only copy someone's voice immediately after hearing it.

Thieving. It goes without saying that Jack is an excellent thief. He's been stealing for seven years, so it's only natural that he would have gotten good at it. And he did. He's often referred to as a kleptomaniac, but whether or not he actually is is anyone's guess.

His Reputation. Jack's reputation as an untrustworthy, sly thief is his greatest disadvantage. While it might not affect him in everyday situations, it certainly affects his mental state, which leads to slower reaction times and him getting distracted. Sure, he has his reputation for a reason, but he's also so much more than what others make of him. He just wishes everyone else could see it too.

Trust Issues. Due to Jack's history as a homeless orphan, he developed severe trust issues early on. Even those closest to him are strangers when it comes to his personal issues. He has a difficult time trusting others not to stab him in the back (both physically and metaphorically), as it's happened to him too many times before. His lack of trust also makes it somewhat difficult to get along with him, as he generally tends to go off on his own and take care of himself because he doesn't trust his allies to do it for him.

Aquaphobia. Jack has severe aquaphobia and refuses to go anywhere near large bodies of water. He is even tentative while drinking water. If you ever want to get answers out of him, just dangle him over a lake and he'll spill everything without hesitation, even if he'll hate you with a burning passion afterwards. He generally prefers to drink from bottled water and take slow, careful sips. No one knows how his aquaphobia developed, but it is generally assumed he had bad experiences with water in the past.

Jack is a compulsive liar, a trait stemming from having to be quick on the spot when answering questions and being interrogated by the police. Any of his answers outside of basic personal information probably aren't true, and while it tends to irritate those around him that just want him to be honest, it's saved his life on several occasions.

Another of Jack's quirks is his never ending need for attention. Sure, most people like having the attention on them occasionally, but most wouldn't go to the extent that Jack does. If he feels too left out or unwanted, he will purposely hurt himself just so that someone else has to take care of him and shower him with attention and hopefully affection. His desire for the spotlight is a dangerous thing, as to outright ignore him would practically be a death sentence, but feeding into his self-harming habits only further encourages it. His mannerisms towards attention stem from his lack of basic care as a child, although many seem to believe that he's nothing more than a greedy attention whore.

If Jack were a shifter, his alternate form would be a golden retriever for looks alone. He has sort of golden/reddish shaggy hair that always gets into his eyes and that he constantly threatens to cut but never follows through. His eyes are a bright, seemingly-innocent green, giving him a distinct appearance. Pale freckles dot his face, most notably on his nose and cheekbones. He is oddly proud of his freckles, even going so far as to claim that each freckle represents a dollar he stole made on his own (and he has a lot of freckles).

As far as body shape goes, Jack's a bit on the small side. He stands at a mere 5'4 and weighs about a hundred pounds, and while he claims his size is his body's way of adapting to being an excellent thief, it's really just the result of never quite getting the right vitamins and nutrients throughout his childhood. Due to his age, his metabolism is also quite fast, which really hinders his ability to survive on his own when he's constantly hungry.

Alternate Form

Jack was born into a normal family, coming from a long line of non-shifters. His parents were not happy in their marriage and constantly fought, sometimes turning violent and throwing glassware at each other out of anger. That is, until Mary finally had enough and took her own life when Jack was five. He'd walked into the bathroom to take a bath, only to find his mother's lifeless body laying in the tub surrounded by bloody water. He'd screamed and cried, and he still has nightmares about her death despite how young he was when it happened. He developed severe aquaphobia as well, and no longer trusts nor likes water.

After Mary's death, Trenton turned to alcohol to ease the pain and became a neglectful father, not caring about his son on good days and forgetting about him entirely on bad ones. Jack learned how to take care of himself during that time, as his father quit caring for him entirely. Then, when he was eight, he decided he was done and ran away from home, not once looking back.

Jack made it through his first week through strangers offering free food out of pity and digging through dumpsters behind restaurants. An older man by the name of Dorian found him at the end of the week digging through the trash and offered to teach him basic survival skills, as he had been homeless most of his life and had picked up on a few essentials. He taught Jack how to be a good thief and how to take care of himself when he didn't have a roof over his head. Jack successfully stole his first wallet six months later, and from then on it escalated to watches, purses, laptops, and even a car. He became a better thief than Dorian, picking it up quickly and becoming a sort of protégé in the art of stealing.

Jack was completely independent by the time he reached thirteen, plenty capable of stealing enough to get by on his own. However, that didn't mean he was prepared for Dorian to suddenly disappear while Jack was out looking for his next target one day. He searched everywhere for the old man, not finding anything and returning to the tent they had shared empty handed each night. After nearly a year, Jack realized that his only friend wasn't coming back, and he quit looking. He began to fight to keep himself alive, no longer putting effort into searching for Dorian as he made his own survival his top priority. After all, if he wasn't focused on staying alive, he was as good as dead.

Mary Peters | mother | deceased
It would be wrong to say that Jack didn't like his mother, because he doesn't even remember her. However, he is still mad at her for abandoning him through suicide when he was five, and he blames her for his troubles even though he knows it's wrong.

Trenton Peters | father | unknown
Jack never liked his father. He supposes he was a decent guy before his mother's death, but his only memories of him involve cold shoulders and emotionless expressions. His father once blamed him for his mother's death, and he has thought about it nearly every day since, wondering whether or not he was right, and he hates him for haunting him even to this day.

Dorian | friend/mentor | unknown
Jack misses Dorian dearly, but he has adapted to life without him and no longer depends on him for survival.

"It doesn't take a genius to figure out how to steal a wallet. All you need are quick fingers and a charming smile, and from there you can just sit back and let nature do the rest." - Jack
"Lying's not bad if you do it right. It's good for the soul. It's refreshing." - Jack

Theme Song
Shots - Imagine Dragons

he's like that annoying little kid that follows everyone around but that's too adorable (and pathetic) to hate

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Edited on 26/07/17 @ 22:26:08 by Turnip Chair (#117787)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-07-07 21:16:39

Gregory Black.

30 years old.


Demisexual | Homoromantic.

Alternate Form
Eurasian Brown Bear.

Human Appearance
Small and skinny, reaching only 5’6” and weighing in at a measly 126 pounds. He has very little in the way of firm muscle and isn’t a particularly threatening looking person. His skin is very pale in contrast to his black hair and his eyes are startlingly blue. Technically this is an impossible color combo naturally, but Gregory has a condition known as ocular albinism, meaning it only affects the amount of melanin in the eyes rather than the skin or hair. He’s lucky enough to surprisingly not have any impaired visual acuity which is common in people with this mutation, but he is sensitive to light and prefers night over day as a result.

His face is covered in freckles that can range anywhere between appearing so faint they are barely noticeable to especially prominent depending on the lighting provided. His hair has the tendency to look rather untidy and a bit spiky along the back of his head. Sharp cheekbones lead down to a narrow chin while his nose is thin and pointed. He walks with a heavy limp thanks to a leg injury he sustained in his late teens that proved permanent and has to use a specialized cane to assist his walking. Anyone who knows him is probably aware he isn’t as harmless as he appears.

Animal Appearance
At 5 feet tall and 800 pounds, he’s a fairly average sized bear. Greg’s fur is rather thick and course, a very dark brown in shade that can very nearly look black depending on the lighting provided. The hair of his legs and paws is even darker than the rest of his pelt and does indeed look black to the human eye. His frame is robust and heavily built, much different from his human form, but does not hinder his speed.

As with most bears he can still run much faster than the average human and can cover up to 50 yards in little more than 2 seconds, though the limp does slow him down. He has a dished facial profile and small, round blue eyes. His ears are short and circular, muzzle blunt and head broad.. His claws are long and razor sharp, capable of causing massive amounts of damage.

Outwardly volatile and unpleasant. He doesn’t trust easily and expects the worst from everyone. Greg spends most of his days indoors, hidden away from the world with only his three cats for company unless called out for a job. General first impressions of this fellow would likely be he’s an extreme cynic with little to no regard for anyone else around him. This isn’t exactly true, while he will keep to himself given the chance he’s been known to intervene if someone needed help and is more compassionate than people give him credit for.

Often seen as strange and too aggressive to approach outside of work, he doesn't have many friends to speak of. He definitely has an alcohol problem that’s been left unaddressed for too long and it’s really a wonder he still has a working liver. Greg isn’t someone who is particularly used to being treated nicely and views himself poorly. As such, he really doesn't know how to deal with people being agreeable toward him and will still prove quite prickly even in the face of genuine kindness. An attitude like that rightfully tends to push people away, but should anyone prove persistent enough to stick around he’ll eventually grow less guarded and friendlier around that particular person.

TW: Child abuse, kidnapping, alcoholism mention.

Born the oldest and only son (as far as he knows anyway) of an immigrant Russian mother and an English father. He never knew his biological father, but his mother married shortly after he was born and Greg always grew up thinking he'd known both of his parents. His adoptive father died by the time he was eight, passing away from a disease they never learned the name of. His mother drowned herself in alcohol in her grief, neglecting her children and leaving Greg to more or less raise himself as well as his two younger sister's Cleo and Maria. Galina re-married again shortly after Greg turned twelve. His new step-father was far from fatherly. He shared his wife's alcohol issues, but unlike her grew very hostile and violent under the influence.

Bullied at school for not fitting in and now with a venomous home life to deal with as well, Greg quickly learned acting aggressively was a good way to keep people from taunting him. It worked at school, but only led to physical fights between himself and his step-father. After ending up in the hospital with a fractured arm and shattered kneecap from one such incident their neighbor Monica took the kids in. His step-father was glad to see them go, but his mother protested until Monica threatened to call child services. The kids fared far better under Monica's care and finally had a chance at a better life.

Unfortunately, tragedy wasn't at its end for this family just yet. Monica went to pick the kids up from school one day and Maria was nowhere to be find. A missing person's report was filed, but she was never located and is presumed dead after all this time. Unfortunately, alerting the police to Maria's disappearance also unveiled that Greg and Maria weren't actually living with their mother. They were separated and put into official foster homes where Greg remained until his eighteenth birthday.

After searching for Cleo with the intent of getting her out of the system Greg was unable to locate her, her files lost among millions of other folders and paperwork. He tried making it on his own for awhile, but with no job or money he ended up returning to his mother and staying with her for awhile before her old bad habits and her husband's mere existence finally drove him out again. The one good thing his mother did for him was help him get back on his feet, perhaps feeling guilty for all she put her son through.

She convinced her husband to pay for Greg to go to a biohazard remedial school, even if she was a bit concerned her only remaining child wanted to be a crime scene cleanup crew member rather than something a little less grim and gory. He proved fairly self-sustaining after that and now lives by himself in a cheap, run-down apartment complex. He still has a positive relationship with Monica and visits his mother from time-to-time even if he'd rather avoid her.

•Family •

Galina Johnson | Mother | Alive
Not exactly the best mother-son relationship. He resents her for not being a better parent, but also pities her and can’t seem to cut her out of his life entirely. Still, visits are few and far between.

Abraham Archer | Father | Status Unknown
Never so much as knew his name.

Dorian Black | Adoptive Father | Deceased
Out of the two parental figures Dorian was definitely the most responsible and loved among his children.

Matthew Johnson | Step Father | Alive
There is nothing to this relationship beyond unadulterated hatred. Also convinced he’s the one who took Maria.

Cleo Black | Younger Half-Sister | Alive - Played by MoeMoe
To be determined. Waiting to see Cleo’s bio.

Maria Black | Younger Half-Sister | Missing - Status Unknown - Possibly Adoptable
Greg did his best to shield both of his sisters from Matthew's violent mood swings, but neglected to consider dangers might linger outside the house. He blames himself for her disappearance. It’s a constant source of guilt.

Kalahan Black | Nephew | Alive - Adoptable
To be determined. They haven’t met yet.


Monica Reed | Former Neighbor | Alive - NPC
One of his few trusted and valued friends. She was more of a parent to him than his biological mother.

•Love Interest •

If you’re more than a few years younger than him you’re automatically 12 in his eyes and even if a similar age or older he won’t be an easy character to romance. On the off chance you’re still interested, feel free to try.


Theme Songs
Paralyzed - NF
Gasoline - American Avenue (Halsey Cover).
Isle Of Flightless Birds - Twenty One Pilots.

Enjoy the angst.


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Edited on 20/07/17 @ 10:50:52 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-07 23:50:02

”I’m cold blooded baby. Both literally and metaphorically.”

Dante Peña Rodríguez.

19 years old.


Bisexual | Biromantic.

Alternate Form
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake.

Human Appearance
Height: 5’9” | Weight: 160 pounds.

One probably wouldn’t assume this man can transform into a snake upon first glance. While considered average height for an adult male living in the United States, he’s a fairly stocky guy with a brawny build that might ordinarily leave people assuming his animal side would be something larger and bulkier, like a bear or a bull. His face is subtly angular with prominent cheekbones and a narrow, pointed nose while his eyes are almond shaped and dark brown. Dante’s hair is styled in an undercut, while naturally a deep inky black color, it’s been dyed in an ombre style, the longer, wavy top layer of hair being a mix of black and brown meant to mirror the pattern of his scales while transitioning into a lighter blond near the bottom.

His skin color is a mellow brown with cool undertones, most comparable to polished smoky quartz. Tattoos meant to resemble snake scales decorate the throat and frame the face, stretching out across his cheekbones. Both arms have full sleeve tattoos, the left made up of intricate symbols associated with his gang and the right a tangle of skulls, rattlesnakes and blood red roses. He prefers to keep certain features from his snake form as a human, potentially put himself in danger among human populations. His tongue remains thin and forked, often seen flicking out of his mouth every now and then, though a human tongue is more useful for eating. He’s also fairly fond of showing off his venomous fangs, long, hollow and grooved while real scales can be found covering patches of skin from time to time.

Animal Appearance
The Eastern Diamondback is both the largest species of rattlesnake and one of the heaviest known venomous snakes in the world, so with that in mind, perhaps his human form isn't a poor reflection after all. Dante reaches a total length of 7 feet long and weighs close to 30 pounds in this form. His scales are a uniform sandy yellow-brown, overlaid by a series of dark brownish-black diamond patterns. The diamonds become bands closer to the tail, which ends with a rattle of similar color to his scales. The underbelly is cream colored with dark mottling along the sides. The eyes are round and dark, seemingly lacking a pupil.

An ex-gang member and infamously known troublemaker in the past, Dante tends to stay well out of the spotlight nowadays. Ambitious and proud, he has an almost tireless, insatiable drive when it comes to getting a job done or accomplishing his goals, his persistence legendary. While to some he might come across as fickle and unconcerned with those around him, such a demeanor is only expressed when around those he considers unworthy of his time. He can prove rather sluggish during a shed, but that is a biological trait he can’t quite help.

He enjoys having nice things and carefully manages his money to maintain a fairly comfortable lifestyle. Showing off his newfound affluence, however limited it might be at the moment, is perhaps his biggest weakness. He’s typically quite vain, desiring the respect and admiration of everyone he meets, and understands a show of wealth is the easiest way to impress. Incredibly stubborn and strong-willed, he tends to be a “my way or the highway” kind of fella and doesn’t appreciate being bossed around or told what the do, revering few enough to allow them any influence over his decisions.

He is not a tyrant despite the impression he might give other people, especially regarding those aware of his history, but holds high expectations for others, but would never expect more from others than he expects from himself. While off the clock he can prove quite indolent, one’s occupation isn’t the place for it and he has little issues lecturing others for slacking off. If Dante can’t stand anyone it’s a person who doesn’t take pride in their work. Like his animal side, he is fairly intolerant of deceit or those who oppose him, but will give a foe fair warning to back off before he strikes back.

Behind the facade of an arrogant, audacious young man is someone who feels empty inside, as if he lacks a true purpose and is desperately searching for his place in life. Chasing wealth and falling back on old habits is what he knows how to do best and the thought of change is rather frightening even if it’ is needed. While a bit choosy about who he spends his time with, Dante is quite social, even if most of his contacts are co-workers. True friends are like family and those he considers kin are worth doing anything for.

”My whole life is a divine comedy.”

TW: Gang mentions and the usual criminal mischief that comes with such things.

Born into a notorious gang of rattlesnake shifters known simply as the Portland Diamondbacks, his father was the man in charge and Dante had little in the way of positive influences growing up. The gang thrived on instilling fear into others and were heavily involved in drug dealing among other illegal and morally questionable businesses. By the time he was 14 years old Dante’s father began directly involving him in the gang’s activities, but the Diamondbacks were shut down by human police only two years later, most of the members captured and charged. His parents were arrested and. Considering his age, Dante was treated with more leniency than the adults in the group and was sentenced to a juvenile detention center for a year where his behavior was monitored before he was assigned a foster family after his release.

As soon as he was out of custody he took off and spent the next year on the street, occasionally taking refuge with other former Diamondbacks who had managed to avoid arrest or friends he’d made in the detention center who had families to return to. He made a living working various jobs as a bodyguard among other things, but has made it very clear he’s uninterested in being brought back into the drug peddling buisness.

Most of them are currently incarcerated. Occasionally he’ll stay with an uncle who was never involved with the Diamondbacks, but had issues of his own which kept him from getting custody of his nephew.

Open to friends, acquaintances, etc as well.

Theme Songs
Way too many most likely.

Heavydirtysoul - Twenty One Pilots.
Believer - Imagine Dragons.
This Is Gonna Hurt - Sixx A.M.
And The Snakes Start To Sing - Bring Me The Horzion.


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Edited on 08/07/17 @ 22:26:38 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-08 11:05:03

This is honestly my sloppiest bio yet. RIP.

Phineas Phoenix.

23 years old.


Pansexual | Panromantic.

Alternate Form
Black-shouldered Peacock.

Human Appearance
Phineas is a bit shorter and slimmer than a man his age would be on average at only 5'7", weighing in around pounds. Despite what first appearances might imply, he isn't all skin and bone, managing to retain a decent amount of lean muscle. His hair is a metallic copper color, short and subtly wavy, glossy and clearly well-cared for. His features are mildly sharp with an angular chin and high cheekbones. All in all, he's got a pleasantly handsome face and could probably be considered a ‘pretty boy’, depending on one’s opinion.. His skin is light with notable freckling.

He has deep set sapphire blue eyes and a wide nose with a barely noticeable amount of stubble near the lower half of his chin. All attempts to grow a beard have proven futile up to this point. Phineas tends to dress in fine clothes so he'll always look his best unless he's out tracking and about causing mischief in which case he'd rather not risk his expensive wardrobe and will put on something a little more drab instead. His favorite color/shades to wear are red, white and black.

Animal Appearance
Y’all know what a peacock looks like so I’m gonna skip some of the physical details, mostly because I don’t have any hecking clue how to describe birds like...who told them to be this difficult? I demand answers.

His coloring is rather unusual, as only the female of this species are ordinarily white. Faint flecks of red can be found scattered across his wing and chest, changing to a more vibrant, deep crimson along the tail feathers and forming circles with a dark dot at the center. His eyes are the same blue as they are in human form. The beak, legs and feet are more of a pale grayish-beige color while the longer, curved claws extending from his toes are nearly clear. He’s a decent sized bird, neither overly small nor especially large with an impressive train (that’s the tail feathers y’all. He doesn’t own an actual train).

This is completely unrealistic coloring other than the fact females of this subspecies are indeed white. Let me know if you’d rather I change it.

While Phineas can come across as obnoxious and self-entitled to those who don't know him well it’s generally unintentional on his part. He does tend to run on the sarcastic side and can range anywhere from being very straightforward to horribly passive-aggressive around people he dislikes, usually dependent on who he's speaking with. Pair that with the fact he has a habit of teasing others and this doesn't often endear him to many people. It's never his intention to be cruel, but for those who don't understand his sense of humor it's easy to become offended by his insults.

That aside, he’s an amiable fellow who means well and can be quite friendly when in good company. Phineas is empathetic and protective, which often leads to him being reckless if someone else is in danger. He won't hesitate to put his own life in danger if it means keeping a friend safe and will defend those he cares with everything he's got. Phineas might not be the biggest or strongest creature around, but he can prove viciously tenacious when necessary and prove surprisingly lethal. Even his animal form can pack a deadly punch with razor sharp claws, strong legs and powerful wings.

He cares a great deal about his appearance, having grown up in a family where looks were considered everything. His vanity never quite reached the same level as that of his older brother Richard (who is more relaxed in comparison nowadays), but he can often be found trying to straighten his hair with his fingers or smoothing out wrinkles in his clothes.

Phineas grew up in a well off family and most of his life was spent in luxury. Coming from a wealthy background, his upbringing was quite privileged, but unlike some of his siblings this sense of entitlement didn’t come with a lack of compassion or feeling of superiority. The Phoenix family is well known among shifter kind as one of the more wealthy, prestigious bird lineages, especially picky about who they choose for partners and utterly obsessed with keeping their bloodline ‘pure’.

As you can imagine, such strict regulations have left most of the younger generation with few choices for an unrelated spouse. Phineas decided he would rather book it than marry his first cousin and has since been trying to survive as your average, everyday person without the help of his parents or their money. He shares an apartment with two humans and another shifter. The humans are not aware two of their buddies can change into animals and Phin would like to keep it that way.

-The Fam-
Many brothers and sisters. Many. If anyone wants a silly birb feel free to adopt someone.

I’m debating adding one of his older brothers myself, but I’ll wait and consider my options first. I’m not going over 5 characters. I’m not that insane.

I doubt anyone's gonna want the roommates, but they’re open.

-Love Interest-
Open (though must be developed through rp). I mean, who could resist the sound of love? I’m gonna need y’all to listen to this majestic mating call and tell me you aren’t automatically swooning.


Theme Song
The Phoenix - fall Out Boy.

I’ll probably add more later.


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Edited on 08/07/17 @ 22:27:04 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

M03M03 (#117690)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-07-08 12:15:31


"I want you to draw a monster...just a monster, nothing else.
Tell me...what makes that creature, that person, a monster?"

Cleo Black


Late 28


Alternate Form
Polar Bear

In the company of strangers Cleo can come across as quiet, soft-spoken, perhaps even a bit wary, when her son’s safety is concerned. She is quick to judge other individuals, her first impression usually what she bases the rest of her behavior on, though she always does her best to be kind to everyone she meets. If her son is not with her and she does not have to worry after his safety? The shifter can prove to be talkative with a notable sense of humor and a friendly but confident disposition.

Quite the mother hen, this woman is sure to bring you under her metaphorical wing if you manage to befriend her or if you are all alone in the world. This comes with the benefit of a hefty dose of loyalty, protection, and affection….but also lectures, overall worry for your health, and being bossed around for you own good, yadyadayda, etc. If you are family? Don’t even try and get rid of her.

Despite the fact that she would not willingly hurt a fly, and quite often walks spiders out of the house when they have one, if ANY of her friends or family are threatened….do not think you will get off unchallenged or unthreatened. She WILL hunt you down, WILL confront you, and WILL teach you a lesson...the easy or hard way. If it actually gets physical? She might regret any harm done….but that will be after the harm is already done. She might send cookies as a sorry if you're still breathing.

Cleo often notices things that other people may overlook under the same circumstances.

No matter the situation, the people, or the place….Cleo always does her best to be kind. Sometimes she doesn't succeed, but she does try her best.

Once shes got a hold of you? Your chances of escaping her care or her anger are very very slim.

Sometimes Cleo’s protective nature can become a little to smothering, and it as these moments you need to sit her down and ask her NICELY, to give you some space.

Cleo has a tendency to boss-around her loved ones if she thinks they are harming themselves, or not taking care of themselves as well as she’d like. She usually takes these situations into her own hands.

There is no line between your business and her business...everything is her business. No arguments.

~Cleo loves shiny stuff, like no joke if you get her something shiny for a present she will love you.

~Cleo has a thing for strong men, with a kind disposition, and glasses...never forget the glasses.

~Cleo is a fan of Doctor Who...she can often be heard quoting the TV show.


The first thing people note about Cleo is that she is short, even for a woman, standing only at 4ft 10in she looks ridiculously breakable, as if she is made of glass. She weighs 110lbs and has a relatively delicate build with a few curves. Her hair is short and a very light blond, almost as if it were trying to emulate the off-white color of her shifted form. Cleo’s eyes are a dark blue, with silver flecks sprinkled throughout the iris, giving her gaze an ethereal almost spacial vibe. Above all else, Cleo tends to dress in an extremely practical way, usually in jeans, steal toed combat boots, and a t-shirt along with a jean jacket.

As if to make up for her diminutive human form, Cleo’s shifted form is that of a female polar bear that stands at 7.8 ft tall and weighs in at 696lbs. The beast keeps Cleo’s notable dark blue eyes, and has a thick pelt of off-white fur which tends to be a pain in hotter climates but is a blessing in colder conditions. Cleo’s paw’s are huge, as to be expected of a polar bear, and are armed with devastatingly sharp claws. In this form she has small round ears, relatively small eyes, and a slight roman nose.

TW: Child abuse, kidnapping, alcoholism, killing mentioned.

Born to a father she hardly remembers, most of Cleo's memories of a paternal figure stem from her mother's third husband a man who made his home in the bottle and physically took out his anger on his stepchildren whenever he had the chance. To be completely truthful, other than the faded memories of before her biological father's death, Cleo's 'parents', her mother and stepfather, were enthralled by the allure of liquor...and much of the responsibility of raising Cleo and her sister fell on the shoulders of Gregory Black, Cleo's half brother.

Unfortunately, Greg also took the brunt of their stepfather's anger in many situations which ultimately led the young man to become seriously hospitalized. Cleo was the person who called Monica for help, no longer willing to let Greg fight their stepfather with the injuries he had sustained and worried that Matthew's drunken induced rage would become focused on herself and Maria. Once Monica took the children in, things started to look up...until the day Maria disappeared from school grounds after the bell rang.

This particular incident haunts Cleo to this day, and is a key part of the reason why the woman is so protective of her son, and those she loves. Late at night, or when she is alone, Cleo's thoughts will often be dragged back to the day her little sister disappeared...seemingly without a trace, in the blink of an eye. 'If I hadn't turned around.' 'If I hadn't let that person borrow my phone.' 'If I had gone to someone in charge sooner.' These are the thoughts that circle within she shifter's mind while she sleeps, and haunt every step of her day.

After the children's living arrangements were found out, Cleo was separated from her brother and it was shipped off to foster parents...which would have been fine if the woman hadn't first discovered her uncontrollable abilities in their presence. At first she was not found out, just shoved back into the system on the assumption that her history had given her violent and destructive tendencies. It wasn't long, however, before the truth came out....and a modern day man hunt for the girl began when she was only seventeen.

It wasn't a major movement, or a calibrated effort to catch her, but Cleo still had to keep moving, for fear of being kidnapped in the middle of the night or....worse. She'd been on the run for nearly a year when she met Cliff Lewis...a Black Rhino shape-shifter. The became fast friends, and the man quickly became caught up in her run for freedom. Fast forward two years later, and the relationship between her and Cliff had deepened considerably...deeply enough that the woman had only recently found out she was pregnant with his child. The two were still on the run, but it was becoming clear that the chasers were becoming disillusioned with the game of cat and mouse as near confrontations became fewer and far between.

Five years later, and Cliff, Cleo, and their five year old son, Kal had finally settled down in a remote area....Cleo and Cliff had plans for marriage, though they were hesitant to do it legally for fear it would be traced back to them. Kal was nearly five years old at the turned out that Cleo's chasers were just waiting for their prey to become complacent, gathering force like the incoming tide. They attacked during the night when the small family was out camping in the woods...long story short Cliff was shot in front of his own son and wife...and though they didn't actually see the man die, as a result of him begging them to run while he held the group of men and their dogs off, Cleo is certain her husband died that night.

It has been eight years, and Cleo has plans to visit her half-brother....after eight years of no sign of hunters, the woman has finally decided to seek out her long lost sibling. Part of the reason she never did was because she didn't want him to become a target from associating with her, another reason is that she isn't sure what his reaction would be to finding out she, and her son, were shifters, part of her was afraid that he blamed her for the loss of their sister and his injury. A lot has changed over the years though, including Cleo herself.

| Galina Johnson | Mother | Alive |
| Kalahan Black | Son | Alive (Adoptable PM Me) |
| Cliff Lewis | Lover/Once Intended Husband | Deceased |
| Dorian Black | Father | Deceased |
| Matthew Johnson | Step Father | Alive |
| Gregory Black | Older Half-Brother | Alive |
| Maria Black | Younger Half-Sister |
| ~Missing /Status Unknown /Possibly Adoptable |


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Edited on 02/08/17 @ 11:15:00 by M03M03 (#117690)

Turnip Chair (#117787)

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Posted on
2017-07-08 15:40:42

"Go ahead, laugh. I dare you."

Tatanka Yansi Pte
{Buff, Pun Master Supreme}

{he, him}

39 years old

Bisexual, Biromantic

Alternate Form
Plains Bison

Buff's life is just one bad comedy. Nothing ever seems to go right for him, be it his parents choice of name for him or his inability to not make a pun at every given opportunity. Seriously, he's been to three different psychiatrists in an attempt to stop punning and nothing has ever worked. Most people seem to believe that he's just making up his "issue" in an attempt to get attention, but he's really not and no one ever takes him seriously.

Unlike some other comedic relief characters, Buff is unpredictable. He can go from seemingly lazy and uninterested to pissed off in about 0.2 seconds, give or take. He has the best poker face, capable of fooling even the most attentive people into believing he's content or that he doesn't have a pun problem. Which is where his gambling problem comes in to play. Because he's so good at keeping a straight face, one of his buddies once suggested he go to a casino and strike it rich. And boy did he roll in the cash. There were very few games Buff played that he didn't have a winning streak for, with Texas Hold 'Em and Blackjack being his favorites by far. The staff at the local casino all know him by name, and most of the regulars there do as well. He's pretty famous in the gambling community.

Strong. It should come as no surprise that Buff is, well, buff. He's got strength for days, and he's not afraid to show off, either. In his bison form, he is easily capable of lifting a full-grown man into the air using only his horns, a feat he has accomplished many times.

Fast. Buff is very quick on his feet, despite what some may think just by looking at his large build. Bison were built to be able to run, and it's only natural that his speed (or at least some of it) would be carried over to his human form as well.

Fantastic Poker Face. Very few people have ever mastered the art of reading Buff's expressions, as he only has like three and they're all basically the same thing. He's played poker against some of the best players in the world and won entirely due to his expressionless face, and he's extremely proud of it too.

Unpredictable. Thanks to his poker face, Buff is extremely unpredictable. He generally comes off as lazy and uninterested, but the moment someone does something to piss him off he doesn't hesitate to teach them a lesson. His spontaneous actions make him a very dangerous man, as it is extremely difficult to know what he will do next.

Temperamental. It's the small things more than the big things that tend to piss Buff off. He once got so fed up with a single strand of hair that kept getting in his eyes that, rather than just cut the one hair, he shaved his entire head. He tends to go overboard with fixing insignificant problems, and it's not always amusing or safe when he does.

Gambling Addict. You've heard of hopeless romantics, now get ready for: hopeless gambling addicts. It's as if it's physically impossible for Buff to turn down a wager, and he's more recently turned to gambling with life decisions and testing the waters of fate. He likes to bet money on the likelihood of him surviving something dangerous before going out and actually doing it, even if he knows there's a 0.001% chance of him actually surviving.

Buff loves sunflower seeds - he's almost as addicted to them as he is to gambling. Rarely will you ever find him without a bag of sunflower seeds somewhere on or near him. He's mastered the art of cracking them open and spitting out the shells using only his mouth, and it's gotten to the point where he can crack open multiple at once and not eat a single piece of shell.

Buff is half white, half Native American, although he certainly has darker skin than light. His hair is dark, almost black, and he keeps it short in a buzz cut. His eyes are much the same color, and because of their darkness they tend to creep people out.

Standing at 6'5 and weighing in at about 250 pounds, Buff is a massive guy. He is built like an ox (or a bison, in his case), with a broad chest and thick arms. He does not look like someone you want to mess with, ever. He has a tattoo of a bison head on his right bicep that seems to nod whenever he flexes (and boy does he get a hoot out of it).

If you thought Buff was massive as a human, you should see him as a bison. He stands 5'8 at the shoulder and weighs an incredible two thousand pounds. The fur on his head is thick and dark, feeling almost like sheep wool to the touch and identical to the color of his hair. The rest of his body is a lighter brown, a bit darker than his skin tone as a human. He always looks mad in this form, and he usually is, too.

Buff's mother was a bison shifter as well, so it came as no surprise when he suddenly shifted into a calf when he was a year old. Both of his parents had wanted him to inherit his mother's ability, so they named him after different words for bison for good luck. His father was a normal human, and although wary around his rather reckless son, he accepted him for being a shifter. Although they were forbidden, they were a happy family, hiding their shapeshifting abilities from the world and leading peaceful lives.

Buff had always been a bit dangerous due to his alternate form, but it was when he turned eight that things really started to spiral out of control. He lost his ability to control shifts, and he experienced frequent outbursts of anger during which he would verbally and physically lash out at anyone nearby. His parents grew scared of him, knowing that they couldn't surrender him over to the orphanage lest he attack one of the other kids there. They took him to many different shifter therapists in search of an explanation for his behavior, but every time they got the same answer: he was sick, and he wouldn't get better.

Buff's father wanted to get rid of him because he was far too dangerous to trust, but Jaci insisted he change his mind and let them keep their son. She believed they could help him get better through love and time, and for a while, he actually started to change. That is, until three years later, when Hugo anonymously alerted the police to his family's whereabouts and disappeared. Buff had stopped him on his way out, and the last words his father ever said to him were: "Bye, son," before disappearing for good. Police showed up mere minutes later, but Jaci saw them in time and managed to sneak Buff over to their neighbor's house before they arrived to keep them from finding him. She attempted to defend herself by shifting and was shot dead on the spot, her body taken away to be tested on.

The man that had taken Buff in passed him on to his sister, who had recently lost her only son and wanted another child. Him and Nana clicked instantly, and it took less than a month for him to get settled in and feel right at home with her. She was a swan shifter, so she was plenty capable of handling Buff's wacky shifting flaws. She taught him how to better control his ability and how to calm himself down when he got too angry, and she alone helped him overcome his shifting difficulties.

Not much has happened in the time since Buff went to live with Nana and the present day, although he moved out to live on his own when he was in his twenties and has been making a decent living ever since. He still transfers a rather large percentage of his income to Nana, as she is one of the only people he truly cares about. He also visits her quite frequently, and he keeps her up to date with everything new going on in his life.

Hugo Pte | father | unknown
There was a time that Buff loved his father, but that was long ago. Now, he hates him for murdering his mother and fleeing like a coward.

Jaci Pte | mother | deceased
Buff misses his mother dearly. He hopes to one day see her again, even if he knows it may not be soon.

Nana Groove | adoptive mother | alive
The relationship between Buff and Nana is still strong to this day, and anyone that says they aren't true family gets to face the wrath of a bison and a swan, and no one wants that.

"Yes, I'm aware that I'm a living pun. But I'm also part bison, so you should probably watch what you say. I've been told I have a nasty kick." - Buff

Theme Song
Human - Of Monsters and Men

here is our buff bi son please love him

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Edited on 23/08/17 @ 18:44:27 by Turnip Chair (#117787)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-12 13:47:00
Tobias Ahlström.

30 years old.


Pansexual | Panromantic.

Alternate Form
Shire Horse.

Human Appearance
Height: 6'0" | Weight: 180 Pounds

Tall and willowy. At first glance he might appear a bit thin, but Tobias does posses a decent amount of muscle. His hair is short, dark brown and often kept straight and neat, lacking any particular style, his eyes being a similar shade. He has a narrow, chiseled face and his skin is fair, often burning easily. Tobias has more than a few scars, mostly located on his hands and arms from being bitten by the dogs he attempts to tame.

Clothing tends to be plain and in dull colors, whatever is comfortable and appropriate for current temperatures. He isn’t a particularly flashy person and fashion matters very little to him in the long run, but he always strives to look presentable and is very organized. His chin is usually covered in a thin layer of stubble as he rarely shaves, but it never appears to grow out very much even when left untrimmed for months. He has poor eyesight and is required to wear glasses, the frame subtle shades of brown and green.

Overall not a particularly outstanding individual, but he has a handsome face and a warm disposition.

Animal Appearance
Very horse. Much wow.

The most accurate word that could be used to describe Tobias is enthusiastic. The man is a literal ray of sunshine, rarely seen without a smile or a jubilant skip to his step. He chooses to see the positives in life rather than let the negatives get him down. Even in this new, troubled world he's found himself tangled in, there is always hope for a brighter future. Meticulous and observant, he has an eye for detail when it comes to most things in life, but is somewhat clueless to the workings of proper social etiquette.

He’s a fairly curious sort and finds humans more intriguing than dangerous, His inquisitiveness sometimes gets him in trouble as he has a habit of nosing around places or people he shouldn't. Overall he is fairly naive and overly trusting. Generally, Tobias is a non-violent person and is viewed as harmless if not a bit strange among other shifters

Born and raised in a small, rural, superstitious town. Tobias grew up with a single parent, his father Daniel, for most of his early life. Daniel owned the only library in town, the building his pride and joy, even the oldest of books in astoundingly excellent condition. Daniel died after a long battle with Lymphoma when Tobias was only ten and he’s more or less looked after himself from then onward.

People in the community made sure he had food, clothes and enough water to get by, but otherwise left the boy to his own devices. By law he was put under the care of his closest relative, his paternal grandmother, but more often than not he cared for her rather than the other way around. As a young adult he found he had a passion for dogs that eventually led to a career as a personal dog trainer.

He grew up nearly his whole life believing he was human, a late bloomer perhaps, shifting for the first time only a year ago.

Emma Kate Huggins | Played by Turnap
Redneck bff

Theme Song
Safe and Sound - Capital Cities.

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Edited on 13/07/17 @ 01:15:05 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 14:37:08

Kade Jackson




Alternate Form
A lioness.

Kade is incredibly family-oriented. She loves being around friends and family and loves making new friends and connections; she would do anything for a family member - within reason. If her mother were to fall sick, she would go home, but as is she would rather call and write and chase her dreams, whatever those are. It's clear she's a natural leader; she was born from a long line of pride queens and the occasional king and her mother raised her with the idea that she could be the next. Women are especially important to her; she would rather be friends with a woman than a man, not because she thinks women are better, but because she wants to build the group her mother had, of women who work together, raise kids together if they have them, are there for each other and have that trust. She hates not having it already.

It's dangerous to approach her uninvited - perhaps not immediately, but if you ignore her first warning signs - a glare, a raised eyebrow, an outright request for you to leave her alone - the lioness comes out. It isn't her fault if you end up mysteriously disappearing into the belly of the beast in the back alley. It's best to wait for her to come to you if she's interested. That isn't to say she is unkind. If you're in her 'pride' you could come to her about anything and she would make it better in any way possible. Mention you want something, and she'll get it for you, just so long as you don't ask her directly. She loves making people happy, but won't do so at the expense of her own or someone else's happiness.

Refuses to EVER wear sunglasses/goggles/glasses/anything that goes in front of her eyes.

Barely topping five feet tall and maybe 110 lbs, Kade is not imposing as a human. She is solid and sturdy, with an athletic build. Her skin is dark brown; she can often be seen wearing a white tank top and jeans. Her eyes are black, as is her hair, which is natural and curly and often held back with a strip of cloth or a bandanna. She looks friendly and approachable, likely because she is. Her nose is straight as an arrow (unlike her) and her lips are full and always seem just a second away from a smile.
An average lioness. Her back is a dark cream, which fades to light cream and to white on her belly. She is of average size for a lioness. Her coat is unblemished by scars and her eyes are an amber color. Despite being otherwise completely average, she has a relatively large and thick mane. While not up to the average for a male lion, it is certainly noticeable as more than just a lot neck ruff. It is a slightly darker color than the rest of her fur.

Born in poverty to a single mother, Kade had a tough life. She excelled in school, always looking for opportunities to get out of the hellhole she grew up with. While she was never in a gang, the area was full of gangs and the violence that went along with them, and Kade perfected the look of the lioness - she could eat you whole, her glare said. You don't know what you're getting into. Her mother and a group of what Kade took to be friends, until she grew old enough to become one of them, were her entire support system; every woman who hung around the house or dropped by for dinner or disappeared with her mother for days at the time on camping trips made sure she was safe and cared for and checked in with her grades and her social life.

When she was 14 Kade had the family secret handed to her. Her mother's friends weren't just friends - they were a pride of lionesses. They hunted together; they raised their young together, and often two or more were in a relationship, though the romantic ties of the group were often changing with seemly no warning. Kade thrived, surrounded by the other teenagers of her pride. She was on top, that was for sure. Her mane set her apart from the other females, but not in a way that allowed for her to be picked on - she was loved even more, perhaps. The males, though there were only two boys, often playfully flirted with her, but for them she was just one of the guys. It was the perfect situation, because she was super gay, and still is.

Despite her mother wanting her to stay, Kade refused to leave behind her dreams to lead a pride in that shithole. Nothing could have kept her there. She went to Winthrop for business administration and moved out here, unsure what to do with herself.

Kida Jackson - Mother - NPC
Mama! She loves her mom and often calls or even writes to check on her, as well as her pride and the other young ones she grew up alongside. When she can, she sends money, but that isn't too often.

Emma Kate - ??? - Played by Turnip
Ain't you a cutie. Call me.

"Let me buy you a drink."

Theme Song
put the song name and artist here


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Edited on 01/08/17 @ 23:53:28 by Nyanunix (Gordon Ramsay) (#11487)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 14:59:28
Dropped character. Sorry for the empty space.

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Edited on 20/07/17 @ 10:51:57 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Turnip Chair (#117787)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 16:18:04

"I'm the baddest bitch there ever was. Excuse my alternate form."
Emma Kate Huggins
{Emma Kate, Emma}


26 years old

Raging Homosexual

Alternate Form
American Flamingo

While it wouldn't be incorrect to call Emma Kate a hothead, it wouldn't exactly be true, either. It's not that she's easily angered, it's that she's confident in herself and her abilities. Maybe a little overconfident, but that's not the point. The point is, she only gets mad and challenges someone when she knows there's a chance she could win. She doesn't try to fight someone out of sheer anger or uncontrolled rage, she does it based on the odds of her winning. That being said, she's not above fighting someone if there's only a 20% chance of her winning, but anything less than that is not worth the effort.

Emma Kate is your true stereotypical southerner, with a thick accent to match. She forms strong bonds with those she considers family and would lay down her life for them (guns blazing, of course). She's a "God, Guns, and Glory" kind of person but without the religious beliefs, and she possesses extreme American pride, even despite the zero tolerance the government has for shifters.

And of course, along with that southernness comes a lone wolf-type personality, sort of like the outlaws and vigilantes you see in old western movies. Emma Kate frequently runs off on her own to go do who-knows-what, and she's a firm believer in every man for himself (as long as she doesn't care too much about the person she's with, of course). It's nearly impossible to rein her in, as she hates feeling confined and will lash out at anyone attempting to control her. Basically, she's like Spirit from that animated horse movie, only a raging lesbian.

Confidence. Emma Kate is confident in herself and her abilities, and that's what makes her so dangerous and unpredictable. If there's a chance she'll make it out alive, she's gonna take it.
Handy with a Gun. Emma Kate prides herself in her gunslinging abilities. Her greatest strength lies in shotguns, but she's also handy with pistols and some rifles, although she's not a huge fan of the latter. She usually has a shotgun on or near her; where she hides it, no one knows, and few ever get close enough to want to ask.
Tracking. Because of her former line of work, Emma Kate is an excellent tracker, capable of finding even the most mysterious people if she's getting paid enough.

Cocky. The downside to Emma Kate's confidence is that she tends to come off as cocky, whether she means to or not. While some find her confidence amusing, others do not, believing she's too cocky to be of any real use.
Doesn't Work Well with Others. The problem with being a loner is that Emma Kate doesn't exactly play nice. She is a firm believer in natural selection and survival of the fittest, and if you're slowing her down you're gonna get ditched.
Competitive. Emma Kate is extremely competitive in any situation, be it chess or trying to get out of a burning building alive. If there's a chance she could emerge victorious, she's gonna take it.

Emma Kate is terrified of ants. Well, maybe not terrified, but she hates them with a burning passion. She wouldn't hurt a fly, but the moment an ant gets too close she brutally squashes it without hesitation or remorse. She tried to have an ant farm once because she thought they were cool. The container ended up breaking and they got everywhere and she moved out the next day.

As stated earlier, Emma Kate is your stereotypical cowgirl. She has long blonde hair and hazel eyes, with skin that was once fair but has since been tanned after spending so much time in the hot Texas sun. She has long legs (flamingo, duh) and is rather tall, standing at 5'11 and weighing 167 pounds, most of which is pure muscle that she's gained from farm work and beating up people.

y'all know what a flamingo looks like so I'm not gonna try too hard with this
As a flamingo, Emma Kate is solid pink thanks to her age and how long she's been eating shrimp. Her neck and legs are long and her feet are heavily webbed, with large wings plenty capable of easily carrying her large frame.

Emma Kate was born as the middle child and only girl in a poor family of five, so she's no stranger to having to fight for everything. She grew up helping her dad and older brothers work the fields, as they lived on a farm in the middle of Texas and crops were there main source of income. She always preferred to work the horses when it came to farm work, and she bonded with all five of the horses her family owned closer than she bonded with her own family. Her brothers would tease her for liking horses more than people, but she couldn't help herself. There was so much more to like about them.

Emma Kate's father died when she was thirteen, and her and her brothers had to take up the family farm. They struggled a bit at first but quickly got the hang of it to the point of being entirely self-sustained. And when their mother died two years later, they continued to work the farm, managing to make it without a hitch. The siblings began to fall apart with the youngest brother's murder, as Emma Kate wanted revenge and her brothers disagreed. After months of arguing and grieving, she ran away in search of the man that killed her brother, armed with only a shotgun and a whole lot of adrenaline. It barely took a week for her to track him down and shoot him point blank without hesitation, and the satisfaction she felt upon watching him die was unlike anything she'd ever felt before.

She knew she could never return home to her brothers after going against their wishes and avenging their brother, so she decided to sell her skills and become a mercenary for hire. It wasn't all that uncommon in the part of Texas she grew up in, and it certainly brought in money. She was only fifteen, but she knew how to defend herself and work a gun thanks to all of the hunting trips her father and brothers took her on. She'd become quite skilled at it too - rarely did she miss her target, even something as difficult as a hare. She took her first job a month after advertising herself: a politician that had been using tax money to fund human trafficking. Two weeks later, the job was done, and she was never caught.

Emma Kate has taken many jobs since, but only ones she feels deserve it. Anyone looking to hire her for some petty personal vengeance was bluntly denied, and she always made sure to get the job done clean and easy so that her victim didn't suffer. She prided herself in her abilities, even despite the several arrest warrants held over her head that miraculously disappeared within a week. She was even thrown into jail once, but her oldest brother bailed her out because despite him not approving of her actions, he understood her need to make things right.

When someone finally offered a reward for anyone that could bring her in dead or alive, Emma Kate left the small town, traveling to wherever the shifters are now in search of a better job that wouldn't get her arrested. So she turned to bar fighting. She was much stronger than she looked, which definitely helped in that she was usually paired against weaker men out of fear of a larger man killing her. She won nine times out of ten, making a ton of money in wagers and enjoying the taste of ass-kicking. Now, she's a respected (and sometimes feared) lady at the bars she frequents, and she loves the feeling of control and dominance she has.

Jackson Huggins | oldest brother | alive
Emma Kate is closest with Jackson, even though he's six years older than her. If she ever needs anything, he's the first person she runs to, and he's always there for her. He is an elephant shifter, which came in handy on the farm.

Hunter Huggins | older brother | alive
Emma Kate isn't close with Hunter at all. They never bonded and are pretty much exact opposites, and they tended to fight a lot when they were younger. He isn't a shifter, and he's extremely jealous of his siblings because of it.

Sam Huggins | younger brother | alive
Emma Kate has been extremely protective of Sam since Jason's death, and he enjoys every bit of it. His alternate form is a fennec fox, and he is two years younger than Emma Kate.

Jason Huggins | youngest brother | dead
Emma Kate was extremely protective of Jason, and she was more upset than anyone when he died. He was four years younger than her and he was a kestrel shifter, and they bonded over their bird forms and loved to fly together.

Tobias Ahlström | friend | alive
played by Potato Lord [MAIN]
Emma Kate often refers to Tobi as the steed to her knight in shining armor because he's a horse shifter, and that's about all I have to say.

Kade Jackson | crush/future gf | alive
played by Nyanunix
Why howdy there partner ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Confidence is good. It lets you believe in yourself and your actions. So what if I have a little too much? It's good for you." - Emma Kate
"If there's a god, he sure as hell ain't there for me. Never has been, never will be." - Emma Kate

Theme Song
Freak Like Me - Halestorm
Mz. Hyde - Halestorm

get ready Kade because your ass is grass and Emma Kate's gonna mow it

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Edited on 13/07/17 @ 01:26:57 by Turnip Chair (#117787)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-12 16:29:00
Dropped character. Sorry again. This wouldn't happen if I had better self control.

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Edited on 20/07/17 @ 10:54:29 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Rogue Queen👑⚔ (#33929)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-12 18:45:08

Wyclef Allen Snow


26 years old


Alternate Form

Wyclef is your typical Casanova and will tend to flirt with just about anyone. He means no harm with his advances and most of the time it all fun and games. He is very confident and other's words and insults never faze him, believing the only opinion that should matter should be his own. Overall he is a sweet guy and will typically try to help people as much as he can, even if it comes to risking his own life. Though half the time he is too involved to even notice he is putting his life on the line.

Even growing up in a very well-off family Wyclef was kept humble by his parent constant berating. He never cared for his parents' opinion of him (Though that didn't stop them from giving it). He only cared for his brother who was the sweetest little kid you'd ever meet, taught him how to be a good person. He has always looked to help the less fortunate as best he can, hating seeing people struggle. Wy hates bullies and has gotten into plenty of fights (not all that he won) defending others.

He can never sit still and is constantly looking for different things to do and different places to go. When things get serious he will often look for an escape root if he can, he enjoys avoiding confrontation. He likes to charm his way out of tough situations, though it doesn't always work out. He gets skittish if he feels he is being surrounded in any way even if it's by friends trying to help him. He will do everything in his power to keep from being caught or tied down ever.

Wyclef stands a 6'2" and 190lbs, He is mostly muscles. He has a square jaw that is normally covered in dark stubble. He has dark brown hair that falls in soft waves, long enough he is constantly pushing it out of his face. He has dark tan skin with light hazel eyes and a smile to charm the skin off a snake. He has a light scar cutting across his nose from a fight he got in for chating up someone's boyfriend at a bar. He is normally dressed in random band t-shirts he doesn't even listen to and a pair of old jeans, if it's colder he may throw on his old leather jacket.

Animal: Wolverine
Standing about the size of a large/medium dog he is a creature of pure muscle. He has long brown and black fur that often seems well kept and rather soft to the touch(If you can get close enough to touch him). His large, long claws are always sharpened even if Wy prefers not to fight. His eyes are small and yet reflect his normal hazel color if a bit darker. In this form it's a lot easier to see the scar cutting across his nose, breaking up the dark fur of his snout.

Wyclef was coming to the city to escape from his parents who wanted him to take over their million dollar company, he never wanted to work there and wasn't going to start because his parents told him to. The only thing he brought was the money he managed to save on his own, some clothes, his guitar, and his two-year-old English Mastiff and German Shepard mix (Captain). He was there when there when his mother was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and he was there when she died(It's the thing he regrets most in his life).

He did return for a few days but only to get his younger brother to pack up his things and move with him back to the city. Once back he got back he struggled with his job to pay for Grant's schooling, the kid wanted to be a doctor so he'd signed up for extra classes. When he was promoted to manager things got a little easier but it began to feel like someone was looking into their lives. Within a few weeks, he requested to be transferred to a different branch on the other side of the city and forced him and his brother to pick up and move. This is where they have been ever since, settling back int normal life

Jefferson Allen Snow | Father | Unknown
Michelle Jane Snow | Mother | Deceased
Grant Alexander Snow | Brother | Adoptable

Theme Song
Heart Like Mine - Miranda Lambert

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-07-13 01:12:47
Richard Phoenix.

27 years old.


Bisexual | Demiromantic.

Alternate Form
Black-shouldered Peacock.

A man once very concerned with appearance, he's relaxed considerably in recent years and always retains a distinguished image regardless. He has an oval shaped face with a straight nose, high cheekbones and chiseled jawline. His almond shaped eyes are a shade of deep sapphire, a trait he shares with his brother Phineas. Richard keeps his dirty blond hair cut short, clipped close to the head along the sides and back while the top is longer and quite curly. His skin is very faintly tanned.

A thin layer of facial hair trails down to the chin and covers the lower half of his face. Richard reaches 5'10" and weighs in around 173 pounds, his build considered average for a man his size. Not overly thin, but not exactly overly buff either, made up of lean muscle instead. Attire of choice now usually includes a combination of casual and comfortable, he appears to favor lighter shades of blue, golden and brown. Richard is mostly free of scarring, or so he would like people to believe.


Insensitive and somewhat self-centered. Growing up he was quite the brat, imperious and manipulative with a short temper and a habit for using others solely to benefit his own wants and needs. This behavior was rarely corrected by his parents, especially his mother who often spoiled him. As an adult he’s a little more tactful concerning other people and less quick to anger. He's still fairly domineering however, wanting to be in complete control of anything he’s involved in. Richard tends to have a rather biting sense of humor and you can expect him to turn up the snark when around people he doesn't get along especially well with. Richard exudes a laid-back, relaxed demeanor, but can get quite nasty if he feels threatened. He is a determined and strong-willed individual who doesn't give up on his goals easily.

TW: Minor abuse mention.
Richard grew up in a well off family and most of his life was spent in luxury. Coming from a wealthy background, his upbringing was quite privileged and he was hardly ever told no, often given whatever he wanted without having to earn it as most people did. As you can probably imagine this led to him becoming a very bratty child who felt he could get away with anything and everything.

He constantly pushed his parents' limits until they had enough and decided on sending him away to live with another relative who also had a troubled child and might be better equipped to handle him. She sure did whip him into shape. Literally. Needless to say, his time with his aunt had him returning home a more obedient, polite young man. His mother was disturbed by the drastic change in attitude, but his father didn't ask questions. At 19 he decided to head out on his own.

Phineas Phoniex [Played by Myself]
Younger Half-Brother]

Theme Song
Delilah - Florence and the Machine.

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Edited on 20/07/17 @ 10:55:13 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

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