Posted by -LOCKED - Sunshine and Glory (character sheets)

Nyanunix (#11487)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-08 08:51:28

Main Roleplay Thread



All gender identities are accepted.

Remember - no pups. Ages should range from about two years to maybe five.

Sexual Orientation:
All sexual orientations are accepted.

Most ranks will be decided after the RP starts. If you’d like to be considered for a higher rank, say so here.

Use photos if you want, but remember to source properly. I also want at least a paragraph.

Don’t just list traits. I want a good paragraph.

Give me a paragraph or so. Should include how their previous pack met its end.

Remember that it’s fun to add adoptable characters.

Friends, mates, etc. that aren’t family.

Anything extra?

RP Sample:

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Edited on 08/07/17 @ 08:52:30 by Nyanunix (#11487)

Nyanunix (#11487)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-08 08:52:52



About three and a half years.

Sexual Orientation:


Weighing in at 100 lbs and being otherwise above average in her height and length, Kade is a big girl, on the larger end of what’s possible for female grey wolves. She has multiple scars, mostly on her legs and back, the most prominent of which is a long scar on her left hip. The fur on her back is nearly black, and fades quickly to grey, and then to white on her belly, with some creamy undertones. Her eyes are yellow and intelligent.
Arkive photo - Great Plains wolf, front view
© M. Watson /
Picture is clicky to the source.

Generally, Kade is a levelheaded individual. She excels in conflict resolution, possessing the ability to see things from multiple points of view. Having had experience being an alpha, she is quite good and comfortable in the role. She holds on to life with a fierceness uncommon even for a wolf; she loves to be alive and loves to be around family and friends. She is a social creature, well-suited to pack life despite being born as a loner, and she would go to great lengths to preserve and protect her pack. No one is without inherent worth to her, hence why her pack has no omega rank.
Despite a friendly, outgoing nature, Kade is less than friendly when the safety of herself or those under her protection are threatened. She doesn’t hold with challengers for her position as alpha, and has often told others in the past that if they don’t like how she runs things, they can get the hell out. Within her pack, she handles things with an iron paw, though she is by no means cruel - she believes in doing it right the first time, a sentiment that is often engrained in the wolves under her command quickly.

Born a loner and with no siblings, Kade and her mother, Vera, joined a pack just in time for her to become a paw. Vera was having some health issues and wanted to ensure her only pup would be cared for after her death, something she discussed with Kade when she was old enough to understand. Kade trained under the pack’s beta at the time and became an excellent hunter and warrior, all the while watching and learning and honing her leadership abilities. When her previous mentor became the new alpha of the pack, he made her his beta, along with her mate, Longclaw. Then, when he passed, they became the new alpha pair when Kade was at the relatively young age of two.
For a year, the pair excelled as alphas, until tragedy struck - Longclaw was killed by an aggressive loner. Kade was alone, even surrounded by her packmates and friends. She killed the loner in revenge, and mourned for a time, but her duties as alpha came first, until there was no one left to be the alpha of. The pack had been small to start with, and the pups grew up and left, and the elders passed on, and the remainder died from injuries or illnesses. Her pack was no more, and Kade left her old territory to start anew.

Vera - Mother - Deceased
She misses her mother, of course, but time has dulled the pain of her death. It was inevitable, and at least she isn’t suffering anymore.

Longclaw - Mate - Deceased
She hadn’t meant to leave her; how could she have known how that fight would end? She doesn’t let her grief get in the way of her duties, though.

Jax - Friend - Alive (played by Turnip Chair)
She values his friendship and loyalty; as the last remnants of their pack, she is very protective of him, even more so than others.


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Edited on 08/07/17 @ 22:49:55 by Nyanunix (#11487)

Kuma ™ | Semi
Frozen (#16165)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-08 09:31:21




5 years old

Sexual Orientation

Subordinate at the moment.
Vying for the Beta Female rank.

Grey Wolf - Timber
117lbs, 31" at the shoulder
Eclipse is a massive, rough-looking Grey wolf on the melanistic spectrum. She's heavy for the average female, and is on the taller side as well, thanks to her lineage. Her fur is a dark charcoal shade, with small patches of grey under her belly, armpit, and chin. There are visible scars scattered throughout her body, particularly on her face. A scar that stands out to most would be the long, thick claw mark that stretches from the base of her right ear, down her forehead/muzzle to the left side of her lip; she was quite lucky to not lose one of her pale grey eyes. As light as they are, one couldn't help to notice the flecks of deep blue hidden within her icy grey stare. Claws are of average length, and her front canines are kept sharp through sessions of bone gnawing and sparring. Her bite is surely stronger than her bark. More often than not, Eclipse can be seen with a snarl on her face accompanied by a grimacing expression. She's not necessarily a happy wolf, though her pessimistic attitude can be quite useful in intimidation tactics. This black wolf is definitely not a foe you'd want to come face-to-face with in battle.

From a young age, Eclipse has been a pessimist and realist. Her viewpoints tend to be realistic, and she always looks for the logic and explanations in situations in which she is needed in. She'll be patient, attentive, and blunt when it comes to solving problems between pack-mates and is quick on her feet when it comes to making decisions. She is incredibly smart, and has always been an old-soul, acting wise beyond her years. Her wisdom does not go unnoticed. Whether she's handling a loner who has strayed too far off from the territory's boundaries, or even hearing of a lack of prey in the hunting grounds.. Eclipse is the wolf to go to for handling these kinds of problems in a flash. She is usually the one to inquire with the Alphas if anything needs to be done or not.
Albeit any of her accomplishments, Eclipse has her faults. She is fierce, aggressive, and egotistical at times. She takes pride in her work and this can come off as cocky, or even annoying to some. Nonetheless, she's a leader. A willing assistant to her superiors, ready to lead with pride. Being the strong and intimidating wolf that she is, it is not a bad idea to befriend her. Not only is she a good leader who takes initiative, but she is a protector as well.

Eclipse was Alpha in her own pack for quite some time before breaking off from her family and roaming alone. The pressure from being the only Alpha - a female Alpha that is - was too much at times. Her daughter Quake took over when Eclipse left and the pack soon turned on each other, not having proper leadership like the type that Eclipse provided. The last that Eclipse heard of her pack, the wolves had gone rogue, and her daughter was not heard from in several years.
In her journeys, Eclipse came across multiple wolves that have bettered and worsened her. Connor, the male wolf who had impregnated Eclipse at a young age with Quake, for example. They came across each other in the winter, after an encounter with a small avalanche. Connor sacrificed himself to save Eclipse, shoving her out of the way of falling rubble. Some say that this is what turned Eclipse cold, and ruthless to certain males, having lost her first mate. Another wolf that is worth mentioning is Mud. Her childhood friend, ex-lover, and practically her adoptive brother. This massive brown brute was Eclipse's right-hand man for two years before they came across this new pack. They sparred to the point of developing pro-fighting techniques from each end, and years later they'd be seasoned warriors thanks to help of each other's histories and past experiences with enemies. Pack life intrigued Eclipse, but this is not what Mud wanted. They decided to part ways soon after Eclipse was accepted as a subordinate, and although she'd miss her dear friend, she needed a new challenge in life. She hasn't seen Mud since. At this point in time, she is extremely happy with her new life and is focusing on the hardships of defending and caring for her pack-mates.

Mother - Unknown
Father - Unknown
Siblings - Unknown
Offspring - Quake F (Location Unknown)

Connor - Deceased
Mud - Friend (Location Unknown)
No current mate. Open for crushes, relationships.

(gif eye colours are not accurate)
Under no circumstances is this character to be used by anyone. I've had this character for nearly 10 years now, and don't plan on sharing her. Please refrain from using her personality, looks, and back-story in the same character. Thank you.
Theme Song - Faded, Alan Walker. Dedicated to both Connor and Mud.
Voice - Julia Roberts
Edit: Made an edit to her weight.
Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you have a pretty sweet ass

RP Sample
(taken from another RP, if you don't mind!)
It had been a quiet, uneventful day in the calm and shady woodlands. Within a thick bracket of bushes and thorns a black wolf would lay, in the midst of a deep sleep. A plump and warm belly would hint to an earlier hunt, perhaps a large hare or squirrel. The pretty she-wolf laid in a curled position, body tightly up against a thicket and tail wrapped around towards her chin which would rest upon her paws. Flies and beetles buzzing would initiate ear flicking and whisker twitching, which would then wake the large vixen from her slumber, causing her gorgeous amber eyes to flicker open, opening only to slits. Large, black, silky ears would flop and lean sideways to her head as her lashes blinked away the presence of sleep. Staring out ahead of her, Silk would take in a deep breath, taking in the scents of wet leaves, damp moss, and muddied water banks around her. Her eyes stared intently through the spaces between criss-crossing twigs and branches of the thick foliage that surrounded her, and she could perfectly make out the stream just yards away. Right ear would swivel forwards, and soon her head would raise up carefully in a subtle stretch. Silk wasn't the type of wolf to sleep all day, and despite being in a safe, dry hiding spot, it was time to move on. Forelegs and toes would stretch outwards and jaws would part in a massive yawn, which showed off her ivory canines quite nicely. With a quietness to her step, Silk stalked carefully out of the thicket, being cautious of not snagging her luscious, black fur among any thorns in her path. As she emerged from her hiding place, the large she-wolf straightened herself up, and arched her back in a long, well needed stretch. Toes stretched upwards and her long, luxurious tail flew up high into the air as her chest hit the ground as her stretch continued on.. it felt like it had been hours since she started her nap. A small whine and yip would escape her jowls as she resumed a normal position, and attention would be re-focused on the stream of water that would lay ahead of her. Ears were perked as Silk broke into a trot, padding down the bank towards the freshwater that seemed to call her nearer. Upon reaching the bank would the female look around with alert, amber eyes, searching for any fox, coyote, or fellow lone wolf before lowering her head to lap up the water. A rough, pink tongue began to cause ripples within the running stream, spreading out to the sides of the bank. Eyes lifted carefully and Silk stared across from her to the opposite end of the stream, still lapping up her fill. In the distance, above the bank, a small female badger lumbered across an uneven path, across the bank but away from the stream. Her tongue was quickly folded back into her jaws as Silk stood silently and watched, with bright eyes that resembled the embers of a fire. If there was one badger in this area, there could be more. The quiet and cunning she-wolf slowly turned herself upwards towards the top of the bank, eyes still fixed on the badger which had not seemed to notice her quite yet. With a quick leap on her hind legs, the pretty fae was off, bounding silently through the forest, away from the badger's densite. Paws treaded carefully, picking her paws up and above the branches that have fallen, and narrowly avoiding fallen stones or leaves to not make any commotion. With full energy and a mindful spirit, Silk would pad on, traveling through the woodlands until another location could spark her interest.

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Edited on 11/07/17 @ 15:31:54 by Kuma {RR} (#16165)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-08 21:57:24


[ Image Credit | Commissioned from rochambeauko ]



3 years old.

Sexual Orientation:
Demisexual | Biromantic.


Drift is a long legged she-wolf with a thick, dense ivory colored coat and oval shaped reddish eyes. She's a moderately sized female with a willowy build and pale clawed paws. Shallow scars are scattered over her muzzle and both of her ears are torn, giving this young wolf a look akin to a seasoned warrior despite the fact she is less than three years old. Her nose, lips and any visible skin is rather pinkish. Drift's height is just slightly above average for an adult female, her build both graceful and formidable.

{Art doesn't completely match the description because I forgot to mention some of the details.}

Drift is rather rough in demeanor. A bite first, ask questions later sort of girl. Well known for flinging herself into battle without regard for consequences or self-preservation. She is loud, rowdy and highly confrontational. Often hard to handle in large doses. Her impulsive nature easily gets her in trouble on a daily basis. Regardless, she’s still quite capable of working in a team to accomplish a goal.

She will heed the warnings and advice of wolves she respects, but it's quite a bit of work to gain such a standing with her. Drift has a hard time processing negative emotions and desperately needs an outlet. Unfortunately that outlet often takes the form of aggression and violence. When facing enemies she is merciless and known to leave mutilated corpses in her wake. With the right guidance she could take a turn for the better, but her attitude tends to rightfully push other away.

Drift was born the single pup of two wolves with normal grayish pelts. Her pure white fur lacking any other marking crossed them as a bad omen as both were superstitious and the birth had been particularly difficult, nearly killing her mother. They considered simply murdering the pup before she even opened her eyes, but of course the rest of the pack wouldn't stand for that and she was given to another den mother to nurse alongside her own pups. Just as her parents began to accept Drift upon the urging and encouragement of their packmates, her eyes opened and instead of the blue-gray all pups are born with Fantomă's eyes were the color of fresh blood.

Her parents automatically rejected her, and knowing that she wouldn't be disposed of despite her 'ghastly' mutation, the pair decided to leave the pack. Drift was mentored by an aggressive male named Crow once she came of age. He taught her many things, shaping a lot of who she is in adulthood. Between the rejection of her parents, their cruel words forever ringing in her ears, and Crow's brutal training her heart has grown cold. By the time she reached her second year she decided to leave her birth pack behind and strike out on her own.

Part of her is determined to track down her parents and confront them. She will never be able to rest easy until she's had the chance to punish them for making her feel like a monster and then letting her become one. Of course, it's always easier to push the blame for one's bad behavior on others rather than accept you're part of the problem, but this she-wolf hasn't quite learned the meaning of accountability yet.

"You will regret leaving me behind."

"You always said I was a monster. Allow me to fulfill your expectations."

None. She was the only pup born into her litter and has no knowledge of any older or younger siblings. Open to foster siblings if anyone would like to play one.

Not a good idea.

Raina {Foster Mother}
"You loved me when no one else would. I’m sorry I had to leave you behind.”

Crow {Mentor}
“You taught me well. Are you proud?”


Theme Song:
Gasoline - Halsey.

Why must you do this to me? xD

If you were a Transformer you'd be Optimus Fine.

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[ Image Credit | Gifted by Saeginko ]



4 years old.

Sexual Orientation:
Heterosexual | Heteroromantic.


And agouti brute with a predominantly light gray pelt. The backs of the ears are more brownish. The back, tail, neck and sides are ticked with dark gray, nearly black fur. The paws, legs, belly, underside of the tail, muzzle and halfway up the cheeks are all cream. His eyes are shaped liked almonds and dark shade of olive green. He has a crooked tail, the result of being broken and not healing properly. He reaches about 31 inches at the shoulder and sports a heavier than average, muscular build with a lil bit of chub around the middle.

A sly wolf (or so he thinks) with a long-running manipulative streak. He will generally only team up with or help others if he knows it will benefit him in some way and probably wouldn't think twice about betraying any companions once they prove useless to his ambitions. Upon first meeting Marcel likely comes across as rather charming and charismatic, or else completely obnoxious, but underneath the friendly nice guy act is a rather nasty fellow indeed. He cares for himself first and foremost, often unconcerned with how anyone else might feel.

Surprisingly enough, Marcel was once a beloved pet. His former owner didn't seem to think much of keeping a wild animal in his house even though wolves aren't exactly meant for life indoors. Marcel was often treated like the most prized dog in the world. In fact, for a very long time indeed, he actually thought he was a dog. Marcel's home collapsed in on him and his owner after a particularly rough storm, killing the human and leaving him trapped for days before he finally freed himself from the rubble. After that he was on his own, just managing to scrap by from scavenging and stealing food from others. From a pampered pet to a lone wolf? Yeah, this hasn't been an easy transition for this spoiled canine. Marcel has never managed to find a pack he can stick with yet and even barely escaped with his life from the last one when their Alpha finally saw through his lies. He now has a crooked tail to remember her by.


Associate |
"I know you think I need you're probably right. Tell anyone I said that and you'll be missing an ear kid."

Theme Song:
Radioactive In The Dark - Imagine Dragons ft. Fall Out Boy.

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[Image Credit | skeeze on Pixabay ]



2 years old.

Sexual Orientation:
Pansexual | Panromantic.


A tall and lithe young female with a mottled gray-brown and black pelt. She has round, bright golden eyes and a delicately tapering muzzle ending in a black nose. Her face is rather youthful and this trait will likely follow her well into adulthood, unfamiliar wolves at times even mistaking her for still being a yearling. Thus far her coat lacks any noticeable scars or blemishes. Her ears are quite large and wide-based atop her skull and her fur is medium-length, usually proving a bit scruffy. Blackbird is an average sized she-wolf with a limber build.

Blackbird is extremely naive and impressionable. She's eager to please and happy to follow orders, wishing for nothing more than to belong and will do almost anything for just a bit of companionship. Her friendliness is genuine and she has a loyal heart along with a fairly strong moral system. Highly empathetic and often willing to take the fall for other's mistakes, she is unfortunately an easy wolf to take advantage of. She can prove a bit nervous in large crowds and often worries she isn't presenting herself properly considering his lack of socialization growing up.

Blackbird never belonged to a pack, the daughter of a lone she-wolf who’s pack had banished her for reasons she never cared to explain to her only daughter. For a long time it was just the two of them until Starling disappeared without a word shortly after Blackbird's first birthday. She struggled to survive on her own, lost and alone in a very dangerous world. She was very prone to strange dreams, or visions perhaps. She could never quite tell, but they guided her pawsteps wherever she went.

Blackbird had a difficult time feeding herself as hunting was never her strong suit. She managed to make friends with a small group of feral dogs who didn't mind some wolfish company. They taught her how to hunt, but eventually all parted ways. It wasn't long after this she became acquainted with Marcel and finding a wolf even less equipped for life as a loner than her, decided to stick around and help him adjust to life in the wild.

"Why did you leave?"

"Don't be so grumpy. I'm only trying to help."

Theme Song:
Take It Out On Me - Thousand Foot Krutch.

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[ Image Credit | steffiheufelder on Pixabay ]



4 years, 6 months old.

Sexual Orientation:
Bisexual | Biromantic.


Ramma is a brawny male with a thick pelt of various colors, namely a light reddish-brown with black tipped guard hairs and white underfur. He has long, strong legs and sizable paws equipped with dull edged dark claws, but his weight prevents him from keeping up with some of his slimmer packmates when in a full sprint. Ramma’s round amber eyes seem to forever hold a friendly gleam and it’s rare to see him without a kind smile crossing his muzzle. He is well suited for cold weather with small ears that let out less body heat and a dense undercoat. His fur will thin out during the hotter seasons, but he still tends to suffer more than wolves with shorter pelts.

Ramma is a cheerful fellow with a laid-back demeanor, a wolf of seemingly boundless patience with a kind word for even the snarkiest of packmates. He is practical and driven, but also highly empathetic. Able to perceive viewpoints different from his own. He’s a true neutral and tends to be an unbiased individual who will look at the facts of any given situation over relying on his own emotions or mere he said, she said alone so he can resolve conflicts accordingly.

He will avoid a fight if possible, appalled by unjust violence, but isn't above throwing his weight around when necessary. Ramma isn’t a particularly dominate canine, giving out the proper respects due to everyone of high rank and treating lower ranks with similar esteem, but doesn’t go out of his way to submit to anyone either. Ramma stresses union and community among the pack, genuinely believing without the support of one another they will ultimately fall. Wolves, after all. were never meant to be alone.

Ramma had a fairly average puphood. He grew up in a small group made up of relatives. His father Beartooth, the pack leader, was quite old and passed away before his eyes ever had a chance to open. Ramma grew up without knowing him, but heard plenty of stories from his mother and older siblings about his father’s legacy. Ramma’s mother Willow took her mate’s place as Alpha and the family continued on undisturbed for many years. Things changed when the Madness Disease took hold of the land. Instead of sticking together his family panicked, splitting up and fleeing their territory until only Ramma and Willow remained.

As they traveled away to find a more suitable home they were attacked by a pair of wolves with the sickness and Willow was bitten protecting the only kin who had remained by her side. Knowing she would soon grow ill as well, she demanded Ramma leave her behind so he wouldn’t suffer the same fate. It took many hours, but Willow’s conviction finally convinced Ramma to leave and he departed from his beloved mother with a heavy heart. He has been traveling alone ever since, silently vowing he would not allow any new pack joins to fall apart as his birth pack had.

“I never knew you, but I heard tales of your greatness all my life. I hope you and mother are together again now.”

“Rest easy mother. You’re in a better place now.”

Various siblings. He's unsure of their status.

None yet. Open.

Theme Song:
To Build A Home - The Cinematic Orchestra.

The Madness Disease = Rabies.

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RP Sample:

Nightmares taunted her as she slept, or rather memories that played over and over again in her mind every time she attempted to rest. The dreadful snarls of coyotes she had once called friends, the feeling of teeth scraping her muzzle and tearing at her ears, the sight of her precious daughters torn, lifeless bodies as she fought tooth and claw for her life, and finally the cold emptiness that crashed over her when she returned to the briar and found Arrow curled beneath the bush’s protective branches where she had left him, frightened and whimpering. Unusually pale eyes blinked open slowly and for a long time the cream she-wolf simply stared at the stone walls of the cave she had taken shelter in for the night.

A chill rushed down her spine as a cold breeze drifted inside through the entrance. It was time to get up. Rising to her paws, she forced herself out into the camp, gaze sharpening as she tried to pick out images through blinding rays of the morning sun. Her eyesight was especially poor under direct sunlight, at times even painful. A condition she had been born with and never tried to understand, merely accepting it for what it was. A flaw that made her unfit to take as a mate according to some. It was why Erebus left her no doubt, fearful she had cursed their pups with her affliction. He had been wrong. Arrow and their daughters had all been perfectly healthy.

The scent of smoke reached her nostrils and her gaze soon after landed on Torin, watching as the Alpha snuffed out a burning leaf. She said nothing, instead settling beneath the shade of the outcropping, the camp growing clearer with the help of the shadows. If only she had been gifted with the powers of darkness. Instead it was the wind and the water that answered her beckoning.

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Edited on 09/07/17 @ 10:39:22 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Turnip Chair (#117787)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-08 22:46:12




Sexual Orientation


Image and Source
Jax is mostly dark brown in color, with near-black legs and a face mask to match. He's nothing special in terms of size, standing a bit on the smaller scale at 29" and weighing about sixty pounds. He's extremely fluffy, however, giving him a stout appearance when in reality he's about half as thick as his fur makes him seem. His eyes are a pale amber color that stick out against his dark fur and seem to glow in the dark, with relatively small pupils. He doesn't come off as very intimidating at all, looking much more like a literal teddy bear than a vicious wolf.

Jax is a wolf you really can't hate. He's just a big old teddy bear, with a huge heart that he wears on his sleeve - er, fur. He's always there for anyone that needs him and he doesn't hold grudges, choosing instead to forgive everyone that has ever wronged him. He's wise beyond his years and gives the best pep talks, capable of easing even the most anxious wolf's nerves with a few words.

Another of Jax's most notable traits is his charming personality. He flirts with every male he meets, and makes friends with every female. It brings him joy knowing that other wolves may feel appreciated when he flirts with them, so he continues to do it. He immediately stops upon request, however, as he respects others enough to not go against their wishes. But the moment someone reciprocates his flirting, he immediately grows uncomfortable and awkward, as he's not used to having his merry tactics thrown back at him.

Jax's father was a loner his mother didn't even know the name of, and him and his three siblings were a mistake when they were born. Despite the rest of the pack having taken care of his mother and her pups, none of his siblings made it through the winter, having been far too weak to survive. Jax's mother fell into a depression shortly after losing all but one of her pups, disappearing a month later. Jax was raised by the pack, which most believe is where he developed his outgoing personality. He was never particularly skilled at hunting or fighting, and he usually chose to socialize rather than train with the other paws.

When Kade and Longclaw became alphas of the pack, there wasn't a doubt in his mind that they would make fantastic leaders despite their youth, as he had seen the way Kade excelled in her training. And when Longclaw died and the pack began to dwindle until it was just him and Kade, he left with her, not having any reason to stay in a territory that only brought him grief when he thought about the family he had once had there.

Feather | mother | unknown
Jax doesn't really remember his mother, but he claims he sometimes sees her wandering around the woods, as if watching over him.

Kade | friend | alive
played by Nyanunix
Jax values Kade as a friend and believes her to be a fantastic alpha, and he likes to consider himself her biggest fan (both jokingly and truthfully).

Are you a ten because Tennessee
okay so fun fact my friend actually said this because she couldn't remember the actual pick up line and it was glorious just thought I'd share

RP Sample
this is taken from a private roleplay about four people getting away with the greatest heist in history and the other person started us off so it might seem a little rocky pls forgive me I can use a better example if you want

CJ nodded in response, already going over the plan in his head as he memorized the blueprints of the bank. "Once we're inside, Emma Kate and Jerran will subdue any guards on duty while I take the side route, which will place me right next to the vault," he explained for what was probably the third time in just as many days, emphasizing that they were to not kill anyone. Emma Kate raised her hand like a student at school, and he had to force himself to not roll his eyes as he patiently called on her. "Yes?"

"What if a guard comes at me with a gun? Am I allowed to snap his neck?" she asked innocently, eliciting a groan from CJ.

"You are plenty capable of defending yourself without murder. We didn't hire you to kill," CJ sighed. He continued with his reciting of the plans: "As soon as the guards are taken care of, both of you will meet me in the vault. Jerran will help me get the money, while Paris pulls the van around back. Emma Kate will stand guard and warn us if someone comes and not charge in spontaneously." Emma Kate raised her hand again, but CJ ignored it. "Once we're clear, we'll hop in the van and skedaddle. No fooling around. Now let's go."

He hopped out of the van, Emma Kate close in tow as they headed towards the front of the building. CJ wasn't religious by any means, but he prayed to god they got the job done.

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M03M03 (#117690)

Scourge of Lions
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-10 09:42:10

(Cas, K, Casey, etc)


4 Years

Sexual Orientation:

(Will Vy For Beta Rank in All Likelihood)

A mixture of a various shades of gray, the most notable aspect of Cas's appearance is the mask that encircle's both of her eyes and is slightly reminiscent of that of a raccoon. Her eyes themselves are a bright silvery shade of gray with perhaps a hint of blue flecked sporadically throughout the iris. The ruff that encircle's this female's neck is notably thick, and is one of the darker shades of gray in her body's palette of colors. Cas's ears have notable chunks taken out of them, with the left ear having taken the brunt of the damage. This female has a height of 30'', and has a body built for endurance, rather than sprinting, weighing in at 115lbs.

Casius's tail is long and shaggy, with a dark gray tip, and her leg's and undersides take on a more silvery quality than the rest of her body. The female's sides are a battle ground for different shade's of gray which get progressively darker the higher up they progress until her pelt take's on a slate gray quality along her upper back.

Cas is a wolf who is conflicted, and haunted, by her natural dominance. I know what your thinking, "Dominance isn't a bad thing! Dominance is an advantage!" Perhaps some individuals benefit, even thrive, under the influence of their dominance. For Cas, though, her dominance has only caused her grief and physical harm. When she was small, the runt of the litter, her food aggression was a key cause of the death of her litter-mates. As she grew up with her fellow adolescents, her sudden aggression when she felt like her dominance was being threatened eventually started to ostracize her from those her own age. Even as an adult, the female had difficulties making friends within her pack, and later as she roamed as a loner, she often got into violent disputes with other rogues.

This dominance fueled aggression, which often leads to physical conflict with others who challenge her dominance, is at complete odds with Cas's personality. Truth be known, this female is a very gentle soul, soft spoken and thoughtful when her dominance is not threatened. The she-wolf hates the thought of physical violence, and is even displeased by the act of catching and killing prey. She is loyal, nearly to a fault, and very affectionate whenever one of her few friends is feeling down in the dumps. If her dominance is threatened though? The female can be physically ruthless, and is not above fighting dirty and quick in order to get the whole issue of who's in charge over with.

Usually, after such things are over with, Casey will feel emotionally drained and very apologetic.

Warning; Suicide & Violence
Casey grew up in a large pack located in a very mountainous, forested area, ripe with prey small and large. As stated before, the gray she-wolf was born the runt of the pack...but she made up for that with her food aggression, always vying to eat the most out of her three brothers. This probably wouldn't have been a problem, and indeed shouldn't have been a problem, but unfortunately her mother was not the best of maternal figures...perhaps because this was her first litter, perhaps because her attention was more focused on flirting with males within the pack. Either way, without the watchful eye of her mother, the female pup ended up eating more then her fair share of a meal, driving her three brothers to become very thin, nearly starved, and very weak when a nasty disease steamrolled through the pack killing the weak.

Two of her brothers did not survive the nasty disease, and the remaining brother was left to live his following years with impeded physical mobility in his jaw and legs which eventually spurred the adolescent to take his own life.

This was very difficult time for the young female, and became even more difficult as it became clear that she was one of the only individuals who had a penchant to be dominant within the new generation. The friends that had stayed to her up to that point, started to fade away as her demeanor became harder to read and her tendency towards dominance ran wild with the adrenaline of puberty. One of the saving graces for Cas during this time was her father...though he had not had much to do with her when she had been very young, the aged wolf was very attentive during the female's adolescent years bringing her on personal hunts, going for one on one patrols, training her how to defend herself.

As the female grew into adulthood, the sporadic aggression caused by a combination of puberty and dominance started to calm down, though her dominance always lay latent under the surface. The strong relationship with the her father remained, while any communication with her mother started to fade until it was non-existent. With adult hood, a raise in rank was not far behind the beta of Cas's birth back having grown old over the years. When Cas was chosen to participate in the trial for beta, she ultimately won...but the victory was a very controversial topic within the pack. How could such a young wolf be allowed to hold such a spot? Any prospects Cas may have had for a mate quickly disappeared after this increase in rank. What male wanted a mate who was more dominant than himself? Very few, it seemed.

Cas successfully held the spot for the better part of a year, when tragedy struck the pack. A forest fire split the wolves apart, driving them from their home and killing many. The fire raged for miles and miles, and lasted over a month as it ate the land beneath it. Cas was one of the few who survived, and she assume's that she is the last of her family alive. She has been a rogue for about a years time.

| Olie | Father | Alive-Adoptable |
An older wolf who must be getting up there in age, this male held a special place in Casius's heart when she was younger.

|Vira | Mother | Deceased |
A flighty wolf who was not the best a keeping track and protecting her offspring.

|Cavern | Male | Alive-Adoptable |
Cas has never before met her younger brother, and it would certainly be a surprise for the she-wolf.

| Mag | Male | Deceased |
A littermate who didn't make it to adulthood.

| Vern | Male | Deceased |
A littermate who didn't make it to adulthood.

|Navv | Male | Deceased |
A littermate who only managed to become an adolescent before passing.

Open! Cas would make a very affectionate and thoughtful mate, with the occasional temper.

|Thank you to Jodow on Deviatart for the free wolf lineart I used when creating Casius!|
Hi (This is my pickup line if I manage to talk to a real physical person...just thought I should clarify.)
RP Sample:
As Shadeclan entered the the clearing Patcheart only took a few seconds to warn her clanmates to keep altercations respectful, if not friendly...the mahogany tigress also declared that if she saw anyone stepping out of their boundaries that they would be directly dealt with by the deputy herself. The female's tone made it clear that it would not be a desirable option.

As her clan, Solclan, and Roseclan dispersed and mingled the Shadeclan deputy sat still for a few minutes, eyes tracking the movements of her clanmates...especially the apprentices. Moonpaw, charismatic as always in his own way, had drawn the attention of two jaguar warriors from Roseclan...along with the deputy. When the Roseclan deputy startled the young apprentice Patcheart was quick to gain her footing, the lash of her tail the only sign of distress from the tigress...but luckily the altercation blew over quickly with the Roseclan deputy making his way over to the group of leaders conversing in the middle of the clearing.

Snowpaw had wandered her way over to an adolescent lion who seemed to have claimed a spot on the log spanning across the smallest part of the river...nothing seemed to be amiss on that front, but Patcheart made sure to glance at the two apprentices often. In all-likelihood Snowpaw was a strong swimmer like the rest of her kind, though the Shadeclan deputy could not be positive. The Solcan apprentice though....lions were not fond of water and Patcheart worried that the male apprentice had not been properly taught how to swim. Even the laziest of rivers could be deadly for those who did not learn how to deal with large bodies of water properly. Best to keep an eye on the two.




4 yrs 6mnths

Sexual Orientation:
(Though honestly you might have a hard time with this guy, but it's worth a try right?.)

(Former Omega)

This male is average in size for a male, standing at a height of 29'' and weighing in at 120lbs in total. Lux has vibrant bright green eyes, to rival that of spring colors, and a downy fur coat that has a considerable ruff at the back of his neck. Lux has a small scar marring his left eye, half of his right ear missing, and a plethora of nasty scar's crisscrossing the right side of his ribcage. The beast has one or two toes missing from his front right, and back left paw...and more noticeably, is missing his tail; fur hiding scar tissue from where the appendage used to reside. Lux's soft jacket is made from a pallet of different shades of red-browns. The former omega's upper face and ruff is a semi-solid shade of tan, with an autumn quality which deepens into a reddish brown around his shoulders, front legs, and upper throat. Once again the redbrown quality of the male's fur changes into a lighter shade, mottled here and there along Lux's mid to lower back. The underside's of Lux's body, including his muzzle, neck, legs, and behind, along with the tips of his ears, are a pure color of alabaster.

Lux is a troubled soul, as only to be expected of a creature who was routinely tortured throughout his life. The male is very thoughtful, often bringing presents to his pack-mates in the form of food or nesting material. The former-omega has a very flighty, scared attitude around even the most benign of wolves and the slightest quick movement could have this male on his back on a second, his ears pulled into a submissive pose while his eyes look anywhere but whomever startled him. As a result of this near constant state of fear, the male will often take on a stutter...which get's progressively worse when he is scared, nervous, or stressed.

Overall this adult pup would have been harmless...but unfortunately fate was set on breaking the very foundation of morality that may have lingered within this male's body. It was beaten into him throughout his life, both physically and mentally, that submissive wolves are the bane of all wolf-kind. That he was only allowed to live as a stress-reliever for highly dominant wolves, that he...and other submissive wolves, should be glad for every breathe they took.

This mental and physical pressure succeeded in fracturing Lux's view of reality, beneath the sweet exterior lies a wolf who is hell bent on killing wolves who are submissive. The more submissive you are, the more at risk you are to be targeted by the male. The problem in this situation is that the male sincerely thinks he is carrying out the last wishes of his former alpha...and though he does not 'usually' physically try to kill others and tries to keep his machinations from being known, he ultimately thinks he is in the right.

Warning; Abuse
Born in a litter of two, to a mother who was a long-time omega and consort of the pack beta, Lux began his life very healthy and carefree...unfortunately the minute the male showed submissive behavior his life started to fall down hill. The first to take advantage of his lack of dominance was his brother, and lifetime role model, Dominic. Whenever when his brother got mad, or frustrated, he would take out his latent energy on his brother knowing that Lux would in all likely-hood not retaliate.

A new alpha won dominance within the pack, Lux's uncle...and pack dynamics became terribly more strict...almost abusive, in their rules. Dominant wolves were given many luxuries at the expense of their submissive counterparts...out of all submissive the omega's fared the worst. Lux's mother died from malnutrition, disease, and abuse when he was barley out of puphood. Lux became his mother's replacement...any other wolf would have died under the circumstances but if anything Lux was a tough cookie to crack. It was during this time between pup-hood and adolescence the male's tail was viciously ripped from his body...the wolf in question who committed the act of abuse stating that the omega didn't deserve the appendage.

Throughout his life, till the age of four years and four months, the male was constantly told by his uncle, his brother, and the other dominant wolves, that as a submissive creature he was lucky to take breathe. That his only purpose was to help dominant wolves when they were emotionally distressed by becoming a physical punching bag.

Ironically, this pack full of dominant wolves taking advantage of the submissive...ultimately ended up disbanding from the threat of starvation. Not because of a lack of, unfortunately the submissive wolves were overworked and rebelled. All excluding Lux, of course, loyal to the most dominant wolf in the pack to a fault. The transgressions of his fellow submissives was physically taken out on the omega, the patchwork of scar's on his right side physical evidence of the male's payment for a rebellion he had no part of. The omega was sent away, the pack disbanded, and the former omega got it into his head that he should start to kill submissive wolves, that he...and they, did not deserve to draw breathe.
"Love you Mother, forever and always."
"Didn't know you that well...but you were dominant and I am honored to be related to you."
|Dominic|Brother|Adoptable-Unknown, Pm|
"You are my role model in all things, I am honored to serve as you punching bag."
|Viral|Uncle|Unkown/Maybe Adoptable|
"The most dominant wolf I know, thank you for the gift of life."

Open! Honestly, having a relationship with this guy may be the only way to be safe from his machinations. Perhaps you might even help him see the error of his ways? It won't be easy, perhaps not possible...but worth the try right?

|Thank you to Junenae on Deviatart for the free wolf lineart I used when creating Lux!|
Note: The alphas & Beta's of this pack will have Lux's most devote loyalty...he would gladly lay his life down for them.
RP Sample:

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Edited on 11/07/17 @ 23:54:12 by M03M03 (#117690)

Ghoul Among Ghosts (#105136)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-10 20:23:06
Not sure how to center my text, bear with me.

Name: Segador

Gender: Male

Age: Roughly 3 years

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Rank: Subordinate




Remember that it’s fun to add adoptable characters.

Friends, mates, etc. that aren’t family.

Anything extra?

RP Sample: WIP

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🌌Lunar Moon🌌 (#79238)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-11 00:23:16


All gender identities are accepted.

Remember - no pups. Ages should range from about two years to maybe five.

Sexual Orientation:
All sexual orientations are accepted.


Use photos if you want, but remember to source properly. I also want at least a paragraph.

Don’t just list traits. I want a good paragraph.

Give me a paragraph or so. Should include how their previous pack met its end.

Remember that it’s fun to add adoptable characters.

Friends, mates, etc. that aren’t family.

Girl, are you from Nashville because you're the only ten-i-see
This made me cringe when I heard it

RP Sample:
Melody’s laughter died down as she began to make her way up the stone steps. The vampires should be there soon, and she'd rather have her pick of the living spaces before they got here. “Hey, wait up, Melody,” Rahni called up after her. She rolled her eyes as she watched Rahni stumble up after her. She couldn't help the giggle that slipped past her lips as she watched her.

“Don't laugh.”

“I can't help it. You're too funny,” she stated between giggles.

“Whatever, come on. I want to find a space before the vamps get here,” Rahni huffed as she motioned for her to keep going.

It didn't take long for them to finish climbing the stairs even at their leisurely pace. It would take a miracle for a human to get up here, but even if they did, they'd make way too much noise. There were ten two story houses that each would house two people. The sad part was that the alpha had insisted that each house consisted of one vampire and one wolf. It was annoying at best, and she honestly doubted that he'd mention add that to the vampires or the other wolves. She was just lucky to be from his main pack, and her father had explained that to her. Honestly it didn't go over well when she voiced it to Rahni.

“Ugh, of course that's what he wants. I don't understand why he thinks that we'd get along. We're not going to hold hands and start singing Kumbaya.”

Melody giggled as she glanced at Rahni, “I don't think that's what he meant. He wants us to at least get along to fight alongside each other. We're going to need it once the war starts,” she stated softly.

“Eh I guess. Come on, let's pick houses next to each other before the boys get up here.”

Melody nodded as they walked down the pathway. They ended up picking two houses in the center. Melody walked into hers. It was decorated sparsely which she appreciated. The small kitchen to her right contained a refrigerator fully stocked. In a compartment at the top as a stash of blood. The vampires probably wouldn't like the idea of cold blood, but it was all they were going to get out here.

She quickly left that room, and walked into the door in the main hallway. It was the laundry room. She wandered around and saw the living room which contained a couch, tv, and a love seat. It was all black. It melded well with the rest of the house. She soon walked up stairs. There were four rooms on the upper floor. Two bedrooms with their own baths, and a hall closet and an office. She picked the bedroom that had a view of the training grounds. She laid her suitcase down on her bed before sitting her bag on the nightstand. She sighed before she began putting her clothes in the dresser. She'd take a shower later on. She took her medical books, and left out of the house again with her journal tucked under her arm.

“Melody, me and the boys are going to go train, do you want to join us?”

“Maybe later, I'm going to go put these in the clinic first,” she stated looking over her shoulder at Rahni.

“Okay, you know where to find us.”

She watched Rahni leave before continuing toward the toward the clinic. It was a rather large building, but considering the number of vampires and wolves it didn't surprise her. She stopped when she heard voices below. One quick sniff told her all she needed to know. The vampires had arrived. She glanced to the right of the stairs when she heard someone climbing up. She rolled her eyes as she waited to see what kind of arrogant vamp would climb up the side.


All gender identities are accepted.

Remember - no pups. Ages should range from about two years to maybe five.

Sexual Orientation:
All sexual orientations are accepted.


Use photos if you want, but remember to source properly. I also want at least a paragraph.

Don’t just list traits. I want a good paragraph.

Give me a paragraph or so. Should include how their previous pack met its end.

Remember that it’s fun to add adoptable characters.

Friends, mates, etc. that aren’t family.

Anything extra?

RP Sample:


All gender identities are accepted.

Remember - no pups. Ages should range from about two years to maybe five.

Sexual Orientation:
All sexual orientations are accepted.


Use photos if you want, but remember to source properly. I also want at least a paragraph.

Don’t just list traits. I want a good paragraph.

Give me a paragraph or so. Should include how their previous pack met its end.

Remember that it’s fun to add adoptable characters.

Friends, mates, etc. that aren’t family.


RP Sample:

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Edited on 11/07/17 @ 10:46:40 by Lunar (#79238)

R| (#78951)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 18:40:28
-Reserved for character sheet-

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 22:50:22

Around 3 years of age

Sexual Orientation:

for now

Image by me

Twist is a black wolf with a white chest and paws, with the white trailing the backs of her legs. She has dark cerulean eyes, though one has clouded over due to an injury. She's covered in scars, and her left ear is ripped. Most noticeably, her right front leg is twisted and scarred beyond use or repair. She cannot use it for normal movement, however, while running she can use it to stabilize herself during sharp turns. Her tail has been ripped away, leaving a scarred nub. She still has movement of the tail, much like a bobtailed cat, however, her balance is greatly impaired due to the loss of both her tail and leg. The claws on her damaged leg are overgrown due to lack of use, and often get snagged and rip out. She has a slim, lithe form, and often carries a broken expression.

Twist is a nervous, terrified, broken mess. She jumps at the slightest of startling noises and is often anxious. She doesn't speak often, though she does have a beautiful voice, both when speaking and singing. She is very distant, often choosing to stay away from any and all living things. She never makes eye contact, and if she happens to lock eyes with another wolf she will instantly drop to the ground in a submissive stance. She absolutely avoids confrontation at all costs, and will never speak unless spoken to directly, with a clear cue that she is allowed to speak. She is very flighty, and if she senses danger she will bolt without warning.

Twist was born, surprisingly, the healthiest of her litter-mates. Though, that wasn't really saying much at all. Her elder brother had passed on before he'd ever taken his first breath, while Twist's younger sister struggled to survive. Twist, however, was fairly well-off. She'd been born with no sickly aspects, no sickness, and no physical illness... save for one thing. Her left front paw was splayed, ever-so slightly. It could have been overlooked if the litter weren't under such close surveillance by the pack shaman, who caught the small deformity just days after the pup's birth. The shaman, who went by the name of Lile, foretold that this small pup would bring about the destruction of their pack. He stated that he'd had a vision of the pack dying out, all at the paws of this black wolf.

Immediately, Twist's mother and sister were put to death, however as the sire of the litter was unknown no action could be taken against him. The pack alpha would have demanded the death of Twist as well, however, Lile warned that the great ancestors would take action against the pack if this act were to be committed. Instead, Lile suggested that they force Twist into the position of Omega, to beat the spirit out of her and ensure that their pack would flourish with this threat subdued. Twist was fed by the pack's eldest female Omega whilst she was still a pup. This Omega's name was Lyall, and she filled Twist's head with stories of far away lands where all wolves were equal, with no ranking systems and no abuse by self-proclaimed leaders. Twist believed all of this to be true until she hit her adolescence when the pack leader announced that Twist was to be the pack's official punching bag and that all other Omegas were to become hunters, effective immediately. Directly thereafter, the Alpha ordered the young Twist to stand before him, and in doing so took her leg in his maw and twisted it beyond recognition, forever ensuring that she would be seen as nothing more than damaged goods, giving her the cruel name of twist as to remind her of her failure of existence.

Lyall cared for Twist whilst her leg healed, and even afterward as the young wolf accumulated more and more injuries and scars. Her eye was taken by the Beta, the remind her that she was to be seen as nothing but an object. Her tail, by a group of training adolescents during a practice session. Twist was indeed beaten into submission, so much so that she even started to believe that she wasn't a wolf at all.

Twist's pack was different from the rest, they resided in the snowy mountains, hunting mountain goats and other winter game. The pack would often send Twist out in front of them to scout for safe places to climb down, and it was in one of these "explorations" that Twist's pack came to an end. Twist was climbing to one of the lowest peaks when a rumble began to shake the stones and dislodge boulders high above the pack, a sheet of white gaining speed as it barreled towards the wolves. An avalanche had formed, and the wolves began to run as quickly as they could away from it. In this process, many fell from the peak to their deaths below on the hard ground or spiky rocks, impaling themselves. Twist, however, knew these areas well. She often hid in the rocky crags, escaping into her own worlds. Below her, she knew, was a hollow which could very easily protect her. Sliding into the cave, she awaited the end of the deadly white sheet.

Within ten minutes, it had ended. The black she-wolf picked her way from her hideaway, shaking puffs of white from her onyx fur. Not a single wolf in her pack stood alive on those hills, and not once did Twist stop to tr to help any of their dying forms as she made her way down the mountains to escape into the forests below.

Her father is still alive, however, his whereabouts are unknown. If anyone wishes to add in some drama and either make her father or have their character be her father, by all means, feel free!


If I had to rate you from 1-10, I would rate you as a 9 because I am the one that you are missing.

RP Sample:

Maplesoul stretches her still-sleepy muscles, her eyes half-lidded and paws curled together. Her jaws parted in a huge yawn, her ears pulling back and whiskers brushing against her nest. With a bleary expression, she considers waking her mate to go on a morning hunt, however, knew he'd been out late that evening on a border patrol. So, instead, she pulls herself to her paws and sets out to hunt alone. She knows she wasn't meant to do this, her injuries from the fox attack were still healing, but she needs to get out of this stuffy camp and do something on her own for once. The orange and white tabby she-cat pads silently from the safety of her ThunderClan camp home and into the forest, her nose and ears ready to pick of the slightest of scents or sounds. Maplesoul drops into a crouch as she picks up the far-away scent of a mouse, stalking forward as silently as a panther. The tiny brown creature sits upon a tree root, nibbling a sunflower seed. With a set determination, Maplesoul bunches the rippling muscles beneath her slick pelt and leaps, crushing the mouse's spine beneath her paws. She picks up the tiny, slightly crumpled form in her pink mouth and buries it under the oak's root, bound to come back to fetch her prize later after catching as many more as she could handle. After all, no other cats were out at moon-high to scare away the prey.

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Edited on 17/07/17 @ 13:43:19 by Typhon {Glacial Smilus™} (#41384)

West (#43497)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-17 20:37:51

{Credit to Wincey on Deviantart}



2 years, 10 months

Sexual Orientation:


Hazel is an average she-wolf with a thin but healthy and muscled build. Her coat is thick in the snows of winter but quickly sheds to become bearable in summer. Made of hues of gold and cream, her fur darkens over her back and shoulders to pale beige-browns that flow gently through the darker gold coloring there. Her muzzle holds gray near her nose, and her rump and tail have darker gray and black shading, but only lightly. If she ever shows her underside to a wolf, they’ll see she has a fine layering of scars of her inner thighs and the right side of her chest, making her fur much thinner against her ribs there. Hazel’s eyes actually deemed her name, and are a light, green-flecked brown.

Hazel can be a highly controversial individual and most tend to find her tendencies irritating and eccentric at times. At first, depending on her mood and various other seemingly microscopic things, this female can be either shy and quiet or energetic, aloof, and very talkative. She can be incredibly temperamental and often chooses to withhold her emotions from most situations, leading others to call her cold-hearted and indifferent. Hazel is also a secretive and very intellectual being. She enjoys helping others she believes need it, and can see both sides of a story without prejudice to solve problems.

This she-wolf has an adaptive energy, and will sometimes be claimed a “fake” or “two-faced” because of her ability to shift alliances. This is often due to her inability to be lonely often, but also collides with her occasional need for solitude and time to herself for thinking and the pursuit of knowledge. Abrupt, timid, and sometimes aggressive, Hazel is very determined in her goals and knows exactly what she plans to do- most of the time, that is.

Without the correct amount of mental stimulation, she can grow very bored and very quirky. She believes the world is full of endless possibilities though she holds a steady and mostly-honorable set of morals in achieving said possibilities. At the end of the day, Hazel is a loyal and loving individual seeking a deeper meaning from life.

Hazel grew up in a valley among a mountainous region to the south with a larger family group. Her mother and father were the pack alphas, and they had acquired a few good friends over their years of living who decided to join their pack. Mecca was their pack healer, and he had been their father’s right-paw wolf for nearly all of his life, while their two betas- Morin and Lellis- were from their mother’s birth pack. The betas were surprisingly the first to give birth to pups within their den site. Two healthy females that grew up to become the pack pup sitters, when the alphas finally had them.

Over the next few years, the pack grew until the alpha’s second litter was born, baring Hazel to the world, along with Lyle. Pack life went on as usual, and Hazel sprouted into a beautiful young she-wolf full of potential and skill, learning under her older siblings and the admired adults. She lived a cherished and mostly happy life. Until the land they lived off of changed abruptly. A flood rushed through their river, and shortly after, the water disappeared completely. The wildlife struggled and soon perished, their home turning from green to brown before their very eyes. Older now, a few of their adults grew weak and passed, including both of Hazel’s parents.

Left without true leadership, the pack split. Hazel found herself following her brother Holland, who led the siblings away from their home, without the rest of their faltering pack. Sometime thereafter, they were caught by a mother bear who ravaged the small pack, killing both of Hazel’s other older siblings, Calla and Bran. The three remaining wolves got split up in the confusion and Hazel wandered until she found Kade’s pack.

Wren - Mother - Deceased
”I promise to make you proud.”

Aesir - Father - Deceased
”You were always so strong. I hope one day I can be the same.”

Holland - Brother - Alive, Adoptable
”You were the leader we all needed. Where did you go?”

Calla - Sister - Deceased
”You would have been the great healer you wanted to be. Rest easy.”

Bran - Brother - Deceased
”You kept me patient and grounded and I miss you so, dear brother.”

Lyle - Brother - Alive, Adoptable
”You were my real partner in crime and I still look for you everywhere I go.”

Open to any relationships, including crushes/friends.



(Credit to Wincey on Deviantart}



3 years, 7 months

Sexual Orientation:


Kellin is a tall, long-legged canine with a thickly-muscled build covered with a pelt of gray and cream hues. His legs, underbelly, and sides are all a deep cream that fade upwards into gray and eventually black along his spine and shoulders. A light brown creeps in around his ruff and tail, though his tail and face end in black. His face is shadowed with darker fur, accenting his eyes and muzzle eloquently. His ears are ringed with darker brown and black and Kellin’s eyes are a darker golden brown.

Kellin can easily be described as a tactful and practical but very uncompromising being. He’s a very devoted individual, but that can often lead him down the road to unhealthy obsessions. Reliable and willing to stick with a plan until the deed is done and he feels completely satisfied- even if it means repeating said plan over and over again- he doesn’t always see the realistic perspective. However, when he does, he can be a very wise and well-grounded to any situation.

Kellin can also be a very possessive wolf, over both items and those he comes to care for. He can be overprotective and sometimes overbearing, lest he’s told to back off. Once reminded, he can be a very sheepful and tender friend, or lover. He can be very wary of sudden changes and often won’t like them unless he’s suggested them himself- or someone he respects has. It can be a challenge to earn Kellin’s respect and admiration, but it can and has been done. A very loyal and steady friend, he can be unwavering in his friendship and is willing to do most anything for those he loves. He believes in debts to be paid and is grateful for most help he receives.

A free-spirited canine, Kellin has a need to travel most of the time, and can find it hard to be stuck in a small place for too long. He can be incredibly temperamental and aggressive at times for reasons he refuses to explain to others, and it’s better to stay out of his way when he’s angry. After his temper runs it’s course, he can find it very hard to apologize but will be eaten by guilt until he does so. A very enduring and adaptive individual, Kellin both loves and despises the wolf he’s become.

Kellin grew up on a mountainside with a small family-structured pack. His parents were the betas, but his father’s brother was their alpha, and the pack fared well in their mountainous region over the years as he grew up into a healthy young wolf. Just after he reached two years of age, they were plagued by a few attacks by rogue wolves. The first time they came, his brother Rorrick was taken and killed as a warning. The rogues were not taken lightly and both Kellin and his Father took their best warriors to attack them. Met at their territory border, the wolves fought viciously until Kellin found himself nearly alone. His father, struggling for breath, told him to run back home and protect his family.

Upon arriving to their den site, he found his mother’s body strewn across the cave’s opening and his sister gone. He ran off in search of her and the rogues, managing to be found by her instead. He and Azalea left together though Kellin was haunted by memories of his parents and the want for vengeance. Shortly after, he tracked down one of the wolves that killed his mother and ended his story. Azalea decided that she’d rather travel alone and left him to himself, telling him something that has stuck with him until this very day. “You’re going to let your anger and guilt destroy you.”

Traveling alone for some time, Kellin met a young she-wolf by the name of Holly and found himself infatuated with her sweet smile. They traveled together for some time until they lost each other through some rapids. There was a waterfall at the end and though Kellin made it to the bank in time, he never found where Holly could have escaped the water as well.

Lila - Mother - Deceased
”You were my everything and I regret that my legs couldn’t make it to you fast enough.”

Alder - Father - Unknown
”I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you. Rest well, father.”

Azalea - Sister - Alive, Adoptable
”You were so kind to me and I failed you.”

Rorrick - Brother - Deceased
”You were my best friend and my only brother.”

Holly - Love Interest - Presumably Deceased, Adoptable
”You made me feel warm in a heart that’d been unfeeling for quite some time.”

Open for relationships, including crushes/friends.

“Can you touch my hand? I want to tell my friends that I’ve been touched by an angel.”

RP Sample:
It had been a cold night for Rana, tucked into a rocky, leafy crevice by herself. She curled into herself, her tail tip covering her twitching nose to retain heat. It couldn't have been more than five days since Lokin was lost to the falls, but her body was already losing much-needed weight and her fur had never lost it's shine like it had now. When her eyes opened this morning, the hazel-green was dull but sad. She glanced to the rolling gray clouds forming in the distance, her head barely peeking out from the den she was inhabiting. A drop of perspiration from a leaf above her den fell onto her nose and the young wolf instinctively sneezed, ears flattening.

Rana glared at the darkening sky and slowly unfurled from her resting place, her muscles stretching and twinging as she crept from her crevice. When she was on steady, grassy ground she shook her thick fur out and sighed heavily. Her stomach felt empty but she hadn't felt hungry in days. A few ravens cawed overhead and she watched them as they alighted from the trees and flapped off into the distance. They'd found the territory of the wolves with powers like them but... Rana had lost her desire to find the wolves within with Lokin's disappearance.

Stretching her back legs one last time, she grumbled to herself and set off on a small path she walked to a nearby creek quite frequently. It was something to do because she was so unused to lying around, but her body ached with loneliness and the loss of her brother's presence. It was hard to admire the nature around her when the only thing she could see was her younger brother barreling headfirst over a cliffside. Rana blinked hard and turned towards the right, padding over some smooth rocks and stepping into the clear stream. Tiny fish moved past her paws and she closed her eyes and felt the water around her. None of the wolves she'd ever known had the power of Water but it had always been refreshing to her and she thought it coincided well with her Earth and Nature abilities.

"Oh, Lokin," she murmured quietly, crumpling into the water and gently dabbing at it restlessly with her paws. She was unsure if she was crying or if she even had tears left, but she naively laid in the water and stared into the moving stream.

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Edited on 18/07/17 @ 14:14:06 by West (#43497)

Sol (#60839)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-19 09:35:45

Rylen (Ry)


Four years old

Sexual Orientation:


Ry is on the larger side of average for a wolf, standing at 32” shoulder height. He has a dark pelt: his back is black, but the color gets lighter down his body and is only a dark brown on his legs. He has a couple of light grey spots dotting his muzzle and face, that, along with numerous scars, give him a rather grizzled look, despite his young age. The tip of his tail is gone, leaving a rest perhaps 10” long left; he lost it when he was partially trapped under the rockslide that killed his siblings and his only way out meant losing his tail, as it was trapped very solidly. His eyes are a dark amber.

Ry is, despite being brash and reckless when it comes to people he cares about, rather calculating. This is mostly due to his cowardice. If he doesn’t have clear odds of winning a fight, it is likely he will not get involved in it. For example, when his parents faced a grizzly, he abandoned them to their fates, rather allowing them to certainly die than risk being injured or even killed attempting to save them.
However, despite this calculating attitude, Ry is pretty naiive and, when it comes down to it, even reckless.
How, you ask, can recklessness and a calculating attitude fit together? Well. Ry is quick to anger if baited properly and throws himself into fights with other wolves quite quickly. Additionally, if in the presence of others to bolster his confidence, he is happy to jump to pretty much anyone’s defense (be it verbal or physical), no matter the consequences.
However, if he’s alone or with people he dislikes (for example, his mother), or even only if his life is in danger, he will happily let them die if it means his continued survival.
Ry is, despite this, usually very happy to follow orders and does not want to have any rank of importance, knowing that his cowardice and recklessness would sooner damn a pack than save it. He simply doesn’t trust himself to make the right decisions to help a pack flourish when it comes down to it.

Rylen was born the first of three in the litter of the alphas of his pack. Unlike his two siblings, who matured rather quickly, he was content to remain childish and avoid the looming of big responsibilities, so despite his hunting prowess, his sister Rem was made beta, eventually, when the pack’s old beta died of sickness. The sickness that the beta had suffered from swept through the ranks of the pack, soon leaving only his mother, father, siblings, and two of his mother’s littermates, leaving the once proud pack diminished and broken. His parents soon made the decision to leave the place they had called their home for years upon years, claiming it to be contaminated with the sickness, and so they began a great pilgrimage to find a new place to live, and spent almost two seasons winding their ways through rocky hill passes and great plains, stopping only to rest and hunt. As time passed, his mother would not accept any of the places suggested to her as new homes, believing that she had been sent a vision of an ideal place, and not permitting them to make their home anywhere else. She became more and more driven, making them trek for longer hours and sleep for fewer, spiraling into insanity where she spent most of the day in a half-lucid state. One day, however, they reached the edge of a large forest, and Ry’s aunts had had enough, insisting they rest for a few days before continuing to journey. His mother was entirely against it, but his father, who had so far allowed her to decide everything, finally stood up to her and convinced her that a few days’ rest could only do them good. His mother acquiesced grudgingly.
However, the rest in that camp did them absolutely none of said good. In fact, not long after they had all settled down to rest, the camp was buried in a rockslide. Ry’s sister and brother were buried entirely with no chance of escaping, but the rest of the pack except Ry weren’t. Ry himself was only partially buried and managed to free himself, though he lost half his tail in the process.
When his mother realized that her other two children had died, she lashed out at Ry’s aunts, who had picked the place to camp, and killed them in a rage.
This left only Ry, his father, and his mother, who immediately ordered they start trekking once more. They stuck to the edges of the forest for, probably, days. Or maybe it just felt like that to Ry. But either way, his mother did not allow for rest nor time spent hunting or eating, which left them all severely weakened. So, when a grizzly attacked them, heading at Ry’s alphas, who quite a bit in front of him, he didn’t take his chances fighting it, instead fleeing and leaving his parents to their fate. Ry spent the next few days alone, recuperating, healing from the tail wound, and regaining his strength, sticking to the edge of the forest. Which takes us to where we are now: Ry, alone.

Mother – deceased
Father – deceased
Rem – sister – deceased
Rom – Brother - deceased

None, everyone he knew is dead, and he wasn’t terribly close with any of them due to his personality and his mother’s descent into insanity making any attempt at conversation within his pack slightly problematic.

Roses are red, violets are blue, lava is hot and so are you.
all the good pick-up lines I know are in German

RP Sample:
Already sent to you, but I can post it here too if you’d like (:

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Edited on 19/07/17 @ 09:39:40 by Sol (#60839)

R| (#78951)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 17:57:47




Sexual Orientation:








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