Posted by New Beginnings *LION RP Thread*

G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2017-07-11 12:24:12
New Beginnings: Chat Thread

New Beginnings

Evil Forces are beginning to show themselves. With a new grouping of lions they may create a pride of saviour or a pride willing to take down any enemy possibly even each other. It is up to the Lions and their future offspring on what may happen to the future of the new land.

Rules, Must Read:
- Follow lioden rules; Be respectful, at least 3 sentences per post, be literate, no powers or god modding.
- Fade when breeding and birthing
- Ask for permission before killing or breeding
- I decide the weather and time of day
-The Queen is the main decision maker along with the king. The Queen is the kings true mate often either the lead huntress OR lead breeder.
- The king may breed with any breeder female
- The Queen may only be bred with the king. (UNLESS. You really want that drama. *Wink. WINK*)
- Subs must consult with the king before breeding
- Put @ next to your lions name if in heat
- All females can be bred with by the king, unless they're mates with a sub at some point. Hunters and healers have a choice. You may breed with an NPC if no males intrest you and you wish to go against the King!
-Sexuality is an option.
-Pregnancy last 3 Days, and nursing last 5.
-Cussing is allowed but no offensive words please
-You are not allowed to be your own mate.
- Please try to use lioden wardrobe for your lions looks but if you have a piece of fanart you are just dying to use, you may use that.
-Please Be active

The Pride: Chosen with Members

King: Shard

Heir: King Chooses

Queen: Ephebio

- Aisu
- Aashiq

- Night
- Karma
- Oddly Normal (Oddly) (Achromia)

- Blair
- Acacia

- Suisei
- Autumn
-Celestial Storm

- Ripple, Male
- Mazyaga, Female
- Atlas
- Cyrus

- Kiroshi- 10 Months (Blind)
- Nebula- 3 Months (Dwarf)

In-Heat Females:
- Suisei
- Night
- Blair
- Acacia
- Karma
- Oddly

Post format: lion name - pride and rank - in heat or not/wounded or not
Ex./ Iku-Tumble Pride- Breeder- @/NW

Watering Hole
Hunting Area

Heat= @
Wounded= W
Pregnancy= P1, P2, P3
Nursing= N1, N2, N3, N4, N5
Cubs can be controled by player at 3 Months but must not wonder away from mother until weaned at 5 Months
Aging= Every 1 Day is 1 Month. It is treated as a day.

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Edited on 11/07/17 @ 12:43:27 by I am a Fujoshi! Yaoi! 801! (#66355)

Doggy (#60955)

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Posted on
2017-07-11 18:46:52
Oddly - Unnamed Pride - Huntress - @/NW

Oddly ignored Aisu's thanks, embarrassed maybe, but why? She mentally scolded herself for getting soft, but didn't regret what she's had said. Kiroshi was a good cub and she wished she had a son like him.

She tensed when Aisu asked why she hadn't had a litter in so long, but figured there was no need to lie. "Having cubs is hard," she answered, keeping her explaination vague, "It's difficult and my fertility is low. It's been a long while since I've successfully gotten pregnant." She left out the details of her last cub. It was a subject she didn't like to touch on.

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Crimson (#97240)

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Posted on
2017-07-11 19:40:59

Karma // Unnamed Pride // Hunter // @NW // Mentions: Mazyaga

Licking the hairs back into place, Karma glanced over her shoulder. She couldn't shake the feeling of lingering eyes falling onto her structure. She titled her head in a silly manner. Her round ears twitched and strained to hear any evidence of her instincts. Finding nothing, she continued on her 'war path with a skip in her step. Not one to dwell on anything, she observed the surrounding with soft eyes that shone in the light.

Karma was tempted moving further out even past the territory line. She wasn't that foolish. The young feline turned sharply catching the sound of scurrying paws in the tall golden grass. A wicked smile graced her feminine features. A field mouse was good as any snack. Confused with her own behavior this morning she forgotten to grab a bite to eat. A tongue slips out of her maw running across her black lips eagerly. Crouching low, Karma relied on her senses to pinpoint the critter's position. Rolling her shoulder blades, she prepared to pounce feeling the familiar way her muscles tighten in anticipation. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't the greatest hunter. Once the unsuspecting prey got close enough, she made her move jumping forward blindly. One thing led to another Karma managed to entangle herself in the thick weeds with no prize. "Oh yeah, laugh it up." She growled playfully as the mouse squeaked from a safe distance as if mocking the lioness failure. Sticking her tongue at the critter she worked to pull herself out of this mess.

She was still aware of eyes watching her. At this point, she wasn't worried. If whoever out there wanted to cause her harm they would have done it by now. "Don't judge me!" She called to the stranger with a light tone laughing mentally. "I'm very fierce and stick fear in my enemies I'll have you know." She defended herself puffing out her chest with confidence. Her eyes gave her away as they sparkle with mirth.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-07-11 20:22:35
(So sorry for the really late entry, been busy for the day.)

Ripple-Loner-NW-Mentions: Night

The blades of grass tickled Ripple's paws as he walked, trying to find something to snack on. Hunger gnawed into his stomach, painfully reminding him of its presence. Having traveled a far enough distance he decided to rest, sitting down as he surveyed the area with a cold glare, daring anything to come close. A scent of a lioness in heat came to his nose, his ears perking up as he hurried to find the source. Finally spotting a dark feline figure he abruptly stood up, growling lowly as he watched her every move. Soon enough it seemed like she saw him, because she began to run towards him, a toothy grin across her face. He took a deep breath in, then opened his mouth, letting out a deafening roar. Vibrations quaked through him until he closed his mouth, noticing her halt in her tracks as she stared at him, fear evident on her face. "Shall I dare you to come any closer?" he asked, getting a slow shake of the head in response. "Then I shall remove myself, but if you are to follow, I would be running soon after," he warned with a growl, a malicious glint in his eye as he turned with a flick of his tail. Soon enough he began to wander off, Night soon enough tagging along slowly, hiding in every possible place she could.

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Edited on 11/07/17 @ 20:24:24 by DragoGirl (#105388)

Primordial Fantasy (#118312)

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Posted on
2017-07-11 20:30:43
Mazyaga | NA / Outcast | Undamaged | Location: Watering Hole | Target: Karma

As the dark female tagged along at a distance, she allowed her attention to wander across various parts of her environment. A low, narrow log here (too small), an overturned rock there (still too small), a churned pile of grass and leaves. It wasn't until she saw a partially fallen tree that she decided was a nice spot, and carefully nosed the lion's skull away into the exposed roots rearing up out of the thrashed soil. Leaning forward, she rested her nose against its forehead briefly, eyes closed, a low rumble of a purr given as though she was bidding a friend a temporary farewell. "Wait here," murmured the cat's low voice, carefully scooping dried leaves over it to keep it safe.

Only then did she turn to bound back forward, attempting to make up for lost time and continue following the other female. Dark fur flashed through the grass, fairly easy to pick out during the daytime... and it wasn't until a comment was aimed in her direction that the feline realized she'd been found out. Nostrils flared in a short grunt, and she decided to cut to the chase. Surging out of the grasses, the lioness promptly charged out into open land towards Karma. Jaws opened ears pinned back and head lowered, it looked very much like a hostile charge, or a threat... at least until she scraped to a halt several yards away, kicking up thick plumes of dust and whuffing noisily. Mazyaga was more testing to see the other cat's resolve, how she'd react to a mock-charge, and shortly after skidding to a halt, her head would be lifted, tail flinging one side to the other and lifted high.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 07:20:56
Suisei - Unnamed Pride - Healer - 3 Years - @/N.W.
Aisu - Unnamed Pride- Sub Male - 5 Years 8 Months- N.W.
Cub KiroShi - Unnamed Pride - Too Young to Rank - 10 Months - N.W.


Suisei was enjoying her time with the cub and was glad she could help Storm. She could see the bore on her face. "If you'd like me to Celestial, I wouldn't mind watching him for a while if you want to go off for a bit. He won't be hungry for a bit it seems and I love spending time with cubs anyhow." It would give Storm a chance to socialize with some more interesting company. She began to draw a giant heart around the small hug. "This is how big your will grow if you wish to become as strong. Mental health is the only thing that will lead to physical strength."

Aisu nodded respecting Oddly's privacy. "Having cubs, can be extremely difficult. Though often worth it. My mate and three other cubs, failed to survive. Within five months I was alone with Kiroshi. I had gotten lucky." He had no words to say about the level of her fertility, he couldn't help in that aspect, it all relied in her partner. He was not one that liked to give support in the first place, but he understood when it came to such personal family issues. But he was sure he was lucky. He could've ended better off though the idea of having nothing left is even worse.

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-07-12 08:35:13
emphebio - queen - unamed pride - 2 1/2 years - in heat

she chuffs and rolls around to spread her heats scent she chuffs again and thrashes her tail before stretching and lapping up some water from the lake, she thrashes her tail to make her scent more vibrant her cheetah like fur stands out

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MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 08:39:48
Celestial Storm | Nebula | Healer | Unnamed Pride | NW/NH |

"Really? Thank you." Storm smiled back at Suisei, she loved Nebula but, sometimes he could be irritating. Storm stood up from lied down position, some mud stuck to her blueish under belly," I'll be back Nebula." she whispered o him before trotting off into the tall green grass. Nebula frowned a bit before going back to drawing in the dirt," What does Mental mean?" he questioned, curios of this new found word.


Storm watched the small Gazelles graze and prance around, her stomach growling lowly. She hadn't eaten today, crouching down her body now hidden in the tall grass, to the blind eye she would look like a grey or blue rock. Storm crept about, trying to find the perfect target, she had to be smart and fast about this since, the Gazelle was faster then her. After while she found a lone female grazing in small area. Storm crept closer until she was a foot away from her, taking a deep breathe she leaped from the tall yellow grass and pounced onto the small Gazelle, her body knocking the small thing down, a cry for help erupting from the small Gazelle but no one came, Storm held the small, struggling Gazelle down with her claws tearing through its skin, Storm bit the Gazelles small neck, crushing its windpipe, she watched as the Gazelles body stopped moving and went limp, letting go she bit into the Gazelles stomach and tore it open.

When storm was done she licked her muzzle and nose, half of the body was still left, Storm decided to go ahead leave that for Suisei. Storm padded back to her den, with the Gazelles body in her mouth, she dropped in her den before she left again. Storm made up her mind on what to do next and decided to go find that Lion that was at the watering hole earlier.

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-07-12 08:45:42
emphemphebio - queen - unamed pride - 2 1/2 years - in heat

she chuffs again and watches as another lioness hunts a gazelle down, she lays on the ground and watches closely as she bites into its jugular and lets it struggle to death "ok then" she thought

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Skystone (#78438)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 08:52:20
Acacia || Breeder || Unharmed || In heat || Location: Dens || Mentions: Open

Acacia lay around the densite. The day had been incredibly boring and the female was unmotivated to move. She preferred clear skies, and even though the rest of the pride seemed to be in high spirits Acacia did feel a little down. Forcing herself to stand, she swished her tail over the dusty ground, attempting to stretch stiff limbs from their stationary position during her nap.

After pawing the ground for a few more moments Acacia approached a far edge of the dens. The lioness generally preferred to sleep outside, and when she was stuck inside the dens Acacia got restless. She was desperate to leave the camp, but she was simply a lioness used for producing the kings cubs and it wasn't her place to hunt, especially during her heat. She was only meant to wait around the camp for a male.

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Edited on 12/07/17 @ 08:52:55 by Skystone (#78438)

Doggy (#60955)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 09:05:39
Oddly - Unnamed Pride - Huntress - @/NW

After what Aisu had said, Oddly felt smaller. Of course it was hard, of course cubs would die, so why couldn't she get over it? She was wasting her time being afraid and now she's losing time to birth another litter. She decided that she wanted to try again. She didn't want to miss out on something her pride sisters had already done.

"I suppose you're right," Oddly, murmured, "Tragedy will happen and it's all up to luck."

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MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 09:10:01
Celestial Storm | Nebula | Healer | Unnamed Pride | NW/ NH | Mentions- Indirectly Atlas |

Storm padded over to the other side of the watering hole where she saw the Lion and the lioness, luckily it was muddy over here, she could see the tracks. Their scents were still strong, following the tracks of the male she wondered why they were so close, knowing that there's a pride here, its kind of a stupid move when you think about it.

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Crimson (#97240)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 16:50:56

Karma // Unnamed Pride // Hunter // @NW // Mentions: Mazyaga

It wasn't like she was tough as stone. She didn't, no, couldn't move from her spot as what she assumed was a lioness barrel towards her. She was still stuck in the cursed weeds that tangled around her paw. She had no choice but to stay were she was and brace for impact. Not only that, Karma was slow to react. When she did realize the significantly larger lion coming at her aggressively it was too late. Those who witness this spectacle might think the golden lioness was some badass. If only they knew.

Karma followed her instincts squaring her shoulders readying herself for the impact. When none came she blinked slowly at the gray feline a bit taken back. "Well, that was some entrance." She mutters not feeling threaten despite the aggressive way she presented herself. It was obviously a test and she had no idea if she passed. Shrugging, a devious grin graces her features. Her eyes shone with zero resentments only friendliness and curiosity. Karma snapped her jaws in a playful manner before lowering to the ground whipping her tail around. "You scared me there for a sec stranger." She laughs finally managing to tear her paws out of its prison. "You know there's an easier way to introduce yourself." She hums without a care in the world winking in her direction.

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Primordial Fantasy (#118312)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 17:04:12
Mazyaga | NA / Outcast | Undamaged | Location: Watering Hole | Target: Karma

Watching Karma with some evident level of intrigue, mistaking the other cat's... stuck-ness as bravado, the dark grey lioness seemed to be satisfied. Tail whipped out behind her, high in the air, banding in smooth and wiry arcs as she turned her flank on the other lioness. A deep, rasping rumble of a growl could be heard: Or was it a purr? It ended in a series of short chuffs, which at least did not sound hostile. She began to saunter forward a few steps, not directly towards Karma, but rather ninety degrees away from her beeline... more alongside her than anything, still keeping a decent amount of space. Blue eyes turned away, enough to scan the lands around them, making sure she was not being charged after that display.

When Karma spoke, the dark grey lioness chuffed again, muzzle twisting into a hooked kind of leer. Eyes squinted, turning towards Karma in a harsh kind of smile: but she sounded as amiable as her coarse voice would allow. "If it's easy, it's not worth it," she drawled back, and soon sucked in another breath of air to prepare to speak again. Instead, a loose, bristling frond of dry grass sucked into one nostril, and she promptly reared her head back and sneezed airily off to the side with a grand lurch of the head. WHUFFP. Mud on her paws long since dried, she reached up to drag pawpads across her nose briefly... and went back to strutting as though that hadn't happened at all. "So far away from your pride... Why is that, I wonder?"

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Doggy (#60955)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 17:32:35
Atlas - Outcast - NW
Cyrus - Outcast - NW - Mentions: Indirectly Celestial Storm

After Atlas had left the watering hole, he found Cyrus not to far away.
"Where were you?" questioned Cyrus with a worried tone, "I thought we agreed you'd stay near the dead tree!"
Atlas rolled his eyes. Cyrus worried too much. "I went to the watering hole and talked to a nice lioness," Atlas replied, watching his fuming friend open his mouth to speak before the gray lion cut him off, "But that doesn't matter. There's a pride in this area and we have to leave."
The larger lion's mouth fell open, "Did you see the king?" And then with a more concerned hiss, "Did he see you? " Atlas shook his head and Cyrus let out a sigh of relief. "What about the lioness?" Cyrus asked, "Was she part of the pride?"
Atlas sucked his teeth, "Ah, no, but there were two others that saw me."
Cyrus groaned, shaking his head, "Okay, we'll..." he paused, "...lay low for now. The prey in this area is plentiful and there's no way in hell I'm giving that up. We'll leave when I can figure out were to go, but for now we stay. I'll find territory markers tomorrow and we can live on the outskirts of the pride's land," he turned to Atlas, "Just don't talk to any more lions. I don't want the lions in that pride to think were after the lionesses, so promise me you'll stay hidden."
Atlas nodded with a disappointed frown, "I promise."
Suddenly, Cyrus's ears perked as he took a deep breath through his nose. He froze and with a low growl, he said, "Someone's here."

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Edited on 12/07/17 @ 17:33:10 by 🌸Wolfie🌸 (#60955)

MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 17:55:22
Celestial Storm | Nebula | Healer | Unnamed Pride | NW/NH | Mentions- Atlas and Cyrus |

Storm stopped a couple feet away knowing they were close, their smells were stronger, plus she could see a tail sticking out. Storm's ears perked at the sound of their conversation, from what she could tell they were traveling partners, Storm wanted to proceed, maybe introduces herself, | what if their hostile?| the thought racing through her head. Sighing lowly, Storm took the chance, leaving the protection of the boulder she was behind she reviled herself, Storms mint colored eyes staring at the two| What do I say?|" Umm, Hi?" her paw waving slightly.

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