Posted by The Dark Wings (CS)

Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-07-13 08:51:54

Main Roleplay Thread


Post your Character Sheets here please. I'll tell you if you made it or not.

Adoptable Characters


Fang-Male-Mexican Free Tailed Bat-Killian

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Edited on 17/07/17 @ 15:23:36 by Blue Wind (#99904)

Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-07-13 08:55:43


4 years 5 months



Grey-headed Flying Fox Bat


Eclipse has a wingspan of 3 feet and weighs 2 lbs. Her body length is 9.1 inches and her forearm length is 5.4 inches. She has no tail and only has sharp claws on her first and second digits. As a bat she has a dark grey body with a light grey head and a reddish brown collar of fur.

Samantha is a go with the flow type of girl and won't let things crawl on her for to long. A simple problem has a simple solution is how she thinks of things if she is ever in a sticky situation. Being humorous is something she sometimes does and will crack a joke here and there to relax herself or others. Her jokes aren't the funniest and sometimes don't make since making them funny. Flirting isn't really her thing and is rarely done. Her closer friends are more likely to be her crush than acquaintances or strangers. Samantha doesn't focus on love though so getting to her heart might be challenging since she is friendly with anyone anywhere anytime.

+ Agile
+ Large eyes to look for food
+ Friendly
- Not very Fast
- No echolocation
- Too Trusting to others

Eclipse was born from two hunting parents that lived in the tree Eclipse lives in now. Her parents were very protective and rarely let Eclipse hunt with them making her feel weak, but her mother always told her "Hakuna Matata". Eclipse learned to live with that little ego even when her parents both died from natural death. Eclipse mourned for a day but knew she couldn't dwell on them and wanted to continue in their legacy by staying a hunter. She wants to prove she is as good as them.
(Its short but sweet)


|RP Sample| (From the RP HOMEBOUND)
Krynn was resting on the forest floor with a makeshift bed that wasn't too comfy. The bed was made out of large twigs that held the woven forest leaves together forming a criss cross pattern. Adon's soft black feathers absorbed the remaining heat in the air giving Krynn a warm blanket. His wings covered her upper half but the rest of her legs were cold and dirty. Small flies flew around the two preferably around Krynn's ears. Still halfway asleep she would swat at the small aggravating flies and put her hand back under her head, propping it up a bit. The flies would fly away but then come back with more of them, doubling in numbers every time. Krynn would mumble and groan at the flies circling her ears and had enough of them. Startling awake she sat up causing Adon to jump and stand up in protection mode. "I'm fine Adon. It's just the flies that are aggravating me," She spoke softly to Adon.

The silence was broken by the sound of thunder rumbling the forest floor causing Adon to scoot closer to Krynn. Krynn on the other hand was curious what was making that noise and looked around the shady forest seeing movement coming from the left of her. The silhouette of a horse appeared and the hire was charging straight for her. Without hesitation Krynn moved out of the way while Adon moved in the way of the horse's path. Krynn could see that the dark bay horse wasn't slowing down at all so Krynn lounged for Adon's light pink neck and pulled him towards her. Startled Adon fell backward and the unstoppable horse ran past them leaving them in a cloud of dust. "Whew, close one, right Adon?" He looked at her and stood back up annoyed that he was pulled back towards the ground.

Krynn chuckled and looked down at her makeshift bed and was partly disappointed that it wasn't in good condition. The leaves were ripped apart and the twigs were snapped and broken. She bent down to pick it up but the whole bed fell apart in her hands leaving Krynn with no bed for the night. Sighing in disappointment she looked towards the direction the horse was going and could see the dust cloud trailing behind the horse. Knowing Krynn couldn't stay mad for long she picked up a small bag packed with necessities and threw it onto her back and started to head towards camp where everyone else was.

While walking towards the camp she saw a small river with small bubbles coming from it. Fish could be in there. Nothing is better than fish. Krynn thought to herself and smiled. She looked around and thought about her father. She hated to think of the past but remembered how he taught her to make a makeshift fishing pole. She found a limb of a fallen tree that looked sturdy enough for some pressure to be applied to it. She pulled some string from her back pack and a small knife from her pack. Taking the tip of the knife she cut a small whole for the string to go through. Finding a small but sturdy twig she carved a small wooden hook and tied that to the end of the string. She tied the string in the whole and made a second fishing pole just in case this one broke. Finding bait for the fish would be either grubs or worms. Finding those would be hard but luckily she had Adon. Adon's diet consisted of grubs and leaves so finding grubs for him was easy. While he was looking for grubs Krynn headed towards the river looking for a good spot to fish.

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Edited on 17/07/17 @ 14:32:40 by Blue Wind (#99904)

Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-17 13:59:51

By U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters - Mexican free-tailed bat
Uploaded by Dolovis, Public Domain, Link
Five years old
Cis male
Panromantic pansexual
Mexican Free-tailed Bat
Killian is a medium sized bat, measuring in at about 3 and a half inches long from head to tail. His wingspan is impressive for one his size, measuring at almost a foot across. He has wide ears that are spaced apart behind his eyes and wrinkled muzzle. His fur is a warm brown color while the leather of his wing is dark grey, almost appearing to be black.
This male has proven himself to be a confident and fair leader for the colony, both when giving out praise and when assigning punishments. Not one to judge too harshly, he is still commanding of respect and does not tolerate insubordination. Despite being known for his strict rule, Killian is still quite friendly and rather approachable. He does not want to alienate himself from his colony by being too harsh with them. His flirtatious nature is well known among the colony members, and it would serve you well not to take the flirting too seriously by getting attached.

As well as being friendly, Killian also tends to be rather reckless. He will take dangerous risks if he feels the prize is high enough in value, often putting his life on the line in the process. He has no sense of self preservation it seems, often plunging headlong into deadly activities. Due to his forgetful nature, he also tends to repeat himself a lot and he gets flustered if this is pointed out.

+ Has a lot of endurance
+ Easily makes decisions
+ Confident
- Forgetful
- Reckless
- Lacks speed

Killian was born to a female hunter and her mate. The female had been sick when she was pregnant and so out of the three small pups she had, only two survived. Despite being born small, he grew quickly into a very healthy young male. On the day his mother pushed him off of the branch, he was one of the first to successfully fly back to the branch and from that day on his progression was fairly steady upwards.

He enjoyed being a hunter, but found himself longing for more and so he threw himself into his tasks. The former king took notice of this, and he was made a guard and then second in command. When the old king passed away from old age, Killian became king and he's held this position for just under a year.

Fang-brother-adoptable (PM me if you want to play as his brother!)

RP Sample:
The male was quickly distracted by the exuberant greeting as his son raced across the camp, his little tail blurring in his excitement. As the pup braced himself on the alpha's paws, he leaned forward and greeted his young son with an affectionate swipe of his tongue across the pup's face. However, he couldn't spend as much time focused on Suyian as he would like to, as the needs of the pack needed to be addressed. His attention quickly turned back to Amana, who had woken up only to ignore him. That earned the helper a low growl as he snapped his jaws in her direction, although he didn't make contact. Once his reprimand had been given, his attention was once more drawn in a new direction as multiple pack members mentioned hunting and food.

He gave Mazuri a thankful lick across her muzzle before explaining that he'd already eaten. He'd found the body of a goat that had succumbed to thirst earlier in the day and gorged himself on it. That reminded him of the reason he'd picked this specific area for the pack, and so he turned towards Zireael when she asked about organizing a hunting party. He gave her a quick nod before beginning to speak, flicking his tail. "That's why I chose this spot, actually. The humans keep their goats here, and they tend to be relatively easy pickings. The only problem is the humans themselves and their dogs. I believe the potential reward is worth the risk, but I'd like your input."

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Blue Wind (#99904)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 14:05:16

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