Posted by As the Dust Settles • HC Char Sheets

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-07-13 19:06:59

Main Roleplay Thread



What are they called?

How old are they?

•Gender & Sex•
All gender identities are accepted.

All sexual/romantic orientations are accepted.

What rank are they?

Ex: Turkish Angora; Oriental Shorthair; Maine Coon; Mix; etc.

•Census Description•
A one-sentence description of your character for the Census.

Picture optional, paragraph or more of description needed.

One paragraph or more

One paragraph or more

Family members, deceased or not

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

•Theme Song•

What else?

•RP Sample•
Have we met? Do I know how good you are? If not or if you're unsure, provide me with an RP Sample.

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? ____________

Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan. ____________

Name three important things about Hillclan. ____________

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Edited on 13/07/17 @ 21:02:03 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-13 21:01:24


"Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen."

Nettlekit • Nettlepaw • Nettlestorm • [Nettlestar]

48 moons

•Gender & Sex•




•Census Description•
Nettlestar ~ An awkward but friendly silver-white shaded tom with faint red points and gray eyes.

A medium-sized tom with a muscular yet elegant physique, Nettlestar is commonly regarded as a rather handsome tom. His frame is covered in a short coat of silver-white fur, each hair sparkling with two tones: black towards the root and white at the tips. His head is paler, painted with brushes of pale reddish-brown under her eyes and dripping down to her nose and lips. His large, rounded ears are covered in fine, silvery fur, much of the light pink skin exposed. His paws, too, hold the whispers of pigment across his toes and halfway up his back legs. Above his medium-broad muzzle, large, round eyes lie, their irises a kind slate gray.

Kind and gentle, Nettlestar is about the epitome of a "dad friend." Chock full of bad puns and lame humor, it's rather hard to dislike the tom. He is very much a fatherly figure, willing to take any cat under his wing that needs him. He is slow to anger and incredibly patient, especially with kits and apprentices. While he hasn't fathered his own, the silver tom has a great affinity for kits and can often be found, when not preforming leadership duties, in and around the nursery and interacting with the future of the clan. With the adults of the clan, Nettlestar may be more stern and straightforward, but is rarely too much so.

Born to the son of a Breezeclan Deputy, Nettlekit's small family had already inherited the honor that they would continue to thrive under. His mother, Mistyclaw, is a gentle and compassionate soul, passing these traits down to her son. His father, Canyonleap, was a good and honorable tom, following in his father's footsteps as a skilled warrior, though never making it as far becoming a deputy before disappearing on a hunting trip to the farm when Nettlepaw was 10 moons old. Rumors have circulated saying that the noble male was killed by dogs or that he had uncharacteristically deserted his family, but nothing has been proven. Nettlepaw was projected to be a successful and gifted warrior, but found much more success in hunting than he did fighting. Soon after Nettleclaw became a warrior, he took on his first apprentice, an optimistic female named Pebblepaw. While he mentored her, his skill in diplomacy led him to be promoted to deputy and later (after Pebblepaw had become Pebblestream) to Leader.

Raggedstep - Grandfather (Deceased)
Canyonleap - Father (Unknown)
Mistyclaw - Mother (NPC ~ Adoptable)

•Other Relationships•
Pebblestream • Female • 20 moons (NPC ~ Adoptable) • Proud of; Loves like a daughter
Rattlefang's former apprentice; An optimistic tortoiseshell molly

•Theme Song•

What else?



"The danger in promiscuity is that it's always barking at your heels."

Whistlekit • Whistlepaw • [Whistlefrost]

29 moons

•Gender & Sex•




•Census Description•
Whistlefrost ~ A beautiful, flirtatious Ragdoll with snowy white fur, tabby points, and pale blue eyes.

Whistlefrost's silky, white fur shows just the incredible amount of time and effort she puts into it.
A bold, pretty splash of dark tabby fur adorns her points, allowing the molly to stand out effortlessly. It waves faintly in the face of a breeze and proves useful if she needs to beguile a cat or persuade them. In order to cultivate it into what is is now, however, much time is put into it, sometimes taking up whole mornings or making her lose hours of time that could be used for sleep. She's long and lanky but graceful, her hips swaying gently with every step she takes. Every sway of her hips is marked by a subtle movement of her tail, the dangling hairs moving only slightly.

Whistlefrost is very flirtatious and coquettish to put it simply. Her favorite hobbies include dragging her tail under nearly every males' (and females'. And others'.) chin and sunning herself in full view of wandering eyes. She is rather vain, taking ample time to groom her lacy, pearly white fur in the sunlight. She sometimes takes dips in the water to clear away the worst gunk, though only in the clearest streams. Fighting is her least favorite activity, as it often ends up in bloodshed and everyone knows that blood is the hardest stain to get out. Despite this, if any of her kin or her pack is in trouble, she will put her vanity aside and try her hardest to defend those she loves.

Whistlekit was born in the clan and has always refrained from wrestling or approacing mud, deciding rather to hang around her mother. Her habit of staying away from filth stayed as she became Whistlepaw and she would often opt out of the training that would require getting dirty, going to her mother for assistance. Her mother's common attitude often compelled her to play along with her daughter and carry on with her excuses. Despite her unwillingness to participate in combat training, she still graduated to become Whistlefrost.

Kindclaw - Mother [Deceased]
Marblefoot - Father [Deceased]

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

•Theme Song•
She's so High ~ Tal Bachman

What else?


SOURCE: Art by Flowerse #116209

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Swankit • [Swanpaw] • Swansong

8 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Turkish Angora & Norwegian Forest Cat

•Census Description•
Swanpaw - Elegant, dignified she-cat with long, feathery white fur and odd eyes, one blue and one brown.

Swanpaw's lean, elegant body is, for the most part, concealed by her thick, elegant white fur. She walks on steady, graceful legs with great poise and balance, using her lengthy, fluffy tail (which can usually be found wrapped around her legs) to further steady her footing. Her odd-coloured eyes make her a rather uncommon individual and give the feline a mystical, important look.


Swanpaw is, above all, a politician. A great purveyor of opinions, this female makes sure her voice is heard at any cost, letting her beautiful, lilting voice carry on and intrude into the ears of all who may be present. She is well educated in the ways of getting what she wants without directly asking for it and is very capable of finding ways to convert anyone to her side. She is unabashedly intelligent, practically overflowing with advice and facts whether or not anyone cares to catch the spillover. Although her serious, odd-colored gaze may dictate otherwise, she is not one for physical battles, lacking in muscular strength.


Born in an uncommon one-kit litter, Swankit almost immediately lived up to her parents' expectations. She was beautiful, intelligent, social, and learned quickly, gaining the attention of the other cats. However, one thing she was rather poor at was hunting and fighting. Due to this, she quickly fell out of the limelight she had once held as a kit, the clan favoring the physically inclined over the mentally so. This left her feeling rather lonely, and she would sometimes spend her time sitting by herself.


Moonchaser ~ Mother [NPC ~ Adoptable]
Windfang ~ Father [NPC ~ Adoptable]

•Other Relationships•

Stonepaw • Male • x moons (NPC ~ Adoptable) • Loves (Platonically)
Swanpaw's Best Friend; A quiet, intelligent gray tom

•Theme Song•

Don't Cry for Me, Argentina - Elena Rogers & Ensemble (Evita)


:Significant Events:

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Edited on 30/07/17 @ 09:51:51 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-14 16:07:44



44 Moons

•Gender & Sex•

Straight| Heterosexual


Maine Coon

•Census Description•
A massive, regal tom with handsome features, dark red fur, and calm yellow eyes.

Bronzeclaw is a fierce-looking tom, with a body that is heavily built, fraught with sturdy brawn and stout bone. His thick fur is a deep orange mixed with a reddish hue that darkens his overall coloring in certain lighting. A paler cream fades gently from his underbelly into the rest of his hide, creating contrast. Bronzeclaw has a wide, full skull, with a square chin and jaw that gives him a constant stern look. His brow is heavy, and the expression on his face is one of slight annoyance, despite how he might be feeling. The tom's ears are tall and flare out at the base, with long tufts of fur growing at the tips.

This male could easily be described as diplomatic. He believes in thinking before acting, as well as discussing political views in a polite and calm manner. Not one to easily anger, Bronzeclaw's temper is hidden behind a strong wall of distant coolness and a cunning mind. However, his anger is fierce when it breaks through, and despite having a personality that is attuned more towards strategy and deep thinking, he is a skilled warrior. He loves to teach young cats all that he knows, enjoying the thought of molding their minds in any way possible, to help them grow and live. The tom has a strict appreciation and respect for life, and in regard to unneeded violencd, he will scorn all that agree with it.


His parents were political creatures, with cunning minds and silver tongues, and he was born into that lifestyle. He and his siblings were respected and revered, so well-behaved that it was hard to describe them as kits. Not a tuft of fur was out of place, and their pelts always shined, lest they disgrace their mighty guardians. Playing was out of the question, as was mingling with cubs of a lesser degree, as his parents put it. But Bronzekit never understood his family's ideals, choosing instead to weasel himself out of the nursery often enough to make friends. He was scolded and cuffed constantly, but that never deterred the determined tyke, for he didn't fear what his siblings did. Perhaps he would have if his father's viciousness had been apparent. It wasn't long before Bronzekit's antics became too much for the warrior obsessed with being perfect. One night, when his son was sleeping, Proudpelt kidnapped the tiny creature, stuffing his muzzle with moss to keep his screams muffled. Fighting back against the huge male was useless, as his little paws and weak body did nothing. Proudpelt carried his offspring all the way to the border, dropping him unkindly to the ground. Not understanding what was happening, Bronzekit tried desperately to follow his father, but the warrior only turned on him. As small as he was, he was also quick, and his speed allowed him to dodge what would have been a fatal blow. His nose bleeding and heart pounding with fear, Bronzekit fled into the night, only concerned with getting away from the threat that had once been his beloved sire. Weeks passed with him wandering aimlessly around the territory, growing weaker and weaker as hunger set in. Meanwhile, back at camp, Proudpelt fed the rest of the clan a story of unimaginable heartbreak. He told everyone that Bronzekit had snuck away in the middle of the night, and that he had found the little cub's broken body not long after. They mourned his loss, but eventually everyone moved on. That was until he stumbled home, weary and malnourished, his eyes hollow with pain. It took moons to nurse him back to full health, and when he was ready, he told his story. Due to his testimony, Proudpelt was chased from Hillclan territory, branded a traitor by all that knew him. Today, Bronzeclaw remembers his father's hatred for him, but still carries a hint of the background that he was raised in.

Heathercloud| Mother| Deceased
Proudpelt| Father| Unknown
Palepride| Brother| Adoptable! PM me

•Other Relationships•
Will develop through RP
Crush: Open! PM me

•Theme Song•
Amber Run- I Found


•RP Sample•
You've met me!

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? The condition and skill level of the cat, the type of prey, and the setting.

Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan. Nettlestar & Bronzeclaw

Name three important things about Hillclan. They reside in the Knight's Run Subdivision, they focus on equal parts combat and diplomacy, due to their large numbers, warriors are constantly hunting in the fields for prey.



27 Moons

•Gender & Sex•

Straight| Heterosexual



•Census Description•
A gorgeous white she-cat with long white fur and mesmerizing pale green eyes.

Winterleaf's pale fur is long and thick, covering the entirety of her petite and delicate body. The length of her pelt hides the daintiness of her limbs and form, causing her to look much sturdier than she truly is. She is quite the striking female, with graceful looking features and an elegant aura that pulls in the eye and refuses to let it go. Winterleaf's gaze is the color of frosted mint, peering out from a bright white face, set gently into her small skull. Although rather small, her body is athletic and long-limbed, with fine bones and tiny paws. (Will work on this, have a bit of writer's block).

A truly gentle and kind she-cat, Winterleaf is a motherly figure around camp, always there to comfort those who need it. She is sweet to everyone, and never rushes to make a judgement, especially with outsiders. Some would call her a bit naive, especially because of her trusting nature, but the she-cat knows the dangers of the world, she simply chooses to look on the bright side of things and always gives others the benefit of the doubt. However, should someone she cares about be threatened, the clan would see a completely different side of her. Fiercely loyal and a surprisingly skilled warrior, Winterleaf would not hesitate to fell an enemy, because when it comes to her clan and those she loves, nothing will get to them. The beautiful she-cat is a bright light within the camp, even the most grumpy of elders perk up when she's around. Doing duties that others may find unappealing is an easy task for her, she doesn't even bat an eye when asked to pick fleas from the elder's pelts. Most would find it odd that the female didn't choose to become a medicine cat, but she knows that the path of a warrior is her destiny, and that she must protect at all costs.

Winterkit was born beside a brother and a sister, Amberkit and Rowankit, the last litter of their dam's life. She was an elderly she-cat, determined to have this litter survive. All of her others hadn't made it to apprenticeship. Their father had passed away not long before, leaving Snowheart to raise the kits on her own, while grieving the loss of her beloved mate. Though getting older, and on her way to the elder's den after the kits became paws, Snowheart was a lively and feisty she-cat, and refused any help that others might offer. She would often let her offspring stay up late at night, telling them stories of her youth, and filling their minds with confidence and wonder. Because of this, the trio was attentive and eager, just as steadfast as their dam in the belief of their dreams. Winterkit was the gentlest of the three, and would often watch the medicine cat perform miracles, sure that she would take over one day. However, an accident had her rethinking that choice. One day, soon after the three had earned their apprentice names, a small band of rogues attacked at the border, fighting with the patrol that had encountered them. The scuffle was fierce, and though Snowheart returned, she was badly injured and weak from her age. Winterpaw was sure that her mentor would be able to save her dam, but after countless attempts at stopping the bleeding, he failed. Snowheart passed only days afterward. Infuriated with the results and grieving heavily over the loss, Winterpaw renounced her decision to become a medicine cat, and was assigned a new mentor. The little she-cat swore that no one else would become the victim of such a horrid battle, at least not with her around.

Snowheart| Mother| Deceased
Brightfang| Father| Deceased
Amberdapple| Sister| Adoptable
Rowanclaw| Brother| Adoptable

Wolfclaw| Best freind| Alive- Played by Christicat

Love Interest:
Winterleaf's freindship with Wolfclaw will eventually turn into something more, but for the time being she doesn't have one.

•Theme Song•
It's A Sin- Hidden Citizens


•RP Sample•
We've met!

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? Skill level and condition of the cat, type of prey, and setting.

Name the Leader and Deputy of Breezeclan. Swanstar & N/A

Name three important things about Breezeclan. They are the original clan, reside in the church and graveyard, and train mostly for speed and agility.

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Edited on 24/07/17 @ 07:25:19 by Arcan (#97595)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-14 16:12:14


Juniperkit - Juniperpaw - [Juniperfur].

32 moons (3 years, 8 months) old.

•Gender & Sex•
Cis Female.

Bisexual | Biromantic.


Oriental Shorthair.

•Census Description•
Juniperfur - Lithe, long legged pale gray she-cat with large ears and light green eyes.

Juniperfur is a slender she-cat with a short lilac pelt. Her figure is somewhat extreme when compared with other Clan cats thanks to her Oriental heritage, her build elegant, lithe, and rather long overall. Despite her somewhat delicate appearance, Juniperfur is a natural athlete with a surprising amount of lean muscle covering her narrow frame, both a exemplary climber and a fast sprinter, though her expertise appears to be in running over all else.

Pale green almond shaped eyes are set in a chiseled, wedge-shaped head tapering into a fine muzzle with fanned, forward tilting ears. Juniperfur could never be considered a large cat, but she is fairly tall, long legs leading down to small paws with long, slender toes. In profile her muzzle is a straight line from forehead to nose-tip, giving the impression of a mild roman nose. She has a tubular shaped body and a soft, glossy coat. Her nose is a darker shade of gray color while her medium length whiskers are a very light gray.

Juniperfur is a kindly she-cat with a rather laid-back disposition. She's a motherly figure to everyone she comes to know regardless of age, but isn't prone to fussing or worrying without reason, trusting her Clanmates can handle themselves. Even the leader should expect a gentle lecture about neglecting his needs or needing a good grooming from time to time. She tries not to pry in the business of others uninvited unless she believes there is reason for concern.

Despite what the above might imply, Juniperfur is no push over. While she is a generally helpful cat who strives to do right by others, she will not allow herself to be manipulated or used. If a cat aims to do these things they are not deserving of attention from anyone in her eyes and she can prove shockingly unforgiving if she comes to find she has been purposefully deceived by someone she trusted. Juniperfur is naturally protective of her Clanmates, especially the young, and can prove rather fierce if anything or anyone attempts to harm them.

Born beside only a single brother, Juniperkit was the lone daughter of a promising young warrior called Asterpool and her peculiar looking mate Mallownose, a former kittypet by the name of Ghost. While Sagekit inherited his mother's stockier frame and thick tabby pelt it was clear Juniperkit got most of her looks from her father save her pale green eyes, as Mallownose's own gaze was a deep, dark blue.

Her kithood and apprenticeship were fairly average. Her parents were both very loving and supportive, encouraging her to be the best she could be, but never forsaking her when she proved slower or weaker than the other kits or apprentices. She was the runt of her litter, overly lanky and awkwardly thin from the start. As she drew closer to adulthood her body became better portoptined, long legs soon making her one a speedy runner and her training helping build up a decent amount of lean muscle.

She faced some teasing for her unusual appearance and kittypet heritage, Sagekit less so as he more closely remesebled their mother, but often shrugged it off. While their words stung they only pushed her to work harder. She was filled with disappointment upon being given the suffix fur at her warrior ceremony, so certain she would have been Juniperfoot for her speed, Juniperheart for her passion, perhaps even Junipertail for her excellent sense of balance. All the same, she learned to value and appreciate the name she was given, however plain it might seem.

She became involved with a former Rogue called Night, a huge black tom with tufted ears and bright golden eyes. They got on well and Night, now named Nightfang, adjusted better to Clan customs than most outsiders. However, it appeared monogamy wasn't in the cards for him. He grew very interested in a CloudClan she-cat named Mistwing and was chased from the Clan once his betrayal was discovered. Juniperfur was upset understandably, but tried to remember Nightfang had grown up under different circumstances and different beliefs. In the end she couldn't hold his straying against him, but it would be a lie to say discovering he had joined Cloudclan to be with Mistwing didn't sting.

Asterpool | Mother | OPEN
Asterpool was a reserved she-cat and not especially affectionate, but was not an unkind mother to her children.

Mallownose | Father | Deceased
Mallownose was rather eccentric and very fun to be around. He passed away after catching a nasty case of blackcough. She misses him dearly.

Sageheart | Litter Brother | OPEN
Relationship to be determined upon adoption.

•Other Relationships•
Nightfang | Former Mate | OPEN
Regretful things didn't work out between them. She tries not to be petty, but his rejection took a pretty big toll on her self-esteem. She hopes someday they can be on friendlier terms.

•Love Interest•
Open for a new mate. Preferably developed through roleplay.

•Theme Song•
Ghost - Ella Henderson.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈


Firkit - Firpaw - [Firclaw]

84 moons (7 years) old.

•Gender & Sex•
Cis Male.

Heterosexual | Demiromantic.

Elder. Former Deputy.


•Census Description•
Fireclaw - Handsome blue mink tabby tom with cornflower blue eyes.

Even in old age Fireclaw is still striking with a gently rounded head, tapering muzzle, smooth cream colored coat with blue mink tabby markings and brilliant almond shaped eyes the color of cornflowers. He's a medium sized tom with a build somewhere between cobby and slender, though retirement has seen him lose most of the firm muscle he obtained through training and years of loyal service to his Clan. Old scars mar his pelt, the proof of his time as a seasoned warrior. Despite a permanent scowl seeming etched into his face he is quite a friendly tom.

While always blunt and a bit temperamental, Firclaw was once an amicable warrior well-liked among his Clanmates. Stubborn to a fault and unyielding in his own opinions, it took Nettlestar forcing him into the elders den out of concern for his well-being to fully retire. He doesn't enjoy being tended to and insists on still hunting for himself the majority of the time. Overall he's still quite a amiable tom, but can prove a bit grouchy on days when he's feeling particularly sore. Accepting he's in his last years hasn't been easy on him.

He was quite the accomplished warrior. An excellent fighter, father of many kits and even the Clan deputy for quite awhile before an injury to one of his front legs forced him to relinquish his position. He still walks with a limp and the arthritis only makes it worse. Firclaw has only recently retired to the elder's den and he's not at all thrilled about it. Only the company of Vervaintail seems to sooth his fierce temper once he's in one of his moods.

Plenty of possible sons and daughters open for adoption.

•Other Relationships•

•Love Interest•
Vervaintail | Mate | Played by Usa-san.

•Theme Song•
Warriors - Imagine Dragons.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

•Security Questions•

What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? The skill and condition of every individual cat involved, what kind of animal the prey is and the setting.

Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan. Nettlestar and ____.

Name three important things about Hillclan. The friendliest of the four Clans. They live in abandoned houses. They hunt in the plains and farmland.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

All images are linked to their sources.

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Edited on 23/07/17 @ 15:57:06 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-14 20:18:09

60 moons

•Gender & Sex•

Asexual-a person who has no sexual feelings or desires.
Demisexual-a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.
(He's a mix of the two, predominately Asexual though because of his ranking.)

Medicine Cat

50% main coon 50% Norwegian forest cat

•Census Description•
A battle scarred tom, with tri-hued brown pelt and an emerald colored eye.

(Ignore the name on the image XD)

I am kitthecheeling, and can screenshot my screen to show I am logged in as such

Known to be rather calm and focused although usually serious he will not hesitate to speak his mind and he is wary of outsiders since he doesn't know their intentions. However he will be more focused on those of his clan then even himself in times of need believing that by saving his clan he is ensuring the future however this can prove to be a fatal flaw for the medicine cat.

Born into the Clan, he got his scars defending another clanmate in a fox attack. Where learned he had a phonodiec memory. Since, while he healed he could recall every herb used on him and what it was for so he decided to become a medicine cat after learning that he had lost an eye. (He thought it was just closed due to the herbs or something.)

Mother: Lightpelt-Deceased
Father: Rockclaw-Deceased
Sibling(s): None (Open)
Other kin: None

•Other Relationships•

•Theme Song•
Go the distance

I'd like to imagine the above youtuber as the voice for Bramblefang XD.

•RP Sample•
I was in The Rise of Mudclan but if asked will make a sample for you.

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? Skill of the Warrior(s), and the type of prey they are after

Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan. Nettlestar, {TBA-Deputy will be chosen by insert I believe}

Name three important things about Hillclan. 1) They are trained not only in combat but diplomacy, to be more well rounded. 2) Our clan is large in numbers forcing our warriors to go outside the borders for sufficient prey counts. 3)They live in Knights Run, a subdivision.

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Edited on 15/07/17 @ 15:30:47 by Auron (#82222)

Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-15 15:13:15


Link to source

Swiftkit → Swiftpaw → [Swiftstride]

•40 moons (3 years and 4 months)•
•Nonbinary but goes by male pronouns and is physically male•
•Pansexual + Polyromantic•


•Census Description•
Swiftstride- long legged fluffy black tom with golden yellow eyes.

Midnight black fur with a silky texture makes up Swiftstride’s coat, and with its longer portions on his chest, cheeks, and tail always being perfectly groomed. Long, well proportioned legs make him taller than the average tom cat but definitely not bulkier. The muscles under his pelt being more wiry than anything, and with his long tail he’s an excellent runner that’s both parts good with speed and stamina that can turn on a dime. He has claw mark scars across his left cheek and eye from an incident with an ex-mate that never healed back correctly. His nose, whiskers, and paw pads are all also jet black and his eyes are a golden yellow color.

Swiftstride has almost absolutely no filter to his mouth, with the only time the filter actually working is when he’s around kits and younger apprentices. That being said it's a good thing Swiftstride is a rather open minded individual that likes to smooth talk other cats. He could be known for being the usual chipper Hillclan cat if it wasn’t for the fact his chipperness was more cockiness than anything. He’s mastered what other may call a ‘shit-eating grin’ and always sports it when he manages to get a clanmate flustered about one thing or another.

When Aspenstripe was around he was extremely subdued, almost as though he was uncomfortable with himself and his clanmates but since her disappearance he’s come out of his shell and is now the cocky Hillclan cat seen today.

Swiftkit was born as the only kit that Starlingfoot had, and she never disclosed who the father was. He grew up with Aspenkit, Birchkit, and Sycamorekit although by the time they all received their apprentice names Sycamorekit had passed away to greencough. Throughout Swiftpaw’s training, he and Aspenpaw and Birchpaw became close friends - although when Birchpaw was attacked by a dog in the plains it left Swiftpaw and Aspenpaw alone. After that Swiftpaw and Aspenpaw became extremely close friends and when they received their warrior names - Swiftpaw becoming Swiftstride due to his extremely lanky body - and Aspenpaw becoming Aspenstripe due to the stripe on her fur. At the time, Swiftstride didn’t know how much Aspenstripe was controlling his life and him.

[backstory will be continued when I know for sure if someone wants to play Swiftstride and Aspenstripe’s kit(s).]

Starlingfoot ○ Mother [Deceased]
[Open to having kits from his ex-mate, the first person gets to decide their age <3 Although the kits should be either black or gray tabby <3]

•Other Relationships•
Aspenstripe ○ Ex-Mate [Location Unknown, unless someone actually wants to play her lol.]
After Swiftstride admitted to Aspenstripe about his feelings on being able to love more than one cat at once, she took this as him breaking their mateship and took it roughly. She eventually left the clan and Swiftstride has no idea where she went or how she’s doing.

•Theme Song•
Chaos by I Prevail

With Swiftstride being Polyamorous, he believes that it's possible to love more than one cat at the same time in a romantic light. He does understand that not all see it the same way and is willing to still be in a relationship with a cat so long as they don’t shackle him to only loving them.



Link to source

Vervainkit → Vervainpaw → [Vervaintail]

•86 moons [7 years and 2 months]•
•Cis Female•
•Heterosexual + Heteroromantic•

Turkish Angora Mix

•Census Description•
Vervaintail- pale ginger mackerel tabby she cat with amber eyes.

Once upon a time, Vervaintail may have actually cared for her appearance but when she began to age her fur turned coarser and almost impossible to tame under her tongue. Her fur is seasonal and is much longer in the winter, and loses most of it in the spring - to the point giant clobs of fur fall off of her daily. Her fur is pale orange in color with only slightly darker orange tabby stripes through her fur. She’s a slender cat under all that fur with impeccable balance, and a good deal of strength in her legs. Her lithe body made all her movement rather graceful in a way, and with her careful and light paws it may have given her a few admirers.

An adventurous she cat, being labeled an elder has not quelled her thirst to roam and experience new things, and coupled with her fair amount of endurance she can go quite far in a day but she always returns to camp before the sun sets. She used to be quite playful, always enjoying games that gave her an excuse to show off her leaping and twisting skills although as she’s grown older the less likely she is to join in such games. Her favorite game will always be who can jump the highest to catch the bug. Vervaintail can be rather confrontational with authority figures that attempt to tell her what to do, and this had been quite an argument starter when she had been younger. Despite this she can be a rather cheerful she cat, which she had used earlier in life as a coping mechanism to fight her low self esteem.

As an apprentice she had been a whirlwind, always moving and doing something. She had boundless supplies of energy and found she needed to move to let it out. As she grew, her playful personality caused the older warriors to tell her off about being too frivolous and silly. Vervaintail grew to have a rather resentful view on authority and would often times back talk older warriors and start heated arguments on occasion.

She retired to the elders den a bit early due to failing sight.

Open for sons or daughters, maybe even grandkits lol.

•Other Relationships•
Firclaw ○ Mate [Potato Lord]
Her cherished mate, Vervaintail thinks he absolutely hangs the moon. Also she thinks he’s still rather fly for an old man. #sorrynotsorry

•Theme Song•
Wings by Little Mix

•RP Sample•
I mean, we have rp’ed before but it’s been awhile...

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? Skill, Condition, Type of prey, and setting ^^

Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan: Nettlestar and Bronzeclaw

Name three important things about Hillclan: I mean technically since the fall of Cloudclan aren’t they the biggest clan? xD They train their warriors to be well rounded, constantly patrolling+hunting, and most of their cats are annoyingly happy. Lol.

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Edited on 17/07/17 @ 18:58:04 by Usa-san {fungus is love.} (#2703)

🏳️‍🌈 (#114240)

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Posted on
2017-07-19 23:44:00
SpiderKit • [SpiderPaw] • SpiderHeart

10 moons

•Gender & Sex•
Cis Female

Asexual & Aromantic (She doesn't have time for love)

Medicine cat apprentice

Short hair flame point siamese

•Census Description•
A star-gazer, long legged flame point she-cat with starry green eyes.

SpiderPaw has a silky short furred pelt, with long legs, making her tumble a lot when running. She has long scars over her face over trying to get picked up by eagle as a kitten. her eyes are a starry green eyes, making her eyes have a white glaze over them. Her fur grows out a bit more in the winter, but in spring it falls out in small clumps making her have to wash it concisely in spring. She is a flame point Siamese tabby, she has the normal Siamese marking placing. But her ears, are more bright and blazing then her other markings. She has long claws and pretty normal teeth, but they are tinted yellow. She also has one blind eye from the scars over her face. She has a nubby short tail, making her balance wobbly.

SpiderPaw has always felt like a outsider or a outcast since she was a kitten. She has been day-dreaming since she was kit, causing her star-gazer personality. When she has the chance she can be quiet playful, but she doesn't really have any chances to reveal that side. She is quiet snarky and rude to cats she just doesn't feel like deserve her time or energy.

She was the last litter of her mother, which made her mother close to retiring to a elder close to when she was born. FinchFace litter was sadly all born sickly, only 2 out of the 4 kittens survived being SpiderKit and TwigKit. Twigkit is SpiderKit's stronger brother, and was the only one FinchFace thought would survive. But SpiderKit just managed, her live was pretty boring until she was 3 moons old, her and her brother were playing a game but a hungry eagle looking for a snack. SpiderKit was the eagles choose,it dropped her but her scar are a permanent reminder to watch her surroundings. After getting blinding in her right eye the leader thought it was the best for her to be a medicine cat. Then we go to the present, and the backstory goes on from here!

FinchFace | Mother [Deceased]
NeedleFur (The reason he ain't in the story is he died way before SpiderPaw was born) | Father [Deceased]
TwigPaw | Brother | Open
SongKit | Sister | [Deceased]
VineKit | Sister | [Deceased]

•Other Relationships•
BrambleFang - Mentor

•Theme Song•
Can't find one atm, will edit later :P

Nothing at all :)

•RP Sample•
No, not official.
SpiderPaw pawed at the watermint, whispering to herself about always running low on watermint. She took out the dried leaves from the stores and brought them outside; looking at the sky before digging a hole and buried the dead leaves. She rushes back inside, still terrified of her experience as a kitten.

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? The setting, the skill of the cat in question, the prey, and the condition.

Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan. NettleStar & BronzeClaw

Name three important things about Hillclan: They were the second biggest clan before the fall of cloudclan. They train their cats to be well-rounded in all areas of expertise. Hillclan has made their home in the Knight's Run subdivision. Because of there large numbers, warriors are always hunting in the farmlands and plains for food.

(So didn't take me a hour to write ;-;)

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Edited on 20/07/17 @ 17:35:58 by RushPaw_(#TeamMenhit<3) (#114240)

☾Sprinkles☽ (#86006)

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Posted on
2017-07-22 17:27:47
*Shuffles In*

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
✡ Don't judge my life by the chapter you walked in on ✡


25 Moons



✡ Census Description✡
A young, soft furred black and white cat with mesmerizing emerald green eyes, white socks, and a white tail tip add to her “tuxedo” appearance



Bicolour (Tuxedo)

" I believe that even in the darkest of dark cats, some light shines through. No one is born wicked, no one is born pure of heart; it is simply what path you choose to take. I believe in second chances, I know that sometimes people make the wrong choice, they make decisions when their hearts are full of hatred or sorrow. And they feel that the path they have chosen whilst in that state, is the path they must walk forever, but there is always a way out. I believe that even the tiniest spark of good, can ignite a fire"

Ravenstrike is a bubbly, bright and level headed young she cat, although she is sometimes cautious of newcomers Ravenstrike is very social and is always up for s nice chat. She has a good sense of humor and is very passionate about what she believes in. She has been known to act shy and flustered around cats that she has strong romantic feelings towards, often hesitant to strike up a conversation. The black and white she cat believes that everyone deserves a second chance, that you are who you choose to be; and that no one can change that.

Ravenstrike often grows very emotional when cats mention her brother, she loved him with all her heart and looked up to him; the feeling she felt when he deserted her was that of her heart shattering into a million pieces. Ravenstrike likes to try and put the past behind her, looking for the best in life and other cats, although sometimes ghosts of the past will make an appearance, and when this happens, she is a totally different cat.

Growing up her parents were very different, her father Smokebreeze (a former-kitty pet) was very strict. her mother on the other paw was gentle, kind and laid back. Although Smokebreeze really did love Gingersplash their relationship was more one sided, with Gingersplash constantly fussing over the tom. When the medicine cat told Gingersplash she was having kits she was overjoyed, Smokebreeze was happy, but not ready to be a father. Gingersplash was confident that kits would bring her and Smokebreeze closer together again, however it only drove them further apart. Smoke breeze wanted them to become tough, independent warriors, and Gingersplash wanted them to be kind, loyal, trustworthy friends. Ravenstrike and her brother were used to their parents fighting, but when they turned two months old things took a turn for the worst. It was a cold, dark evening and Smokebreeze had left alone to clear his head, blinded by confusion, rage, and anger he unknowingly stumbled into fox territory.
When he attempted to kill the foxes single handily he failed and was killed by the beasts. Gingersplash was devastated that she had lost her mate and that they never resolved their argument. Slowly, Gingersplash became weak, frail and distant, Ravenstrike’s brother Stormpelt ran away, as he couldn’t bear the state their mother was in. Ginger splash was so miserable she refused to eat and drink, she passed away one night, her soul finally at peace.
Throughout all of this, she tried to stay as strong as possible, always looking for life's silver lining. Now, just over two years later she remains optimistic, believing that one day her brother will come to his senses and return to Hillclan along side her.


Mother - Gingersplash - Deceased
Father - SmokeBreeze - Deceased
Brother - Loner - Stormpelt - Open

✡Other Relationships✡
OOoooppen :)

✡Love Intrest✡
*dances alone*
🎶Siiingle priiiingle🎶

Mate/Crush Open! PM me <3

✡Theme Song✡
I have sweet Caroline stuck in my head, and alas, I couldn't think of anything for Ravenstrike :(

✡RP Sample✡ :)

✡Security Questions✡
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? Many things, The territory and weather conditions, and if the cat is used to them. The skill level and physical health of a cat, and the prey, and how much of it there is.

Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan: NettleStar & BronzeClaw

Name three important things about Hillclan:
They reside in The Knight's Run Subdivision
Before the fall of Cloudclan, they were the second largest clan
Cats often sleep in abandoned houses and are trained in all areas of expertise

*Shuffles Out*

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2017-07-22 21:56:52
5 almost 6 moons
•Gender & Sex•
Female- she-cat
Russian blue+Chartreux
•Census Description•
Small light grey with darker grey spots and white paws along with light green eyes
Lilykit is a childish kit who loves to tease the younger warriors and play small tricks on the apprentices. Even with her childish and troublesome nature, she loves to listen to the elders stories and help with the very young kits and the other queens when she is needed. She is very attentive when learning small things like how to properly change nesting and how to pick the best prey for those who need help. She absolutely adores Nettlestar and his strenth, along with his ability to be calm when things in the clan become rough, and wishes to be his apprentice.
Lilykit was abandoned around 1 moon old and was taken in by the current queen at the time. She loved to play with her adoptive littermates and the other kits within the nursery. When her litermates become apprentices and her adoptive mother moved out of the nursery, she became very upset and lonely to the point that she started training herself by watching the apprentices practice in camp and mimicking their movements. She was and is always the first to abide to Nettlestars needs and does everything in her power to catch the leaders attention so she can have a better chance of becoming his apprentice.
Snow- mother- rouge- unplayable
Storm- mother- rouge- unplayable
•Other Relationships•
Crush- none yet
•Theme Song•
Wolf in sheep's clothing- Set it off
none yet
•RP Sample•
Rped with me before have gotten better
•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? physical condition of cat, skills, setting, and type of prey.
Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan. Nettlestar and Bronzeclaw
Name three important things about Hillclan. Friendliest clan, live in abandoned houses, second largest clan, reside in The Knight's Run Subdivision, good in all areas of expertise

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Edited on 25/07/17 @ 17:45:30 by Nyx [BrF] (#76015)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-07-22 22:09:13


Rainkit - Rainpaw - [Rainpool].

30 moons (2 years, 6 months) old.

•Gender & Sex•
Genderflux. Biologically male. Most commonly uses male pronouns.

Demisexual | Demiromantic.

Medicine Cat (or warrior, not sure if this is first come first serve).

Thai Cat.

•Census Description•
Rainpool - Lean white tom with lilac points and vibrant blue eyes.

Tall with lengthy legs, a slender tail and a slim, lightly muscled build. His pelt is thin, glossy and predominately white, marked with lilac points. Rainpool has almond shaped bright blue eyes set in a finely chiseled, wedge-shaped head with large, wide-based ears. He has a round, apple shaped head his nose is a slightly darker gray. His build is svelte and almost tubular in shape. Rainpool's body exudes fragility, but it would be a mistake to make assumptions. He is a cat bred to be solid without expressing excessive bulk.

Reserved and calm. Some might consider Rainpool a bit disconnected from his Clanmates. He doesn't go out of his way to make friends or join in larger groups, only fulfilling his duties and either retiring to the medicine den or heading out into the territory alone. He's a true stoic, barely a flicker of emotion ever to be seen on his face beyond irritated.

He was chosen as HillClan's medicine cat for his level head, fair nature and talents concerning healing despite not being the most sociable cat around. Though he is always very poised he tends to have a sharp tongue, forever sarcastic and comes across as rather grumpy. He does care for his Clanmates, Rainpool simply isn't all that great at expressing emotions and tends to fear they will make him seem weak.

Born outside the Clan as simply Rain beside two siblings, a brother and a sister. All three kits were considered prefect examples of their breed and their mother was quite proud to have birthed such a healthy, exemplary litter. At two moons old Rain was separated from his family after the small group was attacked by a gang of dogs. Life in the wilds without his mother's protection and guidance was hard on the young Siamese and he struggled to survive alone. After a few sunrises on his own he met a charming tom who called himself Adder. The other male was kind to Rain, helping him find food and protecting him from the dangers the streets offered.

Rain came to depend on him entirely and Adder encouraged this behavior rather than teaching him any sort of survival skills so he could control him. It wasn't long before the formally charismatic cat turned manipulative and abusive. Upon realizing Adder was not the cat Rain initially thought he was he attempted to leave him, caught by Adder each time and punished for his disobedience. The last try at an escape was actually successful and not long after that he came across Breezeclan, who took pity on the ragged youth. The Clan taught him what he needed to know concerning fighting and hunting and he trained first as a warrior, spending several moons in the position before his talent for medicine was discovered.

He hasn't seen his mother or siblings since he was separated from them, but all three are technically open to anyone who might want them.

•Other Relationships•
None yet.

•Theme Song•
Elastic Heart - The New Low.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈


Leopardkit - [Leopardpaw] - Leopardtail.

10 moons (10 months) old.

•Gender & Sex•
Cis Female.

Demisexual | Biromantic.

Warrior Apprentice.

Savannah Cat.

•Census Description•
Leopardpaw - Tall wild looking she-cat with a darkly spotted golden brown pelt and golden eyes.

Taller than the average cat and she isn't even yet finished growing. She has a short, sleek pale golden coat with paler underfur, speckled by dark spots that lengthen into stripes around the tail and along the shoulders. Notable characteristics of her breed are her small head, large ears, long legs and a black-tipped tail. Her build is fairly slim and her nose is a light pink color while her eyes are pale golden. Faint scars can be found scattered across her flanks, sides and muzzle.

Soft-spoken in demeanor, but she can prove assertive when necessary. Generally Leopardpaw is a quiet cat who will keep to herself unless invited into a conversation or sought out first. She does enjoy the company of others, but also feels fidgety and anxious in the presence of her adult Clanmates. She likes to keep herself busy and be as useful as possible, readily volunteering for duties the other apprentices despise.

Her history wasn't anything out of the ordinary up until her apprenticeship began. Her mentor, a black tom called Blackclaw, was an impatient cat who often pushed her beyond her limits. He was often too rough with her her while training and nit-picked at everything she did and said. Her mother noticed, and outraged, demanded her daughter be given a new mentor. Under a new warrior's tutelage Leopardpaw has improved in her training, but is easily spooked and nervous.

Goldenstorm | Mother | OPEN.

•Other Relationships•
None yet.

•Theme Song•
Brave - Sara Bareilles.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

All images are linked to their sources.

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Edited on 24/07/17 @ 18:30:39 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-07-24 06:20:50

"This will not be the end of the Clan. As long as I have breath in my lungs and strength in my body, the Clan will survive."


Wolfclaw. Wolf for his wolf-like fur, size, and strength. Claw for his strength and combat abilities.


34 moons old

•Gender & Sex•



Heterosexual & Heteroromantic / Demiromantic


Warrior (applying for Deputy)


Maine Coon (60%) x Norwegian Forest Cat (35%) x Savannah Cat (5%)

•Census Description•

Large and muscular tom with gray, scar-covered fur and striking yellow eyes


A fearsome, yet attractive, dark gray and black compact brute with a long, fluffy tail and long, soft fur. He has a lighter gray around his neck in a lion mane-like way as well as lighter gray underfur, the same gray added in random areas along his back, legs, and paws. In relation to the rest of his body, Wolfclaw's face is almost entirely black, with just a tad dark gray, reaching up to his pitch black ears, which have long black tufts at the tips. Along with these traits, the fearsome brute has intimidating, yet captivating, strikingly yellow eyes that intensely stare at others as if he's staring into their soul. A gaze so intimidating that, if one was to keep contact with him, one's gaze would soon avert away from the unfriendly stare. Standing at a fearsome 19 inches (at the shoulder) and weighing at a startling 25 pounds (most of it muscle), Wolfclaw is certainly larger than most, if not all, of the cats in both of the Clans, and is typically a beast of a male, with an immense amount of strength, alike that of his cruel father before him. He has rippling muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training as a younger, and the large quantity of fights he has fought in his lifetime. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Wolfclaw is a cat known to strike fear into others with his fearsome appearance, and is a bit infamous amongst the others; he is known to be strategic, intelligent, powerful, and merciless. But still, he has his weaknesses, one including fire. He experienced a fire incident as a younger tom, he is now afraid of it and would never go near it. But he's still powerful nonetheless, with long, razor-sharp teeth that are extremely sharp, much resembling those of his species' ancestor, the saber-toothed tiger, placed in a powerful jaw that can strongly use them to bite with an intent to kill.

This broad-shouldered male has many scars on his body from the many battles he has fought, including one down-across his left eye from his mortal enemy ( OPEN ), a long one down/across the left side of his neck, three faint claw marks on his left back leg, and a small, yet noticeable one across his dorsal bridge (nose). When he was around a year old, Wolfclaw experienced a fire incident, and has the scars to tell the tale; burn marks show on his underbelly, slightly hidden by his fur, as well as on the bottom of his paws, though the scars don't hurt anymore. This incident left him prepared and experienced with fire, though he is slightly afraid of it. The fighter also has many other various scars on his pelt, but none as significant as the ones mentioned before. Plus a good amount of his scars, and muscles, are hidden beneath his fur. But not all, of course, still many show on his pitch black coat. Despite all the scars Wolfclaw wears, the brute is still an attractive tom cat, though he does at first appear as a fearsome and intimidating brute- his fur, scars, teeth, piercing eyes, and his massive, muscular body all making this so.


Living a life tainted by loss, Wolfclaw is very aggressive, an intimidating and impressive fighter, with a personality alike to that of an army general. Tough and merciless, he's not one to show any sign of mercy or submissiveness. If he has a legitimate reason, this fearless brute will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength and size is very helpful. Lacking fear overall, there is but one thing he does fear; losing someone he loves. Whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise, this male fears he'll lose whoever he cares for. Therefore, he's incredibly protective and would do anything for a loved one. Given his slightly short temper, Wolfclaw is a very quick-to-fight tom and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage on another if he attacks. He's very aggressive and is very likely to attack if he has a reason, quick to jump with teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, threatened, or hurt at all, often causing damage on his opponent. Hence the name Wolfclaw, overall standing for his wolf-like appearance and streength. Despite all this, he's an extremely loyal individual and, once he's committed to someone or something (a pack, or loved one), nothing can keep him from remaining loyal and devoted to them.

Wolfclaw is also very un-trusting and reserved, and it takes a long time and a lot of effort for someone to enter this male's heart. Although this is true, if someone does manage to break through the stone surrounding his cold heart, Hades is one of the most passionate and devoted males out there, able to hold those dear to him very close. And even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he so wishes, and if he does ever find a significant other/mate, he'd probably eventually be interested in having cubs.


"You know my name, not my story. You know what I've done, not what I've been through. Learn before you judge, for if you were in my paws, you'd fall with the first step."

In the midst of a dark forest, a rogue watched as his mate gave birth to three kits: Wolf, Angel, and Faolan. The first born, Wolf, was the strongest of the litter and would grow up to be a very powerful and fearsome brute. As expected for a family of rogue cats, the family grew up harsh. Not that much food or water. Not to mention, an abusive father, Adder, who beat them and their mother as a way to deal with his anger at their situation. Their mother, Lily, although she would cry when they were beat, was helpless against the bastard she called her mate. Too weak to take the beatings, Faolan, the runt, soon died- the starvation, dehydration, and beatings too much for his already frail body. Hades himself was the strongest of the three and even defended himself and his mother and siblings against his father. Although the abuse was wrong and cruel, it made Wolf stronger in the end.

About a month after Wolf turned a year old, his mother gave birth to another litter, yet there were only two cubs in this one, a male and a female. The first born of the two was Kaitlyn, a gorgeous little girl, and the other was Damien, a pure black male, just like his older brother. With Wolf being a little more than a year old, Lily planned on running with the saber-toothed cubs, knowing the older brother would be able to help take care of the little ones and Lily and Angel themselves. And it almost worked. They waited till Adder was gone hunting before they began to prepare themselves for leaving. But he came back early. Furious that his mate and cubs even thought of leaving him, the scary male attacked Damien and killed him then he brutally killed Angel before attacking Lily, who tried her best to defend the last two cubs of her two litters. But she wasn't strong enough and was killed by a swipe to the throat. Looking down at his siblings' and mother's body in sadness and anger, Wolf looked up at his father with hatred shining in his fiery, yellow eyes. He attacked his father and the two battled for a long, long time but Wolf, fueled by rage, soon defeated his father. From that day on he wasn't the same outgoing, fun male. He had a certain darkness in him, something that pushed most away, something that his younger sister noticed.

Then Wolf grabbed Kaitlyn by the scruff and ran. About two months before the male turned two, the two were attacked by a bear, apparently guarding his home. During the attack, Wolf had grabbed Kait and hidden her in a bush before taunting the bear and then running as fast as he could, the will to keep his sister alive fueling him. He lead the bear away from his sister, but the two were never reunited. Having lost the bear, he went back to the bush and found his sister nowhere to be found. He followed her scent trail as far as he could but never found her. To this day, he regrets having left her in that bush and after that day, he continued to roam the lands.

Then, one day, he came upon a rather small, though large to him, Clan of cats that called themselves HillClan. Interested in them and their practices, with them interested in him and his unbelievable strength, he joined them, after going through the training to make sure he was physically and mentally ready to be a warrior. Then he was named Wolfclaw, as his appearance and strength much reminded the leader of a wolf.

Not long before he was thirty moons old, Wolfclaw took a few other warriors and two apprentices out on a patrol. While they were walking, one of the warriors smelled smoke and told Wolfclaw. Then, he realized that there was a fire, and the group saw the flames approaching from far away. Ordering them to run, Wolfclaw had retreated away from the approaching fire, staying behind the patrol to make sure they were safe. But as they ran, one of the smaller apprentices tripped on a log and got stuck, the fire swarming around him. Realizing the danger the apprentice was in, he told a warrior to lead everyone back while he quickly turned around, racing towards the trapped lion. With a powerful leap, he jumped over the flames and quickly smashed his paws down on the logs trapping the apprentice, grabbing the smaller lion by the scruff and leaping out, just as the flames engulfed the little area, and he growled as the fire burned his underbelly, his paws already stinging from burns from when he jumped inside to rescue the lion. Then, the two returned home and Wolfclaw was praised for his good deed, the little apprentice forever thankful.


Adder [Hate] [Deceased; killed by Wolf]

"I hope you rot in hell..."


Lily [Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Adder]

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, mother."


Faolan [Brother - Love / Grief] [Deceased; Malnutrition, Runt of litter, Abuse]

Angel [Sister / Best Friend - Loves / Grieves] [Deceased; killed by Adder]

"Oh, my sweet and innocent sister..."

Damien [Little Brother - Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Adder]

Kaitlyn [Little Sister - Love / Grief] [Alive] [ OPEN ]
~ her status is unknown to Wolf. He assumes she is dead, but still hopes she'll turn up.

•Other Relationships•

"Don't get too close, its dark inside."


Wolfclaw has yet to meet his soulmate. He needs someone who is willing to break through his icy exterior and will take just a bit to warm up to them. But once he does, he is incredibly protective, passionate, loyal, and affectionate.

Currently he won't have a crush or mate at the start of the roleplay but I do have plans for him with someone <3


*crush required first*


*crush->mate required first*




Open- the apprentice he saved from the fire

Open for enemies, friends, and any other relationships you might come up with! :)


( Keep in mind, these are my character's views, not mine. Do not get mad at me for a view my character might hold against one of yours. And also, none of your characters should be aware of what my character thinks of them. )

Will be updated as he interacts with characters :3

Character Name [Relation to him] [Rank] [Clan] [ Player ]
"Quote" (optional)

overall view

Winterleaf [Best Friend - Future Crush] [Warrior] [ Arcan (#97595) ]
"Don't worry, I will always love and protect you, my friend."

This female was the first to be kind to him when he joined the Clan, the others a bit wary of a massive, fighting, father-killing brute like him. Even though his natural reserved and hostile exterior caused him to be a bit distant to her, he soon warmed up to the pretty she-cat and they soon developed their relationship to being best friends. She is definitely the only one he fully trusts and the only one he is affectionate and loving to. Naturally, Wolfclaw is incredibly protective of the female and doesn't trust many males around her, as a natural result of the incident with his father. When he sees her talking to a male, he immediately will try and go up to her and stand beside her, even if he doesn't speak, just to make sure nothing happens.

•Theme Song•

Demons - Imagine Dragons

"I wanna hide the truth, I wanna shelter you. But with the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide."


Wanting him to be deputy ;)

Hades voice is very distinct. Overall, it is powerful, deep, masculine, and commanding. His voice is very strong-sounding and just listening to him speak, one would assume he holds some sort of authoritative rank. To hurting pride members, his usually terrifying voice can become soft and comforting, though still deep and masculine. Naturally, no matter what, his voice has its own attractive feel, adding to the already naturally attractive deepness and masculine-sound it owns.

•Security Questions•

What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? The skill and size of the cat, the prey itself, and the setting in which the hunt is taking place.

Name the Leader and Deputy of HillClan. Nettlestar and N/A

Name three important things about HillClan. They are currently the biggest Clan, they live in the Knight's Run Subdivision, and are trained in combat and diplomacy, while also being well-rounded.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 14:32:50
Name: Houndpaw (Houndcall)

Age: 9 moons

Gender and Sex: Tom

Orientation: He's still considering - Right now, he's likely pansexual

Rank: Warrior Apprentice

Breed: American Shorthair

Census Description: brown and white tom in a pattern that vaguely resembles a basset hound

Appearance: A small, energy-filled tom who lives up to his name. His looks might match up to some of the hound dogs that might go into the territory every once and a while as a nuisance (especially as humans aren't around to keep them leashed anymore), but his personality also matches up. He has large hazel eyes and always has a mischievous look, and his fur is very short. His tail is primarily brown with a white tip, and is of an average length. His legs are long, which allows him to have a long stride while running, but that's where most of his major qualities stop.

Personality: Similar to his name, he can be just about as loud as a hound dog. Houndpaw is quick-witted and loves a good laugh, while he sometimes misses things right in front of him. It isn't unlikely that he will point out something blaringly obvious to someone just to trip over something that he should've noticed right in front of him. He's relatively friendly, but a pain in the tail to be around at times. He gets in a lot of trouble, so picking fleas and ticks out of the pelts of elders is old news to him. Sometimes he'd return to camp and go straight to the elders, knowing what is coming, but he does it with a smile on his face. Something about it is just fun.

Backstory: Not much to say. Houndpaw's parents (whom are likely deceased, thanks to them not having RPers) named him for his pattern when he was born, and was one of the biggest troublemakers in the nursery. His energy supply is relentless, and he doesn't seem close to slowing down. Perhaps he'll be a completely pain in the tail when he becomes a Warrior, or perhaps he'll actually learn to control his energy, and use it for the good of his Clan.

Family: (deceased unless someone wants to RP them)
Splotchfoot: brown tabby she-cat with white paws and chest (mother)
Fogwind: silver and grey tom (father)
Talonpaw: white she-cat (sister)

Other Relationships: He seems to really want some sort of close friend to help him with his adventures, and doesn't really have any crushes at this age. He has no enemies that he knows of, and considers most of the apprentices general friends, even if they don't agree.

Other: Nothing much else to say other than I'm sorry that this took so long. Let me know if I need to fix anything??

RP Sample: (from a superhero RP I'm part of)
Charlie seriously needed to rethink the places they decided to fall asleep at.

Recently, they had dozed off while mixing chemicals before jerking back awake before anything screwed up. Another time, they woke up sitting at their workbench. This time, they had actually laid down before sleeping, but when they woke up, they had hit their head on a metal beam that had been above them.

"Gah-What the heck-?? When'd this get here??" They, truthfully, hadn't seen it before they went to sleep, but they wouldn't admit that. Fumbling for their glasses, they managed to get up, rubbing their now-throbbing forehead.

Perhaps sleeping in a warehouse wasn't the best plan of action. Half the time, they didn't even sleep long enough. They couldn't place what was going on. Typically, this would work out fine, and they'd doze off with no problem, and be ready to work right when they woke up. Now, however, with this stiffness and migraine, perhaps they should take a walk first. They put on their glasses before leaving the warehouse (making sure it was secure first), walking towards the main part of town.

What goes into calculating the success of a hunt?
The relative skill of the hunter, as well as weather, environment, the type of prey, and sheer luck.

Name the Leader and Deputy of HillClan.
Nettlestar and Bronzeclaw

Name three important things about HillClan.
They live in Knight's Hill Subdivision, they are trained in both battling and diplomacy in equal amounts, and they are constantly hunting in the fields due to their large numbers.

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Edited on 28/08/17 @ 10:55:44 by Adamymous ☢ (#68231)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-27 22:15:21
File:Katze in Engelhartszell.JPG

[Squirrelpaw] ~ Squirrelflight

9 Moons

•Gender & Sex•

Shes thinking that she is attracted to both she-cats and toms, so Bisexual


Domestic shorthair

•Census Description•
Squirrelpaw - White she-cat with black and ginger patches, amber eyes.

Squirrelpaw is a calico with a long, lithe body with long legs. She has a slightly flattened muzzle and almond shaped amber eyes. She is quite tall but light, and if you pounce don you she won't be that heavy. She is quick and can bend her body in ways that some cats cant. Her ear has a V shaped nick from when she had an accident. It was a few moons ago when she was recently apprenticed and it still slightly stings.

Squirrelpaw is a competitive, social she-cat. She is curious and mischevious, sneaking into places she shouldn't. Drama gives her a thrill that never dies off, and she loves action. Because she is so competitive she migt get into some accidents. She is pretty friendly and can never stay isolated. She'd talk to a rock the second shes alone.
She is a lot tom then she-cat and likes to tussle, and can be a lil annoying. If you do snap at er, she gets very sensitive and sad, and decides to drown in her own sadness and think about the conflict for days. Its like somecat died.
Squirrelpaw is a bundle of energy, even if she only slept for a few minutes. She is an impressive climber, hence her name. But that leaded to a small accident that left her quite a big scar.

Squirrelpaw family is pure Hillclan, and so is she. She was born in a litter of 4 to a ginger she-cat named Marigoldheart and a tom named Lizardstripe, who sadly was killed. She doesn't know why, and she doesn't even know how he died. By the time she could walk she was crawling all over her mother, and siblings, often annoying them until Marigoldheart was done with it.
When she was apprenticed she was bragging about how she could climb, climbing onto an awfully high tree, scampering onto a branch until se lost her balance when the branch swayed, falling. Her ear was caught on a thorn and the first instinct she had was to yank back. Bad idea. The thorn had a pretty good grip and rpped off a chunk off her ear. It was shaped like a V. She was quite embarrassed but the pain was way bad then the embarrassment.
Did she learn her lesson? No.

Marigoldheart || Ginger tabby she-cat || Mother || Not needed but Open
Lizardstripe || Black tom with white paws || Father || Deceased
Kiskadeepaw || Light brown she-cat
Thrushpaw || Blue cream tortie tom
Sparrowkit || White and light brown tabby she-cat

•Other Relationships•
Wolfclaw | She is scared of him xD

•Theme Song•

What else?

•RP Sample•
We've met!!

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? Skill, Type of Prey, Setting, and Condition

Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan. Nettlestar n' Broneclaw

Name three important things about Hillclan. Hillclan is the largest clan, constantly hunting because of their numbers, live in the Knights Hill Subdivision, train in battling and diplomacy :3

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Tufty (#29680)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 12:19:41
Magpiepaw [Magpiefeather]

1 year

•Gender & Sex•



Norwegian Forest Cat

•Census Description•
Magpiepaw- long-furred grey and white tom with orange eyes

Magpiepaw is a long-furred grey and white tom, being mostly grey with white mainly on the face and paws. He is short and stocky, with a powerful build. However, though he is skilled in battle, he's quite clumsy, causing him to be a bad hunter. He has big orange eyes and a tendency to stare without blinking.

Magpiepaw is loud, like the bird he gets his name from. He can be arrogant, cocky and reckless, and tends to butt in to conversations that have nothing to do with him. His friends admire his bravery, battle skill and determination, but many
disapprove of his rudeness. He likes to lie in the sun and to chase rabbits, even though he never catches them, and he is afraid of thunderstorms. He hates the rain, because his thick fur takes a long time to dry if he gets caught in it.

Magpiepaw was born in HillClan, where he made several close friends among the other cats his age. When he was three moons old, he tried to follow one of the warriors out of the camp on a dare from one of his friends, but he was caught and stopped before he could succeed. At seven moons old, after he had recently been apprenticed, he surprised a rabbit on the grass and managed to chase and catch it, but the rabbit kicked him sharply in the ribs and he let go, causing it to get away. For a few moons after that he had slight breathing problems as a result of his injuries, and since then he enjoys chasing rabbits but would never pounce on one.

Swiftstride and Aspenstripe (parents)

•Other Relationships•
Friends: Houndpaw, Squirrelpaw (if that's okay with their RPers)


•RP Sample•

Magpiepaw stepped carefully through the bushes, trying to avoid the dried leaves and brittle twigs on the ground. His grey fur blended perfectly with the light of early morning, and his orange eyes shone like lamplights in the gloom: the sun was not yet up. Ahead of him, where the trees opened up, he saw a long, grassy slope stretching down to a creek at the bottom. That was where he was headed, for a drink and maybe a splash in the water.

Movement drew his attention. Towards the edge of the trees, grazing on the grassy slope, was a rabbit. Magpiepaw tensed. He had never been so close to one before, and he knew he couldn't waste this chance. The others would be so impressed if he could catch it.

He dropped into a hunter's crouch, judging his pounce. The rabbit so far seemed oblivious. His tail lashed in his excitement, sweeping low over the ground and rustling the leaves.

Magpiepaw realised his mistake too late.

The rabbit was running in an instant, but Magpiepaw wasn't ready to give up yet. He launched himself after it, and swiftly closed the distance, running like he had never run before. One graceful, forward leap and his claws were digging into the rabbit's coarse fur as he prepared to sink his teeth into its throat.

Panicked, the rabbit lifted its powerful hind legs and kicked them into Magpiepaw's stomach, with a strength he hadn't anticipated. Gasping, he fell back, losing his hold on his prey. Within moments the rabbit had escape, tearing off down the hill for a burrow somewhere down the slope.

Magpiepaw sank onto the ground, still struggling to catch his breath. He stared bitterly down the slope where the rabbit had run, as the sun came up behind him and illuminated the darker track on the grass where the rabbit had knocked off the dew as it ran.

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt?
The skill of the cat, weather conditions and the type of prey

Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan.
Nettlestar, and N/A so far according to the RP thread

Name three important things about Hillclan.
Hillclan lives in the abandoned houses in the Knight's Run subdivision
They train their cats to be well-rounded in many different skills
They are a large clan and hunt in the plains and farmland

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-08-27 09:25:23


.: Name :.

[Ravenkit] [Ravenpaw]

.: Age :.

57 Moons
(3 Years & 9 Months)

.: Gender & Sex :.


.: Orientation :.

Bisexual | Biromantic

.: Rank :.


.: Breed :.

(German for "Creature of the mist")

.: Census Description :.

Ravenfeather - A reserved, large tom that has long exotic grey fur and crystaline yellow eyes.

.: Appearance :.

Ravenfeather is considered large on the feline size spectrum. He stands at around 9.8 inches and weighs almost 10 pounds. The large tom sports a medium coat when in shedding season and and a long, abundant coat in the winter. His large coat is a combination of fine silky hairs and down fur that insolates and keeps him warm in the winter. His belly and his tail is were his fur is the longest and progressively shortens when you reach his back area. His leg length isabout medium height, but due to his thick fur and exeptional muscle, they look rather large. Adding onto the fact that he is a large tom, his build is firm, which makes him a force to recken with if this tom decides to hurl at a cat at full force. His paws are larger than average, which is good essentially for a warrior in battle but can lead him to become clumsy; so he's not the best hunter.

This tom owns a striking pelt that is grey in color. He essentially shares the same coat with a russian blue, but the only difference would be that his fur is long while a russian blue sports a short coat. Adding onto his exotic coat is his vibrant eyes. They are crystalline; almost enchanting yet haunting, with the color of a faint, glowing yellow. Like his breed name states, Ravenfeather's fur tips seem to have a silvery/halo tint, and looks as if he could vanish within mist. His ears are erect and prop up upon his head, making his hearing exceptionally well for a cat. His nose is a similar color to his coat, making it hard for anyone to see his nose from a distance and looks as if he owns no nose. Luckily he does have one and helps with every-day things that Ravenfeather must accomplish. He has medium-length whiskers that leave his cheeks in an abundant amount. Most of them have grown relatively in the same direction, but on occasion you can find a few that are wavy or facing in a different direction of the rest of the whiskers.

.: Personality :.

This tom is relatively distant; but not in a cold-hearted way. A more better word to describe him would be reserved. He doesn't normally start a conversation with a cat unless it was needed to, but other than that he is seen as a quiet tom that roams amongst the clans cats. He is not shy by a long shot, since he enjoys the company of others, but seems to have a golden rule of "don't speak unless spoken to". The large tom is mostly seen observing everything from afar when he isn't being picked for patroling or hunting. He is also seen mostly in the elders' den, and enjoys the time spent with the older cats, and helps with comforting them and keeping them entertained rather than just doing nothing. Though the main reason for his appearance in the elders' den is because his mother, Mistcloud, is an elder. He loves to greet her every-day and brings her a trinket of some sort that he finds whenever he is out and hunting or patroling. This tom can be cliny once he has someone that he can trust, which can be a pain to others but the tom can't help himself.

He is also a patient tom, and can easily be seen as a good mentor, personality wise that is. He can be rather clumsy when it comes to hunting, which is his downfall for ever becoming a mentor. His calming nature can be seen as being weak, but don't be fooled. He stands for what he believes in and will fight for it. He isn't a push-over and knows how to say "no". He is a trust-worthy cat, one that is willing to do anything to prove his loyalty to anyone. One of Ravenfeather's downfalls is that when it comes to love he becomes timid. This subject is particularly something this tom finds hard and due to that his confidence is low in this category. He will always find a way to put himself down, and doubts himself at times. So if he ever finds a lover he would be reluctant and awkward towards the cat in question, which wouldn't be so good and others can see this as him ignoring them and he could loose his lovers attention and trust right there and then. Another downfall is that this tom takes mourning to a different level. When a cat dies he confides himself, and becomes quieter than usual. He can be like this for days, weeks, and even months. When his father had died he had mourned for 3 months before he became more like himself. Though still till this day cats may see the tom sitting down and staring down at his paws, which is his way of mourning.

.: Backstory :.

Ravenfeather was born in the middle of winter along with two other kits. His parents are Mistcloud and Rowanclaw, both were warriors that had little to no experience when it came to becoming parents. So Ravenfeather and his littermates was the two warriors first litter; and it was their last. Only a few days had past before Ravenfeather's siblings had died due to the season being to harsh for the kits. He himself had been on the verge of dying as well, but luckily he was under the watchful eye of the medicine cat after his parents had rushed his tiny body to the medicine cat's den. From there he began to florish into a large kit. Once that event had passed in his life, he continued as if nothing had ever happened. He didn't blame his parents for his near death experience, it was just bad timing is what he had always told himself.

A year later; the next winter, his father had passed away due to an illness. That had stucked the tom tremendously. He began to not eat as much and started to become skinny. It was to the point were his mother had to step in after a few months had passed to help him move along from his fathers death. The attempt was successful, and his weight and personality returned eventually; at least most of it. Ravenfeather still felt like as if a part of him had died along side his father. What would feel worse than the pain of loosing his father would be if his mother had died as well. So to make sure his mother wouldn't leave him anytime soon he checks up on her daily; bringing her food to share with whomever elder decides to join his mother for a snack and objects that had been left in the rubble that seemed interesting.

.: Family :.

Mother - Mistcloud - Alive [NPC]
Father - Rowanclaw - Deceased
Siblings - N/A - N/A

.: Other Relationships :.

Mate : None
Crush : None (Open; must be developed in RP)
Best Friend: None (Open)

.: Theme Song :.

Zombie by Missio

.: Other :.


.: Roleplay Sample :.

(A peice from another roleplay that has been written a few days ago but not posted; Also I know a few words are inproper but that's because the character had an accent.)

The she-dog slowly opened her eyes. She had been restless all night, making her now tired. Alas she must wake up in order to teach her students today. She heaved her lithe body off of the soft cushion she had slept on. I gotta..get up.. She thought, feeling her long legs wanting to buckle and fall back down to the cushion so she may sleep some more. She gave a long yawn, along with a high pictched noise before closing her jaws shut. She gave her coat a quick shake before Anu strolled off with a pep in her step. Her walking was slow, but held an elegant look, much like a deer trotting across the forest. Once she left the room, she felt the sun's rays on her fur from a nearby window. It felt warm and nice, giving Anubis a sudden burst of energy she normally carried. It was as if the sun lifted her tiredness off her shoulders so she may be free to roam and run.

In reality, the sun just woke Anu up from what she thought was her being sleep deprived. Her stroll was now a stide as she quickened her pace down the hallway. Gotta get to class! She thought with excitment as she turned the corner. It wasn't long before the hound had made her way to the class. When she entered she noticed how everyone was chatting amongst themselves. She felt excited to start off the day with a group of dogs that seemed to be awake. She trotted over to the front of the room before sitting down. "Alrighty kiddos, that's enough chit-chat. Class is startin so pay attention." she barked out loud enough for everyone in the room to hear her. It was quite obvious now that she was becoming serious, so when she still heard chatting she became stern. "I said enough." she barked, this time it held more of a harsher tone that held authority.

Her erect ears twitched, No one's speaking...good. "Better. Alright kiddos, follow me. We are going outside today and we will be working on our endurance." she spoke as she got up, waisting no time on awaiting for her students to catch up with her. In this class the students will need to learn to keep up the pace if they wanna pass the class Anubis taught. She had made her way outside, her students straggling behind her as they attempt to keep up with the hound. " Com' on Kiddos! We don't got all day ya know? This is the perfect time of day to exersice your lungs. So lets not be waisting any minute of it." she said with a light tone that held enthusiasm. When everyone caught up she began to place everyone in groups of four, this way it was easier to manage as look over them rather than look out for every single individual.

.: Security Questions :.

What goes into calculating the success of a hunt :
The skill of the cat as well as the type of prey, weather conditions, and the setting
Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan :
Nettlestar and Bronzeclaw

Name three important things about Hillclan :
1.) Hillcan lives in multiple abandon houses found in the Knight's Run subdivison
2.) Their cats are trained in multiple areas so they are considered well-rounded
3.) They are the friendliest clan out of the three (now two) clans

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Edited on 27/08/17 @ 13:01:25 by The Joker Wolf (#93618)

mbat🦇 (#110701)

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Posted on
2017-08-28 10:49:42

What are they called?:Darkpaw or flame

How old are they?3 yrs and 8 months

•Gender & Sex•
All gender identities are accepted.male

All sexual/romantic orientations are accepted.straignt

What rank are they?warrior

Ex: Turkish Angora; Oriental Shorthair; Maine Coon; Mix; etc.turtleshell cat

•Census Description•
A one-sentence description of your character for the Census.a medium sized cat that is long with bight green eyes and long slender legs and body.

Picture optional, paragraph or more of description needed. Up top

One paragraph or more: he is a funny cat that has a fun life he does not mind caring for others and loves kits! He loves to learn and knows every leaf or process to cure a wound but he has enough knowledge to pas it down to a younger cat that loves to teach. He wants can be a med cat or a warrior his mother and father were med cats but also was able to have warrior skills.

Family members, deceased or not mother deceased, mother deceased,sister deceased

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.none

•Theme Song•
Optional " someting like this"

What else?: he is Irish

•RP Sample•
Have we met? Do I know how good you are? If not or if you're unsure, provide me with an RP Sample.: darknose walked through the entrance of the clan and took in all the smells and padded over to the food pile and noticed that there was not much food left so he left and walked into the forest and he smelt a plump bile so he leaned on his huanchs and POUNCED in the food biting it in the neck killing it and he picked it up and carried it back.

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? __to lean forward slowly walk forward then pounceing,and to have good light paws_________

Name the Leader and Deputy of Hillclan. ____nettlestar and bronzeclaw ________

Name three important things about Hillclan. ____________1. Hillclan lives in multiple abandoned houses found in knights run subdivision
2.thier cats are trained in multiple areas so they are considered well-rounded
3.they are the frendlyest clan out there

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