Posted by As the Dust Settles • CC Char Sheets

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-07-13 19:53:47

Main Roleplay Thread



What are they called?

How old are they?

•Gender & Sex•
All gender identities are accepted.

All sexual/romantic orientations are accepted.

What rank are they?

Ex: Turkish Angora; Oriental Shorthair; Maine Coon; Mix; etc.

•Census Description•
A one-sentence description of your character for the Census.

Picture optional, paragraph or more of description needed.

One paragraph or more

One paragraph or more

Family members, deceased or not

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

•Theme Song•

What else?

•RP Sample•
Have we met? Do I know how good you are? If not or if you're unsure, provide me with an RP Sample.

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? ____________

Name the former Leader and Deputy of Cloudclan. ____________

Name three important things about Cloudclan. ____________

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Edited on 13/07/17 @ 19:56:09 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-13 21:01:14


"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."

[Beetlekit] • Beetlepaw • Beetleflight

5 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Domestic Shorthair

•Census Description•
Beetlekit - A happy, friendly kit with short black and white fur and yellow eyes.

A small, dainty cat, Beetlekit's body has not fully matured into what it will be. As a kit, all of her limbs are slightly gangly and disproportionate to her body. She is covered in short white fur with splotches of black across her body. Her ears are large and tall, standing at attention atop her head. Her eyes are a bright, happy yellow, reflecting her positive disposition.

Beetlekit is usually a happy-go-lucky, fun-loving gal with a penchant for making friends. She loves to converse with her clanmates and make jokes, mostly at his own expense, though to the cats who don't know her well enough, she can come off as arrogant or irresponsible. Despite a habit of getting distracted, Beetlekit is always eager to learn something new, especially concerning the art of combat. She is extremely protective of her family and will do anything to ensure their safety, even if that means sacrificing her own life.

Born to two young sweethearts, Spiderfang and Feathercloud, who love their daughter more than anything. They were both incredibly kind and gentle, especially to her. As the Tallstone collapsed, the young kit lost her mother and is left with her father.

Father - Spiderfang [PotatoLord]
Mother - Feathercloud [Deceased]

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

•Theme Song•
Santa Evita - Maya Jade Frank, Isabella Moner, Evita Ensemble

What else?



"The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief – But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love."

Rattlekit • Rattlepaw • [Rattlefang]

40 Moons

•Gender & Sex•



Persian (50%) x Maine Coon (50%)

•Census Description•
Rattlefang - An approachable, quiet chocolate calico molly with dull golden eyes.

Rattlefang's short, stocky body is covered in coarse fur, as is typical of cats of her breed. Her patchwork fur is largely of a deep, redwood color, but is interrupted by light, rust-hued patches strewn unevenly across her pelt. Snowy fur covers her underside, chest, shoulders, throat, muzzle, and finishes with a thin blaze streaking between her golden eyes. The ears that perch expressively atop her skull are relatively small and triangular, matching the petite size of her head and the rest of her facial features. Due to her half-Persian heritage, her face is flatter than a pure Maine Coon but longer than a pure Persian.

Quiet and kind, Rattlefang donates the fraction of her time not spent on her Clan duties to conversing politely with friends or by herself, grooming her thick fur diligently. Perhaps this modest nature is what drew the humble and noble Pigeonstar to her. Because of her mother's dedication to clan life, she is extremely pious and can often be found praying to Starclan in times of need. Ever since the Tallstone's collapse, however, the molly has grown reserved and bitter, driven to despair by her mate's death.


TW: Incest

Descended from a family of kittypets, Rattlefang's lineage has only very recently been introduced into the Clans. Before she was born, her family of Persian show cats dedicated themselves to remaining in their two-leg's home, not far from the Tallstone. Here, the cats gave themselves the names of their deceased; each name eligible for recycling once the cat who owned it died. Her mother, an elegant dilute calico, had been the only surviving kitten of her litter, her siblings either stillborn or having died soon after birth due to the family's history of inbreeding. As she matured and was forced by tradition to breed to her older brother, Rosie (the fifth molly to have claimed that name) gave birth to a small litter of three; two stillborn and the third heavily disfigured but alive. As per tradition, Rosie was tasked with taking the twisted daughter into the woods and leaving it to die. As midnight fell and the molly was due to return, the night delivered no news nor sighting of the female. Instead, Rosie, disgusted by her family's atrocious practices, sought out assistance for her broken daughter and a refuge for herself. As dawn light bloomed across the sky, a white apparition moved its way across the gnarled pavement towards the Persian molly, greeting her with a deep, yet comforting voice. He brought her to Cloudclan, doubting that even the most skilled Medicine Cat could save Rosie's daughter but confident that the large mass of cats would have room for the elegant young female.

A year later, Rosie, who was now Rosewhisker and had grown extremely devout to clan life and its religion, and the male who had discovered her, Minkheart, were blessed with a daughter of their own: Rattlekit. As Rattlekit — well-liked by the adults of the clan — matured and grew up, Rosewhisker's health (her immune system failing because of her lineage) began to decline rapidly, leading to her death as Rattlefang turned 13 moons. Minkheart, too, had passed not long after, a casualty of greencough. As she dealt with the pain of losing her parents, Pigeontail, one of her close friends, would rarely stray from her side and the two became mates not long after he became Leader. Now, after Pigeonstar met his end in the Tallstone's collapse, Rattlefang has grown reserved and bitter.

Rosie/Rosewhisker - Mother [D]
Minkheart - Father [D]

•Other Relationships•

Pigeonstar • Male • 45 moons (DECEASED) • Loves; Mourns
Rattlefang's former mate; A humble, kind black Maine Coon tom

•Theme Song•

What else?

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Edited on 01/08/17 @ 07:20:37 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-14 15:19:27


Spiderkit - Spiderpaw - [Spiderfang].

24 moons (2 years) old.

•Gender & Sex•
Cis Male.

Heterosexual | Heteroromantic.


Domestic Shorthair.

•Census Description•
Spiderfang - Sleek pitch black tom with lengthy canine teeth and light yellow eyes.

Spiderfang is a limber young tom with a short, glossy jet black coat unblemished by any other color. His almond shaped eyes are a light shade of yellow and always hold a friendly and affectionate gleam, especially when set upon those he loves. His top canine teeth are slightly oversized, the tips easily seen peeking out from beneath his lips. Spiderfang's nose is just as a dark as his fur and while not a rare color or any specific breed he has a handsome face and a charming deamnor.

Spiderfang is a gentle tom with a kind heart and compassionate nature. He shies away from violence and doesn't enjoy fighting though he's fairly decent at it, but is an excellent and skilled hunter. The thrill of the chase is always his favorite part. He is easy-going and passive in demeanor, yet still willing to stand up for himself and others when he feels the need.

More often than not however he will avoid confrontation if he can, usually fleeing a tense encounter with a sarcastic comment on the tip of his tongue. That aside, Spiderfang is a friendly and warm individual who always strives to do the right thing. All in all he's an amicable fellow who's easy to be around so long as you can accept his flaws. He tends to be a worrier, especially prone to fussing over his daughter.

If anyone were to harm Beetlekit he would fight tooth and claw for her. Threaten his daughter's safety and Spiderfang will do a total 180 and become a force to be reckoned with. Despite his youth the black tom has taken fatherhood very seriously and is determined to always be there for his kit, especially in the absence of her mother.

A fairly average Clan backstory that isn't particularly exciting up until recent events. He was a timid kit and apprentice, his mentor having a hard time getting him to practice battle moves. His love of hunting ended up shining though however, earning him his warrior name once the time came. He became a father fairly young, a bit shy of two years old, but has no regrets.

Spiderfang always wanted a family and was more than happy sharing his life with Feathercloud and Beetlekit. During the collapse of the Tallstone his mate Feathercloud was lost among the debris, but Spiderfang managed to snatch Beetlekit up just in time and escape with her. Now the two carry on without out her, carrying Feathercloud's memory in their hearts as they struggle to survive with the remaining members of Cloudclan, now left without a home to call their own.

Ravenwing | Mother | OPEN.
Shadowfang | Father | Deceased.
Beetlekit | Daughter | Played by Insert.

•Other Relationships•
None yet.

•Love Interest•
Feathercloud | Mate | Deceased.

Open, but must develop through roleplay.

•Theme Song•
Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈


Bearkit - [Bearpaw] - Bearclaw.

6 moons (6 months) old.

•Gender & Sex•
Cis Male.

Bisexual | Biromantic.

Warrior Apprentice.

Domestic Shorthair.

•Census Description•
Bearpaw - Young black smoke tom with pale golden eyes.

There is nothing particularly extraordinary about Bearpaw's appearance beyond perhaps his pelt color. He has no notable purebred features. A young male of average size for his age with a round head, a medium length, somewhat squarish muzzle, circular dull golden eyes lacking any sort of vibrancy as well as a tail and ears of moderate length. His coat is short and thus far free of scarring, black with paler, smoky gray markings

A studious apprentice who spent most of his days before the collapse focusing on training. Nearly every waking moment was spent improving some skill. Perfecting his hunter's crouch and stealth, advancing his battle skills, pushing his senses to their limits and absorbing all and any information passed onto him by his mentor. He's a bit of a bore if you're looking for someone more enthusiastic about life, seemingly always calm and collected.

He speaks in a quiet tone and seems uninterested in games or fooling around with the other apprentices, even taking it upon himself to memorize the local herbs despite having no talent for medicine or any interest in serving as a medicine cat. He appears to prefer the company of adults, considered mature for his age by many of the warriors. Bearpaw's respect for the higher ups was unshakable and the death of Pigeonstar especially has left him in a depressive funk. Bearpaw has grown more reclusive, keeping to himself unless called upon.

Born to a single mother, his father unknown to him, signifying he was likely a passing rogue rather than a member of the Clan. Smokeheart encouraged Bearpaw to do his best always, but seems concerned by his serious nature, wishing for him not to waste his kithood and apprenticeship away with his near constant studying. After their home was destroyed Smokeheart grew very more protective and the two stick to one another like glue now that their fate is so uncertain.

Smokeheart | Mother | OPEN.

•Other Relationships•
None yet.

•Theme Song•
Things We Lost In The Fire - Bastille.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈


Daisykit - Daisypaw - [Daisyfoot].

36 moons (3 years) old.

•Gender & Sex•

Pansexual | Panromantic.


European Burmese Mix.

•Census Description•
Daisyfoot - Solid cream she-cat with yellow-green eyes.

Daisyfoot is a slender, long legged she-cat with a solid rosy cream pelt, dark ticking found along the flanks and tail. Her head is wedge shaped with large ears, a long tapering muzzle and semi-almond shaped pale yellow eyes with a faint greenish center surrounding each pupil. Her coat is quite short and sleek, rarely shedding. Her body length overall is quite long and she strikes a graceful figure.

Daisyfoot is both confident and self-assured, always composed and sensible. While her temperament can be a bit chilly at times, especially around cats she isn't fond of, this is a warrior who generally means well and wants to do right by her Clan. Stubborn and strong-willed, once she has her mind set on something there isn't much that can be done to change it. This has led to her arguing with senior warriors and even her leader in the past if she believed the decision she was making was the wrong one.

Her attitude softens considerably around pups and Daisyfoot often spends her free time entertaining the Clan's youngsters even if she doesn't have much interest in becoming a mother herself at the moment. The life of a warrior is far more exciting, though she still respects the Clan's mothers. One of her strongest flaws is not knowing when to quit, and she can at times prove a bit mean spirited and obnoxious toward anyone she feels has betrayed her trust or seeks to challenge her.

Daisyfoot is a Cloudclan cat through and through, her kin members for generations upon generations while still maintaining their original purebred heritage traits. Beyond her impressive lineage there isn't much about this girl that could be considered unusual. She was born into a litter of four, but her mother Sandcloud was rather sickly throughout her pregnancy and the majority of her litter were quite weak, dying shortly after birth. Daisykit was miraculously feisty and strong from the moment she entered the world. A ray of light in her parents' grief.

She became an apprentice and later a warrior in record time, and, other than the death of her siblings, her small family hasn't seen much in the way of personal tragedy thus far. Seven moons ago her parents had their second litter and both kits survived, now thriving and and growing as promising apprentices. Sandcloud and Creamfang eagerly await the day their oldest daughter finds a mate and has her own offspring, but as of now Daisyfoot isn't in any hurry.

Sandcloud | Mother | OPEN.
Creamfang | Father | OPEN.
Tansypaw | Younger Sister | Played by Skazzle.
Bluepaw | Younger Brother | OPEN.

•Other Relationships•
None yet.

•Theme Song•
Sit Still, Look Pretty - Daya.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? The skill and condition of every individual cat involved, what kind of animal the prey is and the setting.

Name the former Leader and Deputy of Cloudclan. Pigeonstar and Petalstream.

Name three important things about Cloudclan. This Clan had the largest population. All of their leadership perished in the collapse of the Tallstone. They were skilled in both combat and strength.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

All images are linked to their sources.

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Edited on 17/07/17 @ 12:57:35 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-14 20:20:24


Link to source


•7 moons•
•Cis male•
•Homosexual + Homoromantic•
•Medicine Cat Apprentice•


•Census Description•
Frogpaw- thick furred snow marbled tabby bengal tom with hazel eyes.

With a pale brown pelt, with darker brown tabby marks and a white jaw complete Frogpaw’s look. He has thick fur with the heaviest being around his neck and tail. He has dark blue eyes and a pink nose. The only mark on his entire pelt is a nick in his right ear, his only memory of when he trained as a warrior apprentice. His whiskers are white, and oddly long. His fur always carries a smell of herbs.

Hazelflight taught Frogpaw that happiness can cure almost anything, and as a result he is always smiling and looking on the bright side of things. There is very few instances of him not smiling around other cats but it is short lived. He constantly seeks to have others be satisfied with his presence despite his herb knowledge lacking. Frogpaw is a rather innocent cat that always makes an effort to see the good in another living being, and will always look at something from both sides of the argument. Despite having first trained as a warrior and even now as a medicine cat he never truly feels like he belongs as either. As a warrior, he wasn’t strong enough or fast enough and as a medicine cat he isn’t smart enough and his feelings towards others break the medicine cat code. Frogpaw lacks confidence and is almost always doubting his own decisions, but his patience and kind demeanor hopefully make up for any of his wrong calls.

Frogpaw was born to Mudtail and Deerflower, two average warriors along with his sister Minnowpaw and brother Toadpaw. The three kits were always stuck at the hip until one day when Mudtail finally broke and accused Deerflower of seeing another cat on the side - his reasoning? Frogkit was longhaired while both of his parents and littermates were all short haired. Once the accusations began to spread Deerflower fell into a state of depression and she would constantly tell anyone that ever gave her kits an odd look that Mudtail was their father no matter what he said, thankfully the clan eventually brushed it off and ignored the fights that would happen on occasion between Deerflower and Mudtail. The only solace Frogkit had during these fights is when he would sneak off to be with Hazelflight in the medicine cat den.

The fights finally ended when Deerflower was able to leave the nursery and her kits became apprentices. Frogkit early that day had been approached by Hazelflight and asked if he wanted to train as a Medicine Cat - but after speaking with his littermates decided he would train as a warrior with them instead. Foran entire moon he trained as a warrior and each and every time Frogpaw ended up making eye contact with Hazelflight, they would smile and mention that the position would remain open until you decide.

When he finally turned seven moons he gave into the offer and joined Hazelflight in the medicine cat den permanently.

Mudtail ○ Father [Deceased]
Deerflower ○ Mother [Deceased]
Toadpaw ○ Littermate | Brother [Open for adoption]
Minnowpaw ○ Littermate | Sister [Open for adoption]

•Other Relationships•
Bearpaw | Crush | Potato Lord
Despite being a Medicine Cat Apprentice, Frogpaw oftentimes fears he made a wrong choice due to his feelings towards Bearpaw.

•Theme Song•
Bright Side by Vicetone

If any of you were wondering, Deerflower didn’t actually see another cat behind Mudtail’s back. The longhaired gene in a cat is recessive and both of them just happened to carry it :’)



Link to source


•Gender & Sex•

Ex: Turkish Angora; Oriental Shorthair; Maine Coon; Mix; etc.

•Census Description•
A one-sentence description of your character for the Census.

Picture optional, paragraph or more of description needed.

One paragraph or more

One paragraph or more

Family members, deceased or not

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

•Theme Song•

What else?

•RP Sample•
I mean, we have rp’ed before but it’s been awhile...

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? Skill, Condition, Type of prey, and setting ^^

Name the former Leader and Deputy of Cloudclan: Pigeonstar and Petalstream

Name three important things about Cloudclan: Previously held the largest population number, skilled in combat and strength, and their territory has recently collapsed.

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Edited on 16/07/17 @ 18:29:02 by Usa-san {fungus is love.} (#2703)

Christicat15 (#54511)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-16 15:29:55



Brightspirit. Bright for her bright eyes and personality. Spirit is relating to her prefix, by saying she has a bright spirit.


20 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Heterosexual & Heteroromantic




Domestic Shorthair x Maine Coon x Savannah Cat

•Census Description•

Short and rather pretty female with multi-colored fur and stunning green eyes.


Brightspirit is a pretty feline, with brilliant, bright green eyes, that seem to be her most striking feature. She is a naturally smaller female with an innocent face, almost large ears, slightly big eyes, and a short muzzle, giving her a beautiful, yet slightly cub-like appearance. Her fur is a beautiful array of many colors, being a gorgeous cream-orange color with white underfur and dark colors such as brown on her legs and some of her back, giving her a unique. Brightspirit's form is slender, with graceful contours given to her by her curving bones and lean muscles that flex and contract to move her agile body with quickness and ease. Her body has an obvious feminine touch, and her stature is almost lacking in muscle, with the natural muscles resulted from spending her life of exploring and training as she has to as she has a usual adolescent ambition to explore. Her coat is short, naturally, but gets a bit fluffier around her belly and neck, and is slim, fitting to her frame in an appealing fashion that draws the eye. It thins out slightly around her legs, letting others see her shorter size and long legs, yet adding to her already elegant appearance.

If one would have to pick their favorite thing about her though, it would be her smile. When she smiles, it brights up the room and her eyes always have this mischievous glint to them, but still being filled with warmth these probably being one of the causes of her name.

She has a few scars on her odd pelt from her entire life full of running and others, rarely fighting back against her attackers, especially from when she was younger, but her speed is very helpful when it comes to fighting, as she can dodge attacks quickly.


"Only rainbows after rain. The sun will always come again. It's a circle, circling, around again, it comes around again."

The beginning of Brightspirit's life was marked by loss. Her father was murdered, her mother abandoned her to the desert, and she became separated from all, except for one, of her siblings. Despite tragedy haunting her family, depression is a burden that she will refuse to carry. As a young adult, Brightspirit will usually view her world through rose-tinted lenses and give others the benefit of the doubt. Even when another's heart seems hardened or devoid of kindness, she will try her hardest to find a sliver of goodness in them. She will want to share her sense of peace and joy for life with others, even if they don't welcome her bright spirit and optimism. She will want to help others who are in need and assist them to solve their problems. She will want to be the peacekeeper who maintains order and calm, the charitable spirit who gives what she can to ease others' discomfort and suffering, the dependable shoulder to lean on, even if she tends to be more dependent...

The gorgeous female is extremely childish and loves to show it. She's hyper, mischievous, charming, and extremely devoted to any loved ones, all in one. Her childish side is shown in her love of mischief. Though, it is also shown in her competitive nature. She has always loved proving to her siblings or felines she's met along her travels that she's just as capable as them. If someone gives her a challenge, she's quick to take up that challenge and is always determined to win.

Though she has her childish side, she also has the side of her, that is fiercely loyal and dependent on her loved ones. She would love them with all her being, and would never abandon them. She would do whatever she could to make them feel loved, make them feel as if the world was complete. Her family did that for her. Well, until they all seemed to leave somehow. Now she's like that with just anyone she cares for. Her mother always said she had inherited her father's charms. Of course, she didn't know what these charms were at the time since her father was murdered before she was born. Still, she definitely became a smooth talker, easy to charm her way out of most situations, or.... well, get herself into them.

Flat-out rejection is something that she will struggle with. Brightspirit will want others to grow to like and appreciate her as much as she does them. If they do not, she will be hurt and feel that she has failed in some way. Future events may eventually toughen her up. A large enough betrayal or breach of her trust could teach her what it is to feel the darker, heavier emotions, such as sadness or a craving for revenge. The company she keeps will shape her as she grows older.


Their parent's love was a storybook romance, one that started in passion and hoped to survive with loyalty and purpose. Ironically, the two met in the Clan as young ones and, once they came of reasonable age, the female gave herself to the stranger in hope of a better life. The male was unlike any feline she'd ever known, his Maine coon blood a rare and ancient lineage that surpassed her own humble beginnings. The female Shorthair was not beautiful, even her partner recognized that much, but her willingness to follow him and help him start a family of superior cats made her an ideal mate. And that is how Hawkbreeze and Leafjump came to be.

But like all those who hope for their relationship to follow the storybook-quo, reality came bearing heavily down upon their shoulders. A victim of a rogue's hatred and carnage, Hawkbreeze was killed on the outskirts of the Clan's territory and left there for everyone to witness; including his pregnant companion. Leafjump fell victim to the Clan's suspicions but she fled and the Clan members left her to whatever future she hoped to find. The mother-to-be was lost, without a Clan, a family and now, a mate. Hawkbreeze gave her purpose but no matter what dreams and ambitions she fed off of each morning, she would now have to provide for herself, and her children, alone.

It is unknown what became of the she-cat during her time alone. Sightings were few and in-between, the details became broken and blurred with time and everything came together to make a weak picture of her daily life. What is known, however, is that the she-cat birthed her cubs in the new Clan's territory, before the collapse of their home, whether she liked to accept that fate or not, and raised them single-handedly. Soon enough, her mother had had enough of tragedy and heartache and left the kits alone. The unnamed kit's siblings soon were either killed in whatever ways or ended up wandering away from her, ways she doesn't really remember. and left her all alone.

But, eventually, the little kit wandered and was found by a hunting patrol, as she was in the Clan's territory, and the patrol, viewing her as a poor and innocent young kit, brought her back to the place that would soon become her home. There would she grow up under the name Brightkit, given to her by their leader.



Hawkbreeze [Neutral] [Deceased]


Leafjump [Despises] [Status Unknown]
~ open for someone to roleplay her and maybe have her run into the Clan/Brightspirit someday. Could cause for some drama >:3

"I was there for you, in your darkest nights. But I wonder where were you? When I was at my worst, down on my knees, and you said you had my back, I wonder where were you?"

|Adoptive Mother|

Open [pm me]


She has five siblings; two brothers and three sisters. All either died of unknown causes or wandered away when she was too young to remember. But, of course, a sibling is totally available. Maybe one or more survived?

•Other Relationships•


She is incredibly loving and affectionate, a truly fun partner to hang around with. If this energetic female finds the right match, she will be extremely loyal and slightly clingy, as well as insecure. As a result of her kinder, brighter nature, she isn't as combat-keen, especially when it comes to defending herself, and will probably need a male companion to help protect her.

Currently, she won't have a crush or mate at the start of the roleplay, but she is open for one <3


*crush required first*


*crush and mate required first*




open for a best friend


( Keep in mind, these are my character's views, not mine. Do not get mad at me for a view my character might hold against one of yours. And also, none of your characters should be aware of what my character thinks of them. )

Will be updated as she interacts with characters <3

Character Name [Relation to him] [Rank] [Clan] [ Player ]
"Quote" (optional)

•Theme Song•

Keep Your Head Up - Andy Grammar

"I know it's hard, know it's hard, to remember sometimes, but you gotta keep your head up."


Brightspirit's voice is sweet, innocent, and charming. She still has the pup-like tone to it, just adding to the already charming, honey-like feel it has.

She definitely has the "hakuna matata" view on life and will probably be caught singing it once or twice cx

•Security Questions•

What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? The skill and size of the cat, the prey itself, and the setting in which the hunt is taking place.

Name the former Leader and Deputy of CloudClan. Swanstar and N/A

Name three important things about CloudClan. Skilled in both combat and strength, used to be the largest Clan, and their previous leader, deputy, and medicine cat died in the collapse of their home.

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Edited on 12/08/17 @ 16:24:58 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-16 23:12:42

My photo, please do not use


32 Moons

•Gender & Sex•

Straight| Heterosexual



•Census Description•
A svelte, handsome tom with entrancing dark blue eyes and sleek cream fur with chocolate markings.

Shadowpool's gaze is hard to look away from, aesthetically vivid because of the dark chocolate colored fur around his face. Slight tabby markings grow out from his cheeks, fading gently into the pale cream pelt that covers the rest of his body. An athletic tom, his form is more attuned towards agility, though he has a broad chest and stout legs. Despite his slightly lanky figure, lean muscle is more than bountiful when looking closely at him, hidden by his graceful silhouette. His head is a mix between round and wedged, leaning more towards the rounded appearance that his ancestors had. Shadowpool's ears are on the smaller side, flaring outward at the base and coming to a pointed tip, the hairs the same dark brown as on his face. His legs and tail all carry the brown markings as well, giving the entirety of his hide a nice contrast.

Before the Tallstone fell, Shadowpool was a rather reserved yet happy tom. He made friends easily despite his rather quiet personality, and enjoyed hunting and sparring with his clanmates. The male felt safe and it was easy to say that he was somewhat immature, especially due to his youth. Nothing daunted him, not even venturing out of Cloudclan territory to hunt, the dangers were the last thing on his mind. Instead, he focused on his social life, enduring often tedious border patrols and hunting patrols just to stay close to those he cared about. Perhaps he'd known what was going to happen... After his home crumbled, Shadowpool lost most of his joyous demeanor, preferring to curl in on himself and deal with his feelings in private. However, he soon realized that if he was going to survive, then he needed to become stronger. The male matured all too quickly, losing the bouncing youth and becoming a stern, fair tom. His hidden charisma shone through in the aftermath, and he is trying his best to keep his broken clan together using just that and the warrior code. Shadowpool knows that he can't force anyone to follow him or obey, but he hopes that he can manage to lead them to a new home, a new territory where they'll be safe and rebuild.

Shadowkit was born to a lone mother, his sire passing away during the harsh leaf-bare, his body unable to fight off the cough that eventually took him. His dam was a strong, beautiful she-cat in her prime, looking after him and his brother without batting an eye. However, Shadowkit knew that she mourned the loss of her mate, the little tom could feel her sobbing at night. And so he vowed to always make his mother laugh, no matter how angry or sad she became. His brother was not as inclined to do this. The other male viewed his mother as weak, after all, she'd let their father die to a mere disease. Perhaps it was the illogical thinking of a kit, but Darkkit grew farther apart from their mother with every passing day due to this. Shadowkit became desperate to keep his family together. It didn't work out that way. All throughout their apprenticeship, Darkpaw and Shadowpaw remained friendly, albeit a little distant. It wasn't until they both received their warrior names that Darktail severed all ties with his kin and focused on his own life. When the Tallstone collapsed, both Shadowpool and Darktail made it out, barely. Even then, when Shadowpool tried to make contact, Darktail refused. To this day, they still do not speak, however much Shadowpool wishes it were different.

Cloudgaze| Mother| Deceased, killed in Tallstone collapse
Icescar| Father| Deceased
Darktail| Brother| Adoptable

•Other Relationships•
Open! PM me!

•Theme Song•


•RP Sample•
We've met!

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? Condition and skill level of the cat, type of prey, and setting.

Name the former Leader and Deputy of Cloudclan. Pigeonstar & Petalstream

Name three important things about Cloudclan. Resided in the Tallstone, a huge office building. Once the biggest clan, and they focused on combat and strength.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-17 12:54:44
-Removed by moderator-


7 moons

•Gender & Sex•




•Census Description•
Blue and cream tortoiseshell she-cat with round green eyes and a flattened muzzle.

Tansypaw is a blue and cream patched she-cat with round green eyes. Her muzzle is shorter than other cats and she has a more stocky build. She also has a short tail and oval shaped paws. She has silky fur, but she still has a muscular build under. She is basically a rock wrapped in silk. Her paws are a more choclate colour from the cream mixing with the blue in her fur, creating a chocolate colour. She has a slightly broad chest, and large pointed ears.
She is a rather small she-cat, though.

Tansypaw is a very compassionate and understanding she-cat, and she relates well to other cats. She can adapt ell to diffreent changes in her life, never letting anything bring her down. Shes a very determined and ambitious she-cat, if you didn't know.
Tansypaw is loyal, and would do anything to save her clan, even though shes not even a warrior. She is calm and tries to stay levelheaded in a crisis, trying not to panic. She believes if you panic during a bad event, then you are just useless. You need to stay calm and thinkb about what you can do to help.
She is also very curious and tries to learn everything she could, asking questions and always with her mentor. Tansypaw is honest and responsible, admitting to things she has done even if it means she gets punished. She is independent, but will try and work with others when she feels is best. Whenever shes around whom she dislikes, she'll try to be respectful, though its clear she is uncomfortable. She has proven already that she'll be a worthy warrior. She has a smooth and quiet voice, also.

She was born to Sandcloud and Creamfang, with a brother named Bluepaw. She is a pure cloudclan cat, like her eldest sister, Daisyfoot. She was very determined to be the best she-kitin her litter, but that determination faded after a while. She is a promising apprentice and hopefully, a promising warrior.

Sandcloud | Mother | OPEN
Creamfang | Father | OPEN
Daisyfoot | Older Sister | Played by Potato Lord
Bluepaw | Brother | OPEN

•Other Relationships•
None Yet

•Theme Song•

What else?

•RP Sample•
We met!

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? Skill, Type of Prey, Setting, and Condition

Name the former Leader and Deputy of Cloudclan. Pigeonstar and Petalstream

Name three important things about Cloudclan. Cloudclan was once the most biggest clan, stayed in the Tallstone, they also focused on strength and combat

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Edited on 22/07/17 @ 14:03:34 by Shad (#16848)

Hypno Toad (#104984)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-28 23:02:12




13 moons

•Gender & Sex•
Cis Female



Cornish Rex

•Census Description•
Fogheart – A sly, amiable acrobat, white furred, blue-eyed, and still young enough to be idealistic.

Long-bodied, lithe, and muscular, Fogheart more similarly resembles an exaggerated cartoon than any real cat. With a naturally arched back, barrel chest, tucked wiast, and long hind legs, she has the slim, graceful build of an acrobat, built for leaping, climbing, and twisting. Her paws are highly dexterous, with thorn-sharp claws, and her tail is long and whip-like, applying itself well to her high-flying habits. Her snowy white fur is soft and very fine, falling in velvety ripples, with large patches of various shades of gray. As such, her pelt offers little to no protection against harsh weather, resigning her to what is perhaps more time spent inside than most during colder months.

Fogheart's head is triangular in shape, with high cheekbones, a distinct Roman profile, and huge, bat-like ears. Her eyes, large and rounded, are pale blue, nearly translucent in shade, and her whiskers are long and curly. She moves rather like a ballet dancer, with her lanky build giving the appearance of constantly being balanced on her toes, and her movements are deliberately precise. Despite her somewhat fragile appearance, however, Fogheart is built like a brick, powerful and densely muscular. Descended from what was once a long line of purebred show cats, she is very much the archetype of her breed.

Sly, smart, and smooth-talking, Fogcloud is a charismatic and persuasive conversationalist, defined largely by her easy humor and laid-back attitude. Nonetheless, she's a private cat that struggles with anything much deeper than casual banter or friendly small talk, and has virtually no close friends to show for it, remaining relatively distant even from her own family members, although she gets along well with her clan-mates. Rather than ambition or discipline, Fogcloud is driven primarily by a strong and sincere desire to understand, and would be the living embodiment of curiosity killing the cat if she weren't so adept at getting out of scrapes. As a result, she's highly inclined to introspection, and is deeply empathetic. Ultimately, she just wants to make the world a better place, leading her to stay with Cloudclan and help rebuild rather than leave for another clan, something she had initially been planning even before the Tallstone fell.

Born to a fairly normal family with a fairly normal upbringing, Fogcloud's life was, up until recently, the epitome of normal. She'd hated it, actually. Endlessly curious almost from birth, she'd found normal clan life stifling and had never really felt at home with her clan, knowing early own that she was going to leave one way or another. The idea of staying in one place her whole life, never to see the world or even another clan's territory, left her terrified. As a kit, she'd fantasized about running away to become a loner and explore the world at her leisure, a dream that stuck with her until she became an apprentice and learned about Willowclan. They opened themselves up to rouges, loners, even defectors of other clans, anyone who passed their entry test, a relatively small group of cats Fogcloud fully intended to join. Not that she didn't like Cloudclan. It was just to her, joining Willowclan was the ultimate learning opportunity, something she couldn't pass up on. Cloudclan didn't need her anyways. Until they did.

The day the Tallstone fell, her dreams came crashing down with it. Everyone's did, really. Friends, families, mentors, kits and their mothers, even Pigeonstar himself, all gone in one swift blow. A few cats were lucky, out on patrol, maybe hunting. Even fewer, even luckier survived the actual building collapsing. Fogstar was one of them, on the first floor when it happened and fast enough to make a run for it when the first pieces of concrete began to fall. Where a mighty clan had once stood, was a mountain of rubble and a small group of scared, vulnerable cats with no where to go. Nobody deserved to suffer the way they had, and while she couldn't bring their clanmates back, at least she wouldn't leave them.

Father - Jayheart (Deceased)
Mother - Breezepelt (Deceased)
Sister - Blossompaw (Deceased)

•Other Relationships•
Open, pm me!

Theme Song
Poor Little Rich Boy - Regina Spektor

What else?

•RP Sample•
(Sorry it's not cats; it's from a zombie RP and is just what I happened to have on me. I can whip up a warriors-specific example if you want me to, though!)

“Fuck, dude! FUCK!” Still reeling from the recoil, Danny stumbled backwards into the wall and tossed the gun to the floor, disgusted. In front of her, the crumpled body of a dark-haired young man lay in a pool of blood, his and hers both. At least, she thought his hair was dark- it was hard to tell with his brains splattered all over the floor like that. The taste of blood and bile filled her mouth, an unholy combination that left her spitting into the dust, and as the ringing in her ears began to fade away she became abruptly aware of the dull, thumping pain in her arm. Looking down, she immediately fought back a wave of nausea. Her forearm was torn open, a large chunk of flesh having been literally ripped from her body. The bitemarks, despite the blood that covered them, were grotesquely prominent, and chunks of meat poked through shredded skin as ribbons of blood and saliva pooled together in the crevices of the wound. Icy panic shot through her veins, and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying desperately to get a hold of herself. What the hell just happened? Danny sunk to the floor, trying to think.

That boy, the one now lying on the floor in a mangled heap, had been standing in front of a store window, staring at the glass. And he was definitely staring at the glass, not past it. At first she had thought he was looking into the store, window-shopping maybe, but as she'd walked closer it had become apparent his gaze was completely blank, transfixed absently on his own reflection. He'd been perfectly still, like a corpse. Come to think of it, Danny wasn't even sure he'd been breathing. She'd reached out to touch his shoulder, ask if he was okay, when... she opened her eyes again, looking once more at the gaping gash in her arm. He'd lunged at her. She averted her eyes from the bloody mess in front of her, setting her gaze on the clear evening sky above her and trying to ignore the increasingly intense pain shooting through her arm. She had to call an ambulance. He could have rabies or something. He probably did, and now she had them too. She fumbled for her phone, awkwardly reaching across her now-useless left arm into her pocket, and when the movie theater across the street caught her eye with it's big, black lettering reading “Night of The Living Dead”, she lifted her eyes back to the sky and tried not to think of the human teeth marks currently dotting her arm. Rabies, she reminded herself, choosing not to remember that he hadn't had any foam around his mouth or that his eyes had been empty instead of wild.

“Zombies aren't real,” she muttered, and as Danny dialed 911 she kept her eyes firmly on the screen in front if her, completely oblivious to what was under the theater's sign; a woman without a pulse, currently shambling towards her.

•Security Questions•
What goes into calculating the success of a hunt? The amount of cats hunting, the size of the prey, the skill level of the hunter, and the weather.

Name the former Leader and Deputy of Cloudclan. Pigeonstar and Petalstream

Name three important things about Cloudclan. Cloudclan was the largest of the clans, lived in the Tallstone, and no longer has a Leader, Deputy, or Medicine Cat.

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Edited on 04/08/17 @ 12:07:33 by Hypno Toad (#104984)

WubWubBub (#46785)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-06 05:26:55



34 Moons

•Gender & Sex•
Male, He/him



A mix of various long haired cats, but primarily Norwegian Forest cat and Maine coon, though he's not bulky like he should be.

•Census Description•
A quiet, tall, black tom reddish-brown fur around the chest, with often somber, tired green eyes.

Shadowwatcher is a taller than average tom who's legs look a little too long for his darker colored body. His green, golden-flecked eyes look tired, many sleepless nights leaving his face looking aged and exhausted, a rather somber expression seeming to be his default face. His facial features are gaunt and his body is thin, having not been eating as much. He has longer fur around his chest and long, feathery tail. In direct sunlight, his eyes look pale yellow.

Shadowwatcher is a reserved tom after the passing of his mate, Duckwing. He is still working through accepting her death, often spending time away from what remains of their camp to simply be alone. Though he tries his best to smile when other cats come to talk to him, he still looks hurt, if one is to look in his eyes. However he likes talking to apprentices and grieving warriors during this time, doing his best to soothe them. He seems to be lacking in motivation, needing a bit of a nudge to get him to do much.

Shadowwatcher's parents seemed to be polar opposites. Duskrunner was a confident, outgoing tom, and Crow was a reserved, sly she-cat, however they had fallen for each other. The two became mates and, eventually, Crow had her litter of kits. Due to the age of the two cats, Crow's final litter hadn't been the strongest, many of the kits passing on to Starclan before they were even born, leaving Shadowwatcher and his sister. After becoming a few days old, Duskrunner took the two kits from Crow after she refused to join him in Cloudclan, telling the clan he had found the dark pelted kits. The two were raised by a nursing Queen, and they were none the wiser.
Shadowwatcher's kit-hood was like any others, though he was a bit more outgoing and talkative then that he is now. Upon becoming an apprentice, the young tom became good friends with a she-cat named Duckpaw, a kind and witty apprentice who's smile he adored. He'd often ask his mentor if he could partner train with Duckpaw, and eventually the two of them had fallen for each other.
When the two became warriors, they were slightly more awkward with each other, though others could see that they deeply cared for each other, often sharing tongues. Their friends would tease them and poke fun, often making Shadowwatcher embarrassed and Duckwing defensive. However, on one full mooned night, Duckwing had asked Shadowwatcher to be her mate. He, though flustered, accepted happily, and soon they were expecting kits.
A day before the fall of the Tallstone however, Duckwing and Shadowwatcher got into a fight, though the other clan cats aren't aware, having only seen the two returning to camp separately, with Duckwing looking angered and Shadowwatcher looking like he was in pain.
At the fall of the Tallstone, Duckwing had woken Shadowwatcher up and gotten him out of the Tallstone. Though Shadowwatcher begged her to not go back in there, and even tried to hold her back, Duckwing ran back in to try and save her elder mother. Even after their home fell, he waited for her, and looked for her body, but he wasn't able to find her.
Ever since then, Shadowwatcher has been drifting between being a Cloudclan warrior and a loner, spending long moments away from the remaining cats, but always trying to return with prey to compensate. He's been more quiet than normal, but he's very gentle with kits and apprentices, and other grieving cats. He rarely appears with more than a half smile.

A darker grey colored tabby with pale yellow eyes. She passed away a few moons before the fall of the Tallstone.
A dusty brown tabby tom. He brought Nightheart and Shadowrunner to Cloudclan as kits. He watched the kits grow, however he disappeared after he was assigned the elder rank, never to be seen again.
Palestripe|Adoptive Mother|Living
A pale maine-coon she-cat that raised Shadowwatcher and his sister, along with her other kits. The death of her true kits as a result of the Tallstone drove Palestripe to leave what was left of Cloudclan to find a new place to live.
A black she-cat with rich green eyes. She left with Palestripe to find a new place to call home.
Various Unnamed kits|Deceased
As Shadowwatcher was part of Crow's final litter, many of the kits were too frail, leaving Nightheart and Shadow runner as the only living kits.

•Other Relationships•
Duckwing |Previous Mate|Deceased
A dusty brown and grey american short-hair she-cat with a long, thin tail. She passed away during the collapse of Tallstone while trying to help other cats escape. She was Shadowwatcher's close friend since they were newly appointed apprentices, and was in the early stages of pregnancy when she passed away.
If you want your character to have been friends with Shadowwatcher before the destruction, DM me and we could work some details out :^)
•Theme Song•

Skyhill - Firefly
Wish You Were here -

What else?

•RP Sample•
Shadowwatcher's yellow-green eyes slowly opened as the sunlight peered down on his dark pelt, the cold, gritty stone beneath him providing little comfort as he got to his paws. His body crackled as his bones shifted, the tom squinting before simply sitting up, the breeze ruffling his fur. He chose to sleep away from the others, and for what reason he wasn't quite sure himself. Part of him believed it was because of his night terrors that he'd been having. Waking up and seeing another cat so close to him that wasn'tDuckwing, it pained him too much, so he kept his distance. Perhaps it was unfair to the other cats, but he couldn't truly care.
He did his best to make up for it though. He'd always return with some form of prey, anything he could get before returning. Once he'd even brought back a beetle, though hardly a meal of choice for any cat. He felt so drained after each day, but he wouldn't let himself slow down too much. He needed to talk to someone- about anything, really. Though he wouldn't be surprised if others avoided him. He paused as he passed a puddle in the thunderpath, approaching it to look down at himself. He looked... Awful. He cringed and moved away, ears turned back. He knew it would be a long few moons, but he would do his best.

•Security Questions•

What goes into calculating the success of a hunt?
The hunting ability of each cat involved, the terriain/setting, and the type of prey.

Name the former Leader and Deputy of Cloudclan.
The former leader was Pigeonstar, and the former deputy was Petalstream.

Name three important things about Cloudclan.
Their home, Tallstone, had collapsed a moon ago, leaving half of its members alive. Among the dead were their leader, deputy, and medicine cat, leaving them leaderless. The remaining Cloudclan members are either leaving to join a new clan, or trying to rebuild.

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