Posted by Lion RP(Sister Pride) - STORY DRIVEN

🦁 (#119290)

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Posted on
2017-07-22 19:02:16
This is a sister RP to Lion RP Forum and it is also STORY DRIVEN. That means that things are planned by story events. While this doesn't mean you are not free to post whatever, it means that you will be expected to keep up. I work hard to bring good stories and, for the most part, I let the players dictate them. But I expect cooperation from all players.

We have 2 separate character sheets, one involves the bio which should be posted at the link below, the second one, can be found here.


Deep within a rocky canyon, a cave sits. Carved out by rains and the tireless work of a single male lion sharpening his claws along the limestone walls. The den is in shambles, signs of a recent fight. A male lion carcass lays, partially eaten. The den is eerily quiet.

As you turn to leave the cave, a rocky ledge sits outside the entrance overlooking your position. Across from you, another cave. The smell of blood hangs heavy in the air.

(Same as sister pride)
~All Lioden rules apply.
~Fade into black is aloud (mature/breeding/births/graphic scenes/all that other stuff)
~No mature content. (Fade into black)
~Cursing is aloud to an extent. (here and there is okay) DO NOT OVER USE!
~No racial slurs AT ALL
~No godmodding at all. (This includes doing things which require imposable thumbs.)
~Maximum of 3 characters at any time without prior consent from Calla or Myself. Requirements for additional characters are as follows:
1: Must be a stable player (this means posting on a regular basis or informing us if life is taking you away from us)
2: Prove that you are capable of handling multiple characters. This ensures that storylines will not come to a screeching halt while people are waiting on you. No one, especially me, likes waiting.
3: Be consistent! This doesn't mean be online every minute of every day, it means if you have multiple characters and devote 30 minutes to typing a post for one, be courteous and don't just say "character plays" on the next.
~Be realistic (no powers or wings or any of that stuff) but your look can be any look on lioden
~Hate the character not the player
~No killing off another character unless you talked to the other player first
~Wait until you are accepted to play.
~There can be no RP cross over. Characters may leave here and venture to our sister RP, and vice versa, but what happens here stays here and what happens there stays there.
~Have fun!
~After a day of not posting, you will receive a friendly reminder from me if you have been directly responded to. After 2 days, if you have not responded to either the post or the email, you will be skipped over and placed in a "sleep" state. This is so the RP can continue when life takes you away.
~Fights for position will be handled by a roll of the dice. The one who initiates the fight will state whether they want the high number or the low number. I will then roll a percentile dice and will message the results to both party members.

(Edits to come for making post better, changing rules as need be, etc.)

Character Sheets

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Edited on 06/08/17 @ 19:40:55 by 🦁🐾Tiberias🐾🦁 (#119290)

🎇Zhaneel🎇 (#102519)

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Posted on
2017-07-26 16:30:25
Asharah | Female | 4 years 2 months | Straight

Ashara yawned as she silently made her way down the path, her tail twitching every now and then as she took in her surroundings. Stopping every now and then to look and listen before moving on further down the path, looking at each cave opening with her ears pinned against her head.

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Edited on 26/07/17 @ 16:31:13 by Zhaneel (#102519)

Annika (#119450)

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Posted on
2017-07-26 16:53:05
Aeryzi|Female|2 years|Pansexual|Mentions: Zembera and the Leopardess

Aeryzi recognized those eyes and that voice. It was the spirit or creature that had taken over Nistral's body, the one who had healed her. She relaxed, allowing Jadzia to follow her into the darkness. She walked past the lionesses in the cave with wary eyes, her body tense. She made her way up the platform of rock and sat next to the lioness who had first spoke to her. She was accompanied by another lioness who shot distrustful looks at her, but ignored her.

"Why is Jadzia needed here? Was I merely a means to get her here?" Aeryzi frowned a cub-like pout. She was still young, barely older than an adolescent. She had felt lost and confused the whole journey and was quite pleased to be Jadzia's adoptive mother. But now the young lioness felt betrayed in some sort, as if she was deceived.

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Edited on 26/07/17 @ 16:54:03 by Annika (#119450)

🦁 (#119290)

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Posted on
2017-07-26 17:01:01
((i am going to go ahead and skip the conversation between the Leopardess and Jadzia since both are my characters. No one is there to hear it so I can keep it between them, except for what Jadzia tells, lol.))

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Cupcake💐 (#118974)

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Posted on
2017-07-26 17:28:53
Zembera | Female | 4 Years | Pansexual | Mentions: Aeryzi and the Pride

Zem watched the cub closely, but she knew she would be fine, she has seen the cub growing up here in a happy life among us. She looked back at the young mother and sat up, stretching herself for a moment. She finally changed her demeanor, showing she was queen here. The young lioness caught her attention with her pouting.

"Grow up child now is not a time to still be a cub. You are a mother." She growled slightly before looking back at the lionesses. "You are here because we are going to kill your cubs father. We will not let him poison and kill our cubs like he did all but yours." She looked to the pile of bodies hidden in the dark downer of the den. "You have been brought here to help us fight for freedom from his madness, and to protect your cub from him. If he does not die, she will, he will never stop hunting her." She said firmly, why the cub was here was beyond her knowledge, but she did know why Aeryzi was here, that was perfectly clear.

"If the Leopardess has to remove the shard, she will have to do it at her nest, the vision says as much. He will not be passing by the den, so where we are in here matters little. We will have to attack him at the nest, there is no other option, which is why I suggested my first plan. I will need a couple strong lionesses to enter the back entrance while he is distracted. Then the rest of us come from the den." She took a deep breath. "Star, Maisie, and Etkiru. I will show you the hidden entrance after the meeting, you will be laying low and following him in." She then looked to Aeryzi "You and Carmin will be with me, we will come from inside the den, the stench here will mask you and your daughter's scent." She wrinkled her nose slightly before she continues. "He would not expect anything from some lionesses basking in the sun. its a common sight." She looked out as the sun had finally set. They had less than a day to get this right. Then her head began to spin, the vision pulling to the front once more. This time making her have to sit down to keep from falling to the side. After a few seconds she seemed to clear and looked up once more.

"Once we have him pinned and the Leopardess takes the shard we move in and attack, our main job is to keep him pinned, we can not have him leaving the den." She said, her head shaking once more as she lays down. The vision was starting to give her a headache and she wanted to end this. "Any questions?"

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Cupcake💐 (#118974)

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Posted on
2017-07-28 14:41:37
Zembera | Female | 4 Years | Pansexual | Mentions: Star, Maisie, and Etkiru

Zem took the silence as a no and stepped down from the rock. She made her way towards the entrance and stopped looking back. Her fur ruffled in the breeze passing through the canyon. "Star, Maisie, Etkiru, follow me I will show you the entrance. Then I want you three laying out there in the sun to welcome our king when he comes hope, as he is entering the cave, follow him, but stay loose until the Leopardess pulls the shard from his chest."

The lioness then lead the three outside to the small passage, only able to fit one at a time. "Its a tight fit, but he will be to distracted to notice you behind him, so we can get everyone into the cave. The area in the back is plenty large enough." She stated before stretching slightly. "I must return to the den, Maisie, send the bird into the den when Nistral heads into the back entrance." With that she headed back into the main den and laid down, stretching once more, her eyes fixed on the entrance.

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🥬 Kale 🥬 (#65142)

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Posted on
2017-07-28 19:06:14
Maisie | Female | 5 years | Pansexual (likes girls more) | Mentions: The pride

Maisie moves into position.

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gaara of the desert
(drinking) (#106478)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-07-28 19:43:34
carmin & star | feamale | 2 years | bisexual | mentions:the pride

she follows zembera waiting for her position to be told to her. star goes the her med den waiting or an injury to commence.

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🦁 (#119290)

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Posted on
2017-07-28 22:50:36

Nistral, Jadzia & Unknown Leopardess | Male, Female, Unknown | 5 Years 3 Months, 4 Months, Unknown| Straight, Unknown, Unknown | Mentions: The pride ((❤=10 Health, ♥=5 Health))

The leopardess could sense Nistral coming, she quickly warned everyone and then laid down on her nest. The time was at hand, she only hoped she had prepared everyone.

Nistral carried the cub in his mouth. He was slightly bloody and cut up, clearly showing signs of having been in a fight to get the cub. The cub mewed, still too young to talk. As he crested the ridge, he noticed the lionesses out sunbathing. He chuckled slightly, wishing he himself could do it, but there would be time later.

He climbed down the mountain side and into the canyon before checking to make sure no one was watching before slipping into the hidden entrance. He made his way to the back, putting the cub before the Leopardess.

"I have brought it to you mother."

"Indeed you have my dear..." She murred back. "Now, it is time for that promise."

"Daddy?" A voice spoke up.

Nistral turned.

"Jadzia?" He asked, looking to the leopardess. "You brought her to me?" He asked.

The leopardess simply smiled and nodded.

"She said we could be a family again. That it was time for you to be with Mommy.."

Nistral couldn't believe it, he was finally going to get his mate back.

"It is time daddy... You must complete the ritual." Jadzia said.

Nistral nodded, laying down on the ground as Jadzia moved between his front paws.

"You are a good girl," Nistral said as he put his jaws over her head slowly.

"I know daddy... Mommy is waiting..." She said.

With that, Nistral's eyes filled with tears, his vision was blurred slightly by the tears as he clamped down hard on the skull. It errupted in a crunching bloody mess as the leopardess nuzzled into Nistral's chest.

"You know the words.." She said.

"Mad dryd frelr ec tayt pa yd bayla, yht dryd frelr ec eh meva pnehk pylg dryd frelr ec tayt." ((Hehe, al bhed))

As Nistral chanted the words, the Leopardess quickly sank her teeth into his chest and ripped the meteorite shard out, as she did, she rose from her nest and disappeared.

Nistral roared, "What is the meaning of this!?!"

The leopardess laughed. "I am keeping my promise, I am returning you to your mate...."

It was then Nistral, though still teary eyed, could sense he was in trouble. The lionesses approaching his position made him stand, though the darkness and blurriness made it virtually impossible to see, he still had his ears. He perked them up, backing himself against a wall. He listened........

((Current Health for everyone))
Nistral: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

((Leopardess says Low on Dice))

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Edited on 28/07/17 @ 23:04:22 by 🦁🐾Kai Nistral🐾🦁 (#119290)

Stinky’s side,
main is 120715 (#119144)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-28 23:42:41
((would it be possible for me to join as a bloodied and battered cub?))

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🥬 Kale 🥬 (#65142)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 14:41:42
Maisie | Female | 5 years | Pansexual (likes girls more) | Mentions: The pride

When the king returned, Maisie sent Lars (the bird) in to make the king's presence known. Lars flew to the back of the cave to alert the lion's.

As the king walked in so did Maisie. She entered the den keeping close to the entrance so that the king could not run out of it.

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Edited on 29/07/17 @ 14:47:48 by 🐘Joy🐘 (#65142)

🦁 (#119290)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 14:44:29
((Lol, no need to choose anymore. Leopardess made the choice already. :) ))

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🥬 Kale 🥬 (#65142)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 14:47:56
((lol ok sorry ))

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Stinky’s side,
main is 120715 (#119144)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-29 15:09:20
(I forgot if you answered, can I join?)

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🦁 (#119290)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 15:16:41
((I sent you a pm about it. Head to the character sheet page listed at the top of this page (first post) and please keep ooc to the ooc forum, also listed above.))

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Cupcake💐 (#118974)

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Posted on
2017-07-31 13:49:23
Zembera | Female | 4 Years | Pansexual | Mentions: The Fight

Zembera watched the bird enter, and with that she made her move. The lioness stalked her way into the cave, her head high as she moved into the dim light of the back of the cave. Her eyes on the male lion, wincing at the sounds that came from the cub. She then nodded to the leopardess As she pulled the Shard from Nistral's chest.

"and we my dear are to deliver you onto her." She said with a snarl, followed by a roar to symbolize that the time had come, it was now time to fight, to push back the insanity. The lioness moved in for the first strike, a full run from the passage towards Nistral while he was still unable to see. Their bodies crashed into one another as Zem's teeth found his neck, a her claws land on his back, digging in to hold onto him like a wounded Zebra.

(Until Annika comes back, skip her characters. Means, Em, your up, then Nistral, then Joy again.))

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