Posted by Lion RP(Sister Pride) - STORY DRIVEN

🦁 (#119290)

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Posted on
2017-07-22 19:02:16
This is a sister RP to Lion RP Forum and it is also STORY DRIVEN. That means that things are planned by story events. While this doesn't mean you are not free to post whatever, it means that you will be expected to keep up. I work hard to bring good stories and, for the most part, I let the players dictate them. But I expect cooperation from all players.

We have 2 separate character sheets, one involves the bio which should be posted at the link below, the second one, can be found here.


Deep within a rocky canyon, a cave sits. Carved out by rains and the tireless work of a single male lion sharpening his claws along the limestone walls. The den is in shambles, signs of a recent fight. A male lion carcass lays, partially eaten. The den is eerily quiet.

As you turn to leave the cave, a rocky ledge sits outside the entrance overlooking your position. Across from you, another cave. The smell of blood hangs heavy in the air.

(Same as sister pride)
~All Lioden rules apply.
~Fade into black is aloud (mature/breeding/births/graphic scenes/all that other stuff)
~No mature content. (Fade into black)
~Cursing is aloud to an extent. (here and there is okay) DO NOT OVER USE!
~No racial slurs AT ALL
~No godmodding at all. (This includes doing things which require imposable thumbs.)
~Maximum of 3 characters at any time without prior consent from Calla or Myself. Requirements for additional characters are as follows:
1: Must be a stable player (this means posting on a regular basis or informing us if life is taking you away from us)
2: Prove that you are capable of handling multiple characters. This ensures that storylines will not come to a screeching halt while people are waiting on you. No one, especially me, likes waiting.
3: Be consistent! This doesn't mean be online every minute of every day, it means if you have multiple characters and devote 30 minutes to typing a post for one, be courteous and don't just say "character plays" on the next.
~Be realistic (no powers or wings or any of that stuff) but your look can be any look on lioden
~Hate the character not the player
~No killing off another character unless you talked to the other player first
~Wait until you are accepted to play.
~There can be no RP cross over. Characters may leave here and venture to our sister RP, and vice versa, but what happens here stays here and what happens there stays there.
~Have fun!
~After a day of not posting, you will receive a friendly reminder from me if you have been directly responded to. After 2 days, if you have not responded to either the post or the email, you will be skipped over and placed in a "sleep" state. This is so the RP can continue when life takes you away.
~Fights for position will be handled by a roll of the dice. The one who initiates the fight will state whether they want the high number or the low number. I will then roll a percentile dice and will message the results to both party members.

(Edits to come for making post better, changing rules as need be, etc.)

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Edited on 06/08/17 @ 19:40:55 by 🦁🐾Tiberias🐾🦁 (#119290)

Cupcake💐 (#118974)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 12:33:20
Zembera | Female | 4 Years | Pansexual | Mentions: Maisie and the pride

As her male spoke she shot a look at the other lioness to just agree with the king. She would explain it later to the lioness why she should just agree. "Yes, she is lucky." She said before turning to look at the young sisters. "If you want to be a protector you have to be as good as the female before me. you are young, wait until you have won a few battles before flinging yourself into a fight. I chose who you will fight, and I decide if you are ready."

Glancing back to the newest pride member. "Come, you must feast of life and then we will talk." She said as she tuned in and uncovered the male lion. She sat by the body and waited for the lioness to partake of the flesh, her ceremony. Her eyes glanced out the den, looking over the area as she allowed the lioness to eat from the dead male. Once she had she would then talk to her, but for now she was making sure Nistral did not come for another attack.

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Edited on 25/07/17 @ 12:34:06 by ☣Toxic Illusion☣ (#118974)

🥬 Kale 🥬 (#65142)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 12:41:13
Maisie | Female | 5 years | Pansexual (likes girls more) | Mentions: The pride, Nistal, Zembera

She grumbled and nodded at the lioness, dropping the situation. There would come a time where she could truly prove herself.

She glanced over at the body of the deceased lion. She had only ever eaten the flesh of another lion when food was scarce, but there was plenty of prey around this area. She questioned the idea of eating another lion just because you can, but the decided against her thought. The taste of the iron rich blood of a lion was one that she enjoyed, so she dug in, ripping of a tender chunk of flesh. She was awfully hungry and this soothed her hunger.

She looked up at the lioness, blood dripping from her mouth. "What is it that you wish to discuss?"

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🦁 (#119290)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 12:57:37
Nistral | Male | 6 Years 3 Months| Straight | Mentions: unknown leopardess, Zembera

Nistral knew he had lost, his queen was right to stop it though and declare him the winner. What was happening to him... Losing two fights, both to females... It had to be lack of power. He climbed down from his rock and used the back entrance to speak to the leopardess. He had to have more power. He knew the price would be high, he simply needed to know what it was. As he approached, he bowed.

"Mother Lion, queen of us all, I have grown weak. Please, I seek more power... Name your price and I shall pay it."

The leopardess opened her eyes and appeared on the nest.

"Dearest Nistral.. you know my price.. a life... None that are in the cave... They are all too weak... Go, find me a cub worthy of sacrifice.. I want... Morith!" She said with a snarl.

Nistral knew that name well, it was one of his cubs from his former pride. It would not be easy, but he knew how to get it done. He nodded:

"Of course mother. That life shall be yours." He said as he moved back outside the cave through the back and entered through the front where his queen was. He nuzzled her softly.

"My love, Mother Lion has asked me to go on a quest for her. I shall be gone for a couple of days." He then turns and looks at the den. "It's yours till I return." He says before he turns to leave.

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Cupcake💐 (#118974)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 13:02:04
Zembera | Female | 4 Years | Pansexual | Mentions: Maisie, and Nistral

She looked at the female as she ate. Her eyes glancing up so often. She wanted to make sure Nistral was distracted, and could not hear them speak. Finally with her hunger stated Maisie spoke to her. She lowered her head, her eyes looking to the females and she spoke in a near whisper.

"Do not anger the king, he has gone insane. He has a meteorite in-bedded inside him, and it is driving him deeper and deeper into madness." she glanced up to see if Nisteal was coming in before continuing. "We allow him to believe what he wants to believe, because if he loses, if he fails, his anger will throw him into the peek, like red water from the mountains." She gritted her teeth. "He will slaughter everyone, and absorb them, and become stronger. it will not stop, a new pride will come, and again they will be slaughtered." She lifted her head, looking fully over the female to the entrance as she curled her hunches sitting along the den floor. She could see her King coming

Zemdera left it to the inelegance of the other female to figure out she was talking of mutiny, and she trusted the madness of Nistral that if the lioness told him, he would kill her for squealing, or lying, then come for Zem, and as his queen, the one who spoke to the eyes, he would have to believe her because his 'goddess' believe her. She was not afraid to speak, knowing it would be their deaths if she had.

She nuzzled back into him, a unseen smirk on her lips. he trusted her, and that is what she needed. His words made the wheels in her head whorl. He was leaving, it was time. She must speak with the lionesses, then she too will have to plan on her trip. She has to leave to find the new king, but first, all the lioness had to be on her side, or dead, there was no other option.

"Be safe my King, I will keep the lionesses in line, and skilled." She spoke to him. her eyes looking back into the back of the den, searching for the burning fire. She would wait for him to leave before continuing talking to the new lioness.

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🥬 Kale 🥬 (#65142)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 13:09:38
Maisie | Female | 5 years | Pansexual (likes girls more) | Mentions: The pride, Nistal, Zembera

A new understanding came upon her. So she was protecting the pride. She nodded at the lioness's words. "So that's why you stopped to fight, because he's-" she stopped speaking and bent down to take another bite of flesh when the king approached them. He couldn't know what the queen was planing. She wouldn't say another word about it until he was gone.

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🦁 (#119290)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 13:15:34
Nistral | Male | 6 Years 3 Months| Straight | Mentions: no one

The king walked away from the den and then away from the canyon. Climbing out of it, he headed north across the plains and disappeared into the grass.

((He will return in 2 days.. you all have till then to plan his death.))

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Cupcake💐 (#118974)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 13:30:41
Zembera | Female | 4 Years | Pansexual | Mentions: The Pride!

Once he was away from the den, she spoke again, this time not so hushed. He would not use the mother as an excuse unless he meant it. She spoke up louder this time. "His madness has to end. We need a new King, one who can lead with power. Nistral has a brother, one who can truly lead us to greatness. One who will extend our lands." She pulled away from the new lioness and centered herself in the den.

"Listen up lionesses! Your queen wishes to speak with you. Gather around so we can talk." She spoke strong, her head held high as she looked at the sisters. "Star, you can stay there with your cub, I will try to speak loud enough so you can hear." She then roared out so that the lioness outside the den could hear her. It was time for a meeting, and it concerned all the lionesses in this small pride.

(This is an important post! Please read it, I need everyone to reply to it before I can continue. At this moment we have less then 48 actual hours to decide, If you do not respond you will be skipped over because this is an important choice for the entire pride. We need everyone here so that Zem can explain what is about to happen.)

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🥬 Kale 🥬 (#65142)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 13:35:22
Maisie | Female | 5 years | Pansexual (likes girls more) | Mentions: The pride, Nistal, Zembera

Maisie now understood all that was happening. This lioness had a plan, and it seemed like she could get her revenge in the end, even if it was another lion that would defeat him. She nodded and sat, waiting for the meeting to commence. All of their lives were hanging in the balance. If even one of them slipped up, it could mean the end of them all.

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🦁 (#119290)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 13:35:42
Unknown Leopardess | Female | Unknown | Unknown | Mentions: Cave

The leopardess heard the roar and stood up from her nest, moving into the dark cavern. Only her eyes showed, but could be seen by all.

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Annika (#119450)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 14:03:10
Etkiru|Female|8 years|Pansexual|Mentions: Unknown Pride

Etkiru had been traveling for three days after her feast on the two hogs. Her paws no longer grew tired from such labor and her pads were tough like stone. She was lost in her thoughts, thinking about her past and what would come in her future. The barren forest had been her home for many months but it was time to move on. She knew somewhere in her own barren heart that she would return to that place. It called to her, pulled her in. But she must continue moving. Her stomach rumbled, distracting her from her train of thought. She hadn't eaten since that day beside the black river, but she didn't need to. Although her body begged for food, she didn't want it. She would wait until she arrived at her destination, only then would she eat. Tuqke uncurled from his sleep and slithered up her neck, swaying side to side. He had expressed worry about where they were heading but Etkiru merely told him she didn't know where yet. She had to be patient.

Up ahead she spotted a greyed canyon. It seemed barren as well and I flitter of desire sparked in her heart. Perhaps this was her new home. But as she got closer, a strong male scent filled her nose. This was his land, it seemed quite clear. She dismissed it though, she was curious what was in the canyon. It appeared to be a cave filled with angry and fearful lionesses, but no king. Hisses whispered in her ear.

"Perhaps Tuqke. But we've never been the pride type now have we?"

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Edited on 25/07/17 @ 14:56:34 by Annika (#119450)

Cupcake💐 (#118974)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 14:28:30
Zembera | Female | 4 Years | Pansexual | Mentions: Etkiru and the pride.

While she waited for the lionesses to gather she noticed a shadow creeping across the canyon, was it the king returning? She moved past the lionesses towards the entrance. "I will address you all when we have all gathered, stay here." She then thought, it may be the lioness who left the den early the evening before, though abut he time she reached the entrance, so did this new female.

She drew her ears back and glared at the female, her head posed high. "What brings you to our den strange Lioness?" She asked, her eyes scanning this female and her.... was that a snake? Birds, leopards, and now snakes, what was the world coming to. She moved between the new lion and the den. If this female joined them, it would be another set of teeth against our king.

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Annika (#119450)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 14:56:01
Etkiru|Female|8 years|Pansexual|Mentions: Zembera and the pride

Etkiru didn't even bat an eye at the hostile lioness. She held back a chuckle as the lioness held herself as though she was much superior. A queen perhaps? Etkiru didn't care much and lazily growled to show at least some notion that she understood this lioness's hostility. The female was eyeing Tuqke with confusion and shock, something that the pair received a lot. An unusual friendship, one others didn't understand well. Tuqke hissed, showing his fangs but Etkiru scorned him, this was no time to be starting fights when she was hungry and tired from her travels.

"There's no need to worry, I'm not here to steal your food nor your King. Stand down, young one. I'm merely passing through."

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Cupcake💐 (#118974)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 15:06:41
Zembera | Female | 4 Years | Pansexual | Mentions: Etkiru

Zembera was not used to being called a young one, but she could tell this lioness was just a little older then herself, at least. She pulled her lips back further, but then released her anger. She moved around the lioness, as if to size her and her companion up before looking at the dead male lion. She thought a cunning idea.

"Yes, we do have plenty to share, do, come and eat." She smirked and made her way inside. "We were just about to hold a meeting, so, if you do not wish to stay and join us as we plan our next attack, eat and be gone from here before our mad king returns for more blood." She stated, sitting by the dead male lion, leaning down and sniffing the flesh with hunger, but only watched the new lionesses reaction to their meal.

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Annika (#119450)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 15:16:06
Etkiru|Female|8 years|Pansexual|Mentions: Zembera

Etkiru growled as the lioness circled her, but sat still. Even if the lioness attempted to attack her, there wouldn't be much blood shed on her part. Still, the superiority the lioness felt as though she held angered Etkiru and she finally bared her teeth in warning. But suddenly, the hostility was gone and the female was offering her food and entrance to a meeting. Etkiru stared at the dead lion with confusion, it was rare to see prides eating their own. The last time she had tasted lion was when she feasted on her own father. But as she began to follow the lioness, hunger sparking inside her like fire, excitement lit up her eyes.

"Attack? You are planning on killing your own king?" Etkiru was now very, very interested. It had been awhile since she hooked her claws into the back of a true opponent.

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Cupcake💐 (#118974)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 15:36:01
Zembera | Female | 4 Years | Pansexual | Mentions: Etkiru

She smirked as she looked at the female, but lowered down. "Shhh, the lionesses do not know yet. I am not sure who is on my side." She lifted her head once more. "An attack yes, and soon all the lionesses will know. There will be a death before the next full moon." She moved herself away to let the hungry lioness feed from the meal.

Nistrals madness was spreading, the sisters was proof of that. She and the others were in danger, the cubs they would have would be in danger. this was the best course of action. "Feast and lay around, when all our lionesses arrive you may her our plots." She said with a smirk at her lips.

"We will be strong warriors, We are lionesses set to a purpose, and soon you will all know the vision I have seen." She laid at the center of the den on the meeting rock and waited for the distant lioness to join them. This would not be easy, and all the lionesses she could get the better we would be. There was no telling who was on the kings side, who would stand up in her march to free them from the control of a Leopard following loon.

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