Posted by -LOCKED - -ADDED TO THE GAME-Search By Marking Color

Moo (#5189)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-30 21:32:11
So, whenever I'm trying to find a stud or a new lioness, I don't usually have a specific marking in mind, but I always have a color scheme I want to stick to. So when I'm searching for lions (especially in the trade center) I find it incredibly tedious to have to go through every marking for a color to see if I find one that's right for me.

My suggestion isn't too revolutionary, but would make lion searching easier in my opinion. I suggest that we revamp the current system (ie; I want a lion with any white marking, but I have to manually input EVERY white marking until I find one I want) by adding a way to search by marking color.

In the same way you can search for a base color, you would select the marking color you're looking for in 1-5 drop down menus (You don't have to use all five, but at least one to search for a color). Each dropdown menu will then allow the search results to display lions that have those marking colors only. The reasoning behind this is because it would be overwhelming to have every single lion for sale with a certain color pop up.

The five dropdown menus would act as a way to specify and/or with the marking colors. If you had three dropdowns filled out (black, celestial, lilac), then your search results would have lions that had markings of any of those three colors, all three, or two-out-of-three. The same would be true with any amount of marking colors you search for.

Here's a SUPER rough example just to give you a visual. The layout could be different to condense the length of the page.


Anyway, that's my suggestion, I've been thinking about the best way to have something like this put into the current system and this was the most practical one I could come up with. Any suggestions or additions you have would be appreciated, along with any reasons why you think it's not a good idea.

Thanks for your time!

Suggestions from others

~Search for a marking, not a color and marking

This suggestion has 107 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 31/07/17 @ 06:52:33 by Moo {HowToBasic} (#5189)

Notevy |
Çß | (#115741)

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Posted on
2017-07-31 06:36:47
Ooo I can support this! It would also be nice if we could just generally look for a marking without a color specified C:

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Moo (#5189)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-31 06:46:31
That's a great idea too! I'll add that to a list of possible features :)

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Just pain (#93387)

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Posted on
2017-08-06 13:28:36
I would love both of that.
A marking group and a color group.
Cause right now searching for quad something is hell for me

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Moo (#5189)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-06 13:30:21
I agree! Right now my lion search results are always too specific or too vague! I think this would be a perfect middle ground!

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ஐRumourஐ (LOff!) (#96058)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 17:01:57
I'm a little confused. Are you saying that we'd input a color (say, white) and the results would be all lions that have white markings?

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Moo (#5189)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-01 17:49:22
The results would be lions that have only white markings. You would get way too many results to be practical if you got every lion with any white marking, especially now that lions can have up to 20 markings. The only-what-color(s)-you-select system stops you from getting search results of lions with one white marking and 19 markings of any other color for example. That's why there would be multiple marking color selectors, so you can broaden your results without ending up with dozens of pages to sift through.

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ஐRumourஐ (LOff!) (#96058)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 18:04:51
But how would you get lions with only white markings if you also add another color? Maybe it's just the wording you used, but it doesn't sound any different from the search we have when you start adding more colors.

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Moo (#5189)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-01 18:26:20
That's what the improvement is based around.

It would be new coding written to only bring up search results for lions that have the specific marking colors you select. I'll try to give an example...

I want a new lady with onyx, white and/or celestial markings. I don't care what those markings are as long as they're one (or more) of those three colors. With the current system you can only search for a lion by one marking/color combo at a time. Currently, there are 65 white markings, 62 onyx markings, and 4 celestial markings in that game. That means, I would potentially have to create 131 different searches, to look at every lion available with one of those marking colors. Then, I would have to click through every lion's page to see what other markings it has. Meanwhile, all I wanted was a lion with one of those three making colors, but no others.

The system I'm proposing would cut out all the unnecessary search results from the process, suddenly I can go from creating and sifting through 131 searches to a single search.

Granted, if you're looking for a specific marking with a specific color, of course it makes sense to use the current system, but even still, if you only wanted that one marking/color combination, you would still have to sort through lists of lions that might have markings that you don't want.

Did that clarify a bit better?

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Edited on 01/09/17 @ 18:33:51 by Moo (#5189)

ஐRumourஐ (LOff!) (#96058)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 18:47:27
I think I see where you're going, yes. The idea of only caring about the color and not the actual marking is alien to me, which is probably where my confusion comes from. Also, with the way so many lions tend to have numerous markings instead of one or two (especially since they expanded the amount of possible markings to 20, which I believe to be overkill), I just don't believe you'll be able to find more than 10 lions with only your specified colors at a time. Although it would be interesting to find out if it were possible...

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Moo (#5189)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-01 19:01:51
That's also part of the reason I think having 5 (or maybe even more) options for searching by color only is important. I was hoping it would bring in more results. I know that the system wouldn't work for every situation, but it would work for quite a few. I don't want to get rid of the current system, just find a way to integrate a new search feature into it.

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ஐRumourஐ (LOff!) (#96058)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 19:33:05
Thank you for explaining this for me.

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lean ❄ (#94890)

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Posted on
2017-10-03 22:58:40
Yes that's what I've always dream about!!! If we can play like this in wardrobe creating a new heir look will be so much easier.

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