Posted by Lion RP- The Labyrinth (CHARACTER SHEETS)

Sama (Thakkadis) (#108463)

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Posted on
2017-08-04 22:32:08

Main Roleplay Thread


OOC thread


Name: No joke names, please. (Eg. Noodle, Mr Snuggles, Jinglebell)

Age: Between 1 and 4 years old.


Motivation: Nobody enters this without a good reason. What's yours?

Looks: Can be a description or a wardrobe link.

Mutation: Entirely optional.

Relation to any other contestants: Again, optional.

Personality: What are they like?

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Edited on 04/08/17 @ 23:25:15 by Thakkadis (Primals <3) (#108463)

Sama (Thakkadis) (#108463)

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Posted on
2017-08-04 22:59:32
Name: Aneko
Age: 3 years, 10 months old

Gender: Female

Motivation: Aneko joined the trials to protect her younger sister, Maia, after discovering that Maia planned to enter. She only joined after trying to persuade her sister not to compete, knowing how dangerous the trials really are- she was one of the only lions to pay attention when Old Sky, a lioness who had survived her trial, told stories of what was in the tunnels.

Looks: aneko

Mutation: Primal

Relation to any other contestants: Sister of Maia.


Though they can both care for themselves quite capably, Aneko takes pride in defending her mother, Banê, and Maia, her younger sister, even when it's not required. Fiercely loyal to her family, Aneko has an unfortunate tendency to look after others before herself, even when it causes her harm.

Aneko is kind to most lions, as long as they are not aggressive towards her, and is often willing to give second chances where others wouldn't. Like her sister, she has also trained for the trials, though not for as long as Maia has.

Though she is fairly certain that she can survive this trial, and possibly even win, Aneko is still afraid of what she and Maia may find in the tunnels, and if they will come out unscathed.

Name: Maia

Age: 2 years old

Gender: Female

Motivation: Having always resented the king, Usui, for his peaceful methods in dealing with enemies, Maia has come to believe that she can do a better job of ruling. She has plans for this pride, and won't stand to see others ruin them for her, because this title? As far as the other competitors are concerned, it's hers.

Looks: maia

Mutation: None

Relation to any other contestants: Sister of Aneko

Personality: Cubs are always nervous around Maia- most of the things that she does project aggression and dominance. She always has a clear idea of what she wants, and those in her way usually get knocked over, especially if they're smaller than her.

She is loyal to the lions close to her- up to a point. Her older sister, Aneko, and her mother, Banê, are the only lions that she trusts, but if they get in the way of her plans, she wouldn't think twice about putting family loyalty aside.

Maia has trained for the trials, going for long periods without food and water, and remaining in the dark caves that surround the pride's territory for days at a time. She did not tell Aneko and Banê that she intended to enter- Banê eventually questioned her about her disappearances, or they would not have found out until the day that the trials began.

She wants to win the trial more than anything, no matter how many lions she has to kill, betray or harm. And if her sister, Aneko, gets in her way, that may include her.


Name: Themba

Age: 1 year, 10 months old

Gender: Male

Motivation: Themba came to the Shadefallen Pride from another, very different kingdom. Growing up ruled by a vicious, bloody-clawed tyrant, he fled his home around seven months before the trials began. After seeing the peace that this pride knows, he wants to ensure that no lion of the Shadefallen endures what he did, and the best way to do that is by ruling the pride.

Looks: themba

Mutation: None

Relation to any other contestants: Vague beginnings of a relationship with Vadit.

Personality: Themba is very confident, and trusts that he will be able to survive and win the trials. However, he worries about the fact that he has rarely gone without food for more than a week- he was once trained as the successor to the king of his former pride, and was able to eat whenever he needed it.

He has strong leadership skills as a result of this training, and plans on finding allies to help him within the labyrinth. If Themba can pass the trial without harming another lion, he will, but he is not afraid to use his claws if he has to. Aside from winning, he also wants to prevent Vadit, his friend (and possibly more, if they weren't about to begin this trial, which could lead them to their deaths) from being harmed or killed.

(Pistachio: Spot the guest appearance by a dead lion XD)

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Edited on 05/08/17 @ 03:33:54 by Thakkadis (Primals <3) (#108463)

-active} (#111404)

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Posted on
2017-08-05 00:23:26



1 Year and 9 Months.


Sadritia is the eldest daughter of her pride, meaning she has all the responsibility of becoming the heir to her mother's throne and ruling over their pride. Though her father is quite ambitious and dreams of a better life, Sadritia mostly enjoys the life she has now, which includes hunting, relaxing and socializing with other lionesses. This year's deadly event of games has only fueled her father's ambitions for one of his cubs to become a true king or queen some day. Sadritia is only here to make sure that her father, nor sister, get into some sort of mess that will result in their innocent lives. She is responsible for their childish actions after all.



Relation to any other contestants
Her second youngest sister Quinyt and her father, Apachez.

Sadritia is a very composed lioness, she always has a warm smile on and will always be polite and pleasant at first to everyone she meets. She gives off an aura of calm and refined confidence and grace. She is regal and dignified and does not respond well to being belittled, even if she may outwardly laugh along. She does not make attachments easily, and although she will readily make any positive relationships she can, very few of these actually have her trust or her true affection. Sadritia has a sharp mind and is very calculated. Her starshine eyes don’t miss much and she is not easily fooled. She is good at making plans and is able to see the outcomes of certain actions and picking the one that benefits her the most. She does not hesitate to be manipulative, deceitful, or in some cases even cruel when it will serve her well. Going along with this, Sadritia is insightful and largely due to being a princess for the beginning of her life, she is wise beyond her years. She takes lessons from everything and is eager to absorb information. Her wisdom controls her emotions to an unusual degree, and she is not easily overwhelmed. Rarely if ever does she cry and rage.

Sadritia likes to be in control, and she works best when she is in charge, and despite her naturally selfish nature to outsiders she is devoted to those who she feels responsible for and will serve them the best she can. Even when not in power she will work for her loved ones and is motivated to do a good job taking care of those she feels she has a responsibility to. Despite her flaws, Sadritia can be quite empathetic, particularly if someone has done nothing to indicate that they are deserving of misfortune. She will help random others altruistically if she can do so fairly safely (unless it is too great a risk to her because she will not risk her life for someone she doesn’t know). But that is where her empathy ends. If something will benefit one of her loved ones, at the expense of another individual, she will always choose her loved one. She may feel sad inflicting pain upon someone else, but in her mind, no one is more important than her family or loved ones. Sadritia is a brave lioness, but her courage is in her willingness to do whatever it takes to make things better for her or a loved one. Internally she will always be dominant, but outwardly she has no qualms with acting either submissive or bold at will depending on the situation. Her strength is in her mind, but she will face even a physical challenge if she sees it as for the best. She is determined to succeed and do good by her loved ones, and is resolute when she wants something. She is good at seeing the bigger picture and is quick to take preventative action if she sees impending problems. She does not like being caught off guard, in fact, that is her least favourite thing, so she works to try and ensure that rarely happens. It's not uncommon for her to seem almost paranoid.

Despite being wise for her age, a major flaw in Sadritia is her unforgiving nature. And while it is not impossible to regain her friendship, it is exceptionally difficult. An issue to is that you may not even know that your relationship with her is destroyed. She can be very two-faced. Whatever she may be feeling within, if she sees it as most beneficial to remain on agreeable terms with you then she will do it. While she wouldn’t look to kill anyone, if death happened upon someone who wronged her she would feel no remorse, nor would she help if given the opportunity. In society, she believes in strict and potentially even brutal punishment against crimes. Everyone should get what they deserve.



1 Year old and 5 Months.


Quinyt has no motivation really, she just finds this as a better way to become closer to her father and eldest sister in more ways than just hanging out with them. Quinyt could actually save their lives here if they messed up badly enough to almost get themselves killed. Alike her sister, Quinyt isn't looking for power, though, she does understand why her father would want one of his own cubs to hurry and retire him. He would be proud to watch one of his cubs be crowned before he dies, even though that wouldn't be for a LONG time.



Relation to any other contestants
Her eldest sister Sadritia and her father, Apachez.

Quinyt enjoys playing and letting loose. She enjoys wrestling, running, laughing, and seeing great beauties that mother nature has bestowed upon the world. She is willing to play with any lion, even those she doesn't know well. She has a charming sense of humour and enjoys poking light fun at others. She is naturally social, even if her life has made her more distrustful than she naturally is, and although she will try her best not to let it show, she deeply craves companionship at all times.
Quinyt has a sharp, irrepressible curiosity for places and individuals. Her mind has little to no boundaries, making her a lioness capable of learning anything from anyone or anyplace without being prejudiced over their culture or beliefs. In reality, it's quite the opposite, she will gladly experiment them on her own, if given the chance to. As a child, she would usually stalk others around without care or be inconvenient from time to time, but growing under the vigilant eye of her mother has moulded her to be quite guarded on her adventures.

Undeniably a social being, Quinyt enjoys the company of other people and a good talk, although she does seem rather hesitant when it comes to strangers. It takes only a few tries, however, to pop the thin bubble of protection she has built around herself. When completely comfortable around someone, Quinyt can go on talking for hours without ever getting tired or bored, amending one subject to another. She's quite dense to perceive others' emotions, and might not realize if someone is enjoying her company or not. Quinyt is a bag of strong and confusing emotions that she does not try to hide or to avoid. She's extremely responsive to them, and will often act before giving little or any thought about the consequences that may come upon her later. She takes great joy in nearly everything life has to offer, being capable of turning small events into momentous experiences, be it for the good or for the bad.

She takes friendship very seriously and is easily distressed when others, especially her friends, argue or fight. Above all, she wishes to be friends with everyone she meets, and for everyone to get along. Although she may come out as a playful, innocent and gullible girl for the most part of the time, Quinyt does have a strong sense of justice in her and will, without hesitation, confront others for what she believes is right. Though she's far from being aggressive, threatening, convincing or eloquent enough to make her points to listen, Quinyt's stubbornness has proven to be quite helpful over time. Quinyt is not exactly the brightest lioness you'll meet and, despite all odds, still holds a lot of innocence to her heart. She believes that everyone has a good side and/or is capable of changing, even when they don't let it show, and can be easily tricked by empty words and a good (or barely good) act. Quinyt sees what she wants to see, and holds no grudges at (almost) anyone who may have hurt her with words or actions in the past, always willing to listen and accept any excuse they might throw at her later.



3 Years and 11 Months.


Apachez isn't doing this for himself, it is all for his two girls. He is very protective of his two eldest daughters and sees one of them as his potential heirs. Apachez would scream internally if one of his children, or both, potentially died in this game of life and death.



Relation to any other contestants
His two daughters, Sadritia and Quinyt.

Apachez is well learned, inquisitive and pragmatic, steadfast, and strong willed. Overall, he has many qualities that make him well suited for the role he plays in the pride and its future. A perfectionist to the core, he always strives for the best in himself and the best for his pride and family. Especially his two eldest daughters Sadritia and Quinyt. However, his ambition can be overwhelming at times and may lead him to more harm than good. Apachez exudes an air of self-confidence which can easily be mistaken for arrogance. He has little patience for the lazy or stupid, and any who cannot keep pace with him are quick to lose his respect. Although he understands his culture's laws of respect, his independence of mind frees him from constraints of authority and propriety. That said, he does understand how to be strategic in his actions. He knows how not to upset the balance of those around him, and he won't, as long as it's not in his best interest or the best interests of the pack. However, his idea of "best interests" may not necessarily be the same for him as it is for others.

While unbearably loyal to those he loves, Apachez's loyalty ends until he thinks he has been betrayed. Once that happens, that extreme loyalty turns into extreme and irrational hatred towards those who have betrayed him. This is when his hatred and anger is at its most intense. Growing up in a privileged, high-class society, Apachez often fails to recognize his own arrogance due to the entitled world that has surrounded him for most of his life. He is also very direct in his communication with others and if he believes he is right, there is little that can hold him back from speaking his mind. Buried beneath an arrogant and conflicted exterior, Apachez is rich with integrity. While his values are largely based on his affections and close relationships with others, Apachez can be very dismissive about those he doesn't deeply care for. His compassion at this point is only applicable to his pride. He can be quite cold to outsiders.

When a goal has been set, achieving maximum productivity with minimal wasted effort spent is of the greatest importance. Apachez is not the kind of lion that will accept incompetence of any kind from his subjects. Laziness gets rooted out simply by him being present. Hailed as a strategical genius, Apachez prefers to rely on his mind rather than his brawn and is especially talented in handling crisis and navigating through individual challenges in order to achieve a bigger goal. He will examine all angles and is the kind of wolf that will drive the discussion forward with solutions. In face of adversary, Apachez will neither bend nor break for he wishes his people to see that he cannot and will not be cowed. Beneath the tough and stoic exterior, Apachez hides away a profound sense of compassion for those around him and is greatly disturbed when they hurt. While that may not always extend to lions beyond his realm, Apachez, more than anything, deeply cares for his kin.

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Edited on 05/08/17 @ 15:55:33 by Tenshi (#111404)

JaxiDaxi (#106413)

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Posted on
2017-08-05 00:50:46
Name: Kito

Age: 1 year and 10 months

Gender: Male

Motivation: His main reason is he wants to prove his worth and skills to his mother. But if you ask he'll just say he doesn't agree with how the current king has ruled, and he doesn't trust anybody to rule right.

Looks: Wardrobe Link

Personality: Kito is very confident in his ablities to survive and fight, as his mother has been training him to be the very best since he could walk. Kito isn't much of a people person and usually only socializes to further his own agenda. He is very, very determined. Nothing will stop him if he's put his mind to something except death.

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Adian (#117052)

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Posted on
2017-08-05 14:24:14
Name: Lupus
Age: 4 years 10 months

Gender: male

Motivation: lupus is entering this because he female as if he will be doing his pride a favor as his pride is always portrayed as weak and pathetic as most of them are Lepons and most lions see them as disgraceful mixes

Looks: moLWXkQ.png

Mutation: Lepon

Relation to any other contestants: Again, optional. No

Personality: Lupus is very kind he try's whatever he can to make his pride seem better he also has a bit of meanness in him but he hardly ever shows it trying to remain his happy self

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Edited on 15/08/17 @ 05:19:05 by Shad (#16848)

ray (#56776)

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Posted on
2017-08-05 16:31:00
Name: Vadit

Age: 1 year, 4 months

Gender: Female

Motivation: She wants to prove to her pride (mostly her sister) that she isn't as weak as she has been made out to be.

Looks: edit later

Mutation: None

Relation to any other contestants: Sort-of relationship with Themba

Personality: Vadit is rather reserved and quiet unless you tick her off. She is also quite stubborn, and even her own mother couldn't convince her to back out from the trials. Though she is quiet, she can do anything if she sets her mind to it.

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-08-05 18:52:45

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