Posted by Supernatural searcher evidence

Piperwolf (hiatus) (#116925)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 10:25:00
Clan link

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Evidence thread!

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Please post all evidence and research here! Set it out like this.
Evidence: (photos/videos)

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Edited on 10/08/17 @ 11:06:45 by Piperwolf (panromantic+proud) (#116925)

Piperwolf (hiatus) (#116925)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 10:25:12
Major evidence:

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Yuki (#121817)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 10:40:01

I dont know if this is "evidence"

But do you feel the "aura" on a graveyard
My gradfather died 3 year ago i lately visited his grave

It was on a hot summer day 30* celcisus when i entered the big gate i felt a cold wind
I went to the grave of my grandfather i felt that someone was watching me but no one
Was near me

I is like that everytime when i visit the graveyard

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Edited on 10/08/17 @ 10:56:57 by Yuki (#121817)

Piperwolf (hiatus) (#116925)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 10:42:47
Description: Myself and Anubis were walking their dog and we heard loud barking. When we looked over the fence we saw a large black dog-like animal.
Evidence: We had no camera and it left before we could use our phones. We were in a supernatural hotspot.
Connections: Werewolf, Black Dog(ghost)

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Edited on 14/08/17 @ 04:20:07 by Piperwolf (panromantic+proud) (#116925)

Yuki (#121817)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 10:43:56
Maybe just a normal dog /wolf dog?

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Piperwolf (hiatus) (#116925)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 10:45:29
(please only post evidence and experiences here. I am making another place for theories soon.)

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Yuki (#121817)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 10:52:03
Maybe we should poste evidence with a number so that (in another thread) we can directly discuss the topic without discomposure

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Piperwolf (hiatus) (#116925)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 10:53:02
(good idea)
Clan link. I will make it click able in a bit.
Banner designing contest!!
Apply for jobs here!
Evidence thread!
Theories thread!

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Strangekitty (#93533)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-10 10:57:34
3 Strange's Personal experiences :
I remember when I was younger... I think Six maybe? I lived in this ancient house built by my relations in WW1 I believe it was. I developed this habit of hiding under my covers because I would always here voices and see figures in the dark, I always felt like my room was spinning and it made it seem so much larger than it was.
Rarely I'll hear my name be 'whispered' to me, Sometimes when I'm wide awake too. This has been going on at random points since the age of 6.
Although currently I constantly see shadows moving out the corners of my eyes, Or when I'm tired it'll be straight up in front of me. Might just be my paranoia though, I don't know.

I remember when I was maybe... Nine or ten? I went to my grandparent's house, They were living in the countryside too, In an old farming house with a few old buildings round about the place. Messed up bunch I must say...
Anyways, I was sleeping in my cousin's room upstairs while my brother was across the hall, I don't know why but...
I was always in a state of utter terror in that bedroom. So of course I'm under the covers, And at random points in the night I'd hear... Footsteps up the stairs. Now I now this was not my grandparents as they were asleep, Same for my brother. Although my gran also reported these footsteps too so it wasn't just me.

I had the fucking worst nightmares in that hell hole, So vivid too. The room would be spinning, and I'd wake up sobbing under my covers. And in these dreams there was always a dark shadow-y mass in the corner of the room.
It felt malevolent and almost as if that if I were to remove myself from the blankets I would be done for.

In one of the older farm buildings, I remember the time my brother convinced me to go into there and just... I had to leave almost immediately I just felt the most horrific pains in my stomach for no apparent reason, The building have a horrifying aura too. It was dark and just... Utterly terrifying.

Evidence : Mental scarring :>>>

|:|If I remember any more experiences Strangey's had, I'll be sure to post them|:|

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Edited on 10/08/17 @ 12:53:23 by Strangekitty (#93533)

Brief hiatus (#113300)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 11:13:13

alright so lets start this off with 18 years ago when I moved in:
4/12/1999 the first day I moved in, the dog began snarling at something in the corner of the room, later that night, I felt a heavy weight on my chest, after trying to hit the thing on me which I could not see, the weight lifted for the entire night, this continued for about a year or two, but the frequency became lesser the more I started talking to what ever was there, around that time was the time I guess I began earning a friendship/trust or something like that.
3/19/2002 After the whole sitting on the chest thing they began making themselves known during the day by hiding the TV remote and then when i got frustrated looking for it, it would re appear where I last had it, sometimes accompanied by very faint giggling that youd only hear if you were listening for it, it appears they were toying with me for entertainment, I will be calling this mischievous spirit Soda.
6/21/2003 This is when the spirit whom i will now be calling Bingo threw their first tantrum and broke several things in the house, no one was harmed but it started because i was watching a documentary on ghosts, note to self, dont watch ghost documentaries in the house.
4/1/2006 now lets skip forward a few years, this is when the spirit who often lays on my bed with me during the night began doing that thing it does with the laying, it started when i was calling a previous pet who was named daisy onto the bed, then I felt a precense behind/beside me ontop of the blankets, I saw a slight indent where the thing was laying but I decided because I wasnt dead yet to just go with it, I will now be calling this spirit daisy.
8/5/2010 again skipping a few years this is when Bingo threw a second tantrum and pissed off Soda who murdered my mirror in retaliation for me pissing Bingo off, so that was an eventful day where I stepped on glass and I had alot of cleaning to do.
11/7/2011 this is when i got my ouija board! once Id sat down with it, i began trying to actually communicate with my ghostly residents but to no avail until the one I have not named, due to them not really making themselves known began attempting to communicate, they seem to be timid and often just randomly stop whatever it is they are doing if a sharp movement is made, they are the source of the whispering at night, I will be calling them Luna, so when i post the recording tomorrow, what you will hear is Luna doing her slightly scary noise thing.
1/5/2014 I bought a case of cream soda, and im assuming Soda, who is most active during the day it seems, decided to take a cream soda from the open case and toss it out the window, I was kinda peeved at that and promptly got mad, there was no activity the rest of the and night until the next day.

and this is where Im going to end it!

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Piperwolf (hiatus) (#116925)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 11:14:05
(please don't forget to put the number at the top so I can keep track! ^^)

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Maverick (#118893)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 12:36:09
this is something i found while researching it seemed interesting enough [10]
Officer Karl Romero was spending a relatively quiet Saturday evening on duty at the Espanola police station in New Mexico in 2014, keeping an eye on the several surveillance cameras installed around the place. Things were going well until he spotted something strange on one of the cameras pointed at the entryway to the station.Scrutinizing the visuals on the camera, Romero initially thought that the bright white “blob” he was looking at must be an insect until he spied the legs below it. He realized then that he was looking at what he could only describe as a ghostly figure. Since the entryway to the police station is blocked off with a gate and secured with an alarm system, Romero knew it could not be a human figure that was showing up on the footage.When he reported what he saw to his superiors the next day, most of them believed him. Some even came forward with their own scary experiences, saying that they often heard strange, unexplained noises in the building and had experienced weird sightings in the lobby as well. Romero relayed his story to KOAT TV, saying that he believes in ghosts and thinks that the ghostly figure he saw may have something to do with the unsolved murders that have taken place in the area over the years.9Soul CollectorUrban city skyline at night
Lt. Frank Marra, now retired, was one of the police officers tasked with sifting through the rubble of the World Trade Center towers in September 2001. It was only in 2013, while conducting interviews for a 9/11-related book called Hallowed Ground, that he remembered encountering something paranormal during his long hours of work at the site. One of the detectives who was also being interviewed mentioned hearing about a ghostly tale of an old Red Cross worker that appeared to some of the officers while they were working. The woman tried to serve them coffee and sandwiches, as was the Red Cross duty during World War II. Upon hearing the detective talk about this, Marra remembered seeing a black woman dressed in a Red Cross uniform appearing several times while he worked. She held a tray of sandwiches and disappeared every time he strained to get a better look at her.Several police officers who were also stationed at the site after the attacks claimed to have seen large shadows and “black masses” among the debris. After seeing a medium about his experience and hearing that he may have witnessed a soul collector guiding spirits to the hereafter, Marra truly believes that this is what he saw.

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Maverick (#118893)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 12:38:47
oh.. sorry!! there were two different ones i that!!

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Maverick (#118893)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 12:39:48
officer Karl Romero was spending a relatively quiet Saturday evening on duty at the Espanola police station in New Mexico in 2014, keeping an eye on the several surveillance cameras installed around the place. Things were going well until he spotted something strange on one of the cameras pointed at the entryway to the station.Scrutinizing the visuals on the camera, Romero initially thought that the bright white “blob” he was looking at must be an insect until he spied the legs below it. He realized then that he was looking at what he could only describe as a ghostly figure. Since the entryway to the police station is blocked off with a gate and secured with an alarm system, Romero knew it could not be a human figure that was showing up on the footage.When he reported what he saw to his superiors the next day, most of them believed him. Some even came forward with their own scary experiences, saying that they often heard strange, unexplained noises in the building and had experienced weird sightings in the lobby as well. Romero relayed his story to KOAT TV, saying that he believes in ghosts and thinks that the ghostly figure he saw may have something to do with the unsolved murders that have taken place in the area over the years

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Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 12:40:53
Number: 5
Description: I think I was eight years old when it happened, but I can't be sure... I was outside in the backyard, and I saw a shadow. A very strange one, too. It was shaped like a dragon, and then I heard a soft thud on a tree nearby. I went to go see what it was, but there was nothing there. ;-; it was creepy.
Evidence: Unfortunately, I didn't have anything to determine what I saw was true ;-;
Connections: Dragons

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Maverick (#118893)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 12:51:57
when i was about 5-6, i was over a friends house and i dont know what happened, im assuming it burned down, but there were cop cars ambulances and a fire truck outside and they brought out 2-3 body bags (i forgot how many exactly) and to this day whenever i go to my grandmothers house, (she lived next to them) i sometimes see figures or hear noises from that house. the house was boarded up about a month after that day and last year lots of glass appearedon the porch and i mean LOTS it was broken into very tiny pieces, and we still have no idea how it got there. i also shear dogs barking constantly, and the people who lived there had a doberman pinscher.

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