Posted by Ludigins (Original Species)

⛧August⛧ (#93898)

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Posted on
2017-08-16 10:36:59
(I think this fits more here since you don't have to pay for these.)


Ludigins are bipedal creatures that seem to be a mix between a crocodile, a prehistoric bird, and some kind of canine. Their limbs are short but have some noticeable differences. They have three fingers and a thumb while there are no toes to be seen. They are tailless despite their very animalistic appearance.


Pinpoints are thin cuts in the body where the Ludigin's element can be seen. Ludigins have 6 pinpoints, one behind each eye, one encircling the neck, and three on the back. The element is seen as a colored glow emanating in each pinpoint. The pinpoints only glow when the Ludigin is using their element's abilities. Otherwise it remains dark.


There are four elements, Storm, Terrain, Fire, and Water, and a Ludigin can only know one. Most Ludigins are born without an element and only gains one when they go on a journey in which they must interact with all parts of nature. The element is not chosen. Elementless Ludigins are grey in color but may gain a pelt color that represents their new element. The eyes may also be the same color as the element. It is, however, possible for a Ludigin with an element to stay grey.

You can do The Journey whenever you like to give your Ludigin an element. Elements are randomly chosen by a number generator.

Storm Ludigins are masters of the wind and weather. They can call and disperse clouds, stun enemies with thunder from their hands, cause floods or droughts, stand on clouds, and slow falling. The ear tips will grow into a lightning shape. Storm Ludigins are yellow and their eyes and element is colored purple.


Terrain Ludigins are able to control everything to do with plants and ground. They can shape the earth, speed up or slow the growth of plants as well as heal dead or dying plants, cleanse the air, and control carnivorous plants such as the Venus Flytrap. Their ear tips become the shape of a leaf. Their fur is brown and their eyes and element are green.


Fire Ludigins are powerful indeed and they can do exactly what you expect. They can set things ablaze, manipulate fire and smoke, cause volcanoes to explode prematurely, and cannot be harmed by lava. In fact, they tend to fill their swimming pools with lava instead of water. They're colored red and their eyes and element is orange.


Water Ludigins can manipulate any water you can imagine. They can calm the ocean or cause it to rampage, condense water droplets in the air to create a small amount of water - usually enough to fill a cup, breathe underwater, and move swiftly underwater. Their fur is dark blue while their eyes and element is light blue.


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Edited on 19/08/17 @ 20:05:12 by Crow | Father of Toony (#93898)

⛧August⛧ (#93898)

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Posted on
2017-08-16 10:37:20

My Ludigins!

You are only allowed 2 Ludigins. The first is either MYO (Make Your Own) or adopted from the Fields. The second is the result of breeding your Ludigin with another player's.

How to make my own!
Use this base when first creating your Ludigin and follow the guidelines below. This base applies to your MYO and your 2nd Gen unless the 2nd Gen was born with an element. If you do not want to make one, you can always adopt one from the Field!

1: You can only use 3 colors maximum for the pelt and 1 color maximum for the eyes/inner ear/nose.
2: The choices to the left is for the pelt and the choices above is for the eyes/inner ear/nose.
3: One color must cover at least 50% of the base. The others are known as secondary colors.
4: Secondary colors cannot touch any of the pinpoints.
5: You cannot make complicated designs with the colors, make the secondary colors cover a fair amount of the base.

MYO/Adopted Form!
Gender: This can only be male or female due to it's importance during breeding!
Element: Usually Elementless unless the Ludigin had an element while in the field!
Type: MYO or Adopted!

Bred Form
Gender: This can only be male or female due to it's importance during breeding!
Element: Read below for information!
Parents: State the owner of each as well as father/mother! Ex: Tom (Father - PlayerA) and Lori (Mother - PlayerB)

When breeding Ludigins, you may only breed with another player. Both you and the player must fill out the form below.

Name: The name of your Ludigin!
Mate: Must be the opposite gender! Put the owner's name too! Ex: Lori (PlayerB)
Element: Your Ludigin's element!
Mate's Element:

You may breed as many times and with as many players as you wish but you and the player must fill out the form every time and you only get to keep one of the offspring. If you'd like to have a different Gen 2 (such as if you bred with a different player and would like a child from this litter), you must donate your current Gen 2 to the Field. You may only own a Gen 2 that is directly related to your Ludigin!

Every breeding results in two offspring. If you don't have room for a Gen 2, you must donate to the Field. You may breed at any time once you have a Ludigin, even regardless of if you just bred. No waiting required. You and the player must design one of the offspring each. You would usually have to own the Gen 2 that you designed but you are allowed to trade with the other player if both them and you want to or you may donate yours to the field to keep your Gen 2 slot open.

Elemental Breeding!
A Gen 2 Ludigin will only have an element if both parents have the same element.

For example, Storm x Storm births two Storm Gen 2s but Storm x Water births two Elementless Gen 2s. If you have an Elementless Gen 2, you may still do the Journey and get them a random element. It might not even be the same element as either of the parents! If you have a Gen 2 with an element, they are stuck with that element just like other element Ludigins.

Other rules!
1: Inbreeding is not allowed! This includes Mother/Son, Father/Daughter, and Brother/Sister.
2: You may breed your Gen 2 but you cannot keep the offspring and they must be donated to the Field.
3: Once a Gen 2 is bred, you cannot donate them so be certain that you like them!
4: Colors of the Gen 2 corresponds with the parents. This means that you may use either of the parents colors and everything in between. If one has the lightest base color and the other has the darkest then you may use every possible color as the base color. Secondary colors are not affected by the parents.

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Edited on 16/08/17 @ 11:24:42 by Crow | Father of Toony (#93898)

⛧August⛧ (#93898)

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Posted on
2017-08-16 10:37:28

The Field!

Welcome to The Field, where parentless Gen 2s live! Gen 2s will not be reserved, it will always be first-come-first-served. If you would like to drop off a Gen 2 or adopt a Gen 2, then fill in the appropriate form as seen below. If you do not have a MYO and instead are adopting a Gen 2 as your first Ludigin, you can keep the one of any offspring that it has. In these cases, the Gen 2 you adopt will be titled as an X Gen.

MYOs and X Gens cannot be dropped off! You keep them forever!

Drop Off Form!
Name: The Gen 2 must have a name. The adopter cannot change it unless they PM me with a very good reason to. Ex: The name is explicit such as being anything with cuss words, racial slurs, etc.
Gender: The gender cannot be changed by the adopter.

Adoption Form!
Gen 2 ID: The number that was assigned to the Gen 2.
Other Ludigin: If you have a MYO Ludigin, please name them here. If you don't then write N/A.

If you have adopted a Gen 2 you must still fill out the MYO/Adopted form so it can be added to the official list.

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Edited on 24/08/17 @ 08:56:09 by Crow | Father of Toony (#93898)

⛧August⛧ (#93898)

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Posted on
2017-08-16 10:37:37

Ludigin Culture!

Ludigins, no matter where in the world they are, do not wear any type of clothing. Since the world is still quite dangerous, even in their modern civilization state, they see clothing as an unnecessary burden that does nothing but restrict the movement of the body, which could very easily cost their life.

Back when Ludigins lived in tribes and early villages, the female would have a biological need to nurture a child and be a mother. Some didn't have this need, but for the most part, it was an evolutionary way to keep the species in a thriving state. Males, however, would not feel that fatherhood was necessary and instead focused on resource collecting and passing on genes, often leaving the mate and finding another to breed with. Now in modern times, the females' need to be a mother has scaled down significantly, as it's usually a choice now instead of an instinct for most. The males have opened up to being parents and are staying to help raise the child much more often as collecting resources is no longer a life or death situation. Those who still believe that raising their children are met with a vast amount of disagreement but are not looked down upon or treated as an outcast.

Each element has it's own region in the world including the Elementless. Most Ludigins live in the region that corresponds with their element, but some are able to live elsewhere, sometimes with a few changes.

Pleasant Hills
This is the home of the Elementless Ludigins. It's a standard set of rolling hills where the village has been built into. This is usually the starting point of many Ludigins who now belong in other regions. Some elemental Ludigins stay here, as they may have family or friends they don't want to leave or perhaps they just enjoy the scenery. All MYO Ludigins live here and can only leave to any of the other regions once they have an element. The element does not have to match the region though.

Molten Gorge
This is the home of the Fire Ludigins. It is a rough land consisting mostly of lava rock and burnt stone, plagued with pockets where hot steam from the underground lava lake shoots up, able to fry whatever is unfortunate enough to be on top of them. The civilization is a mountain keep, carved deep into a dead volcano and tunneling far underground, so much so that Ludigins who aren't used to the pressure will end up fainting or will be unable to breathe without assistance.

Peril Peaks
The home of the Storm Ludigins, made up of three tall mountains, each having a name. Galing, the smallest, is nestled behind the other two but can still be seen between them as they come to a point. The second tallest, to the right, is Fortig. Finally, Dertuk is the tallest and is to the left. The town is situated at the peak of Dertuk, whose winds are always strong, persistent, and chilling. While Storm Ludigins are used to the wind, the other elements and especially the elementless ones are not. If a non-Storm Ludigin wishes to live in Peril Peaks, they'll have to gain weight to withstand the cold.

Jungle Blossom Grove
This is where the Terrain Ludigins reside. It's a very large area, half being wooded and the other half being a field completely overrun with flowers, healing herbs, and wild fruits and vegetables. The civilization is actually underground, accessed by several holes in the field. It's a series of tunnels that connect to spherical rooms of various sizes. Ludigins are often digging more tunnels and rooms to accommodate with a growing population.

Coral Cliffs
The Coral Cliffs are a beautiful set of limestone cliffs bordering the ocean that house the Water Ludigins. The ocean is littered with brilliantly colored coral that seem to glow at night. The houses are made of driftwood and decorated with seashells. As all Ludigins can digest coral, many Water Ludigins make good money off of gathering and selling coral.


The Journey!
The Journey is a tradition that all Elementless Ludigins go through to get their element. It spans all regions and requires them to battle against all the elements.

,You must follow each prompt below to make 5 full body drawings with backgrounds. If you cannot draw or don't want to draw, you can write about your Ludigin's journey. Each prompt would have to have 1 paragraph with 100+ words each. Comment below with 5 images of your drawings or with the full extent of your writing.

Packing Up
Draw or write about your Ludigin getting ready in their Pleasant Hills abode. What do they take with them? Have they packed food or are they intending to forage on their way?

Hot Air
Draw or write about your Ludigin dodging the hot steam pockets. Are they clumsy or sure-footed? Do they get injured or walk out untouched?

Mountain Scaling
Draw or write about your Ludigin climbing up one of the mountains. Is the trek easy or difficult for them?

Field Foraging
Draw or write about your Ludigin looking for fruit/vegetables or healing herbs in the fields. How's their luck?

Deep Sea Gathering
Draw or write about your Ludigin diving for coral. Are they having trouble?

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Edited on 19/08/17 @ 19:57:57 by Crow | Father of Toony (#93898)

⛧August⛧ (#93898)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 20:09:35

Official Ludigin List!

This is a list of all the Ludigins that were made, born, and adopted! In addition to showing what each Ludigin looks like, it also has useful information for them, some dictated by the owner such as breeding needs and whether or not they are willing to do roleplaying with them. If a Ludigin is dropped off at The Field, such as after being born or when the current owner no longer wants them, the Owner portion of the information will be labeled as N/A and they will be at The Field.

When you are ready to make, adopt, or have bred a Ludigin, make sure to comment with the appearance (make sure to use the base provided at the beginning of the topic!) of the Ludigin and the completed form provided below.

Name: Add your name as well!
Roleplay: Will you be okay with roleplaying with this Ludigin?
Breeding Needs: Provide all the things about breeding and relationships you would like everyone to be aware of!

Name: Jitter (Crow | Father of Toony)
Gender: Male
Element: Elementless
Roleplay: Yes!
Breeding Needs: I want Jitter to have a forever mate, someone who will always breed with him and only him and be in a serious relationship with him.

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Edited on 18/08/17 @ 21:07:07 by Crow | Father of Toony (#93898)

⛧August⛧ (#93898)

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Posted on
2017-08-18 20:58:50
MYO Form
Name: Jitter
Gender: Male
Element: Elementless
Type: MYO

List Form
Name: Jitter (Crow | Father of Toony)
Gender: Male
Element: Elementless
Roleplay: Yes!
Breeding Needs: I want Jitter to have a forever mate, someone who will always breed with him and only him and be in a serious relationship with him.

I'll be the first to make mine. owo

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Edited on 19/08/17 @ 17:40:02 by Crow | Father of Toony (#93898)

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