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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-08-20 10:30:34

Main Roleplay Thread


Please read the rules from the main thread before posting here.

Simple. Your character's name.

Age range
Eg:21-40. Your character will be teleported on Earth at age 21 and keep aging until they reach 40 years, then stop.

All gender identities accepted, however I do prefer even genders.

All sexual orientations accepted.

Despite being immortal, these special humans don't have any defining features such as horns and look just like normal people.

Here, you should explain how your character acts like. You could make a really big paragraph instead of using this layout, however I'd prefer for it to be this way.
1. Good trait;
Explanation(1-3 sentences)

2. Good trait;

3. Good trait;

4. Good trait;

5. Good trait;

6. Bad trait;
Explanation(1-3 sentences)

7. Bad trait;

8. Bad trait;

9. Bad trait;

10. Bad trait;

Your character will have superpowers. Here you can indeed let you imagination run wild, however don't exaggerate with these. I will inform you if it's too much.



You know what comes here.
Also if you have anything else to specify, such as links to images(if any) or anything else.

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Edited on 20/08/17 @ 23:46:12 by 『Moon』 (#100696)

『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-08-20 11:12:27

Moon Ikile.

Age range



Moon is pretty tall for her age, standing at 5"5. Her skin is extremely pale and she always looks ill, even when she isn't. She won't hesitate to put a bit of make-up on her face to cover her eye bags or skin tone. She is well proportioned and ignoring her personality, she could easily become a model, weighing around 100 pounds. At least, that's what her mother used to tell her. Hopefully it wasn't just her mom's opinion. Her white hair reaches her waist and will surely grow longer, as she prefers to not cut it anymore. Moon tries tying it up in a ponytail but because it is so heavy, she just leaves it loose. Her eyes are of an emerald green, a darker green being observed around the corners of them. She has thin and arched eyebrows, making her look as if she's always surprised or grumpy. Her cheekbones are pretty high, her jawlines not large at all. She has a small and short chin, making her look quite fragile. Her mouth is also small and delicate, her eyelashes long.

Moon loves wearing black and white with a tint of emerald green from time to time. Her favorite casual outfit is pretty exaggerated in fact, but that's just how she likes dressing up. She will be seen in it quite often. It consists of a white tailcoat with a few black details, such as the buttons or the tie and a pair of white boots that reach her knees. Her hair will usually be tied in a fishtail braid, high ponytail or bun, letting some strands of hair always loose, covering her face.

1. Loyal; [good]
Moon is a very loyal individual, sometimes becoming even annoying. She loves staying with her friends only.

2. Clingy; [good]
This trait of hers can become quite annoying. She won't leave alone any of her friends once she becomes fond of them, not even when you tell her to. Mocking her will make her even more determined to not let them go.

3. Flirty; [good]
Moon will start flirting(or trying to flirt) as soon as she's taken a liking to a male. She's not afraid to express her feelings, and likes initiating relationships or playing Cupidon. Long story made short, she's a hopeless romantic.

4. Overprotective; [good]
Moon will always stick by her friends' side, thanks to her clingy and jealous side. She'll always jump to help her friends, and will eventually become possessive and try keeping her friends only to herself.

5. Sarcastic; [good&bad]
This girl loves being sarcastic, and always will. Be it in an argument or casual discussion, you should except a sarcastic reply from her. She doesn't care if that bothers others.

6. Emotional; [bad]
Moon is extremely, and, let me repeat, extremely emotional. If anyone raises their voice even slightly at her, she will soon start questioning her relationship with them and will eventually result in her crying. She likes appearing indifferent, however that's not how she feels.

7. Moody; [bad]
Moon is also rather moody, experiencing lots of mood swings. One minute she's happy, the next she's angry. A simple sentence or even a few words will make her change her mood.

8. Jealous/envious; [bad]
This girl will get jealous at the slightest of things. Her friends greeting someone else will already get her boiling. Luckily, she knows how to hide it and act nice. Someone else having the same skill as her will also make her angry, as she thinks that someone is copying her. Except her to threaten you if you get close to her crush, or if you show-off in front of her.

9. Selfish; [bad]
Despite her caring nature, Moon was programmed to be selfish. She will always think about herself before others, and will help someone else only if it's beneficial for her too(of course, there are some exceptions).

10. Insecure/lacks determination; [bad]
Moon will start questioning everything about her if someone scolds or starts an argument with her. She dislikes meeting new people as she thinks she'll make a bad impression. She also lacks determination and ambition, and will most likely give up if she fails doing something more than three, four times.

11. Manipulative; [good&bad]
(It would've been a shame if I excluded this.) Moon can easily force people into doing what she wants. She experiences little to no guilt after lying or manipulating, resulting in people often stopping to believe her.

12. Intuitive; [good]
Mone is extremely, and, extremely intuitive. She can notice someone feeling bad or lying by talking with them only 5 minutes. Her emphasizing skills also help her with this.

13. Suspicious; [bad]
Moon is always thinking someone's hiding something. Always suspicious of others, and sometimes even of herself.

14. Paranoid; [bad]
This girl will freak out over the slightest of things, such as a bush rustling, or someone staring at her even for a second.

15. Understanding; [good]
Moon can think outside the box and from others' perspectives, making her understand others easily.

16. Good at reading people; [good]
So, basically, she can find out if someone is feeling bad or good without any superpower. Just a long stare at their face and she'll find out.

17. Ambitious; [good]
Moon loves dreaming about accomplishing her biggest dreams and working on them and will usually snap if you doubt her.

18. Lazy; [bad]
"Meh, who cares if there's garbage on the table? I'll finish this game and clean it up... Not."

19. Stealthy; [good&bad]
Moon can easily hide from people thanks to her interesting predicting skills. She can sometimes know what others will do before they actually do it.

20. Smart; [good]
Moon is quite intelligent, but others may underestimate her because of her appearance and personality. Don't though.

21. True strategist; [good]
This girl can quickly make plans of escaping or hiding things. Don't stress if you need anything like this and come to her.

22. Stubborn; [bad]
Oh, Moon can be so stubborn she'd even refuse to help someone from dying if she thinks that'd help her.

23. Sad; [bad]
Anything can make her sad. Absolutely anything. Even the happiest memories from her life can make her sad, and will often do so.

24. Logic; [good&bad]
She's so logic it sometimes hurts. That's all.

25. Straightforward; [good&bad]
Moon will always, always, say what's on her mind, no matter what.

26. Good liar; [good&bad]
Moon always plans her lies ahead of time. She likes thinking about the outcomes and questions the individual she lied to would ask her and make answers.

1. Flying;
Moon can take off the ground and into the sky.This power has already been toggled on, though she can only use it while she's not being watched by people(besides her immortal gang). Once she meets the others, she will be able to do it whenever she wants, even when watched.(achieved lol)

2. Water Manipulation;
Moon can manipulate water and form water bodies, such as puddles, lakes and sometimes 3D bodies. She may freeze water, though it'll exhaust her a bit. She can also breathe underwater of course.

3. Total Omnilinguilism;
Moon is able to understand absolutely everything someone says. From animals and plants to foreign people and humans with defects(deafs, mutes and whatnot).

4. X-ray vision;
Moon can indeed see through walls and anything, only with the blink of her eye. Her vision doesn't change colors nonetheless, and she can see the normal colors a thing or being has.

5. Intangibility;
Moon is able to walk through any solid thing, just like a ghost. You'll have no more intimacy thanks to her two superpowers, it seems.

Moon's birthday is July 21.
Moon's favorite color is emerald green. She loves shiny things and clothes, and will immediately jump to buy most pompous dresses.
Moon's favorite animal is the falcon, eagle or cat.
Moon doesn't have any favorite food, because she dislikes eating.
Moon's zodiac sign is Cancer, and she is very interested in the zodiacal signs.
She's constantly scared of everything she does. Absolutely. Everything.
Scared of being shot or dying in a fire.
Sometimes cruel, sadistic and suicidal. Creepy most of the time.
Hardly gains weight, has incredible fragile bones. Forcing herself to climb a tree suddenly will make her muscles ache for the next few days.
She may or may not have mental stability.

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Edited on 09/09/17 @ 12:16:45 by 『Moon』 (#100696)

Direwisp (#98474)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-20 12:54:17

| Name |
Dakota Silver

| Age range |
19 - 30

| Gender |

| Orientation |

| Appearance |
Picture Source
Dakota is what would be considered a pretty girl. She stands at around 5'9 and weighs around 121 pounds, her fast metabolism giving her a lean body (though with all of the running she does she was guaranteed to have one anyway). She has long platinum blond hair and blue eyes which tend to range from a cloudy color to as bright as the ocean on a sunny day. And despite having spent most of her time fighting and just generally getting hurt she surprisingly doesn't have many scars. She has a single long (and nicely healed) scar on her inner left thigh from when she was younger. Tattoos are another story however.She has 4 different tattoos. Her first tattoo was an infinity sign that appears to be scratched out which she got on her left collar bone. Her second was a Wolf Tattoo on the side of her left thigh that starts just bellow her hip and stops right before the knee. Her third tattoo was a pair of wings surrounding a cross on her back. Her last tattoo was something simple compared to her second and third, it was a simple quote on her forearm, " Courage isn't having the strength to go on. It's going on when you don't have the strength"

| Personality |

Generous [Good]
Dakota will readily lend a helping hand to the family, friends and the needy even if it means that She would have to endure hardship or loss.

Dependable [Good]
You can count on Dakota, She will not leave you disappointed. Rain or shine, if you need her she will be there.

Patient [Good]
Patience is a virtue and Dakota posses it aplenty. She believes in doing the job right rather than being the first one to do the job.

Independent [Good]
Financially and emotionally, Dakota prefers to be independent and strong so that she doesn't have to look for support when life throws lemons at her.

Persistent [Good]
Once she sets her eyes on something, Dakota will persistently put in all the efforts to get it. Failures and setbacks rarely dampens her spirits

Loyal [Good]
Dakota is as loyal as a person can be and whilst it takes time to earn her loyalty once you have it you have an ally for life.

Stubborn [Bad]
Although easy going and respectful, Dakota can be unbelievably stubborn and inflexible in her approach. So much so that when the logical arguments don’t suit them, She will just refuse to listen!

Self-indulgent [Bad]
Dakota is so goal-oriented that she often forms a notion that the world revolves around her. Her self-indulgent streak makes her rude, and ignorant of others’ emotions at times, not that she will admit it.

Lazy [Bad]
While she is patient, she is also lazy, especially when ordered to do something. Dakota will not move a muscle till she is motivated to get up and work.

Materialistic [Bad?]
In her bid to secure her future and maintain a certain image in society, Dakota tends to become materialistic.

Possessive [Bad]
Possessiveness, which often translates into jealousy and resentment, is one major negative trait in Dakota. Many a times her possessiveness even costs her genuine relationships.

Frugal [Bad]
While it is good to value money, Dakota can sometimes take it too far and become frugal in the name of savings and building a better future.

Insecure [Bad?]
Despite the strong front she puts up Dakota does have those lingering thoughts of "What if i was wrong? What if i pushed them away? What if they are all pretending and actually hate me?" Little things tend to get to her which is why she tries to master everything and be helpful to others no matter how it affects herself. She cant stand high disapproval from someone she looks up to, namely those older then herself. her insecurity would also explain why she tends to panic when she gets something wrong or forgets something that her mind deems important, something like food she made tasting bad or forgetting a simple thing such as to bring a pen with her to a test even though said pens are provided. Despite her panicy state though if someones around then she will hide it, play it off as if its no big deal.

| Superpowers |

Enhanced Senses
Hearing is heightened, sight is improved, sense of smell is better, Ect

Shape Shifting
Only animals, and she has to be familiar with it, having seen it move around with her own eyes, It's harder to do if she's only seen it once, They more she knows about the animals body the easier it is (By that I mean skeletal structure and such.) So far she's only been able to shift into three animals. A wolf, a panther, and a brown bear. Any attempts at other animals (even if she knows the skeletal structure) have resulted in failure.

Enhanced Strength
This only triggers when she feels threatened, scared, protective, angered, or defensive

| Other |
Birthday is May 13th.
Favorite stone is Lapis Lazuli
Favorite color is a Dark blue, like the ocean at night.
Favorite song at the moment is Star Fire by Sleeping Wolf
Favorite animal is a wolf
Favorite pet is a dog (Large breeds)
Dakota's wolf form, the one she uses most often, looks like this.
Permission for image


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Edited on 06/09/17 @ 13:41:44 by Direwisp (#98474)

Dawn (#98004)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-21 07:56:23

Name: William or Will Grayson
Age Range: 23-31
Gender: Male
Oriantation: Bisextual 
Appearance: about  5’ 8” or 1.7Meters. Hair color is a sandy brown, the length a little grown out but not overly bushy. No facial hair. Eyes are brown like a coffee color. face shape is similar to a diamond shape.Broad shoulders, body type os more on the athletic side, but not really sporting any muscles.  Has reading glasses  with square black wire rimmed frames. 
Good Traits:
1.Kind: always willing to help someone else when they need. Willing to  listen to anyone that needs to have a good talk. 
2. Accepting: always willing to accept what someone is talking about as long as it doesn't go against his own morals. (against  his morals would be like for example; Racism or homophobia) 
3. Hard-working:  won’t easily give up on something or someone easily. He is willing to work hard to get what he wants rather than just hoping that luck will give him what he wants. 
4. Logical/Thinker:  thinks about things before he says them.  He is one to normally think about  every option before he speaks.
5. Believer:   he  has confidence in the truth, and by believing in this truth he is doing the right thing. 
6. Quiet:  he keeps to himself alot. rather watching then actually talking with other people.   this quiet trait normally goes away once he is comfortable around someone. 
Bad Traits:  
1. Witty/ Dry Humor/Sarcastic:  normally has something to  say, be it honest or joking sometimes it’s hard to tell  which is which. Normally this trait is reserved to close friends that can tell if he’s joking or not.  
2. Over Thinker:    tends to question everything even  the smallest thing  that doesn't  seem to matter to anyone but him. 
3. Awkward:  has a tendency to say weird things at the worst possible times to be weird. 
4. Blunt: at times of anger  could just completely tell someone what he thinks about them with little regard for how they might feel.
5. Secretive: doesn't talk about himself and when he has the option he would rather not talk about himself rather keeping secrets than ever be hurt by those secrets falling in the wrong hands. 
6. Overcritical:  he tends to critizise himself hevily for  nearly anything that he does 
Super Powers:
1.   The ability to heal minor wounds once or twice a day. The  range is from paper cuts to  medium sized burns. Afterwords though he gets fatigued. 
2.  Can create a small cloud of fog to obscure himself in it. Only can be done once a day.
3.  Can breath water be it salt or fresh water.
4. sleep: once a day he can touch someone and compel them to sleep,in result William normally gets tired as well
5. Plant Manipulation: he can cause vines to grasp and hold people or simply just help plants grow better.
Other:  his birthday is April 19th. Favorite color is dark green. Favorite pet is a cat. Favorite animal is  a tortoise. He's a pacifist, doesn't believe in fighting or war he doesn't berate people that do fight or go to war, it's just that he wouldn't get in a fight or sign up for war

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Edited on 26/10/17 @ 23:03:50 by Dawn (#98004)

Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2017-08-21 13:45:11
Lilith Auguste
Age range
22- 28
About 5' 6" or 1.6 meters in height with pale skin. Her hair is as black as a ravens wing and looks blue in the sunlight. Her eyes are a very dark grey blue
Here, you should explain how your character acts like. You could make a really big paragraph instead of using this layout, however I'd prefer for it to be this way.
1. Good trait; Calm
Lilith is the kind of person who will stay calm and think her way through tough situations. She will also try to help calm others who freak out.
2. Good trait; Kind
She would give the clothes off of her back for someone who doesn't have anything. She will also just sit there and listen to peoples problems.

3. Good trait; Studious
She can usually be found with a book on her person and will always be on the look out for something new to learn.

4. Good trait; Musically inclined
If she is given a song and a couple days, she can learn it word for word and can keep a tune when needed. She will purposely go off tune when she is being weird.

5. Good trait; Non-judgemental
She will never judge others because they are different, have different views, or have something wrong with them. She believes that we should all be treated the same because we all have our own flaws.

6. Bad trait; Sassy
If you get on her bad side, she will become very sassy and will push all of your buttons. Even the ones you didn't know you have.
7. Bad trait; Major attitude
Along with being sassy, she has a huge attitude meaning she will not listen when she is upset with you.

8. Bad trait; insecure
She hates the way she looks and constantly wishes she had a better figure

9. Bad trait; Easily distracted
Oh look a butterfly!

10. Bad trait; Lazy
Once she is down on the couch, she don't wanna get back up. Unless it is for ice cream, only then will she get up.

Your character will have superpowers. Here you can indeed let you imagination run wild, however don't exaggerate with these. I will inform you if it's too much.
1. Small acts of manifestation- She can manifest objects smaller than a car anytime she wants. But if in need of a car, she can manifest one, but is will pretty much knock her out cold for about a day
2. See and interact with spirits- she can seed and talk to the dead who have not yet passed on
3. Heal non lethal injuries- anything non lethal can be healed

All of my inspiration came from the Immortals series

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Edited on 31/08/17 @ 13:01:51 by Nights Moonlily (#76015)

Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-08-23 16:59:25

Dallon Anthony Carlyle

Age range





1. Good trait; Calm/Stoic
Takes a whole lot to make him angry enough to do something about it, and even in stressful or embarrassing situations he manages not to show his inner turmoil.

2. Good trait; Clear-Headed
Never loses his head in a bad (or good) situation, always retains clear, rational thoughts.

3. Good trait; Intelligent
Smart enough to realize that stabbing himself hurts. And that rho = left | Psi right |^2 = Psi^* Psi

4. Good trait/Bad trait; Stubborn
Just......don't argue. Don't do it.

5. Good trait/Bad trait; Quiet
Keeps to himself, even when something annoys him. But when someone asks for his help, and that requires talking, help is not given. Pretty much never talks.

6. Bad trait; Impulsive
If he thinks it's a good idea, try convincing him other was. Usually by that time he's already gone through with it.

7. Bad trait; Manipulative
Loves to get his way. Even if it's at the expense of someone else's sanity.

8. Bad trait; Judgmental
Extremely. Very much judgmental

9. Bad trait; Selfish
What? I don't know what you mean by this 'sharing' concept.

10. Bad trait; Materialistic
Every single thing is his. Every. Single. Thing.

1. Telepathy
Can only read the minds of others when he's touching them (their skin), and if he tries hard enough he can dig past their current thoughts to get to what lies beneath.

2. Telekinesis
Can move objects with his mind, only if he sees and concentrates very, very hard.

3. Teleportation
Only if he knows exactly where he's going. Works best if he's been to the place before. Activates when he meets the others.

image source: Source

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Edited on 04/09/17 @ 19:57:31 by Drkshdw (#97838)

Amber Da Pickle
Unicorn (#87487)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2017-08-30 11:59:15
Never mind.

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Edited on 01/09/17 @ 05:53:54 by Amber Da Pickle Unicorn (#87487)

Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2017-08-30 22:55:12

Angel Sin

Age range




Angel is a very quiet girl and rarely talks well no one ever hears her speak. It is rare to see her smile or blush so fi you make her smile or blush even giggle you must be special. Due to her past she has really bad trust issues and taught herself to basically to not trust anyone. Also with her powers she is constantly a bit weak so she isn't as athletic as most girls or guys.


1. Controls Electricity but it can get out of control if she holds it in for too long

2. Manipulates shadows into solid objects

3. Can sometimes suddenly summon fire on her hands

"I don't feel like a human being. Why cant I just be normal?"


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Edited on 02/09/17 @ 09:18:45 by Ninja Bat {Satan Isn't Amused} (#68800)

mbat🦇 (#110701)

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Posted on
2017-08-31 06:18:28
Simple. Your character's name. Jordan flame

Age range
Eg:21-40. Your character will be teleported on Earth at age 21 and keep aging until they reach 40 years, then stop. 21

All gender identities accepted, however I do prefer even genders.male

All sexual orientations accepted.straight

Despite being immortal, these special humans don't have any defining features such as horns and look just like normal people.

Here, you should explain how your character acts like. You could make a really big paragraph instead of using this layout, however I'd prefer for it to be this way. Jordan is funny and loves to have fun but he can have anger issues. But his favorite pastime its to burn stuff and shapeshift into animals for fun.he does not like to be mean but sometimes if someone sets him off he turned into dangerous animals and his uncontrollably side comes out.
1. Good trait;
Explanation(1-3 sentences)

2. Good trait;

3. Good trait;

4. Good trait;

5. Good trait;

6. Bad trait;
Explanation(1-3 sentences)

7. Bad trait;

8. Bad trait;

9. Bad trait;

10. Bad trait;

Your character will have superpowers. Here you can indeed let you imagination run wild, however don't exaggerate with these. I will inform you if it's too much.
1.manipulate fire


3. Make animals from fire

You know what comes here.
Also if you have anything else to specify, such as links to images(if any) or anything else.


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Edited on 31/08/17 @ 06:52:43 by Bat {Satan is Not Amused} 😈 (#68800)

Doe (#62827)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-08-31 07:44:34


Rean Abernathy

Age range



Rean's hair is currently a faded blonde, brownish color due to him dying it as often as he did. He stands around 5'11, and is has decent muscle on him, His face is a bit rounder, but due to his weight loss his jaw sticks out a bit, and at different angles, it's extremely noticeable. His eyes are a dark brown, almost blackish color. Rean's nose is flat but has a little upturn to it his lips are full until he smiles then they thin out a bit and his eyes closed due to his cheeks and Korean Decent. He has both ears pierced but has a second lobe piercing on his left ear, no tattoos are on this male.
[Based of BTS' Jimin]

1. Good trait; Decisive
Rean would rather settle arguments then let them continue. He's rather quick to decide on what he wants to do and what he wants to happen, while they might not always be the best choices, he does make them quickly.

2. Good trait; Confident
Rean know's he's good looking, so he's often confident in that. He's confident in his powers even if he can't control them as well as he hopes. He's also confident in his decision making

3. Good trait; Persuasive
He's good at convincing others to do what he wants and to do things for him. Rean often makes it a game to pick the most stubborn person, argue against them and try to get them to see his point.

4. Good trait; Sentimental
While he is sorta cocky, and a bit of a jerk, he's honest and cares for those he gets close to. If someone comes to him with an issue he often tries to comfort them the best of his ability and will try to tell them what they want to hear.

5.Good trait; Playful
Rean loves to tease others, well mainly those he knows well. Rean isn't one to play jokes, but he does tease them about little things and often gets himself in trouble since he does it in almost a flirting way.

6. Bad trait; Challenging
Rean is a challenging person to get along with due to his emotions bouncing around all the time. He's constantly second guessing himself and often causes others to second guess the type of person he is because his opinion changes so often on everything.

7. Bad trait; Aimless
Rean has almost no direction in life and often just goes with the flow. He has almost no ambition in life and often just follows others on their dreams till he gets bored and moves on. He hopes that following others he'll find his own dream

8. Bad trait; Dogmatic
Rean doesn't try to give others false hope. He's pretty blunt about how something is going to happen and he likes to have almost no hope for drastic events and isn't afraid to tell people like it is. The only exception to this is towards Children.

9. Bad trait; Morbid
Rean has a horrid sense of jokes, he often mutters horrid jokes under his breath and gets amused by the looks on people's face if they hear him. While he doesn't find death amusing, he finds jokes about death funny.

10. Bad trait; Suspicious
Rean trust nobody. A lot of people find it odd but Rean likes to say he's being cautious. But in reality he's accusing almost everyone about stupid things and it often gets people to hate him

1. Power Mimicry- If he touches anyone he can absorb their power, while they still have it, he uses it for a bit. This only last about an hour.

2. Omnilinguilism- He can understand almost any language and can read a few

3. Force Field- He can create a forcefield, it's not very large, and the only way he can protect anyone else is if he presses himself against them. He can only use this if his anxiety gets really high

4. Shape-shifting- Rean can shape shift into other animals, it just takes a lot out of him, and it takes him a while to do the sifting. He can get suck in his other form due to him using his powers to much.
His animals; Lynx, Kola, Long horned Owl, Goliath beetle and a Sea lion

5. Fire Breathing- While he can fire breath, he can't do it often due to the fact it can permanently damage his throat.

His favorite color is Purple, His favorite animals are Doberman Pinchers, and his birthday is April 27th, making him a Taurus.

In Total, Rean is sorta a dick and doesn't have a lot of friends

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Edited on 07/09/17 @ 15:30:01 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-02 11:23:33
Giovanni Reyez

Age range



Giovanni stands in at 6'8 and has a muscular build. He has crimson red dyed hair that falls over his forehead. He is paled light beige in skin color with sharp jade green eyes and a chiseled jaw. Giovanni has both arms, chest, neck and back covered in tattoos. He has medium size gauges piercings on both ears, a a piercing on his tongue, and spider bites on the left side of his bottom lip. He always wear his deceased brother's ring around his neck and doesn't like it when people touch it.

Here, you should explain how your character acts like. You could make a really big paragraph instead of using this layout, however I'd prefer for it to be this way.
1. Good trait;
Adventurous: Giovanni isn't the type of person who likes to sit at home and relax on the couch. He likes to dangerous things like bare hand climbing and riding a bike down narrow, steep, mountain terrain. Sometimes he does like to take it easy and take a hike through the mountains.

2. Good trait
Strategist: Giovanni is pretty smart and likes to plan things out, especially in sticky situations. He thinks of multiple moves and possible outcomes, which comes in handy when on one of his blood rushing, heart pumping, daring adventures.

3. Good trait;
Optimistic: Giovanni isn't afraid to take chances. He is always looking at the brighter side of things even if he is in a really sticky situation.

4. Good trait;
Straight foward: Giovanni is very honest, not really seeing any good reason to lie to anyone. This does cause him some trouble sometimes but Giovanni really could care less.

5. Good trait;
Energetic: Giovanni is always full of energy and hates being stuck at home with nothing to do. He is always off doing something, and often disappears from his partner.

6. Bad trait;
Mischievous: Giovanni loves causing trouble for others. He can usually be found with a bad crowd that loves too misbehave.

7. Bad trait;
Head strong: Once Giovanni sets his mind too something it takes alot of convincing to change his mind.

8. Bad trait;
Standoffish: Giovanni really isn't poor who likes to create relationships. He might have some people who he hangs around with but he wouldn't call them his friends.

9. Bad trait;
Possessive: When Giovanni does get close to someone, he can become jealous and clingy. He does try to dominate the other person, but only cause he doesn't know how to love someone. If a person he cares alot about leaves him(lover or friend) he becomes very sad and the complete opposite of himself.

10. Bad trait;
Impatient: Giovanni hates waiting on things and can become very agitated easily.

Your character will have superpowers. Here you can indeed let you imagination run wild, however don't exaggerate with these. I will inform you if it's too much.

1. Cryokinesis(defensive) - The ability to create and manipulate ice and cold. Giovanni usually uses this power to freeze locks so that he can break them by hand.

2. Discord(offensive) - The ability to create conflict between people. Giovanni does this in extreme boredom and enjoys watching the fight good, sometimes causing a small riot.

3. Illusion Casting(supporting) - The ability to create illusions which alter the victim's senses and perception of his/her surroundings.


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Edited on 05/09/17 @ 10:00:20 by RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Darkness (#102911)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-09-04 12:25:02
Lorelai Blackledge

Age range



Lorelai's greatest defining feature is that she looks much younger than she actually is. She's of a very lean, feminine and graceful build, with nice curvy shapes though not extreme. She has very large eyes of a serene light blue and long eyelashes.
She is however very complexed of her height, standing at 5'3, and is obsessed with trying to get taller and keeping her silhouette, since being so short she can gain weight fast.
She has extremely long dark brown hair cut unevenly, thus her bangs are very irregular. One very long strand of her hair hangs over her left eye, almost covering it. She usually plays with it when nervous.
However, her skin is extremely pale and can sometimes look corpse-like; if she gets even two hours less of sleep she immediately gets dark circles under her eyes. Her nails are quite frail as well, as she constantly chews on them.


1. Good trait; Mature
Although she usually displays a very spoiled child-like behavior, Lorelai is very thoughtful, mature and a true philosopher; however, she chooses to keep that to herself in fear of being taken too serious or being laughed at for her beliefs, or just simply being hurt.

2. Good trait; Playfully Childish
Her usual demeanor is very energetic, almost hyperactive, never declining a challenge. However this is mostly to keep herself on the 'liked people' list and attract some positive attention.

3. Good trait; Leadership
When it comes to a situation of crisis, she will keep calm - she doesn't fear death anyway - and will try to take the lead and coordinate the rest to safety.

4. Good trait; Deductive
Lorelai will often inspect her surroundings thoroughly or try to determine a person's occupation, hobby, etc. by their appearances. Mostly for entertainment purposes.

5. Good-Bad trait; Passionate
Whenever she gets attached to a person, group or belief, she will defend them with all her heart and soul, and pour all her blood, sweat and tears into achieving whatever goals the said entity has. She can be so devoted at times that she becomes obsessed.

6. Bad trait; Non-Emphatetic
150% done with your shit whenever you cry or complain, even though she often indulges in self pity or can be a drama queen, and will always bitch about her problems to others or take her anger out on someone else.

7. Bad trait; Deceiving/Manipulative
Although she very rarely resorts to manipulation, sometimes she'll play people into doing what she wants in order to achieve her goals. Her moral compass is still fairly sound though, so she doesn't like deceiving unless she has to.

8. Bad trait; Sadistic
If anyone has ever done anything to her, at least in her mind, they're tortures to death with bestiality. If she'd ever get her hands on an actual victim, then the said person is going to have a very bad time.

9. Bad trait; Rebellious
If she leads, she leads on her rules. If she's lead - only when forcefully, of course - she'll still be lead on her rules. No one's pushing her into anything.

10. Bad trait; Cry-Baby
Lorelai is extremely emotional, and even randomly bursts out in tears at times. Happy, sad, serene - no matter what, she'll shed bitter tears. The sight of death is the only thing that can make her completely numb and careless.


1. Voice Mimicry- Simple, self-explanatory: she can mimic the voice of any living creature, and even noises from the nature.

2. 'Spider'- Can climb on walls, hang upside down, leap on larger distances, etc. With enough energy and focus, she can lift herself slightly off the ground, but usually uses the much less exhausting version of this power and makes her hair levitate as if it's under water.

3. Not exactly a superpower, but her blood is quite strangely-colored and has tiny glowing spots of white, like sparkles, in it. She likes to see herself bleed. Also, being so hot-headed and strong-gripped on herself, she is able to resist memory manipulation for a longer time, though not completely.

LOVES jumpsuits; if she could, she'd always dress in tight jumpsuits to pretend she's a superhero or something.
Her favorite color is blue. And she likes painting on walls.
Is basically an asocial crybaby afraid of dying alone.
If experiencing extreme shock or stress, her hair will turn completely white in a matter of hours.
Is terrified of needles.
Her favorite manners of torture are head crushing, waterboarding and the Spanish mule.

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Edited on 05/09/17 @ 04:38:32 by Surveying Darkness [WCU] (#102911)

Fleetfoot Alt (#51611)

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Posted on
2017-09-06 00:17:43
Ezekiel(Eli) Locke

Age range


If attack helicopter means bi then attack helicopter *finger guns*

Eli is a comfortably tall height of 6'1" and an average weight of 140-145 lbs. His features are angular but not harsh and his nose is just shy of being small and quite straight. His eyes are a very pale blue almost white color with some hazeling of ambery gold towards the centers. Eli has unruly dark hair that has an undertone of warmth to it but it holds no color unless there's light reflecting off of it and he often leaves it unbrushed as his war with bedhead is often for nothing. At the same time, his hair doesn't hold enough of a curl to appear simply curly, and rather he often looks as though he's just rolled out of bed. He often wears comfortable but fitting clothing, of which most commonly includes a fox hoodie (complete with hand-sewn stitching and button eyes) and a brown aviator jacket. Most of his clothes lean towards having a conventional purpose with plenty of pockets, buttons, and zippers. Eli has a mostly straight smile that is complemented by a light scruff or shadow and a warm gaze.

[+] Empathetic
Eli is very moral-driven and takes into consideration the emotions and situations of those around him. It's in his nature to help people as much as he can. This can make him prone to heart kver head decision making.
[+] Clever
Eli is quick-witted in a pinch and is very good at mechanical problem solving. Often times his solutions are obscure however and not necessarily the easiest way of solving something, but regardless, his solutions often work in the long run.
[+] Good-humored
Sarcasm and jokes are a coping mechanism for Eli when things become stressful. Overall, he is a kind person with a warm and mostly polite manner and relaxed demeanor.
[+] Open-minded
Eli likes to learn new skills, though his success at them varies. For instance, he is a decent cook yet a terrible painter. His rhetoric is decent due to learning the many viewpoints of others, but he sometimes fails to see the big picture due to nebulous and distracted thinking.
[+] Energetic
Eli is not a lazy individual, but is too clumsy to be confidently called athletic. Because of this, Eli is able to handle wanting to learn so many things, though any roommate of his may complain he is messy or turbulent when unchecked. However, if he's used his gift a lot, this isn't usually an issue as then he can become fatigued.
[-] Clumsy
As mentioned prior,Eli is very clumsy and tends to be prone to accidentally hurting himself. Walking into door frames, tripping dosn stairs, you name it. It's best to make sure Eli is 100% awake before getting him to do anything.
[-] Stubborn
Eli has a habit of holding onto things. If you tell him he can't bake a cake, two months later he'll bake a cake and expect you to understand why. This often leads to minor arguments between people simply because he doesn't like feeling inadequate nor incapable.
[-] Insomniac
Sleeping does not come easily for Eli, not because he is a stressed individual,but because his energetic nature makes it hard for him to put his mind at rest. He gets a lot done at night but eventually crashes at times he should be awake.
[-] Hemophobe
Self-explanatory. Eli hates the sight of blood and faints when someone is bleeding heavily, though he will deny this if asked.
[-] Mute
Eli cannot speak and must use sign language to communicate. Hence the name Eli when his full name is Ezekiel. It is easier to spell out a three-letter name over the seven.

1. Transfer/Control Energy
This means Eli can take transferable energy, such as electrical and thermal energy, and pass it through his body into another form of transferable energy. In doing this, he can make people feel extremely exhausted or turn off the lights in a room, but since his own body is the converter, larger scale versions of this can result in organ damage or death. He can only do this on smaller scales a few times a day at most without exhausting himself, or he can do the opposite and store energy to keep himself going. But like a lightbulb,the longer he does this, though he may be more awake, the more body damage he sustains. At a distance, the energy is harder to pull but, say he touches the lamp post on the street, he might turn off several others before passing out.

2. Empathy
As a result of his ability to sense and manipulate energy, Eli can glean the emotions of people surrounding him. However, he cannot read minds nor manipulate people's emotions beyond making them feel slightly paranoid or anxious, and in doing so, the reaction reverses and Eli is equally affected. This also means Eli can sometimes feel when a person passes as their energy leaves their body, but only at a short range. This skill can occasionally flood Eli with too much energy, so this works worst in large crowds where he is less likely to block out what he needs to.

3. Isolation
Eli can imprint the sensations he experiences from others and pass them in either parts or one fell swoop to another person. This can be used to better explain how he is feeling or as an aggressive attack. All he needs to do is concentrate on the electrical impulses he and another person have and transfer the electrical recievers to the other person, usually by grabbing their wrist or another point of the body. This can wear him out, but with more complex situations can help people understand him better as they experience the flood of emotions he's dealing with. In smaller instances, he can use this to warn friends of others who would mean them harm without sending obvious alarms around the room or signal parts of a plan, or more simply shorthand to someone how he is feeling.


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