Posted by Black Moon - Fantasy Roleplay - CS

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-08-21 18:15:49

Main Roleplay Thread



| Name |

| Age |

| Gender |

| Orientation |

| Appearance |

| Personality |
[List if it's a good or bad trait so I can tell if your Overdoing it on the good ones ]

| Magic Gifts |
[ Basically superpowers if you want them ]

| Other |
[ Add your kingdom and Rank here along with anything else, tell me a bit about your OC if you want, ]

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Edited on 23/08/17 @ 12:37:55 by Direwisp (#98474)

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-08-22 12:43:16

| Name |
Dakota Silver

| Age |

| Gender |

| Orientation |

| Appearance |
Dakota Stands at around 5'9 And weighs 121. She sports a rather lean body and has dark black hair, so dark in fact that it will almost seem blue in certain lighting. Her eyes are different colors with her right being Blue and her left being Brown. A scar runs over her blue eye, something she gained as a child when some other children had attacked her because of her eyes.
(Need to.edit )

| Personality |

Generous [Good]
Dakota will readily lend a helping hand to the family, friends and the needy even if it means that She would have to endure hardship or loss.

Dependable [Good]
You can count on Dakota, She will not leave you disappointed. Rain or shine, if you need her she will be there.

Patient [Good]
Patience is a virtue and Dakota posses it aplenty. She believes in doing the job right rather than being the first one to do the job.

Independent [Good]
Financially and emotionally, Dakota prefers to be independent and strong so that she doesn't have to look for support when life throws lemons at her.

Persistent [Good]
Once she sets her eyes on something, Dakota will persistently put in all the efforts to get it. Failures and setbacks rarely dampens her spirits

Loyal [Good]
Dakota is as loyal as a person can be and whilst it takes time to earn her loyalty once you have it you have an ally for life.

Stubborn [Bad]
Although easy going and respectful, Dakota can be unbelievably stubborn and inflexible in her approach. So much so that when the logical arguments don’t suit them, She will just refuse to listen!

Self-indulgent [Bad]
Dakota is so goal-oriented that she often forms a notion that the world revolves around her. Her self-indulgent streak makes her rude, and ignorant of others’ emotions at times, not that she will admit it.

Lazy [Bad]
While she is patient, she is also lazy, especially when ordered to do something. Dakota will not move a muscle till she is motivated to get up and work.

Materialistic [Bad?]
In her bid to secure her future and maintain a certain image in society, Dakota tends to become materialistic.

Possessive [Bad]
Possessiveness, which often translates into jealousy and resentment, is one major negative trait in Dakota. Many a times her possessiveness even costs her genuine relationships.

Frugal [Bad]
While it is good to value money, Dakota can sometimes take it too far and become frugal in the name of savings and building a better future.

Insecure [Bad?]
Despite the strong front she puts up Dakota does have those lingering thoughts of "What if i was wrong? What if i pushed them away? What if they are all pretending and actually hate me?" Little things tend to get to her which is why she tries to master everything and be helpful to others no matter how it affects herself. She cant stand high disapproval from someone she looks up to, namely those older then herself. her insecurity would also explain why she tends to panic when she gets something wrong or forgets something that her mind deems important, something like food she made tasting bad or forgetting a simple thing such as to bring a pen with her to a test even though said pens are provided. Despite her panicy state though if someones around then she will hide it, play it off as if its no big deal.

| Magic Gifts |

Enhanced Senses
Hearing is heightened, sight is improved, sense of smell is better, Ect

Shape Shifting
Only animals, and she has to be familiar with it, having seen it move around with her own eyes, It's harder to do if she's only seen it once, They more she knows about the animals body the easier it is (By that I mean skeletal structure and such.)

Enhanced Strength
This only triggers when she feels threatened, scared, protective, angered, or defensive

Animal Speak
Dakota can talk to animals, but only when she is currently shifted into one of the same category (She could talk to a dog if she was a wolf for example )

| Other |
Blue Kingdom Champion
Birthday is May 13th.
Favorite stone is Lapis Lazuli, something she tends to carry with her for good luck.
Is the first and only born child of the Queens first husband
Dakota's House Sigil
Dakota's wolf form, the one she uses most often, is that of a large black wolf with fur so dark it almost appears blue in certain lighting. her eyes remain the same in this form with her right being Blue and her left being brown.

Sigil Made With This

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Edited on 23/08/17 @ 02:51:13 by Direwisp (#98474)

lirriel .˚₊ (#23407)

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Posted on
2017-08-22 15:13:04

| Name |
Luce Dumont

| Age |

| Gender |

| Orientation |
Biromantic Bisexual

| Appearance |
Luce, despite her slovenly ways, prizes appearance and takes great pains to showcase her finer qualities. Her brows are often darkened with charcoal, her eyelids delicately rimmed with crushed ochre. She keeps her face studiously washed as she prone to breakouts when fed particularly greasy foods. The only vanity she sacrifices is her hair: while it is a golden, glistening blonde, she keeps it cut sensibly short in a boy’s bob to avoid an enemy gripping it during a fight - though, if you were to ask her, she’s obviously done a bad job if anyone gets that close to her in battle.

She is of a moderate height, standing roughly 5’6” and weighing in at a feather-like 112 pounds. While her body is slightly toned and devoid of excess fat, she struggles with weights and finds more strenuous exercise tiresome. She will argue that as a combatant that primarily relies upon barriers, it makes no sense for her to study in the physical arts when she is better served strengthening her mind.

- Source

| Personality |
Bold. Tactless. Amicable.
Luce is first and foremost bold (Neutral). This serves to both help and hinder, dependent upon her circumstances. She is not one for treading lightly and is courteous to all - whilst an attribute prized within the Pink Kingdom, others may find her incessant need to strike while the iron is hot troublesome if not outright dangerous. Her boldness is made all the more irritating due to her mercurial (Bad) nature. She is swift to flit between subjects, and her inability to commit can be seen as a personal flaw. It’s difficult to know where you stand with someone when they are constantly changing their mind.

Likewise, she is tactless (Bad). She has a habit of running her mouth, which causes her needless trouble around nobles, who value a tight lip. However, this is offset somewhat by her naturally amicable (Good) personality. She is friendly to everyone and holds no obvious distrust toward others, which in turn makes people more likely to enjoy her company. It’s a curious trait, considering the rather studious face the Dumont family often shows, and one wonders how she came to acquire compared to all her dour-faced relatives.

She is also persistent (Good) and polished (Good). Being from a noble family, she understands the need to appear well-dressed. Being that she is Luce, and from a family that has never quite understood her overt kindness, she has also learned to dig in her heels until she achieves her goal. This stubbornness has often awarded her with friendships after a period of insistent time, and so she is loathe to dispel it, even during times where restraint might be preferable.

Finally, she is a scholar (Good). She has a great fondness for books and knowledge and stories - likewise, she enjoys experimenting with the powers at her disposal, attempting to find new ways to manipulate them. However, this fascination with learning can sometimes lend her an air-headed (Bad) appearance, as she tends to daydream at inopportune times. This insensitivity to her surroundings has also led to her having been branded as self-absorbed (Bad) by those who do not know her, and even some who do. It is difficult to maintain her relationships and sometimes she is stretched too thin, leading some to feel slighted by her apparent ignorance of their feelings.

| Magic Gifts |
Barrier Maiden - The ability to construct barriers within a five-foot radius centered upon the caster. Barriers can also shrink in upon the caster to be worn as magical armor, though at the expense of being able to shield others. Only one of the below listed barrier types can be cast at a time due to mental strain.

Projectile Stop - A barrier cast that works best against projectiles, such as arrows, thrown stones, etc. Projectiles will be stopped by the barrier before falling uselessly to the ground. Close-range weaponry can still penetrate the barrier as can magical attacks.

Melee Deflection - A barrier cast that works only against close-range weaponry (swords, axes, etc.). Weapons that hit the barrier will be bounced away as if striking a solid wall. Does not work on projectiles or magical-based attacks.

Magic Reflection - A barrier that surrounds one person of the user’s choosing. All magic that hits this barrier will be reflected back toward the caster.

Natural Restoration - While not a true healing power, this ability uses the caster’s energy to encourage a person’s natural healing to speed up. As such, a scratch will stop bleeding much faster, a wound will scab over quicker, etc, and uses very little of Luce’s actual energy, allowing her to keep using barriers.

Mass Heal - Exactly what it says on the tin. Mass heal will heal everyone within Luce’s line-of-sight that she chooses to heal. While powerful and useful as an emergency button, this drains Luce of most of her stamina and renders her incapable of casting her barriers for very long.

| Other |
Pink Kingdom

- Whilst not enamored with the idea of close-combat, Luce is of moderate use with a glaive and keeps one on her person to keep enemies out-of-reach. Her preference lies in healing and erecting barriers, however, and she has recently taken up knifeplay (despite House Dumont’s protests) because she is capable of throwing them while staying behind a barrier. So far, she isn’t the best shot in the world…
- Once bitten, twice shy applies to Luce as she has a rather severe fear of snakes, stemming from a horrible encounter with a garden viper when she was small.
- Luce has an absolute love for food and is happy to share with others if it means she gets to try more flavors. However, she’s a terrible cook and should not be left in charge of anything involving food as she’ll either eat it or burn it beyond recognition.
- Luce is considered something of an oddball in House Dumont due to extroverted and friendly nature. While House Dumont is known for its barrier maidens, Luce isn’t surprised if other nobles aren’t aware of her status as first-born daughter of the Lord Dumont, and she doesn’t take offense to lack of recognition either.

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Edited on 23/08/17 @ 22:34:22 by Graves (#23407)

ThatOne (#121903)

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Posted on
2017-08-22 15:20:54
| Name |
Naeome Kanore

| Age |

| Gender |

| Orientation |

| Appearance |
Reference pic :)

Naeome is about 5'7 and build slender. She's long limbed and has lean muscles. She has a tattoo on her right shoulder of her mother's house, before she married into the royal family.
Her birth eye color was ice-blue, but a dark spell gone wrong cursed her left eye's color to change with her emotions. Primarily, it stayed black xD

| Personality |
[List if it's a good or bad trait so I can tell if your Overdoing it on the good ones ]
Ruthless (...Good? xD idk) - She's ruthless in getting what she wants. Morals aren't an issue for her.
Ambitious (Good) - She aims to be the best, and the only one at the top.
Bold (Good) - Won't back down from a challenge. In fact, she enjoys them.
Charismatic (Good) - Something about her wildness attracts others.
Selfish (Bad) - She doesn't like to share. Anything. With anyone.
Manipulative (Bad) - Lying is an art, if you asked her. One that she had perfected. We're all just trying to survive in this world, aren't we? Not her fault that she's the best at it.

| Magic Gifts |
[ Basically superpowers if you want them ]
Weak Telepathy/Hidden Eye - She can 'speak' emotions into people's minds if she's within sight distance of them. By looking into their eyes she can sometimes rummage through and (very rarely, if she concentrated and desired it enough) alter their memories.
Enhanced Speed - She can pick up speed faster in a sprint, as well as hold it for longer. Her endurance is of a normal person's but her sprinting, in bursts, can double normal speed.
Poison Immunity - She can identify poisons, and is immune to them
Fire - Distinguished from normal fire by it's white-blue color, Naeome's fire burns hotter than almost anything, and is easily the most tiring to wield. Even after training for years, she can barely summon more than a few bursts of it when fighting. Smaller things are easier, say lighting a torch for an hour.
Blood Magic - Dark magic, requiring a sacrifice from something, quite commonly the user. She's well versed in the spells.

| Other |
[ Add your kingdom and Rank here along with anything else, tell me a bit about your OC if you want, ]
Yellow Kingdom Champion please ^ ^
She has a bit of White Kingdom blood in her veins, as her mother's line was from there. She wasn't always the heir to the throne, her brother originally was. That is, until she burned his eyes out and crippled him mentally. Blood only goes so far, right? She's pretty sure that her parents know what she had done, but didn't dare call her out, nor did they have in incentive to. This was power, and she let herself bask in it. When her parents asked, she readily agreed. After all, this was setting the stage for her own reign.

Her family had a couple Phoenix pets, but her personal companion is Imogen. Her name is a cruel bit of irony, for although the bird had flawless, snow-pure albino feathers, it's soul was as dark as Naeome's own. Naeome had raised it since she was ten, just learning about the Blood Magics. They had both experimented using their own blood, so perhaps that was where the corruption stemmed...

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Riley (#122927)

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Posted on
2017-08-22 15:41:47
Thanks for reserving it! I hope everything in the forum checks out.

| Name |
Ryia Mistrock

| Age |

| Gender |
Agender/Non-Binary (although they appear be born as a female)

| Orientation |
Asexual (demiromantic)

| Appearance |
Ryia is strangely tall, standing at 5'11, with a very thin frame. They have a few curves, but for the most part their figure is hidden underneath light pink,grey and sliver robes, making it impossible to determine any clear gender. They often have their hood up, over their dark, chin length curly hair. Their eyes are a bright, clear blue, and seem to peer from the shadows of their hood. Their skin is tanned and covered in freckles. They bare no visible sigil, although if you're lucky you might catch a glimpse of a white tattoo on their right bicep.
source: myself!

| Personality |

Mysterious/Reclusive (neutral/both good and bad, depending on situation)
Ryia doesn't speak much about themself- they do engage in friendly conversation but they seem to be a master of saying very little with lots of words. While this can be a good thing, seeing as they never give away much information in dangerous encounters, it is also not so great- no-one really knows much about them.

Cautious (neutral,often bad)
Ryia is very.very careful- again, this can be great in times of need, but sometimes they are a little over-cautious. They are anything but a risk-taker.

Analytical (neutral)
Ryia tends to analyze everything around them, which often leads to over analyzing, a fixation, and deeper knowledge. Although this helps them solve many logical issues, this often hinders any creative ideas they have. Often this trait helps Ryia in their career, but fails in tem in many areas of life, like romance, friendship and passion.

Loyal (good)
Ryia may be reclusive but they are loyal to the one they serve. They will help them in any way possible, although because of their cautious nature, it may take a while for them to trust anyone.

Insightful and Intelligent (good)
Ryia is very insightful and observant and this has lead to them to reading and gaining much knowledge. Of course, these two traits go hand in hand with curiosity, which is perhaps their biggest issue.

Overly Curious (bad)
Although some may see this as good at first, for Ryia it is often their pitfall. They may be quiet, but many,many things capture their attention, which often leads to a hyperfocus on the thing for what may be months.

Mistrustful (bad)
Ryia does not trust fast or easily, and this often ties in with how cautious they are. They tend to research and examine whoever they are around, to see if they should trust them.

Judgmental (bad)
Due to their mistrustful and cautious nature, Ryia often passes judgement very quickly and sometimes unfairly on others. This has lead to many misunderstandings and lost allies on Ryia's part.

| Magic Gifts |

Minor Future Vision
Ryia can see up to a day into the future, although actually viewing a day into the future tires them out for the next 12 hours, making it hard for them to fight, defend or use other gifts. They can manage this power so they only view the next 2 hours, or 4, etc, but they are always tired for half the time they viewed (so 2 hours into the future tires them out for an hour, etc) This tiredness greatly affects their ability to cast spells or fight.

Defensive Spells
Ryia knows a wide variety of defensive spells. They can throw up a barrier or blocking spell, boost their friends endurance, pain resistance and defensive strength. They can also increase their own resistance and cast magic armor (basically magical armor that lasts for half an hour). They can also cast some more passive spells for outside of battle, and although not all are defensive, they include: poison resistance, lessened hunger, lessened tiredness and increased alertness. Finally, they can cast forcefields, but they require some focus and such.
Healing Spells
Ryia can cast a pretty good amount of healing spells. They know the basics, like a simple healing spell, and regeneration (which lets the effected regenerate their health) but also things like spells to help soothe emotional issues and mental illness. They also can cast a drain life spell, which they rarely do. Finally, they have Life Sleep which causes the effected to pass out, but they regenerate health extremely fast- Ryia often uses this when they see someone else is close to death.
General Buffs
Ryia can cast a few general buffs, like endurance boosts, pain resistance boosts, and also strength, intelligence and agility buffs.

| Other |
-Pink Kingdom Companion
-Ryia was a scholar and known quite widely in their field, but wished to see more of the world. Due to their useful talents and skill with a quarterstaff they were chosen as the companion.
-Ryia is very skilled with combat with a quarterstaff, which may be in part due to the fact they often cast buffs on themselves while in combat.
-Ryia enjoys pasta as their favourite meal.
-They have a little bit of the White Kingdom in their veins, which is what gave her her minor future sight.

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VeraLynn (#115583)

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Posted on
2017-08-22 15:51:12
| Name |
Ser Roland Whitestark

| Age |

| Gender |

| Orientation |

| Appearance |
Nearly seven feet, Roland is six foot, nine inches. Well muscled and fit he is easily over two-hundred pounds. His shoulders are just broader than his waist, giving a slight triangle shape to his body. His limbs are rather long due to his height and gives him a good reach. His dark curly hair has natural highlights of caramel and stops just short of his shoulders. His eyes are deep brown and often seem stoic, showing nothing of how he feels. His broad face is covered in a beard of the same coloring of his hair. He has a few scars across his chest and body, most from the rough and tumble lifestyle he likes to live. Purple and green bruises mar his pale skin, evidence of his combat skills. Often he ties his hair back with a thin strip of leather to keep it out of his face, but he refuses to cut it.

| Personality |
Above all Roland places his kingdom first and foremost, even if he will not inherit the throne. He will do what it takes to protect those below him, he sees that as his duty as a knight. Roland will put himself in danger to win what ever battle he is trying to win, mental or physical. He has studied with some of his kingdom's great minds and while not every thing he has learned has proved valuable, he has amassed great knowledge. With that he is able to plan out battles and scheme in court. Though he also is aware of the flora and fauna of the four kingdoms. Roland feels like with all he has learned, nothing can really stand in his way. There is always another path for him to go down and come out victorious.
Despite all his positives, he does have a rather nasty temper and struggles to deal with it at times. It often explodes out of no where and leaves carnage behind. Seeing as he is second in line for the throne, he holds himself very high. Often he comes off as arrogant, though a simple reminder will take him down a notch. That all being said, he doesn't really know how to deal with emotions. He lost his mother when he was eight and his father never remarried. While his father was kind, he never really was okay with his sons showing emotions. So Roland has shoved away all emotions. He can come off as rude simply because he does not care about what their troubles are.

| Magic Gifts |
Is his dreams he has the ability to have prophetic visions. They usually come true though often in a way he had not seen. They tend to be very symbolistic and rarely are straight forward. On occasion they tend to be dreams of past events, long forgotten by most.
He has the ability to enter the minds of animals and control their bodies. This gives him heightened when in the mind of an animal. However his human body falls into a deep sleep until he returns to his body. On occasion he is able to quickly jump to an animals mind to sense things and right back to his mind without becoming unconscious. Though he can jump into any animal, it is easiest to use the same few who are used to his mind joining theirs. So he brought with him his menagerie, a large destrier stallion called Glory, a lean palfrey called Honor, a creamy female shepherd called Specter, a red and brown female hawk called Marjorie, and a small tri-colored she-cat called Pounce.
|Shield Telepathy
He has a weak form of telepathy, having to be within a days ride of him. While he can place thoughts in his mind he cannot control minds. Though he has never really tried to control anyone, finding that rather wrong. One thing he has found he can do is block others from his mind and protects others minds as well.
|Increased strength/stamina
During battle or in times of stress his strength is stronger than any normal humans and he seems impossible to tire. Otherwise he does remain extremely strong, though less so than in battle. After a battle all he can do is sleep as it seems like his exertion has caught up with him.

| Other |
→White Kingdom Champion

→Siblings and their locations
39 - Crown Prince Benedict Whitestark - Ice Castle, the seat of the white throne
37 - Queen Millicent Kanore neé Whitestark - Yellow Kingdom
8(32) - Francis Whitestark - deceased - died of pox
2(27) - Adalayne Whitestark - deceased - died of fever
22 - Ser Roland Whitestark - trying to save his kingdom
22 - Captian Cateline Whitestark - traveling to faraway lands
16 - Priestess Elena formerly Whitestark - studying to become a high priestess of the elder gods.

→His sigil is a slight variant on the King's coat. It is a silver mountain on a cerulean field with a black hawk. The normal sigil has a tan hawk instead.

→Fights using a bastard sword and a on occasion will use a shield painted with his crest. He also keeps a dirk strapped to his hip for closer combat.

→A skill horseman, he is renowned in tourneys and skilled with lances. He can use either a battle lance or a tourney lance.

→His mother, who died giving birth to his younger sister, was the only child of her parents. This leaves Roland able to claim that lordship when his grandmother dies. The lordship's lands contain the highest mountains in the White Kingdom.

→photo is link back to photographer

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Edited on 10/09/17 @ 16:22:03 by Janie.Jones -stud discount (#115583)

Sinner (0/5GB) (#45108)

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Posted on
2017-08-22 19:25:44
| Name |
Angel Sin

| Age |
| Gender |

| Orientation |
| Appearance |
Angel had light tan skin and blue eyes, her hair a a short brown pixie cut. She wears all black like her champion and had the hoodie but doesn't bother with the mask but she does have one.
| Personality |
+ Agile
+ Stealthy
+ Has good patient
+ Tends to be quite kind towards others but never backs down to an enemy
- Sometimes she can get easily angry
- Overprotective with her champion
- Sometimes she is clumsy
- doesn't usually think before she says

| Magic Gifts |
Angel so far can make her hands into like a taser. They had small voltages enough to make someone let go of her or someone else but she is still training to try and send out electric beams

| Other |
Blue Kingdom Companion. And let's say she might have a small crush on the blue kingdom champion

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lirriel .˚₊ (#23407)

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Posted on
2017-08-24 16:53:55

| Name |
Altair Cruz

| Age |

| Gender |

| Orientation |
Demiromantic Asexual

| Appearance |
Altair stands at a towering height of 6’3”, weighing in at 228 pounds of pure muscle. What good looks he has are besmirched by an array of scars that criss-cross his arms and legs, with a particularly jagged cut stretching from his left hip to his right shoulder. He keeps his hair long as both a show of vanity and prowess - it alerts his opponents to the fact that he is a seasoned warrior and one not so easily felled. His eyes gleam an ever-persistent gold as part of one of his passive magical abilities. He tends to dress in loose-fitting clothing, swapping armor for simple traveling garments. He is a collector of jewelry and can often be seen covered in an assortment of golden trinkets.

- Source

| Personality |
Whilst you wouldn’t expect it of him, Altair has always shown an empathy (Neutral) at odds with the life he was raised in and the expectations placed upon him as a child. It is far too easy for him to replace his victims’ faces with his own - and perhaps that is why he is such an excellent killer.

Pessimistic (Bad) and analytical (Good), his prowess in assassination is matched only by his self-loathing (Bad). There is a cruel irony to be found in his self-hatred, for the wounds he bears are almost all self-inflicted. This is not to say he is one for self-mutilation, rather, he purposely skirts the line between life and death, only a sense of duty keeping him from allowing a blade to slip between his ribs. If you hit him, it is because he wants it.

However, this inner turmoil is entirely absent from the face he presents to strangers. While he finds himself incapable of desire, he is no stranger to pleasure and is dangerously debonair (Neutral) in his actions. Combined with a wicked cruelty (Bad) and an unapologetic desire for material delights (Bad), he is a self-titled ‘Bad Boy’ - but only for so long as the theatre of it engages him. Still, he is apparently cooperative and typically unwilling to respond to needling (Good).

| Magic Gifts |
Shadowstalk - Capable of melding into shadows. While in shadow form, he is untouchable but likewise cannot affect anything on the material plane. Typically used as a form of travel. If the shadows around him are destroyed (casting direct light upon them), he is forced back into his human form.

Gold Eyes - Capable of seeing in low-light and almost complete darkness. However, he is sensitive to light and a sudden flash of brightness will render him temporarily blinded.

Bloodsucker - While lacking in fangs, Altair draws sustenance from blood and can used the spilled blood of others to replenish himself and heal his own wounds. Note that he cannot use his own blood for this. Note that he does not have to drink the blood - it will naturally be drawn to him when he activates this ability.

| Other |
Yellow Kingdom

- Utilizes daggers dipped in poisons and alchemical concoctions to fight. Despite his relative size, he is extremely agile.

- Has extensive knowledge on where best to attack humans to ensure a quick and clean kill. Likewise, has experience in torture techniques, but he hopes not to make use of them.

- While he has been assigned to guard the Yellow Champion, he is first and foremost concerned with his own survival.

- Has some natural resistance to poisons as his guild encouraged trainees to ingest small amounts to build immunity; Altair watched some of his year-mates die upon swallowing too much.

- Travels most often in his shadow form and therefore doesn’t particularly rely upon animals for travel; he has, however, brought along a little packmule to carry supplies.

- Originally a street urchin, he was chosen by a Thieves’ Guild for training after attempting to steal from one of their members with his Shadowstalk. Eventually he would be shifted over to an Assassins’ Guild after displaying a gift for splitting skin.

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