Posted by The Experimental Asylum (RP Thread)

DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-08-28 16:03:05

The long awaited day was finally here, a chance to win some money to help with some work that could possibly help the human population. It was to help the disease that slowly wrapped itself around the world, slowly killing anyone who came into contact with it. Yet you still had hope, as it didn't yet reach your hometown in Ohio, in which the lab was also located in. The time to wait for the bus slowly arrived, you bouncing in excitement as you ran outside, yet the sight of the bus put you off edge a bit. It was quite rusty, it seemed like it was about to collapse at any given moment. Yet it didn't set your determination off as you climbed aboard, the noise of the inside greeting you nicely as you picked out your seat.

About an hour passed before the sight of the lab came into view, its white walls gleaming in the sun as the bus slowly approached it. Soon enough it was time to get off, and once you did a man was there to help everybody off, however the feeling around him felt cold and deadly. Once everyone was off he began to explain the rules to everyone, his gruff voice sending chills up your spine. It seemed like an eternity until he stopped, beginning to walk towards the entrance of the building, everyone following suit as you yourself was the last in line, the mans words still echoing in your head.

You were guided into a small room, chairs spread out for everyone, a little stage set out in front of them. Silently everyone sat down in their seat, and once everyone was seated the man walked up onto the stage. "This here is where you'll be staying for the next few months. I hope that you find yourself right at home in a few days, as we need everyone relaxed for this test. I assure you that this test won't be of any harm in any way, remember this will help humankind, not kill it. Now I shall introduce the leader in charge of this facility, please welcome, Mrs. Danica!" the man introduces, stepping aside, only for an older woman to step up, followed by a sinister looking person with white shirt and pants, setting the mood that he was in no good condition.

"Welcome citizens, I am Mrs. Danica. Tonight we will be introducing you to your rooms, and will be starting the tests tomorrow once everyone is well fed and ready," she explained, glancing behind her to check on the boy with the white clothing. "Do you want to introduce yourself?" she asked him, her voice shaking slightly as he nodded, a slight smile appearing. She nodded in approval, stepping aside for him to move forward, yet she leaned forward to whisper in his ear before he got to the front. "Welcome all, it's in my greatest interest to meet you all! I hope that you will enjoy your stay here, and we hope that you will help us to complete this goal," he started, before catching sight of a guard standing by the doorway, the switch clicking in his head. "Run away while you can, they're going to hurt you all, this isn't going to help-!" he was cut off by the man clasping his hand over his mouth, shouting for the guards to come in, and they did so, dragging everybody to their rooms, locking all inside of their cells more of. And all you could think of was escaping this prison, once and for all.

(This RP takes place a few months after this incident, the experiments causing the thinking of the subjects to change for the worst. Now will you be able to escape from this nightmare? And if you do, will you be accepted by society, or just die along with it?)

Current Event:

Drake- DragoGirl
Jade Peters- FrivaTheTerrible
Atticus- Skye
Alexandrea (Andrea)- IcyRaven
Ari- NamelessCreature
Jordan & Jacob- Kayla
Chloe Jean- Lynx The Mad Hatter
Serena Williams- QueenOfGrimm
Nikki- Eden

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Edited on 28/08/17 @ 20:47:32 by DragoGirl (#105388)

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-01 08:39:40
((yea, sorry ))

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 09:15:28

Mitsuki|••|18 years|••|Female|••|Location:Cafeteria|••|Mentions:Atti

Mitsuki shrugged her shoulders and looked aside. "I'm just uh... Examining you." She responded awkwardly, turning around and sitting down on the nearest chair. "So why is your hand so red and odd?" The girl continued, staring at him again.

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Edited on 01/09/17 @ 09:56:29 by 『Moon』 (#100696)

o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 09:43:57
Sitting down near her, he pulled his knees to his chest, wrapping his right arm, which was his good arm, around his legs. Blinking, he glanced thoughtfully at his puffed up arm, wincing. "Dunno, I guess it was my reaction to the... injection." the boy grimaced, remembering the flash of the rather large instrument, and the bloodcurdling screams he had emitted.

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Edited on 01/09/17 @ 10:05:42 by Skye (#114927)

『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 10:31:54

Mitsuki|••|18 years|••|Female|••|Location:Cafeteria|••|Mentions:Atti

Mitsuki smiled at the boy, feeling bad for him. "It seems I'm the one who has to bear with the smallest pain from you all. I'm lucky, huh." The girl cleared her throat, scratching her forehead again. Of course, she's developed a few allergic reactions to the liquid as well. Her skin was now paler than normal, almost white and making her look morbid. Her hair was also whitening constantly, thanks to the immense fear she was dealing with everyday. Mitsuki's eyes were always cloudy and made her look blind. Basically everything about her was white now. She always wondered why these guys always tested drugs or things on them. Why not animals? She soon stopped daydreaming and blinked, realizing she's been staring at Albino the whole time. "You know it might not disappear and they may have to amputate it, right? They're not trying to cure it, I suppose. Sorry, just being a realist." Her face was still warm, though her voice was somewhat harsh.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-01 15:07:08
(Just going to do something and just go with that.....yeah, and sorry that I've been gone for a long time every now and then, life's just getting really hectic here so...)


Soon enough he began to grow bored, soon enough ignoring the girl beside him. He looked up to see Luke look down to the ground, evidently listening to the conversation around him. The guards wandered aimlessly around, yet they seemed like avoiding Luke was their top priority. 'What exactly did he do?' he wondered to himself, seeing the stern expression as Luke glanced up, his breathing evidently increasing by the way his chest rose then fell, the rhythm steadily increasing. After a few moments he saw Luke walk up to Mrs. Danica, with her stepping back away from him, yet Luke was determined to reach her to do whatever he wanted to do.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 15:11:16
Sighing, he cringed at the thought, furrowing his brows. His smile faded. "Yeah, Mrs. Danica told me that if it gets no better... it's gone." Trying to roll his bad shoulder, he gritted his teeth and let out a hissing cry of pain. Imagining the moment a guard would wield an axe above him, Mrs. Danica's sick grin sending chills down his spine. Noting the drained look to her features, her skin could pass as albino, and her hair was nearing the colour his naturally was.

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Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-01 15:19:41
Chloes eyes were fixated on Luke once again, it was weird how the person in charge feared him so... If she were in charge, and was having an issue with someone... and was evil.. she would have put him down or into solitary by now. That would have been far easier than trying to get away from him like she was.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-01 15:30:47

Finally making Mrs. Danica back into a corner he came closer, the moving of the guards silencing as they all turned to face them, watching fearfully. "Hey, could I talk to you for a moment?" Luke asked her with a kind smile, Mrs. Danica looking past his shoulder to look at the guards. "What's wrong, the only reason why is because it's a little.....private," he whispered, now becoming slightly frustrated before she finally nodded stiffly. Excitement flooded through Luke as he turned to walk out, Mrs. Danica following, only pausing to give the guards a worried look. One took the hint and followed silently, careful to stay out of sight. Once Luke thought he was safe he turned around sharply to face her head on, pinning her to the wall by her throat. "G-Guards!" she shouted out, her voice bouncing on the walls as the guards stepped out of hiding, aiming a pistol and shot, a deafening crack sounding through the air. The bullet hit its mark, hitting Luke in the leg as he instantly fell, a yell coming from him as the guard ran to him, pushing him to the ground, rushing him to his cell.

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Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-01 15:36:40
Chloe stood when she heard the gun... so the guards were armed... that made things more complicated. Was this the time for Chloe to act out?... no. She would wait, she needed them to be weaker. or maybe... she could do something more useful? Just after she heard the shot, Chloe sprinted toward the door, glad the guards had fallowed their leader. she pressed her slender body against the wall and slipped into the nearest testing room... maybe she could get some of those shots to use against the guards and their leader. Maybe one of them would sprout a power... but she wouldn't use it till she knew she needed to.. She slipped behind the door, hoping not to get caught.

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Trademark™️ (#116583)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 20:57:28
{Hello everyone! Just joined!}

Teagan was... sleepy, she supposed. She lay on her hard cot, hands behind her head, unshaven pits out for whomever would enter. It had been a long time since she'd seen the outside, and she couldn't exactly say that it mattered anymore. While escape would be great, she had no way to get to it now. Teagan had thought about it a lot too. A lot of her time was spent sleeping, having no activities, short of experiments, in the building and lord knows no one wants to do that. She knew she'd have to go sooner or later, but the longer she waited, the less time she was spending with them. Them being the employees. Things you could barely call human.

Nonetheless, she decided perhaps it would be time to go. It's better to get there, than to be dragged. She needed her dignity. Brows furrowed, and grimace planted on her face, she started off down the hall, bare feet slapping against cold stone. Her stomach betrayed her as she passed the cafeteria, and Teagan decided to see if they had anything to fill the empty pit. What she didn't expect was the chaos. Guns. Blood. Yelling, screaming. She looked in the direction of the shot, and listened for more. Was only one, but the guards should come that way soon. Teagan went into the cafeteria and approached the counter waiting for them to leave, if they weren't there, how could they see her "borrow" some things?

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-01 21:04:36

His heart stopped for a moment as a shot rang out, the guards frozen before they ran out. His eyes were wide in fear, his heart pounding against his ribcage. The sight of another female came to him, yet it didn't register properly as he stood up, beginning to walk out. The sight was gruesome, guards huddled over something, Mrs. Danica on the ground, coughing up specks of blood. Deciding to see what they were doing he began to step closer, horrified at the sight. 'I never thought he would turn out like this, he was so good back then,' he thought, thinking back on his youthful times, yet it seemed so unrealistic. Knowing that he couldn't do anything he glanced at Mrs. Danica before turning around, reluctantly walking away as he left the guards to carry Luke back to his cell.

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Eggs*~🥚 (#122992)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 23:12:16
[Wow, intense shit happened. Newcomer here to join! xP]

'Eggy' P.O.V.

You know, at first, I thought I would be part of something great. Turns out, its still the same, similar to my past. I thought that by joining here, I could ran away from my Father. But now, since I came here, everything became more twisted. No wonder my Father looked kind of concerned at the time. Wait... Concern is not the word. Worried. And not that type of good worry, and the fact is that my Father also wasn't a good man. I know, because I've seen and... felt it.

After the speech, 'lunch', tests. Everything became more hectic. A boy had his arm cut off, blood seeping and dripping. Others morphed into interesting animals, or some could morph. As I, who stood and watched, felt myself have different effect from the needle injection. And so I sat, uncomfortable.

I hate needles. The only reason I endured it was because I was just in another world of my own. And from the sound of the Doctor, he sounded dissatisfied. Thank me.

But the effect of it was something I didn't want. So I sat still, leaning my chair to the wall, and crossed both legs and arms, my baggy sweater covering most of what I needed covered, my sleeves long over my hands, while sucking on a candy. Green Apple Jolly Rancher.

Right now, I feel highly high and uncomfortable, due to the injection. And... sensitive.

I noticed how the Guards glanced at me oddly, but I only lazily smiled. Because what I learned here, is to be open to whatever may happen. But I didn't that this was going to happen to me, now.

My breath felt ragged, but I strained myself to breath normally. Everything buzzed clearly then to blurry, it kept switching. Biting on my Jolly Rancher helped me a bit, it kept me occupied. But I rather eating a lollipop, so I could bite the stick afterward.

Soon enough, I focused my thoughts to reality due to the sound of a gun shot. The pain settled in my jaw, I was biting to hard on the melting, sweet candy. I forced myself to get up, walk over, and see the commotion. All while avoiding the touch of people, yet, I think that's all what we need to be cured. Possibly.

[Eggy is not his name, just a fake one. Roleplay to find out. ;3]

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-09-01 23:47:40

Mitsuki|••|18 years|••|Female|••|Location:Cafeteria|••|Mentions:Atti

The girl sighed and glanced at his arm, the sight sending chills down her spine. Besides changing her appearance, the drugs did nothing to her. She jerked her head upwards as soon as a gunshot ringed through the building. Poor guy, had to be shot. Mitsuki sighed and looked back at Atticus, her eyes starting to wonder around aimlessly. She immediately frowned and drew her hands close to her faces. She could barely make out her fingers. Gulping, the girl let them fall as she stared at the ground, which she could hardly see, even with glasses.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-02 00:00:57
Eyes flying wide open at the echoing sound of a gunshot, his good fist clenched, a whine leaving his lips. Glancing over in the direction, all he could see were guards huddling together, and blood. He shivered, taking deep, calming breaths. Briefly closing his blurred, rosy orbs, he massaged his temples with a shaky sigh. "How much longer in here?" he mumbled, more to himself, yet it was loud enough for others nearby to hear.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-02 00:11:36
Soon enough Mrs. Danica shakily rose to her feet, glowering down at Luke. "Lock him up, he won't come out for a week," she ordered, a look of shock quickly showing on his face before it disappeared. "And leave the wound unattended, he caused it, no fool gets treatment," she continued, and at that Luke's world stopped. 'Will it finally end here?' he wondered, looking up at Mrs. Danica, dazed at her words. "Now go, I don't want this sorry excuse for a human being in my sight any longer," she commanded, any sign of sorrow now vanished. Following her orders the guards forced Luke up to his feet, only for him to yell in pain, a smack to the face right after. "If you don't want another hole in you then you better learn to be quiet!" one yelled in his ear, Luke mumbling to himself as he began to limp towards his cell, grimacing in pain as he had to put pressure onto his wounded leg. "This place is getting out of hand," Mrs. Danica whispered, eyes narrowed, staring daggers at Luke's back as he limped off. Drake quickly got out of the way, rushing into the cafeteria, a pang of sadness gnawing at him as he turned to watch Luke limp off into the darkness.

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