Posted by 'Bonding' Levels (250+)

Ny the Second (#12338)

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Posted on
2017-08-31 05:56:18
Well, I was thinking about the flavor texts we have while I was looking at . . . well, one of my least-loved lionesses, and I had this idea.

Bonding levels/affection levels.

In our prides, new lionesses and lions are often brought in, and the game treats them like it would treat a lionesses who's been in your pride all of her life. What if, instead of that, there as a bar, like the EXP bar, that measured how much a lioness likes/trusts the main male?

There could be several levels, going from Wary/Nervous to like Completely Trusting.

When a new lioness comes in, no matter what she was in her previous pride, she'll start at level 1 and you have to interact with her from her page, keep her fed and keep her mood up, stuff like that, for her to trust you more. If you don't do those things, she'll lose trust.

The benefits of keeping your bond levels up could be like, hunts are more successful, patrols are more successful, maybe a higher chance of not getting a 1 cub litter (that's iffy and maybe could be replaced by a sort of fertility boost instead). And I think it would be fun if you get slightly different flavor texts for the different levels. (For example: "[Lioness] looks pretty tense . . . maybe you should spend more time with her?" - for level 1, or "[Lioness] seems to be completely at ease with you and her pridemates. You're glad to be her friend." - for a higher level.)

I understand that this is pretty complicated and wouldn't be easy to add, but I do think it would be a good addition to the game that would make it more fun and add another level of depth.

If you don't support or have something to add/you think should change, let me know!

"Personally I would prefer if it didn't give a reward, as not all things need to. I like the idea overall, but not the rewards.

There is an interact button on female pages already, and you can only do it once a day. This is great for my idea. I was imagining that there is a bar below it that lists her current way (like you say, the levels from wary to trusting) and then every day you interact gives you a % of the bar. Say you get 20% a day, and you do it every day. She hits the next level in just a week (not including weekends). I think the "Reward" if you will should be some new flavour texts. Wary lions would have short, skittish ones and trusting ones would have longer, loving ones. With the rest of the text mingling for the between levels. Of course they would still match the personality. This way, for those who want a little extra, you get a small 'reward' of flavour text and a new bonding things for keeping your girls in your pride longer, and those who don't care about this system wouldn't be at a downfall. That's my thought process on it at least.

If that makes sense."
- Heda Redbox (#56702), First page, third down.

Also . . . just realized I posted this with my side account. #11487 is my main, I'll post a comment with that in a second.

This suggestion has 285 supports and 8 NO supports.

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Edited on 12/01/19 @ 08:34:50 by Nyanunix (#11487)

nPie-3.3k] (#101361)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 05:06:15
Sounds cool! Support!
Maybe the reward can be something small like an amusement item, a gem, some decor or some food, if she likes you more, then she might bring you an item as a gift!

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Ny the Second (#12338)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 05:08:56
I do like the idea of bringing a small item as a gift, but it really seems like people are in favor of it not really having a reward and just being a roleplay sort of aspect that's optional and won't actually affect gameplay.

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nPie-3.3k] (#101361)

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Posted on
2018-02-19 05:28:14
I can see why people don't want fertility changes to be the reward, but I'm not sure why wouldn't someone want a small gift from their lioness that doesn't effect their pride!

Just having it as an rp thing would still be pretty interesting!

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Sarkie (#138622)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 14:22:54
Perhaps the final level could be 'Doting'?

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 14:23:56
That sounds good to me lmao. This is just kinda the idea, ofc the developers could call the levels whatever they wanted.

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Alistair (Any/All) (#130789)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-05-01 13:28:42
I think you should be able to lower it to "Barley trustworthy!" That would be great for stories

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Ryvern (#432)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-13 19:53:13
Ooh, I love this! I agree with giving small rewards. So it's still worth it to put forth the effort, but not game breaking if you don't!

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Gahlu [HM | Clean] (#155415)

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Posted on
2018-09-04 08:22:50
So I'm a little late to the game but I really the general idea of bonding, though I have a bit of of a different take on it.

For explanation purposes let's say bonding happens on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 is no bond, 5 is neutral, 10 is highly bonded.

-Bonding increases naturally with time in the pride.
-Conflicting personalities limit bonding; say good and evil lionesses can only bond up to 5, kind and snarky lionesses can only bond up to 7, and neutral can bond to 7 or 8 respectively.
-New lionesses come into the pride with 1 bonding to other pridemates.
-Cubs are highly bonded (8 or so) with siblings and their mother when born. This number can be influenced when they become adolescents; conflicting personalities may eventually go down to 5.
-Hunting together is the only way to get bonding up to its highest level (10). This makes hunting parties more useful.
-Highly bonded hunting parties a small boost to success rate. Poorly bonded hunting parties have a lower success rate. This should probably have more to do with the size/rarity of prey than a successful or unsuccessful hunt, in the interest of preventing total starvation.
-When an individual dies or is gotten rid of, the remaining lions highly bonded to it should suffer some sort of sadness, like how the mother does when you chase a nursing cub away.

This won't much affect players who hoard massive amounts of breeders. But for people who play more like me, it can matter a lot---I would definitely think twice before running off a highly-bonded lion, messing up the hunting party and making sad lions and whatnot. I would take a lot of pride (haha) in having a highly-bonded pride with similar personalities. It would make mediocre-marked lions more valuable to the pride/player once they've established a bond. It might boost sales, to some small extent, for personality-changing items. There could be new items that influence bonding. I think there's a whole lot of potential. Of course I have no clue how difficult it would be to code.

Bonding to males needs to be worked out too I suppose but I'm tired of typing now, so, yeah.

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Archangel (#136725)

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Posted on
2018-12-11 15:15:48
Quick question: What about those of us with Feed All, Play All? When the lions are at max happiness, you lose the “Play” button. Say I wanted to bond with my queen, Eridanus. Would I have to go to her page and play before I feed and entertain all my lions?

Or would the Feed All, Play All fit into the bonding?

Also: @Gahlu I don’t like the idea about incompatible personalities. A lot of my girls are good while my king is evil, but they’re well taken care of (in lore and all). But I do think the king’s own cubs could start off at, oh, level 3?

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