Posted by -ADDED TO THE GAME-Lion Overview (800+ Supports)

(Primal) (#109827)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-09-13 12:04:56
Do you have a bunch of adolescent lions that you have to train and you want to at least train them to 75% exp or higher? You probably do and you have a big den as well so how are you ever going to find all of those adol lions without any signification that they're adols? Easy! We can add a feature of "Show Adolescent Lions" so we can tell how much EXP they have! I think this feature would be really nice and helpful since i'm experiencing this situation at the moment.

Edit: This would show up in Pride Overview! I would also love to know why people are disagreeing with this! ;v;

This suggestion has 816 supports and 15 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/04/18 @ 17:00:55 by WolfyFur (FelisKing) (#109827)

🐈Fanta Denim🐈 (#135329)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-23 17:13:45
My pride is large, but I can tell which is which and I navigate perfectly so (no offence) I see no reason for this suggestion. :/

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(Frozen!) Micah
🌈✨ (#58378)

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Posted on
2018-01-23 17:17:51
Just because you can, doesn't mean everyone else can. It would help others.

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🐈Fanta Denim🐈 (#135329)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-23 17:18:51
Well, true. Just trying to make a point, yeesh.

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Myriad (#76)

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Posted on
2018-01-23 17:54:37
@Butterball - your pride is really small by usual standards tbh ;) I was meaning people with dozens and in some cases hundreds of lions when I said large pride. A lot of players have 50+ lions in many many different caves - 100-200 or even more lions isn’t all that unusual.

Obviously with those kind of numbers and many different caves to check through, it’s a lot more difficult without a way to see them all in one place

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Edited on 23/01/18 @ 17:57:36 by Myriad ☕ (#76)

🐈Fanta Denim🐈 (#135329)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-23 20:06:40

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BrotherLion (#107782)

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Posted on
2018-01-26 17:10:15

Agreeing with Myr here, a pride of 15 lions isn't very large when looking at some others. It may be to newer players because 15 lions can be quite the achievement, but in hindsight it's not very many. In the real wild, on average, a pride usually consists about 15 members, but there have been some prides with 30 to 40 members observed.

And on here, my pride, for example, is a little over 50 lions so I've done given up on trying to keep organized with them all heh. But I've seen some others with double that and more, and as mentioned before footnotes don't appear in the Overview and not all use that feature to label adols from adults.

I think having this implemented would make it easier on everyone, and especially the people that do mass breeding projects and maybe keep a few of the resulting cubs to train them. This would really be for the convenience of seeing just adols in the Pride Overview like you would when looking at "Show Lionesses in Heat" or "Show Ready to Retire", it would display their mood, hunger, and the point of it all, their experience percentage and how far left they have to go before the 75%-100% point in their training.

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🐈Fanta Denim🐈 (#135329)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-26 17:12:04
But you can also sort them by making caves and naming them "Adolescents"...

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(Frozen!) Micah
🌈✨ (#58378)

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Posted on
2018-01-26 17:14:56
But this suggestion would just make things a lot easier then renaming possibly dozens of lions several times.
If cubs can be labeled as such by the game, why can't adols be?

I'm really, really not understanding your reasoning for being so against this suggestion.

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Edited on 26/01/18 @ 17:16:32 by Pangur Bán (#58378)

🐈Fanta Denim🐈 (#135329)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-26 17:17:46
I'm just saying. I'm not 100% against, I'm even kind of considering supporting instead, but just saying. This IS a good suggestion that I guess WOULD help if you didn't have enough materials to craft a cave, but you can use caves to label adolescents. See my point now?

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Myriad (#76)

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Posted on
2018-01-26 17:22:50
You can make a separate cave for adolescents and go to the trouble of re-organising them into that cave once they get to a year, and then out again once they become adults. But most people really wouldn’t want the hassle - hence this suggestion. There are always workarounds to problems like this, but when it’s a very simple fix that could be added to the game with minimal effort to solve the problem entirely, that seems far preferable to me...

After all we know it can be done, because the same feature already exists in pride overview for other criteria such as pregnant lions, lions with mutations, etc etc

I guess I’m just not really understanding why any of the workarounds you're suggesting would be anything like as easy/convenient as the original suggestion

(edited bc Myr can’t type, as usual...)

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Edited on 26/01/18 @ 17:24:46 by Myriad (#76)

(Frozen!) Micah
🌈✨ (#58378)

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Posted on
2018-01-26 17:25:05
Honestly, no? Yes you can make a specific cave, but this is a suggestion for convenience's sake. To make it easier, so you don't have to rename and move lions over and over again. The entire point of the suggestion is to make it to where you don't have to jump through all the hoops you're suggesting to keep track of adols.

You don't seem to support the suggestion at all, with how you're replying to each new post that does support the suggestion with the same exact things that have been discussed before. Everyone understand - there are ways to currently sort your adolescent lions. This suggestion just tries to make a way that is less time consuming and labor intensive, using the same method has already been implemented for cubs.

So honestly, no, I am not seeing your point. Sorry.

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Edited on 26/01/18 @ 17:27:24 by Pangur Bán (#58378)

🐈Fanta Denim🐈 (#135329)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-26 17:26:20
Well, I guess so. Everyone doesn't understand me anyway.
At least you're more...friendly about it then the other comment.

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BrotherLion (#107782)

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Posted on
2018-01-26 17:50:08
Sorry, didn't really mean to offend anybody if I did. Making caves just for adols costs the resources you find in Explore and not everybody may have enough of or access to that right away, not to mention that there is a three cave limit you pay for with SB, and any cave after that costs GB which some players can't afford.

And if we had the option of moving multiple lions from one cave to another at once, then I would see the cave workaround being a little more convenient than it may seem already, but we don't- not yet anyway. Currently, it's move them one by one, and to do that you have to go to the lion's page, choose their cave, then to another lion's page, choose their cave, etc. With smaller prides, that's not a very big deal, but for big prides it is. Nevermind this, the option is there, I just didn't notice! Derp! And the point of this suggestion is to make it convenient for larger pride players, though it would benefit everyone.

I can understand the cave solution because I've done the same to separate my hunters from my prego lions + cubs from the main pride. But it's not a matter of separating adols or not, the point of the suggestion would be so that you can view just adols alongside their training levels in one list.

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Edited on 26/01/18 @ 18:05:31 by BrotherLion (#107782)

🐈Fanta Denim🐈 (#135329)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-01-26 17:52:17
BrotherLion I see your point now. Now supporting!

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Myriad (#76)

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Posted on
2018-01-26 17:57:04
Just as a side note in case it helps in ways unrelated to this suggestion, you actually can move lions in caves in bulk @BrotherLion. It’s the small-ish text right towards the bottom of the cave page, just above the cave settings - 'Move Lions' - click that and checkboxes appear so you can select multiple lions to move :)

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