Posted by The Winter Heart

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-14 15:44:53
You, a simple teenager, on a plane to Alaska, look out the window. Right now, your over a cold and unforgiving terrain of trees, snow, and not a single man-made place in sight. You snuggle comfortably into your chair, ready to take a nap. All of the sudden, your plane jolts, and spirals straight down. You scream as the plane crashes into a frozen lake, breaking the ice and sinking into the water. You take a breath and swim for the emergency exit, opening it in a nick of time. You swim for the surface, already chilled to the bone. You dragged yourself onto solid land, gasping for air. You look around, hoping to see something to help you. Seeing a hollow space beneath a large tree, you curl up in it, soon falling into a fitful sleep. You wake up early at dawn. How will you find civilization?

-Be kind
-Keep bad language to a minimum
-Dont harass me to accept your application, have some patience
-If you read the rules, put HELP in the other section of your application
-Only one character per person
-Romance is allowed, but keep it appropriate

Application sheet

Age: (Must be 15-18)

Your character CAN die, if your character does, you will be notified.
Good luck on finding civilization! I will be Rping to keep an eye on you.

this is the RP thread, please post sign-up sheets on the sign-up sheet page!

Rp Characters
-Catherine (Cat)
-Jazmine (Jaz)
-Lilac (Lily, Lacy, Lulu)

Character Sheets

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Edited on 31/10/17 @ 18:50:38 by Eden [WCU] (Lights Off) (#107390)

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 15:09:18

Lilac followed the scent of a deer, running so fast she was a blur. She stopped, seeing a herd of deer, crouching down. She searched out the largest-an adolescent male. She pounced, gaining a fatal bite to his neck. Once the deer was dead, she drank the blood, noting it tasted much better than the package stuff. She turned to leave, racing again to the cliff, careful to hide her scent. Se jumped off, landing in the water without a splash. She swam down to the mansion, emerging moments later.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 15:59:19

Leo scouted the area soon coming upon Lilac's meal. "Is she serious, she just left this out here?" He said picking the deer up and headed back home.

Thomas was laying near the water a few women around him. He saw Lilac emerge and smiled as the women hissed at her. "Hey calm down she might call her brother." One said. "Maybe she already did, she had left the cavern alone." Another one said. "She lucky Thomas's nephew is protecting her." A third one said. "Are they really mates?"

"I heard Royals can put people under love spell."

" That's horrible, no wonder Thomas and David left the Royal guards."

"HEY ROYAL, GO BACK YOU ARE JUST GOING TO GET US ALL KILLED." A male vapire said before throwing a piece of trash at her. Soon others were joining in and throwing stuff. Leo broke through the crowed and stood beside her, the deer on his shoulder still. "I told you if anyone hurts her I will kill them, same goes for her." He shouted his eyes crimson red. The crowd murmured as they broke up. "Listen princess, clean up after yourself your scent is all over this deer." He said with an angered expression. "If a Han saw this deer with hardly any blood and two holes on the neck we would have been done for." He growled. Thomas walked up to Leo. "I have you two blood bags, why did she go hunt?" He asked with annoyance before looking at Lilac. "I am sorry the blood packets aren't to your liking, but there are a reason we have them." He growled before looking at Leo and grabbing him. "You know I hate doing this." Thomas said before breaking Leo's arm he looked at Lilac. "When a vampire breaks the rules they are punished, Leo has willingly taken upon himself to take your punishment. " he said before he kicked Leo so hard he flew across the ground. Soon another vampire kicked him once again sending him flying, this kept up for about five minutes before Thomas gave the signal to stop. "This is your fault." He growled before he walked away, soon the area was empty just Leo and Liliac stood in the underground Street.

((Hope it isn't too much, Thomas is really serious about rule breaking..))

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 17:22:00
((Lol, it's fine x3))


Lilac took a deep breath, closing her eyes. When she opened them, they were a deep Crimson. "I don't care what the hell your pretty little girlfriends say, or your other friends. I don't care if you throw your freaking trash as me. I honestly DO NOT care what damn rumors you spread about me. But I have one rule: you do not mess with Leo." She snarled, grabbing Thomas's wrist, with a flick of her wrist A cracking sound was heard, a clean brake to his arm. She twisted him around and kicked him in the balls, sending him flying. She turned to Leo, her eyes still Crimson. "Throw the fucking deer away then, honestly. It's kinda hard to get rid of it when you hear kingdom guards coming." She huffed and spun around. Angrily she entered the mansion, her fists clenched so tightly blood streamed down her hands. She entered an empty room, scenting to make sure no one lived there. She slammed the door, then sat on the bed, her eyes still a murdering Crimson.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:08:48

Thomas slowly stood up his broken arm healed by a healing vampire. "Did you want me to heal the young masta sir?" The healer said with concern. "He has taken a bad beating." Thomas just shook his head and walked away. "He is being punished." He said walking away with his herm of females. Leo laid on the floor covered in blood, bones broken all over his body as he watched Lilac walk away. *She is such a princess.* He thought to himself as he slowly and painfully stood up. Even though it looked harsh his punishment was a light one, and he knew it as well. He seen Thomas punish a female vapire for feasting on humans, she was to be beaten and drained almost completely of all her blood. Now the vampress is a part of Thomas's herem.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:12:06

Lilac sighed, unclench in her fists. There was no use being mad. Darkness cannot be defeated by darkness. Darkness can only be deafeated by light, she told herself. She took a deep breath. She knew Leo was hurt. She and James had read a book of mystic enchantments, and they learned how to bend emotions. She found the mind of a healer and made him feel pity for Leo, secretly healing him. She then let the healers mind go, taking deep breathes to steady herself.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:38:30

Leo fought the healer as best as he could before collapsing. When he woke up he looked dup. Into the healer's face. "Damn it, you will be punished for doing this." He growled as he stood up. "These were good clothes too." He growled before heading back to the room. "Give the carcass to a predator." He ordered before walking away, he walked into his room and flopped onto the bed. "Damn it, the princess is really not good at following rules... Wait did Thomas even tell them the rules." He said his skin caked with his own blood. "Idiot no wonder she did, he is such an air head some times..

((I think now would be a good time to T.S.... I mean if you want..))

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:42:23

Lilac looked around the empty room. She sighed. Anger. Annoyance. Mistrust. Those seemed to be the only emotions she could feel now. She got up, walked through the halls. She dashed out of the mansion, to fast to be seen, jumping in the water and swimming out to leave. She walked onto dry land, not really caring what trouble she got into.

((I was thinking maybe now the fight could start with lilac being attacked))

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-11 20:51:32
((Fine by me... But if she went unseen how would anyone know she left.. You should maybe make her bump into one of Thomas's herem girls.))

Leo laid watching the ceiling. "Maybe we weren't meant to be mates, it still early enough to break it off." He sighed softly as he closed his eyes. "I will tell her I had a change of heart when she returns." He said before he doze off in the quiet room.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-12 04:29:43

Lilac walked through the woods, purposely making loud noises. Perphaps Maximus will capture me, she thought. Suddenly, she ran smack dap into someone. They both stumbled over each other, falling in a tangle of limbs. Lilac opened her eyes to see an angry vampiress in front of her. "When I told Thomas your out here..." She warned with a sick grin. Lilac growled. "Whatever. Tell him if you like." She said as the Vampress dashed off.


James headed down the hall and into Leo's room. He opened the door quietly, then leaned on the wall. "You ok?" He asked Leo. "What happened?" He asked as well with mild interest.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-12 13:55:16

Leo opened one eye and looked at James. "The princess wasn't satisfied with packaged blood and then went to hunt, after she was done she left the body in plain sight." He sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. "She is so naive, I don't think I can keep her as a mate. I can still break it off since we haven't done anything yet." He said with a yawn as he sat up. "Each beating is worser than the last, but Thomas only does this so the sake of the others." He said as he stood up and drank the pouch that was on the edge of the bed. "I hate picky people honestly." He said leaning against the wall.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-12 14:02:31

James frowned. "She's allergic to package blood. It's weird, I know, but something about the container makes her sick. That's why she hunted. Plus, she didn't dispose of the body 'cuz Maximus's guards were coming. She hid her scent on the way back, though. She told me." James rolled up his sleeves as it became notably hotter in the room as the heater turned on. He wiped his forehead. "Thomas is an asshole, and needs a taste of his own medicine. " He snorted, rolling his eyes. Then his expression softened. "She really does care about you, y'know. I've never heard her swear before, and do loudly!" He exclaimed.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-12 15:15:32

"We have animals here, the meat is package a few weeks ahead because we have over a hundred vampires here." He said walking to a window and opening it. "That doesn't matter, all it takes if for a scout to keep tabs on her." Leo said as he leaned against the wall and looked out the window. "Thomas is an asshole, you guys just scare him. What if you allowed the enime to stay at your palace. Where the people you care about stay and live, this is mine and his kingdom. I know he is anxious but only cause I am as well, and I am the one who brought you here." Leo said with a small sigh. "It's that Thomas hates you, in fact he hates judgmental people. I remember my father telling a story about when they first turned their back on the royals. They had captured Thomas and for two whole weeks they tormented him, starved him, when he sees you it comes flooding back." Leo looked at James. "The smell is what brings the memories back, the stench of your father clings to you on dirt on fur. He knows the knights won't hesitate to kill children and rape women, why cause that is how my father was convinced." Leo said anger burning in his eyes. "I know you and Lilac are different, which is why I protect you." He said looking back out the window. "I don't know love, only abuse so it is all new to me." He said that ith a sigh.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-12 17:50:17

James nodded. "Fair enough. You talk logic, I can respect that." He said, his voice suddenly dull. "But if you hurt my sister, I will kill you." He said. "She is very fragile, she was abused until about a year ago when she was forgotten." He clenched his teeth. "Example A: her mate dumps her." He snorted. He rolled his eyes. "Kill her then. Weather physically or mentally." He growled. He walked out of the room slamming the door, not bothering to let Leo speak.

((James is a little protective of his sister x3))


Lilac walked along an old forgotten path. She had decided she would not go back, for her friends sake. She sighed. If she didn't hate Thomas, she might actually respect him. He was one for the rules, and lilac was raised as such. She held her breath, realizing it quite a while later because, well, must there always be a reason? She sighed again and walked along.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-12 19:45:53

Leo only grinned as he continued looking out the window. "Royals are so hot-headed." He chuckled evily his eyes full of excitement. "Your threat won't change a thing James, I will kill all the royals if the cavern is destroyed." He said punching the wall. "Old mate huh, well well maybe she isn't such a princess after all." He said pulling his and out to reveal broken knuckles. "Where the hell is Thomas, I need his blood?" He mumbled walking out of the room

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Edited on 12/10/17 @ 19:54:07 by RedEclipesWolf(TeamDemons) (#96769)

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-12 20:23:08

Lilac had found an injured fawn, motherless, laying in a field. The fawn wailed in pain, but lilac stroked it. "Shhh little one. It will be over soon." She promised the small thing, watching as the fawn placed it head on her lap. She would not drink it's blood, it would merely put the little thing in more pain, and lilac had enough human in her to know that was terrible. She sighed.

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