Posted by The Winter Heart

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-14 15:44:53
You, a simple teenager, on a plane to Alaska, look out the window. Right now, your over a cold and unforgiving terrain of trees, snow, and not a single man-made place in sight. You snuggle comfortably into your chair, ready to take a nap. All of the sudden, your plane jolts, and spirals straight down. You scream as the plane crashes into a frozen lake, breaking the ice and sinking into the water. You take a breath and swim for the emergency exit, opening it in a nick of time. You swim for the surface, already chilled to the bone. You dragged yourself onto solid land, gasping for air. You look around, hoping to see something to help you. Seeing a hollow space beneath a large tree, you curl up in it, soon falling into a fitful sleep. You wake up early at dawn. How will you find civilization?

-Be kind
-Keep bad language to a minimum
-Dont harass me to accept your application, have some patience
-If you read the rules, put HELP in the other section of your application
-Only one character per person
-Romance is allowed, but keep it appropriate

Application sheet

Age: (Must be 15-18)

Your character CAN die, if your character does, you will be notified.
Good luck on finding civilization! I will be Rping to keep an eye on you.

this is the RP thread, please post sign-up sheets on the sign-up sheet page!

Rp Characters
-Catherine (Cat)
-Jazmine (Jaz)
-Lilac (Lily, Lacy, Lulu)

Character Sheets

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Edited on 31/10/17 @ 18:50:38 by Eden [WCU] (Lights Off) (#107390)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 13:24:37

Leo walked into the palace and closed his eyes so he can pick out there voices. "Found you." He said with a calm yet serious tone before walking in the direction their voices came from. He wasn't cautious at all, walking in and strolling about in the castle.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 16:45:02

Maximus froze. He sniffed the air. Something wasn't right. An intruder. What was he here for? The answer struck him in an instant. Swan, my swan. He wants my swan. Maximus let out a snarl that echoed through the halls. In an instant, he was flanked by his brethren. They bolted down the hall, growling and snarling. They circled the intruder so he couldn't escape. Maximus stepped forward. He grinned, sniffing the intruder. "Your a fairly young Muddle. (A muddle is a vampire thats half human) Only an actual seventeen, correct? Still Naive. I know what your here for. You can have the one called Molly, she's useless. But the other is mine. She is my swan, you cant have her." Maximus growled at the Muddle, showing his fangs.

((Btw, a vampire calls his mate a "Swan" in this Rp, if there human. If there a vampire female its just called a mate X3))


Cat was silently crying. The way she cried was different, instead of sobbing tears, she merely went still, and her eyes turned into the doe eyes again. She sat there, looking like a scared doe in a gorgeous silk dress. "Molly... what will he do to me?" She asked very very quietly. "I think this is his room...." She squeaked, then went into silent mode again.

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Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 16:54:11
Molly | Location - unknown | 17 years old | Mentions - Cat, Maximus, Leo

"I will choose my own path with thank you very much." She scowled. "And I am not useless, I am better than you'll ever be!" the prideful teenager narrowed her eyes at the lunatic boy. How dare he?! She turned her head to see cat crying. She didn't feel awkward or any different around people when they cried around her, she was used to tears, but what made her sad was her friend's words. Molly shrugged at her question, "I don't know, but the prince of idiots won't kill you, or harm you." She swung her knife at her side threateningly as she stared at Maximus. "I'll protect my friends until I die. Who knows? I might stop them from hurting my brother." She said the last sentence as if she just realized they could probably go out and find her brother, and hurt him too. Her brother was her world, they'd gone through so much together. She wouldn't let him hurt her friends, and she wouldn't let him hurt her. Her pride and determination would make sure of it,.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 17:07:52

Maximus laughed. He was about to make a comment, when another vampire came up behind him, lightly tapping his shoulder. Maximus swirled around angrily. The vampire who had come was notably less muscular then Maximus, but they were the same age. "What is it, brother?!" Maximus growled. This was obviously his REAL brother. His brother shrank back. "Wh-what should i do with them??" He asked in a nervous stutter. Maximus growled, waving a hand dismissively. "Take them somewhere away from here. I dont care. But be careful with my Swan." The brother nodded, but quietly snorted at the word 'swan'. He turned to the two girls, his eyes gleaming with apologizes. The girl cat got up, her eyes not doe-ish, nor green, like normal. They glowed a deep yellow, as if she was in a trance. The brother led cat away, knowing Molly would follow.


Cat only felt the need to follow the boy. As soon as he looked at her, she had been mesmerized. She heard nothing, saw nothing, but the boy. She drifted ghost-like down the hall. The boy stepped into a room and cat followed, suddenly regaining feeling. Her head felt dizzy. What had happened. The boy watched as both cat and molly sat on the bed. He closed the door, then turned to them. "My name is James." He said softly. "And i will answer your questions for real, unlike my brother." He waited.

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Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 17:13:55
Molly | Location - unknown | 17 years old | Mentions - Cat, Maximus, James

Molly's eyes narrowed but she followed him because Cat was. Her head swiveled to the door as he closed it and she gripped her knife tighter, suspicious as always. She turned her face back to his, her blue eyes searching and curious. "Alright, if you'll answer our questions, why the fricking hell are we here?" She didn't trust him but if he would tell them why that would be good. The the teenager doubted he would tell them, it wasn't like he was actually going to help them! He was probably just some manipulative freak like her mother had been. Just another manipulative person in this world. And he wasn't even a person!

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 17:23:56

James nodded. "Your here because my brother.. Imprinted... on your friend here." He nodded at cat. "Its a thing us vampires do. Sometimes. When he calls you his 'swan', that means he wants you as his... erm.. mate. When we imprint on someone, we cant resist them. Otherwise, our kind would have left you alone." James leaned against the wall, his unkept blonde hair spilling over his bright blue eyes. He was the opposite of his brother, who had black hair and red eyes. He refused to make eye contact, though he realized cat was staring at him with her mouth hanging open. He hid his blush. "What other questions do you have?" He asked Molly.

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Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 17:40:24
Molly | Location - unknown | 17 years old | Mentions - Cat, James

"None. Just, Can you get him to let us go? Oh, and I don't care what happens, or what he might feel, ask that crazy brother of yours to leave us alone." It sounded more like a demand than a question. She didn't want to stay, she wanted to go and see her brother again. Molly's turned her body around ever so slightly to search the room with her eyes. Maybe they could escape somehow? She had never succeeded in escaping anything, but the last time she tried she was ten. But even though she was seven years older now, these were strange vampire boys. How could she escape that? She didn't even believe in the supernatural! It made no sense. The laws of physics and nature denied such things to exist. So, why was she looking at this thing right now. . .?

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 17:48:33

James shrugged. "He'd literally bite my face off if i even mention his 'swan' leaving." James looked stricken, as if he was trying to decide something. Then he sighed. "But i want to help. Before you ask why, i hate this place. The blood, the gore,.... it gets old. Im sick of it. It pisses me off. And Maximus intends to keep her" He motioned to cat. "Then, probably turn her into one of us. I would never wish this life upon anyone." James said in a gruff voice. He snuck glances at cat, who was trying to unwind her hair from the bun. Once she did, her long hair spilled onto her back and the bed she sat on. James literally had to clutch the wall so as not to kill her. "Holy moly, no wonder he imprinted on you. Do you have any idea how good you smell?" He asked cat. Cat gave him a bewildered glance.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-01 18:02:13
((Give me a minute to reply))

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-02 08:10:26

Leo just stared at Maximus, his expressionless face scanning the area before take a step forward. "Vampires are such greedy pigs." He sighed softly as he stared at Maximus, no fear, no worries, not even mischief shined in his eyes. They were just cold and dead, as if h were a corpse. "I need the girls and the baby back, and that wasn't a request." He said his tone was now serious yet his expression remained the same.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-02 13:53:37

Maximus let out a rumbling laugh. "You really think you can just stroll in here, put on a face, and demand things? In a kingdom full of thousands of vampires ready to rip off your head? Quite amusing, really." Maximus put on a thoughtful face. "Oh, and that baby you found that supposedly survived the crash? Newsflash, the kids a vampire. One of our females lost the kid in a storm before you plane crashed." One of Maximus's henchmen growled. Maximus chuckled. "You really want to face an entire kingdom of blood thirsty vampires for two girls you just met? You don't even know them!"

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-02 15:23:47

Leo just yawned at Maximus' words. "Well glad the baby is safe, I knew it was a pure blood since the beginning." He said with a bored tone. "As for your army.." A sinister smile cut across his face and his eyes grew red. "I would love to see them try." He said with a cocky smile.
((Eden, msg me so we can discuss if we fight or not))

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-02 16:56:11

Maximus grinned in delight. "I have a good feeling about you. You want a fight? Follow me, we have an arena. I want to see how many of us you can take down." Maximus led Leo through the hall stopping at the room the two humans and his brother were in. He poked his head in, grabbed cat, then slammed in shut, locking Molly and James in. He turned to cat with a devilish grin. "Looks like one of your friends was one of us all along." Cat looked past his shoulder. Seeing Leo, her eyes widened in horror. "Let me goooo!" She winced in pain as Maximus's grasp tightened, drawing a faint ounce of blood. Cat whimpered in pain.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-02 17:56:14

Leo followed Maximus until they came to a room. "So unprofessional.. COME On PURE BLOOD... I don't have all day to wait for you." He shouted annoyance in his tone. "Yo Cat, Molly you two ok." He said before his eyes fell on Maximus' brother giving the shy boy a wink. "You smell alike are you two brothers." He said with a cocky smile.

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Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-02 18:02:50
Molly | Location - locked up somewhere | 17 years old | Mentions - Cat, Maximus, Leo

Molly slapped his hand as he grabbed Cat. "You damn bastard!" She scowled. She looked up surprised when Leo spoke, just realizing he was there. "Leo? What're you doing here?" she asked surprised. She hadn't listened to what Maximus said, she had been focusing so hard on Cat and slapping Maximus that she hadn't realized they had said anything. She pulled out her knife ready to get in a fight with anything, and ready to bring it down on the lunatic's hand if he didn't let go of Cat.

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