-LOCKED - Combo Bases, heat search & more!
Posted on 2017-09-15 13:51:36

Combo Bases!


As a Lioden first, we have now added to the game a set of four bases that can only be obtained by breeding two parents with specific bases! Each of the new bases require one parent to have 1 of 4 bases, and the other parent to have another 1 of 4 bases. When the right combination is made, cubs will roll a further rare chance and if that succeeds, the new base will be born! We’d like for you guys to figure out the other three bases so we don’t spoil the surprise, but to give you the best example, here is how Cairngorm can be obtained - you can notice it is produced by special bases:


The first four bases (Cairngorm, Qahir, Citrine and Madagascar) are only the beginning to this system, which we hope to expand. In the future there will be bases that can be bred only during certain events, only in the wet or dry seasons, and only during the night or daytime. We'll have fun picking a lot of ideas from base art suggestion forums as well! There’s a lot we can do and we’re very open to suggestions for what you guys want to see too!

Edit: Combo bases can pass if they meet combo criteria, ie. Cairngorm needs at least one of the 8 listed bases to be parent 2.


There’s a new encounter in explore for you to find! The button rolls some random chances with the possibility to get 1 of 3 new items (or not!).

Feather_shrike.png & deertushthronshrikes.png & deertushshrikes.png


Trading Center Search


As requested in this suggestion, we have implemented a checkbox to filter only lionesses in heat when searching through trades.


Personality-based Claiming Rejection Blurbs


Thanks to this suggestion, link, we’ve modified the claiming rejection text in explore to be tailored to each of the personality groups. We hope this makes things a bit more interesting if you have the bad luck to get rejected!


Studding Disclaimer
Finally, as requested here, we’ve added a small disclaimer in studding boxes that reminds users that breeding to a mutated stud does not raise your chances of conceiving a mutated cub (unless of course, the stud has a primal or piebald variation).


Shad has added a new set of tags for misc. and September!

Raffle Lioness

Congrats Aggrieve (#118725)! You have won the last raffle lady!
New lady with the Simien Mountains is up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Explore or in NEWS section under News Post List!

Polls and dev notes
Same poll continues - LINK - Since last update was focused on manes, I browsed the suggestions a lot. A specific Vitiligo suggestion appeared and had so many supports, but I was not sure which way to lean regarding the designs and actual introduction of the mane markings.

Should they match body Vitiligo markings, making them Mane Vitiligo 1, 2, 3 etc?
Should they just be few Vitiligo markings since it's just manes, and make them "Scarce, Medium, Heavy" markings for manes?
Should they be raffle mane markings to have something unique to breed for? We never had those before :O maybe custom ones would be easier to match existing lions with body vitiligo markings? I REALLY NEED YOUR VOTES FOR CONCLUSION!

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Edited on 15/09/17 @ 15:41:00 by Xylax (#4)

Kyrotonia2 (#2315)

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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:51:47
YaY! Good stuff

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🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:51:56
Nice news!

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shenanigans (#24632)

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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:51:58

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Anamani (#77716)

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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:52:06
Oooh, cool

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★Sanghae★ (#114598)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:52:17
oh looky. A news post. gasp.

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Quetzalcoatl (#66378)

True King
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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:52:17
aww yiss combos

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Fae<3 (they/them) (#87939)

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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:52:43

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LilMushie (#102728)

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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:52:50
Yay!!!! Awesome stuff XD

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Edited on 15/09/17 @ 13:53:46 by Ash ~~ #WCU (#102728)

🐱HM|Main🐱 (#74195)

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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:52:54
Oh my! This will play havoc with my breeding goal. I love it!

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𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖊 (#84214)

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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:53:22
nice!!!! i love comign early

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Jamila (#112475)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:53:36
Yay! New lioness rejections! I'll be seeing those a lot.

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🌳 Dad 🌳 (#22988)

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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:53:50
Omg Madagascar <3

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CleanFerusDracoStrip (#124858)

True King
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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:53:52
Ahh, those new bases are beautiful!
And thanks a ton for adding that heat option! I really could have used that a couple days ago hah

I already grabbed some shrikes, I didn't realize they were new :O

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Luna (#53)

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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:53:56
Omg!! This is amazing!

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‍⬛ (#124362)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-15 13:54:27
Ooh~ Combo bases.

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