Posted by S H A T T E R ! | Rebirth of Aesir | SIGN UPS!
Fall Out Boy (#78868)

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Posted on
2017-09-24 11:41:04

Main Roleplay Thread


Lands: Miera, Anikira


Hersir - TAKEN
Rekkr - None
Dregnr - None
Nyr-Dreyri: None
Svein - None

Seithr - None
Gydja - None
Laknir - None
Eithir - None
Fraethi - None
Laerling: None

Veithimathr - None
Veithi - None
Leitr - None

Bryti - None
Aetti - None

Thrall - None

Hilmir - Meaning "Chief" in Old Norse, the Hilmir is the mighty leader, the alpha, of the pack. They are responsible for the continued survival of the pack, and their decision is final, though they look to their trusted Jarl and Thanes for sage advice.
Jarl - The pack's second-in-command is the Jarl, a wolf whom the Hilmir trusts with their life. They are held in high esteem and are responsible for the Hilmir's duties if the leader is otherwise occupied.
Kyn - The offspring of both the Hilmir and Jarl, the Kyn are affording this high ranking position for only the first year of their life. After that, they must prove themselves as a warrior, priest, or hunter, and join the lower ranks. Kyn have no authority over other wolves; the title is merely honorary.
Thane - The Thane are a council comprising of members from other tiers (excluding the Heathen Tier) who are among the Hilmir's most valued friends, and confer with the Hilmir, Jarl, and Ellri on matters concerning the pack.
Ellri - Those pack members who have reached old age are counted among the Ellri. Strong, wise, and intelligent, the Ellri advise the Hilmir on all manner of matters.

Hersir - The Hersir is a single wolf who has proven their skill in battle chosen from the ranks of the Rekkr, to lead the warrior tier. This wolf is responsible for co-coordinating new recruits, allocating spies and scouts, and conferring with the Hilmir and Jarl regarding battle strategies. As the lead warrior, they are expected to keep the warrior tier in line. If the Hersir chooses, they may take on as many apprentices from the Nyr-Dreyri and Svein ranks as they please.
Rekkr - The Rekkr are Aesir's elite warriors, having proven themselves to both the Hilmir and the Hersir. They are well regarded within the pack, and assist the Hersir with their duties. Additionally, a Rekkr may take on a single apprentice from the Nyr-Dreyri or Svein ranks to train them, advise them, and shape them into a fearsome warrior.
Dregnr - The Dregnr make up the bulk of the warrior tier. They are skilled warriors who have risen above the rank of Nyr-Dreyri and Svein, but are not yet ready to ascend to the position of Rekkr. On rare occasions, newcomers may be assigned this position after sparring with the Hersir and proving that they are capable of such a rank, but usually they are made a Nyr-Dreyri.
Nyr-Dreyri - Literally "new blood", the Nyr-Dreyri are newcomers to the pack, and therefore have little training at the standard the pack expects. Any outsider, regardless of age, will be assigned this rank, if they do not impress the Hersir in a one-on-one spar. They will be assigned either to a Rekkr or to the Hersir for training.
Svein - The Svein are pack-born wolves who have chosen the warrior pathway. Normally aged between six and eighteen months, the Svein will remain in this position for as long as it takes them to be promoted to Dregnr, or for as long as it takes them to quit and either join another pathway, or leave the pack. They will be trained by a member of the Rekkr, or even by the Hersir.

Seithr - As the pack's resident shaman, or prophet, the Seithr is one of the most respected members of the pack. The Seithr is the pack's strongest link to the gods, and therefore must be trusted implicitly by the Hilmir. This wolf must be believed to be imbued with the magic of the gods; an oracle who can communicate with spirits and gods alike. The Seithr will organise and oversee and spiritual events that take place in the pack. This wolf may be asked questions about an individual's fate, but the god's answers are rare and cryptic. On top of their powers of sight, the Seithr is also a knowledgeable healer.
Gydja - A priest or priestess, the Gydja have decided to dedicate their lives to the gods and will work closely with the Seithr. They are well regarded within the pack, and assist with any rites or sacred rituals carried out by the Seithr. Furthermore, they may be more connected to one of two gods than others, making them a "specialist" in that area.
Laknir - A Laknir is a maester of healing; an expert in the field of plants and remedies with which they may heal pack members. Their vast knowledge is to be used strictly for the good of the pack, in order to aid and strengthen it.
Eithir - The Laknir's malevolent counterpart, the Eithir are maesters of sabotage. They use their skills to concoct various poisons for use on enemies; using their skills strictly offensively, to damage any wolf foolish enough to cross Aesir.
Fraethi - The Fraethi is a single wolf charged with keeping the past alive and well-known. Specifically, the Fraethi is a lore keeper, who is well-versed in the gods and their many tales and significances. Often regarded as a story-teller, too, this wolf must be extremely knowledgeable about the pantheon worshipped by the gods, and for this reason they work closely with the shaman and priests.
Laerling - A Laerling is an apprentice who has made the decision to join the Enchanter tier, but has not yet specialised in one area or another. They will be taught by the Seithr and then by a member of whatever position they are considering until deemed worthy to ascend up the ranks.

*bolding denotes the rank having substantial influence and respect within the pack - these are the most highly regarded individuals.

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Edited on 24/09/17 @ 12:20:11 by Fall Out Boy (#78868)

Fall Out Boy (#78868)

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Posted on
2017-09-24 12:14:17
Please use this simple format to sign your character up for Aesir.

Notable Marks:

*Please note very few wolves in Anikira will possess a dire wolf lineage. Nothing past 20% will be allowed. Males and females will not go past 36" unless approved of by myself.*

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Edited on 25/09/17 @ 21:48:37 by Fall Out Boy (#78868)

Fall Out Boy (#78868)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-09-24 12:15:03

Pride, the greatest sin that has made the most beautiful of angels fall.

Asbjorn Havardrson
Source:, Permission Given.

Bjorn, Gethin

Male, Masculine, Fertile & Hypersexual

Four years


Hilmir, Alpha

Standing at a staggering forty two inches, I stand taller than most of my breed thanks to my near perfect genetics and selective breeding from my past sires and the bitches they impregnated. Being this tall most would assume I am overly muscled, but it is lean like a good portion of my breed of grey wolf from my sires side however I am taller than all thanks to my partial dire wolf blood line. My muscularity, thick and defined with regality and grace that weight myself in at a hefty one hundred and thirty pounds is covered in a fine smooth wiry pelt made up of the finest obsidian fur. Slight mixtures of silver and earthen shades can be found upon my underbelly and paws but the darkness of my main coloring make them hardly seen unless up close. The fine tuned ears that sit upon my large dome are always erect, cocked and waiting to listen to the whispers around my being. Auric gems sitting deep within my skull, granting my being an intimidating and authoritative glare that silences both friend and foes. My claws, as sharp as a human's’ tri-hook used for their commercial fishing are as dark as the night. The lethal bridgework I wipe my salmon muscle across are still sharp and free of dried blood from my enemies I slaughtered over the few years of my existence. My limb bones long, lean and sturdy for the constant moving around and battles I frequently partake in. Some would say I am too perfect, too real for existence. But baby you wouldn’t know perfection if it slapped you across the face and kissed you out of pity. I am just the beginning of perfection. Imperfected but better than others from my past.

Fresh dew after a rain shower & Old Leather

I am the wolf is sheep’s skin. I am the devil with angel wings carrying a bloody halo and fucking golden harp. I am the jailor and I take no prisoners as I don’t see a reason to spare a life if they have committed a sin. There are at times where I can be considered a well mannered brute, defined by the rules I have set or others have set before my time and I follow them to the last fiber of my being. I see no reason to go past tradition or laws that keep the ones I lead and my own ass safe and in check. Then there are times where I take after my name sake. A divine, murderous bear. I become the beast I know I am and will become in battle. Going as berserk as my primal instincts urge me until I taste the blood of my enemies dance across my taste buds. I am intelligent which is a given as I was raised with strict studies but I am also wise beyond my young blood years. I know how to fix problems and create them without the details coming back to my hide but rather some… unfortunate being. Because of these strategic tendencies I possess I am quite the fighter as well given my structure, size, girth and brain power. But don’t let the over compensations fool you. There are times where I cannot see past my own ego and make mistakes that could’ve simply been remedied before they happened. With my primal urges, some say I have a short fuse that mix unwell with my stubbornness and aggressive ways. But who knows if it is all true. You would have to encounter me first to find out. Will you dance with the devil, sweetheart?


Sire - Havardr - Could care less for you.
Bitch - Valdis - Why are you leaving me.
Brother - Ragnar - Trusted ally. Where are you? (Adoptable.)
Sister - Brunhilda - A friend, but you left me when I needed you. (Adoptable.)

Other Relationships
Bastard Son - Floki - I don’t love you. (Adoptable.)
Bastard Son - Dregnr - Impress me or die. (Adoptable.)
Bastard Daughter - Kataklysm - Beautiful pup, stay alive. (Adoptable.)

I am covered in several broad scars. The most notable being upon my chest and backside near the middle of my shoulderblades. I was used as bait by my father to lure in a large predator that had killed one of my worthless siblings. I don’t recall what it was that attacked my young hide but it stung like a bitch. My right ear is nipped heavily with a piece missing and as well wear the old leather collar of my father that I took from him when I nearly killed his old ass when he tried to continue his dominance over me.

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Edited on 24/09/17 @ 14:06:39 by Fall Out Boy (#78868)

JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2017-09-24 12:58:03


Timber Wolf

An impressive sight to witness, Requiem stands tall and averages a weight of a hundred and thirty pounds. Having been trained in the art of fighting from a very young age, she has a large frame that’s able to generate a lot of force, though her capacity for extreme agility is low. She still has a feminine build, and her sleek white and gray fur only accentuates it. Her fur normally holds a reddish glint in the sunlight that comes from years of bloodshed. Her darkened, slate colored eyes that harbor a hardened emptiness when looking down upon another. A faint mask of darker fur surrounds her eyes, amplifying their intensity. In addition, her body is littered with scars, the most noticeable ones being a slash across her muzzle and bite scars dangerously close to her throat.

Fresh blood, pine and something spicy.
130 lbs
2.8 ft

Requiem is a well-controlled force. On the outside, she is stone cold, powerful and her presence is astounding. But when that switch flips and she feels the need to release the monster that is locked away inside, beware, for there is no surviving her. To those who are loyal to her, you will never find a more reliable and trustworthy wolf. She is fiercely protective of anything she calls hers. Be it a mate, territory, possessions, pack mates, pups (eventually). She will fight another to the death to defend what is hers. When meeting wolves for the first time, regardless of who they may be, she will bow to no one. If they are an Alpha, she will treat them as an equal unless they give her a reason to do otherwise. She expects to be treated the same. She will be somewhat cold and straightforward when meeting others but is not immediately aggressive or hostile unless provoked. She is quick to let others know her place and their place in her eyes respectfully.

A bit of a WIP

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Edited on 24/09/17 @ 12:59:54 by TheWinterSoldier (#85963)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-09-24 19:50:30

"I don’t stop when I’m tired. I stop when I’m done."


Nikita - Greek, Russian "victorious" or "unconquered, unconquerable"

•Name Meaning•


Nikita, Niki, Nika.

Asbjorn sometimes calls her Leilani, which is Hawaiian for "beautiful flower"


3 years, 4 months




Gray (80%) x Dire Wolf (20%)






Fresh lavender


115 pounds


31 inches



Nikita is a medium sized thing, measuring up to 31 inches and weighing about 115 lbs. Upon first glance it is noticeable this she-dog has a soft, pretty pelt of only white and some shades of a creamish-light brown. Her face and tail tip are a beautiful pure white, with her paws being a very pale, light ginger, just a white with a hint of her beautiful pale brown color. The rest of her soft fur is colored with a stunningly gorgeous and angelic white some of it hinted with the same pale ginger color. Despite her abilities, Nikita has a few scars, most earned from fighting and/or scratching herself on different things during her travels as a younger. One short one on the right side of her neck, one slightly longer one on her left arm, below her right elbow, and a few more, though a good amount of scars she has are not too noticeable, as they are hidden under her fur.

Nikita's nose is entirely pitch black in relation to the rest of the fur on her body. She has brilliant orange-colored eyes which stare fearlessly into anyone's whether it be a huge male wolf or a tiny rabbit she is claiming for lunch. Despite Nikita's slightly smaller, yet strong stature she carries herself with the utmost dignity and dominance and is actually quite physically powerful, as she very much resembles a beautiful mix of a Gray and Dire wolf. Though, unlike the wolf's slightly brutish appearance, she doesn't have the usual broad shoulders. Instead, she has a pretty set of smaller (not broad) shoulders. As a result of some distant blood, this female is a bit fast with a great amount of stamina. Carrying herself gracefully with a dignified dominance, most of the time, if not always, the atmosphere around the she-wolf is of a fierce nature. She makes up for what she lacks in size with resilience, ferocity, and strength often being able to tire out even the biggest of enemies.


"I let you see the parts of me, that weren't all that pretty."

Nikita once gave all her trust to one canine, but that dependence seemed to cause the she-wolf a lot more grief than she could handle. Because of that violation of trust Nikita has trouble placing any amount of faith in anyone. Whether she is confronted aggressively or greeted peacefully by a stranger she will always respond with hostility and suspicion. In a way everyone is an enemy in the she-wolf's sunset colored eyes.

This warrior has an ego that outweighs her stature and is unbelievably stubborn when her pride is on the line. She’ll always be reluctant to step down or admit she’s wrong. But, this is not because she thinks extremely highly of herself; rather, she does not want others to look down upon her, and would hope they wouldn't waste their time helping her. But, she doesn't think lowly about herself either. Although a Jarl, Niki doesn't believe she's been able to work her way up yet to the respect she believes she deserves and works hard to do so.

The few times Nikita is docile to strangers or those she doesn't trust are when she’s tired or weakened, but even in those times she’ll still act defensive. Despite the way she outwardly appears she is a smart wolf though sometimes her intelligence is overshadowed by her big ego and leaves her mind clouded. Nikita also seems to have superb reading ability and a battle-inclined mind due to her upbringing. When she’s not using her head she acts on pure instinct and emotion which may spell disaster for her in future situations.


Much of a wolf's personality all comes from how twisted or perfect their past is. This female has a picture perfect life that starts out as wonderful and great as anyone could hope for, but her perfectly perfect life takes a sharp turn for the worst.

Nikita was born into the Clan to handsome war hero, Asmond, and a very gorgeous and agile warrior named Lena. She was born into a litter of two, the other a female. The two came into the world with an older brother there to protect them from the start, one that was born at least a year before the two females. The male was a handsome, strong wolf named Soren and was expected by many to become leader of the pack, being a strict protector. The other one was Dahlia who was gorgeous, fast, strong, agile and a natural hunter. Then there was Nikita, a brilliant mix of her two siblings. She was beautiful, outgoing, friendly, strong, agile, and fast. She was a natural born leader and was on the road to being a very respected female.

Her life was great. And in her mind, it was continuing to be so. All of a sudden, she met this wolf that was perfect in her eyes. He was a handsome, powerful war hero named Thor. He was sweet, protective, gentleman-like, and brave. The two became fast friends and hung out everyday until they finally proclaimed their love to each other and he asked her to be his mate. The now named Nika didn't think her life could get better. But, when a simple Dregnr, Nikita was returning from a patrol when she walked into her and Thor's den, only to see him willingly mating with a pretty hunter. This broke her heart and, wide-eyed, Nikita ran away, her eyes tearing up as she did so, running into the forest. Naturally, she ended their relationship and eventually the brute ran off with the female he was mating with earlier, leaving the female heart-broken, her ability to trust completely dissolved.

Eventually, her parents died of old age and her sister was killed by a rogue on the border, just leaving her a bit more full of grief. Eventually, she and her brother got over her parents and sister's deaths, but Nikita was still afraid to trust, assuming all other males would just break her heart like Thor did.

But, fortunately, the tragic part of Nikita's part had come to an end. While under the title of Hersir, she met someone knew. His name was Asbjorn Havardrson. He was the Hilmir and was very charming, having his own nickname for her. Leilani, which is Hawaiian for "heavenly flower". And, although it took a while for the wolf to grow on the untrusting female, he soon did and they are now close mates. Adding to this, she rose to the rank of Jarl after a little while, which makes Nikita's future look not so bad after all.


Asmond [Father - Love / Grief] [Deceased; old age]

Lena [Mother - Love / Grief] [Alive] [Old Age]

Dahlia [Sister - Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by rogue]

Soren [Older Brother - Loves / Protects] [Alive] [OPEN]
Being Nikita's older brother, Soren is incredibly protective of her, barely even okay with Asbjorn, her mate, being too affectionate with her. Regardless of his over-protectiveness, Niki loves him more than anything and doesn't know what she'd do without him.

•Notable Relationships•

"It’s hard to trust somebody when the one person you completely opened up to is the person who later completely betrayed you."

Asbjorn Havardrson [Fall Out Boy]

As a result of having her heart completely stepped on by her ex-mate in her earlier stages of life, Nikita was slow to fall in love once more. But, Asbjorn was able to convince her that she could love again. And now, she lives happily as his devoted mate, knowing that he will never leave her and would protect her at all costs, as she would him.

Nikita is open for any relationship (other than romantic), so just pm me with any interests! :)


Nikita has a feminine, dominant and graceful-sounding voice with an alluring and attractive tone.


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Edited on 28/09/17 @ 15:06:23 by Christicat15 (#54511)

[TMO] Pandamonium (#124979)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-09-27 00:14:22


Three years

Female, Feminine, Fertile- and yet chaste in comparison to most.



Since my birth I have long been the light to Asbjorn’s darkness; a soothing creek compared to his rather violent and torrent filled rapids. And yet, my initial presence emits a sense of nothingness, as if I am a ghost, easily forgotten until I suddenly appear before you- a strikingly elegant poltergeist. Standing at thirty inches and weighing in at around one hundred and ten pounds, my overall mass is one of slender grace, though not without the hints of lean muscle and an oddly easy swiftness showing here and there as I move. My muted and yet somehow regal looks are taken from my mother, presenting themselves in a flecked array of rustic reds (visible along my: nose bridge, crest of my head, along the topmost part of my back, and tail), wheat browns (acting as a gradient between the more vibrant reds and duller greys of my coat), dove greys (appearing over a majority of my body that has faded from the redder hues), paler creams (visible along my jowls/lower parts of my cheeks, the ends of my paws, as well as the underside of my tail, belly, chest, and neck), and lastly black (this shade acts as more of an outlining color, appearing along the ridge of my spine from my tail tip to the crest of my skull, ear tips, as well as sprinkled throughout my mass to give my overall exterior a “flecked” or “stippled” guise). This motley of colors bleed together in various areas, giving my general “look” a vivid reddish almost russet glow as well as resulting in my name: Eisa (which means “glowing embers” in Norse). My eyes are a laxer shade of amber, morphing to a fierier orange in certain fragments of sunlight or during moments of fierce emotion.

Sharp ground peppermint with vague overlapping hints of sweet scented sap.

One hundred and ten pounds.

Thirty inches.

Despite the viciousness that comes with wild blood and a carnivorous appetite, I am rather timid in nature and soft in bite towards most. However, do not disregard my kind soul and purer nature to mean that I am without fangs to maul and maim any who wrong me or those whom I care for. Wisdom is my strongest trait, due to my vast knowledge of herbs and medicines gained over my few years thanks to strict and disciplined tutelage from a very young age. My memory is as sharp as a thorn and equally as dangerous due to the fact I rarely forget a name, face, or act that I have gazed upon with my two eyes. My only flaw, which I do well to hide with my poise and overall iron willed composure, is the fact that unlike my many witnessed accounts of physical shows of affection and rather graphic aid in bringing forth various wolves offspring into the world- I am forever left with a feeling of nervous, almost fearful, innocence when it comes to the “act’ of love. I will shy away from any talk or hint of sexual things and retaliate with a sharp tongued reply or blunder my way through an excuse to leave and go busy myself with collecting herbs of dealing with a fallen comrade. However, my view may change if the right brute were to come along…. although it is rare and highly unlikely that anyone is diligent enough to waste time in puncturing my strong ideal.

Sire- Gymir – Loved by few.
Bitch- Áma – Loved by all.
Brother(s)- None.
Sister(s)- None.

Other Relationships:
Asbjorn- temporary den mate as pups; wanted ally, and yet also a constant, yet close kept, nuisance.

Due to the Aesir’s way of choosing a leader based upon their general prowess and overall skill when it comes to direction and combative skill, Eisa was lower down among the hierarchy of the wolves- the only saving grace of her bloodline being the fact her mother, Áma, held the ancient blood of dire wolves within her veins. Her namesake (named after a giantess in Norse mythology) coming from the fact she was rather large compared to most males within the pack as well as being unnaturally skilled in medicine and the use of herbs, thus making her a superb healer and wise Seithr. At this young age, Eisa cared for nothing and simply spent her days following the rather barbaric brothers, Ragnar and Asbjorn, around to make sure the pair didn’t get into so much trouble that they were injured. Her naturally motherly and caring attitude quickly being molded into the forge that was healing and shamanism in her near future. It was her mother’s fierce desire for her to be the next grand Seithr that pushed her down the path of apothecaries, thus stripping her of most of the key milestones of a young she wolf and resulting in the fact she can recite all known remedies for a festering wound and yet will balk and stammer her way to an excuse when there is any mention of lust or lovers.

Notable Marks:
Due to her medicinal knowledge and general lack of wandering outside her makeshift den/Aesir’s camp thanks to the near constant need for a healer and sudden barrage of visions from the gods- Eisa has rarely seen actual battle and bears no vicious scars from attacks. However, owing to a rather violent vision given to her by Fenris, the god of war and death revered among the Aesir, she does bear vicious (yet now healed and scarred) burns along her lower half amassing in almost vine-like shapes twining around her fore and hind legs as if she were trapped and bound by fiery ropes.

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Bizarre King (#81586)

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Posted on
2017-09-29 00:56:01






3 Years, 8 months


Male, effeminate, fertile


Canis lupus baileyi







Smallish with a hard, lean physique of an active wolf. Effeminate display of character, contrastingly rugged features. Arresting eyes; dark and emotive, suggest a trace of exotic blood in his ancestry. Facade may convey a sense of alluring vulnerability, strange enigmatic aura that most likely indicates Lae takes after the mannerisms of a different species. The youngster sports a reddish-brown top coat, that fades from umber to white fur on his underside and legs. The fur on his muzzle and face, however, is an arbitrary design of black and grey. His coat becomes significantly darker as he ages. He always looks hungry.


Scent of ocean water with a lingering floral aroma


80 lbs


26 inches at the shoulder


Laertes has always been skilled at self-aggrandizement and social rebellion, which contributes to his cunning and quick-wittedness. Since his emotional side is least developed, this solitude male may have difficulty giving the warmth and support that is sometimes necessary in intimate relationships. Forgetting to realize the value of attending to others' feelings, he is prone to become overly critical and sarcastic with others. Not having been taught how to develop his sensing side sufficiently, he may become unaware of his environment and exhibit weakness in performing maintenance-type tasks; such as hunting and coexisting with other wolves within a pack setting.

Laertes is very independent, unconventional, and original. He is likely to place much value on traditional goals such as peace and security. He's usually a very complex character, and tends to be restless and temperamental. He lives primarily inside his own mind, having the ability to analyze difficult problems, identify patterns, and come up with logical explanations, almost always on the fly. Lae is typically so strongly driven to turn problems into solutions, that he lives much of his life within his head, and may not place as much importance or value on the outside world. He values knowledge above all else. He seeks clarity in everything, and is therefore driven to build knowledge. He is strongly ingenious, and has unconventional thought patterns which allows him to analyze others and things in new ways. Consequently, Lae is extremely skilled at squeezing his way out of tight situations. He loves challenging his enemies and outsmarting pursuers. Despite his flexible nature, this strange wolf is easily frustrated, with a heated temper. However, his bark can be worse than his bite.

The lone wolf may seem distant and dreamy to others because of his time spent with his head in the clouds. He is generally very persuasive, but does not like to lead or control people. He is very tolerant and flexible in most situations, unless one of his firmly held beliefs has been violated or challenged, in which case he may take a very rigid stance. Lae is likely to be quite shy or standoffish when it comes to meeting new people. On the other hand, he is very self confident and gregarious around people he knows well. Laertes has no understanding or value for decisions made on the basis of personal subjectivity or feelings. He strives constantly to achieve logical conclusions to problems, and can't understand the importance of relevance of applying subjective emotional considerations to decisions. For this reason, Lae is not usually in-tune with how people are feeling, and is not naturally well equipped to meet the emotional needs of others, especially other wolves. This may result in a lack of motivation to form and maintain relationships. Lae has never had a very large circle of significant relationships in his life. He's much more likely to have few very close relationships, which he holds in great esteem and with great affection. Since his primary focus and attention is turned inward; aimed towards seeking clarity from abstract ideas, he finds that the outside world pales in comparison. He tends to be difficult to get to know well, and holds back parts of himself until the other person has proven themselves worthy of hearing his thoughts. Holding knowledge and brain power above all else in importance, Lae will choose to be around those who he considers to be intelligent. Once he has committed himself to a relationship, however, this enduring wolf tends to be very loyal and faithful, and conform affectionate attachments which are pure and straight-forward.


Raised by a mother bear, two adoptive brothers, one adoptive sister. All are still alive, to Lae’s knowledge.


Laertes was raised not by wolves, but by bears, in a black forest not far from Miera. Being the runt of the litter, his pack had abandoned him in early frost. If it weren’t for a candid mother bear and her three cubs, it would’ve been unlikely for Lae to survive the winter. She nursed the wolf as her own and treated him similar to how she would treat her own children. Being raised by bears, a more solitudinal mammal, Lae was accustomed to spending most of his time alone and thus wasn’t familiar with the social life that pertains to pack-living. Despite his softness and unhurried cadence, he carried an edge to him and was very territorial, as all bears were. When he was old enough to separate from his mother, he and his adoptive sister found themselves in each other’s company still, although their brothers left to claim territories of their own. Lae, however, could not circumvent his wolfish instincts. He was, at the core of his framework, a sociable animal and sought dire comfort in the presence of his sister bear. The two lived happily with one another, until his sister succumbed to a sickness that Lae did not understand. She foamed at the mouth and became vicious towards the wolf. Laertes had no choice but to flee. Now alone, Laertes wanders aimlessly through the lands searching for something he had never been familiarized with; a pack where he could coexist with members of his own species.

Notable Marks

A captivating voice and demeanor, powerful and mysteriously attractive


Theme song? :D


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Edited on 30/09/17 @ 23:29:16 by Bizarre King (#81586)

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