Posted by The Hunted|Modern-Fantasy| Characters

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-06 18:41:36

Main Roleplay Thread


Character sheet! Please don't begin RP until approved. For abilities, if you're unsure send a PM. Powers must be kept within reason. Be powerful, but have weaknesses too. Hunters Usually specialize in strength, stealth, etc.
Name: (Many Hunters use code names, Gifted may use 'Hero' names if that's what there into)
Age: (Gifted manifest around 13-15. Hunters can start training from young childhood.)
Gender: (Pretty straight forward.)
Rank: (This is for Hunter, Human, or Gifted.)
Ability: (You gifted ability here, or if a hunter your specialty.)

Appearance (Gifted can have bizarre features, markings etc within reason, usually relating with their power. *IE- spikes, claws, body malformations. Hunters can have adaptations within reason, but s always mechanical. Otherwise they look human. *IE: Enhanced mechanic limbs, etc.)

Personality: (Tell us about your character! What are their strengths and weaknesses? What makes them unique~)

Backstory: (Not necessary, but always welcome even if its a few sentences.)

How did you...: (Consider this sort of a RP sample. Can be short. Tell us how/when your character developed their power, or how they decided to join the Hunters or were trained in a small RP format. )

Other: (anything else to know.)
NPC's Free to Use for RP in case you need motive, want a fight, etc. sometimes you need outside sources. Not meant for long term RP use, they're merely tools to help the story. If you have an NPC for a scenario you want to make or use, feel free to pitch it my way. (Also make sure no one is using them for their scenario first.)
Currently Admin Only NPC's
Vera Sin'Clair (Agent X) - (Female) Head of Hunter Organization Asbury District. Info: Unknown.
Eve- (Gender Unknown) Head of Resistance, Asbury city. Only contact has been voice.
Gifted NPC's
Maud Kelley - Peppy, small female with cat-like abilities. Non Resistance member.
Toby Sokolov (Male) Level-headed empath. Able to sense emotions and motives. Resistance member.
Hunter NPC's
"Queue" AKA Sera Banes- A youthful female hunter, not yet experience in the ways of chasing Gifted. Has unique eye adaptations that allows night-vision at the cost of difficulty day seeing. New to the field.
"Quick Shot"- An experience male Hunter, with an exceptionally steady aim and sensory adapters to allow faster reflexes at the cost of permenant arm damage if his equipment is removed. Overly serious and crabby.

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Edited on 08/10/17 @ 16:46:06 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

Badland Strider
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Posted on
2017-10-07 12:26:50
Name: Lena
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Rank: Gifted
Ability: Psychokinesis (cannot move living things; the larger the object, the more energy it takes to move)

--General-- Long black hair, tall, heart-shaped face, very wide eyes, thin frame.
--Mutations-- Brilliant purple eyes, tattoo of two dice rolling on her left forearm

--General-- Very quiet and skittish. Lena doesn't trust anyone and would rather flee than stand her ground. She is constantly on the move and lives in fear of everything and everyone around her, her only solace in being able to throw things at her enemies with her mind.
--Strengths-- Very calculated, very fast
--Weaknesses-- Not a very good fighter, is bad at social interaction

How Did You....
Lena jogs along the street, exhausted after the long chase with the police. She stops, slumping against the brick wall of a nearby building, and watches as the sun slips down behind the city before her. She sags and slides down to a sitting position, thoroughly beat. She doesn't know why the poluce went after her all of a sudden. A homeless girl generally doesn't warrant much attention. Lena frowns and turns back to the street. She hears footsteps.

Lena turns and runs, feet slapping painfully against sharp rocks strewn across the asphalt street, but someone grabs her arm from behind. "Stop! Police!" a voice says. Lena flinches and tries to wrestle herself free. "Little girl, you need to go to an orphanage. You can't live on the street like this, okay?" Lena shakes her head quickly and tries again to escape. The policeman pulls her down the street before the pebbles on the ground begin to levitate. They fly in the direction of the policeman. Lena throws her arms up to shield herself but the pebbles swerve around her carefully before proceeding to attack the cop.

Lena takes her chance and runs, terrified. The pebblestorm stops when she is far enough away, and the bewildered policeman turns and runs the opposite way, his uniform torn in many places and his skin cut and bruised from the attack. Lena sits down and hugs her knees, horrified at herself. She looks at her hands, as if they provide a clue to what just happened. Did I do that? she thinks, dropping her head again to cry.

Other: derpderpderpderpderpderpderpderp.....


Name: Koda
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Rank: Gifted
Ability: Heat Manipulation (can slow down and speed up the movement of atoms)

--General-- Short for his age, very thin, crooked smile and narrowed eyes, generally covered in ashes
--Mutations-- Short, carnelian hair tapering down to silver-black tips, sectoral yellow-gold and ice-blue eyes, skin is mottled between tan and white and is very insulated

--General-- very fiery. Koda is more likely to attack than back down and is a loner.
--Strengths-- Incredible analyst, very good hearing
--Weaknesses-- Unfeeling, aquaphobic, anthrophobic

How did you.....
(How Koda became anthrophobic)

Koda tips his head at the boy next to him, who is sweating profusely due to the heat. It's boiling outside, hotter than it's been in a while. Koda doesn't care. His skin is more insulated than most and keeps out the heat easily, and anyway, he's manipulating the heat around him so what he feels is a cool fall day instead of the sweltering mid-summer temperature the boy beside him feels. "Hey," the boy gasps, flopped on the ground, exhausted. "How are you not dying?"

Koda considers lying. He could easily say 'I'm used to it by now,' but he's known this kid for years. He deserves the truth. Koda concentrates for a second. "Is that better?" He's dropped the temperature around his friend. He expects gratitude, but now a gun is pointed at his forehead.

"I knew it," the kid breathes. "You're one of them." Koda doesn't stick around to find out what he means. In seconds the barrel of the gun is frozen over, its inner workings now iced solid. Frost creeps up the boy's arm. Koda turns and runs.

The Hunter gives chase, his broken gun forgotten behind him. Koda turns and sprints down one alleyway, then another. The blessings of being an orphan is that you know your way around places, and Koda draws on his memory of the area, turning into a dead-end alleyway and climbing the pile of broken bricks onto the roof of a building. He runs across the rooftop, uses a broken stop light to jump to another, and collapses, having outrun his enemy. He glares down towards the street, breathing heavily. Who will betray me next? he thinks furiously. Which one of my 'friends' can I actually trust?


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Edited on 07/10/17 @ 20:19:03 by Entity404 (#107570)

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-07 17:14:41

Name: Ashling "Ash" Burke
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Rank: Gifted
Ability: Teleportation, she can vanish and reappear in a burst of smoke, times of recuperation depending on distance traveled. She can only go somewhere she has seen, or can visualize clearly and with great desire. Getting distracted mid use can cause great damage to herself.

Appearance Ash is pale, short at 5 ft, lean, and almost wispy looking. While she may look young, she is older than most gifted she has met. She has short silvery hair and pale gray eyes covered by a thick fringe. Across half her body lie light blue tattoos in a series of swirls and archs that start at her left jaw and work down to her left ankle. She has several healed scars across her neck and right shoulder, with others across her arms, and right leg. At first glance she looks almost sickly and serious, but she does smile on the rare occasion when something good happens. Her attire is cozy looking, usually over-sized sweaters in pastel or light colors making her already frail and youthful appearance look even more enhanced.
Usually hidden by her clothing, she wears a utility belt filled with an assortment of tools from smoke bombs to small knives strapped to a leg.

Personality: As one of the Gifted helping gather aid for the resistance, Ash is usually a serious girl when working. (Which is almost always.) Constantly busy, She can't remember the last peaceful day she's had. highly protective, she considers every Gifted a blessing, and every hunter a bane against everything she holds dear. On this hand, Ash can be quite kind, especially to the gifted who come to them fearful and alone.
On the other, she can be quick to snap, unafraid to use whatever she can to get her point across. While normally soft spoken, if she is ignored or not listened to she has the tendancy to get increasingly agitated.
While hardly one for physical combat, she makes up for her lack of strength in her speed and agility, using whatever weapons she can to fight, including found objects if she must.
Very few know her past, and those who do don't mention it. All they know is that her extreme hatred for the Hunters is justified, and the reason she has survived so long.

Strengths: Speed, Maneuverability, Endurance.
Weaknesses: Lack of strength, Rash

Backstory: Little is known about Ash and her life before coming to the resistance. Her knowledge of the Hunters however, hints to a life having been in their care, one way or another. While she reveals little, as others get to know her, she reveals a little layer more about the girl she is and was.

How did you...: The lab was all she knew. That, and the pictures from the magazine, a gift for being a 'good girl' during the last bought of tests, and for the upcoming birthday. They even said they would have cake. As if cake could make up for the things she had seen, experienced. Pale fingers twitched at the pages, a picture of white sandy beaches, of distant relics once filled with tourists and now museum attractions for the rich. Who needed anything that lay outside the city, or for her, outside the lab. Pale eyes scanned the pages longingly, moving to what looked like a park, with a family joyfully playing around a grill. It was some sort of advertisement, but that wasn't what was important to Ash. The park, the pale plastic with its sterile shine, the way the grass almost seemed to be blowing in the wind, bent ever so sightly. The leaves twirling, captured in their flight. She could almost smell it. It was a picture she studied for days, slept with, kept under her mat. A picture she willed desperately to become a reality. Until one day, it did.
Through smoke and pain, she was jolted away, assaulted by the sounds of bugs, of distant sirens, and the feeling of wind, a real wind across her face. She didn't care that she was bleeding, or that she had nothing but a crumpled, torn picture in her fist. For the first time in her life, she was free.

Relationships Friends/Works with Hedge

Other: Ash is Heterosexual/Asexual

Name: Hedge
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Rank: Gifted
Ability: Porcupine. His back and shoulders are covered in long, extremely sharp quills that he can raise and lower, as well as release at will. They are strong and sharp, and when flat can act as a layer of protection. While his eye-sight is poor during the day, his night vision works better than average, as well as his sense of smell. His teeth are slightly sharper than normal, and his nails grow to a faint point.

Appearance Hedge is medium build, with muscle of the acrobatic variety. His hair is a messy, sandy blonde with brown and almost white streaks. His eyes are so dark they are almost black, and he wears glasses to aid with less than seller day sight. Spines of a pale white with tan and brown banding cover his back, ranging in length and thickness. they run from the base of his neck, across his shoulders and down his back to his tailbone. Often he wears a shirt with slashes to allow the quills to poke through, so he can always access his Gift, or goes shirtless, which reveals a scar that runs across his upper chest, and a more recent stab wound to the side. Because of his tendency to ruin any shirt he actually likes, Hedge prefers to accessorize, showing his personality through an assortment of spiky necklaces and bracelets. He always keeps a longer quill in his sleeve when out, just in case.

Personality: Hedge is one of the most relaxed gifted you may ever meet. Almost always optimistic, he is a playful and joking guy. Despite this, his ability to strategize and his knowledge of the layout of the city they reside in gives him his place among the resistance team. while he may not act it, when push comes to shove Hedge can act quickly and efficiently, although he may jokingly complain along the way. He is a runner, someone who helps any new Gifted they come across, and believes anyone should have the chance to turn over a new leaf.
Words used to describe him are- Laid back, Strategist. Calm. Overly forgiving.
Strengths: Strategist, mid-level strength, Adaptable
Weaknesses: Weaker during the day, Too easy-going, susceptible.

Backstory: Hedge came from a home that accepted his Gift, despite is going against the regulations to harbor or unregistered those showing signs of abilities. While he managed to live this way until he was nearly 17, the destruction of his home and his run in with a Hunter left him to make his own way in the world. He joined the resistance recently, after they found him helping Gifted out of the city. (More discovered in RP)

Relationships: Friends/Works with Ash

How did you...:
"Shh, its ok." He remembered his mother, putting lotion across his back as sharp needles began to press their way from his skin. His life had been softness, and love. As he grew, and as his powers matured they never flinched away, even when he hurt them. They were good people, loving people. He only wished he knew what happened to them. His feet bounded down the road, shirt ripped, blood splattered across his back. His house was demolished, his family gone and now, he had to run for his life.

Other: Hedge is Bi Sexual, with a tendency towards men.

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Edited on 08/10/17 @ 19:46:12 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

BeastieBeanz (#78562)

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Posted on
2017-10-07 17:44:16
Sam "Samuel" Darrow
Also goes by Sammy

22 years old



Bloodlust -
This ability enhances Sam's senses, durability, speed, and strength however the cost of losing temporary control of this ability runs high. The overpowering need/instinct to maim and kill strikes a heavy amount of fear in the boy. This ability is brutal and Sam's fear of this only makes it worse as a large amount of high emotions or even enough blood in the room can attract the ability to rise.
Sam's mouth is lined with a pair of fangs, they aren't the dainty vampire kind either. His hands are weaponized with dark claws that are about a inch or so long and hurt a ton if broken. The green pools of his eyes will temporarily change to a inky black when the ability is in use. This ability can also drain a large amount of Sam's energy if used for long periods of time such as an hour or two.

Sam is by no means a imposing figure, standing at only 5'8 ft in height and weighing 128 pounds. He is slender and lithe, possessing a small manner of muscle and a medium sized build. The boy's head is full of thick wavy coffee brown hair, tousled and untamed most of the time. His eyes are a mossy green and round shaped, fringed with thick eyelashes. He has mildly sharp features, with fuller cheekbones and a slightly strong jawline. His skin smooth and pale from not spending as much time in the sun. Many have commented of his more "danity" physique and nature, however he doesn't strive to deny their words.
This boy is normally found in loose fitting clothes, such as sweaters, hoodies, harem pants, etc. He keeps a large black and red backpack slung around his shoulder, holding a small first aid pack, some nonperishable food, a blanket, and some other things that help him. He also keeps a medium sized dagger strapped to the belt upon his hips.

Sam is a shy being, has always been ever since his abilities manifested themselves at the age of 15. He is mostly quiet unless someone talks to him first or he feels that he needs to get his opinion in. He has a hard time with his self esteem and confidence, mostly of his abilities and just in general of himself. However that doesnt mean the boy isnt friendly and he tries to give a helping hand every so often. He runs on high emotions and can be sensitive to certain things. He is as stubborn as a ox with many things, usually if it is when someone pisses him off. He can become quiet the smart ass if someone provokes him or gets on his bad side. However he very much a pacifist, but recent experiences have slowly been showing the boy that now he needs to put that aside and watch his back. Sammy is in other words, hesitant of his abilities unable to comprehend why and how this happened to him. He fears he would lose control of his ability and cause unneeded chaos. He is very closed off about his abilities and is still deciding how he ultimately feels about them.

This kid has lived in the midgrounds of the city outskirts for most of his life, living a semi normal life with his mother. Just like every other kid he went to school and had many different hobbies. His father had left them at the age of ten years old, leaving behind a heart broken mother and child. His mother was a sweet thing and guided Sam throughout his life, teaching him and helping him when he asked and he would do the same for her. At school, he got good grades and mostly kept to himself keeping a small group of friends to chat with during classes. However, at the age of fifteen years old. Sam's life flipped around right before his eyes. Nothing prepared Sam when his abilities appeared on a Friday night right after dinner. The screams, whines, and snarls that emitted from his room alerted his mother only to find his room torn to shreds and a shivering, tear soaked, and blood stained teen wrapped in the safety of multiple blankets upon the floor.
After that his mother quickly did what she could help him hide his abilities, his grades dropped quickly from Sam skipping and he became more and more quieter as he went throughout the rest of his teenage years. After graduating highschool he had left his mother behind, fearing that hunters would find her if he stayed any longer. Now he does what he can to keep the hunters off his back and stay alive.

How did you...:
Nothing could have ever prepared Sam for this moment, the pain, the feeling of his body altering itself. The boy gripped the blankets of his bed tightly, knuckles tinged white as waves of pain rippled throughout his muscles. Crimson liquid staining the fabric as his nails grew and sharped into points, ripping holes in the blanket as another wave of searing pain traveled through his bloodstream.
A scream ripped through the boy's throat as the blunt incisors of his teeth made way for more larger, sharper fangs.
Sam's head snapped up as the metallic tang of blood fell upon his taste buds. This triggered the scratching at the back of his mind to flood his thoughts. The need to maim; to feel his claws rip into skin and teeth to sink into flesh was ruthlessly overpowering. The scents that filled his nose were intense, the smell of blood, sweat, and salt filled his senses and made his head spin. His stomach churned and he groaned as he struggled to keep the remorseless thoughts at bay.
What felt like painstaking hours for the boy was in reality, only minutes. The sound of footsteps rushing closer and closer to his bedroom alerted Sam and his head stung up from the shaking mountain of blankets upon the floor. A snarl rippled through his throat, quickly muffled by a sob that racked his body. Everything hurt and his mind was to muddled to figure out what had happened, why was he feeling like this? Why was he thinking like this?
When his mother flew his door open it startled the pain striken boy, his ears protesting at the loud noise. A gasp ripped through the room however all Sam could think of was how it would feel to rip his claws through the targets flesh. He barley noticed as arms wrapped around the boy's figure and a hand pressing his head into his mothers shoulder,, rushed whispers of "you will be okay," swept through the room.

Sam is Pansexual.
Any relationship is open!

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Edited on 08/10/17 @ 15:31:41 by Fantastic Dorito (#78562)

littleclod |
lilclout (#92938)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2017-10-07 18:43:13
Name: Caius Vlaier

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Rank: Gifted

Ability: Electrokinesis, i.e. electricity manipulation; he can generate and control it at will, but it leaves him weakened. Levels of weakness depend on how much electricity was used and how long he controlled it

Appearance: Caius is slightly above average height, at 6’1” and 157 pounds. Being of European descent, the male has relatively pale skin, though lengthy time outside can result in a dark tan. His face is spattered with freckles, though they can also be found on his shoulders and arms; oddly, they seem to disappear before hitting the lower half of his body. He has a well-built frame from his life running from Hunters. His jawline is defined and messed with stubble, and he has high cheekbones that give him a mildly regal look. His eyes are quite strange, as his left is a steely grey and his right a deep cerulean. His hair is shaggy and relatively long, ending an inch or so above his shoulders. Most of it is coloured a platinum blonde, but jet-black streaks are also scattered throughout.

After obtaining his powers, Caius developed slight modifications to his body. Resting along his neck lie jagged metal spikes, and they also appear on the backs of his hands; these are used to help generate and direct the electricity he controls. He also has several scars across his body; some from where the metal broke through his skin, and others from narrowly-avoided attacks. The most noticeable one rests just under his grey eye, winding down to the underside of his chin. He has black gauges as well, one in each earlobe, and also has silver snakebites implanted under his lip.

His clothing choices are, at best, edgy. He prefers to wear dark jeans that are tucked into black combat boots, and typically wears a pale grey shirt underneath a thick black jacket. Two silver knife bands wrap around his left leg, carrying his fixed cyclone blade and two smaller, regular knives. He also carries a backpack with him at all times, carrying within it multiple medicines and extra weapons, as well as food to keep him going when he is away from shelter.

Personality: All of his life experiences have led to Caius being quite distrustful, with a tendency to decieve others in order to keep himself secure. He does not open up to anyone, regardless of his personal feelings towards them, and this is typically to keep all those involved safe. He gravitates quite often towards the edge of the group, preferring to observe rather than to speak up. However, when he does make his voice heard, the Gifted male is almost always listened to. Despite his ‘lone wolf’ persona, he often recieves a high level of respect from those around him, as he gives off an aura of having seen much hardship.

He can be cruel, however, and has a mean streak a mile long. Caius has never forgotten a thing in his life, and his ability to hold a grudge is uncontested. He is vicious in battle, and he has no regard to those around him when fighting. He will get particularly touchy when people hover around him, and his sarcasm has been known to reduce them to tears. As Caius almost never reveals his true feelings, he is incredibly flirtatious and enjoys savouring responses to his advances.

Backstory: Currently unknown. Will be updated as RP goes.

How did you...: It came suddenly, painfully, and all too violently for the young child. He felt the metal shards rip through his skin, felt the blood drip down his skin and splash onto the grimy ground beneath him. His senses were heightened, and an abrupt shock of electricity to his hands jolted him backwards. His back slammed into the alley wall behind him, and it was all he could do not to cry out in pain; the metal that had erupted onto his neck twinged with a violent shudder.

Caius fell to his knees, silent tears dripping fast and thick down his face as he stared blankly at the jagged metal in his skin. Blood was mixing with the dirt on the ground, prompting the child to heave; however, nothing emerged from his mouth- he had not eaten in days. His eyes were far too wide, blinking uncomprehendingly at the sight of his own sudden mutation. The reality of what he was seemed to sink into him and settle into his bones.

Other: Caius is pansexual | panromantic, so he tends to flirt with anyone


Name: codename: Black Dahlia | real name: Esme Wren

Age: 24


Rank: Hunter

Ability: Is an incredible marksman and sharpshooter

Appearance: Esme is slightly below average height, at 5’5” and 123 pounds. She has naturally tanned skin, though it often becomes paler as winter nears. Due to her near-constant training and exercise, Esme has a very fit body, though training has partially stolen the softness and curves of her body. She has a slightly crooked nose and full lips, with thin cheeks; this gives her an overall look of a hawk, though does not make her unattractive. Her eyes are wide and coloured pale green, though she has sectoral heterochromia, which allows for patches of brown to infiltrate her gaze. Her hair is long, though often pulled back into a tight ponytail; though its natural colour is black, she has dyed it a pale silvery-purple.

Esme has a flurry of scars across her back and thighs, achieved during training and from a few fights with the Gifted. She has a multitude of tattoos as well, covering her left forearm and the back of her neck. They are mostly abstract, though she insists they have some sort of meaning. Her sense of style consists generally of greens, blacks, and greys. Typically, she wears a loose fitting t-shirt tucked into black army-style pants, which are folded above a pair of black combat boots. She also wears a slim dark grey-charcoal jacket over her shirt, and a grey wristband on her right arm. A thin black watch goes around the left arm, and a golden necklace is tucked into her shirt. She carries a .375-magnum revolver and an Accuracy International AWM with her at all times, as well as goggles that increase her line of sight.

Embedded in her back as a sort of ‘metal spine’ lie a row of iron plates, which extend up into her arms and allow for extra strength when she is fighting. She also has a small silver chip within her ear that provides advanced hearing

Personality: Esme is very outspoken, always attempting to vault herself above others. She loves nothing more than getting into volatile arguments with others, and generally resorts to using her fists over her words. She has always felt a certain level of fury towards being forced into becoming a Hunter, despite the fact that she rather enjoys it. This further illustrates the idea that she is very independent, and prefers to make her own decisions and do things her way.

Esme has no room for weakness or compassion in her heart, and typically thinks of the Gifted as moving targets rather than actual beings. She has seen enough misery and death in her lifetime that she is able to block the entire world out when she is shooting- it becomes only her and her target. Her tongue is as sharp as her shots, and she will not hesitate to use scalding words to bring others down a notch. She can be mildly egotistical, though she attempts-sometimes-to have self control.

Backstory:Unknown, restricted. Updated during RP.

How did you...:When the small female first arrived at this place, she figured that things would go easy for a little while. Oh, how wrong she was. Esme tenderly nursed another bruise that had begun to blossom across her ribs, the blotchy purple and black showing up faintly against her tan skin. She kept her lips closed tightly, though she wanted to mewl in pain. Gingerly, she laid on her back, staring at the plain ceiling over her head. Her eyes were having trouble focusing on the small patch of plaster that had begun peeling, and slowly, she closed them. Sleep overcame her, taking her into its dark arms for a brief moment.

Other: she is heterosexual | heteroromantic, but she rarely develops feelings for anyone

my baby’s got a R e p u t a t i o n /i.e. she’s known for her brutality, and her (code) name is known widely amongst the gifted


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Edited on 08/10/17 @ 19:05:30 by littleclod|mosaic|lights off (#92938)

JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2017-10-08 06:58:42
Name: Remus Tomas Ryers | Code-name: Crow
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Rank: Hunter
Ability: Expert strategist and tracker with a specialty in long-range weapons [i.e. bows, cross bows and sniper rifles].

Appearance: Remus has curly black hair and wears round glasses, behind which are green eyes. He has a sharp jawline with fuller cheeks, giving him a young look. He possesses a toned body, a dancers build that renders him lithe and flexible, perfect for maintaining high speeds. Standing short at 5'7", and weighing 130 lbs soaked without his enhancements, he is easy to underestimate. His right arm and torso hold a spattering of burn scars that add light patches to his olive skin, his left a shimmering mass of chrome plates and mechanics that softly ticks and whirs. His metal arm is normally covered in art and drawings that he does with sharpies in his downtime.

Personality: Remus was once an incredibly sweet and kind individual. He made friends easily, and was filled with charm and charisma. He was rarely ever seen without a smile, and often put others feelings and emotions before his own. Always one to lend a helping hand. A bright, intelligent young man.
Now, though, he is heartless. A ruthless killer with no remorse for his victims and will not hesitate to kill. He works alone and does not allow anyone to get close to him, often coming off a cold and rude. He retained above all his intelligence, spending the free time he had studying all matter of subjects, from science to history. He knows many languages, and often uses that to his advantage. His first language is French and he will often revert to it in times of great anger or stress.
He can be considered mentally unstable, paranoid with high anxiety under a cool and collected cover. Twenty years of trauma and being trained to be a Hunter will do that to a person. He has nightmares that wake him up almost every night, though he learned to control the screaming at a young age. He doesn't trust anyone, and has never been close to more than one person. If one wanted to get close they would have quite the mess to deal with.

Backstory: (Not necessary, but always welcome even if its a few sentences.)

How did you...:

A raven haired five year old stood in his dinosaur pajamas, teddy bear and worn blanket in hand, peering into the now silent darkness of his living room. It was passed his bedtime, and he knew he shouldn't be out of bed, but the screams... "Maman? Papa?" he called meekly, his grip tightening, nose scrunching up at the acrid burnt smell emanating from the room. He dared a step further into to room and wished he hadn't. The world around him exploded into bright light and heat, something the young boy would have found fascinating if it didn't hurt so bad. His high pitched scream should have been enough to wake the dead.

A raven haired ten year old sat in a doctors chair, feet swinging back and forth over the edge, a bit upset he couldn't touch the floor. He hated that he was short, but in that moment he had other things to worry about. Like the doctor poking at the place where his arm used to be. They told him it was too burned up to be saved after the fire. They told him all about the fire, that someone called a Gifted caused it. Like some kind of X-Men character. He wouldn't have believed them but by then he had seen so many. They were supposed to be the good guys. He guessed he was a good guy now, a Hunter.

A raven haired fifteen year old laid on the ground, coughing violently after a kick in the ribs. There was blood, but he didn't care. He got back up, facing the other boy. He may be younger, smaller, but he could still put up a hell of a fight. A well aimed hit with his metal fist to the others jaw and he was down. The other boys around them jeered and whooped, but all he could focus on was the dark blood glinting on the shiny metal of his arm. Another boy came out to face him. It was a game, winner stays on. He was almost always the winner.

A raven haired twenty year old sat in a snipers nest, high up in a building, cleaning his guns. He'd just taken out some Gifted. A girl no older than him. He'd been tracking her down for days, and she'd made the unfortunate mistake of stopping for the night. Later, he would take something from her. A little heart locket. A souvenir. He always took something, as a reminder. Or as a trophy, really. He keeps them in a box in his ever present knapsack, though he knows the box will overfill soon.

A raven haired twenty five year old lays awake in bed, panting in the aftermath of a nightmare, staring up at an unlit ceiling. He thought about it sometimes. The things he's done. He's a monster, really, and he knew even some Hunters thought so. He killed easily and without hesitations. He'd killed a whole manner of Gifted's, women, children, no matter. And a fair share of humans too, whenever they got in the way. He'd hear the whispers among the others, but he was good at what he did, and he found little issue with it. But one person could only take so much, and the nightmare were his penance. His mind forced him to endure that night his parents died over and over. Or the day he watched his only friend killed in front of him. Or something made up but just as upsetting. He supposed there were worse ways to pay for his sins.

Other: If it ever becomes relevant, he is homosexual. Derp.

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Bizarre King (#81586)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 13:59:02










Pure Earth Manipulation. He can control the positive powers of earth, causing anything and everything he comes across to flourish, representing the sustaining and preserving side of earth. Although a very powerful capability, he does not use it often for it requires immense focus and energy. What Ezhno gains in versatility and fine control, he loses in sheer power, therefore making this gift a second plan of action. Ezhno can also manipulate the minds of animals, and like zombies, coax them to do his bidding. Larger animals tend to be more difficult for him to tame, but even without his powers there seems to be a deep, devoting bond between Ezhno and the beasts.


With a youthful face and big, alluring chocolate eyes, Ellis is always being mistaken to be younger than he actually is. His height doesn't benefit him either, as he stands at a mere 5 feet, 6 inches. Although he has a youthful glow, with an innocent gaze, there is something about the way he holds himself that screams maturity and historical depth. His bone structure is defined. High cheekbones, a chiseled jawline and cleft chin, with a petite, straight nose and arched eyebrows complete a young and exotic look. Ezhno's skin is a robust color of tawny, having a yellowish undertone. He is reasonably built, although lean, with visible muscle and strong yet precise hands. The teen's dark, untamed hair is soft and fragrant, styled into a crew cut; shaved at the sides with the hair at the top of his head being significantly longer. It's always either combed back or tussled in various directions in a distinct messy look. Delicate, full lips are always curved downward in a neutral expression, and his lashes are full and quite long for a boy's, which contributes to a more feminine look. His features are soft, yet defined and somewhat rugged. Not one to wear his heart on his sleeve, Ezhno is always seen with a muted or neutral expression, sometimes even lost or confused. His ears are stretched half an inch, with real Azurite stone plugs fitted into the holes which he believes to retain his balance and protect him from negative energy. Ezhno also sports two tattoos on either of his hip bones; a colored eyeball with a blue-green iris and detailed veins, and a realistic looking ear, bloodied on its severed side. They were simple designs, but had a deafening meaning; look, and listen.


Ezhno lives a rich world inside his mind, which is full of imagination and excitement. Consequently, he sometimes finds the external world pales in comparison. This may result in a lack of motivation to complete tasks and maintain relationships.
Ezhno is not easily impressed, therefore boredom is a strife he is all too familiar with, which ultimately leads Ezhno into trouble. He can be susceptible to causing mischief, even when his intentions are fueled by pure curiosity, and is known to have a knack for getting himself out of tight spots because of how often he is faced with them. Ezhno's unconventional behaviors and social rebellion flag him as an independent character with an unconstrained mind. Intelligent and poised, with a flare of tactful defiance, Ezhno's childlike nature gives him all the charm and engrossment without the naivety and ignorance. Ezhno is young, but he isn't uninformed. He not only survives in his new world; he thrives in it. Spontaneity is something Ezhno specializes in, and he is never short of new strategies.


Ezhno was born an orphan. Little is known about his family origins besides his obvious Native American derivation. He was raised by a man named Marshall who was also one of the Gifted. Marshall was good to Ezhno, treating him as if he were one of his own. He was forming a group of anarchists to overthrow the Hunters' population, which unfortunately led to his capture and execution the year Ezhno turned sixteen. The aftermath left the boy devastated, but did not deter him from Marshall's objective. Ezhno realized he had a purpose and that all the training he was given was not in vain. Fueled by vengeance and the need to fulfill a legacy for those like him, Ezhno is determined to bring justice for the Gifted.


"Ezhno!" The boy's head whipped round to the sound of his name. It was coming from Marshall. With an inquisitive frown, Ezhno stood up from the bank of the river and hurried over to where the man stood on the wooden porch of their abode.
What could he want? He had done all his chores...

"I have a surprise for you." Marshall smiled down at the boy, his hands crossed behind his back. Ezhno's eyes lit up. He loved surprises, and those given to him by Marshall by far were the best. He was right to be exited, because when Marshall led him to into the stables, Ezhno could hardly believe what he saw.

His gift was alive! It was a puppy with nimble little legs that she bounded on excitedly within her pen upon spotting the two. Her barks were evidence of her excitement, and Ezhno, too, could hardly contain his giddiness.
His eager hands made haste in unlatching the pen door before he stepped inside to greet the mutt. Immediately, the two demonstrated a bond that was beyond anyone else's comprehension, a strong knowing of each other's mannerisms and desires.

It was the first creature Ezhno mastered, and she was the boy's willing training partner for many years, allowing Ezhno to strengthen his powers and move on to more challenging organisms.


Theme Songs!

Ezhno has a guard doggy, a Shepard Pit named Ziggy. He's also hella gay. Derp?

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Edited on 11/10/17 @ 20:00:53 by Bizarre King (#81586)

Coden (#97462)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-10-23 18:54:54
Kirron Nightshade

21 years


Bisexual, Homoromantic


Mind Games- Kirron has the ability to get into your mind and find your deepest fears and desires and cause you to live them, or simply make you see things that aren't there and believe they are real. He is able to warp the mind in many ways, causing people to feel pain when it should be pleasurable and pleasure when there should be pain. This power is a mix of magic and science in what it does. He essentially rewires the brain with a simple glance and a flare of his eyes.

Standing at 6', Kirron isn't overly imposing. He has shoulder length blueish black hair that seems to spike up in a few directions with a large piece often hanging across his face. His left eye is a vibrant blue that flashes when he uses his gift while his right is a candy red that seems akin to blood when using his gift, the only thing that gives away his gift. He wears a grey tank top with a black jacket lined with fur over top and tight black pants that resemble jeans. Underneath his clothing he has a tattoo on his right shoulder blade of a blue snake curling around a red rose, the colours matching his eyes.

He is very calm and collected with a flirty undertone when it comes to females, when he is with males he is cocky. He tends to be very observant, preferring to sit on the sidelines and watch people. He loves getting into people's minds and messing with them, doing anything possible to do so. If you piss him off, you can expect to be tortured for an unknown amount of time. Thankfully, there is only one way to piss him off; disrespect those he sees above you on the chain of command. Unfortunately, he sees himself above everyone, except one person who unfortunately is no longer present in the world. Only when he becomes attached with you will he allow you to see past the facade he presents, showing just how broken he is. People often compare him to an alpha, what with his tendency to take command when he feels it necessary and being able to make people submit to him.

Wine, books, cats, learning through observation, being referred to as Master by those he sees as below him, Snakes, the sound of chains, classical music, respectful people, stories, his white leather chair, those who listen, intelligent conversation with other people, the moon and stars.

Unnecessary violence, disrespect, most people, those who mock him or the people he cares for, the sun, grasshoppers, large dragonflies, small dogs, animal abusers.

Growing up, Kirron was an odd child, often unnerving people who would visit his parents with his near constant watching. He was quite, only crying when he wanted something or when he got hurt. This never bothered his parents, what with his dad always out at work and his mother leaving his care to the nanny at the time. Once he was in school, people avoided him, what with his constant observation of the other children and his higher than average intellect. Because of this, he never really formed bonds with people, only knowing how to display certain emotions due to his observation. As he got older, his dad never really acknowledged him, making him feel inferior and driving him to prove himself. Over the years to follow, he began to use people to his advantage with the help of his gift, unknowingly becoming attached to a gifted male people often said was like his slave. The two ended up in a relationship that showed Kirron that he had the ability to feel emotions other then anger. The two were together for a while before the male was torn from Kirron due to the hinters. After he was buried, Kirron retreated into himself, becoming incredibly unstable. Someone who knew of the relationship between Kirron and 'his slave' caught him on a bad day and after saying that he was glad the male was dead something snapped inside him. Rather then blacking out, Kirron became hyper aware of everything around him and his mind began to come up with ways to get the guy alone, quickly convincing him as he rewired the man's mind in his favor. What followed was hours of torture to the male, only ending when the guy had finally died from his wounds. When the police found him, Kirron was reading a book on psychology in the room that still held the body. His entire house was spotless, apart from that room, although he had installed an air filter to clean the air so he could stand sitting in the room with his masterpiece. He was pleasant to the authorities, complying to everything they said and allowing them to question him, saying that the guy deserved it when asked why he killed the man. Many of the people who were tied to his case believed that he was taking the fall for someone else, until someone began to disrespect him, causing him to snap again. The moment the person came into his cell alone, Kirron pounced, pinning the person to the ground and slamming their head into the ground repeatedly. After they got him off, Kirron returned to his calm and collected persona, once again complying once the target of his rage was rushed away. Needless to say, there was no doubt that Kirron was the one to commit the murder after the display they gave him, leading some to give him the nickname of 'Prince of Hell'. He ended up using his gift to escape when he realized that the one who killed his love was still alive.

How did you...:
A set of dual colored eyes scanned the children in front of them, many having learned to ignore the weird boy at the back of class. Kirron Nightshade was in the 8th grade and found that he had no interest in the things being taught by the monotone of the teacher at the front of class. He much preferred to watch his peers, finding their interactions and reactions intriguing. He didn't have any friends in his school, many finding his lack of emotion really creepy so he was usually alone.

The pale boy's finger tapped on his desk in time with the seconds ticking by, counting down to the bell subconsciously as he murmured things to himself, mostly things he noticed about the other children in the room. Sarah had a new blouse on but hadn't tucked it in, nore buttoned it up all the way, Jeffery had a new bruise on his jaw, his father had gotten drunk the night before and took it out on his son, Mrs Jefferson wasn't wearing her wedding ring and her face was red and puffy, she and her husband got into a fight before she left for work. Kirron's mind was always working, picking things up and creating meaningless diagrams of the lives of those around him.

Kirron stood the second the bell signaling break went, his things already in his bag as he walked to his locker. His mind had been even more active today, giving the boy a short fuse and making multitasking simple. Opening the metal chamber holding a few of his belongings, Kirron retrieved the things for his next class, clenching his jaw when the school jackass, Korven 'Kore' Milon slammed his hand onto the locker beside his head. The boy was disrespectful to everyone but seemed to enjoy picking on the black haired 13 year old.

As Kore began taunting and mocking Kirron, he tried his best to ignore it, but with his mind in overdrive he was having trouble doing so. In his attempt to ignore the larger boy, Kirron had angered him, causing the boy to shove him into his locker.

Hitting the metal rather hard, Kirron released a low sound, finally locking eyes with the boy who went stock still. Kirron had also frozen, his mind filled with thoughts that weren't his own. Intrigued he delved deeper, quickly finding the darkest part of the boy's mind. Chuckling lowly, Kirron easily picked apart the boy's mind, unknowingly doing some pretty bad damage to the fragile thing he had invaded.

Once he was done exploring, he turned his gaze to the eyes of Kore's minions, a feeling of power washing over him as he did the same to them, leaving the three in a shocked state as he finished up and went to his next class, his mind quickly filing away the relevant information for a later date.

Meanwhile, the three boys stood in the hallway before collapsing, causing everyone to look at them in fear and confusion. Unknown to everyone, their minds were causing their bodies to overwork itself in different ways, Kore was experiencing the first of many seizures that would slowly destroy his mind, one of the other two had become brain dead, the last experiencing a heart attack.



Dominika 'Nikky' Milovať






Well rounded in her abilities but is usually used as a bruiser of sorts due to her fighting style.

Dominika's eyes are an expressive pale green that seem to suit lure people deeper into the rabbit hole that is her mind. Her hair is the same dark brown, nearly black that most of her family has and she absolutely adores it, not letting anyone outside her family touch it. She keeps the soft strands at the bottom of her shoulder blades, just long enough to do things with, but not long enough to become unmanageable. Being at the average height of 5'7 with a incredibly desirable body, many people can't believe she is a 19 year old trained killer, that is until they learn who she is. The outfit she usually wears isn't the most practical, but then again, she doesn't really care for practicality. Tight skinny jeans hug her lower body in all the right places, a blood red crop top hides just enough to be considered clothing while still showing an excessive amount of her midsection to all that looked, including her family crest permanently imprinted over her rib cage, a crown hanging off the top of the cross and the words 'Malá Princezná' written in a male's handwriting across the bottom, showing that she was her daddy's little princess. Her nose, hips, and belly button are all pierced with red gems attracting the attention of anyone interested in the female. Around her neck was a silver chain with the family crest hanging from it, the silver cross stark against her soft golden skin. She originally had a leather jacket to go with her healed combat boots, but had somehow lost it during one of her escapades.

Dominika's personality is difficult to pin down, much like her. She isn't friendly per-say, but she is easy to get along with as long as you don't piss her off. She is usually rather childish, but the moment she gets upset, all hell will break loose. She loves having people look up to her, finding that being alone causes her mind to start over working, creating delusions that feel much to real for her. When she is with those she trusts she seems a lot more focused and alive, and when left alone she becomes volatile and unpredictable, making her even more dangerous. Also, don't let her catch you bad mouthing her family otherwise you will wish you were never born.

Music, strawberries, fashion, Kingsly (Pet snake), the moon and stars

Being alone, competition, assholes, waking up

Dominika is from a very well known Mafia family in Asbury, having started from the bottom and worked their way up to the top. She and her older brother were inseparable from day one, so, when Donovan decided he wanted to join the Hunters, she followed right behind him. The two were both trained in different things, but more times then not, were trained together after the two displayed near perfect synchronization when fighting off multiple attackers. The story of how the two worked is still a common thing amoung the trainees. Since her brother vanished during a hunt shortly after the two finished training, Dominika had become dangerously unstable, being taken out of commission and sent back to her father for a short amount of time. The inactivity as well as Donovan's disappearance pushing her mental disorders to finally reveal themselves, causing the darkest parts of her mind to take over. One morning she was fine, the next she believed everyone was a delusion and whenever someone tried to tell her otherwise she would scream and demand that they stop talking and get out. When one of her 'caretakers' refused, she lashed out with the blade she didn't realize she had on her at the time. Being daddy's little princess, the body was swiftly discarded, the murder covered up, and the girl finally left alone. Unfortunately, this just caused things to get worse until one day, while shopping, she had an episode and ended up killing 20 people and injuring over 50 with the weapons her father demanded she have on her at all times, not to mention the casualties that her 'escorts' racked up. Out of the 4 people that went to the mall that day, only Dominika made it out, a bullet grazing her neck in the process. Once it was revealed the danger she posed to the humans, she was quickly put to work by her higher ups as a way to distract the unstable teenager.

How did you...:
((Because Dominic and Dominica joined the Hunters for the hell of it, I'll write out the day that she was finally put back into action after her 'episode'))
A low groan sounded from the body laying sprawled out across the plush covers of a queen sized bed. A stream of sunlight streaked across the female face as she turned away from the irritating exposure. A slight pain in her neck caused the teen to pause in confusion, she didn't usually wake up with random pains since she was sent home.

Finally deciding to get up, pale green eyes opened, locking on the skittish woman standing across from her and sending the woman scurrying from her room. Sighing, the female sat up, glaring around at her surroundings. Whatever was used to knock her out the day before seemed to have a lingering effect if the irritating clarity she was experiencing was any indication. She hated having a clear mind, preferring her more volatile self due to the fact that she could just act like everything was fine and she still had her brother.

Shaking her head, the 5'7 female stood, walking towards her wardrobe to pick an outfit for the day, quickly settling on a deep violet croptop with one sleeve, a pair of tight black jeans, and a set of deep maroon pumps. This coupled with the lacy black underwear, the teen walked to her connected bathroom to have a shower. After stripping, green eyes found the girl's reflection, zeroing in on the bandage covering the left side of her neck. The offending cotton was swiftly removed, revealing the angry red gash decorating her golden skin. The reflection mirrored its twins' smirk before she turned and climbed into the glass shower.

After a long, relaxing shower, the girl quickly got dressed, a pleased grin splitting her face as she noticed the now welcoming haze crept over her mind slowly. Stretching out her body as she was trained to do every morning, the brunette headed down the stairs to the dining room where she gave her papa a kiss on the cheek, ignoring the two wearing the usual Hunter attire sitting at the table as she poured herself a cup of milk and putting a spoonful of honey into the fluid. She stuck it into the microwave, glaring at a woman who tried to protest as she made her usual morning beverage. Taking a sip, she steeled herself and turned, setting her gaze on the two sitting across from her usual spot.

After a moment of deciphering if they were real or not, the young woman finally took her seat, nibbling on the fruit salad placed before her.

"Dominika, these two would like to speak with you about what happened yesterday," the deep timber of her father's voice split the silence, causing her to glance at him before returning her gaze to the 'visitors'.

"What about it? I was just having some fun," she said, sending the two an unnerving grin as she stared at them. The younger of the two was obviously uncomfortable with the teenager's gaze and shifted in his seat.

"You were trained to hunt the Gifted, not massacre the innocent," came the cool voice of the older hunter, playing it cool as he watched the unpredictable girl sitting across from him.

"And yet, here we are," Nikki said, leaning forward and resting her head on her interlocked fingers, "I wonder where you went wrong? Hmm... maybe it was sending me home when things got tense," the girl's face held the same grin ever as her tone sharpened. The elder of the two may be her superior, but they were in her home, her realm, and here, she was ruler. She giggled as the two exchanged a glance before leaning back, popping a piece of strawberry into her mouth as she did so. The movement was graceful and calculated, showing off her training in the oddest way possible.

"We were sent to inform you that you have been put back into the game," the younger said nervously, flinching as three sets of eyes settled on him.

Dominika mulled over the boy's words in her clouding mind, leaving the room in tense silence before she cracked a grin and chuckled, throwing her head back and standing, hand held out to shake their hands, "Count me in, gotta do something with my time." The three males in the room released an audible sigh of relief at the girl's rapid change in mood.

"Luna already packed your things Princezná," her father spoke up, causing her to glance at him and nod, a genuine smile gracing her features for a split second before she spun around and went to her room once again, leaving the rest of her meal untouched.


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