Posted by -LOCKED - -ADDED TO THE GAME-Help Chat Box

🎂Chii🎂 [Primal
Lover] (#127113)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-16 14:38:16
a chat channel specifically for Q/A for help related topics. Not meant for bugs and things of that nature. But for newbies like myself to go and post a question without it getting drowned out in general chatter.

I like how helpful that chat is but a lot of the time my questions get drowned out so they aren't seen by people who might know the answer. So a slower chat made specifically for Q/A might be a good solution to this.

When new people come to the site, they don't know where to start yet, so a lot of the time they seek out where other people are at present and typically will ask people in real time.

Also; if a Q/A channel is made maybe also add it to the blurb at the top to ask in the "help channel" for all new accounts?

The only issue atm that i could see with this is who would keep an eye on it? Mods and helpers only? Or should it be open for anyone to answer? But if that happens, it might recreate the "question getting drowned out" issue.

Also to note this is meant to redirect questions to a place that wont get lost so easily. And so that general chatter doesn't drown out someone in need.

As well as vise versa.

This suggestion has 44 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 20/10/17 @ 06:29:36 by ⚜️ Chii ⚜️ (#127113)

Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-10-16 14:58:32
I think this might be a little redundant due to the Helper Hub, which opens a direct line with the official helpers :)

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🎂Chii🎂 [Primal
Lover] (#127113)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-16 18:48:47
I disagree.

When people first join, they go to a resource they believe is faster and helpful. I.e. Chat.

If, when I first joined, I asked questions in the chat, and I got shot down to go to this Helper Hub, I would have immediately felt it wasn't necessary and would have then started messaging other players for help.

To me, submitting a ticket is something you should do when you found a bug, have an issue with another player, or you accidentally deleted your first lion and have no idea how to get another. (I know this isn't possible, but just stating that for the perspective of the grievance.)

As an experienced player, it's hard to remember what it's like when you first join up. But since this is still fresh to me, I can tell you that when I first joined, my first and only resource of communication was the chat box.

It was the closest tool for communicating, and the less overwhelming.

Now as a player who has experience in this, when I'm trying to chat with other players, it's one of those.... small but truly annoying things trying to talk to other people and them getting drowned out by questions, OR my questions getting drowned out by common talk.

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🎂Chii🎂 [Primal
Lover] (#127113)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-16 18:51:52
IF the Helper Hub has it's own "IM" system, outside of the ticket system/messaging mods/admins/helpers directly, then that would also be another alternative.

The point is more so to have a resource more readily available for questions and removing them from a fast general chat so that
A.) Their question can get answered
B.) General chat isn't as cluttered.

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