Posted by Of Dusk and Dawn|A Warriors Roleplay|Characters

ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-16 14:56:53

Main Roleplay Thread


CURRENTLY NOT ACCEPTING: Duskclan Apprentices.

About the cats
Dawnclan cats tend to be prideful, and exceptionally proud of their pure warrior blood. They are harsher on strangers, knowing trust should be earned, and have deep bonds that connect them. Many cats are related, so feel free to ask each other for kinships!

Duskclan is a new clan, and while they have the code are still learning about their warrior ancestors. They are accepting of almost all cats, which can cause trouble if a cat is only out for their own purposes. While many cats may have already known eachother, their kinships are far less than an established clan. **Note they do have warrior names. If you want a rogue who is just joining the clan, they can have a naming ceremony otherwise they all have already gone through it to get a clan name**
On your character sheet!
Please put an other section. In this section, please answer the following questions. This is for plot and event purposes controlled by me or admins only.

May your cat receive surprise minor damage in random events?
May your cat receive surprise major damage in random events?
Does your cat have kin (dead or alive) that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot? (If so give names)
Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot?(Possibility of being different creatures, villains, etc.)
Thank you!
**Note, the Prefix Star, Dawn, and Dusk are not used as they are respected clan related titles.**
Also note- double Prefixes are also not allowed, so check the clans lists to see what is taken.

Character creation
Form basics
Admin only NPC's
Thornclaw- Deceased Previous Dawnclan medicine cat. A kind, large, silver tom with stars in his eyes.

Free to use NPC's

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Edited on 04/11/17 @ 11:24:14 by Peachie 👌 (#121220)

ys.| (#121220)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-10-16 14:57:11


Don't fear the dark, for without it, how would we see the stars?"

Name: Shadowstar
Rank: Leader
Clan- Duskclan
Age: 43 moons
Gender: Male

Shadowstar is a black tom, with a small white patch on his neck and heterochromia eyes. He is a smaller tom, with a lean figure suited far better for getting into verbal joust situations than full on fighting. Usually jovial, the loner is recognizable by my street cats due to his pressence in the area, as well as his good natured greetings to all. He has a bouncy gait, and carries himself and with confidence and excitment. 

Shadowstar is optimistic, sometimes to the point of it being annoying. Still young, the tom-cat believes anything can be accomplished with enough teamwork and effort. He is a loyal cat, thinking that trust and comrodary are important traits in a group. Break his trust however, and you will have a hard time finding it again.  Fiercely devoted to his ideals, he will go to any length to see his thoughts come to life. A happy tom, he is welcoming of all cats, as long as they share in his ideals for a unified Clan, and are not just looking to gain from the backs of other cats. Stubborn, he will fight against challengers with words, but is not afraid to lose fur if he must. Although his hard hotheadedness may be a challenge for himself and other cats, he always means well as he can.

Born to a warrior mother who left her clan for a rogue wanderer, Shadowstar learned about the clan ways at a young age, although was never raised by their standards. The notion of the clan life, (for every rogue loner and kittypet knows about the Clan that dominates the forest) never escaped him. He wanted to learn more. After separating from his parents, the tom found a friend in a fellow youngster, who taught him even more about the warrior code, and their way of life. Content, Shadowstar continued his life as he always had, existing alone with the true friend few and far between. Always craving the companionship and friendship the clan life held, he dreamed of gathering all the cats who shared in his ideas, and becoming the next cats the join the forest, for of course their had to be space to share. He has recently been going around, trying to find cats who have shown interest, and is planning the first meeting of street cats the town has ever seen. He keeps much of his history a mystery, revealing his past to those who have earned his trust.

Kin- None yet.

None Yet

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Edited on 18/10/17 @ 14:38:30 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

Snommie (#118918)

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Posted on
2017-10-17 18:28:03

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Edited on 16/10/20 @ 00:01:25 by zacharie (#118918)

Bexdrey🗝️ [0/65
GB] (#97938)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-10-17 18:36:27

"I've never backed down from a fight.."

|:Name:| Zero [Longfang]
|:Age:| 42 Moons
|:Gender:| Tom
|:Sexual orientation:| Bi-Sexual [Prefers Females]
|:Rank:| Warrior
|:Apprentice:| None Yet
|:Prefix:| Long - Because of his fang
|:Suffix:| Fang - Because he has a fang sticking out of his mouth
|:Past names:| Zero
|:Past Ranks:| Loner
|:Future names:| Longfang
|:Future Ranks:| Warrior
|:Herb allergies:| None
|:Personality:| With a deep voice, he comes off as horrible or mean. He's not all that bad however. He's got a lot of history but he surely means well. He's very protective of anyone he's close to, but can be cold and bitter to anyone else. He has a soft spot for kits and would hope to be a mentor one day. He despises anyone outside his clan or friend group and will either attack or run anyone not part of his clan off. He's not afraid of violence, in fact it's how he got around. He's not much of a speaker and most usually avoid him due to his looks.

|:History:| Zero was taken from his mother as a kit by his own father once he was able to eat solid food. His father was abusive and cruel to the point where he physically scarred Zero. A large scar was left on his right eye and said eye is a bit squinter than the other. Eventually, while his father was sleeping and when he was just a teen, he took an extremely sharp and strong branch and stabbed him through the eye, he made sure the branch went all the way through and into his brain, making sure he was dead. His heart was pounding and that's when he ran.

Zero has had many run ins with rogues and loners, sometimes even clan cats from Dawnclan. But due to his large stance he usually scared them away without a fight. Only one fight broke out between him and a rogue but the rogue was easily beat. The smaller cat thought he could take on such a large male. They were wrong of course.

Zero had a brother and a sister, but his brother had been murdered by his father moons before Zero killed his father. His sister, Bex, ran off in the middle of the night, he hasn't seen her since. Zero's been lurking around the Dawnclan area, but when Duskclan was created..he had to join. He didn't quite like Dawnclan and their cats as they knew him and hated him. He now resides in Duskclan.

Appearance: [I WILL DRAW HIM SOON]
|:Fur length:| Long
|:Eye color:| Icy blue
|:Nose color:| Black
|:Ear length:| Average
|:Claw length:| Fairly long
|:Fang length:| One fang is longer than the other
|:Whisker length:| Short and broken
|:Size:| Large. He's a mane coon
|:Body type:| Buff and a little short
|:Physical conditions:| Fang sticking out, scar over right eye, otherwise strong and healthy
|:Fur Markings:| Dark brownish grey, darker brownish grey stripe running down his back. Lighter brownish grey underbelly and muzzle. Very dark brown stripes along his cheek fur and his tail and paws. Light greyish brown eyebrows. Very dark brown ear tips. Goatee like beard like very dark brown fur on his chin.
|:Scars:| Over right eye and left eye. Large scar going over his chest. a scar on his cheek and two large ear tears. Also two small scars on the bridge of his nose
|:Birth mother:| Unknown
|:Birth father:| Deceased [Vektor]
|:Grandmothers:| Unknown
|:Grandfathers:| Unknown
|:Aunts:| Unknown
|:Uncles:| Unknown
|:Cousins:| Unknown
|:Brothers:| Deceased [Prism]
|:Sisters:| Alive [Bex]
|:Nieces: | None
|:Nephews:| None
Past in clan life:
|:Mentor:| Nothing
|:Past Apprentices:| Nothing
|:Crushes:| Nothing

|:Clan:| Duskclan

[YES TO ALL THE QUESTIONS: The only NPC able to be used it Bex, Zero/LongFang's sister]

|:RP Sample:| [Just cuz can]

A deep growl sounded within the woods. So deep you'd think it's a lion. To him a mouse was tiny..but a that was a decent meal. Two small black eyes turned to him and widened with fear before a large clawed paw crushed down on it's back, the claws digging into the rabbit.

The little rabbit squeaked in fear before he licked his lips and bit down as hard as he could into the rabbit's fragile neck, killing it as easily as could be. A grin grew as he lifted the rabbit and tossed it on his large back. Another successful hunt he felt it was. Though he had to be careful as he was near the Dawnclan border..

After his meal a voice spoke up suddenly to him. "Hey Zero, ya big lug, better not be stealing from our territory, you know what happens to tresspassers." It was a Dawnclan warrior, with two others who remained quiet.

Zero gave a huff. "I know the bloody rules Slackjaw" His deep voice rumbled. He hated Slackjaw with burning passion. If he could he would murder him..with no issues. Slackjaw was tiny, and a major asshole at that. But sadly the tom never did cross the border..until now.

"Well clearly ya don't. I can smell your filthy rogue scent all over my territory.." Slackjaw's voice got colder and more stern. He had made a BIG mistake in crossing over his own territory into where Zero had free range. He waited until Slackjaw got too close before he gave a huff.

"Maybe you need a lesson on territory boy.." Zero rumbled and quickly gave a lunge at his throat, his attack speed was incredible, but that was due to how close he was to this Dawnclan asshole. Slackjaw could barely make a sound before Zero crunched down on his throat with great force, killing him instantly. Or so he thought.. He dropped the body and licked his lips. "No one messed around with Zero bud...I'm glad we had this talk.."

And then he was gone..

[SIDE NODE: Just made a random character from Dawnclan before all of us rp at all. Part of Zero's past. Also I realised I made a typo in his age. I meant to put 42 not 32.]

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Edited on 28/10/17 @ 23:47:03 by 🐍 Bullet🐍 [Niki L/Off (#97938)

🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-17 19:01:40
Age-28 moons
Rank-Warrior(Leader or deputy if excepted)
Clan- DawnClan
Description- SunFall is a handsome blue spotted tabby and unlike his spotted coat his tail is striped. He is a fairly large cat with a white under belly. His name SunFall refers to his unusual bright yellow eyes, he has a nick in his ear and a scar above his nose he has another nasty scar located on his flank.
Personality- SunFall is a patient and ration tom who considers his actions before doing them, although this tom is kind and thinks every cat deserves a second chance he is not naïve and cannot be easily fooled. When he was a kit his mother taught him to respect all cats weather its his leader, elder, or whatever every cat deserves respect. SunFall has a strong believe in StarClan(If that's what they use).
History- SunFall has always been a clan cat he grew up with the warrior code. The only problem with him is that his mother was a Dawnclan cat while his father was Duskclan and even though he had to work twice as hard to prove himself to his clan mates he feels like he has gotten their ultimate respect and trust.
May your cat receive surprise minor damage in random events?
May your cat receive surprise major damage in random events?
Yes that's what makes life so interesting
Does your cat have kin (dead or alive) that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot? (If so give names) mother-SilverChest fathers name is unknown
Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot? Yes of course
(Possibility of being different creatures, villains, etc.)
Yesss evil villain! I actually have an original cat who is evil to the core. I might put an application for her

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Edited on 17/10/17 @ 19:03:32 by CottonCaat (#127324)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-10-17 19:03:14

"This will not be the end of the Clan. As long as I have breath in my lungs and strength in my body, the Clan will survive."


Wolfstar [previously Wolfclaw]

•Name Meaning•
Wolf for his wolf-like fur, size, and strength. Claw for his strength and combat abilities.


34 moons old

•Gender & Sex•



Heterosexual & Heteroromantic / Demiromantic




Maine Coon (60%) x Norwegian Forest Cat (35%) x Savannah Cat (5%)

•Census Description•

Large and muscular wolf-like tom with gray, scar-covered fur and striking yellow eyes


A fearsome, yet attractive, dark gray and black compact brute with a long, fluffy tail and long, soft fur. He has a lighter gray around his neck in a lion mane-like way as well as lighter gray underfur, the same gray added in random areas along his back, legs, and paws. In relation to the rest of his body, Wolfclaw's face is almost entirely black, with just a tad dark gray, reaching up to his pitch black ears, which have long black tufts at the tips. Along with these traits, the fearsome brute has intimidating, yet captivating, strikingly yellow eyes that intensely stare at others as if he's staring into their soul. A gaze so intimidating that, if one was to keep contact with him, one's gaze would soon avert away from the unfriendly stare. Standing at a fearsome 19 inches (at the shoulder) and weighing at a startling 25 pounds (most of it muscle), Wolfstar is certainly larger than those in his Clan, if not all, of the cats in both of the Clans, and is typically a beast of a male, with an immense amount of strength, alike that of his cruel father before him. He has rippling muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training as a younger, and the large quantity of fights he has fought in his lifetime. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Wolfstar is a cat known to strike fear into others with his fearsome appearance, and is a bit infamous amongst the others; he is known to be strategic, intelligent, powerful, and merciless. But still, he has his weaknesses, one including fire. He experienced a fire incident as a younger tom, he is now afraid of it and would never go near it. But he's still powerful nonetheless, with long, razor-sharp teeth that are extremely sharp, much resembling those of his species' ancestor, the saber-toothed tiger, placed in a powerful jaw that can strongly use them to bite with an intent to kill.

This broad-shouldered male has many scars on his body from the many battles he has fought, including one down-across his left eye from his mortal enemy (ADOPTABLE ), a long one down/across the left side of his neck, three faint claw marks on his left back leg, and a small, yet noticeable one across his dorsal bridge (nose). When he was around a year old, Wolfstar experienced a fire incident, and has the scars to tell the tale; burn marks show on his underbelly, slightly hidden by his fur, as well as on the bottom of his paws, though the scars don't hurt anymore. This incident left him prepared and experienced with fire, though he is slightly afraid of it. The fighter also has many other various scars on his pelt, but none as significant as the ones mentioned before. Plus a good amount of his scars, and muscles, are hidden beneath his fur. But not all, of course, still many show on his pitch black coat. Despite all the scars Wolfstar wears, the brute is still an attractive tom cat, though he does at first appear as a fearsome and intimidating brute- his fur, scars, teeth, piercing eyes, and his massive, muscular body all making this so.


Living a life tainted by loss, Wolfstar is very aggressive, an intimidating and impressive fighter, with a personality alike to that of an army general. Tough and merciless, he's not one to show any sign of mercy or submissiveness. If he has a legitimate reason, this fearless brute will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength and size is very helpful. Lacking fear overall, there is but one thing he does fear; losing someone he loves. Whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise, this male fears he'll lose whoever he cares for. Therefore, he's incredibly protective and would do anything for a loved one. Given his slightly short temper, Wolfstar is a very quick-to-fight tom and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage on another if he attacks. He's very aggressive and is very likely to attack if he has a reason, quick to jump with teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, threatened, or hurt at all, often causing damage on his opponent. Hence the name Wolfclaw, overall standing for his wolf-like appearance and strength. Despite all this, he's an extremely loyal individual and, once he's committed to someone or something (a pack, or loved one), nothing can keep him from remaining loyal and devoted to them.

Wolfstar is also very un-trusting and reserved, and it takes a long time and a lot of effort for someone to enter this male's heart. Although this is true, if someone does manage to break through the stone surrounding his cold heart, Wolfstar is one of the most passionate and devoted males out there, able to hold those dear to him very close. And even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he so wishes, and if he does ever find a significant other/mate, he'd probably eventually be interested in having cubs.


*Warning: This may be triggering to some*

“My past has not defined me, destroyed me, deterred me, or defeated me; it has only strengthened me.”

In the midst of a dark forest, a fearsome deputy watched as his mate gave birth to three kits: Wolfkit, Flowerkit, and Littlekit. The first born, Wolfkit, was the strongest of the litter and would grow up to be a very powerful and fearsome brute. As expected for the children of a war hero, the family grew up harsh. They were constantly being trained to be the best, even before they were apprentices, by their father. Not to mention, not only did their abusive father, Scarpelt, do this, but he also beat them and their mother as a way to deal with his anger issues at everything. Their mother, Lilyheart, although she would cry when they were beat, was helpless against the bastard she called her mate. Too weak to take the beatings, Littlekit, the runt, soon died- the starvation, dehydration, and beatings too much for his already frail body. Wolfkit himself was the strongest of the three and even defended himself and his mother and siblings against his father. Although the abuse was wrong and cruel, it made Wolfclaw stronger in the end.

About a moon after Wolfpaw turned a year old, becoming a warrior, his mother gave birth to another litter, yet there were only two kits in this one, a male and a female. The first born of the two was Owlkit, a gorgeous little girl, and the other was Boulderkit, a dark male, just like his older brother. With Wolfclaw being a little more than a year old, planned on running with the kits, knowing the older brother would be able to help take care of the little ones, as well as Lilyheart and Flowerkit, now Flowerspirit, themselves. And it almost worked. They waited till Scarpelt was gone hunting before they began to prepare themselves for leaving. But he came back early. Furious that his mate and kits even thought of leaving him, the scary male immediately attacked Boulderkit and killed him then he brutally killed Flowerspirit before attacking Lilyheart, who tried her best to defend the last two kits of her two litters. But she wasn't strong enough and was killed by a swipe to the throat. Looking down at his siblings' and mother's body in sadness and anger, Wolfclaw looked up at his father with hatred shining in his fiery, yellow eyes. He attacked his father and the two battled for a long, long time but Wolfclaw, fueled by rage, soon defeated his father. From that day on he wasn't the same outgoing, fun male. He had a certain darkness in him, something that pushed most away, something that his younger sister noticed.

From that day on, Wolfclaw trained more than ever, making sure he was as strong as he could be, using training as a way to deal with his grief. Not long after the death of their family, his poor little sister, Owlpaw, ran away from the Clan and, although Wolfclaw hopes she's still alive, she is assumed to be dead.

Not long before he was thirty moons old, Wolfclaw, now deputy, took a few other warriors and two apprentices out on a patrol. While they were walking, one of the warriors smelled smoke and told Wolfclaw. Then, he realized that there was a fire, and the group saw the flames approaching from far away. Ordering them to run, Wolfclaw had retreated away from the approaching fire, staying behind the patrol to make sure they were safe. But as they ran, one of the smaller apprentices tripped on a log and got stuck, the fire swarming around him. Realizing the danger the apprentice was in, he told a warrior to lead everyone back while he quickly turned around, racing towards the trapped lion. With a powerful leap, he jumped over the flames and quickly smashed his paws down on the logs trapping the apprentice, grabbing the smaller cat by the scruff and leaping out, just as the flames engulfed the little area, and he growled as the fire burned his underbelly, his paws already stinging from burns from when he jumped inside to rescue the cat. Then, the two returned home and Wolfclaw was praised for his good deed, the little apprentice forever thankful.

Then, only moons later, the Clan's leader, Froststar, died, leaving Wolfclaw to rise as leader. He was now named Wolfstar. With his new title, the massive feline plans to lead his Clan to thrive, and is set on defeating the new rivaling Clan.

(Link To Leader Ceremony


Scarpelt [Hate] [Deceased; killed by Wolfstar]

Lilyheart [Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Scarpelt]

Littlekit [Brother ~ Love / Grief] [Deceased; runt, starvation, abuse]

Flowerspirit [Sister ~ Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Scarpelt]

Boulderkit [Little Brother ~ Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Scar]

Owlpaw [Little Sister ~ Loves/Grieves/Protects] [Alive] [Adoptable]
~ Although she is alive, Wolfstar is unaware of this

•Other Relationships•

"Don't get too close, its dark inside."


Wolfstar has yet to meet his soulmate. He needs someone who is willing to break through his icy exterior and will take just a bit to warm up to them. But once he does, he is incredibly protective, passionate, loyal, and affectionate.

Currently he won't have a crush or mate at the start of the roleplay but he is open for one <3


*crush required first*


*crush->mate required first*




Open- the apprentice he saved from the fire

Open for enemies, friends, and any other relationships you might come up with! :)


( Keep in mind, these are my character's views, not mine. Do not get mad at me for a view my character might hold against one of yours. And also, none of your characters should be aware of what my character thinks of them. )

Character Name [Relation to him] [Rank] [Clan] [ Player ]
"Quote" (optional)

overall view

Will be updated as he interacts with characters :3

•Talents & Skills•
Stamina ::90/100
Strength :: 100/100
Agility :: 60/100

~ Defensive :: 98/100
~ Offensive :: 99/100
Hunting :: 92/100
Swimming :: 69/100
Climbing :: 90/100

•Theme Song•

Demons - Imagine Dragons

"I wanna hide the truth, I wanna shelter you. But with the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide."


Wolfstar's voice is very distinct. Overall, it is powerful, deep, masculine, and commanding. His voice is very strong-sounding and just listening to him speak, one would assume he holds some sort of authoritative rank. To hurting pride members, his usually terrifying voice can become soft and comforting, though still deep and masculine. Naturally, no matter what, his voice has its own attractive feel, adding to the already naturally attractive deepness and masculine-sound it owns.

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

"I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm done."


Lynxpaw [will be Lynxroar]

•Name Meaning•

Lynx for his big paws and lynx-like ears. The suffix -roar for many reasons. For one, it references his bold voice and size. Two, it's symbolic to the idea of rising above, being above another thing, something like a struggle in his life, whether in battle on the fields or emotionally. It's a sign of strength and defending himself. It's a symbol of strength to overcome, to move on, and look towards the future.


7 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Heterosexual & Heteroromantic





•Census Description•

A faded orange and black large tabby tom with a black and white markings, a lynx-like build and green eyes.

( most of this refers to his older self )
Lynxpaw is a rather large, stocky male with broad, powerful shoulders and long legs. His musculature is clear from his hefty build, as he towers above many other cats his age. His face is a bit wide, though average, with a long muzzle and large, lynx-like ears. His fur is thick, making it stick out wildly in places along his neck, much like a mane, flowing coarsely over his muscled spine. His eyes and teeth are wild, much like his father, containing inside them ferocity that few would dare stare into for long, as his stubborn, captivating green gaze will stare into any opponents, no matter their strength. He appears almost rogue-like, as if on edge, with large lumbering paws and a sort of haunting gaze.

Lynxpaw, is a larger tom, and is the larger of both his siblings. As an apprentice, he stands stand as tall as 10 inches (at the shoulder), though he will grow to be 16 inches tall, and weighs a slightly bulkier-than-normal 17 pounds. His legs take up a good bit of his height, but these pillars are mostly thick and supple. His bulk is lean and toned from training and trips of exploration, hunting parties, and border patrols. As his cub fur grows out, the four moon old grows more and more handsome. Strong fur markings distinguish him from those around him. His belly and throat is pure white, surrounded by a sea of many colors, such as black and a shade of orange. As you climb his flanks, his black grows only more dignified. He has streaks of a faded orange, as well as other shades of orange on his body, though his large paws are pure white.

He knows he is easy on the eyes and he carries himself as such. Cool, collected, and confident, the young male seems to float, regardless of his thick trunks for legs. His natural expression, a rested look. His face is usually not serious, the only sign of the un-complex thoughts the pretty head holds. With how large he is the tom must have a durable, strong and worthy physical form. His large form is covered with powerful muscles that easily hold up his weight, he is overall built sound. Rarely any scars cover his body, though he will most likely gain some as time grows on. His voice is deep, in terms of young toms like him, though it also has a bit of young, adolescence to it. Overall, it is bold, it is powerful, and it is charming.


The word that most describes Lynxpaw is adventurous. It's a trait he most likely got from his father. The apprentice is constantly itching for adventure. He desperately wants to explore the world around him and see what great things there are to discover out there. He constantly feels his friends and family on his back, trying to keep him pinned down as they know, if they let him do what he wanted, he'd explore way past their own borders, way past the borders of any Clan. Another trait that goes hand-in-hand with this adventurous spirit is that he works hard and doesn't give up. He is determined, stubborn, ambitious, and competitive. Lynxpaw loves a good challenge. When other cats believe that he can't do something, he loves to prove them wrong. He understands that the only way for the clan, and the forest, to accept and respect him was to be the best warrior that he could be. He was determined to prove others wrong, got into his fair share of trouble. Once he receives a challenge, however, Lynxpaw will not back down- even if it means risking his life. Although he is not stupid, he has more pride than brains. and he will not take anything that will damage his self esteem and his pride. Despite the fact that the tom is not familiar with danger, he is quite brave. The reason for this is because he is simply carefree and curious. When a challenge arises, the cat will merely narrow his eyes and take it on with barely a second thought.

Due to the tom's youthful age of ten moons, the cat tends to be very naive. Lynxpaw often shows a certain ignorance or simplicity when thinking about a problem. This is due to lack of experience, information, and proper ability to make judgments. And his stubbornness and competitive nature just make his naivety worse. Though being naive is sometimes a good thing, it can also have its downfalls. Since Lynxpaw has such a lack of worldly experience, he tends to believe what others say without questioning it. He's rather gullible, and it would be very easy to trick this cat...

Lynxpaw is loud, open, and talkative. The tom is a social butterfly. He enjoys making friends of all ages (though sometimes he can be a bit too much for the elders), and loves getting to know new acquaintances. He just downright likes to interact with others. He knows how to keep a conversation going, even if it is just him rambling about the strangest of things! He isn't afraid to speak his mind, though he has trouble thinking before he speaks, and sometimes his mouth gets him into trouble. Going hand-in-hand with his talkativeness, Lynxpaw is brutally honest. This can be either a good or bad trait, depending on how you look at it. He sometimes says things about others that may offend them or upset them, but he won’t lie to you. However, if he discovers he has crossed the line with his words, he will apologize or stop talking altogether.

He cannot handle downtime. The warrior always has to be doing something, whether it's rolling back and forth in the grass or kneading his claws into the ground. The tom is always running around the camp, exerting his abundance of energy. He simply can't sit still! This becomes a problem during anything Clan-related, such as meetings in camp, hunting/battle training, and gatherings (if he were to attend one). Boredom sweeps over him quickly, and sometimes Lynxpaw doesn't have enough self-control to ignore his need for fun. Of course, if a topic is serious enough or of importance to the apprentice himself, he can pay attention for as long as needed. As he gets older, this little problem becomes not as bad, but he still desires to be doing something constantly.

When playing, Lynxpaw often gets too caught up in the moment. The excitement overtakes his body and suddenly the make-believe game he's playing becomes real! He sometimes gets out of hand and becomes very rough in his play-fighting, not knowing where the line is drawn.

Love is like second nature to this DawnClan tramp. While he sometimes has a tendency to show his love in strange ways, there is never a doubt that he does indeed love. He is loving and supportive of his family and friends and tries his hardest to help them when he can. With this, he is incredibly protective of loved ones. But he has a fear of love and has a tendency to run from any real sort of relationship in fear of betrayal or having his heart broken. Despite avoiding relationships in fear of getting hurt, Lynxpaw is known by many of the she-cats in the forest to be kind of a flirt. He has a tendency to do it for some reason, and probably because he acts as if he thinks incredibly high of himself. Deep down, the apprentice is just a bit insecure, though others are unaware of this.

One of the most notable and likeable personality traits of this tom is his gallant nature. He has a tendency to be chivalrous and gentleman-like. It comes to him instinctively. Even if it’s a rogue or loner, if Lynxkit sees a female in danger, he will rush and spring right into action to save her. He would risk his own life to save a stranger if need be.





Badgerclaw [Loves / Protects] [Alive] [Peachie]
Naturally, Lynxpaw is incredibly protective of his mother and loves her more than anything. He's the type of mother-loving male who would probably hurt someone who even spoke negative of her.

Mistkit [Sister] [Alive] [Meadow]
Flamekit [Sister - Loves / Protects] [LightsQueen]
Being a family-oriented and protective tom, the youth finds that he cares for nothing more than his two little sisters. Although they are of the same litter, Lynxpaw is definitely the bigger sibling of the three, both physically and mentally, and both of his sisters come to him for comfort. He is extremely over-protective and would defend them fiercely with loyalty to no fault.

•Other Relationships•


Although he tends to run from serious relationships, if he somehow got committed, Lynxroar would be loyal to no fault, and would do as much for the she-cat as possible (chivalrous stuff, etc). He would love her with all of his heart and would trust her with literally anything. Over-protective, and gets jealous easily, but shows a lot of affection.

Currently he won't have a crush or mate at the start of the roleplay but he is open for one <3


*crush required first*


*crush->mate required first*


Not a warrior yet


Open for enemies, friends, and any other relationships you might come up with! :)


( Keep in mind, these are my character's views, not mine. Do not get mad at me for a view my character might hold against one of yours. And also, none of your characters should be aware of what my character thinks of them. )

Character Name [Relation to him] [Rank] [Clan] [ Player ]
"Quote" (optional)

overall view

Will be updated as he interacts with characters :3

•Talents & Skills•
Stamina :: 73/100
Strength :: 99/100
Agility :: 70/100

~ Defensive :: 96/100
~ Offensive :: 99/100
Hunting :: 90/100
Swimming ::40/100
Climbing :: 90/100

•Theme Song•

Eye of the Tiger - Survivor

"It's the eye of the tiger. It's the thrill of the fight, rising up to the challenge of our rival. And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night, and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger."


May your cats receive surprise minor damage in random events?
Totally :)

May your cat receive surprise major damage in random events?
Definitely, I'm cool with that. I'd prefer nothing drastic, such as losing an eye or part of his/her tail, but other than that, big wounds and stuff are good.

Does your cat have kin (dead or alive) that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot?
Pretty much anyone in Wolfstar and Brightkit's families (except for Wolfstar's alive little sister, Owlkit)
Father | Scarpelt - Deceased
Mother | Lilyheart - Deceased
Brother | Littlekit - Deceased
Sister | Flowerspirit - Deceased
Little Brother | Boulderkit - Deceased

Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot?
Totally! cx If you asked, I'd definitely be up to creating more characters to help with the plot. :)

Possibility of being different creatures, villains, etc.
Sure cx

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Edited on 02/11/17 @ 18:01:23 by Christicat15 (#54511)

🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-10-17 19:07:19
Name: Sammy (Later EagleFlight)
Rank- Kittypet (Warrior or Deputy or leaderif its still open)
Age: 14 moons
Gender- Tom
Clan- Duskclan
Description- A handsome broad shouldered and sleek dark brown tom with jet black paws.
Personality- This Tom is confident cocky and believes that he can do anything he sets his mind to, and although he is very cocky Sammy is smart. He realizes that his actions affect those around him and thinks about what he is doing and how it will affect him and others in the long haul. He is a kind and strong tom who believes that every cat deserves a second chance, and time and time again he has learned the hard way that not all cats deserve another chance but he is still young. He is a skilled hunter who knows how to take care of himself and stay away from danger, he tries not to get into any trouble but knows that sometimes conflicts come anyway.

May your cat receive minor damage in random events?
May your cat receive major damage in random events?
Does your cat have kin (dead or alive) that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot? (If so give names)
parents unkown
Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot? yes
(Possibility of being different creatures, villains, etc.)

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Edited on 17/10/17 @ 19:53:29 by CottonCaat (#127324)

StarChildAri (#126911)

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Posted on
2017-10-17 19:21:42
Name- DewDrop
Age- 14 moons
Rank- warrior
Clan- DawnClan
Gender- Female
Description- A beautiful light colored she cat with black flecks dappling her pelt, her ears are black and so is the tip of her tail. She has Ice blue eyes and a nick in her left ear.
Personality- this she cat is brave and always stands up for what she believes in, and although she is calm and kind she is short tempered. She tries her best to be a good warrior but struggles when it comes to staying her place as a warrior.
May your cat receive minor damage in random events?
May your cat receive major damage in random events?
Does your cat have kin (dead or alive) that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot? (If so give names) DewDrop( Mother=LilacFoot Father= TornEar)
Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot? yes
(Possibility of being different creatures, villains, etc.)
Yeash that sounds cool.

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littleclod |
lilclout (#92938)

Prince of Terror
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-10-18 14:16:56



24 moons




Emberpelt has inky black fur, coarse and short-cropped. He is lithe and lanky, with long, thin legs and a slender frame. Dark ginger patches lace his pelt, with one over his left eye and multiple scattered across his back. He has a torn right ear and small scars on the back of his head. Emberpelt’s eyes are a deep, rich amber, with hints of gold and dark brown. Though thin, he is quite strong, and able to hold his own in a fight.

Emberpelt is very observant, preferring to watch rather than to act. He is quiet, and is often in the background, much like a shadow. He has tendencies to gravitate towards flame, which is one reason the humans that fed him once dubbed him Pyro. These tendencies, however, have often led to his survival, as many other cats are far more frightened by far than he and will refuse to follow him. Despite the fact that he often avoids confrontation, he is not a peacemaker, and will typically fight any cat that decides to treat him as lesser. He is very prideful and has a stubborn streak, and will refuse help that he is offered for the sole reason that he thinks he can do everything on his own. This is often why he is not found in the company of other cats, and prefers to be alone.

Emberpelt was born to a neglectful mother and an absentee father, instilling an 'everycat for themselves' mentality quite young. He separated from his mother as a kit, learning to survive on the streets quickly. He was resourceful, and figured out that he couldn't befriend others- they would easily turn on him if they thought it was to their benefit. As he grew older, he heard whisperings of a cat who had been attempting to recruit others for a so-called Clan. Intrigued, Emberpelt began to search for the cat, and once he heard of his ideas, he decided he wanted a part in this 'Clan', regardless of his feelings towards companionships. He supposed he could learn quickly how to work with others, and if not, he would likely be able to leave. So it was decided- he would join this cat, and he would no longer be alone.


None, Open

None, Open

Needs a crush/mate

Mother - Reyna: Deceased

Father - Oliver: Alive, Missing

Siblings - None

Other Relationships

Shadowstar - Friend - Emberpelt’s closest friend and confidante, he would lay down his life for the dark-coated tom. He feels an unbridled amount of loyalty for this cat, as he introduced him to Clan life and kept him from going astray.

Longfang - Acquaintance - A good cat, though not yet a friend. Emberpelt is incredibly curious about him, though he doesn’t want to push the other too far. He’d be open to interacting with him more, though, as he believes he is a trustworthy and intelligent tom.

Eagleflight - Neutral - Perhaps they’re not the best of friends, but Emberpelt doesn’t feel contempt for the cat. He just hopes that perhaps he’ll be able to change his ways and eventually the two will be able to work well together.

Mossheart - Admiration - Though he once distrusted her, Emberpelt is actually rather grateful for Mossheart’s calm presence around the camp, and admires her skills with herbs.

Pebblepaw - Protectiveness - Though not of his blood, Emberpelt has come to see Pebblepaw as a daughter. The quiet she-cat means a lot to the dark tom, who has longed for kits but has no mate; he would protect her with his life.

Ravensight - Friendship - He rather likes Ravensight, though he doesn’t know much about the she-cat. As it stands, he considers her a friend.

RP Sample-
Crickets echoed in the still night air, their chirping interrupting Pyro's thinking. He kneaded his claws into the frozen ground, wincing as he realised he was unable to puncture the dirt. He began to slink through the dense hedge, dodging sharp branches and thorns, his tail tucked between his legs. He emerged onto a deserted street and glanced carefully around before making his way across. He was all too aware of how easily a cat like him could be attacked, even if the path appeared devoid of life. His eyes darted back and forth, never resting as he padded onward.

Leader/Admin Other: merely a roleplayer

May your cat receive minor damage in random events?: sure!

May your cat receive major damage in random events?: sure!

Does your cat have kin that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot? (If so give names): he does not

Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot?: Yes!

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Edited on 21/11/17 @ 15:10:38 by littleclod (#92938)

ys.| (#121220)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-10-18 14:53:11


"Tell me where it hurts."

Name: Echostep
Rank: Medicine Cat
Clan- Dawnclan
Age: 31 moons
Gender: Female

Echostep is a petite cat, light tan with a series of stripes and spots adorning her coat. Her eyes are a pale yellow and always wide, giving her a perpetually startled look. Despite this, an intelligence and wisdom hides within their golden depths, from her time spent as a medicine cat. With a soft, gentle voice and by carrying herself on light paws, the she-cat is easy to look past, blending in with their rocky surroundings. Having never spent time in warrior training or fighting, the she-cat is scar-less, giving her a rather clean and sleek exterior appearance.

Echostep is a gentle soul, her entire life having been spent in the training of Medicine cat. With a soft, unassuming presence it is easy to feel comfortable when speaking with her, and many cats have come to the she-cat with troubled minds, not just bodies. While a fiercely devoted clan cat, she is not quite a stickler for rules, knowing that sometimes the code cannot account for every situation they come across. She will never turn away a cat, or even creature in trouble if she can help it. Even though she is gentle, it doesn't take much to exasperate the she-cat, her tail tip twitching swiftly the sign her tolerance is waning.

Although her quiet nature makes her a bit of a pushover, the she-cat can only take so much before she is forced to use her 'warrior' voice, as she calls it. Two things tend to bring this out of the quiet she-cat. Cats not taking their care seriously, and cats not listening when she feels her knowledge and opinions are justified. When this happens, Echostep takes on quite a change, the voice emitting from such a small frame enough to startle even the most seasoned warrior. Then, once she has the attention she needs, it is as if nothing happened, and she is back to her wide eyed, gentle tones.

Echostep was born the single surviving kit in a low kit year for Dawnclan. Although the leader had been excited to gain more warriors, through visions from Starclan Thornclaw, the then medicine cat knew her destiny would never lead her down the warrior path. Unlike many medicine cats who get chosen as they are older, Echostep trained from her first apprentice day, never going through much if any fighting training. While she learned the basics, and how to hunt her aptitude shone with herbs and medicines. While the thought of killing a creature seemed to cause a quiver in her paws, when she wrapped wounds she was steady as could be. While she received her name after helping save kits during a particularly rough green cough binge, her training continued well into her 20th moons, her paws only taking the mantle for the last few seasons. She now passed her knowledge onto the newest young cat, hoping to share her own, and the wisdom of all cats past with her apprentice.

Open, just ask.

Mentor to Icepaw- Close relationship with the young cat.

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Edited on 20/10/17 @ 23:05:28 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-10-19 11:33:19
Name- Swiftpaw

Age- Ten moons almost eleven

Rank- Apprentice (maybe med-cat apprentice)

Clan- DuskClan

Gender- Female

Description- Swiftpaw is a golden she-cat with suspicious brown eyes. She has a slightly strong build, but more lithe than strong. She has small white pointed ears, and big white paws. She has short fur, and a stumpy thin furred tail to match! When ever this she-cat gets excited, her stump of a tail might twitch once or twice as if is trying to twitch the tip of a tail that is not even there.

Personality- Swiftpaw is a pretty insecure cat. She is always on her guard, and reacts to things in quite a sarcastic way. Though she can become quite empathetic at times, and has a soft spot in her heart for those close to her. She will do anything those she believes are in trouble. If Swiftpaw's feelings are hurt, she can over react quite a bit. The she-cat loves to help others, though if in a bad mood, she might make your experience with her a bad one. She has no care for first impressions, and believes the blunt truth is the best kind of truth. She is pretty clumsy, and tends to mess up on a lot of things because of this. But despite her clumsiness, and pretty insecure personality, she tries to stay optimistic. She tries, but she doesn't always accomplish it. This she-cat also tends to keep her problems to herself, instead of trying to get help from someone else.

History- She had used to be a kittypet, living with her mother, father, and three litter-mates. She overheard her mother and father fretting about her and her siblings being sent away to new house-folk. Frightened of the unknown, she had run away, planning to come back later. But she could never find her way back, she passed the house where she believed her family lived many times after the month had passed. But they weren't there. Dejectedly, she had set out to live as a street cat, only to find her mother searching for her. They had a happy reunion, until the next day they were chased by dogs. Her mother did not make it out alive.

Mossheart- She looks up to the older medicine cat and hopes to please the she-cat.

Crush: Open

Mate: Open

Kits: N/A

Other: N/A

May your cat receive surprise minor damage in random events? Yes, she may be a medicine cat but that doesn't make her invisible, if anything it makes her more at risk to getting hurt if she's around fighting cats and doesn't know how to fight.
May your cat receive surprise major damage in random events? Yes
Does your cat have kin (dead or alive) that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot? (If so give names) Yes, she has a father who is a kittypet and three siblings that are kittypets. I have no clue why you would need a kittypet NPC, but if you do she has some family alive. Her mother is dead and can be used if wanted, but she'd be in kittypet heaven.
Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot?(Possibility of being different creatures, villains, etc.) Sure!

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Edited on 06/11/17 @ 04:50:30 by Meadow (#121187)

laxy (#59203)

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Posted on
2017-10-19 14:18:28

Source: My own

Name: Icepaw

Age: 9 Moons

Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice

Clan: DawnClan

Gender: Tom

Breed: Maine Coon Mix

Icepaw is a light gray tom with very long thick fur and a left front white sock. Even though he is quite big for his age he is a gentle giant, who sometimes still loves playing with the kits. His eyes are clear light blue like a streams. He only has one exterior flaw. Icepaw has a scar over his left eye that he received when he was playing together as kits with his sister, they were to ruff and Icepaw accidentally hit his head on a rock. His mother immediately took him to Echostep who treated his wounds, ever since that day he has been fascinated by Starclan and becoming a medicine cat.

Although he is still young he can keep a cool head on his shoulders, even in the toughest of situations. He has a lot of respect for Echostep, and is not too proud to ask for her help. Icepaw still sometimes feel sad thinking about his mother's death, but he hopes that he could one day see her again in Starclan.

Even though Icepaw and Goldpaw never knew their father it didn't bother them, they still had a happy life growing up in the safety of their clan. Shortly after Icepaw and Goldpaw became apprentices their mother died. While Mousefur was out hunting she accidentally fell into a deeper part of the river, that cut through Dawnclans territory, even though the rest of the hunting party tried to save her, she was pulled under. Mousefur was always a strong swimmer, but sadly, after a long time of searching her body was found, washed up on the shore of the lake. Then another tragedy occurred shortly after, Goldpaws body was found dead in the forest. She had apparently been attacked by a pack of wild dogs.

Mother - Mousefur (Dead), Father - Unknown Loner (Alive), Sister - Goldpaw (Dead)


May your cat receive surprise minor damage in random events?

May your cat receive surprise major damage in random events?
I don't mind if he loses an eye, but maybe nothing as big as losing a leg, since he isn't a warrior.

Does your cat have kin (dead or alive) that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot?
Mousefur and Goldpaw could maibe appear through a vision of Starclan?

Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot?
Sounds interesting, so yes.

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Edited on 10/11/17 @ 09:20:00 by {~LightQueen~} [Lights/OFF] (#59203)

GarrettWilde (#9660)

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Posted on
2017-10-19 22:10:54
Name- WindSong
Age- 25 moons
Rank- None
Clan- DuskClan
Gender- Female

Description- WindSong is a small, sleek built Snow Bengal. The rosettes that cover her pelt are typically what others first notice and tend to remember the most.

Personality- WindSong is often quiet and soft spoken. It takes her awhile to feel truly comfortable around others but once she considers you safe and a friend, she would gladly do anything for you. She enjoys smelling the wild flowers and gathering herbs and things that her mother had taught her could be of use. If alone, she will often sing or hum to herself, songs that her mother would sing and hum to her to calm her down after a long day of being pushed around by her brothers.

History- WindSong came from a family of just her mother, RiverRain, raising herself and her 3 brothers named Blackpaw, Tallsnow & Cloudblaze (she was the last born and the runt). Due to her mother working hard to feed 4 hungry kits she often wasn't around which left WindSong alone with her rough and tumble brothers. Being the youngest and the smallest WindSong often didn't have any say in anything as her brothers were older and much bigger than herself and eventually she decided to leave her family behind and start a journey of her own to find out where in this world she belongs.

Relationships- none yet/open

Picture of my character drawn by myself:
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

May your cat receive surprise minor damage in random events? Yep
May your cat receive surprise major damage in random events? Yep
Does your cat have kin (dead or alive) that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot? (If so give names)
Father (Unknown)
Mother - RiverRain (alive)
Brother - Blackpaw (alive)
Brother - TallSnow (alive)
Brother - Cloudblaze (alive)
Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot? Sure
(Possibility of being different creatures, villains, etc.)

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Edited on 20/10/17 @ 06:20:40 by Nephthys(Neph) (#9660)

Bexdrey🗝️ [0/65
GB] (#97938)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-10-19 22:22:33



39 Moons


Bi-Sexual/no preference


Medicine Cat

Allegiance Description
Lilac Point Siamese Pure bred

Full Appearance
She has lilac colored points on her muzzled, tail, paws and ears. The rest of her is a very very light colored cream. Her eyes are a bright blue, as most pure bred siamese

She has no time for games, she is kind but don't get on her bad side. She is known to lash out, verbally only of course. She doesn't really believe in violence, but will get involved if she must. She is good with words and negotiations. She quite wise.

Sabira's kithood was hardly there, her brothers picked on her for being different. She was always distant with her kin and parents, she was more interested in exploring and finding these things called clans. When she turned 18 moons, her mother passed from old age and her dad went missing. For the longest time it was just her and her brothers. She was the oldest by a day whole, due to her brothers waiting inside their mother longer. So in retrospect, Sabira was leading them for the longest time until a bad forest fire split them apart. With a brave heart, she trudged on after the fire. She knew she wouldn't find her brothers. She knew it was a lost cause to even try. They had all three went flying in 3 different directions. It was hopeless to even try.

So on she trudged, for moons. She came across hundreds of rogues and loners who wanted a fight or some looking for prey. Sabira eventually came across a cat by the name of Shadow [At the time] Soon enough Shadow, now Shadowstar, made a clan. Duskclan. One night she had a dream. It wasn't a normal dream. A Starclan cat by the name of Thornclaw came to her. She was chosen as Medicine cat.. and as this was happening.. a prophecy was brought to her...

Father, Missing. Mother, passed on. Brothers Zekil and Senet, missing.

Other Relationships

Crush or Mate
None yet

Yes she can receive damage of major or minor
yes I can make 1 shot characters
If Sabira's brothers show up eventually, yes.

RP Sample
One might say she was.. quiet. Another might say she was a bitch. But another would say she's kind and wise. Put that all together and you've got Sabira. A usually calm and collected, kind and wise, quiet but bitchy, cat. Paws in the snow as she trudged along with another. A friend who went by the name of Bex. Over the moons she has grown quite fond of the black she-cat. Fond in a way of..perhaps a crush. But she wouldn't dare say a word to her. She hadn't for moons. She was good at hiding her feelings. Maybe too good.

As small snowflakes felt to the cold and snowy ground below, Sabira walked on. She was letting her heart lead her to home.. but she knew home was far, far away from where she currently was. By Starclan did she wish she was closer. Though she had no idea where she would be going. Who she would meet and what she would find. It was rather scary but also made her more eager to find out. Sabira simply HAD to know what awaited her in the future.

"Bex. When we get to where we're headed.. wanna stay with me? Or would you rather wander the world some more?" The Siamese suddenly asked her friend. Bex turned to Sabira and gave thought. In all honesty, Bex had no idea if she'd stay or go..

"I'm not sure Sab.. I've always been a wanderer but I know being a wanderer wouldn't be the same without you." The Black She noted. "I guess the only way to find out is to journey there and see what my heart is telling me." She finished and gave a comforting smile.

"Well, I do hope you'd like to stay. You're the only friend I've ever had. I'd hate to see you leave." Sabira admitted, she wasn't one for feelings but she felt close enough to Bex that she didn't mind being a little sappy sometimes. Bex just gave a chuckle and looked forward.

"I guess we'll see Sab..I guess we'll see.."

[Part of Sabira's past. In the end, once Sabira finds her home of Duskclan, Bex decides to be a wanderer but promises to at some point return. Sabira, now Mossheart, hopes she does return someday.]

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Edited on 20/10/17 @ 08:04:13 by 🐍 Bullet🐍 [Niki L/Off (#97938)

littleclod |
lilclout (#92938)

Prince of Terror
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-10-20 14:41:43

Hawkpaw | Hawkbreeze

9 Moons


Bisexual | Biromantic | Prefers females


Warrior Apprentice

Hawkpaw is rather lithe for his age, but muscular all the same. He is relatively tall and fit, with lengthy legs and small paws that are well-suited for running. Rounded ears rest upon an angled but well-proportioned head; the left ear possessing a large tear near the base. His claws are rather long, and hooked like those of a bear; they assist him well in running as they literally tear the ground from his paws. His fur is short but soft, with a silkiness like that of the downy feathers of a chick. His actual fur colouring itself resembles coffee, with multiple hues of dark brown and ochre rippling throughout his pelt. His forelegs are splashed with a creamy white, though his hindlegs are devoid of such colour. His muzzle also possesses the creamy white colour, stretching from his nose to his chin, then down to his chest where it tapers into an uneven point. Upon his back rest deep chocolate freckles of varying sizes and density. His tailtip has a pale brownish-amber, which fades quite well into his base coat.

Distinctive round eyes rest in shallow sockets, their colour stunning compared to the rest of his natural pelt. His eyes are a soft molten gold, brighter than most flowers. Hawkpaw takes much pride in his eye colour, believing that it sets him far apart from others around him. Adding to his rather bird-like appearance are two tufts of black fur at his ear-tips and a rather narrow muzzle, from which protrudes two sharp white fangs, one on each side. Despite Hawkpaw’s young age, he is already pockmarked with a multitude of scars, the most notable of which being a set of three deep claw-marks across his chest.

Hawkpaw is, to say the least, very rambunctious. His youth leads to a large ego, and his large ego leads to an adventurous spirit. The young tom spends much of his time, day and night, exploring the forest with a select few acquaintances. He is rarely able to sit still, and always seems to contain boundless energy. He is reckless and rather hardheaded, preferring to do things his own way instead of listening to orders like he should. When he is required to focus on something that he finds a waste of time, he will drift off into his incredibly uninhibited imagination. He considers chores to be menial tasks that are rather below him, but his desire to become a warrior is the only thing that will make him do them.

Despite his youth, Hawkpaw is a rather loud and opinionated cat, and this has gotten him into his fair share of fights. He greatly enjoys taking the mickey out of others, and his barbed tongue has led to many beatings at the paws of greater fights. However, as he ages, he has become more cunning, and typically only incites fights with those he can beat. He often emerges victorious because of these new circumstances, and this has created a very proud young tom. His vicious nature usually keeps other cats away from him, and Hawkpaw is just fine with that. His personal belief is that by creating connections with other cats, you open yourself up to weakness and misery. However, if Hawkpaw ever chooses to become attached to a cat, his loyalty to them knows no bounds. He will end up putting them above himself, even laying his life down for them. He would fight to the dying breath to defend the one(s) he loves.

Hawkpaw has never been very open about his past, and the few cats to quesrion him about it were rebuffed rather aggressively. Because of this reaction, most cats gleaned that he was rather unhappy as young kit. They were right.

Hawkpaw was neglected from the moment he was born, left as a mewling lump in the middle of an alleyway. By sheer luck, a loner who had recently lost her own kits came across the defenceless kit and took him in. As he was raised to believe that this she-cat was his mother, Hawkpaw had no reason to question otherwise.

Until his birth mother showed up.

His birth mother was cunning. She appeared to them one day out of the blue, seemingly kind and begging to be fed. She looked to be thin, worn, and this tugged at the empathy that Hawkpaw’s foster mother possessed; eventually, she let Hawkpaw’s birth mother stay with them. With both cats blissfully unaware of the identity of the newcomer, Hawkpaw’s birth mother steadily began to turn her son against the cat who had taken him in. She whispered lies into his ear, hoping that eventually it would become too much for the young cat to bear.

And so it was. Hawkpaw’s real mother slaughtered the loner that had taken her son in, whisking Hawkpaw away with her and telling him that there had been a terrible accident. Hawkpaw believed her for a time, as she seemed all too concerned about him, an affection that he sorely missed now that the loner had gone. However, as he grew, he became more and more suspicious of his mother. She was flighty and avoided his questions, often disappearing for long periods of time before returning, reeking of strange scents that Hawkpaw couldn’t place. Eventually, they began to fight, where she scored the three deep marks across Hawkpaw’s chest. Afterwards, the young tom fled, joining DuskClan in the forest only days after they had arrived. Thanks to Shadowstar’s kindness, Hawkpaw had been able to find refuge, though he still feared his mother would come for him.


None, Open

None, Open

Needs a mate/crush

Foster Mother - Lily: Deceased

Mother - Helena: Alive

Father - Edmund: Unknown

Siblings - None

Other Relationships

Dustpaw - Friend - A close acquaintance and possibly one of the only cats Hawkpaw considers a friend. He hasn’t grown incredibly close with the young tom yet, but he harbours some affection for him and is beginning to develop a form of loyalty.

Hazepaw - Friend/Questioning - The tom has come to appreciate Hazepaw’s presence around camp, but he is unsure of how exactly he likes her, as with Whisperpaw.

Pebblepaw - Neutral - He still finds her quiet nature to be rather obnoxious, but Hawkpaw no longer feels any sort of malcontent towards the she-cat.

Whisperpaw- Friend/Questioning - He is confused about his feelings for her, not knowing whether he likes her romantically or platonically.

Weaselpaw - Indifference - Hawkpaw doesn’t like nor dislike Weaselpaw; he doesn’t know enough about the quiet tom to form an opinion.

Shadowstar - Admiration - Hawkpaw rather likes Shadowstar, who he percieves as quite strong despite the fact they are nearly the same size.

Stream - Likes - Though initially suspicious of the she-cat, Hawkpaw has quickly become accustomed to her presence and enjoys talking to her.


•his theme song is torn to pieces by pop evil


Honeyripple (tried to find a better suffix but this sounded best)

28 Moons


Heterosexual | Heteroromantic



Built rather elegantly, the warrior has a lean body and long, thin legs that are well-suited for running, but not so much for fighting. Regardless, her skills are unparalleled; her hooked claws certainly assist her in battle. Honeyripple is a long-furred she-cat, her pelt feathery and sleek to the touch. Her fur colour itself is the dull golden colour for which she was named, though it is streaked with brownish-tan marks. Her underbelly is a cream colour, stretching from her throat to her paws on the insides of her legs. Her toes are each dipped in white, and the tip of her feathery tail is also showered in cream. Her head is slightly rounded, giving her a youthful appearance, though the sharply shaped ears on top of her head contradict it.

Honeyripple’s dainty build gives her a rather petite appearance, and as such, she is smaller than the average female. Her size often leads to others underestimating her, something she doesn’t particularly appreciate it. Lending a hand to this problem is her eyes- almond-shaped and a warm, welcoming shade of brown, it seems impossible to imagine her as anything but kind.


Beneath a pretty exterior lies a jaded heart. Cold and unwelcoming, Honeyripple is seen as very aloof and haughty compared to the rest of her clanmates. Her desire to be left to her own devices often overrules whatever she’s told, and she faces reprimands quite often. Despite her slight disregard for authority, Honeyripple means nothing by it- it’s genuinely just her nature. Having built up walls all her life, she rarely shows emotion, and when she does, it’s because something is very wrong.

Regardless of her constant haughtiness, Honeyripple is the most loyal cat you’ll ever meet. She would lay down her life for each and every cat in her clan, and holds no ill will towards any of them. She’s capable of kindness, especially towards the kits, and has never in her life attempted to bicker with another clanmate. She is brave and fierce in battle, fighting until the end unless her clan is forced to retreat. Her courage has earned her praise, and she wears it like a badge of honour- nothing will ever mean more to her than her clan.

Honeyripple’s life was really rather uneventful, but something about the openness of her clan led to the young warrior to become distant. She grew up with no siblings and no father, and her mother was suspected of mating with a rogue. Due to this, Honeyripple suffered indecent comments at the paws of her clanmates for most of her kithood, and by the time she learned to defend herself, they had all moved on to new gossip.

She trained hard as an apprentice, and by doing so earned herself great respect from her mentor; however, she also began to start running off on her own. This lead to her becoming great friends with a loner named Smoky, a tom around her age that she eventually developed feelings for. Though no one from her clan found out, Smoky eventually stopped showing up. It was around this timethat her mother died as well, passing from an infection that had spread too far to be cured, leaving Honeyripple without family.


None, Open

None, Open

Needs a mate/crush


Mother - Berrywhisker: Deceased

Father - Unknown: Presumed Deceased

Siblings - None

Heatherpaw - Apprentice - She rather likes the apprentice, but feels only a teacher/student relationship and wouldn’t really consider him a friend.

Sunfall - Interest - She finds the handsome tom to be intriguing, and looks forward to knowing how he will lead the clan.

Wolfstar - Admiration/Distaste - Though she appreciates his courage, she finds his hasty declaration of war to be scatterbrained and disapproves.


•She would love to have kits and a mate, just gotta break down her barriers first

•her theme song is youth by daughter


May your cat receive surprise minor damage in random events?
both of them can!

May your cat receive surprise major damage in random events?
sure! both can

Does your cat have kin (dead or alive) that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot?
yes! both character’s fathers and Hawkpaw’s mother can be used

Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot?

Possibility of being different creatures, villains, etc.


Art of Hawkpaw

By #113380

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Edited on 24/11/17 @ 14:59:29 by littleclod (#92938)

FlavourDelRosa (#127168)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-10-20 15:25:03
Form basics
Name-Belle (Birchflower)
Age- 13 Moons
Rank- warrior
Clan- DuskClan
Gender- Female
Description- Belle(Birchflower) Is a common brown and white Ragdoll she cat she has bright blue eyes, she is a fairly large medium long hair cat with a beautiful silky and soft coat. She is very affectionate and has a calm and patient temperament. Belle(Birchflower) Is a confident cat but does not like to get into conflicts especially if it involves fighting, she has next to nothing when it comes to fighting but is a pretty decent hunter and is fast, she is also skilled at climbing rocks at a fast pace.
Personality- This she cat is shy but also has a confident side when it comes to the things she disagrees with, her calm, loving and patient attitude will be her biggest weakness as a clan cat because she has never gotten into a fight she tries her best to keep it that way. Even though she is still adjusting to clan life Belle(Birchflower) has become a loyal and trustworthy warrior and is excited to get an apprentice at some point.
History- Belle(Birchflower) is a born and raised house cat who rarely went outside and ventured off when she lived with her house folk, being a ragdoll breed it was in her nature to want to be close to humans and she lived a comfortable life right by their side until recently. She loved her life as a kitty pet but then her house folk started acting strange and began being aggressive towards the she cat, Belle(Birchflower) left when it became physically and emotionally painful for her to stay any longer so she embarked on a journey to find a new human to take care of her, but alas every two leg that she encountered abused her and soon she gave up on being a kitty pet and went for a rogue. She lived as a rogue for a few days before she heard of a new clan, DuskClan! And she journeyed far reaching the new clan just as it had formed.
Relationships- open
Other- May your cat receive surprise minor damage in random events?
May your cat receive surprise major damage in random events?
Does your cat have kin (dead or alive) that can be used as an NPC by me or an admin for random events/plot? (If so give names) Mother*Gina* Father *Drake* Brothers * Noodles, Al* Sister *Diamond*
Would you be interested in having a one shot character for plots/events/etc that will either die, or be chased off at the end of the plot? yes
(Possibility of being different creatures, villains, etc.)


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Edited on 21/10/17 @ 17:15:54 by _BlossomBear (#127168)

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