Posted by Edit Randomess of Apps: NO DOUBLE MARKS

JAX • 3.12.21
9/15 | 13/15 BO (#98288)

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Posted on
2017-10-23 08:33:50
The Randomness apps need to be edited.

Getting three marks IN A ROW is absolutely unacceptable (ESPECIALLY for those Referall/Enclave apps). For this particular event, every app fail is a day of collecting BB gone down the shitter, and for other events getting event currency is even HARDER. Two days, even three days lost.

I propose the Randomness of the Apps be edited to where when you use an Applicator, whatever mark it give you WILL NOT show up again the next time you use that Applicator on the same lion. It can the third time, but no consecutive same markings. I’ve gotten doubloon applicator (a WASTE of 180gb) three times in a row on one lion and Bloodbourne Vitiligo Three times in a row on one of my Sunset Kings (a waste of 450bb or 4 days of BB collecting)

This needs to change, especially in the case of those very hard to get/very expensive apps like Ice or Doubloon. The App should operate on a Without Replacement clause, as described above (If you, for example, get Bloodbourne dapple one, you won’t get it again your next time, but the NEXT time is fair game.)


After some discussion, I could see some of the inexpensive marks such as Ivory, Fiery, Blazing, Cocoa, Nacre, Unholy, Bloodbourne ect. maintaining their random status as they tend to stay pretty cheap even when an event's passed AND while at that particular event, they're fairly easy to get.

But more expensive Applicators like Doubloon, Ochre, Sepia, Auburn, Auburn/Ebony Felines, Kiss From a Rose, Spicy Ice, Maroon Four, ect. be NOT random based on the sheer amount of effort it takes to get them. Either effort or currency-- these apps tend to be very expensive.

"Each time a marking app is used, your chances of getting the same marking consecutively decrease. So let's say you're using a Fiery Unders app, and the marks look like this:

Fiery Belly: 25%
Fiery Bottom: 25%
Fiery Undershine: 25%
Fiery Undercover: 25%

You use a Fiery Unders app, and you get Fiery Bottom. The next time you use a Fiery Unders app, the odds look like this instead:

Fiery Belly: 27.5%
Fiery Bottom: 17.5%
Fiery Undershine: 27.5%
Fiery Undercover: 27.5%
(this discrepancy is a little high so maybe it could be a smaller change than that)

... And so on. Once a different marking is obtained, it resets the odds back to 25/25/25/25. This leaves some of the randomness without completely screwing over the user." wonderfully said/added by Thalath.

This suggestion has 208 supports and 43 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/10/17 @ 11:10:56 by JaxTheRipper [SunsetPieCLEAN] (#98288)

Habenaro Sauce (#148867)

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Posted on
2020-07-15 22:13:14
Support this 100%

i am sick and tired of grinding for hours and days for enough currency to buy a single app, and then get the wrong one. Some apps look decent no matter what you get like fiery unders. But others like glacial and sunrise which are really expensive and the marks may not look good at all with the design you were going for. Especially for those who dont spend real money to buy GB or just have the worst luck. I think apps like RMAs should keep the random aspect, but event and GE apps need this to be removed.

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