Posted by New Iridescent Group

Xylax (#4)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-10-27 07:59:48
- New Color Group (like Black, Cream etc) and move just a few bases such as Cinnabar etc + add new ones.
Black, Cream, Red, Golden, Iridescent - ideally this would free up how crowded Black group is with colours like Opal, Glacial, Ice and so on and make Black more about Black and Maltese/Lilac. This would make few bases forced to be moved to new colour groups.

- New Shading Group (like Solid and Countershaded) and just move the colours like green, blue etc to new shade to make the breeding within same colour group easier for natural and colorbomb breeders.
Esentially such idea would keep all existing bases in same colour groups as they are but added a third shading variety.

Keep in mind this is just a discussion to see what community thinks about this idea! It does not have to be a planned update.

I am open to anything.

We can poll moving EACH base first.
We will obviously fill any gaps that would appear with new bases, specially from Suggestion boards.
It would open doors for more coloruful bases without distrupting natural breeders.
We could introduce new NCL's sporting unique Iridescent bases in events like "Weekend only" and so on.

ADDITIONALLY - Also I am open to Iridiscent Colour Group working with BOOSTS with their previous colours (like Cinnabar working with Reds with additional breeding boosts)

Let us know your thoughts!

NOTE: there is no reason to create suggestions already based on this idea as this mechanic not only does not exist on Lioden yet, but it does not have to end up in Lioden at all. You're welcome to post your ideas here directly.ll

Original suggestion, worth reading

This suggestion has 585 supports and 61 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 08:17:18 by Xylax (#4)

Ariento (#1923)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:08:49
I personally would prefer a color group, since having bright blues (maltese and the like fit fine tho) in black and green in golden is a bit of a stretch for me.

EDIT: wow first post! that's a first for me!

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 08:09:52 by Ariento (#1923)

😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:10:41
I'd love a category just for the colorful bases like cinnabar and teardrop, since those are my favorites to breed.

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cin☆vo h2hoe (#106573)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:14:46
I would personally prefer a new shading group. As I breed almost exclusively in black I would be disappointed to see certain bases moved to an entirely new color group. I like only the cool spectrum colorful bases so if I had to breed to a new a color group (iridescent) I wouldn't want a random cinnabar showing up.

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:16:53
Added This:

ADDITIONALLY - Also I am open to Iridiscent Colour Group working with BOOSTS with their previous colours (like Cinnabar working with Reds with additional breeding boosts)

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:18:30
Id prefer a New Color Group! That way all the blazingly unnatural colors would gather up in a one specific group, allowing both natural breeders to avoid getting them AND unnatural breeders to breed more specifically for them.

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 08:20:03 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:18:50
As I said before, I'd prefer the introduction of a new shading group than a whole new group, as it'd help both natural and colorbomb breeders to focus on what they want with fewer surprises and doesn't have as much repercussions as migrating the bases to the new one - plus, it'd make sense for iridiscent like bases to have the iridiscent shading.

The only issue this presents to me is that currently none of the wild bases look like they'd belong in this possible shading group, so those that want to begin an iridiscent breeding project would have to rely on lions from other players or applicators of some kind; for the sake of fairness, some wild bases should get the iridiscent shade, or have new wild bases introduced for this purpose.

Edit: I just noticed my mistake now, I was talking about gradient and not shading. I'm sorry for the confusion

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Edited on 30/10/17 @ 03:22:18 by Berenos|Lights Off (#84593)

cin☆vo h2hoe (#106573)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:18:57
Could you explain a bit more? would that mean that breeding an iridescent group cinnabar to a red base would increase the chance of cinnabar?

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cin☆vo h2hoe (#106573)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:21:24
I think the issue with moving a bunch of bases to the iridescent group is who decides what is iridescent and what is not? I think of opal as a base that I can use to make a natural looking design, but Xylax listed it as a potential iridescent base. Skyward might be considered for iridescent, but I think it's an excellent natural base.

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Indy .: Hard Mode :. (#86046)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:32:32
I prefer the idea of a color group for the rather (extremely) unnatural colors suggested. They are absolutely beautiful colors and I can't deny I would totally go for some of them, but for those of us who like the more toned-down, natural colors, it would be jarring to have some of those bright colors show up. Also, I just can't wrap my (sometimes) technical brain around the idea of calling something like a very BLUE base being called Black or something like Prisma potentially falling into the same categories. (I even cringe a little with Glacial base being considered a black base). -shrug- I associate colors oddly sometimes.

Ultimately though, I'm okay with either way if it gets implemented. I like having the option of more unnatural colors, because I can definitely get behind some AWESOME breeding projects if it happens. Also, breeding boosts: ummm, yes please!

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Grimme (#79085)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:33:43
I don't think I understand how this group works. It essentially like Albino? The bases added here will work exactly like they did before unless bred to something outside their group?

Hematite x Lilac = Light/Medium/Dark Black cub?
Hematite x Hematite = Iridescent cub?
Hematite x Qahir = Black/Cream/Iridescent cub?

(This is thinking that Hematite would be moved to Iridescent)

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 08:35:02 by Grimme (#79085)

😸 Chonk 😸 (#54568)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:36:22
I read the initial post and I liked the idea that the iridescent category would be in replacement of solid/countershaded, not color. So cinnabar would be red light iridescent instead of red light solid.

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Edited on 27/10/17 @ 08:37:29 by Locust {Reduced Royalty} (#54568)

rabe & tox
[Hiatus] (#89506)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:37:34
Just a random thought, but..
What if we had "Iridescent" as a new group and bases like Teardrop are only connected to them.
For example: Teardrop = Iridescent x Cream

So you wouldn't have to have two lions out of the Iridescent spectrum in order to get that base. You could stay within your "natural" looking bases, but lets say, you breed to a 'abnormal' based boy?

This way nobody would be forced into the rainbow-colored Lions. You would still be able to chose if you go for them, or not.

I followed that convo for a while and i feel that a lot of people are afraid that they /have/ to breed inside the Iridescent spectrum just to get a mixed-base. For me a "Teardrop" looks like a mixture out of both, iridescent AND cream/yellow, but i can completely understand that some people simply doesn't like the rainbow-colored lions.

I by myself like them, i just don't need to have it like it is in real life. I like to have the rainbow-poopin' lions who doesn't even look all natural. (Take this as count for Iridescent as Group)
Wouldn't it be easier for the natural-look lovers to have this own group - i mean, you didn't need to be afraid to get a Iridescent based cub if you weren't trying for?

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Edited on 28/10/17 @ 15:06:54 by rabe●nschwarz (#89506)

Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:40:35
We can easily avoid breeding to Iridiscent shaded lions, too. It'd be less traumatic to leave the bases where they are and swap their solid/countershaded shading with Iridiscent. As I understand it, if you don't breed to an Iridiscent shaded lion you don't get iridiscent shaded offspring, just like with solid x solid breedings only producing solid shaded cubs and countershaded x countershaded breedings only producing countershaded offspring.

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Myriad (#76)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:40:46
I hadn’t seen this suggestion before so this is just my initial thoughts so far, but personally I’d prefer a new shading category rather than a whole separate group. I’m not usually a big fan of moving current bases to new groups because I think it disrupts so many people's ongoing projects and prides, and it can feel like the goalposts have been moved out from under you.

A third shading category alongside solid and countershaded would be more versatile and more of a compromise imo, and mean less people would end up stuck with lions that wouldn’t be much use for the breeding purposes they were intending.

Plus I think having a whole range of shades in one iridescent group could be pretty problematic - those of us who want to breed ice don’t necessarily also want to breed cinnabar, if you see what I mean! The colourful bases people seem to be considering for iridescent come in a whole spectrum of shades - to me it feels more natural to be able to have for instance cinnabar as a red (iridescent shaded) and ice as a black (iridescent shaded).

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Tale (#68023)

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Posted on
2017-10-27 08:41:57
I'm a little on the fence here... while I think having a completely new "rainbow" base color sounds fun, I worry about the ramifications for breeding purposes. For example, my favorite base is slate but I also love ice and celestial. I'm planning to have a celestial king shortly and would like to include and ice queen (which would give way to slate cubbies) but does that mean with an iridescent queen I could end up with random cinnabars or other crazy colors that I'd rather not have? Something like that would throw a huge kink in some breeding projects and seriously reduce special base breeder's options. I could just not be underatanding correctly though. I saw that you said "irridecent bases could work with their old base groups" - is that just limiting their "fail" bases or what? Not sure what you meant by that. If you do intend to edit the fail bases of certain iridescent bases I think it would be cool if related bases could throw one another - for example ice throwing glacial or artic (since they're closely related) if bred to a lion with the proper genetics, or infernal throwing blazing and fiery (seeing the theme here? :P) or even the celestial bases having an oportunity to throw other celestial bases (which would make the lore more believable, considering Tefnut and Apedemak would never have Menhit if they were subjected to lioden breeding laws)

That all being said, I do think that the black color group is too crowded and having green base in the gold or blue in the black is a little bit of a stretch.

Long story short, I think making iridescent a shade would be easier on coding, sorting and breeding BUT making iridescent a color base could be really exciting and spectacular as long as it is done right.

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