Posted by Mish's Guide To "Get Rich Quick"!

Mish 🐾 [G1 Primal
Leonid] (#82643)

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Posted on
2017-10-30 20:19:33

Quick Disclaimer: Aside from straight up buying it, even the quickest ways to get SB/GB are not exceptionally quick. Still, hopefully this guide will help point you in the right directions!

  • It's always best if you can hunt your own food! It's 100% free that way. Some people set phone reminders to remember to check Lioden every thirty minutes or so!
    • This may be overkill for you, but nonetheless it helps to check whenever you get a free second to maximize food production. If you don't have the time or otherwise are in a pinch, Feed Lioden is a wonderful clan that helps out with food!
    • Not only do you not have to buy it if you hunt your own, but there's frequently a surplus! I have almost a full pride (~35 or so lions, give or take) and I almost always have a solid amount of surplus food without buying any. You can sell it to Monkey Business for instant SB (and it definitely adds up!), or if you're okay with waiting a little to get a bit more SB for your carcasses, you can sell it to players.
      • You can sell it generally to anyone by just putting it on your branch, but sometimes it can be helpful to seek out specific people, like those who frequently mass-breed.
      • The general pricing guide is 5sb a use for big carcasses, or 100 uses for 1000sb/1gb. This usually means 30% or more for each feeding of said carcass, but will ideally be closer to 60%.
  • You'll get the most out of your food if you ensure you don't "overfeed" your lions! You can figure the percentages out yourself, or you can reference a guide like this.
    • In other words, if your lion is only at 30% hunger, don't feed them a Warthog carcass that feeds for 60%! You're essentially wasting half the carcass this way.
    • You may choose to not be this specific about it, and that's also okay!
  • Alternatively or in addition to any of the above, you could pay the GB to get Feed All, Play All tool. Although it has a bit of a hefty start up cost, it's important to note that it will allow you to hoard and sell all of your amusement items!
    • Auto-nesting has a similar effect, too, in that you will no longer need to have the items for nesting and can sell all that you collect.

  • There's a few different ways to go about this, so I'd base it off of your own personal playstyle. This particular guide is based off my way of playing, so feel free to adjust this part as necessary!
    • For starters, lionesses lose so much mood a day based on how their personality and your king's personality "react" with each other.
    • As a result, the easiest ((in my opinion)) is to change your king's personality to a "neutral" one. My favorite is the "Loner" personality, because then every lion only loses 5% of mood every day as opposed to as much as 60% for strongly conflicting personalities.
      • The downside to this is you don't get the benefits of other King personalities, but I find the collection of skulls that quickly stack up to be worth it! Once again, base it on your play style!
  • Regardless of personalities, you should also try to interact with your lions every day if you have the time to. This similarly cuts down on the usage of amusement items, allowing you to sell excess ones!
  • Additionally, I would advise against using nestable items, such as feathers, to raise your lions' mood! You typically receive enough skulls to be able to use exclusively them, leaving feathers and such to be used for nesting without worrying about running out.

  • Events are very much your friend! If you're relatively active, you'll quickly amass a great deal of event currency! You can either sell/auction/raffle this "directly"³, or you can frequently buy breeding items and applicators, which basically always yield a solid amount of GB.
    • It's important to specify you cannot transfer event currency through non-linked accounts, so you'll have to find the buyer, agree on a price, buy what they specified, and transfer it this way.
    • If you buy the high dollar items, it may be worthwhile to wait a few months to sell to maximize profits.
      • For example, during the month GMO Cows are sold, they can go for as little as ~15gb. If you wait half a year or so, you could instead get ~80gb. The amount of time you decide to wait is up to you and your general patience / any needs that might come up during the year.
    • Decor doesn't always sell as well, though.. I often buy my favorite decors anyway, but as a whole I wouldn't necessarily consider it the best get-rich quick scheme.
      • However, choosing the right decors can actually yield a pretty decent return. Exclusive karma items, for example, have solid potential. The October Event and it's karma choices are a good reference for this!
        • There's pros and cons to both sides, and generally speaking, I'd consider the prices of both to be pretty well balanced, so go for whichever one suits you better.
  • If you want to get the maximum amount of event currency for your energy, skip on non-event NPC fights. Although you won't get EXP, you'll have more opportunities to gain event currency!
  • Sell "small" event items, like gemstones, for a massive profit if you don't have enough to make a full applicator. Although you should typically do price checks to see the current pricing of things, you can often sell small bundles of gems for anywhere from ~600sb to even as much as 2gb!¹
    • Due to increased drop rate in explore, you should explore as much as possible, to be able to sell as many gems / etc. as possible.¹

  • Play Lioden's games daily! Although their value does depend on your personal skill at the game, many of them still offer wonderful prizes for all levels.
    • For example, I'm particularly good at Serengeti Shuffle, and can regularly score above 3500 points. This gives me a chance to potentially get a honeycomb every day, which can be sold for ~2gb.
    • Regardless of skill level, Lioden Trivia is an easy way to get sb! By answering all the questions correctly you'll get 60sb a day, per account. That can quickly add up!
      • To ensure you'll answer correctly, this page on this wiki has all the answers.
      • If you're on desktop, you can make it easier to find the answers by using Ctrl+F and searching for your question.
  • Sell your creative skills! Lioden is very friendly to artists! If you're able to draw, write, etc. pretty well, you could see about trying to sell your work. Don't forget that recolors are also very well received!
    • However, make sure whatever you're selling falls within Lioden's art rules and Terms of Service. Some things aren't allowed, such as graphical editing. The modbox or helpers may be able to clarify anything further if you have any specific questions.
  • Simply save your SB/GB! For many, it helps to "bury" their currencies in a bundle in their hoard. This extra step to dig it back up generally helps to prevent splurge purchases while also ensuring you have "insurance" if something were to go wrong!²
    • This also temporarily lets you get around the SB cap! For those who don't know, if you have over ~2000sb, not including bundles, you can no longer earn SB in explore. However, using bundles only works to a certain point; if you have 3000sb buried and 2000sb currently on you, you still can't earn SB in explore ;;
      • A way to "get around this" is to buy GB when you're close to the cap! There's no limit on GB.
  • Sell unwanted and undesirable lions as fodder! Instead of treeing or using unwanted cubs for karma fodder, you can usually sell them for ~50sb each or more as an enclave cub, or at ~10sb each as adolescents. Newly Claimed Lionesses typically sell for 5sb as well.
    • You also don't have to feed cubs and adolescents, so you can safely ignore them so long as they don't age up into adulthood.
  • And speaking of the Enclave, doing it daily can also help with SB/GB. Although you normally have to pay some SB daily, once you get 300+MT, you can sell them or buy other high-dollar items. These can easily go for 40+GB depending on the market!
  • Breed mindfully! This is a broad statement and there's a lot of ways to go about it, but essentially try to pair your lionesses with kings that will yield high-value cubs.
    • Combo/Factor breeding! This is probably the easiest to get into, as there's so many different options. This wiki page has a full list of all the possibilities.
    • Genetic breeding! By purposefully picking kings with lionesses with similar genetics, you will have a higher chance of getting that king's base. This wiki page shows all the bases in their genetic groups.
      • For example, you could breed to a Leonid king using Arctic, Murk, etc. to get the maximum chance of passing the Leonid base.

  • ¹ - Tips from blueyyy (#129461)
  • ² - Tips from Dorito (#110242)
  • ³ - Tips from BONES (#166015)
  • Members from Primal Passion and Stud Buds who offered ample amounts of moral support and advice

I hope this is both legible and actually helpful! If you have any suggestions or notice any mistakes, please feel free to comment below!

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Edited on 11/05/23 @ 12:13:45 by Mish 🐾 [G1 Primal Leonid] (#82643)

Mish 🐾 [G1 Primal
Leonid] (#82643)

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Posted on
2017-10-30 21:12:22
Reserved just in case!

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beefpatty (#129461)

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Posted on
2017-11-05 19:18:33
I've found you can get money really fast if you sell small bundles of gems on the Trade Center for about 600-700 SB each, or 1-2 GB each. It gets you blasting through the thousands in SB fast, and most items on the Trade Center are 1-2 GB at the cheapest (looking at you Any primal Mutation section.) The best part is that it's super easy to obtain gems if you just explore the shit out of everything when you can. Herbs also sell high in Shaman events and any other events that may require herbs, thanks to high demand to complete Quests fast.

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Mish 🐾 [G1 Primal
Leonid] (#82643)

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Posted on
2017-11-05 19:21:40
Sounds great! :DD I'll try to add that, too ((with credit to you of course <3 ))

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beefpatty (#129461)

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Posted on
2017-11-05 19:23:27
Wow, thanks! if you could do that, it would be great, definitely would help some people score things like cheap Primals in the TC and the like.

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Mish 🐾 [G1 Primal
Leonid] (#82643)

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Posted on
2017-11-05 22:30:07
@blueyyy (#129461)
Organized and updated the thread with your information!

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beefpatty (#129461)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 15:49:14

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Rem (#110242)

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Posted on
2018-01-18 09:03:23
I don’t know if this would help other people but I found out that it helps me to make several bundles of silver beetles. I would feel less tempted to spend them away since I can’t see my actual amount of SB on my toolbar, I guess it’s called.

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Mish 🐾 [G1 Primal
Leonid] (#82643)

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Posted on
2018-01-18 09:20:16
That's a wonderful tip, Dorito! I'll add it to the guide (with credit!) c:

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BONES (#166015)

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Posted on
2019-01-27 18:40:33
For events, I'd like to add that if there isn't anything you are interested in buying, you can sell your event beetles! If you save up and sell at the end of the event (once everyone is desperate), you can easily auction off your currency!

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Mish 🐾 [G1 Primal
Leonid] (#82643)

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Posted on
2019-02-11 12:09:56
Thanks for the tip, Bones! c: Its a really good one! I'm currently unable to edit the thread due to being computer-less, but whenever I have access to one I'll add it with credit ^^

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BONES (#166015)

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Posted on
2019-02-11 19:28:31
NP! :)

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Mish 🐾 [G1 Primal
Leonid] (#82643)

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Posted on
2019-10-08 22:23:37
After forever, I've finally been able to update this guide! I've added tips recommended on this thread and from my Discord server's suggestions <3

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