Posted by -LOCKED - -ADDED TO THE GAME-Ability to Block Moderators

Lex πŸ¦‹ {Brief
Hiatus for Work} (#56485)

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Posted on
2017-11-01 18:50:52
Before you downvote or lock this, let me explain.

Currently on Lioden, you are unable to block moderators. If you were to attempt to block a moderator, this is the message you would recieve:


The issue with this is: Moderators play this game as well as moderate it.
Moderators can message people, buyout and offer on trades, etc, just like any other person on site.

What does blocking do?

-Makes it so a player cannot private message you
-Makes it so a player cannot buyout your trades
-Makes it so if you see a player's thread or comment in the forums, it is hidden with a "show from blocked player button"

What blocking does not do:

-Make it so the blocked parties cannot look at your den
-Make it so the blocked parties don't see your chat messages
-Make it so the blocked parties cannot see anywhere you may or may not be breaking rules

But Lex, what if a Moderator needs to contact you for mod business? You'd have them blocked, how will they message you?

That's what this is for


If moderators need to contact you, they can easily bypass a inbox block through the moderator messages, which is strictly where moderator messages due to site infractions or concerns should go.

With this system, the only way to have it so a mod doesn't contact you or buyout your trades is to pm them and say "Hey, i don't like you, don't do these things." which can be overlooked anyways.

What i propose:

-Ability to block Moderators like regular players
-Moderators can override blocks to preform Mod duties, but ONLY Mod Duties.

In my opinion, if a moderator is allowed to play the game like a regular player, they should be able to be blocked like a player. It doesn't infract on a Mod's ability to do their job if they can't PM a user about a lion they have for sale or offer on a trade when if they didn't have the green paw they wouldn't be able to do so otherwise.

TLDR; You should be allowed to block a mod like any other player since they can contact you and act like any other player

And before someone says "Well, if you have an issue with a moderator, you can PM an admin about it!" I'm aware of this. I highly doubt the admins will want to listen to me whine and complain about if a moderator that i don't like for outside reasons PM'd me about a trade or if they offered and removed on my trades too many times.

Thank you for reading, and please feel free to share opinions below.

This suggestion has 349 supports and 44 NO supports.

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Edited on 04/02/18 @ 12:17:25 by Lex (#56485)

Nymbra (✨) (#77050)

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Posted on
2018-03-29 11:00:53
I personally don't have an issue with any of our mods but I can definitely understand the reasoning behind wanting to block someone, regardless of their position. Support from me because honestly, sometimes you just don't like certain people. It has nothing to do with disrespecting staff or trying to be sneaky and get away with things. Like you said, staff can still view your posts, comments, dens, and such as well as send moderator warnings. I see absolutely no reason to NOT be able to block mods.

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Black Rhinoceros (#68593)

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Posted on
2018-05-06 11:16:55
No support.

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🏳️‍🌈 (#4834)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-05-06 11:23:28
I've no beef with any mods but I get the point, because not everyone will get along.

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Crossflare (#56198)

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Posted on
2018-05-06 16:26:08
Although I currently have no issues with the moderators I do agree that we should be allowed to block them private messages since there's already way for them to bypass block through moderator messages and there should be no reason for a moderator to use the personal message system outside of their modly duties to deal with bad behavior. if they are using the personal message system to deal with that then it's not very professional. A moderator job is a professional job whether you get paid or not. If you can't use the professional systems that are in place it doesn't really look good on the website whole and since lioden is, in fact, a business even moderators who are volunteers are expected to maintain some level of professionalism. That being said I don't have issues with the staff

It's a basic principle of proper email use you wouldn't use your personal email to send messages regarding rule breaking so why would anyone use their private messaging system to send work-related things to users. The moderator messages system is there for a reason and as such, it is a work-related system that bypasses the normal block so proper use of it is expected.

I support this because it's very clear that not every user gets along with the moderators so they don't want the moderators private messaging them or offering on trades/bothering them the same as other users. But also because this takes into account that there is bypass method for private messaging blocks known as the moderator message system.

Moderators should not get special treatment from the normal blocking system just because they have a green paw by their name and enforce rules.

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Edited on 06/05/18 @ 16:28:28 by Geralt Of Rivia [Roleplay] (#56198)

Korb (#2663)

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Posted on
2018-05-07 17:42:47
support but more importantly now I want the tea on which mods people are having issues with πŸ‘€

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fluff (#145767)

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Posted on
2018-07-29 10:40:38
i support. I've haven't had a problem with a mod yet but you have made a great point!

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-03-12 10:35:15
Had no real opinion on this before, but with the outward symbols being removed from moderation staff, we need to be able to do this. They are now expected to be treated/recognized as normal players, so we should be able to ignore them like normal players.

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